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Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News du lieu suivant : Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
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HIE EVENING NEWS. WTLKE5-BAKKE, rA SATURDAY, AFKDL 23V 1S22 'MYPLEY SCORES EASY BECOiiIE BRIDE PLYMOUTH JAMES JENKINS, Representative 16 West Main Street BeilThone, 221-W WEST SIDE DEFT. 7 H- 4, iv' Office 833 Market Kingston Bell Phone 8179. Residence 8524 CATtIP GROUND DESTROYED The First National Bank gretted, coming at a promising time of life. She li the daughter of Mr.

and Mrsa Thomas 4'ostello. The school board will meet In regular session Monday night at 7 SO in the high school. Difficult Time In Saving Their Eight Children-No Insurance On Home Awakened this morning to find his home In flames Charles A. Lahr, who conducts a farm at the Wyom ing Valley Camp Ground, and; who for years was a former local resiT dent, scarcely succeeded in saving the lives of his eight 'children be fore the house was reduced to ashes. The fire broke out about lour o'clock.

Nq cause can be assigned unless an overheated stove caused the blaze. The loss Is $1,600 and Lahr carried no Insurance. The house was a two story frame building and the fire was discovered ln the rear, near the kitchen. Mra Lahr was the first to be awakened by the smoke and at once gave the alarm. The house was located on the road leading to the Mt.

Lookout colliery. Mr. Lahr formerly resided on Johns street, North Wllkes-Barre, but for the past four years has been farming at the camp ground. He was wel known as a baseball player a few years ago. jllBLE SOCIETY ever he.

1 Beforn the liattle It was announced that Htley objected to Steve I -also refereelng. a' point wel! takeq for the safrty of the game. Latso holds pot -love for Rlloy, and tha same can be aald 6f Johnyn. It certainly was a foolish thought of the uromoters. Latso voluntarily retired from tha ring; Tho announcer mode it known" that RUey objected, and what a bedlam It was for the fans cat-called and yelled but Riley only grinned some more.

Other Beuts Good. 4 Honeyboy Evans, of Coaldale, defeated A I Fisher In a fast eight round bout. Evans handed out severe punishment to the Haxleton. boy but was unable to score a knockout. Kid Manley, of scranton, defeated Al Roche, of Lehlghton, In a six round bout.

Manley was knocked down In the first round but came back strong and had Roach veryi tired at the The surprise of the night was the decisive victory scored by Hobby Walker, of Wllkes-Barre, over K. O. Jesse), the hard hitting Haxleton bov. Jesse) was ln perfect condition, but Walker" proved to be a bearcat and the entlre-(DaHHfotbkhenrESCTHH had Jcssel backing away from him for the" entire four rounds. Tony Regan, of Treskow, do'eatd Plnkey Mitchell, of Hazleton.

Jn the opening four- round 'bout. SCHOLASTIC SCHEDULE Hanover High school broke Its losing strake yesterday' afternoon hy trouncing the Plymouth team. The Score was 7 to 6, and It was a well-played game. Conltz and Halitnkl pitched for Hanover arjd Evans did the backstop work. Halitski's homer won the game.

Hanover will play at Plaips next Wednesday. For the second time this season Wllkes-Barre HlghMost ln the Scho'-tlo feague. They dropped a game to, the Newport township team yesterday by the score of 10 to 5. Three of the local High varsity men were out of the lineup. The hurling of Zlnrn-skl was a revelation, for he held the blue and red safe In every frame.

Bit. Mary's High school broke Into the victory column by winning over White Haven High. The score was 16 to 4. The mountain troupe never had a chance of overhauling the Saints. St Mary's found White Haven's flingers for 21' healthy drives.

Casey's pitching helped Saint Mary's win. The St. Cloud team defaled the Btegmaler team last night on the St. Cloud alleys. The scores: Cloud J.

C.urlsh' 202 193 179 F. Eichorn 182 159 125, J. Grantuskl 160 159 168 Elliott ......172 192 231 C. Zleker .146 192 188 's Totals ....803 894 K91 Stegmaier Atherholt 144 172 Fleig 122 194 128 Powell .......156 185 IBS Gillespie ........178 185 218 M.Smith 173 188 163 ,767 922 810 Y. M.


base ball team Is trying to arrange a game tomorrow with the AUentown yjtf. H. A nine at AUentown. The local malinger announces that local fan.r can loarrt-fur-tber dctfllla jiftt calling-the Y. M.

H. A. It Is believed that a lnrge crowd of the team's folbwers will Journey to ATlentown 1n the event of the acceptance of the challenge. XKW VKATlXd KMCORD Chtosgo; Aprtl 88. Kkatlng wrafrst ttrtie, Rolaitd world's champion, et a stw world" roller skating rroo-rd for th outrter mile when hn mndo the dltanc In 42 2-6 veconls at the Gnand American Roller skating derby being held 1 1 BOWLING SWOYERVILLE In Hccordunre with lie wish of the Depui tment of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania, (he Swoyers-vlll Hchools, under the direction of Ml hb Virginia ('.

