Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 26
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- Star Tribunei
- Location:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Issue Date:
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- 26
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2mMINStArOLIS SlTfDAY IRIBfMlSSun.f Nov. 21, 1943 1H--B it mn ACCEPT IT Johnson Continued From Page MINNESOTA DIAGRAM these old rlTali on the basis of the. But these fighting Badgers just play through four quarters, wouldn't give up. Peterson made Not until Minnesota gained its ine kick from the end zone to ct rsoi fm iw to '9 MAY fourth touchdown of the day in Kindt on the Gophers' 46 and this the fourth period was victory cer OUT fast back returned it to the 27. On the first play, John Kuenzler broke tain for the home boys for these Badgers bounced back time and(loose over the Minnesota guard aca'n to threaten often and score; for a touchdown.
He not only ran twice. jhard, but also had exceptional' ha Hfoe Uslne a formation and tht old clocking in iront or him. Just as Notre Dame style, the Badgers ac that play started, there seemed to be some confusion in the Minne- tually picked up 206 yards by rush- I Riieniler iA lng and 99 by passing for the best sota line and the Badgers certainly day they have had all season. The jtook advantage of it. Kuenzler Gophers gained 302 by rushing and kicked the extra point and there 68 by passing.
ere these short-end under-dogs Minnesota scored twice In th out In front after less than first quarter and once each In theiIf of the first quirter had been third and fourth with Avery Mi v0) i-ii- ii- ii-i 1 erfit a iiew.J 4, I ting the first two and Williams and Moncrief the last two. Donald Kindt, a hard smashing back who had quite a day for himself, and John Kuenzler, fullback, icored two touchdowns for their team. Kuenzler got the first one on a beautiful 27-yard run that The Minnesota team didn't get excited about this unexpected development and immediately went to work to do something about it. Gagne ran the kickoff back 19 yard to his 35, Peterson saw a hole in the ever-changing Wisconsin de- eJr nr Mil (mni ii M-i Mum 4T aoilta -nll-tieua I NU I MOMfttTC He beamed. "While Avery wai In there, 1 don't think I ever saw him any hotter," Red Dawson commented: "We missed a lot of our regular outside work on blocking and tackling." Jim Kelly came by, beaming over Mike Rapko and remarked: "This was Mike' game," and Red Williams and Paul Mitchell heartily agreed.
Williams was tickled over that pass. "That was my thrill today," he yelled, and Chuck Ave. ry, getting taped up, said: "It wasn't like those In the Iowa game where I had to stretch or run. This old baby was right in the groove. Gee, I look like an old woman, don't This remark was occasioned when Mr, Avery looked down on a taping contraption around his midriff upon which Jim Hunt carefully was working.
Avery has a torn cartllege on the right side. Bob Lossie may have a broken rib. These were the only two Gopher casualties of any serious nature. There Is a good chance both may be In shape for the Seahawks. It was a new experience for both Chuck and Boh to be hurt since they have beep Iron men.
Lossie still was bewildered afterward. The great little cen-ter and all around good fellow had a dazed expression on his face and obviously was In pain as he went over to the University Health Service for further examination. He admitted It seemed very strange to be ushered out of a game with an Injury. Bill Aldworth took compliments gracefully, said merely: "Yes, they were tough. But they were good guys.
There was no bad feeling In this one. It was funny you just never were secure out there today, It seems." Well, that'i as good a place to leave It as any. 0 I started through the center of and he called a pass play on A TOKmOOwn By HALSEY HALL Minnesota brought home the bacon this rrisp Saturday, but Wisconsin went home with It, To explain this seemingly awry statement, following Minnesota's 25 to 13 victory over a rallying, itubborn Wisconsin eleven, we must tell you that the slab of bacon, annual trophy of Badger-Gopher rivalry, goes back- to the lair of the Badger In Madison. Wisconsin had won It last year, and Harry Str.hldrelier sent his emissary to the Gopher dressing room after the contest with the prize slab. But bark came said emissary with hands still full and reporting, "Dr.
Hauner says no. He believes such trophies should be nut for the duration and won't take it." Not that that cast a paralyzing ray of sunshine in the Badger dressing quarters, but it did help. And there was a gang of kids, rated seemingly hopeless underdogs, who had fought to such heights that Assistant Coach Guy Sundt unhesitatingly said: "It was by far our best game of the season. That shows you what we might have done had we been able to keep one full squad together. We're all proud of the boys, while giving Minnesota due credit." Harry Stuhldreher was off In a corner huddling with himself, away a bit from the mob of the training room.
