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Star Tribune du lieu suivant : Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 4

Star Tribunei
Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

THE MINNEAPOLIS SUNDAY TRIBUNE: APRIL 29 1023. (11) rAGK FOVlt United Stales should enter the; war. felt that the ciuse, jf hui "anitv of Information which astounded even his closest friends. It showed that he had kept a. closer tab than had most statesmen on the work of Huns and of tho "Buds" in this country.

Through his insistence, the inquiry was broadened and many a representative manded tch participation. Always a strong party man, Senator Nelson forgot all about party heiihpi f.nti.M.H I Tribute Paid Worth of Senator Nelson at 'LP Law College Gathering I citizens fit all parties urged him to Veeoiisider his decision. Throughout, the length and breadth ft tho land there were those who felt that Knute Nelbon'3 place was in the Senate during the war, just as his placo was In the ranks during the Civil war. lie saw their point. He heard tho call to Service to America Marked Long Career of Knute Nelson Minnesota Senator Began Life of Public Duty After Serving as Boy in Ranks in 1861 Carried Brunt of Leadership in Senate During World War.

of "pacifist" was put on the grill by th veteran senator. Story of Early Minnesota Life Told By Nelson Senator Relates Story of Experiences to Editor in 'Home duty and resiwnded. A candidate, James A. Peterson of Minneapolis was filed against Nelson for tho nomination. Peterson carried some of the counties In the state, i.ota-bly Brown county, the home of many citizens of German birth.

But Nelson defeated Peterson, He refused to do any campaigning. Ho took the position that his work at the national capital was far more important than campaigning for his own re-election. He left that to the loyal citizens at home who had urged him to make the race. Service Highest Honor, He Haid. All during the war period, Knute Nelson was found working early and 1,000 Injured in Riot at Football GameinLondon Intense Feeling Between Supporters of Teams Results in Clash.

The news of Senator Knute Xel son's waa received by the faculty and students of the University of Minnesota college of law, who were holding their annual dinner at the West hotel Saturday night, with expressions of hsi worth to his state and the nation. "It is with great regret and sor-j-ow that I make the announcement of the death of one of Minnesota's and the nation's greatest citizens, a member of the Minnesota bar, on his way to his home tonight," Judge Bert Fealer of the St. Louis county district court, who was toastmaster at the dinner, said in making the announcement. Judge Fesler had asked the gather-ng of 500 attorneys to stand before he made the announcement, and as he closed all heads were bowed. The audience then sang one verse of Amerioa.

Statesman Came to Minnesota to Repair His Toor Health. Senator' Nelson was born in Voss, Norway, on February 2, 1843. His father died when he was three years old and the boy came to the United States with his mother when he was six years old. They settled in Chicago. Knute helped his mother by selling papers on the streets.

Later they moved to Wisconsin, and the youngster obtained his first schooling in Dane county, going to the-academy at Albion, where he studied for three years. When Abraham Lincoln called for volunteers to defend the Union back in '01, Knute Nelson, a boy only 17 years old, responded and gave of his best. He fought under Old Glory all during the war, was taken prisoner, was wounded, and distinguished himself in many ways. Returning to Dane county, Wisconsin, after the war, Nelson studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1867. In 18G8, Mr.

Nelson married Miss Nicholina Jacobson at Christiania, and they moved to Alexandria, i Senator Knute own story of; rvr.criftnr in Minnesota were late for America, first, last and all of the time. Appeals for release from military service came to him from thousands of young men. He advised them to' tight and to die, if necessary, for whicVi waa in Ya "Mrtlann'a hnmo thorp-v' their country. Ho waa impatient with the desire of so many young men to become officers at once. He had served in the Civil war as a private and a cor ie was lack of the President and ho told so In the dark days Just preceding the United States declaration of nn existing state of war, on the day the Congre adjourned its regular session, Knute Nelson went to Woodrow Wilson and said: "I want you to understand that you can count on me." President Wilson and everyone else knew that tho old Civil war veteran meant exactly what he said.

on Knuto Nelson in sieh an emergency would be like expressing a platitude. No one ever questioned on which Bide he stood. Stood By Government. "America has done ho much for me that I owe it everything and I could not do less than stand by our country; and I mean to stand by It at all hazards in time of war or peace," said the senior Minnesota senator in 1916, when 14 members of the Senate and 142 members of the House had voted in a manner which Hhowed that ttiey were not standing squarely back of their country. It was a message of straight-forward Americanism which should have made the "crawlers" blush with shame and hang their heads.

