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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 2

Alton, Illinois
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ALTON KVKMNG TKLKUKAPN. UAUY 13, 1919. Her George) J. Ifchnliiir, '1188 Nona duriguU-r of It. MM.

Uanrv garlwftght, died At thfc home; of her (Mr. in Por- ftte Mrs. i of ul a or a young woman. i 4aO( hero ou liylday, December ori to California Penning took Hide jui'4 -when thoy arrived i Jouraey they wore Ponnlns's rap- Nl )hto pnonmonla and ot uer Kouk to lier fdativos Ja In Alton and vlcln- ibaufl and her par- leaves one sUitor, Jr. Tho couple accompanied to CaUforntti.

held Thursday at burial W03 made Mrs. Penning left Almost nmdf up their in California provided when tboy 110, It is not known has made any since the death To Locate In Upper Alton. vJnsBton will locum in to the very near future (faotlce of l)l(i profession, lie rpah office the Upper vjH'cts to In; lions .1 up bin work. Dr. ji'S old and bus hud lit' was physician Pacific railroad some located ut St.

Joseph. lal-T locjitcd (it Hot and has jiiHl come from plug lor timo in St. l.ouis ho a a won practicing nieili lint of; Air. i 1 Iml i clnirdi on fumliiy. The family bud runny In I'ppnr Alton who Borry In "nave them who v.

tlie pie-tor tin- lie BUrffsH in i) 'W field of work. Ualley lii-eii one of Ille lor ill tor, in rpper Alton oine I mn 1 thifi I hhi llri'l' rORular liaise Tom Cooper, Former Upper Alton Man Tom I'Dopi-r. Icii'iii'-i well known per A'tuii nnd All on blower, is to he in eon ilition nl. hi i lioui" in St. Mr.

MiMdiined ler ChrlHlma 11 nnd thfs i-llectr, of thn htive been eridin. Mi' iM well in iind the Il'l Hie llliil'e Upon him lie of his Mr ('oopi-r is of very liirfv- f.nnily Ihul w.i:' rai' erl in I 'pper AHon. The I p'aee i' 1 the lioni'-jicad. MCI. I nil the i iiiMr.

now of SI. l.oni: Court of Honor Celebrates Anniversary. ninele'ntli ar.v if ih'- I Ion of tie- T'pper Alii.n flonrt. of Honor i el'-lirnteil Ki'irbiy night by thf ordev in OmiioKa bull. Tli'Tf; ritlendnni-e nnd tin- mec'liiK one of the th' 1 has had In several yearn.

ASK FOR and GET The Original Malted Milk For Infanta and Invalids aro IMITATIONS ill Kin. 701" X. HUM, 47. OI'TICK nFHlDKN'CIC KIN. 1038-R Having moved my office Washington vo.

to tho Hank Washington Avo. Would have my nrtomflrn nnd friends call the nbove I'hmio Kofi, for fall and complaints. HRRT WILSON ALTON WOOD RIVER SCHOOLS HAVING EXTRA SESSIONS. Loan and Investment Association. The Loan and ImcKtiii'Mit lion v.ll! hold Itii niKular monthly meeting thin 'tvcniiiK In the offloo of the Alton f'otil and Feed Com- Tbn meetiiiK is nn Important Shop Changes Hande Twice and Quiti.

l.sliop that was fnw ill ouo ot the liovey build tllagd HVnnuc has Ulsi.oiiiin- jtWaltora was the buyur when i Changed hamUi liie iirnt time Vned the place one day when to the liiine.i. ttgtoil nvpiillc. The 'litest fjjl move the (ont.eiil.-4 of the own nhoji Florida For the Winter. Ii. Johnson of dullt'Ro nve "jgtJjjo lo Floi idii I lie il.s 1-i tho dip nwuy Mr.

Johnson taken in Ho rerently sold his fuiin tffvt wcolii; lui the l.i.-il owned nnd which vast also iSt Itoof of live Mot.U Mr. fid to lib name. He derided to it eio-'y thin winter mid to 1 tfrom the (old he Up I'll id lio'in- nnd fioutli. fcfeea Up Work of New look up his '(IK paHtor of the Free Methodist ch of Btniihiiin Mr. llnili nnd inovinl Ihe ii.i:ii wcid, limn I'p to their new nnd the TJIly loft tide IVw tiir, i iic.o in (hat Mr.

Halli-y miylii In- nl his lowing tlie business session nn oyster cupper snrveil nnd number of the friends ot the Uidlge inem attended and a- Rood time -was enjoyed. A good program was rendered In honor of thn anniversary and durlliK tho business several now rnnmliers worn initiated, No Paper to Advertise Furniture- Family to Stay. For want, of a. newspaper In rt'lilch to iniblliili a little IHluc adver- which would soil fh(dr furniture for them. Mr.

and Mrs. lOd. Dale. Washington avenue, have been obliged to remain in t'ppcr Alton two weeks longer thiin they In tended to do. They urn wauling to go lo Florida.

1ml before thuy RO they want lo sell their furniture which praclieally new. at tune they were ready to Hell Ilieir goodn the newHpaperii suspended publication. They have v.nited patiently for the papers lo so tliey could Ilieir furniture and Ilieli' ad is In the paper today. They expect, lo sell their Roods within the next two or three and to start for Florida before the week elidH. E.

O. Hawkins Was On Stranded Ship. Mr. nud Mrs i'. 0.

Hawkins havr received n. letter from Mr. Hawkins' youiiKem brother, Kdwin O. Hnwklns. In which tlie youuc, man lells of belm: on Ihe Mteamshlp North'-m 1'aellir which WIIH titrandeil on a snnd bar while nirryliiK loud of American (loops home from France.

