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The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana • Page 4

Tipton, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jijll FELS-NAPTHA For extra help in every soap-and-water task HITCH 1 POLICY RECORD CROWDS. Merchants Free Good Will Show to End Xext Thursday, the at itisiior DESCRIBES TEXAS STORMV this wonderful mattress lie did I i not know a thing until we made! Kurl Cranston, Dean of M. Mrs. Dallas Warne Tells of Htirri- so much noise getting ready to Dominion Wants Definite Bishops, III Many Months. i cane Which Swept Kosciibui-R.

ISO to safety. When meriting came part ofj Xew Richmond, O- August Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Warne Hie new fireproof roof was gone! this house, some dram Pledge of Empire on Soviet Earl Cranston 91year- have received word from their, Torn nuuzv, sumt- eld dean of'bishops of the Meth- son Dallas and family, telling that trees were down, and, odist Episcopal church, died at his'they are safe following the ter-l-that was all about. Hut thisj homo near here last night after rifle storm in the Kosenburg dis- ls reck Xo was i Da aa an illness of several months.

Ho trlet. drove as far as Neoda -j strove to bring about reunion of Lieutenant Warne is stationed ville wit Dallas yesterday after-, his church and the Methodist Camp Waco, but for some time noon on Episcopal church. South. has been in camp at Palarios. liishop Cranston was born at'j ln Hobbs, brother of Mrs.

Athens, 1840, the who lias been in Texas a ed lit Karl and Jane (Montgomery I or a number of years, is referred Cranston. He attended Ohio uni- to in the letter, and his son Bry- REFUSE THIS his way back to camp.j And I do not think there is Ottawa, August house iu that town that isn't economic conference a critical, but by "We heard the camp, was wiped means' fatal stage. itn- has versity and survived its oldest alumnus. ItOK.V IX YOKK. Name on (Vrliliratc Lindbergh Hab.v.

to become an 10 looks after his father's ioil interests had an exciting "expe- riencn dtirins the storm. letter as'follows: i I know you have of'read of the hurricane which passed -iiver this section of Texas out, aiid thought perhaps Dallas' Some of the'agreements which would he "back herb any time, had been reached in conversations lint last night, just before going among the delegates have not The lo 1)eci 11CWS eame over the ra-i stood the test of being put into Xew York. Aug. birth cenilicate for tin- second of Col. and Mrs.

diaries A. Lindbergh giving the place nf birth as the New York apartment of Mrs. I) wight Morrow, mother 'of Mrs. Lindbergh, was mailed last night I'd health authorities. The child horn Tuesday nioninig.

Xo iiaiiu- was entered for tlic child in the certificate, which gave the attending physician as K. M. Hawkes. Tile mother and baby were undi-rstond to be "doing Jiicrly." Dallas. The men next door to: ling L'nolc John drive the bus from and last.

Saturday night. And I know you are wondering about iis. We are all still together. more fortunate than most people in Hosonburg. But wo can say we 'have been through a real tropical storm and add il to our experiences.

All day last Saturday it rained and (ill And 1 spent my day Martha and Ava Lee looking for Dallas to drive' lpm to lho ficld from Palacios. He reached here ()(U jn tho slorm iKht about o'cloi-k and we were so ls Uy oV ck, ulad be-'auso it had became not wall; a vanl f(ll mightv windy and storm dio that everyone was safe and precise form in writing. they knew the storm was: As before, it is the Russian coming every tent was taken up question that is causing the chief and moved into tho buildings, trouble. Premier R. B.

Bennett, and that everything was back in of Canada, who was satisfied last order and camp would continue, week with what the British said John -Charles went back withi'Jiey might do toward control- Wednesday and Thursday Dlanp Theater 'was crowded all eight showings of the Merchants Free Good Will shows, tickets" for jwhich have been presented with purchases. Manager Paakos says; that the show proved without doubt that many people want to see pictures but cann'ol afford the He announces that his contract with the merchants who -iiave been presenting these shows free on two days of each week," ends days next week and unless movement is started to keeping them going that will be the end of For his regular Friday and Sat- lirday show ir.g "South starring, Bui Silver. Also and a splen Mr. Paikos Is present- of the Rio Grande." Jones anil his horse 'Heroes of the West," did cartoon comedy. In Slimmer School.

soviet dumping of -lumber wheat into British markets to Palacios, and we knew i to tho detriment of the Cana- not so he could stay i dians. is now demanding more soul out. By hero if it with Dallas this week, ho could definite commitments on the sub- come back on the-bus safely. joct than the United Kingdom Bryan just came in to g-it! delegation to inake. to With this new complication, was.

other agreements also are held Ilcjup because Premier Bennett's of- but JILTS to Great Britain, which had thc'j reached ia satisfactory stage, are wind and rain, so ho clung to rge i Contingent on the final Indianapqlis, Aug. 15 Columbia is ji the post-summer school at tier university. A year around schedule is now maintained toy the university with the exception of the two weeks receding the opening of the fall erm. September 12. The po'st- ummer teitm was attended by 12 student redits for ig certifies SEEK SACRIFICIAL TREE.