Toole, supervisor of miiHlc will observ" musle week from May 1st to 7th. The following schools will participate: The Swoy-ervllle high school, Malthy school, Uroddrirka school. Rlioemuker school. The pupils from tlie school o.i Trippe atreet, also the pupils from Town Hall. There -will be a program In the high school every duy next week.

On Monday nftemoon, tlie pupilH of P. J. Hayden's class will render Ian elaborate program in th" high achool, which will consist of vocal, Instrumental solos, also chorus work. All the pupils of Miss Ous-I sle BrcniiH i and MIbh Anna Sapp I will render appropriate programs in ine nign scnooi, nionuny aiier- 110011. Tuesday afternoon In the school the pupils of Miss Anna Hayden, Miss Kllcen Mrennan and Miss Florence Walsh wjll entertain.

Wednesda afternoon the pupils of Mlas Alice. Reynolds. Miss-Row Lavln and Miss Irene Vlossak will entertain. Thursday afternoon the pupils of Mlas Oomerosky, 1 Mrs. Murphy, Raymond McQraw and MIbs Dor.

othy will also render appropriate programs. Friday afternoon the pupils from the Maltby school will render a very fine program in the high achool. At the Maltby school. Monday, the pupils of Miss Klmbeth Coughlln, principal of the Maltby school and Miss Hara Dunn's class will render a well prepared program, Including vocal, piano and violin numbers, as wll as chorus singing, Tuesday, May 2nd, the pupils of Miss Beatrice Collins. Michael Gal-la will entertain.

Wednesday, May 3rd the pupils of Miss Sara Ta.ft and Mlsa Margaret Condon's class will "entertain. Thursday, May 4 th the pupils of Miss Helen Casey and Miss Pauline Bologa will entertain. Friday the student body of the Maltby achool will participate in a May Bong Festival which will be given in the Maltby school LUZERNE The new district Supt. of the Methdlst Church whs entertained at the home of Rev. W.

Bally evening. Mrs. lleary Johnson, Mrs. Mrs. Baker attended a reception given by Mrs.

T. I). Harlsok, the new minister's wife at Kingston. Mrs. I.

R. Teltsworth's Sunilay school class of the Presbyterian church presented a play at the high school building which was very much appreciated and was welt attended. The erirls should be complimented upon the skill which they displayed while rendering ths play. Miss Ruth Broadmarkle, formally from here now of Plymouth re.iderod a solo. Miss Broadmarkle is a talented singer.

Miss Marlon, Weldner gave a monologue which was very amusing, she rcp-presented a dutch laddie coming- to the city for the first time and attending the play Romeo and Juliet. Miss Thelma Trallc rendered a pianoxsold. Miss Trallc is a talented player and many predict success for her future work. The erirls i-r wiiu ytti uwiftfcira mis Elizabeth Goodman, Hazel M. Hoover.

Mary Titus, Olive McAn-drew, Mildred Scott. Evelyn Miller, Henrietta Williams, Sadie Kresge, Mary Bottoms, Blanch Chester, Thelma Trallc, Josephine Bantu, Myrtle Russell. The first quarterly meeting of the Methodist Church was held last evening and presided over by the new district superintendent Rav. Dr. Bell.

Harry Cotiahan intends to Journey to Washington in behalf of the Idle Six Club of this place. The Idle Six Club is composed of the popular young men of the vicinity. A farewell party will be given Mr. Conahan at the Elks Home on Tuesday evening. Cory Cprby was operated on ln the City Hospital recently.

The cabinet of the Epworth-League was entertained by the President Clayton Austin at his home on Church street on Wednesday evening. Plans were made for the ensuing year. Luncheon was served to the following members of the Cabinet: President Clayton Austin, first vice president John Hender-shot, third vice president ElRie Pretzman, fourth vice president Ida Hopkins, secretary. Francis Carr, treasurer Gerald Porter. GIRL RESERVES tUVK I'LAV Glrl Reserves or the Kranklin street corps presented the pluy, "Mrs.

Murrny'a Dinner Party" in the Y. W. C. A. aiiditoi'um to a large and uppreclutlvr audience lust night.

The play concerned the period of tlie Revolution and unfolded In a pleasing manner the successful efforts of one of the puti-lnt In detaining the officers of the iiiltish army lomr eiioueh ut dinner party for the American forces to win buttle. (Speotal to Tha Evening News) Haxleton, April 29th.Wlldcat Nelson, wh ohangs his hat In Brook lyn, N. who foufglit Stove Latso here a month ago, and gave Steve the fight of his life, came back here last night again, but he did not meet Latso. It was "Johnny" Riley, of Warrior Run, arch foe of Steve Latso, and generally hated by all of Haxle-ton's flstlo followersl Riley met Nelson, this ferocious being from tNew Yawk." and what Johnny didn't do to the so-called wild cat gentleman goes without saying. Riley poked Nelson with everything.