Senator Nelson did not stop to count noses among his constituents to see what nationalities would be offended. America meant more to him than all the rest put together, even the land of his birth if need be, and he put into practice that message. Once America entered the war a thing which Senator Nelson felt was necessary long before tho step was actually taken Minnesota's "grand old man" threw himself into tho work with all of his accustomed vigor and aggressiveness. Planned to Ketire. Senator Nelson had planned to retire from politics.

He felt that he had earned a rest, having spent nearly all of his life in the service of hia country. Ho wanted to retire to his farm near Alexandria, up in Douglas county, there to spend his declining years in leisure, tilling the soil. But America reeded Knute Nelson. poral ana he reit that all the rest should be satisfied to start that way. Service was the one big thing, he told bourn ha dcut off a good many saw logs near the shanty and left the tops.

These were dry and not hard to make into firewood. As long as we could keep plenty of wood we could keep warm, and," said the senator smiling, "many is the night I would sit up half the night firing, and my wife the other half, in order to keep warm. In the spring I cleared a small piece southwest of the shanty and George Gardner broke it up with a big team of oxen. I planted a garden and raised some of the best watermelons, I ever saw. I also dug a well in the edge of a small slough southeast of the house and built a small log stable for a cow.

This stable was just across the road which ran near the cor London, April 28 (P.y Associated Press.) Intense feeling between supporters of the Western Uniteds and the Bolton Wanderers In their association football match in, the giant Wembley HUI stadium this afternoon, combined with tho efforts of thousands to gain entrance to the already crowded bowl, brought about disorders which resulted In fully 1,000 caae of Injury, moat of them, however, minor. The great arena has a capacity of 120,000 persona and when the gates were closed at 2 o'clock this afternoon. It held the greatest crowd that has ever witneswed a football match in Great Britain. Despite the presence of King George the spectators spread over the Held before the game in their efforts to secure points of vantage, and it waa fully an hour before the police were able to clear the field ao the game could be started. Later the play waa interrupted by another incursion of the mob, necessitating a 15-mlnute reccBs.

The match waa won by the Bolton Wanderers, who received from King George a cup emblematic of their victory, i 1 l.y him to the e.litor of the Alex- andria Iwt-New, nn old friend, on a visit to the editor's office after many years of public life Heated in the editor's oMce, Senator Kelson said: "jiy first vNt to Alexandria was in June. 1ST1. At that time I was practicing law in Wisconsin. My health had not heen pood since my return from the war. Old Fox, Senator Silas' father- in-law, frequently saw me.

One day I told the doctor my story and asked his advice. He advised me to come to Minnesota. As a boy I had known Mr. i Aaker, then living at Alexandria, He id been chairman of supervisors of the i townsMip in which our farm lay and had superintended the building of the road past our place. I came to Alexandria, and stayed a short time with Mr.

Aaker's family. At the same time there waa a man. I have forgotten his name, who was also looking over the country. Drove to Riva Falls. "We both wanted to see as much as -wo could so we went to Tom Sprague's Hery and hired a team and a two seated rig to drive to Fergus Falls.

That town had just been started- Mrs. Aaker had a sister living near there and she and her little daughter, Sophia, now lira. Steensland, accompanied us on the drive. On arriving at Fergus Falls we Wont to the hotel, a small frame building recently erected by 'Uncle and unplastered. The only sleeping after.

Five children were born, but four have died, leaving Miss Ida Nelson the only surviving child. Became Governor of State. Mr, Nelson was' elected to the House of Representatives in 1883, after he had served terms in the Legislature of both Minnesota and Wisconsin as state senator. After six years in the lower House of Congress he retired and resumed his law practice. He was elected governor of Minnesota in 1892 and was re-elected two years later, but resigned in 1895 to become United States senator to which office he was re-elected in 1901-07-13, the last term extending to March 3, 1919.

AVhen America entered the World war, Knute Nelson had then served nearly two score years in the United States Senate. The country again called and Knute Nelson again stepped to the front, ready for real service. And he rendered that, service unswervingly, conscientiously. In fact, service to the land of his adoption seems to have been the keynote of the life of Knute Nelson. As a member of the Legislature In Wisconsin, county attorney, state senator, member of Congress, governor of Minnesota and United States senator, Knute Nelson had been contiually rendering service to the United States of America, It was the same sort of service that he rendered while a soldier in the Union army from 1861 to 1864.