"Yes," he nodded soberly, "two weeks. That's all we've had a chance to practice as a unit. But I'll tell you something and here Harry went Into a statement that ranks with the best locker room philosophies of any season. "They didn't say uncle, did they? And I'll tell you something else. Working with a gang of kids like mine, seeing them come through at the tall end of a hopeless season as they did todaymakes a very long season seem a eat deal shorter.
"Kindt was fine, wasn't he? As Guy told you, he's Just a freshman from Washington high In Milwaukee. Keenan. there was a boy for us In the center of the line, too. It was tough to march down th field a couple. of times and lose the ball and to have a touchdown called back, but we can't complain and really are proud." Wisconsin faces showed that, too.
Big Don Kindt sat on the table getting a ton of tape pulled off. "Ouch, lemme do that," he told the trainer. Complimented, he said, "Thanks. Yes, this was one of our best" For Minnesota, Sluhldreher was generous as ever. "Oh, I liked that Avery," he said, "and Mitchell was his usual steady self.
You always ran depend on him. I liked Williams and that Lossie was good, very good. That baekficld unit George has Is a smooth working outfit. I liked them all." Dr. Hauser agreed on Kindt and Keenan and also had nice words for Ray Dooney, the fullback.
"He was hard to get off his feet," said the doctor, "his running was remindful of Camp Grant's Storti. a "Harry complained a bit about his touchdown being called back, but I told him we lost one, too, on Avery. A surprise? No sir, not when you know Wisconsin. 1 told the boys all today, I told them all day Friday they were working Into the wrong mental slant. I told them they, a lot of them, never had played In a Minnesota-Wisconsin game and not to take anything for granted.
"I GUESS THEY LEARNED IT NOW "I thought Rapko showed outstanding improvement for us today at end and Aldworth and the guards continue to come along. That really was a cat and dog fight out there. It was a good one to win. I don't care what the score was." Hauser was tickled with the way the game ended, Minnesota down on the Badger two-yard line. "We really moved with our second-string backs, didn't we?" third down.
Williams raced back, found Avery in the open and shot a fine pass against the wind to his mate. Chuck caught it on the IS ir Wisconsin 30 and immediately proceeded to show his best speed of the season to outrun Kindt to the pay-off. That made a total gain of 69 yards on the play with perfection on both ends. Peterson kicked goal and things looked all right for the favored home team. Shortly afterward, Minnesota found itself in possession of the 4vttf Pf II Scoreboard FIRST QUARTER Avery dashed 81 yards for a touchdown.
Peterson's kick was wide. Kuenzler raced 17 yards to score for Wisconsin and Kuenzler kicked the goal. Williams passed to Avery for 68 yards to score and Peter son's kick was good. Score: Minnesota IS, Wisconsin 7. SECOND QUARTER No scoring.
THIRD QUARTER Will-lams scored from the one yard line and Peterson's kick was blocked. Kindt went over from one-yard line and Doo-ney's try for extra point was missed. Score: Minnesota 19, Wisconsin IS. FOURTH QUARTER Moncrief sailed over from four-yard line and Peterson's kick failed. Score: Minnesota 25, Wisconsin IS.
ball on its own 25 when the team took to the air. This time, Will-j iams couldn't find any one loose i and ran with the ball for a nifty 15 yards gain. Avery came back on the next play with his pet reverse and he was good for 12 yards. Moncrief got nine yards in two 1 tries before Williams fell behind i some fine blocking for a 13-yard: spurt to the Badgers 29. Here! again came a reverse, but Avery was carrying the ball.
He ran for a touchdown, but one of the! Gopher blocks on this play was! MINNESOTA WISCONSIN MARQUETTE BOWS called clipping by the official and a 15-yard penalty was stepped off from the 15. Williams couldn't pass to make up for this break and eventually Peterson had to kick out of bounds on the 12. line and was aided by fine blocking. He also made the extra point to put Wisconsin out in front at 7-6, but it didn't stay that way long, thanks to the Williams-Avery passing combination. While defensive play on both tides was pretty ragged, there was so much fine offensive work through the four periods that the A fumbie on an attempted re verse on returning a punt put Wis 19 consin In position to get another HAS PAP f-WtQ 1 score a few minutes later.
