Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 10
- Publication:
- Star Tribunei
- Location:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 10
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
0 1 1 1 I VJ THE nTNNE APOLIG 1 ii ii Lii. VAxiLiL vuumi i Mani 1 1 iwiwmi I Jfci. I ffi NEBRASKA ON HUNT FOR BETTER MATERIAL i i i 1 i. You can depend on CUBS TUHfl TABLES Oil SOX IN SEGOND CAME EUEIB.4CH HOLDS AMERICANS TO I vVO HITS. larional Champions Outhit and Outfield Opponents at Every Stage.
DAY 4il.l AM) IIH1I.I.I I' LA I Ol OK Till: Tha' wa looked like it blanket innPii plaei's, I nr-Mtid, clapped ili! cvoept naso.l ra ii il" and il'i'-d in Hie imagine that re warm. Hoys were through 11 (US I'iiI lin and if ycur was slrnng yon could a in tnv dire. -i inn. and vcouid si a nds imaginal ion lit Hi- vfliff you ln-lievi! it, several oi tin1 boys had nerve to plan out soiling "In- cold pop 11011,11 The o'Mwd was about Ihe same as on the previous day. hut the game was In the Whue Sox territory and it was a bitter disappointment that the Cubs won, end also won so easily lu that.
Many faith carried reamers, rattles of cub bears, some with bugles, but liny were simply f-atures. The cornet player was nil right, ihougii be would start a popular air and sk.ii would be singing io ke. awake. The game will surely be preserved in history as the newspaper swarmed over the field and recorded ev. ry play and incident The only other dlsiurhauees worn when tile umpire found first and third sacks had lnysieriously moved a toot away, and wlii-n a Jinn silver was carried to KioliliT Jo il.
capiain ul lb. Siix, as-Tie" was an easy stood at. bat. Of com out after that. t.
I.ouln diiiiio TiiNt iined. ST. lXH'IS. Ot. tl The ihinl gniiu- lucal A If lei'lea ielil -M USud SITii post; onocl j-isieriliiv eoM wo tee vias uTIerr NUTBOY IS WINNER OF WALNUT FARM CUP RACE IS WON IN A BLINDING SNOvVSIORM.
Miss Crabtree, Owner of Horse, Is Present to Receive Trophy. GEKHS UIII1ES Tl Hl.KY' TO VIC TOHY THE TROTTING KYKNT. LEXINGTON, Oct 11. During a rhe Kentucky 1 blinding snow storm at Trolling Horse Breeders' course, Nutboy the champion aged trotter of the year, I won the famous Walnut Hall farm cup I yesterday. Miss Lotta Crabtree, his own- er.
was present to receive the trophy. Nttlboy had no trouble in winsing this evini in straight heats as he pleased. I Turley, dr.ven by E. F. lieers, won the McDowell stake for 2:08 trotters, after losing the fhst heat to Tuna Mniimheet.
the fnvnrite di.jtneeH in the flout heat. Turley had no trouble in winning the next three heats. Lucille Marlowe won tho Lexington stake for "-year-olds, defeating Kentucky Todd. She won the last heat by fmly 10 seconds time than Kentucky Todd went the first heat. Tho poor showing of the Todd eolt is attributed to the bad yyeathej won the 2:14 class trat after contest ing seven heats with Betty Brook, Charles J.
J. and This was the best race of the day. The other events were practically feature. ess. Secretary Wilson announced that Ihe racing today would begin at 11 o'clock.
Summary: VVa.lnut Hall farm cup, 2:15 class, trotting. J3.0HI1. 3 in 0: N-itliuy, b. tf. by Nut Pine (Mo- Homy) 1 1 1 with Ju warm tUmko'? Tha' wa case In r.
ami the looked like s-liivt-rinn India be. was a blanket 1 1 I i I i I i i I CHICAGO. Oct. tl.ln th. siioml of the world's chain piunshiii trday the.
hicami Naiioiial h-agiio yos-I'HDl toolt for Tuostlay's il-'ieat when they vannuiUoil tlm Ami-rii-an lonRut-team on the latter' grounds, 7 to 1. White, and Owru, who rt-plac-d hitu in the fourth innins, oro halt" freely and I'rui also he lin il ti' i i-1 ri iir.c tional si.or. neulbai was iu tine form ao 1 allowed the oj. posing tatsmcn omy two hila. Thfi v.
eathor was bitterly coll, ho mercury hov-riiis at or below the freezing point all alu-rnoon. As whs the casu T-uefirlay. a lew Takes of snow lell, bat they were not needed to add to the general discoml'-rt. Hot ween nine ami ten thpusami enthusiasts braved the rigors of the weather, but they hy no mean idled all c.aa. With frost -nipped fingers and toes, perfect baseball was au imposMtnliiy.
1'hi. practice of both t-ams was exceedingly ragged, the cold hands of the iutielders relusing to cling to the ball, wnlie the oiUtleideirs missed muuy liy balls that T.ere blown out of reach by the wind. In actual play the form was better. The Nationals started the trouble in the second inning. Captain Chance received an ovation as he stepped to the plate, but failed to hit three good ones.
Thon Steinfeldt sent a scorching single to left. Tinker laid down a perfect bun: and beat it to first, Steinfeldt reaching -second. Evers bunted an easy one down to isbell, who in his haste to inahe a double play, tossed the ball into left Held. Steinfeldt scored, Tinker took third and Ever3 perched on jecond. White allowed Kling to walk, but Keulbaeh sacrificed Tinker home, and Evers scored a moment later on Hoffman's safe drive.
