Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 11
- Publication:
- Star Tribunei
- Location:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 11
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
A I A i i L.i 'ircl in wonien'a work it' li it found In (H.I i a 1 irt VllUihl'T tjl t- 5 VIM, 'V STANLEY HALL ASSEMBLY ROOM TRANSFORMED INTO SALON. OPENING Walls Completely Covered With Fine Work Done During: Year by Art Department Under Instruction of L. Grace Woodward. i. Delegates By Thousands Gather in.
St. Paul in Eeadiness for First Meeting of Clubs. Tropical grtty Otititig 'invis-ers, bloomer hip Blue serge Trousers, cuffed bottoms, spring hip S3.50 Fancy Vests, gray checked effects, plum weiives 05 Motor Dusters, linen. Kfl tiki, Aloliali-aml Ptirigeu $1 to $10 A'lto Caps, French anil Yankee models Sl.SO to S3. 50 EOAED OF DIRECTORS TO MEET AT OLD CAPITOL Governor Johnson Will Give Address of Welcome at Armory on Wednesday Evening.
ymmf -trTfJ1' iWifarfMsrh 'it rtti i ic4efii Minneapolis: Zi to 325 Nicollet Av. St. Paul: 7th and Robert. Money 1 Pheerfully -4 'i Refunded. I if I i i f.
Th? CLOTHING MOUSE. Blue 2 And The Gray Worsted Suit PeyHa. mmi i it Hold Undisputed Sway from Memorial Day forward. Silk lined serge suits, baud doisbedtkorughvut Chain weave tiin committee which includes Mrs. of ht.
Louib and Mrs. Dibble of 1-aul. Iniung her numerous visits to tho 'lwin ines fcho hat- made many wiinii friends who are glad to extend their welcome before the sessions or the great convention Absorb tier time. Mrs. Ward was for two years president of the Chicago Woman's club, and is widely known for her generous activities outside and inside of club life.
She has written a number of volumes of verse, the most popular among them being "Singing Verses for Children," "Love Songs," "Under the Fines," and the cantatas, "Our Flag" and "Magic Hour." Professor and Mrs. Ward spend their summers ai Wyoming, N. a little village of BOO Inhabitants, where they have tried an experiment something like that suggested by Walter Besant in "All Sorts and Conditions of Men." They have presented to the village a hail which Is know as "Social Hall," and which Is equlpnod with an auditorium, club rooms, play grounds, a museum, etc. In this Social hall all of the village festivities and general activities are held. By the simplicity of her personality Mrs.
Ward creates enthusiasm. The Individuality of the woman is shown in her way of living. When she built her home on the lake shore drive In Chicago she invited to the "house warming" every man who bad been instrumental In making any part of her house beautiful the architect, tbe mason, the stone carrier, the Joiner, the decorator. It Was for that night their building; and to them was glven first the opportunity to enjoy the perfected whole, to which each had contributed his part. This Interest in crattmanshlp and recognition of its vital Importance in human economics has led Mrs.
Ward to developing the plans for the women's woTk exhibit which is one of the features of the St. Paul biennial. This display of work will be irhown In the bouse of representatives. Minnesota's exhibit has reached splendid proportions within the last week. Mrs.
Vrooman Wood of Minneapolis has In oharge an array of laces made by women many of them of foreign birth, but who now live within the state. Tbe lace work of the Indiana is always attractive, while the bead and basket work' and pottery Is part of Minnesota's hlBtory. The handicraft guild, the art school Miss Mary M. Cheney's class In design, will ba represented, as will tbe wonderful needlework of Mrs. John Jaeger.
The work done by the Porto Rlcan women claims attention at once, as will many other of the valuable exhibits in this department. MCTUhEH FOR 1UB.V.V1AL COISTVENTIOV MONDAY. Margaret JnWlnvocatlon, Tnlnf May John A. Johnson Addrss of Welcome. Wwhbuni, President U.