The i visitors did move to the 19 on a pass, McLaughlin to Kindt, but spectators got a terrific kick out of this fifty-third meeting between -M AAha11 vU-ftla 111 1 I I r2 here Mitchell and Aldworth took 11113 I 6io(KiO charge. They stopped the Badgers teT dMd and the eventually had to touchdown during the exc ting aft-1 gjve the ernoon Once Avery got away or. a 29 yards in the second period for a score, only to have the play Thatended the first half activ-railed back and his team penalized ltlM' but the excitement for TO LAKERS, 25 6 GREAT LAKES, Great Lakes Bluejackets warmed up for their finale with Notre Dame, next week by trouncing a hard-fighting Marquette team Sat-urday, 25 to 6. It was the Sailors' ninth virtory of the season against two defeats, and the second of the year over the Hllltoppers who succumbed to them earlier In the year, 41-7. Great Lakes took the lead early in the first period and was never headed, putting touchdowns across In each quarter and piling up 432 yards from scrimmage to Marquette's 203.
Juzwik went over from the one-foot line for the first Great Lakes score after sparking a drive that began on the Sailors' six. Great Lakes scored again early in the second quarter when Cecil Pirkey, right end, picked up a blocked punt and ran across from the" LOS Bruins. Pacific Coast conference champions last year but beaten seven successive times, won their first football game of the season Saturday as St. Mary's Gaels bowed a 19 to 7 score. a first down on the enemy's 33.
St. Mary's all-around halfback, Again Moncrief was called upon; Honolulu Herman Wedemeyer and it was 15 yards more. Wil-jgave the crowd of 11,000 several A 11 15 yards for clipping, the day for these two teams carried on their offensive fireworks! liame nrik civ An ft fitt K-snb- anrl thn u'tth hit rmnf SnH mint Wisconsin also broke loose with 1 3 1 ocPe a touchdown that didn't count injrgIU inroun half. Collison made it a first down onirunbacks, but the Bruins watched the fourth period. A fumble by Robertson that wa, the four.
Moncrief needed only him closely, Lawrence Heim of Chicago recovered by Howard Langpap! one shot over the guards for his; A St. Mary's mistake set up the dashed 42 yards down the sidelines! right after the klckoff set the'touchdown and the scoring was first Bruin touchdown, Wede-on a naked reverse only to find stage for a third marker for Haus-lover for the day as Peterson missed rneyer tried to pick up few that one of his mates was off side r'i boys. The drive started from! the try for the extra point. inches needed for a first down, on the play to even up the breakSjthe Badger's 40. The Badgers weren't ready to slipped, and as the play came on in this respect.
With Avery nursing his injuries; S(5ttle for 8 3'13 score and actu-jourtn down' L'CLA took over on On Williams' touchdown drive of, on the sidelines, Hoyt Picked off touchdown as; its 43. The Bruins carried to the one yard for the third Minnesota took over on his favorite play jHein2 Ioolei1 everv one his two, and Boyd went over, score, a missed tackle by a Badger' quick opening shots at the guards' revem that nim 42j Th second Bruin touchdown re-aided him no little for it appeared and tackles. yards int0 Py dirt- But nere suited from a ground drive to St. certain that he would be nailedj Hoyt first shot was over the left' ate as and visitors. Mary's 30 where Quarterback Bob for a five yard loss Instead ofuard and that u-t id lost five instead of gaining six! Andrews pased to Bovd.
who un 5 Marquette IS. John Rudan queue's only registered Mar-score, going over eralled to Don Malmberg. He was crossing Into pay dirt on fourth! yards. His second was good for lo' point5' down. even though ti The The wearers of the Cardinal Ibnzzans stopped on the 11.
Boyd, in two I thrusts at the tackles, reached the: goal. In the second half, the Gaels; went 61 yards to a touchdown In! But that's the kind of a game his feet and cut back for a splen-iseys manaed ,0 get t0 th Min' it was to keep the small crowd did play. He was used aain and IcLauEnlin mal(' tense every minute as the fortunes! this time he knocked off 12 Kreat atCh Kini pass of the battle moved from one side' through rnir tn. for a 31 yard gain. HtWI PACtO POP ToutHQOulA from the Great Lakes five after a sustained drive from the Hllltoppers' 42.