Ha won at least seven of the ten rounds. In two rounds 'he had Nelson punch-drunk and groggy, and in -either of these rounds the battle should have been but the. sensitive referee, Tony Scatton also the promoter-failed to do so. When Riley entered the ling he was greeted only by the famous "rahi-berries," but Johnny only smiled. Streaked across his face seemed to be a mark of determination, for when that battle started, Riley waded In and Mr.

Nelson forced to do a "houdlnl," by holding on. In the seventh round Detective Dan McKelvey ordered Nelson to stand out and fight, or go to the showers, and this for a moment made the Brooklynlte fight, but then, when Riley socked them in hard, he crawled back into his shell, and held when ed with French feathers and -wore a bouquet of sweet peas. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents and Mr. and Mrs. Murray leffcon an extended trip to New York and Philadelphia.

Tlicy will be at home to their friends In Ashley after May 15. Mr. Murray is a prominent young man of Scranton and is connected with the Kolg Baking Co. Closing Clean-Up Week On Monday the members of the board of health will make a tour of the town to Inspect the premises of all residences following the clean-up week order of Burgess Murphy. It is very apparent that the residents have followed the order for many of the homes and properties are tn splc and span condition now.

However, there are some people who have refused to comply with the order, and because of this the Inspection by the healh board members will be made. The State law gives the health obard members the right to cause the arrest of persons who refuse to cleanup their places. Several arrests are expected here. Clean-Up in tha Township Next week will be clean-up week In Hanover township. Tha board I of commissioners will co-operate with the health board ln making this clean up one of the most successful ln years.

As has been the cuBtom of years township wagons will be pro- vlded to haul away the rubbish from all homes and properties in the township. However this does not Include the hauling of ashes away. Tne residents are asked to co-operate. Arranging for Dance The members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Mary's Slovac Church will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon to arrange for the conduct of the annual spring dance which held on May 10th.

At this meeting committees will be named to prepare for the affair. The dance will be held at the Hampton Hall In Wllkes-Barre. The members of 'St Aloyslus Club will also meet to assist ln this program Brief Notes. Musio week, beginning tomorrow. will be generally observed through out the borough and township.

Throughout the week various pro grams have been arranged for In the Bchoois. The, funeral of John Brlen, Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey train master, who died on Thursday, will be held Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the family home on South Main street. A requiem high mass- wil lb celebrated In St Leo's Churc.hat 10 o'clock. Tba -intsmunt will tie In the family, plot ln St. Mary's cemetery.

Hanover. 1 Max Yockelowlta, who has been visiting- his mother on North. Main street, has returned to jus name New York city. The condition of James Hearne or Newtown Is much improved. He Is at the Mercy Hospital, where ha recently underwent an operation.

Newtown High won a gam In the Scholastic League yesterday afternoon, beating Plymouth. Vs 1 OFJ.B.RCSSI Th marriage of Miss IUoll1a Harvey, daughter of Mrs. Harrison Hsrvay. of tails city, and John Bur. neiis nuien, sou at mi j.

I TJ 11 Waal PUtfltfttt. wlU solemnised this evening" at rtoaiemonc. inn, aummw, tome M. Frr, pastor of fha First I AhI mam. rroDivrima wiuim w.

of th immediate family will atieno. Miss Htnrey wui given in mar- 1 A QmLth tlM brother-in-law. The attendants win be Lois Bnvith, daugthter of Col. and Mrs. Smith and Patricia Torrey, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Douglas j. I.1b, Tfa.rv.l4iui Harvey B-mltth, aa'pfcre; Nanoy arson tnu vo-nra- bearera. Miss Harvey wiu wer ui dW gown of her mother, a beautiful creation of white ivory sat ir. tPimmea wan 7 and a veil of tulle.

The floWr girls will be gowned In apricot and orchid organdie wihlle the page and ribbon bearers will wear white. The Inn Has seen preimy reor; being the color scheme, i ems, 111- used to advantage. A reception will follow ir.s ceremony. Miss Harvey Is a member of on; ftf tha oldest and most promwient 4k. u.iiau an a radiu.te of Wllkes-Barre Institute.

Mr. IS a granuai- mlng Seminary and is enitaged In the roker-sre business with offices In the Becontt jauona-i dm u.u- BELL JPHONE FIRST AID niP the ScrSntOtl district of the Bell Telephone Com pany of Pennsylvania was reureaB.n-ed at the safety and first aid contests conducted last evening ln Irem Temple. Haaleton team ino. a won m. contest, receiving a percentage of 98.8.

Tho team was made up of the following members: J. C. Mc-Brory, captain; F. Jf Brennan, O. N.