Scientist Search That Devours Hn 1 Beings. London, Aug. hand ot British explorers, Including one vvoman, will land on the island of Sinbad the Sailor in a few weeks tb search for the mysterious i.l I it becam.T lo rough'we all became a i oil tank until o'clock. JIo wris'outcome of the soviet situation. Kancr.

worried. 'The children wrrr ready for brd and wo wrro izhul thry went to Bryan had brought Ava Lrn, Georgia I.ou to ret into and Mar- Miss Maxwell, of Clcvrland, will lie- among tho nut of tho city miests at tho Tri Sunday. And I thank good- Kappa Priority at nho Elk's 'ness 1 had all our family hero in Home Friday niiiL'. While in, this strong house that night. tile' city shr will br mtrst Thr children had undressed, but Mr.

and Mrs. K. 1C. Mrudenhal) i Aunt'li and I got thrm up and family on Madison about midnight. and drossod Both sides are still confident i a satisfactory conclusion, but it may not come as early as to- errieks come down.

which was the date officially street. Daily Bible (Quotation. Xeither shall they say. Lo I'pre! or lo. tbere: for behold tlic kingdom of is within Kokotno f'ollrgc: Sociiro a liusiiifss Maud on it; lot-your stick above Ibo croud: Fall Term Opening, Aug.

to Sopl. Huilotin. they were going down all the time. Ho said he saw eighteen the large And Until, his wife, was in their inllouncc( last wcek for jj jaughtc-r. in here to stay i(llp 10US? a 0 lc pk nal sbssioil of thc CO nfer- Manha was here with Ava CM1 Bryan almost froze, as he was.

soaked, hit; their no damage to their house. This is in- haslo. as they rci'dy to go to the post office, but 1 wanted yon to know we are all safe, but have liad a real expe-j is tho Muriuuii legend rienee. Tile one 17 years ago to-j (( incci'iiiiijr the origin of tlic. In- morrow was a little worse a this one.

Aunt Libb I am. hj, according to the Book of glad I was not here at that time. I Mormoll hj. st ory. was thc leader JTHIS INTERESTED I MAVBK IT WTLXi YOU, TOO them, then let them go back to sleep, so they really do not realize wliilt the storm was.

got coals, blankets, extra shoes and all ready to run for the garage, if necessary. It is all cement and the best built here Aunt Libb. Lavonn and I undressed, and we sat up until o'clock'. Molin and Dallas wont to bed 11 o'clock, and Dallas went to sleep as he had been on a ma- nen'ver from camp since Wednes- ill write again. You letter came to me here.

Love to both. El'LA. day and had been sleeping oil the and daughter Miss lilla Kipin on ground, and when he got in on West street. cf a colony of Israelites who left Jerusalem about GOO B. and much journeying reached jibe western shores of South Am- Marv Louise Kigin Their descendants, the wi legend sets forth, spread up into North America.

From these Is' raelitish people, the book says, the American Indians arc descended. Trrre llanto is visitinir Mrs. Mary Tipton Indiana Tipt on Indiana In Following Out the Time, Old Policy of the A. P. Tea Company of Selling Only Highest Quality at the Lowest Possible Prices'We Offer the Following Items for Your Week End Requirements Pork Loin Cream Cheese Ih.

15c 3 Ibs. 17c Hamburger 1 CA Fcs '2lbs. IDC Tastv Boneless Fish lb. lOc Pork PORK BOIL per lb lOc PORK SPARE BIBS per lb. 5c Shoulder ROAST per lb.

lie RIB CHOPS per lb. lOc FRESH PICNICS per lb. 8c Beef RIB BOIL per lb. 4c hoicc Roiiiid STEAK per lb. 15c -'nm-y Sirloin STEAK per lb.

2 SWISS STEAK per lb. 15c CHUCK ROAST per lb. lOc Prime. JIHi ROAST itoncd, Riilloi lb. 19c Shoulder ROAST ib Veal CHOPS per lb.