Less than two mlnutee later Dewey Proctor ran 33 yards for the third Sailor marker. The last Great Lakes touchdown was scored by Ken Roski after Sitko had brought the ball to the one-foot line. Marietta (.) Grt (2M -f Srn.artm Dick O'Regan 1 to another. the three Collison saved the day here wit hi two plays, with nice tackle that brought a four- There was nothing wrong with But tbe Badgers simply would yard and on fourth down 8 Minnesota offensive punch MoncriPf got one yard r.a Hie ha Ann tAna aai inrnm scoring. Boyd tallied the Bruins final touchdown from the 10.
at. Mury'i (T) Pn. I'CLA 19) KtO'i-h LK Brown LT Mtlmbr this vlrtorv for Moncrief and.1" lw tries and Collison couldn't 1 25 bACXttPi AllOHft) f'PiT Ob mm cw ol hnt uhll. Ih.t-1 RCt anV. It WS fnnrt Hm, Wisconsin's gambling tactics al n' I.o I Williams was called upon to make siiovich '-u Saban r.
vn'toi most cost it another touchdown in 1 A nAor I A' Pil ms sweep at the enemy's left. Dal 'on hut the tail end of the fourth quarter. Fnlrb. (Jlaa pearmond Rudan E' neriajnniil gT Martin Pirkey 9" Andenon I.H BIG IE.V mMI.Nr,H Virmiita Mrkl Andrtwt P.onch Bllr Witt C'niioillol Sltkn L. T.
PU, opp. Unable to make yardage on fourth mou down, the Badgers gave up ball on Minnesota's 47. Lorin vJWiM'n rs Palmer who had just come in f.V-T "'rif'- Pordo fj FB Proctor- were on the field with Hoyt taking individual honors with 98 yards on his quick opening thrusts at the middle of the Badgers' line, a weakness that developed in the last half. The fans sensed a runaway for their highly favored Gophers when the first touchdown came so easily it 7i -is a Great Lakei a 7 3i Marquette acorini: Tourhdnwni Kudan. fireat Lakea arnrlns: Touchdowni Jut-wlk, Pirkey, Prorlor, Jtoikla.
Point! after toui-hdown Juiwik. Ml SJ IVt 11 1,13 1-1 103 1M SI 37 43 St Mlnnfwua, Indian IMinoi Ohio Mil ir unam lo broke loose for 35 vards and ucla ToucMiwn Bnvd Knr near touchdown, Kindt running. Vtimtrt. at. Mury'i imr- ki 17 Tailns: Tour Mown 0'Rtn fRyini.
Point touchdown Wedmyer (plicemlnt). and fast. The Badgers made one! i Gophers actually got to the two first down after receiving got through the interference1 yard line before the game ended, MINNESOTA vj WISCONSIN I opening kickoff before they appeared certain to knock the penalty bringing an extra play, halted and forced to punt. Theiba11 carrier down on the five, but Stars there were on both sides, boot went out of bounds on the ne missed the tackle and the red Mike Rapko joined Mitchell and Minnesota 35 for only 15 yards. head moved into the pay dirt un-! Aldworth in the line for the best Wll- comln Two plays later and Avery Peterson's kick was performance in addition to the Uinj-u-urjijTAJUUlAAA I blocked, but the score stood at a backs already mentioned.
comfortable to 7. Dooney and Kindt were Stuhl- r. over the goal line for a touchdown. Williams set up the play on first down by getting four yards on a BADGERS TACKLE LIKE THEY WERE 13 13 joa 303 But wait a minute! Those best backs, while Carolan jgers were still scrapping. Even! and Keenan In the line being par- IOWA STATE IN EASY WIN, 48-0 AMES, IOWA UP) The for.
ward passing combination of halfbacks Howard Tlppee and George Cast, both of whom closed their collegiate gridiron careers, led Iowa Stale to a 48 to 0 victory over Kansas Slate Saturday, Tlppee, who hurled strikes all over the lot, tossed to Cast for Ihree of the seven touchdowns the Cyclones rang up In ending their 104.1 season with a record of four victories and four defeats. cutback over center. It was sec Soort 35 ToUl tint dowm 11 Ry mihlnj 13 Ry forwrd pu 0 By ppnalty 1 Firm period (lrt dowm 3 Second period tint dnwni 3 Third ptrlod tint dowm 4 Fourth prlod firm dowm Vnrrti Klnd by rtuhM 3fij Yarilf (tlnd by pmfi 6S Total (rom irrlmmijs 370 Riiihea and pan faint by prloda: Flrnt prlod H3 Kecond period Third period Fourth period 97 Total yar'ln mat by rtuhea 4 Number of forward pe atternoted ond down when Quarterback Pelcrson Kt off his bestjticularly outstanding, but every terson called a lateral from Will. kick 0t ot da' ,0 Kinit on, Badger merits applause for this HITTING HITLER, REPORTS FiOUdDY lams to Averv. The latter run ms live, the Badger ran it back; grand game for it was a stand that to the 41.
