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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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March 14th, 1895. Tbe Dr. J. McLean Medicine 5T, LOUIS, no. GENTLEMEN 1 desire to express my heart felt thanks to you for my marvelous restoration to health.

I was sick for many years with a bad case of diabetes which made me very thin and weak. 1 also suffered much loss of sleep, having to get -up so many times at night to pass urine, and also great annoyance from thirst thai water would not satisfy. A few months ago began to follow your instructions in regard to die and to use Dr. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.

It is a grand medicine. I used three bottles, and, thanks be to God, am a man again. I have not felt so good or taken more interest in many year. You are at liberty to publish this if you desire, as 1 would be glad to be the means of calling th'- attention to victims of diabetes to a remedy that svill give them elief. PH1LLJPS, Columbus, Neb.

The highest claim for other tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as You will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag, aud two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwcll's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO A UTE INDIAN LEGEND. nliiK Some Ccoffrnplilnil of tho Western Country. Long' years ago the forefathers of tho Utes lived near a vast warm Inke north- sast of the Big river (Colorado).

Snakes as long 1 as 100 lodge poles were Tilentco-us in this lake. The country full of big trees, big deer, and big with white horns. One day ail tho oxco began to roar together, anil JKcy raised such a steam from their nostrils that.the eartli tottered and tre-mbled aud the sun was hidden. 'Then suddenly the warm lake.fell and 'continued lining for the space of three moons, and then became low that Indians saw it not again. The big lake of warm water had been drained away.

It had gone out through Bio mountains by the present canyon river, and of the Big- river. old bed in the Toom-pin-to-weep is -where- the "warm lake waters were dra'meO. Next, all the big deer and thn 'tig" uxen with white horns wandered eastward and perished from cold or by arrows of the Ute hunters. Soon after a.big flood formed Grand River canyon. After this cnme a raee of small people whobroughtsecdcorn of.

a small Aind, called Chiciuito maize. They also skin cnnoes. They had silver and gold in abundance, and iron tools which they had gathered in the to the northeast. little people were almost tvhite. They built stone houses in tho cliffs and cultivated corn, beans and pumr.kins.

They taught the Utes low 'to make spears and Some big red Indians came over from the northeast and drove oft the little people, who went, south. The big red men also went away. These were the Apaches. Navaios, Kiowas. Down among these tribes were found the big oxen with white horns, and thc srram.

Sagarios (alligators.) By-and-by the comifrry became dry and cold, and only Utes were left on the Cig.river and its branches. Then melted rocks were poured out and the conct-ry was left RoundJI'ablo. ANOTHER ICE PERIOD. A Predicted of Cultlns tho of "Tbe best scientific authorities predict dire effects from the cutting of a canal through either the Isthmus of Panama or Tehuantcpee. The late Seor-e R.

Marsh said of this that 'a new ice period might be occasioned by the withdarwal of so important a source warmth from the northern j-nd Sir John Herschel wrote: 'Were the Isthmus of Panama broken through is no doubt that the whole climate of-our island (Great Britain) would undergo a most notable detcrioation. The sum of $0,000,000 has been voted iy tho legislature of the state of New Torlc for improving the Erie canal system; tho Hcnncpin canal has had $1,200,000 spent on it, and work has stopped until 1 new appropriations can be made, ilatt Quay is using his influence for the construction of a ship canal from Pittsburgh to Lake Erie, to cost $16,000,000, canal from Philadelphia to York, besides advocating, the ex- $50,000,000 in canaliEing the Ohio-and: Mississippi rivers. One of the most stupendous of these engineering Chicago drainage canal, now in. progress, which, is to cut the 'divide' which bars the way'between Chicago and' the Mississippi river. The distance is only 30 miles between Lake Michigan and the Illinois river, and one' CUD easily sec the startling nature of a union of the 'grout lakes' and the of Troops Secure Much Mooty.

London, June Egyptian cavalry at Firket pursued the fleeing dervishes after thu battle at that piece, killing a large number of them. The dervishes took the route to Suardu, which was the khalifa's largest with the exception of Dongoln. The cavalry upon reaching Suarda found the place deserted. The troops occupied the place und seized enormous quantities of stores of all kinds and a number of camels. THE MARKETS.