Kling wne out at the plate. The half closed with three runs over the plate and the enthusiasm of the National supporters, -somewhat moderate after Tuesdays defeat, broke loose with a vigor which tool; no thought of sore throats. The next, run for the Nationals came when Chance was sate on a fielder's choice. He stMe second and went to third when Isbell failed to hold Sullivan's bad throw. He scored when Steinfeldt rapped out hin second clean single.
The Americans' lone tally came in the fifth when Dougherty was safe on a fielder' choice. He took second on a wild pitch and scored when TannehlU's grounder went past Tinker, who was confused by the base runner. The White Stockings never even threatened again except when Jones'reachetrEeTond on his own hit and went to third on an out. Donahue flrw to left and Jones was rrrnght yards from the plata by Sheck- aru's perfect throw. hi the sixth singles, a double steal br Tinker and Evers, and Sullivan's wild i throw to third, the ball rolling In to ti crowd, let Tinker arros the plate.
Iu ihe eighth two more tallies resulted from Chance's single, Stelnfeldt's sacrifice, i dance's pretty steal to third and Tink- single. Tinker stole second, went to, third on Evers' out, and came home on a wild pitch. I Stelnfeldt's batting and Reulbach's 1 pitching were easily the features of the game, always excepting the blue fingers and vapory brenth of the players. Th-3 i score. VaTtenals of If luilte.
Hioinfelilt. 3b Tinker, hi? Kvrs. 2b Kline, Hnulbacll, Totals Americana Halm, rf p.acs, of M.rll. 2b Rube, All. R.lUi.
PO. A. K. (i i 2 4 A V- 1 1 0 0 5 2 1 12 (l it 3 1 0 0 3 3 2 0 3 1 4 1 1 4 6 0 2 i 4 0 0 0 2 0 7 10 27 15 1 Alt. R.
Bit. l'O. A. K. 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 5 2 1 2 0 0 A 0 i tinir Jvl two fta! 't ml the I.
is whs myhi 'n tht- ftuul itni'rt la iXlhi PHlfltJ tilt; Oil. If-. ST. THOMAS BEATS ST. PAUL CENTRAL IN OPENER, 45 TO 0 Si.
Thomas cj.i. ned up the football season yestei'day atternoon by ieuting in practice game Central high of St Paul, the scon- of to 0. I'lay was last on both sides trom K. f-tart. out the Saints, ear bie.i by suporo interference, made long gains at lnquent intervals.
Short, kbits, vvtiii-h the Saints worked so well, netted fur tic many yards al crl'ical times. The high school plavi rs gained their downs but once, the St. Thomas line Doing impregnable. Cor St. Thomas, O'Neill at end.
made many long miitis, one time nearly a touoinlown on ihe Ittck-; Sanborn at right end. and Molloy at quarter, did good wotii, as did l'epin at half, arid O'Kotirke and Foley at tackle, i'fina- of halves, and minutR. EAMBIIBS RIJUSE TO PIJVY BEAVERS SUNDAY TIip ciucstlnii of Riiprvnnify hrlwpen tht uv-t anil Hambl. t'HtnR. piayp.j a ti tiuiio at last Sumiuy.
may c- ih- l'ii-i M-anoii. Manner Un- tts. ul' tin JifHVHrs, vlin has aji oien (into for xt in na af n'tting the numhl'-fs ffii Uiitithp for Ihat (iuy, but ilriri'i'1), t'f th. Kan.Mi-ri. gay n' r-st.
an- hu tietlin'-d to met A ringer's h'-rnr-s nxt Hunlay. Thfl Hcuwva thus without a kmiup i'r the cumittK hah-bath, unh ss fimiK! tt-ain Is frnm Hie t-haiinil'iiiB will hase tt) spnd th fiiy in (i-t. the r.f St. Paul will coiti'i t' fa' k- Th- hi Cuuif ntxt. ari'1 fin the tun-lay fcJnwiiisf, amy.
4 ib'i Nas. tonal vf St. I'uul tit I he hyt's Nov. ttte St huI A. A.
wiii t'i the mtractl'-ii. attrl tfie Swuday thf Atianis will uctin he th' cur.I. Nov. Z' is ovn and on Thankf-jiivtnif flny thp Heavers will to Superior fur the final (f the season. PEINCETON RUNS UP EIG N.
tut. U. Although the Merviefi Ck. tain iMeCnrinii-ti, Irliu-et(n ovrw helmed Kehnjh iy hy the hixire. of 7-2 to 0.
poorly tho flint half nnd ftimhlpd freqiintiy, hut tli1 weerjnj half maile a furi'ma attack on vitdtets and orMl Biv i.iih t'fxiney kicked nil the Tlit rs' pain-. made rhi'-fiv by tni runs smafiiseB Iwtw' tn t-iut and taokie. Iltiritfern en rn PIhji. (Spfi'itif to The Tribune. MADISON, Ort.
11. At Camp Uan'-Uill yesterday the 'varsity wa fc'Un an iiiHtrut'- th'n and practii i the new "Ft ney" phiyi Uli; flirwari1 Hatfaeto- aim with tho ourttr-bark the and oih.v ldayn. The cold rather la, malting the men verk harder. lls'rd for ANNAPOLIS, Oct, II. The naval acad emy 1' 'ithall toaia rihty i- ilo-fs-rif-t MarjIiU Agrloulttiial i.
Tho I'noihall wpmt at the navai academy has l. on im ivac-ii hy the arrival -if Ihir Miilnhipnion, two of Yale, -ate ago. who couched the Virginia Snanii4 ltniuiolpli. At rhartotfcBvllIe. Vtt.
t'nrverslty of glnltt, 'm; liandolph Macon, 0. Independent Football The St. Ttiomaa third team has ornaniz for the and Is looking for games Willi teams averaging 10 er pounds. 1 ae Vielois and the cms ars pro-o-Tod. I or tanio Arta'ir W'ehr, lualtaK-a' -l.