15c STEAK per lb. 25c Shoulder ROAST lb. Lamb STEW lb. 5c LEG OF LAMB Ib 19c cured, lb. SLICED lb.

Country Roll BUTTER, lb. 21c Ring BOLOGNA pound FRANKS pound i 8c Smoked PICNICS pound 9c TKe Great ATLAHTlC PACIFIC Countcrfoit S10 Hills. Thursday a warning was sent out from Indianapolis regarding a clover S10 counterfeit bill which may appear in this section. The ir-cular ttatos that several men. believed to bo Italians passed a quantify of tlio bogus bills in Columbus, and" were thought to bo- hoaded for Indiana and officers havr boon notified to be on guard.

Askod to Look For Car. Sheriff Dovault has been requested to look for a Ford Tudor model stolen from the garage of its owner B. Strickley, JOOS North B. street in Elwood. The car is a black one with black wheels all littort with.

U. S. Cord tiros. The owner is offering a reward for tiie recovery of the car and a further reward of for the arrest, of the thieves. II ore On Visit.

Mrs. James Morriscy of Lima Ohio and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Stouder and husband of Lancas tor. Ohio are spending the week with the former's mother, Mrs. Allen Fuller on West Jackson stree and with other relatives in the city.

Saratoga Flontrcl. Washington. Aug. navy department announced a 10:25 P. E.

S. last night that i had been advised the giant air c.raft carrier, Saratoga, which aground near San Diego. Calf, was now "afloat and clear." Daiiro -Saturday Night. Another j.rpund and Bailee, will lie! givjsn at Island Tea' Room -Saturday night. Sain music, same c-27 Use Tribune Waut Ads.

seeking additional graduation or Madagascar "sacrifice tree," which devours human beings. The so-called man-eating tree, which actually Is said to take the ljves of young 'girls rather than men, is not a product of the imagination, high' authorities clare. CapL V. de la Motte Hurst, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, has been convinced that It not only but that each year it devours several of the most the island. The superstitious tribes of- fbr the girls to the tree as sacrifices, he said.

"I have been told about the tree by many chiefs of the island and li have no doubt of'its Gapt. Hurst said. "It eats human beings, but since the natives ship it, they are reluctant to reveal its location." The tree, as described to the I captain, is similar to a colossal pineapple. It is about ei'ght feet tall and six the It has long tendrils, which reach upward each about as thick as the arm of a man. The leaves are large and con- and are lined with "claws." From the tree comes an intoxicat- Remodeling Sale at The Boston Store Many New Items Added Each Day Don't We Give Booster Tickets 'ord is enrolled in liquid, which, the natives drink istory department where he is laking a study of European his- ory since 10 world He willj ianapolis o.ntinne special study at the In- cbool until August to arouse the hvsteria, which leads up to the sacrificial ceremony.

"While the natives dance around the tree, a young girl is forced to drink the Ca'pt. 7 when thje present session ex-j Hurst "Then she is com- ires. Lankford will be a senior pelled to up into the middle of Butler tljiis fall. II is the son'the tree. Mr.

and JMrs. Arthur Lankfordj "The tree's tendrils and-leaves Tipton. are hypersensitive and as soon as i the weight of the sacrificial maid- Loft For Illinois. en is Pressed against them, the (- tendrils entwine her. The leaves Mr and' Mrs Charles raise slowly and completely hide Jownes, daughters Alice and: tlln rl Eleanor of South Main street and TIle Pressure of the tendrils on Russell'of Indianapolis left a ld leaves is like a vise and it is.

'riday afternoon for a visit with fid the body of the girl is elatives at i.Mt. Pleasant, Iowa crushed. I am told that the leaves r.d vicinity, over Sunday. They vill visit with Mr. Downes' moth- Mrs.

Jennie Downes, his brotli- rs, Loren, Chester, Morris and Vard Downes and families and isters, MrsJ Elmer Cooper and Irs. Lyle (lalbreath and families fho all live niles of Mt. remain in that formation'for five or six days and then slowly reopen. Only the bones of the victim are found." Capt. Hurst's expedition wlH land at Morundava.

a small village the coast of Madagascar. withiira radius of teu It will, pass through the territor- Pleasant. Saturday jtliey will attend the ies of half a dozen of which are hostile. Hth annudl reunion of Anjdersou and amilies. the i The expedition hopes, to take a Reeves motion picture of the tree sacrifice.