Knute Nelson came to be known as "Minnesota's grand old man." Well did he deserve that title. Mlnnesotans were proud, when the country entered the World war, that Knute Nelson was still In the upper branch of the national Congress. They knew then that his country would be uppermost. They knew that the veteran would work early and late in speeding up war macliin-ery. They knew that he waa in a position to give service to his country much more valuable than if he was a general in the field.

Backed president Wilson. Long before the United States entered the war Knute Nelson was busying himself with studies of the situation across the water. He felt the them. Always during the war, whenever there were overtures for a peace from ttie other side. Senator Nelson kept pounding away at the same thing: "Le-feat the enemy first and then talk terms." Knute Nelson furnished a slogan for the entire country when the Germans were making their overtures to President Wilson last fall.

When rked what ho thought of the latest ovt.turea, he simply said: "Leave It to Forh." That expressed the sentiment of this country and of the peoples of all tho Allies. It became the policy of "leaving it to Foch." Fought Red Propaganda. When the United States Senate began 1 the work of inquiring into German ner of the house. Winter Conies Early. The following winter came early.

That was the winter of the great January storm. I had been elected county attorney that fall and the day the storm propaganda, In this country. Senator commenced the county commissioners Nelson cam to the front with a mass were in session. It was customary those days for the county attorney to sit with the commissioners. I brought a lunch with me and didnH get through to start place was the second story, all in one VERY LIBERAL TERMS VERY LIBERAL TERMS VERY LIBERAL TERMS for home, until about six o'clock.

The road past my shanty wa only a winter trail cut through the.timber and brush. Prices Are Lowest in Our It was piled two feet deep with snow and I was more than an hour getting GO-CARTS, STROLLERS Special purchase of go-carts and home. After resting I dug my way to the stable and cared for the cow and WILUAM MARY DINING ROOM CHAIRS la wilmit or mabotfanjr -f i mptlonally well built, fui hoi, slip UiUoUtere i then dug my way to the wood piles and secured a good supply for the night, then closed up the shanty. The next morning was intensely cold. I again baby carriages, including the new Kozy-kar, specially priced for this sale PRICES Sale dug a way to the stable, carrying in an abundance of hay.

On making my way In tha beat grail genuine h-ather. VERY to the well I found it drifted full and covered deep. I had to carry In and melt snow for the cow and for the house. I again cleared a way to the SPECIAL $675 FROM $12.00 UP, wood piles and carried into the shanty OF FURNITURE big supply. I did not get to town that day.

The next day was very cold but the wind had gone down and I went to town. The Reason We Sell So Cheaply is Because We're Out of the High Rent District Pays Tribute to Wife. "I had planned to build on the claim the next summer, but the contest waa i room. In one corner was a bed, cur- Stained off, which was assigned to Mrs. 'Aaker and her little girl.

In another corner was a similar curtained bed Which was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. 11. The remaining space was the "school where there were other "beds. On the lower floor was the office, 4inlng room and kitchen.

We drove Mrs. Aaker out to her sister' in the tnornlng. "After looking over the new town, we returned to Alexandria. I liked Fergus Falls very much and was undecided whether to locate there or at Alexandria. The land office was here, however, and that decided me.

There was little law practice in those days and I thought i.I might get aome work on land cases. returned to Wisconsin, reaching home, think the day before the Fourth of July. Sold Furniture. I aold what little furniture we had a Ad collected what money I could and took some notes. I had been fairly auc-f'essful tor a beginner.

With my vlfe iknd eon, Henry, who was a baby, I tarted for Alexandria. Fearing that we have trouble in securing living rooms, we left-our little daughter, Ida, i with my mother. On arriving at St. Paul we were told that our best plan would be to buy tickets to Morris, then tthe end of that branch of the railroad, ras that waa nearer to Alexandria than 'St. Cloud, the end of the other branch.