C'ui- ies The fast Kvvrot team went down to J. j-at hf-Kro the Smiiay, by K'ie et to i. ihe l('st rs put uj rfoiaapy i ino. but could n--t win Ir-jm tiieir heaver oian- ents. i i The teoond Kveretts will I-lay the second Slioilrlan Sunday nioiiilng at Thirteenth and.Hihley slrei-t.
p. avers of m-o. i 1 Kveretts are reoil'Sled to (tract ire Krioly night at Kighth avenue and I The Ascensions team has organized for and under (ho of Le-. of Ni i-tii High i raoi'-ly coiniii to 'he. f-wnt.
'I'hoy doeire aoe with l'O or pound loops. games addrefi-4 11 irry Kane. T. C. It's easy to bole of Foot-ii biok for the mark on the chu! (e Clove RUNNING RACES Jorkpy Miller impended.
NEW YOJlKi, Oct. 11 Dr. Gardner, the 7 to favorite, won the. hendicap, six fur-Ioiiks. by three lengths, al llelmimt park yesterday.
Ans. at J-i to 1, won the Huiriiane i-takes, by one and a half leiiKths. 'ihe ft. w-aids have suap- Jerk'-' V. lii'-r Miller tor on" week for n.uh rlditoT.
It-sult; hix furloris- t'rlnoe Hamburg, 9 to 2, won; Husk, hi t. ivi, 1 to i. S.iona laoo. ti-e ngs -'Plies. 7 to a).
Willi; Jennie Well, t', 1, seeond; oa. it to '-bird. Timi, I raoe, the Hiiii'i' a-oi nak-nv soiiniK A irs. L'u to 1. won; 'iieniium, 3 to 1.
second; Y'a'iuero, 5 to 2, ih.rd. Tune, 1:01 4-iV l-'ourth raoe, one milt Far YVoit. 9 to pi, won; Hot Toddy, 4 to 1, sooond; Montgomery, Hi to 1, third. Time, 1:3 2-5. Klfth rice, the liroiix tiuniilctip.
nix furlongs lr. (iardnor. 7 to won; llahabolle, i to 1, second; lien Han, 20 to 1, third. Time, 1:13. Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth, selling rtolemero.
4 to wun; Hell of Jcsjiaintiie, 6 to socond; vmatas, to 1, third. Time, jiniiw at l.iiolsvllle. I.OflSVIt.r.K. ft. II.
The weather v- iy cold and snow foil In tUful kayts during the r.e-u.g at 4'h-archlli 1v.vvna. l'r. Kei'h, si ehoiee, won Ihe feature the lianilMop. Airtiliiti, Amlitor and 'Phdon were the Tm-k mew: i iaoe. ur fai ngs Air Ship, ov won; lioimonhci'M.
to 1. second; 1 tea; I Love, 4 lo t. third. Time. l-fi.
ml riilte to wnn; In-- soi-otor Uirl. t- 1. second; Oratorical, in to 1, Time, 1 Third ne mile and a ixteenth-linvoy, 3 to 1. won: Meiivain, ii to 2. seoond; I'rinoess Onm, even, tliii-d.
Time, 1:47 raoe, fitoi'plocanse. full cnurse Dr. 3 lo 1, won: John I'lilon, to 1, Holiday. 10 lo 1. third.
Tim. 3 tilth raoe six furlongs-Hitter Kiss, 3 lo 1, won; lte.1 (JaiictU-t, even, seooml; tlrace ti n. (o 1, third. Time. 1:14 1-5.
Sixth raoe. and sixteenth CPilden Mineral. to wo; postman, a to 1, aeeondj 12 to 1. third. Time, 1:45.
73 Be. eer ii tor our I I rm esptcially ductors, demnnd that fvery. drink be absolutely clean. I'abst nnd wholesome. The brewery is cleanest kitchen.
In the long process Pabst Prst jifiir from and Hai ai.) tt 'til tfiui h.Ji MKit of jIjum iiilt) thy in-. I i FOSTER AROUSED OVER SATUR DAY'S CLOSE CALL. Quarterback Position Weak Spot, and Coach Searching for New Man. COTTOX AM) JOHNSON l'BCTKn TO UKT IU lv 1 Till! ti SVec in i to Tin. 7'.
l.IC((LX, Oct. H. aroused by the. 1 by which' Nebraska the liHiuls of South Dako'a Coach Foster, Manager F.a biipportei'3 of the ccrrilr gag In a frantic search with 'Ii In reiri' -Tli roughly margin feat at Sa' urday, a. id the are en- nihterial ii-, which, before the season bewail, pnui-isc-l gulte lusiy, Inn wliidi fill miser- ably bel'tire aggregat i ni v- as I ccnsldep-d almost a joke b'-fnre ihe two teams actually faced each other on ihe field.
As a matter of fact, the ore day's game, when the enrnhusk aged to crawl out wilh a 1 1 in Saturn's man- i victory, strengtti does no'. Indicate the relative of the tow teams, for the threw away time after tim coriihuskers opportuni ties lo score on the lit-l'y through poor I and more because of ridiculous work with itm slst-nals, in catching punts, and in varying the atta-k. Foster's loudest crv is for a qtiar Cooke, who slatted out the season at -ml. was placed behind center last week be-tuuse lie was too light for the posiliif he had been holding down, and because his quickness and agility were counted or. to make him a valuable man on quar terback runs.
McDonald, wh v. had been after the job ai quarter. as'i stvnk on Cooke's end Iiecause he was the only man available for the pluee. In Saturday's contest McDonald surprised ever) body by playing a remarkable game in his new position. In addition to winning the battle, with a pretty drop kick from the 35-vard line, he more than once avfd his team from suffonns long losses by breaking up the Dakotans' fonna-rions hpforf rhnv fnirlv piu stHrlpd.
