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The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune from Chillicothe, Missouri • Page 12

Chillicothe, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHILLICOTHE CONSTITUTION JAN 26 1907. AND LOCAL Phillips of Linneus visited friends here Friday. Newt Peters returned Saturday afternoon from his regular trip. L. M.

Dome of Utica was a business visitor in the city Saturday. M. G. Carter of Stanberry was a Saturday business visitor In the city. Mrs.

Frank Platter is visiting relatives and friendr in Corrollton. W. H. Goes of Chicago WaS in the city, Friday, the guest of friends. Mrs.

Ira. Hedrick of Utica arrived Saturday to visit relatives in the city. D. M. Mathias of Route 6 sends the CONSTITUTION a renewal mittance.

Miss Beulah Hudgine left. Saturday for Utica to spend Sunday relatives. with W. A. Cox.of Route 4 was a reDewal caller at the CONSTITUTION office Friday.

Dillen Warren and Riley Nay of Wheeling were Saturday business visitors in the city. Ben Melvin returned to his home in Trenton, Friday, after a short visit with W. H. Sipple. This is the last week for the N.

Y. Racket. Come and get goods at cost. 1w N. T.

Kester left Saturday Cream, Ridge, where he will. spend Sunday with relatives. Miss Elizabeth Moore left day for St. Joseph where ahe will visit relatives for two weeks. Miss Hazel Mahaffey will leave tonight for Columbia to visit Miss Faye Stewart over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick ef St. Louis are in the city the guests of relatives and friende. Miss Bertie Thompson left Saturday for Cream Ridge, where she will visit friends for a few days.

Mrs. C. C. Rosa of Quincy, who has been visiting her husband, returned to her home Saturday. This week only to sell goods.

My lose is your gain. N. Y. Racket. 1w George Milbank of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, is in the city, the guest of.

mother, Mrs. George Milbank, Sr. Miss Besaie Absbier left Saturday for Kansas. City where she will be the guest of friends for a number of days. Any ekin itching is a tester.

The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan'e. Ointment cures piles, eczema--any skin At all drug stores. N. W.

Vosburg, who has been on a prospecting tour in Kansas for the past week, returned home Saturday. L. D. Howe, the night operator at the Burlington, who has been on a trip to Durango, returned home Saturday. Fortify the system againet diethe blood--in other words taice ease by purifying and enriching Hood's Sarsaparilla.

Roy Pinkley of St. Louis will arrive tonight to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Pinkley, North Locust street. E.

F. Welsh of Chula was A Saturday business visitor in the city and called at the CONSTITUTION office and enrolled hie name on the weekly list. H.L. Faulkner will sell 40 Shortborn cattle and 40 Poland China hogs, all the best breeding, at Jamesport, Feb. 6.

Free entertainment. 21Jdw2w Kate--Outdoor life is good for nervous people. It occupies the mind. pleasantly. Hollister'6 Mountain Tea cheers the heart and makes life worth living.

35. cents, Tea or Tablets. Swetland Drug Co. Does Coffee disagree with you? Probably it Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee.

"Health Coffee" is a clever combination of parched cereale. and Not a grain of, real coffee, remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coflee, yet its flavor. and taste matches closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach, heart and kidneys can't stand Coffee drinking, try Health Coffee.

It is wholesome, nourishing, and satisfying. It's safe even for the youngest child. Sold by N.J. Swetland Drug Com-1 pany. MODERN RESIDENCE For Rent--A two story 7 room house, good location, two blocks from square.

Inquire at Grace's Lumber Yard. 30nti The Price of Peace. The terrible itching and smarting, incident to certain skin diseases, is almost instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 conte. For sale by Swetland Drug Company.

WAS PROMOTED JOHN A. FITZPATRICK ADVANCED IN RAILROAD After February First: will: Hold the Office of Traveling Freight Agent of the "Clover Loaf John H. Fitzpatrick, has been city passenger and ticket agent for the Toledo, St. Louis and Western railroad company, the "Clover Leaf in St. Louie for the three yeare, has been promoted to traveling freight agent to succeed W.

S. Turner. who has been aseigned to other duties with the same company, Mr. Fitzpatrick will still have hie headquarlers in St. Louis in the Frisco building.

He will take! charge of his now office Aret. st. The promotion of Mi. Fitzpatrick is a deserved one. Since he has been city passenger and ticket agent for the company in St.

Loule Mr. Fitzpatrick has devoted all bie time to the interest of the railroad. He has worked up an unusually the road. large business for John Fitzpatrick was born and reared in Chillicothe and his many friends here will. glad of his promotion and the high esteem in which he is held by the officials of the road for which he has been working.

CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH -Corner Cherry and Jackson streets. Rogular servicos as J. N. Crutcher, Announcement for Jan.