-This we did. Wo found on reaching Benson that only a mixed train ran to Morris and that there was no stage rom that point to Alexandria." We got our supper In Benson and boarded the Btage (or Alexandria. We drove to i.Glenwood that night and stayed at the eld Pettljohn hotel until morning. We ''arrived in Alexandria the next day about 11 o'clock. I think the eighteenth Of August.

not settled. Mr. Kilbourn took it be fore the land commissioner who refused to reopen the case. He then carried It to the secretary of the interior who, $7-75 Breakfast Sets WE ARE SHOWING DOZENS OF BEAUTIFUL PORCH FURNITURE Extra heavy maple porch furniture, double rane eata. Regular price $11.

Sale price EXTRA SPECIAL A good grade cotton felted mattress specially priced :6 :6 upo nlnvestigation, also refused to take the matter up. This all took time, and it was three years, 184, before I built what is now the ell to my present house. Refrigerators Magnus Lundgren of this city and Otto Dahl, formerly of Carlos, djd the carpenter work. Well, there were some Dressing Tables Values That Simply Cannot De Duplicated east Top-Irer, all hardwood, Extra Special Mop Sale special nelf wringing mops, liegniariy priced at fi-cial 49 advantages in living in the shanty. I could not buy furniture because there was no place to put it.

There was not gins. finish ilncla Ivory clal much law practice but I- got ahead a i bran Ulmmlngs, trlpla lined 89.75 Jt-door hot, side Irer. galrsniwd Iron lining, hardwood $22. RO 3-door box, side leer, hlta enameled throughout, Iwmitifully flniabed 826.75 Apartment houM style front Wr, wiiita enameled froio 811.00 to 830.0O little. I had promised Mr.

Kilbourn to pay him one hundred dollar for the shanty if I won. Mr. Kilbourn came auit claim deed and gave him his 1UU. Our worat timea were during the sum IWF II' i tw mer months. The brush came up close to the shanty; there were lots of little sloughs and the mosquitoes and 'heat were terrible.

There were only two little windows, the old-fashioned eight-by-ten half sash each. The only way to "We stayed with Mr. and Mra. Aaker Circnsnlnn walnut, iatln finish, Hingis Bias 925 OO AValnnt finish, trlpla French mirror, Adam period. Special S21.95 Walnut finish dressing table, 1oii Mo drawers, Adam desltrn.

Very special Extra laree walnut or mahogany siraliiht line dreKHlnu table, with two drawers and triple mirrors. Hpechit 839.50 Renulne walnut, I'esiillful finish, 3S inches long, triplicate mirror .839.75 Beautiful aolld mahogany Queen Anne, with shaped frontft7G.OO Genuine mahogany, five drawer, 40 Inches long, XVI. Special priced at 885.00 Genutna walnut dressing stand, beautifully finished, with five drawers. Very special 885. OO open thefri was to take the mout.

Many about two weeks before finding a house to move into. We then aecured the old Sang house, a little three room Dining Room Tables Cenuln Walnut or Mahogany table. Queen Aune, 8 ft. exten- Klon 8iOOO Genuine Muhogany 43-in. extension 840 00 M-incU Jacobean oak, loot, Queen Anne extension table 845 OO W-luch Jacobean oak.

6 ft. ex-tenalon, William A Mary dentgne. Uegular fiS.ixi. Special 849 75 M-ineh Jacobean oak. i Queen Anne tnbla.

Regular pri-e PV.w. Pale prlca 815 OO Mahogany extension table, M-tnrh round, 6 ft. ext. Regnlar Special 850.00 William Ac Mary Walnut extension table, M-lncb, ti ft extension 852.75 Walnut Inch, 6 ft. extension.

Queen Anne table 849.75 Mahogany, 61 inch round bible, Vrenrh legs, satin finish 849.75 Genuine Walnut Italian Renaissance, 54-ln. 6 It 879,75 CANE PARLOR SUITES 3 Pieces Rolld Mahogany frame on this beautiful eaae suite of 3 pieces upholstered in Silk Damask. Regular price $400.00, Special to close 822500 Also solid mahogany frame, can Insert, imported vclonr covering, automobile spring construction. Regular price 0. Special to close .....8250.00 This sulfa includes fireside wing chair.

women would have round lauit dui my wife took all those hardships of the pioneer days, a matter of course." house, a mere ahell, which atood just back of the present Lelloy hardware Bedroom Suites Walnut flnlKh bedroom sulfa, pieces, bow foot bed. large dren-er and chlfforette. Begnlar prl-e Sitt.uo. Sal price ..8110 OO S-pleee bedroom suite In Irory, including bed, vanity dresser and price Hula price 8165.00 Genuine Walnut bedroom suite, beautiful bow foot bed. dust proof constructed, large dresser, an eiqnlstt chlfforette, strictly high grade.