Cnnkn. got however, was mare or less a disappoint- menu being pretty badly rattbd during the greater part of the contest. Mike Deitslow. right end. v.
ho wus ft. sponsible for most of the fumbling dote) by Nebraska in Saturday's will have to fight hard, to retail- his job. The tackle positions are also giving the coach considerable trouble, and several changes may be made in the line before the week is out. Boih problems may be solved in an unexpected way. Kdgar Cotton, a vet-' eran at tackle, who helped defeat Min-i nesota four years ago, and "Bill" John-; son, ihe colored end, who has played at intervals since are both in school and will doubtless get into the game be- tore the weeTi ils over.
YALE ELEVEN HELD TO TWO TOUCHTOWIdS BY MIKOR TEAM NKW IIAVKX. Oet. 11. -The Spring-i I'elU Training Ki hool eleven found Yai in a orljipled condition e---idav and hold tier dewn to 12 oints. Although th- vinnrs did not more, they gave 4'apiam Morse's learn the biggodt scare they have felt when, after the lam touchdown, "Buck" S'tti-j art, who wdk playing full hack, siartfd to run back a kh and fumb.ed thu lull tr, Phillips or Springlitld ut the Yale 2u-yard ino.
Springfield failed to gain on throe down nnd ilonhart xaava a fle goal, whleh went Ixirt. I'aptaln Morse both of Yale's touohilowin. making the flnst five mlnuto after the first and the second five after the second half began. Knox kicked both gimla. Vale did net prefent her actual streiirth.
Koane, full haek, and H.kIow. ta'-kle. kei.t on the aide linos on ai count uf nilnur injuries. The game maa- s- nsa-: tlonul fonttirc-H. and twiee new ruloa wero i-ronnht into play and penalties iur k-ukIi work.
Four subs worr laod 1-y Yals and a like number by the visitors. NORTH DAKOTA HAS FIVE BIG GAMES TOR SEASON (Special to Tho Tribune.) GRAND FORKS, N. Oct, 11. Five hard games have been scheduled for the i University of North Dakota football' leven. The first will be played at Mad- ison, Oct.
20. against the University of I Wisconsin. The second will be played 1 at Fargo, Oct. 27. against the North Da- kola Agricultural college, and the third will be played at Biltinroi, Nov.
against tho Snuih Agricultural The North Dakota Agrlcul! tirr.l college will come here for a second game on Nov 17, and the team from I.aCrosse will be here for a game on Nov. 10. These games, with the several wi'h minor teams', ill make the season a busy one. IRANKLIN AND MARSHALL SCORES AGAINST PENNSY IKlirrUil to The Tribunr.) Oot. 11.
Pennsyl vania yeMerilay hurled Krnnklln and Marshal! under a 47 to 4 and it Is thoeo flints medo by l.enlz on an end ran ef S't ard after the kleko.T in tho second half, that hurts every toiiowor if tho lilue, eleven. Quakers far out-clarod the I.nnci'-t--r call vjlaafc ill eve- tning. BATES SURPRISES HARVARD IN SPECTACULAR GAME Hot. P. Harvard lie-f'-ated Panes, l'7 to ti.
yesterday on Soldiers' Field, in otio of the most Hpeetaeutur satin's or the year. (tales had a team nnd played wilh a dah tiiat during the first few esrrled tlie Harvard team off its feet, and In three, plays, one of which was a iuartorbaia kick, the hall ws carried over for tlie so, re uRatiist the Crimson. If was the second of the vrar in sic-cesslon that Hates has footed against Harvard. Ai'ier tlie laces louche-own Harvard elth'jueh tie- ploy in the baekiiel.l was ranged. Harvard soarej throe;'lid'ivvns in tl: ean People, and Ihing Ihey rat Beer is alwavs as clean as the of brewing, 0 Mi a by I off.
Bt v.t ki hi I i.n I in in v. i I I' 6 I I 1 1 and cleau 2 2 5 3 4 8 6 9 6 8 4 7 12 10 7 it II 12 13 13 2 3 4 8 6 9 6 Si' L. fly ear. to dn lull tans arc wondering whether ))ai is to play here again next II. was vunierel Ihat.
Cincinnati was il't that player, bin as yel ihe Jlin- in apolis cl'ib lia-i received no notice of auj surh draft. Siiouhl I'avis be drafted tin- chili 'Miiild in a bad way for a center fielder, as such men as Iiavis are not mi MX-ilai-, He jvas the best all-ruuait this year, best inter bull flayer in the Association aa worked all the for the sts of the Minneapolis club. Il is to be liuped that another scaler Sulllvau hair been ably go to lioaiou, fi Ider not. like can remain here EOb.l and wiil jirob-iillhough ihe right the of going up Suliy has plenty of to the Uaude again, opportutiil to pursue bis medical studies during the now, but Boston, baseball -vould laka i tiii'e tiue ho would not he went to so much of in many will be se- morn lis at sahool. ins loss verily o.
8 to gnat out field--r, who has no superior in the league. Hart will ramain another yi ar. so the lieils are sure of least one good iiei ier. In spite of the bad weather Chicago is bast-ball crazy -and is becoming more delirious every day. On Sal urday tho erase will reach its height and If a Sunday game is played all attendance records will be broken.
Two cood football games are scheduled for thjs weel(, the Cent i.l-St. Cloud a. i.ia.,.- North Hlgli-Noihlield contest al North High field on Saturday. Bub of these games will be inieresang as they will give football enthusiasts the first chance io si.e up the two local elevens. On Saturday the Wisconsin football eleven plays its first game of the yc-ar with Lawrence university as lis opponent.