27. 9:15 a. m. Sunday L. Newland, Superintendent: 11:00 a.

m. Preaching by Mr.J. N. Crutcher. Subject: "Christ the Soul's Physician." Mise Leta Bishop at the organ.

6:30 p. m. Christian Ended vor. 7:30 p. m.

Evangelistic sermon by Pastor Subject: 'Jesus' Teaching cerning the Moral Law." Mr. Crutcher will deliver the third of a series of sermons on Great Teacher and What He Taught." You are welcome. ELM STREET -M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH.

T. W. Alton, pastor. Announcement for Jan. 27.

9:45 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a. Preaching by the Rev. C. C.

Selecman. 2:30 p. m. Junior Epworth League. 6:30 p.

m. Epworth League. 7:30 p. m. Freaching by Rev.

C. C. Selecman. You are cordially invited to attend any or all of these meetinge. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH--Corner Webster and Cherry streets.

George P. Sturges, pastor. Announcement for Jan. 13. 9:30 m.

Sunday School, W. H. Perry, Supt. 11:00 a. m.

Preaching. by Prof. C. F. Enyart of Missouri Wesleyan College, 3:00 p.

Jubior, Leggue, Mre. Laura Hall, Supt. 8879 6:30 p. m. Epworth League, F.

Starkey, President. 7:30 p. m. Preaching by Prof. C.

F. Enyart. Remember prayer meeting, on Wednesday evening. All cordially gingited. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH -Corner Clay and Vine streets.

John Frank Smith, pastor. Announcement for Jan: 27. Special music moraing and evening. 7 9:30 m. Sunday J.

W. Botts, Supt. A NiCE 11:00 a. m. Preaching by Dr.

Evans: 6:30 p. m. B. U. meeting, L.

C. Allen, 20 7:30 p. m. Evening service? Sermon by Di. Evane, 7:00 p.

m. Tuesday: evening, Christian Culture Class: Prayer meeting. Wednesday evening 7:30 p. m. Friday, 8.

8. Teach-, at 7:30 o'clock. WA ers meeting. Sacred concert poetponed to day evening, Feb. 1.

Pews free and public cordially invited. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCHDr. Griffin, rector. Announcement for Jan: 27. Septuagesima Sunday.

10:00 a.m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon.

7:30 a. Holy Communion. SPECIAL OPENING -AND SALE IRRESISTIBLE" "'THE WESTROOK, the manufacturers' expert corsetiere. The Gossard Front Laced Corsets are a revelation to women desiring a. unity of artistic beauty and hygienic principles.

They lace In Improves Any Figure Beyond. This: sale commences Monday, FO under the personal direction of They lace Jan Front Gossard Front New White Goods, Laces, Embroideries and Muslins at special prices during the week. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon.

music has been prepared for both services. Services Friday evening 7:30, are cordially invited. A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal. wbether Toall knowing muscular or of the joints, sciatical sufferers rheumatisw lumbagoes, neuralgia backache, pains, to pains write in to the ber kidney, for of home treatment which has repentedly cured all these torturos. She feels FREE.

it 'You duty cure her yourself send it nt to all home as sufferers thonsands will. testilyno change of banishes climate urle acid from the blood necessary. This simple discovory the stiffened joints, purifies the blood and brightens the the whole eyes. system. giving It elastic the ity and tone Interests to for proof address Mrs.

M. abuse Summers: Box you. 419, Notre Dame, Ind, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Five-rcom house on West Polk street; water-worka, fruit trees, large yard. Inquire at this office. Fatt 7 For Sale--Fresh young Jersey cow.

JuT. Westrope, 1410 McVey Ave. 23jd3t For: Sale--Remington. No. 2, Arst class Voondition.

448 j25d26, For Sale -Single and double barness, lumber wagon, buggy. footed hogs and household Mule goods, 448-Washington, For Sale-1 15 and 20 cent dress goode, 5 cente; 75 cente and cent dress goode, 25 cents; 25 ribbon, rib- 10 bon, 5 cents; 50 cent cents; button hole twist, dozen, dozen. 10 5 centa; embroidery silk, cents. 448 Washington. 25jd2t FOR RENT For Rent-March 1st, 1907, a 223 and stock farm, 5 room sore grain dwelling, large barn, granary, cellar.

Plenty of water, Steel wind pumps. Everything. ANDREW LEEPER, Phone 414 Chillicothe, Mo. 17jd2w4t For Rent-Furnished rooms for bousekeeping, 1123 West light. Webster street, j25d6t EXPLOITATION dis-6 the great-ave and preventive edicine the world has ever known.