T. W. Allrw of Mj-. biu-aii e. Decker, Prwrldent O.
P. W. response. Ir. Oyru Northrop, PrMldsnt Mlnheeota 8lal L'ulvaislly Mm.
RuKMll E. Korr Kepurt of local biennial board Mr. Loulw B. Pappenhelm Report of cor-reeindlna nwreuu-y. Group or oflir of th O.
V. W. C. Mr. O.
(. WHsh, president at large Minnesota Fi-deratlon. Mrs. Howard Cronby, Raclna, prominent club woman. Mrs.
W. H. Dibble, Marihall, prominent club woman. Mn Charles A. Perkins.
KnoxvlUa, director In li, P. W. t.V Mr. Mary Moody Push, chairman household economic committee. Mn.
Frederick Mri Anna B. 'Wert, prominent club woman of Maaaaihuseut Mrs. 'J'. Fletcher, ex-presldent of the Iowa federation. Mn.
Dennu T. 8. I.nniaon, honorary president O. V. W.
Mra. Theodora Youniane. prominent In Trl-State federation Mr. Thomaa Hoyt Brown, ex-presldent Minnesota federation. Mr.
Frederick Nathan, vlco president national consumers' leajtue. Mre rierley, Iiurlingum, Iowa, president Iowa federation. Trafalgar serges, light weight, mohair lined. Hokanum series. extrem in Our Own Famous maKe and Hart, Schaffner Marx Classy Models.
Pearl gray club check worsteds. New Dawn gray Knightrider checks -inch gray mourning check velours. New open plaid semi-velourcassimeres The assembly room of Stanley Hall was transformed yesterday afternoon into a beautiful salon for the annual exhibit of the art work of the Stanley Hall conservatory which is under the direction of Miss L. Grace Woodward. With the seats removed, tho walls completely hidden by the interesting work of the young pupils, several divans covered with Oriental rugs placed about the room, aud a white covered tea table noldlng a gleaming brass samovar and dainty cups and saucers in ono corner, the Bcene was a pretty and artistic one even before the arrival of the many guests who spent the hours from 3 to 5 Inspecting the pictures.
Filled with this animated and interested throng the room, as doubly ai tract ive, and the annual exhibit was among the most successful affairs ever held at the school. Attention centered largely on the corner whero hung the charcoal drawings from a cast of the famous head of the dying Alexander. These were drawn by certain girls from the academic and preparatory departments for tlte annual Stanley Hall prizes of $10 and $5 in gold. The prise of $5 given for tha best work In the preparatory department was Inaugurated at this exhibit. Frances Reedwon the prlje In the academic, department, first mention was" given to Lorilla Rice, and second mention to Georgjana Le Doux.
The preparatory department prize went to Stella Metzgar and first mention to Alice Skldmore. The competing drawings were but a small proportion ot drawings from the cast, which covered nearly one side of the large room. Among them were two children's heads by Pauline Bahr that received the red ribbon. Full of charms and attractiveness were the charcoal sketches from life, showing the various ways In which different eyes see the, same model. The work in this department as particularly fine, and one that Miss Woodward has developed remarkably during the past, year.
A few still life drawings In charcoal made a significant contrast to the life sketches. The wall of the room opposite the windows blazed with the fine work done by the pupils In water color. Flowers, life aud still life studies and studies for china painting lent their contrasted beauties to this fascinating section, which -attracted much aTOnlTdn andaTTttghted comment. Two of Lorilla Rice's water colors received the red ribbon, as did ono study by Wtlhelmina Donaldson. Colored chalk studies aud work In oils made an attractive corner, full of soft glowing color and the beauty of light and shadow.
l.uvia Barclay received honorable mention for her work in oil. Tbe Judges were Mme. Didler. teacher of art and French in St. Paul: Miss Kless, are designer, and Mrs.
A. K. Hel-mick, artist. In a room by itself was placed the remarkable work of the primary and academic classes. Miss Woodward spends some time each week with the little folks of the school, and has secured results that are wonderful.
Alt sorts of designs, illustrations of children's stories, little sketches from the model, and many other kinds of art work are undertaken wrth careful Instruction and system, and the results are delight. '1. Irawlng and coloring are thus made, from the first, a pleasure to the children, their future possibilities are suggested, and latent talent isdeveloped as It can be by no other mode of 1 T. i A 4 fr i 7 i. a va Innovations in straight cut coat, deeply side or center vented, semi-fitted waist and comfortable half bloomer trousers.