SENSATIONAL CHARGES. OI'KXS Stc'plieiison Siiys 'Important an AVitnoss Slain. jSovoriil Tipton Coanty to hiliit HOI-SOS at Khvood August second annual park in Through his attorneys D. Ste- opens phenson filed another paragraph Elwood Saturday a yesterday to. the coram nobis ac- breeders havo' tion through 'which he hopes to obtain a new trial on the charge of slaying Miss rMadge Oberholt-; wood Kiwanis club anil animals entered.

i The show. hv ze-r of Indianapolis. The former Ku ing is in- charge of ni Klux Klan ti )0 r-xtonsion i'. Visitoil tho Mrs. S.

l-lnch Miss Gertriiclfe Miner, visited Tuesday evening with Sirs. Ancie Leisure of Florida and with Mrs. Mollio. Hobbs at the ratter's home in Mrs. Leisure, who was brought from the Beechwood hospital Sat-' urday where she had been a pa- ient for' several weeks, is recov- and inakinc a steady each day.

She may return to ler'home at Lake Wales. Florida a few weeks, to recuperate. who has also been ill, 's recovering and doing fine. Tribune want ads grand dragon now serving a life: I'urdtie the sensational I charge that a woman who would have lieen a material witness at his trial was murdered by his enemies and her body, thrown in White River near Xoblesvill-5. Stephenson's trial; was held at' 'Xobiesville.

jttdg- eni get onight and Saturday Biick Join's Hor-c Ui.s "Silver'' 'South of the Rio Grande' Action! ItoiHMiicc! Also tin- Oil. Boy, What a Serial, and Car! mm SUNDAY. MONDAY and TUESDAY RICHARD Trip. The Tribune is; in receipt of a from Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Foser and family northwest of Tip- on. who are enjoying a motor; rip through the The card vas from Washington, D. C. and they were visiting all if interest iji the Nation's capital, viount Veriion and other proiiu- lent places and also the beau.tii.ul scenic highways, of the vicinity. icifn a dramc of blood and fleet from the ricm heads that i world! ROAR OF THE DRAGOH Also rathe: Comedy "BON VOYAGE" BLACK PEPPER Ex tra strong-, perlli.

25c 45c TIN Per dozen ripe, solid fruit, 6 Ibs! DREAMERY In quarters, per lb. BROWN Light, 5 Ibs. POTATOES Large, white Cobblers, 15-lb. peck Nut Oleo, lb lOc Sani-Flush, can 19c Red Seal Lye, 3 cans 19c Pinto Beans, 5 Ibs. Iiima Beans, 3 Ibs.

Navy Beans, 10 29c Post Bran, 2 for 19c Can Ribbers, 6 doz. Apple Gutter, qt. jar. Graham Crackers, 2 Ibs Soda Crackers, 2 Ibs. Peanut Butter, 3 19c Moore's Phones 130-27 Watch lor Our Haid Bills Each Week Swansdown Cake pkg.

Sugar, cloth Ibs, 46c Calumet Baking Ibl Bottle Caps, 1 bos; 19c T. N. T. Brown Soap, big 1-lb. bars; 6 for Fireside Marshmallows, 2 Ibs.

Ramo Coffee, always good, lb. 19c Halt, famous brand, can 35c Jewel Flour, 24 Ibs. Powdered Sugar, 3 Ibs. Imperial Tea, fine for ice tea, lb. 25c Swift's White Soap, 10 bars 23c Rolled Oats, large box Rolled Oats, small box 5c Del Monte Red Salmon, 1-lb.

can Celery, tied 2 and 3 big stalks to a bunch, bunch Toilet Tissue, 6 rolls. Vinegar, white, colored or cider, gallon Dried Peaches or Apricots, 2 Ibs. 25c Del Monte Prunes, 2-lb. box 15c Raisins, 2 IbB. for lite Pineapple) large size, 2 35c Brooms, extra good, each 25c Chocolate Covered Grahams, per lb.

15c Bacon Squares, lb. Sc Smoked Picnics, 4 to 7 per lb. lOc Lard, 3 Ibs, 19c Bacon, lean and sugar cured, 2 Bacon, heavy, lean and sugar cured, 2 Ibs. for Round, Loin, Swiss or T-Bone Steak, lb. Pork Steak, 2 Ibs.

Pork Chops, lb. 15c Baby Beef Roast, lb. Baby Beef Boil, lb. Pork Roast, -12c Pork Tenderloin, lb. Pork Sausage, jib lOc Hamburger, beef and pork loaf, 2 jbs.

Arm 15c Boiled Ham, lb. 29c OUH BEEF IS STRICTLY BEEF.

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