Grain, -1'ro-vlsions, Etc. Chicago, June 9. Was quiet and steads'. Quotable as tollows: Winter Patents, J3.GO® 3 SO- stralffhts, J3.25tf3.30; cli'iirs, S2.00itP".10; low srarlcu, prnK-, bakers', J2.1C02.33; lov grades, 51.0U4P 1.73! Keel Dog, Rye, Act Ivu and unsettled. Juno, July, KfiiWOVbc; September, Gl'4c.

Slow and weak, No, 2, 27 i No, 2 YclU)w, Jiily, nrd Efttc: September, October, 28V.C. Lower, with moderate trading. June, 17Kc: July, September ISM, Samples easy. No. 3, No.

3 White, No. 2, No. 2 White, J9 Was dull. Demand was light. No.

2 cash, 3-lc. July-delivery, 34c. September, 3tlc, sellers. Demand 13 tame. Buyers Indifferent; wanted only at low prices.

Thin quotable at fair weight, but off color, 25(fi-27c. Good color, to weight, 27iff29c; choice, SOigoL'e; fancy rt shade over. MESS Offerings rather liberal urn! demand fair. Prices easier Quotations rans-ert at $7.0007:10 for cash; 7.0D for June: for July; J7.1/h» 7 25 for September, Demand moderate and ofterln(-'3 free Pi-lets easier. Quotations ranged at $4 lor cash; for June; 54.SO for July, and for Septetn- P.UTTER Quiet and steady, rather tame.

Creameries, Dairies, I tVE POULTRY Only moderate demand. Turkeys, Chickens, tfoltev, Ducks, per pound; Geese, per dozen, Steady on the basis $1.22 Ntw York, June 9. FLOUR-State and Western quiet and steady. No. 2 red less active, Irregular, lower.

Jqlv, September, S6(tfC8Vic; December, i No. 2 dull, easier; No. 2 34VJO: July, MVtSMVic; September, October, No. 2 dull, steady. Western, July.

23cbld. Dull; stea in-rendered, J4.45 asked. Fancy, active, steady. Western dairy, Elglns, Imlta. tlon creamery, Limited demand;" part nev, ZijHVic; full gklms, Fancy steady.

Western, 12iS)12l4c, live ytook, ChH-ago, June 9.. Market strong. Fair to beat beeves, J3.50iiW.20;' stockers und feeders, $20002.73: mixed cows and bulla, 5i.4tiif3.i;:i: Texas, S8.73!f('3.80. Market opened steady; cksu! 10c lower. Light, ri.iT,li Ing, rnlxc-d ai'il 3.45: heitvy packing ard.

plgH, J2.50f3.Ca. Contest of Aldrioh Ys. Underwood Considered by House, Senate Proceedings Summary of Work Done by the Fifiy- Fourth Congress. Washington, Junu The pending question when the lioust reabSL'inbk'd nt ten oJcJoek Tuesday, still in continuance of Monday's oessicn, the houSe reconsider the vote by which it decided Monday consider the contested election' cast of Aldriuh (rep.) vs. Underwood from the Xiuth Alatfunm district.

The motion made by Mr. Own Ky.) im'd was postponed by the presentation nf conferonee report 1 Mr. Daniels N. moved to hiy Mr. Owen's motion ty reconsider on the table.

On this motion the vote WHS: Yeas, DS; nays, quorum. This evidenced tin; purpose of the tleino- crats to require the republicans t.o furnish 11 quorum to unseat Kntk'nvood. A enli of the house wns ci-deivd by the speaker. The roll call displayed l.hi- p-osi-nce of 11 cjuoruin iind Mr. Daniels' motion to' lay on the table motion reconsider, was a.q-ruiid to: Yt-is, I'M; nays, 45, picsejit C.