In years past Lawrence was considered nothing but a practice game, but this fall the Hadgcrs are afraid of the outcome. Faculty tinkering has killed football at Madison and it is hardly possible for the team to make anything like a creditable showing. The Minnesota faculty, too, has fchi.wn i-igna-OfLLrylng to kill the game. but has refrained crustie action. thus far from any Eddie Siever, the former Minneapolis wirier, had a Utile trouble with Cobb, another Detroit player, ihe other day, and was quite severely Injured.
Cobb knocked Siever down and then kicked him in the face. The pitcher will come along ail right, however, and will probably pitch as good ball as ever next year. Joe Gans lms an offer to fight. Britt, but is willing to take on Nelson before meeting the native son. Nelson and Nolan ure at ill doing a whole lot oi' yelling about the last battle, but no one ras seen them come to ihe front for another battle with the colored boy.
In 31 seasons Chicago lias won seven National league pennants. Boston won eight flags In the old league, while New York captured four. Brooklyn, Pittsburg nnd Philadelphia won three each, while Providence won two and Detroit one. Here's a team of hitters from the merlcan association that would make a few of the pitchers go some; Hallmau, Louisville, left fielder, Davis, Minueapoliu, right held, Ph-k-4-ring, Columbus, center Held, Kenna, Leulnville, pitehVr, MTi; Indianapolis, first base, Perrine, Kansas City, short, Phyle, second base, Kansas City, Woodruff, Louisville, third, Pierce, St. Paul, catcher, .311.
This one chosen from the country at large could also cut a few capers dTuiiiofitri on the Chance, Chicago Nationals, first base; I.ajole, Cleveland, second base; Wagner, Pittsburg, shortstop; Devlin, New York, Nationals, third hase; Stone, St. Louis Americans, left li-ld; Seymour. New York Nationals, cen'er field; lOt-H-r, York Americans, rlglii field; New York Nationals; Klit-g, Cillojtgo catchers: Mat hewson. New York Na- Jonals; Drown. Chicago Nationals; Wad- dell.
Philadi Ipiila Americans; ain, Chicago Americans; Young, Boston Na-j tlonals, pitchers. i The baseball season In the big leagues i was a peculiar one. Both Chicago teams I oT-ded In first plat both New York teams In second, both Philadelphia teams in! fourth place and both Huston teams are; In last place. St. Louis broke the hot.
ever, as the Americans finished iu fifth, while the Nationals ended in sev-flit place. CHAMPIONSDEFEATED The Misses MacKay. Bishop and; Osgood Lose in World's Championship. dav -a clam lo mi Co. if Km- li-! Pi a vii" ail niaieli ll.
tile 1 ,1 of l'l. Ha l. riot. it was a throe women Ki't at Hie lime l-iiililiio Mae-: Mlri- (leme'jiniia i in naliu ol. end eay.tein champion, soeoli'l r-iulld of fo lio I o'lehnl Vesler.liiv.
I lief lie- I HSgOol. ill thill i ld'. li. VP ilhoio.l WH' -h fi tlu anooe and will llosom. le Of liei-t l-hlhidoi-' ry P.ion.
low. oil, N. .1.. Pi- Id' It-. li l-la e.
Pliil. oeipll ll. Mo CurOM. I i 1 Alei-vian, MaeWnv. rloh, "oiialry cliih, up Hall i i ii.ho- dofoat- I 2' i lllvi'l.
Hurley. I'hiUdel- a'l liiv.r. Jl I'eae ol I -I M. play. NEW ACE THACK TO COST QUARTER Of A MILLION nt .1.
4v a Com id- i mi I'm -o 0 al a i aeli.n olnnl op. lOiio. I si Ollil'ler bur I.e. oil, 'Ihe mok will he leeei-hag lo Mr. Winn, 4IIOIOite ll-Mlll le rv loe Tlille-.
'sblirg, i wiii from P-'Ubioe bo a th. Thfl plum, v. Ill bs oomiiiett lu ums fur uouiur. mrtitlng nsst 1 a. 5 i I'tXtWi 1 kti f1 il-FraitlElrce: i i i 1 II i i I I i I I I i i 1 i i i i POTTS AND ENGLISH Clever Boxers Will Meet Tonight for Welterweight Honors at Davenport.
rnVKNTOKT. II. I'-iclit fans of Minni-apeUs, atol Chioiia am V-tria- to O-alrontiaU- to williOM tin- to plllli-1 off I. might, bofi.l.j l.WiO liionilrtTs of tho Tri-i'Hy Atliiotto club, at tho Tinner era 'is-- Tho pi lro'li-iii evotit brillgf -MridnV 1'iiMH and Clarence KiiKtlh of fJmaiia, in tfo for welter-weight bour. (ioth ami hlfty iifhtfif.
itu have b-" to th- minute. Jimmy 1'otts tin are fafct trainr-'l uial Kiih-h to be olafiMo.t are anxious prove their riht chain pinnshi tinder, ttiat a fiim 1 round miil looked for. hlllv Kitiuejine and I'm kv M' lrarland. for Vi round at vut It tu i-quad a W-'i, for Mi KuMand lias hIi'iad in eev-ml tlhift Hint lv- fs a comer, and A hard argument for tht? ihrw. Johnny Coulon and liiilith r.rant, two little fo.lo-H v.
ho arf ittovira; up in the atiT'r igiit eiatj, 111 meet in tip pit inni nary. DAVENPORT CLUE SAYS SALARIES MUST BE CUT fHIi'AiiO, (tit. II. At a uaotinpr hop ef tho Thfny-ono. llaBohall 'i-aKUu, T-a- Villp'-lt li-ivo Hint Ulllo-H tho ef plavois woro ro.iii'-t-il.
ttiat l'-am eu: 1 with-lraw from tho league. After onn-i-a r-uhlo tli wie; aa-'t tot. ca ling for a rn1jetlon from to per c-nt in tho hikiiortt s.ttiiri- flilrite; H'UMl. 'I ho I HV OU IWl -i lll'l- until No.