That's where the touch- few anticipated before the two down march started. teams took the field. Poi, RO Mlnnmoti (2Si OnKn Mltrhfll Wftii-r t)Ml Lansimp The Stuhldreher bovs gambled ajWimnin little on this drive, carrying hall on fourth down and one go. They made good and were on 'tw' their own 40. Three forward panel completed 1 (ona by Interferenre) RT.
AKiorm Psaaea arounded 1 RK Ranko 0 Paaaea intercepted Varda sained Mnhark int. paaaen of "in unit! oui again on rourwnohprtion QH Ptnon l.H Avrv WWim FB MonTlff 1 (1 0 down the Badgers broke Kindt; Komlr' Number of punta Total yarda of punti Averaea yarda per punt wine around the Wisconsin right, end. He got one sweet block from reterson to get him slarted and another from Moncrief to get him Into the open where he ran close to the north sidelines for 61 yards and a touchdown. We said that came too easily end that was proved by a definite letdown by the Gophers as Peterson's ensuing kickoff only went to the 32 yard line and was returned to the Wisconsin 47 by Lauben-heimer, an end. The visitors managed to pick up a first down on the Minnesota's 39 when Quarterback May came out of the formation and passed to Kindt loose over center for 20 yards to MmnPBijtn 4 1.
as. 5 1 0 II 3 I 3 Id 47 131 1.1 (1 be down on the home team's 4n. Wuroniin inoi. roini tutr loucnaown, Attempted return of punti 1mteat return of puma Total yarda punla returned Averafe return of punti 3 3 1 Minn roiled dead or over Paul Keckley, sub halfback, scored twice on short runs; fullback Meredith Warner ran 52 yards for another of the Cyclones' touch-downs, and end Leroy Wlltsle took a 40-yard pass from Fritz Clausen for the other touchdown. Warner accounted for five extra points by placekicks and Keckley ran over for the other.
Kansas State threatened only nun ii, uiun iouk enoii unilliltr Helm passed to pestiferous Mr.lS. Kindt on the 24, mixing their w.rr. well from ever chAneinr ufki RUfh, wohirntw; Hons. Wisconsin, with Kindt and uai mio. gr.hoenherr.
McUufhlin, Vot, Dooney knocking off from two tojH'jlmnMot (niMntutionn-TufkiM. jmt.r, seven yards, marched to the one name for Wisconsin yesterday. Wisconsin had a touchdown called back for offside, The officials put their glasses on to see that one, These guys get 75 dollars and expenses for two hours. Between halves they ought to give them a tin cup and a dog. One time they penalized Wisconsin six yards.
They must have wanted to go to the Minnesota banquet when the season is over. There is still snow on the ends of the stadium three foot high. If the CPA ever takes over the snow control this it the place to come. Minnesoia hasn't got a very good team. I could see now how Northwestern and Michigan beat them awful bad.
I'm going to try to see Notre Dame and the Great Lakes next Saturday. No civilians ran see the game hut I'll get in. I'll have a suit of some kind on. on the field. That takes In the Gophers too.
His play was a thing of beauty, not many Wisconsin players outshone him on the Gopher gridiron, If Wisconsin could have scored when down on the one-yard line they might have turned this game right around and won it. This Mitchell was supposed to be All-American tackle for the Gophers. He really got a buggy ride this game, He's great tackle but the Wisconsin boys dropped his rating some yesterday. In this game on fourth down, Wi.Moiiiii tan the ball with quite a few yards to make and on one of these chances Kindt pretty near ran all the way. The season is over as far as Wisconsin is concerned, but I don't think Stuhldreher ever put In a happier day in his life.