Myriads of shades, a half hundred weaves. Styles of "dash and spirit," perfect summer wear The eighth biennial convention of Women's clubs to be held in 8u Paul from May SO to June 7, Inclusive, really begins Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock when the board of directors moots In executive session. The council convenes lit 3 o'clock In the senate room of the old capitol to discuss the revision of the by-laws and to consider any new business which may be brought before the convention during the week. Theopenlng session Is Wednesday vening at the armory, when Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, president of the general federation, by the fall of the tiny historic gavel, will declare the event looked forward to for two years as formally begun.
From the number of delegates already regTsTered and the other club women who come to attend the meetings, the attendance will greatly outnumber previous biennials. The distinguished speakers with the personnel of the widely known club women promises an exclusive assemblage. The biennial convention represents 46 state federations, 4,500 clubs and membership of over half a million. New York mate alone has a membership of 34,000, and Illinois 30,000, while other states are proportionate according to their age In federation activities. A Former Woman.
Among the prominent speakers at the eonventlon Is Kev. Caroline Bartlett Crane of Kalamazoo, who comes to speak of the ministry as a profession. Mrs. Crane writes us a personal letter: "You will be interested, perhaps, to know that In my girlhood I was for two years on the force of The Minneapolis Tribune, first as a reporter, then as as-s5iam rlty editor iud -editorial writer. I left Minnesota to become city editor Of the Oshkotsh Itally News." Mrs.
Crane will be the guest of Mrs. Channlng Beabnry of Ashland avenue -during the convention, and will no doubt find many friends among the newspaper fraternity In the two cities. Mrs. Crane at the present Is not unmindful of her newspaper training and Is the author of some very interesting literature, contributing regularly to Charities and The Commons. She was the organizer and founder of the Women's Civic Improvement league of Kalamazoo.
Mich. In October, she sent letters simultaneously to the Ladles' Library association and the Twentieth Century club of Kalamazoo, requesting the appointment of a Joint committee to consider the matter of organizing a Civic Improvement league. The requests were Immediately granted and i the organization perfected la January. Tbe fame of the Kalamazoo Civic league, it a wonderful growth and accomplishment is world wide. It has collected and dinbunid In the varlcus tmnrrhes Believing that thrift Is the best weapon against poverty, the league has encouraged and induced a loral savings bank to pay a collector to make house-to-house collections of small savings, and hope soon to extend this savings system Into the public schools.
departments of work are at present four: Outdoor art. public health, charities organization and Junior civic Tillotson Standard blue serges. Varsity cut, alpaca lined'coats, 15, Chalk striped worsteds, Yelour finished cassimeres, $25. Hokanum worsted suits. Swell buck and gray hair lines, $30.
Herring! pockets, rich plaids, $22. Short Lots of Hart, Schaffner Marx $20, $22, $24 and $25 Suits $15 Hard twist worsteds' cassimere3 and imported fabrics, 33 inch 4 Varsity coats, single and double breasted, complete size rane I sf 1 1 1 $20, and $25 grades, in short lots, special tj 1 9JJ The Special -Blue serges, gray worsteds, black thibeta and fancv cheviots, serge and Venetian lined, single and double 7r breasted. Every point of 15 grade PV. Store Closed Decoration Day. Ellis Meredith.
Isnvr, chairman 'ate For The Boys' Holiday Novelty Suits, worth to $7.50 $3.50. High class Riibsian Mouse suits, Bailor collared Russian suits, vetee suits and Eton suits, plain or bloomer pants. Very natty, correct summer wear. In short 3 JO.J0 $5. $6, $0.50, 7, ILaSL anil grades speelal $3.50.
2 Piece Suits, Worth to $3 $5. Dress and semi-dresa summer cloths. In Norfolk Btyle, double breasted style, Bloomer pants style and Ruff and Tuff. Dashing effects, Identical with $7. $7.50 and JS showings sizes to 1795.