Vjpou the iinnour.cement. of the vote Mr. alsed the point-of order thnt i.he not veguUidy before tlv: but the point was ruled out by speaker, and Mr. "Daniels opened debate in Invor of tlie contestnr.t, Aifivieh. It WJLS agreed t-lu-rt 1 fliould be two debate on each ti'dt.

1 At the conclusion of Daniels're- marks, Mr. Underwood, the oontestte, addressed the house in his own behalf, after which Mr. Linnoy N. spoke in behalf of contestant, und the argument for the contewtee was concluded by Mr. Senate Washing-ton, 0.

'J'he supplementary deficiency bill for compensation mih'afre oT members of tne house reproseMiifives passed. It appropi-iafer; about House bill and directinf; the to select on the military reservation Leuvenworrh, a site for creel ioi: of a penitentiary building 1 then' and to secure plans for its erection was passed. The resolution offered Monday by Senator Col.) for an inquiry into the contract, for the erection of an equestrian statue.of Gen. William X. Sherman ami 1 the suspension of the contract tili next, session was laid before the senate.

Senator Woluott. explained and advo- 1 the resolution. Senator Alilson In.) arirued as'ainsf the resolution and contended that the only jurisdiction which congress liail over tJic- matter was given in joint resolution of JSOU, provided that a commission should be appointed. JJeferringr t.o Mr. Jlohl-Smith, of Chi- ctifi-o, Senator Allison said that, it well known that one ot the artists' committee, Mr.

St. Caudens, nn open and avowed enemy of M-r. Eohl- Smith's, and had rincnsed him 'of stealing his (St. Cauden.s') likeness'of Gon. Sherman.

Senator Allison also said that the final award had been made by the secretary of war, the general of the nrniy, the president of the Array of the Tennessee (Gen. Dodfre), Gen. Henderson, Gen. John Noble and Col. Cabell.

Senator Ilawley Conn.) also opposed i.iie resolution. What he favored was a popular statue of Gen. Slier-- Inan fuc one as his'old soldiers would rifciOfifiiixe at half a mile distance ix mere worlt of art, which might, be entitled "The American General," but which was not the statue of "Old Tt-cnmseh." Mills Tex.) joined in opposition to the resolution, and Senator W'olcott renewed his protest, against the dish'g-urement of the city ot Washing-ton by inartistic stat.nes. Finally the vote was taken and the resolution was defeated. InvcMtlRiitlon of liond Salon.

Washilip-ton, June 9. iThe senate committee on fi nance -Tuesday morning 1 discussed r.hc proposed investigation of the sale of bonds which is ordered under the senate resolution and finally decided that the investigation should be open to the public. The first meeting of the subcommittee will be determined, by the chairman immediately after the adjournment oi congress. THE FISTY-FOUKTII CONGRESS. A BOHUmo ot tho Important JJunlnoti of tlio Sonalon.

Washington, June flrst session of the Fifty-fourth congress, now In its closing hours, enjoys the distinction being tho shortest "long 1 session for a period of 30 years. Of the measures which become laws, tlic most important an interna- IlVER PIUS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these They also relieve E.ilress from Dyspepsk, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, A per- feet remedy for Pizjfotss, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad-Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongua Pain ir the Side, TORPID LIVER; They Regulate the Bowels; Purely Vegetable. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE SIMMONS LIVER father to take it. The Liver gets sluggisr iunns tha Winter, just like all nature, me system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fiver and Ague and Rheumatism. 'You want to ake up your Livel now, but be sure you take SlAtMONS LIVER REGULATOR to do it.

aisc regulates the it properly at work, wlien system will be free froiil poison and the whole Dody invigorated. You get THE BEST BLOOD when your system is in A1 condition, and thai will only be when the Livsr is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note tin difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVER is SIMMONS LIVER RFOULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a.

tea of powder; buttalisai.ViMONS LIVER REGULATOR. nna the RED on even package. LOOK for it. J. H- Zciliii Co.