Dietrich. C. 6. Gardner and R. g.

Miller. The prize conBiamu -u $100 In gold, which was presented to the team by H. C. Kunkle, superintendent of plant. The judges in the contest were Dr.

W. T. Davis, Dr. H. B.

Gibby, Dr, Fl J. Bishop, Dr. C. L. Shafer, Dr.

B. A. Well and Dr. A. W.

Grov-r. The Theodore N. Vail medal was awarded to Leo F. Mooney, central offloe man. Plttston, and Floyd R.

Brock, convbinatlon man, Hones-dale. Training- of the teams who took part in the contest was ui.aer the direction of Eugene Driscoll, district safety first instructor. FUNERAL- OF MISS BRENSTAN Miss Marie' Brennan was laid to rest this morning from the home of her niece, Mra. Thomas Carey, Main road, Ayondale. Scores of friends were In attendance.

Requiem mass was celebrated ln St. Vincent's Church by the pastor. Rev. P. J-Colligan.

The pall bearers were James Kenney, Walter Fisher, John L. Casey, John Mclntyre, Eugene Dunn and "William Burke. Interment was at St. Mary's cemetery at Hanover. FUNERAL- OF MRS.

CAVANEY The funeral of Mrs. Michael CaV vaney was held this morning from the home of her mother, Mrs. Thomas' Costello. Pringle street, Pringle. Requiem mass was celebrated ln St.

Ignatius Church by Rev. Leo Ollroy who also pronounced the final benediction. There was a profusion of floral tributes )n evidence. The flower carriers were John and James Handley, James Cavaney and Cavaney. The pall bearers were David Hurley, John Hurley, Edward Martin, Austin Louck, Thomas Hanley and Thomas McManus.

Interment was ln St Ignatius cemetery. DANCING IKIiLS' REVUE Ptmlla of Mum Ruth ftala who tiaillolpated in "The Dancing Dolls' iievue at ine x. kj. a. suxgea one of- the best amateur, Juvenile attractions ever given in Th children were careful- Jy trained and the costuming was exqiii'slte.

several or tne cnuarn received bouquets and at the end of wen presented with old fashioned nose-gays of candles. Tne rrooKs wnicn tne cnu-ditsn wore were designed by Miss Gls. Those who took part were: Verna Kell, Edith: HUler, Elutabeth Newman. Ruth Snyder, Jean Rents, Lot- TnaATthtnA TtOsleskJ. Re- va Weisberger, Mildred Mathews, Dorothy Perry, Joan roweu, kosu Brtcher, 8tella Blgley, Helen Page, Hilda Petafreund.

Ruth Buck. K-lyn Domlnick. Ret a Moke, Harl tlt Adams, Doris Uebensberger. DICKBUMON-ROBntSOn? Miss Ruth Robinson." daughter of Mr. Molly Robinson of Orchard atrest and Cheater Plekerson of Semmton were united In marriage Thursday evening at the home ot Mr.

and WCns. SamusI Rasper, 174 Academy street. Rev. H. Hughes, pastor of the Bethel M.

E. Church. They wr attended by Helen and ArHne Rasper as brldewnalds. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Atlantlo City, they will resias. ax.

oorawiion. 7, PEATW OF KIM TALK Miss Ehrah Falk died this morning at 1:80 o'oloek In the City Hospital of complications. She baa been a patient In the hospital slnoe March 12. T9ie "body has heen removed to the family thorns. UT Carey avenue, for burial.

1 ASHLEY Married at Sugar Noteh Mlsa Kitty Fltxpatriek. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.

Fitsnatrlck. of uni. freaton. and James Mur ray, of Scranton, were married on Wednesday at Stanl Charles Church, m. nv I I (lnrman.

the rector, performed the ceremony. Miss Mary Conway at the organ and sang during! the processional and recessional. MIbb nose Fltxpatriek. a sister of he bride, was her maid, While Hcnry Doran, ot WHKes-warre, was the beet man, 1, nMUnlDll ft tiail4.lful an. pesi-ance In a dress of blue kitten's ear crepe trimmed with tomato.

She wnr. on imtuirturi hat of bliM French straw and faille ribbon, and wore a eorauge bounuet of sweet pease show ered with lines or me vaiiey, tier sister was attractively gowned ln brown goora-ette dress combined with gold lace underlining, Slia wore a ploture hat of brewa. horsehair adern- Building lota for sale at Lfike Silkworth. From $200.00 up. inquire William J.

Burnett, Real Itate and Influential), 155 Market street, Nantlcoke, Bell phone Hoard Mcctlnf; A special meeting of the borouuli school board was held last niTht tn the high school building, with the following members present. Davenport, Van Busklrk, l-avrence and Uadman. The following bills were ordered paid: teachers' pay roll, teachers' retirement fund. VMM; janitors' pay roll. $720; truant officer, J85; County Gas lOlecliic $66.31.