Young Men's Suits. Pure wool and worsteds, clays, Thibet a and fancy cassimeres, sizes 14 to 20. $15 Haberdashery Needs For Decoration Day. The White Knife Plaited Shirt or lightly figured fancy shirt. New high grade Ceylon Shirtings, cuffs on or off.
Coat or plain style $1.50 value $1. Soisette Perfect comfort, plain white and cream, Coif style or cutis attached $1.50. Summer Silk Neckwear, Rich foulards and Rtimchundas, plain polka dotted or geometrically figured, Fours-in-hand and bats 50. New King Edward Scarf Pins, Specially cut stones 30o and 25 f. Summer Belts.
Hog skin. Snake skin and Monkey skin. Imported buckles, exceptional values SO. Straws Come In- to their own on Decoration Day. Genuine Equadorian Panamas, Oil silk sweat bands, selected stock, regular $6 hats 1.75.
Higher quality Panamas, direct from the Isthmus, up to $20. John B. Stetson Straws, English splits $5. $4 and $3.50. Negligee Straws $1 to $3.
London Boater spill braid yachts $2 to $3.50. The Relay Pearl Felt Hat, Breejy and jaunty rough and ready ttlescope shapes, Bound or raw edge $3.50 and $3. The Pickwick Bell-Crown Shape for more conservative dressers. In new Brosa Pearls- $3.50. UNIVERSITY InvtltutloTis committee.
Mrs. Lyman Atkinson, delegate from Denver Woman's club. Mrs Henry Churchill, president Colorado federation. Mjs Constance. Faunt Le Hoy Poinds.
foun dr first soman'! club. Mrs. Mary Moody pugh, chairman household economic commute. Mrs. E.
K. Muinmert, president Indian federation. FRIDAY. JCM5 1 Marry J. Wood.
Portsmouth. N. H. Improvement work. I prf-sM'-nl miirfrlly department u.
r. w.t.. i jiwjyww- alii i I3 I "fir '-iditi ll 'm tAftssUhdisy Jkksfii HATIHDAY, JIN 3 Mis. Charles Morris. Wisconsin, chairman lli'-rary extension committee.
Kev. Fkniii.e ltm-k. Kenoha. Wis prominent speaker fit library extension session. Monday, 4 George If Maxwell Chicago, address at forestry session on "Hmermft." Mrs.
Catherine A. Hopkins. Huffman. one th stinkers at the forestry conference. Prof- II.
S. Clark, of Chicago. TI EHDAY. Jl'NK DAY. Mrs W.
M. Hopkins, vlco president Fifth district. Mn. I.yrtla P. Williams.
Mrs. W. B. Mac-Ixn, Mrs. E.
M. Ijl Ptnotlers, reception committee. Cynthia Westover Alden, address of the afternoon. WEDNESDAY, 6. Mrs.
May Alden Ward, Hoston, address on "Journalism." Kev. Caroline Bartlett Crane. Kalamazoo, address on "The Ministry." Miss Amelia Bingham, New York city, address, "The Stage." The first "news letter" Issued by the General Alumni association of the uni-slty has been sent to all the newspapers throughout the state. The letter Is in the form of a bulletin of university events, and will be Issued each month in furtherance of the efforts of the association to keen the alumni and the public in general In close touch, with university iraerosts. The first letter is a four-page bulletin devoted entirely to short news items about tha university.
On the front page Is an announcement giving editors of country papers permission to use the stories without giving credit to the association, and asking that the items be printed w-henever poislble. The association announces its intention of giving the truth about university affalra. The letter Just issued contains a picture of the new main building, a description of the new Alice A. Shevlin hall, the woman's building, a program of commencement week, and other Items of interest to tho alumni who do not usually see the city papers and are not in touch with present camps conditions. Wisconsin university authorities are till worrying about the football contract between Minnesota and Wisconsin, and have again asked to be relieved of responsibility.