Regular price bale price 8190.OO Odd Wood Beds Walnut finish Aerial panel bed. Regulsr ito.iio. ppe-lsl 825.00 Mshogany Aerial siusre spindle lied. finish. Regular HVOO.

ripe-Hal 829.50 Ivory finish wood panel bed Adam Period 825.00 Ivory aplndla full alxed bed 825.00 Walnut finish, panel bed special 827.50 Mahogany Loula XVI Period Panel bed, full else. ...839.75 Four poster Mahogany bed, roll site, mshogany back, very special 849.50 Four poster genuine wslnnt bed 852.50 Ivory Twin Nd, bow foot, Adsra period. Bpectsl price, escb 837.50 French Grey Twin beds, bow foot, each .837.50 Genuine Mihogany, Loots XVI, straight and panel bed 8X15. 00 Walnut finish, bow foot, full sited wood bed 837.50 Napoleon walnut bed, full alia 847.50 store. It later became known as the 'Jack Piymat In the meantime Bernhardt' Son Suea Artist.

Paris. Anrll 28. Copies of a drawing I opened an office with old Judge Reu by a Parisian artist- depicting Sarah The judge occupied the Bernhardt as she lay on ner aean pea almost burled in the mass of floral of front rooms on the second floor of a building which stood about where the Firat National bank now atands. The Sale on Fifty Breakfast Sets Some of the Many Bargains Gray hani decorated set double cane cnalrs $32.50 Black and ivory set, drop leaf table and lour chairs $41.75 Ivory set, fine turned chair. Fancy decorated gray set, very Mahogany set with beautiful Windsor chairs, Brown reed set with upholstered loose cushion $70 One turquoise blue and ivory set with drop leaf extension table Reed sets in any color, 42 to 48 inch tables, from $00.00 to $75.00 Beautiful 6-piece set with library-dine and buffet, all hand decorated $125.00 rear rooms were occupied by L.

Aaker, register of the United Btatca ferings, has been ordered aequestratea by the courta pending trial of a suit filed today by Maurice Bernhardt against the publisher of the picture, Le Caplaln. i land office. I had told Mr. Aaker that 1 should like to take a homestead near Alexandria, if possible. One day he came Into the office and said that there Odd Buffets Peverftl odd buffets In Italian Renaissance, Queen Ann and William and Mary stylea.

Beautiful genuine walnut Queen Adlb buffet 848. 75 WaTntit'or Mahogany 60-lnch buffet. Beautiful Queen Anne atyle 859.00 Close Out Sale of Shades and Bases Odd shades and bases priced more. Shades formerly I'il no and 30.00 to go at 87.50 Eases up to $30.00 810.25 BURNS OIL IN ANY STOVE, RANGE OR FURNACE. Was 120 acrea of rather rough land Just outside of town that was available.

This waa a claim which L. W. Kil New Device Burns. 96 per cent Air and i born had taken and which, when final 4 per cent Kerosene Better Than City Gaa. proof was attempted, had been canceli ed, without any contest, for lack of lnr A wonderful new lnventloa that burns common coal oil In any stove, provement.

I tiled on the land. Right to Land Contested. Sample Line of Reed Furniture to Go at Cost This is the first time that we have ever offered KUBEL'S FAMOUS REED FURNITURE at sale prices manufactured and finished in our own factory a rare opportunity all made of genuine reed. We do not manufacture one piece of twisted paper known as fiber furniture. We are headquarters for reed furniture, and show by far the largest and most complete line in the city.

range or furnace and gives two or three timea the heat of coal or wood at "Mr. Kllhourn, who waa away, return and -contested my right to the land, one-half the cost, has Just been perfect There waa a small shanty, about 14 by ed by The Standard Oil Burner Dept. 351, 103 N. Main St. Louis, 18 feet in size, on the place.

This ahanty was sided, with fcasswood Mo. This simple and Inexpensive de vice will go in any stove, range or furnace and does away with all the Reed Chairs and Rockers Odd Dressers drudgery connected with ending ordt Reed Tables Reed tablea wttk aolld oak tops, round, beautifully made at 812.00 Oval tablet with bottom book shelf aolld oak topi 824.00 Overstuffed Chairs and Rockers nary fires. To Introduce this wonderful burner the manufacturers will send boards, lapped like aiding. It waa boarded up on the inside with the same kind of lumber. This lumber had been put on green and had seasoned, leaving large cracks.