It is an all-round medicine, producing its unequalled effects by purifythe ing, blood vitalizing which the and enriching bealth and strength of every organ, bone and tissue substi- depend. Accept no Lute for Hood's, but; insist. on having Hood's AND ONLY HOOD'S. "BE LOGICAL" very best ideas are considered trash by some people, but these people who look upon brains as trash are not noted for their usefulness.They benefit neither themselves nor society. RICH OR POOR Join the World's Bureau, Chillicothe, (Wallbrunn Bldg.) Great-' est.

institution in the world. -Particulars free. Call or write, WALTER JACKSON, MGR. LUELLA THEATRE 3-NIGHTS-3 -COMMENCINGMonday January 28 TROUSDALE BROS. Theatre Company SUPPORTING MISS: MINNIE REMALEY la the 3-Act Farce Comedy, NIOBE THE MYSTERIOUS MODEL No waits.

Big specialty between each Act. LADIES FREE the opening night with one paid Prices: 10, 20 30 cts. Don't Forget, The BIG MATINEE WEDNESDAY after school. Prices to every one 10 Each child that attends receives a sack of candy free. Ladies bring.

the children out for a good, time. Change, of Play Each Night. Prices: 10,20, 30 Cts. FARM LOANS GILL AND RYAN Chillicothe, Mo. Dr.

Arthur J. Simpson, SURGEON AND OCULIST Practice devotEye ed and to Diseases Surgery of the Eye, Ear Ear tion Nose, Special Throat. atten- to given surgery of the Nose Eye, Throat. Nose and GLASSES Throat FITTED Office in Herman Bldg. North Side Phones 88 and 219 5 4 Caady Sweet Bowel to Eat Lax-ets GOSSARD" CORSETS.

Front Utmost Expectations. January 28, ALMA FO Some corsets fulfill one or the other of these desires. The Gossard Corset, built paramountly on the highest artistic lines, plus scientific, hygenic principles, assure beauty, healthfulness and Better Figure For Any Woman. These corsets sell at $5,00 and up. Economical one Gossard corset at.

$5.00 in the long run, than five -The single fact that makes them superior to ple of construction is right for health, right for woman fortunate who the reasonable price of women wiff find that is actually ordinary corsets at $2. they lace in front all The princiright -right for grace, style. We count that profits by this invention. A cordial invitation is extended to the women of Chillicothe and vicinity to visit this vitally interesting exhibition of artistic corsetry. If you are contemplating the purchase of: a new gown, do not order it until you.

have seen the They lace Jan Front demonstration of this wonderful corset. Lace Corsets Create Style That is Style Special prices on all White HARTMAN'S eries Goods, during Laces this and week; Embroid- big CHILLICOTHE bargain in all muslins. LUELLA THEATRE ONE NIGHT FRIDAY, FEB. Melville B. Raymond's ORIGINAL CARTOON COMEDY BUSTER BROWN BY AUTHORITY OF THE NEW YORK HERALD.


M. BOXES AND PARQUET DRESS CIRCLES 75C; PRICES: BALCONY CIRCLE 50C; BALCONY GALLERY 25:: HOG MARKET ADVANCED CONSTITUTION Special, Kansas City, Jan. live stock market for reported by Clay, Robinson was followe: Cattle--Receipts market unchanged. Hogg--Receipts market 5 to 10c higher; bulk top $6.85, Sheep'-Receipte market unchanged. Chicago, Jan.

Receipte 500; market, steady. Hogs--Receipts market 5 to 10c higher. "I have been somewhat coative, but Doan's Regulets gave just the results desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly." George B. Krause, 306 Walnut Altoona, Pa.

Marriage license was issued in Kansas City Friday to Lloyd S. Haney of Dawn and Miss Margaret Phillips of Braymer. BUNTON TO FORT WORTH. Society and Clubs The Elks held their regular 80- cial session at Elks hall Friday evening. Miss Lena Krouse presided at the piano while the membera -and their lady friends joyed the evening in dancing.

At a late hour refreshments consisting of ice, sandwiches, pickles and olives were served. The ladies of St. Joseph church have arranged special entertaining features for their ante-lenten so-, cial to be given at city hall on Monday, Feb: 11. 'Don't fail to attend. dit 4 The ladies of the First dist church are planning to give a Valentine social.

Dyspepsia is our national ailment. Burdock Blood Bitters is the national cure for it. It strengthens stomach membranes, promotes flow of digestive juices, purifies the blood, builds you up, John Banton, the former Chillicothe athletic pitcher has signed up with the Ft. Worth baseball team in the Texas League. John will leave for the Coast where the season opens up in March.

His many Chillicothe admirers will watch the reports with eager to see what kind of a record he will make the coming season. DISTURBED THE CONGREGATION. The person who dieturbed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. For sale by all druggists. Special Announcement Rewarding the National Pure Food and Drug Law.

We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey, and Tar for Coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it a8 8 safe remedy for children and adults. For sale by all druggist. Hay for sale in any quantities B. J. Meek.

$9 per ton. dt?.

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