President Van Hlse of Wisconsin has written to President Northrop, asking to have the Badger athletic authorities excused from fulfilling their contract to play football with Minnesota on Nov. 4. A special meeting of the Minnesota ath-lethic board of control will be held this evening, and It is probable that the request of Wisconsin will be granted and the Badgers relieved from liability on the contract. There is hardly any alternative, as the Wisconsin faculty will not let the team play Minnesota or any other big team. Rather than caue any ill feeling between the two schools, tho Minnesota student athletic board will relinquish Its rights on the contract.
An epidemic of stealing seems to have broken out again at the university, the latest articles of value to disappear being several fine photographs of the Sa.i COMPLIMENTAEY VWKER TO EAST HIGH TRACK TEAM The complimentary dinner to be tendered to the members of the East High school track team, next Saturday evening, is to be a big thing. The Northwestern meet comes off In the afternoon and if the boys win first place the affairs will be all the more lively. Each one present will be given an opportunity to tell a story and there will be no lack of music during the progress of the feed. Owing to the amount of work which is necessary to prepare an affair of this kind It is nocessary that all who Intend to go send their names to M. T.
Calne, 1312 Fourth street southeast, before Wednesday, as the number has been limited. The "Varsity Lunch," 421 Fourteenth avenue southeast, will be the scene of the feast. Mothers' Club. Minnesota during Ibe past three years has fcrged to the front in the work of Mothers' clubs. Mrs.
H. 8. Birch of Minneapolis Is state chairman of this Important coiiimttiee and has been untiring In her efforts to perfect organized work in the Minnesota state federation. She has succeeded in awakening public sentiment and at the present the sota federation is evincing tangible Interest In the visit of Mrs. Frederick Scbofl, president of the National Congress cf Mothers.
The aims and purposes of the National Corgref.i of Mothers are: To raise the standard of home life. To develop wiser, better-trained parent nood. To give young people. Ignorant of the propel caro and training of children, opportunities to learn this, that they may better perform the of parenthood. To bring Into closer relation the home and tho school, that parent and teacher may co-operate Intelligently In the education of the child.
To surround the childhood of the whole world with that loving, wise care in tho Impressionable years of life, that will develop good citizens, Instead of law-breakers and criminals. To us systematic, earnest effort to this end, through the formation of mothers' clubs In every public school and elsewhere; the establishment of kindergartens, and laws which will adequately care for neglected and dependent children, in the firm belief that united, concerted work for little children will pay better than any other philanthropic work that can bo done. To carry tha mother-love and mother-thought Into all that concerns or touches childhood In home, school, church, state or legislation. To interest men and women to cooperate in tha work for purer, truer bomos, In the belief that to accom-- pllsh the best results, men and women must work together. To secure such legislation as will insure that children of tender years may not be tried In ordinary courts, but that each town shall establish Juvenile courts and special officers, whose business it shall be to look out (Tor that care which will rescue, instead of confirm, the child In evil ways.
To work for such probationary care in Individual homes rather than ln- IHuUons. To rouse the whole community to sense of its duty and responsibility to the blameless, dependent and neglected children, because there Is no philanthropy which will so speedily reduce our taxes, reduce our prison expenses, reduce the expense of institutions for correction and reform. The work of the congress Is civic work Jn the broadest and highest sense, and every man or woman who is interested In the aims of the congress Is urged to become a member and aid in tho organized effort for a higher, nobler, national life, which can only be attained through the individual homos. Mis. Frederick Schorl of Philadelphia, the national president of this Congress Mothers, speaks to tho public In general and the club women of Minnncapolis Tuesday aflernoon in the Y.
W. C. A. founding. Without question, a branch organization will bo formed In Minnesota.
iMrs. J. L. Washburn, president of the M. P.
W. will introduce Mrs. Schoff at the meeting over which Mrs. C. W.
MANY IMPORTANT CASES ARE POSTPONED FOR A TIME rittiic-iscu uiFasu-r wmcu ueiungeu Pror. J. J. Flather. Thp nicfm'ua ftAm hv Prnf.