We moved into this ahanty in October, after papering the walls with old newspapers. Before moving to the ahanty I had bought a big cook stove of Jake Austin, who waa going to move to Fergus Falls. "That waa a aevere winter. Mr. Kil- Beantlful and artistic reed chairs and rockers.

Full np-bolstered aeata and backs. Horse-shoe reed' chairs a one fully guaranteed to the first user in each community on thirty-day trial at special price. Wa also agents Oval tablei with glass to tops 50 and cretonne beneath829 Dew and popular style, com' to whom we can refer new customers. lstered. very ape.

pletely upnoia clal, each ..817.95 Double Day Beds Poll ont Way Sn glens aprlng, makes a fall sited bed, extra heavy felt mattress covered In tapestry. Regular price $135.00. gale price 890.0O Beautiful grey and green double day bed with back, in cretonne with two pillows and roll. Regular price Bala prlc A.

..885.00 Reed Lamps Closing out many beautiful sample reed lamps. Green and gold reed table lump Old ivory floor lamp, full reed, complete With double socket and 6 ft. extension 824.25 Many more Ininpa from 821.50 to 845.00 Write us today fpr free booklet. Ad vertisement. Reed Day Beds Single day beds, fitted with Way Bftgless springs and ax-tra heavy felt mattress.

Full reed day bed, finished tn blue and gold, and upholstered in black sateen piped In yellow complete with roll. Kegular prlca fDS.on. gale price 865.00 Day bed finished in black lacquer, upholstered la Cretonne, complete with roll. Itegular price 95.on. Hale prlc 865.00 Reed Ferneries Many styles to cbooie from.

Single ferneries at ...85.00 window ferneries in any color or combinations of colors .......87.50 Low oval ferneries, a very beautiful atyle 812.50 Full upholstered high back chair and rocker, narrow arms, each 822.50 High Fireside Chair and Rocker, a beautiful set each j. $27.50 Many mora up to 8100.00 Many other styles from 810.00 to 875.00 Chaise Lounges 'Ivory two piece chaise-lounge. In sateen 835.00 Horse-shoe chaise-lounge, a very attractive style 83.60 Black chaise-lounge uphnl-stered la sateen, very special 841.00 .0 thatr. Oaa overstuffed tapestry $85.00. Sala prlca Regular prlca' 852.50 This set as shown in the illustration with 48-inch top is in either genuine mahogany or walnut, either in blue or brown leather, and sells complete at the special price during this sale Special Sale DINING ROOM SETS Many with Oval Tables Genuine Walnut Dresser, well made, well finished, extra large ndrror.

Regular price Hale price ....833.25 Itory Dreaser, Adam period, extra large glam. i'rlce. 827.60 Mahogany Dressers, Louis XVI style, fitted with Trench plate mirror, Jtegnlnr price iTfi.tW. Hale prlca 859.60 Genuine Walnut Dresser, C2 Inches wide, dust proof construe tlon, full size, mirror. Kegularlr priced at $-10.

Sale price 8125 INVESTMENT BUSINESS PROPERTY Inside of Twelfth Street CCfi fifift are authorized to sell a clone-In Business tPVJUUUU Property at a price greatly below its sound" value on terms that enable the buyer to take care of the greater part of the purchase price out of the income. This property comprises 150 feet of frontage on two busy streets close to the loop district Tho improvements are substantial brick commercial buildings, in good condition, and show a very handsome net return in fact, a much larger return than is or-dinaflly expected, due to the low price the property is offered at. Information at office of Walter L. Badger Co. Exclusive Agent 300 Oneida Bid.

Tapestry rocker loose pillow arms. Regular prlca $08.00. Sala price 872.50 Mohair overstuffed rocker, extra quality. Regular prlca 1110.00. Bala prlca ....877.50 Extra large Una Are-elds tapestry chair, valour trimmed.

Reg-nlar prlca $18.00. Sale 8100.00 Ja Mail Orden Promptly Filled Out of the High Rent District Out of the High Rent District HENNEPIN AT LAKE STREET VERY LIBERAL TERMS VERY LIBERAL TERMS VERY LIBERAL TERMS.

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