1 to do hie if tin ia mi isfart'n to thorn. Ir uven( i ihoiinoH tho 'iiiilicin. iK'iiif or thu low in Pma will li otr'orod the RAILROADS HEARS RATE TROUBLE Pailway Board Listens to Shippers' Association Complaints of Tariff Discrepancies. James Mauahan accused the state rail-toad and warehouse commission at thu commodity rate hearing yesterday of not using all its eorts to bring James J. Hill as a witness Into the hearing.
This accusal ln was made Just before the meeting adjourned Indefinitely. Mr. Manahan asserted that the commission I ad been in couniiuuieat ion with Mr. Hill and, Instead of demanding his presence, simply asked Mr. Hill "if he would not kindly consent to appear at the Heating?" It was slated by Mr.
Manahan that Mr. Hill replied, through the other nftleers of the Great Northern, that lie was too busy, The ass. rts that, owlnx to the absence from the s'ate of Mr. Hill, was impossible lo faifipoena him. The bearing yesterday consisted of the statement by Mankato shippers io the effect that that city was being discrim-i-at'-d against in the matter of freight I ates.
C. N. Andrews of that place asserted that rates south of Mankato on lumber and north of the Twin Cities on this commodity ware much lower than the rates between the Twin Cities and Mankato. He claimed that the shippers of Mankato pay three times as much freight rates nil lumber shipped from the Twin Cities as was paid on lu. Tiber fulpp'-dj l.orth from the Twia Cities to Duluth, for insiaooe.
A. N. of the Madiiain Mi rcan- i tile company of Mankato. claimed that the rate on sugar was 4 cents per him- pounds more to Mankato than it to tlie Twin CHica when shipped from Philadelphia or other Kaslcru points. Canned goods cost 0 rents per hundred pounds more to Ma ikato than to the Twin Cities, which is 29 cents per hun- i tired.
F. M. Currier, another Mankato merchant, asserted that Mankato shippers, when shipping wheat to the hi-ad the lake raid four times as mtnh per ton per mile as the shippers from the Twin that ibey pay twite as much on shipments of coal. Th" commission did inn. make any decision, r( tainlng all tite statements to discus later when tile attorney neral will be able to appear with the board.
This was. given as the reason for the adjournment Indefinitely. Pome of the officials of the Omaha road left last nlglu for a tour of inspection of the Nebraska division which was badly dan by washouts, and the traffic over that division has Just been resum- 'W aT-m 1 Ci Every onl wrapper of the genuine Dr. Deli's Pln- Tar-lloney Is prir.lcd the above design It Is both Irade-miit'K and gnarante -a war rant that tho medicine contained In the, hot-llfl will cure coughs, colds and all lung, throat and chest, troubles morn qulcUly aca fiueciuislly thua uny other remedy. 0i8- BqIVb F.
ild br all druggists. Mr. and 51 00 per bottle. Manufactured by THE E. E.
RUTHERLANQ MEDICINE CO. PAOTJCAH. KENTTJCKT. i- i ii 19 an no.voiuic CuarantfC of perfect beer, II tor saie evrrywinii. Thro.
Mamm Zrttiing Co. St. Fsvil, Mlnneiots ill ti, I Allie Jay. b. m.
iKinnoyi l. Kinney) g. i Huwciitvlier, b. TetHia, b. m.
(TMeri 6 (Tiler) (Murphy) in. (Kae) Rose.ip, b. g. (Munihy) 8 Helle tpl, br. in.
tliaoi 4 Imperial Allerton. t). h. it-now) Dr. rtiaje, ch.
g. i.N'uckulBi ulcus, b. h. Kopelna, b. h.
I.hltliisan) Admiral Schley iS. h.iir-r) Kuaentia, b. m. t'el. hr.
Ii. 10 II dls il it: Hm-ai-o. w. W'ilina, ch h. (Lie llyder) ills Time.
:12. 1-M paoo. purse Sl.mi'i. 3 in 5: Elolso, h. ni.
hy Ahihiiiton, (Cole man ma! Walli-l'l Knol g. iSti.mi 3 fi'onrey. b. h. carin-n MoHenry) 1 Jiinmle hr.
g. (Mul'horsuni 4 Quoin (Hnpkins) 2 Jinny Wren, ru. m. 5 Time, 2:12, 1 2:13. pace, purse ji.ih.iii.
3 in Fhalla. by Allie Wood (Oa comb) riHiihne Ulrect. hlk in (Walker) Atritree, (Valentine) Heiitell. br (JutioMi Kivii blk (Miu-iliy) Tho Donna, ch dn. iiyil r) Fiv-i t'oinis.
'i itf'-aii) Tiriio, 2:14 tn-t, carlo Si.iiini i3 in 5i; Tata, m. by MaeAnm 6... 3 4 4 dls dis iMoltocnhl) Holly Hank, iTltiorl.2 .1. l.r chavlio T. Ink tCuiryl.l I.ui rotia, br (Ttiornp- sonl ...7 Unbiri ch liale.
ti Hoekinsl 3 l.urahie Knse, (llol.lci inioiiiH 11, in 5 511 1 3 15 3 3 5 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 2 4 dls 2 2 6 5 ru 6 7 3 3 ro 6 7 ro 9 li 6 ro 7 8 7 dls Ing its former volume. Among those in tin- party were S. (J. Stricklund, general bttperiutetident, and J. T.