Tlfllhai1 ahitftlv aftap I tin apMiiiuta he havlug been called to the coast at that i V. 4.1 m. time on account oi tne ueaui ot ma mother. Upon returning to the university he placed several of the best pictures on a bulletin board in the engineering building for the benefit of his students. Recently several of ihe best have been Ou account of the Force trial, tho criminal branch ot the court calendar is being loaded with postponements, and many cases were reset yesterday.
The so-called "Railroad Bifjker" cases were taken up by a motion on the part of John Li nd to quash the indictment. Mr. Liind asserted that the law under which the Indictments were returned has been repealed. The argument on the motion will bo heard Saturday at 2 o'clock. These cases were against Ole Sternberg et for alleged ticket scalping.
The State against Ben Gordon, charged with receiving stolen property, was continued until Thursday. The Stato against Edith Pauly end tha other two women Indicted with her for alleged shoplifting, was passed until Monday. Sclesififk Analysis Positively affirms that the alcohol contained in 15 glasses of our beer scarcely equals that contained iu one avetatfe cjass of ardent spirits, lience a bottle of ripe malt beer, when brewed from malted barley and Bohemian hops like 'i i -1 aiuieu. The professor yesterday asked tho senior engineering class n'assiM him In tho recovery of the pictures which are of especial value to him. The class has organized itself Into detective agenry and will endeavor to locate the missing pictured.
Despite the constant vigilmu'e of the, university authorities petty thievery continues at an alarming rate. Small articles of clothing, gloves, books and papers, rubbers and handkerchiefs are often stolen from the various lockers, especially those around the corridors of tho library building. Whether students or outsiders are guilty of this has never been determined. we The world Is round, I understand, But I feel often that It's stale, unprofitable and Intolerably flat. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Is really a wholesome and natural temperance drink (containing only 3'i percent of alcohol), that promotes digestion and enriches the blood. It is a thousand times better for the human stomach and nerves than dyspepsia creating concoctions like coflee and pink tea. Dr. Tasteur calls it "a veritable food product," and Dr. Wm.
L. IBeebee, Surgeon for Jas. J. Hill's Great Northern Railway System, says Beer is surely a food, by reason of its ingredients, and its moderate use is not at all injurious to the health of adult persons." PcerlCSS has attained its commanding superiority because it has been brewed for over 50 years by the "Gund Natural IrOCCSS, and is bottled Only at the brewery. The best clubs, cafes and hotels keep it constantly.
Better 'phone us today and have a case delivered to your home. "NO CURE, NO PAY" How Druggists Sell Hyomci, the Guaranteed Cure for Catarrh. (eyes, president of the Improvement will preside. John Gund Brewing La Crosse, Wis. C.
BEUCK, Manager Minneapolis Branch, Mrs. H. A. Towne entertains for Mrs. choff by a luncheon at Donaldson's tea-)oms, Tuesday noon.
Mrs. Schoff Is the a bottle' of Hyomel. If this Is not enough for a cure, extra bottles of Hyomel can bfi obtained for 60 rents. Druggists positively guarantee a cure, if Hyomel Is used in accordance with directions, or will refund the money. If you cannot obtain Hyomel of your dealer.
It will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on renlpt. of price. Write today for a freo samplo bottio and consultation blank that will entitlo you to services ot otir medical department without charge. Tho R. T.
Ileoth Company, Hvomel tluildlnr, l.haca. N. X. icst of Mrs. H.
F. Newhall of Humboldt People who have spent large sums with catarrh specialists, durivlng but little benefit, or the many who have swallowed stomach remedies in the vain hops of curing catarrh, have experienced almost Immediate relief from the use of Hyomel, while the continued treatment for a r.hort time has resulted in a complete and lasting cure. The regular Hyomel outfit costs only one dollar snd consists of a nest pocket Inhaler that can be carried In the purse or vest pocket, a medicine dropper and vtnue. whtle in Minneapolis, and of Mrs. Bom Phones, 732- 1501-1509 So.
Sixth Minneapolis, Minn, j- ff, a -a corge It. Pinch of Summit avenue, St. aul, during biennial Mrs. Coonley-Ward of Chicago is in the invention city at federation headquar- rs. Hotel liyan, and Is a very busy mnan arranging and Installing the cx- mm mi i.
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