Prof. Smith spoke of lie Kieat interest that is lift ii taken In the "drawing that Is being- taught In the schools and that he had a request from the teachers In the third grade to ex tend the drawing to those grades. I'rof. Hmith stated that about five hundred students would be bene fitted but it would mean purchasing extra supplies which would cost ap proximately mi. No additional teachers would bo needed and upon the recommendation of Prof.

Hmith, the board gave him permission to uurchase additional supplies for next year's work. The board extended a vote of thanks to Miss uavenport and Misa Carey ror fhelr excellent work In connection With the high achool play, which was given recently at fire engine house No. 1. Meeting adjourned. Music Weelf at Ijarksvllle Final arrangements have been completed for the observance of Music Week at I.arksvllle next Mrs, Margaret Collins Lewis, musical director, has arranged a fine pro gram, which will Include sinking by school children, church choirs nd musical organizations.

The following program has been announced. Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 2 o'clock, Washington avenue grrade school; Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 2 o'clock, Larksvllle grade school; Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, grammer grades of Broadway school! Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, primary grades of Broadway school; Friday afternoon at 1:80 o'clock, all grades of Broadway Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock, But-tonwood school; Wednesday evening at -7 o'clock, high school orchestra; seleotlons, Broadway grades;" selections from Union Sunday school, Jo. seph Pat ton, leader; girls' chorus of high singing by high school students; selection by grade school (orchestra. Thursday at 7 o'clock, high school orchestra; boys' chorus of high school, Larksvllle grrade schools, Washington avenue grrade schools; selections from fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades; selection, choir of Methodist Episcopal Church Mr. Davis, leader, Shawnee Dancing Club private dance at Pythian Home, Plymouth, Monday night, featuring return engagement of Castle Novelty Bell Hops.

Arbor Day Exercises Arbor Day was fittingly observed yesterday at the high school when an interesting: and pleasing program was rendered. Four Norway maple trees which were purchased by-popular subscription among- the students, were presented to the Park Commission with proper exercises. Mr. Newhart, of Wllkes-Barre, who la interested in the preservation of trees, presented two black walnut trees and gave an Interesting; talk on their care and treatment. The presentation of the trees was made by Edward Sherako, president of the Delta Sigma Society and were accepted by Dr.

H. L. Whitney, of the park commission. The following program was rendered in the auditorium of the hlgh' bulldlngr. Sclec-tion-liy tha -high, ashool orchestra; essay, "The Origin of Natfonaf Tilril Day," Edward Sheraks; "Plant trees for birds," Margaret Nesbitt; vocal solo, Isabel Hibbard; "A few common blrda of Pennsylvania," James McAlarney and Anna Dare.

Piano duet, Annie Wilson Jones and Anna Dopklewicz; recitation, "Woodman Spare that Tree," Margaret Jonea; piano solo, Betty Jones; recitation, Edgar Smith; vocal solo, Anna Dopklewicz; "Wild flowers In danger of destruction," Florence Ryan selection, high school orchestra. At the out door ceromines. the following program was rendered: Natllonal anthem, school; presentation of trees, Edward Sherako; acceptance by park commission. Dr, H. L.

Whitney; song, "Hail Pennsylvania," school. Death of William Lampm-ski The death of William Lampar-ski, aged 35. occurred yesterday morning at his home. 79 Cherry street. He has been falling in health for sometime but was uble to be about the house until he suffered a stroke of paralysis which resulted In his death.

He has been a resident of this town for sometime and was very well known here. He is survived by his wife and two children Frank and William, also by his mother, Mrs. Eva l.ainparski; two brothers, Bernard Larparskl and Nicholas Lamparakl, and one sister, Miss Josephine limparski, of Washington, D. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the family home. The remains will be taken to St.

Miiry's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated at 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be at Edge Hill. Blue Bird Party The lilue Hird mty held by the i members of tlie local lodge Knights of Pythias at the Pythian home evening, was one of the most enjoyable events conducted by this Fallowing- the pi-ogiuin, llein.e Kleinkauffs orclicstia furnished the intone ror uuik uiu. mu program wus iciiilincd: overture, orehPMia:; remarks 'by the Chuirniun, I'rof. Henry tenor solo, Duvid W'llllunis; demonstration in oil painting; Lawrence itusso; monologue, Evan Conis; jolo, Mis.

Itus-. cell ('. Davis; reudlns, "Only-B Mlas Reese; tenor solo, Nathan; cluy modeling, Lawrence Huhbo: piano solo. Miss Dorothy Sch wait; monologue, Pontes. JteclLul The Juvenile recital given by the pupils of Terrance J.