I never seen a Wisconsin team show such improvement in such a short period and for courage and pluck I hey really made a By RO.JNDY Minnesota beats Wisconsin but from the way Wisconsin played, the game seemed like a victory. Wisconsin played by far the greatest game of the season, If they only got a break along the line, they might of won a ball-game. But the Gophers got a powerhouse on the ground. Their backs are fast and they break Into the open like nobody's business. You wouldn't believe this was the same Wisconsin team you saw a few weeks ago.
Their offense was beautiful yesterday and they were tackling as If they were hitting Hitler on every play. If the Wisconsin boys would have hit him like that, (hey would have knocked his mustache off and he'd have been so stiff he'd never got his arm out for the old salute for a month. Wisconsin had a hunch of shining lights yesterday but Don Kindt stood out like the northern lichts. He was the best back yard line from where Kindt again kundquigt, Qrtnum, cti, Una or out of boundi ind fair eatehea Number of klrkoffi a Averaje dimanee in varrla 40 1 Attempted return of kick- offa 2 Averafe return of kkkoffa. Total yardi klrkoffa r- turned 37 Number of penaltlei 2 Total yarda penalized 20 Fumblea 1 Own fumblea recovered 0 Opponenta lumoiea rerovered 1 Yarda loat on own fumblea rerovered 0 Pali loat on downa Longeet sain by rinbitir SI (Avery) oown the middle of the secondary, smashed over left guard for touch- 3 2 41 17,1 101 5 JS 1 I) 1 3 37 (May) .19 He ran 37 yards before he wAcirinu-n.
This time Kuemler missed i LafaVfttft Down twice, missing touchdowns by three L-i the extra point, yards once and five yards the oth Rutgers, 9 to 2 nm lnrne Minnesota's best de- The Badgers on the bench and fensive effort of the afternoon. It; their few fans in the stands gave EASTON, P. On Joe Marhef- Iinfeat gain nv pnaainr as (Averv from Wilila ma 1 Kin, It from Mav) Qown on the two-yard their scrappers a terrific ovation ika, son of a former Lafayette line. Four plays later the Badgers' as they came down the field to football ace, starred as Lafayette wore back on their four and had kick off. Itrounced Kutgers, 9 to 2, before given up the bail to the Golden) But these Gophers were offen-i 10,000 Saturday.
Gopher bojs with a five-yard pen-lsive minded, too. Moncrief re-l Marhefka grabbed a bouncine Individual tr.ilne frr.m njihinif: Minnesota Wiliinms H.1 yar-ia In 14 piavi, Avery 7 In 3, Monerlef 9S In 14, Colliaon 1,1 In 4. Lunriipntt 4 In 2. Palmer In 2, In 1, er time. Kaniai Stale (0) Iowa (Id Olio LK Watner Haury L.T Trnmmlrr I.ane WriRht Collin (lallaher Kllla FV1 Tollenaera Coward RT Shanda.
Hrry RK Willala Kllloimh Ireland Batten 1. 11 Tlijea rauhlon HII (laat Marhen i'H Howard Iowa Htaie 7 7 11 Ju4. Kanaaa fatal 0 0 n-0 lna state acorlnit: Toiiclulnwna (laat 1 Kerkley i for Tippeel 7. Warner i fnr Howard), WIHaie. Point after lourhdown Warner 5 lidareklrkai.
Krrkley irun- allV On th( Rniti-rira olen iu. 1.1.1. -r nn jei.iji.ii I Wlaronaln Kindt 72 Vftnln In 17 m.m luiiivu uic nu uu J3is id ma uan on i(ie ujitrii 1 km koh ana. noberteon 11 In s. Mav In 2 Kuenzler in mar, stand.
40 to Start thine. Hnvt was ionse'ran vards fnr toiirhrlnu-n thon 4'1 7i. VrLaujhlln 13 In 3, Dooney 41 1 in II. Meinx an in Aldworth and Rapko figured for 11 over the guards, then lljkicked a field gna! In the fourth atrongly on the defensive In hnlt-j more over the same spot befnreto account for all Lafayette seor-g the r'vals here. Williams took over for nine and'ing.
Individual oaea fnm runhlng: Minnesota- 'A'llMarrn 4 varda In 1 plav Wurnnain-Kindt 4 varda In .1 plv. Kohertmn I in 1. Kuenrier 9 In 3, Mr- IHn 4 In 1. Mv .1 in 1. nli'K play)..
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