Pliilntle'ihia, Pa. tlonal Standpoint, was tne Din creating tno commission to dc'termlne Uie true divisional line between Venezuela and British Guiana." Of scarcely less general Interest were the bills prohibiting prize lighting 1 territories: permitting appointments In the army and imvy of former United Ktatea officers who served In the rebellion and making one year's residence In a'terrntory a rirc-requisite to obtaining a divorce there. E.xccptlns these, However, the remainder of the 235 bills and resolutions which received the president's approval were not of a' character to deserve extended mention. The more important the bills Incorporating the national society of the Daughters of the Revolution, opening the forest reservations In Colorado, for the location of mining claims: regulating proof of fleuth In pension cases; providing for a naval' training school in Francisco it unlawful to shoot at any railway train or any person thereon or t.o throw missiles Into such train, and repealing clause Cl of the tn.rlIT law providing tot a rebate on alcohol used in the arts. Groat Nuinbur itt MunHuros rnmcnrod.

If the session, however, be conspicuous by reason ot Its brevity and the limited number of important laws enacted, it resulted in the Introduction of a larger number of bills in the liouse than durlr.g any similar period fora-quarter of a century. Tho total number of bills Introduced during tiro entire last congress was S.SS7, of which 1 Wfcro Introduced during t'lo first session, which corresponds to tho si-sslor. now Ing to a close'nnd In which lancr ll'" iiTtg-atc reaches OC thus- favorably reported by the 'committees to whom liu-y were rel'errecT, anu scores oj them aru likely to bt brought-lo tho attention of ittti house next The Nicaragua canal'bill Is-one of thcso measures, After many months of consideration ill the- committee, It received a favorable report in the face of an absolute certainty that it would not be taken up dur- lr.g the present session. The bill to liquidate the indebtedness of the Pnclllc railways to ihe government is another far- reaching measure, which Is also upon tho calendar will) a favorable which for prudential reasons will continue to slumber there. Others are the service pen- ulon bill, repined, by the Invalid pensions oommltHic, the Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma statehood bllis: the Pacific cable bill mid the joint resolution conferring the rank of htutenart genera) upon Maj.

Gen. Miles. Interest In tiio Cuban Revolution. The popular In the Cuban revolution was shown In the large number of resolutions, more than 50 In all, that were Introduced and referred to the committee on forclg.i nfi'alrs. After careful consideration, a concurrent resolution was reported, tor wlilch was subsequently substituted, in conference, the senate resolution expressing the sympathy of the United States with the insurgents, recognizing their belligerency and culling upon the president to use his good offices to secure the Independence of the Island.

Measures for which there lias beer, a widespread demand tflat have passed the house and will probably receive consideration from the senate next session, Include the bankruptcy bill, the McCall bill, providing an educational test for Immigrants, the labor commission and labor arbitration billa and the bill simplifying the rules ot the pension office so as to facilitate the adjustment of private pension cases. tu tho The results accomplished by the senate, durlnff the session Just closing art; entirely out of proportion with the legislation that was introduced. Up to Saturday there had been Introduced a total of 3,201 bills moro than were Introduced during the wliole of the last congress. same rat'o of increase Is found In the flood of memorials and petitions that have been laid before the senate. Out of this array of proposed legislation but little has been done.

The finance committee, to which was referred'105 different measures, has succeeded In getting through the senate but three of any Importance that have become lllled cheese bill; the amendment to' the 'administrative, feature of the tariff act permitting express companies to nay the duty on packages valued at not more than J500 and deliver them to tho residence of the Importer direct, ana the bill to repeal the free alcohol clause of tho tariff law. Tho Dlngley bill came out of committee with a free coinage amendment which prevailed in the senate, and this proposition to Increase the vevenues through tariff duties has ever since been hung In tho air between the two houses, The bankruptcy and contempt of court bills, the two most Important measures emanating from the committee oh the Judiciary, were not even considered by the senate. The favorable report from the committee on privileges and elections for an amendment for the election of senators by' popular vote, became the text for many speeches that never sot beyond that indefinite stage. The senate committee on pensions shows a better record for accomplished results. Senate pension bills aggregating 1,020 wero referred to this committee.