Tracy's at the Stat Armory last nlchu wsus EDWARDSVILLE Charles Grills, paper hanger, and General work done on ahort notice. Bel) Kingston, or call William I Morgan 4for engagements. Shampooing, singeing and acalp Mrs. Peter McHale, 31 Third avenue, Weatmoor, Bell phone i School Classes Banquet Th Soiphoi.ore-Preghmen rlasa-" of the high school held their annual jfunfeat in tlie gym last night tn the form of a rollicking 1 rood i Games of baaket ball entertainment and with a banquet. The high achool teach-; frit chaperoned the party of merry maker' and the following comprised the party; Agnea' Corcoran, Edith fisher, Margaret Goff, Anea Hand-lay.

Carlotte Kiiner, Saiah Helen Jones, Margaret Jones. Vir ginia Jonea, Agnes Koval, Teasle Kunco, Elisabeth Lewis. Catherine Alackow, Anna Mer.ko, ftttier Lorett McMalio.i. Lurline Mylea, Theresa O'Brlti. Cell Pe-iras, Katharine Powell.

Margaret Richards, Molly Robinnon, Mary Kowland. Manta Ruth, Martha iss, Owen'Shoner- Mary- Nor Tucker, Margaret Welah. Ruth Weiss. Rachel Williams, Minnie Wolf. Stella Zlko, Joseph William Barno, Bogano-v ts, Evan Brown Brinley Orahalla.

John FaMng, Luther Jonea, Oswald diaries A. Uw, John Legoah, trl McOeorge, Joseph Mulanch, lonard Perry, Cart Philllpa, Walter. Phillips, John1 Rayclilll. Joaeph Thomas, DaVid T. Walters, Ado ph Waraltomskl, Daniel Watklna.

Thomas. Weir, Lewta Price. Tha fol-lowing- sophomores were present: mibow. Anna Bobo. RuthCad-mAr Mirnnt Coaoh.

Mary vd wards, Margaret Evans. HelenJ erosh. Mary LeshraK. Tneresa oic jnough. Elisabeth mojtis, I.vdlft v.n.ria Ann Moraan.

Chanlotte Mor- Kn, Margaret Morgan. Agnea Mylea, Miry. Richarda, Margaret Smith, Hannah Trediriick. Matthev Brua-fck. John JXvla, Richard HarrU-lion.

WllMam Tony- Janoaki, Xoo MoOuire, Anthony Moran, Joseph Romansky, Dav4d Watklna Pavid WHMIama. At tha Oren atreet Firat WolW ptiat ChuKch next Sunday cve-nipg at P. the Rev. E. Mpna will preach on the ub eat Ihe Bubllma Miaalon- of Music', deception of nw members and cele-i.

atton of the Lord's Supper will iollow. eerrlcea In Engllah. Born, to Mi1, and Mra. John Sallt-lia of 1T Division atreet. a son i iavld J.

Davia, -wife and children left for Clinton, to spend the of the euapen-period. Mr. Davla will accept tt Sn Washgton jtreet AnrilTwSj Both are. popular youn tCte of the Weat Side. They will atreet are vlaltlng in HSie 1.

niA time in Tork with rienda. KINGSTON Brief Notes A "HMifaAee huVcii decorated for the occasion. A piew aU thSse present and made a mem- hl dVSw. will attend services in a body tomorrow I K. Church when Rev CtscV the new pastor will preach ito the members on the anniversary l0f the founding of their ord, -Edward O.

Stewart, aged 70 ears, yesterday at his home, 3s wyominr avenue, from compile- JKSTh ln, resided here for a number of years. iHei survived by his widow and two "on. and four daughters. Mra. J.

Robblns. of Wllkes-Barre; Mrs. Mrs. John Qarrlnger Mra E. C.

Williams. Edward and Irving Stewart. The funeral 11 be irid tomorrow from hi. late home afternoon at 2:30 clock with service, at the residence and interment at Trucksvtlle 7tnu Mlas Sara Flanagan, of Chestnut street, who was operated upon for appendicitis at the Weat Side Hospital. resting comfortably.

John McOulnni. of Osceola street, has been transferred to Orange, in the insurance buslnesn and 'has already moved his family to ahat place. Several of the boys have driven farewell parties In his honor. was very popular here ami was at powerful worker for the im.rimn lotion for several years. Thomas Lyons of Chestnut street, has returned from the City Hospital, where the surgeons performed a remarkable operation in removing a bone from his brain.

The bone was dislodged In an accident Mr. Lyons was in twenty years ago while employed running an engine at Plymouth but only gave him trouble tha last few months. John F. Gallagher of Walnut street, hm" leen4n iwe wX tti k.uujt short business trip. James Sutllff, of James street and Mis.

Anna Loft us of f'lttston Junction, were married on Wednesday morning; at St. Mary's rectory, north Plttston, by Rev. Father Dlxoii. I he attendants were Patrick O'Keefe, of 1'rlngle, and Miss Frances Kcarns. They have gone on a noneymoon iu Jew York and other places and up-'Vu their return will reside on James street.