Clark, second vice-president. So successful has block system that some time ago by been the automatic van installed here tho (Ireat Western road that the directors Bro contemplat ing putting the blocking along th lin bi twecn (iak-na and Winston, 111. The system, which was put In here, wa tiled a an experiment and after gome Impatient delays it has at last proved itself a success. What will be received with tturprise by the local railroad men is th nc of tlm resignation of R. J.
tfmlth, gonera-l agent of the tJreat Northern at Winni peg. Mr. Smith has been connected with the road for over- 14 years and wag one of the most reliable men In the Northern division. lie will enter business with K. I.
Whitney, rormerly general passenger agent of the Great Northern, with the North Development. His sue ceseor liaB not yet been announced. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 10. Th Cnion 1'aciflc railroad directors met lo this city vesterday in their annual meet ing and re-elected the old board of di rectors without a change.
Fully 2.Z01.5S8 shares of stock were represented at the meeting. Tlie stockholders of tho Union I'ai ilic Land company also met and re elected the old board of directors. I Uan Cure Cancer At Home Without Pain, Plaster or Operation and I Tell You How, Free. I Have Frovea Cancer Can Be Cnred at I Homo. Mo fain.
So l-toller, Mol Knife Dr. Wolis. 1 dihC fa-lloij etlle lean" i ore'! a new nod li- -r the noadiy cani or. I hvi a.ooaish.nii cui-s. 1 l-eie-v with oat" ohoul I know of th medio.
ne ui.d IU n'l'Ttnl ctlri p-'t mai and vviil be 1 I fiee to al) wiio write i fall tniorma. me and u-il me abou tro ir cam. I-. (er Koaiiti. (ialesli'iig, had cance of the mouth and lht't.
I'-z-tvirs sold, 'T. hone." Mr. Kniesn wrote: "It is omy a qu- tioii of a ftioit tune-1 must die loetay hi caaoer Is healed up and he is well. My mat melons radiaiuod ilohl vl 't has Jut sin cures to Its It Is saving t' eviy and fesio.iti them to and strongtii, you liavn iu(ner or an lump or nolo that you 1-, ll-vi- Is canoe; writ- loday and learn how bav fui'-l ouiokly aitil and at very su.a: exie roe i ma do not tu.ut.iti: to wrlta and led ab -c 1 wall y.aii Ii '-'--r r.aioitly, uivifi Mt.v.aiiteiv fiee in, I inforrnaltoti ao of in inv remarhahi" cres. Addres Hr.
Ilm.ert Wo. Is. hlidol St. Uu Ee Sure' to Get What You Ask For, rHERE Is a Reason Vhy the Cood People of Amer ica buy Cascarets as Fast as th- Clock Every fconrl somo one, somewhere, I Ten-Cent Box of Cassarel: 1,2. 3, 4, 5, 6-6D times to ths Minute 60 Minutfs to the Hour, 3600 Boxes an Hour, 36.000 Boxes a Day cf Ten Hour; 1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then soni' Think of it People take a Ca: caret tablet each day.
Millions use Ca Caret3 when necessary. The Judgment of Millions of Brigr Americans is Infallible. They have bee Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rat for over Six Over Five MiU'orci of Dollars have bee Spent to make the trerjjjj of Cascare known, and every cent cf it would be los did not sound merit claim and hold ti constant, continued friendship, Patronafj and Endorsement of well-pleased people ye; alter year. There Is also a Reason Whv there ate Parasites who atta- themselves to the Healthy Body of Casct et's success Imitators, Counterfeiters, Su Stitulors. They are Trado Thieves who vould Cascarets of the "Cood Will" of thepeopj and sneak unearned profits, earned a paid for by Cascaret3.
A Dishonest Purpose means a Di3honi Product and a Disregard of the Purchase Health or Welfare. Beware of the Slick Salesman and ancient "Just as Cood" story that comm sense refutes. Cascarets are made only by thr Ster! Remedy Comjany, and put up in metal bl with the "long-tailed on the cov They are never sold In bulk. Every tablet marked tjti sure vou pet the genuine. J.
P-tv iitdi Flip the viuor of Hfo nh t-iko nv en One ho will tc a fit or riar-loua rtNUlIf. TIiIh wclu liw has tiiui'i Jiivoh' vi(ii zing tlinn hits evci" ftjiv b-t'U Sfnfi pOHtpatd null'' ou Cflpt of this advt. and $1.00. Mhi! by it lUiKinatoi'H, I. Hood I ijil' tuiu Hood's ttamaparillti, Lowll, Ma, yJ', fer is- 3 0 1 tl 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 7 2 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 i i 2 0 0 4 0 L'7 1 2 Pi 3 i Ounohm', lb lii.UKliorty.
I'ipohill, White, I'owno, Hv If White in Sr-1. Aim 0 1 0 0" 1 All 3 1 1 0 2 07 hits i-IT White, 4 In 3 hit ir.ntaKP: not iwoa, fi in tj innlnr saoraie-: hits, lo ulharll tiaio-a. '-haiioo, tt-'aifol'lt. Shook. ii ii Kt.ih-n Tnikir.
livers; iloul-lfi v-lays. shwkHr-a aial; Lvers atul hallo--; cut 1-y hltc. hy Owen. hy Koui-oach. l-aso on l-nlln, off Whim, off Owotia, oft Iteu.lKo-h, wild pitohos, Keiilhaoh, Owen; hit wnh hall.
ho: lime, unipm-, O'lxiiiKhuli unci xjossip oFthe game Mr It. II .41 If not really d-d ir.ously -ed over it is now. attemianc" ni lie uantet do' no' 'Hie i oino niii uji to vpei ia'e-m atto" eT ihe i nieiy coal wiatpi-r. but tinslii' --s down town is Sonn-Misp- aiU while Ihn crowds watch 'he bull-tin boards and bails hoiibrg thouands of people arc throut'ed i'V n' husiastn- fans, v. ho atch every tnovcni' nt of the manikin reproduction of the ureal yainc.