Similar billa aggregating 220 came over from the house. Two hundred and seventy senate bills were passed by tho genate, which the houao passed but 50. On the other hand, the senate passed 1M of the house pension bills oufof a total of 220 passed by the house. Out of all this proposed legislation but 83 bills became laws, as follows: Senate bills without the ap-' Droval of the president, senate bills approved. 27'; house bills become a law without, approval, house bills approved, 87; total.

83. Fire at tho Hub. Boston, June in tlie builoV ing at Washington street Tucsdny, afternoon caused'a loss oi between $20,000 and $30,000. The third floor to the fire spread was occupied: by Oscar Gowing, and seven workinff, girls were in the room at the.tiroe. All escaped safely.

V.OF;- Bndl and Afo UHUI! of Diet, The buds.nnd flowers of a very larfje number of plants are used as articles of food. Just how majiy oC these are so used ive rarely stop to consider, unless our attention is particularly called to the subject. Many persons have eaten salads of nasturtium flowers and leaves; a few have cultivated a taste a wilod of chrysanthemum' flowers. There are al) over t'he world trees, shrubs nud plants furuisli nutritious and ngreeable food in their blossoms. One of the most important oi these grows iu India.

The tree is tho niabwn, and it-s blossoms HJI extremely valuable article of food for tho These blossoms arc larg-e and abundant, and have a sweet, somewhat sickly odor and taste, and fall Xluring 1 1 he In the morning 1 they are g-atJierod as soon as dayliffht a.p- u.nd maybe eaten m.w or dried in tlic sun. The natives store, them as a staple iirticlo of food, so largely do they depend upon those trees that when the outlying tribes become insubordinate there is no punishmento! 1 command that will so quickly subdue toem as the threat of cutting- down these fa-cos. From Mve flowers of the, a Ktrosit; 1 spirit is distilled, and t.his is used hi large quantities by tho natives. There are ways of cooking: these dried flowers, although they are frequently eaten in tho natural stale. They arc also added to grains and other foods, da.mUes and sweetmeats arc made of them.

Four hundred pounds of (lowers ore. often gathered from one tree, and. as they are one of the leading- articles of diet, their importance can readily no seen. Another species of the -same tree prows malabnr. These and buds arc eaten raw or may be dried and roasted.

Sometimes arc- made iuto jellies or rolled into balls, n.u.d in this state form an -article of barter, being exchanged for goods and edibles ot all sorts. The flowers of the Judas tree are made into salads and cooked in various The ilower buds are sometimes used cs pickles. The French. Canadians use the flowers of tlic red bud for salads aaid pickles. There is avarie-Vof ubntilon, the, flowers of which are used in a vegetable.

Pepper, cloves find cassJa flower buds, there are bxids and berries of many other trees that enter largely in the prcparar tion of oriental delicacies. The caulU flower, as we eat it, nothing more nor less thaai an undeveloped flower, a.nd there is a plact in China- that bears a flower-stalk and bud which is greatly liked, and is said to resemble a very rich, ripe pear. These are but a few of the bo-until'nl provisions nature, and they arc usually to be found in in localities where the iia'tives'depend on Ihe vegetation for their Y. Ledger. OUR WOMEN.

A Tolls ot Jlln Tcoplo'i Courtlnyund Murrlaso Curtioms. 1 am convinced that our girls do not love conquest in a general way along the border land of men's hearts as I lie white girls. TIence they appear far loss coquettish in their manner. I a.jn well settled in the belief that the nt- lachment so sacred: and holy wliicli is iu the heart of every true lover is of divine origin, being born ot the Great Spirit, and that it is purer in'the hearts of our native girls than in those of the civilized races. Our girls make confidants of their in their love alTairs.

They are not laugihcd at, plagued, and tormented about the young men ns though were a-crime to "fall in love" (as white people caJHt) but on the contrary their love are seriously considered and thoughtfully talked over between mother and daughter. Before our people became their custom of marriage was as follows: The mother of the maiden who had become attached to young man wouid quietly have the matter talked over with his mother, and if the union was found agreeable to botli families according 1o an ancient custom the father and mother of the son would make up a large pack-age of presents and take them to the parents of the daughter and demand her 'for their son's wife, delivering the presents to them. If they accepted the gifts the girl was f.ikeii home with them. On entering their wigwam they would say to their son: "We have brought this girl for you a wife; take her, cherish her, bo kind to her, so loug as'you shaJl live," and they were then and there declared to be husband and wife. And yet, notwithstanding such simplicity of ceremony, scpai-ations seldom occurred.