Mine Inspector Thomas J. Williams has purchased the home he been occupying for some belonging to Herliert Wutl of North College avenue. Many people attended the funeral i.f Mrs. Michael Cavaney at Pringle today.r Mis. Cavaney was formerly Delia Case, one of fha moat esteemed young women of the coni-li, unity.

She was kind and charitable, nd pesseaaod an amiable suttuu'silv re- "oimener llvlaaa In the year 1ST rne -Xumhe 7 rn Rail Honor of 1.0(10 Banks It) fho Unld States. fan'tal and Surplus .1 Droolt 2.7(10.000.00 I Per Cent Interest Paid on Savin g-a Pepos'ts. A K. DEWITT, Vtee-Presldent HENRY LRUS. President and cashier.

Frank Martz VWilte and Reo TRUCKS of the best juvenile productions ever staged in this town. 'i'ne children were well trained thoy took their partu in an exceptionally fine manner. The class was made up of children whose ages run trom 3 to 12 years and many favor- I aoie comments were heard excellent manner which th children performed. It would be very haru mutter to single out any I Individual star as they all made a I big hit with the audience. Mr.

I uracy was highly complimented on this production. Plymouth High Loses The local high school baseball team lost to Hanover yesterday afternoon by the score of 7 to 6. The game was played on Browu's field, Newtown. The came wan well played but Hanover got the breaks with the result that Plym outh came out on the wrong end. The battery for Plymouth wan Sheridan and Rice.

Next Wednesday afternoon the Plymouth High school team will ltneuD as-ainst th. Nantlcoke High school eam at Huber Park. Union Meeting Last Evening At a meeting ot representatives of all crafts of organized inhnr in the Fifth Legislative held ln Szakalun's Hall, last evening, tton. Joseph H. Schwartz was unanimously chosen as the labor candidate.

Mr. Pauxtis and Mr. Schwartz addressed the meetlne- Stating- their reasons why labor should support them, but on the strength of Mr. Schwartz's past record In the House of Representatives he easily won the endorsement of the men. Hon.

John J. Casey addressed the meeting: giving many reasons' why labor should stand for its rights and showed how some of the congressmen could easily hoodwink labor while bills were in the hands of the committees. eH told 4he body that the Non Partisan Political Platform of the A. F. of L.

wa his platform, that he stood for It and it stood for him, and if labor stood by both, nothing; short of a great victory would be theirs. After hearing Mr.Ca sey, the body endorsed his candidacy. The following crafts were represented: United Mine Workers, Union Nos. 4507, 70, 20, 1132, 1174, 1001, 311, 1635 109, 6622, 2439. Union 160, Carpenters and Joiners, Union 270 Barbers.

Agitators Driven Out Two agitators claimed they came from New York City, were driven out of town yesterday by-order of the Sheriff's office. They Jiad planned 4-he4eVa--meetmg -yesterday afternoon In a hall on Ferry street, and had distributed a large number of hand bills announcing the meeting, ltwas found out that these men were planning to stir the idle miners up and to have them revolt against their present leaders. Officials of the' mine unions got word of It and sent word to the sheriff who sent his deputy Fred Rhodda down here and he ordered the two men to beat it back to NewYork City or he would arrest them. Auto Burned A Dodge touring cur owned by Marion of Third street, Larksvllle, was completely destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon at Larksvllle. It 'is thought that the lire was started by a back fire the engine.

No.l Fire Company of Larksvllle were summoned but the machine was completely ruined before they arrived. VJ. Piekanakl was slightly burned about the hands in endeavoring to extinguish the tire. Brief Notes The Shawnee Four composed of local boys will entertain the members of the Craftsmen's club ibis evening; at Wllkes-Barr. The base bull season in the Wyoming league will open tomorrow with the Larksvllle team playing, at East End.

John Flynn, of Vine atreet, spent yesterday as the guest of friends at Bloomsburg. Many local people attended the Field Day at Kirby Park this afternoon. The Plymouth Township high school baseball team was defeated by the JcnIVi Township high school team yesterday afte'rnooa by the score of 17 to 9 CYCLIST INJURED While riding a motorcycle near the N'esbltt West Side Honpital yesterday atti'i-noon. Howard Stull. aged 21, of 237 Courtdale Avenue, Courtriale, was Injured when he wan struck by an automobile drlvenJ)y-KR.

Peftcbone, of Kingston. After the accident he Vva" taken to the hospital where he is rotting comfortably. Petlelone, reported to the Kingston police after the NKW CIGAR STORE 1 I Edward McGlnty.and Joseph Hef-fernan will be the proprietors of a new cigar store be opened at 58 Public Square, next to the Capitol Theatre. Workmen are making alterations to part of the saloon of Harry Murphy in which the store will be located. REPORT MADE FORTHEYEAR Following Is a copy of the annual report read at a meeting of the Luzerne County Bible Society in the office of J.