Im-idf-i, tally, ri f-rr-itg to the second game ol the serfs, il inirlu be obn-rved that the ubs showed the So what real l-BsehaU Is. and tin betiing. which was Mightly in favor of tlie Sox yesterday moisiiig, row sr. m. i lie oilier way, and the central oplieon ilia- Cubs will wear tie- prizes of diamond ruff but- tons afi hae ti i ii vvliei iiille, I ih at ion nil.
ill II ii ihe ball ing diamond, and human tua- in lii ti a mi a i -TP el ii p. r. cub- npl li-en i t'n ul lev lie i do Tl" al-nif I V. hit- arced to ol It 1 bed' ale er; their In ap-e Cnb-i in to ba t'n -t, they fen one. o.
v. Il a Vv till ilelise olil.l Acre iii'e vv pi eojailoh. i I and, although hfoe ati' join 1 til that Hiey IK I S. The til -I llll'ei up and it 'Ails pi'. -di'-ed In ii Whi'.
day at a him in tin: end hi- ball i bat Pil cln-r d. Tin got aad sbovv an ability hit Hi'- I they willed, Ii was I ill nut or -y tor I In btlie. l'l "I i --a unc'it not hav In en -o om if ''ill's liiii! piaved an imrage game, lott lien ga--e v.ns p-'-I cot ion --it Won, ii in Soto -rt i a looig and n.a.;.-k io i ia i-ui ing if! what i i1 io I- j. run. -he deoi.Pd thai could leal ih-tl bui-i id
iiall. and many of thi'tn it. tin- grounds to warm up at the ninv oaloot that in'esi ihe i- nter i-ide. ol baseball down on tin- Snilli Ther- ttiOW. I' iO- ,11 Sllfl '0 a 1 1 of id tl" lb ha i on liitn-i If 'I uesdav and man an for' il L'llt of no oi, iii 1 lie led v- jtii a the o'll I oare od bo" 1 Tin h'-illg i I 'li a- i i a In it 1 ai ind Tlu I 'be elsewhere "to e.her aublect her and for pn.
llbjeolf What would Uk: If they saw huadicdn of tso- ala4 to a ix-Mball tun lo.pad dor .1 l'l 1 4'roous. ii ((Jorilonl dr '1'linn, 2:12, 2:13, trot. (3 In it) 2:11, 2:1314, Turley, br g. by hrenoh l'lntn (t ieers .3 Ti-ia-r. iCiitvi (no.
hlk I. ao. hr oliuhhi M.iiihlioot. blk i MHIoirn io ii N'-rio. ni i Uutherfoi li Tho Time ::1.
too l.oia;l,.i'. oa: -old fe tnittelf, 1-rudlcal -a- e. H'hihlM K-muoky Trai bik KllMl.Ulli. (N.iIhui All-men, I- ilh-ioeO Tune. 2:1,,, 2: PLAY BEGINS IN GOLF TOURNEY ON CHICAGO LINKS I'litc una ii.uiu i ei May In iv eoond an-! lishlfi of ttio Wei-lori- 1 -rod nlonal boeaa Ht Ho 'ouiiiiy cmb.
Then wile niioi-s oi tho openine. loiind. Ibnuiti: II. Way, Ch vehoiii, "h'o. I Auaaie, Hiueeal--.
and 1 Vl.MSl "11, aiod )i. While, Ituvif- d-t-H ul d-tr id. i 'anion. da defeated 1. 2i-l; a.
11 WlllSOll. I'ellled I .1. Mel IP Niivh.r. A-ibii W. la 10 iel'M.
Hi I In i i i.roi.j, i -tea: uon, k. I. llOlli li lh. I T.iv Ill-IH. w.
7 and a -id 1: lle, 1 li vv t-, M- i. Itaxt-r. I ''on: i it liiv, -Mehuihiaii d. I no-1 una Iv ill. 1.
1. lell to Vleel Ml-(oioers. io; h-a a lo! i i op ni sm4I IImiI.kiii Itiieers Siihl. -i VI I.I.!'.. i n.
i 1 1 a io. ul-l a i -I' rdav The it pi to V. o. to Arthur. leuu I til l.l I I ina Itien lit l.oillsv llle.
Ky dot. well 11. Te.iaiiv knovvn he ktnall' turtaiiiii. da I today. Chicatio to the City of Mexico Without Change of Cars.
i in Nov pi. the Wabash hi ointieoiiou will lion T. I. t- lllal lo- NaMonal l.ilie.a of Mexico will M. xioan opo-ial fooai chi.jgo on- ciiv uf Mexico.
I'; 'ii, ry day an I loir, -iUi'. 'i he Me) u-an Hofetar i Hi; ei'va: ina ''ai's (Inly three dny. on fr-r It lustra ted printi ii II information. F. II.
Co road. Writ matter and Triatiam, A. ii. P. A-, 7 Adttms I I i 1 BlueRibbon.
never comes in contnet anylliiug unclean. The tubes through wl.Uli it is run, from the lime the malt ouiil the beer is bottled or kegged, are to prevent any impurity orni.cleHul-incss. II fertnentedinopeuvats, as i usual iu breweries, but in special I'abst her-inelically scnle.i tanks, into which no air except pine, tillered air ever enters. It is stored iti hermetically sealed, glass-lined storage tanks until science nnd the test of time pronounce it vet feet brer in nge, purity and strength, the beer for the home. When Ordering Beer Call for Pabst Blue Ribbon Pabst Brewing Co.
Corner lGth Ave. South aud 7th Hlireet. Phoni) M. W. Vtain 424.
Twin City 4S4. tile -tit 4f I jg.
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