The manner in. which such marriages were consummated led many strangers to the transaction to believe that the parents of the boy and girl compelled them to marry agajnst their wish, when in fact the mothers had planned the scheme with the full knowledge, consent and desire of the children. As wives, our women are queens of the wigwam, aiifl cases are rare where they do not have the full confidence of their husbands. To their care and keeping the men give all their money und goods, which the women use as they think best to provide for the Simon Pokagon, in Chan- tauquan, Gold In Olden' Itoman writers inform us that Com- rnodus caused the hoofs of his horses to be covered with gold leaf, and even the fetlocks to be gilded. -Nero's short journeys were invariably- performed on white mules wearing gold shoes on their fore feet and silver behind.

The beasts which drew the chariots of his wife, Toppac, were shod all around with gold. Several others among the dignitaries ami potentates of the riotous days of the Jioinhn emp'ire skod their horses gold and used the same material for bridle bits, spurs, Chicago Xews, 1HEHT CONFIDENCE OFTEN LEAD? TO SUFFERING. An Ohio "Woman's Experience, as Hen Related, is Interesting to Every American Woman. ifil'tCIAL TO OCII It is a very sad fact that the more a trusts to the skill of her physician in treating her female complaints, the longer she is apt to suffer. Lydia E.

Pinkham fully realized this fact when she commenced thnt exhaustive study that has enabled the women of the world to help themselves. She discovered the source of female complaints, and produced the Vegetable Compound, which is their absolute cure. When such testimony as the following is given, the woman who thinks should act quickly, and no longer permit herself to trust to incompetent doctors. The Vegetable Compound is sold by all druggists, and every woman should have it, Iv The doctors had told me that unless I to the hospital and had an operation performed I coulil not live. I had falling, enlargement, and ulceration of the womb.

I was in constant misery all the my back ached; I was always It was impossible for me to walk fur or Bland long at a time. I was surely a wreck. I decided that I would give your Compound and Sanative Wash a trial. "1 took three botlles of Lydia Ye table Compound, and used iwo of San.ilivc anJ I am now jilmosi veil. 1 am and Jjcallhier ihan havi! over in my life.

My fricr.its ntiglhors ar.ti the doctors are fiiro ni'iay rapid improvement. 1 have loid them all what I have been Sins. A.V.VETTA Celmont O. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC MACKINAC ill DETROIT I I PETOSKEY J. V-T CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Perfection yet attained In Equipment, ArtlHIC Furnl.hlnK, and EIHclent Service.

Insuring the highest degree of SPEED AND SAFETY, FOOD TRIPS PER WEEK BETWEEN Toledo, PETOSKEY. ''THE soo," MARQUETTE, AND DUt-UTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac an4 Return, including fleata and Berihi. From Cleveland, $18-. from $15; from Detroit, $13.50.

EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting nt Cleveland with Earliest Trains for all points East, Soiuli and Sonlhwcsx and at Detroit (or all points North and Northwest. Sunday June, July, August tnd Septembir Onljr. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet Address A. A. SCHANTZ.

o. O1TBOIT, MICH, Detroit and Gieveiami Steam Hav. Co. ONE-HALF SIZE Of POZZONVS 'COHPLEXIOfJ POWDER I tabs been tho standard for forty years a Is moro popular to-uar thaa over PCIOM. I POZZOM'S I It vSo Ideal complexion 1 H5nlthtal A InTlalblo protection to luce.

Wl'Ji crcrv of FS a tan nJIIcrnt Kcovlira COLD PCFF I gntn free of charge. AT DKI'QGJSTS Jiiro FANCY STOEEB. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. ntPty. Vimii tothPar- IL For sale by Ben Fisher ana B..

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