W. Hollenback, on Thursday afternoon: "We have been permitted to give another year of service in circulating the Word of God and collecting money to support the work of giving the Scriptures to those who could not nav for them. More money was col lected than last year and 1,000 more hooks were circulated. "Money collected, bibles sold, 812; testaments sold, 798; por-tlons sold. total sold, 8,129.

Bibles donated, 84; testaments donated, 276; portions donated, 672; tntnl donated. 882: total circulated, 4,011. Value of Scriptures sold, value of Scrlntures donated, 868.57; total value, 8494.08. Value of books on hand, $31.07. In eight years and six months: Total copies circulated, value of books,! total amount of contribu tions.

19.144.46: total paid ln the countv treasurv. $13,179.58. "In these yeara of work we have been ncrmitted to see spienaia re suits wrought ln the lives of those to whom we have sold or given copies of the Scriptures. We wish it were noBsibla to describe many Interest ing incidents to those who have so generously given of their means to make the work such a success. By giving out a small portion to some, not before Interested has awakened an Interest and they have asked for other portions, or a testament or bible, which has been given them.

"This has been particularly noticed among tho prisoners and tn other Institutions where they have much timo to read. Not only have they been Interested, but a very marked change has co'mo over the lives of some who were vicious and desperate characters. The foreign born and foreign speaking people have greatly appreciated the message of God's lovo In otheir own languages. "The Scriptures have been printed in 725 languages and dialects. At the Bible House in New York sixty-eight different language are used tn printing the Scriptures: so we aUna; tlonalltles.

so many of whom we are unable to converse with. "To cover the translation, revision, production and circulation of the Scripturea, which are Bold at or below cost, and many are donated ln homes and foreign lands, requires tne largest program in the history of the society. For every dollar spent only 45 cents comes back in books sold and other sources of Income; so that 55 cents out of every dollar must come from the hearts and pocket- books of Christians and those inter ested In the work. "A million more copies or tne Scrlntures could have boen used ln China alone last year had the means been ln hand to publish tnem. "Give your prayers and gifts more largely if possible to this world-wide, world-blessing enterprise." Checks navable to the Luzerne County Blblo Society and orders for bibles and portions of Scriptures should be sent to Mr.

or Mrs, M. E. Stones 112 North Franklin street, Wllkes-Barre, where a supply of Scriptures are kept. The following officers were elected: President George T. Difckover; Drat vice president R.

V. Brodhead; second vice president, C. H. Cool; third vice president Q. S.

MCcClln-tock; fourth vice president, Lawrence B. Jones; fifth vice president, W. O. Washburn: treasurer; J. W.

Hollenback; secretary, Z. Piatt Bennett; executive committeei the treasurer and secretary, with W. O. Washburn, B. H.

Carpenter and S. C. Chase. TONY SARG'S MABJOXETTE8 Of especial dnl-ertst to children will be the Tuesday afternoon -performance of Tony- Sara's marionettes at -the Y. M.

C. A. In the evening Washington living's American folk story will be given bv the original company. The performance are for the benefit of the Vas-sar College endowment, fund. Tickets are on at Tuck's drug store.

Thpdls nrrn nr at the Y. M. C. A. MONTH'S rtnijDING pISTtAfTTS During the month br i-s-ll 154 building rermlti were issued In the c'ty, for buMd'ngs to cost $450,272, Anon? the pernniti were those for Tining IlTvev residence to eos-t $75,000: 'he St, Mary's Polish school, Union Savings Bank, $30,000: nnd the Junior Hogh school, $80,000.

In April, 1921. the number of permits Issued ras ninety-seven, for buildings whlcV cost PAYING CITY TAXES I' Hundreds of persons anx'ous to save the rebate crowded the Cltv treasurer's office today to pay their taxes. The office will bs open until o'clock this evening. A Juliet Horn. I imnu, Klennorj'Vonc l.u.l a-good time.

The Jones KllzabHl, Mct'raeken. Helen Program was cxceptmrnily Lnc una Allen. UcutriiT- Rosenthal. AgiiCi Gibbon's CcrelKi Greene Mildred Cooper. After the plu, dancing wus enjoy ed in the gymnasium.

Music for dunchiK ml between the uclx of the pluy wax riiMulshed by Kddie Schwa I-enherg's nrclieslru, composed of the following: Wallui-e Gibbons, Ralph Hoskliis, Robert Cmiley, Donald Williamson and Alberta "oMelli. Y. W. r. TO HI-JAR RU'ORT A mi Huleey.

who has lieen attending the national convention of the Y. W. i', A. ut Hot Arhaiisit, will subm t' ht ireport to the ilii-ertoro the association at the meeting nJt Friday. Ekllth Taliaferro, famous dramatic start, appearing in person St Poll's Tlieatre, today with her own onipaoy In the vaudeville foatura.

"Under the bame old.

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