Tho younr: NiUlor xvnn rivscued from the whip nnd he V.HH in Chiirlosion, South Carolina, when he wrote the letter, lie stated in the It-Hor thut he was to have a and would l.o in Alton In a few for a visit. After tho loiter WIIB received by Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins a 80coiul one was written by the boy after he received a cliaugo in oidm-s. Tbo inrlounh did not niater- and WHS t-ittil on to I'misieo- In.

Kloridti. Brottierliood Attends Church. Last nluHl otherhood uiclil at llii.i 1'resbv teriun Church nnd il was tho one iiirbl in Ihe yiMir thul the service i'ivi-ii over enlifely lothe men of Ihi-i Tliey as- si'inbled nl Mn- i hurcli and iiKirched Iu lukliu 1 Kciiti: iu tlie front thai had boo 11 for them. Some, of the mnmlwrt: Hrolhwrhood hud pail" to luUe in the service and choir li ndeieil inieili; fur oii.nsion. Tile pn'Uiu 1 Rev.

vivaclual a "Tiie olio i noiid of Hie U'tirld." Notts. mid Mi 'It I'-. llotiiihl d.iilKliler haM- liceu visilirin Wit'i Si. l.uiiis nim t- Sun the the T. ell OIID and all i-tuckholdeis nro urged to he present.

John Earl Improving. 1m Karl IK Improving and is able, to be out after being confined lo his home, for somn time, following Injuries rorelvod when he foil down ftlRbt. of fllBlrs. Me Kimtfllnod a frnc- turn of a rib but. In now improvlup Sold Willis Knight's Cara to Streeper.

.1. II. Van I'reler Son have sold two KnlKht Sedans to tho Streeper Urolhers, Israel and John, will use (hem in tlir-ir untlcrtnU- inp; bnslnoHH. New Building Progressing. The Sullivan Coal and Ice Company is nicely with its work on Us buildiiiK, the brick work bo- hiK about completed.

One of the fou- tures of tin! new huildinn will bp a sior.i;.'.!' wherein people in Ihe ran lri''e cold ilitiiis. New Restaurant in East Alton. Mrs. lienrKc Dalley bus openod cla-is lestaurant In the Henry Dailey well known and is a tirKl i busl- nes-, of tills Uind. Notes.

(liTMVi 1 I of West Mobfr- ly. Is the uucBl of (icorsn and I'etn Crawford. I lendevnon stopped off enronti' li-om where he was called by the death of lleu- deiv.on. Miss Van Ti'Oter spent tlie week end with Mr. and John Nieilerkorn of Wood River.

Mr. nnd Mrs J. H. Van Treler spent Sunday tn lloxana aa the quests of Mr. and Mrs.

Htirl.hold Smith. and Mrs. A. Mooro Hp( nt Saturday in 9t. I.ouls.

Mr. and Mrs. JHIUPH (iilbrido of St. Loul.t WIMO of Mrs. (lllbrldc's mother, Mis.

Adelaide, laiinnn, yesterday. Mr. and William I hi; weok nud in ISunUur Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lodondorm.s.

Mayor T. Van I'ro'or lo be out lifter serious Illness. Charles and Wtllium llouter spoilt yoMerdiiy in Wood River. Fred Hownian was an Alton visitor today. OOOI-AO llerren and V.

F. Hawkiiw were Kast Alton visitors today. MASSAGHUSEITS NURSE in llev. 11. I loiiuer ol llu ol' Mulii nlreol.

i oiidiii I Ihe Mis-. lui of iii'dsville. A M. rhitivh cr In Harry Osliorn. Knliv relinnetl lo li Tells Women How To Get Strong nurso I'l" Rrlppc inn in weak, rundown condition wllli cuiisii-my I'riendH nski'd me lo try Vinol.

I did sn il hub liiiilt up my Hlri-nRlli so llml I am in jteil'erl lieullli 111 tho i linn- mid 1 inn ici oinniendiny Vinol U) ollirrs." -Mrs. F. M. l.i.eke. 't'lierc no secret about II Its Hllci-e I ill Hllch I'ilsCH III I Imilnui, ,.,,,) liver iron and huino niter peplonaies mid Rlyeoro- nnd inoNt 1'a- inoii't liody liuildini; iind Mtrennth civ- niiiiK lonliii.

rei-oininiMid Vinol. l.uly DUD; t'o. Alion OriiB ill every hero. I' S. Fur SKIu 'I'niillile'i.

We giuir- our IM-W sKIn remedy. Siixo 1 TKLKPHONE CO. KKFUSKS TO CJ1VK INFORMATION It Would Spoil Service to sume Anawcnng Questions Re- to Fire C.ills, Etc li: is as popular as ever that ner skin is clear dtnlfd tlir ol i in a. liul. dludy J'OII i.dl'liMlKl Jol ft it blotch) urr.d byilgl)' fd Tlm dit'ol- -'lion IJKd inus rrllei'rd liy OH i llliully (rw us tii'inul skin health cases.

Uciiliu! Oititljlrii! i ounrll luce' ii ih uh- iif ihe le they liere (lies be. oilier inl'oniia- ar ineas lleM Hint tho mm i and thin it; ivv.nned I hoi limn imorei. iniu-li iif oin'ra in liiji nud inlui in tin' upeif Making Up Lost Time DJO to Influenza Hours Lost. The schools of Wood Itiver rc-opoiK-d nfter ch-aed Tor wockj ou accoiint of the influenza deniic. the of c)ioolii lias a program the Diirt.i--fivo hours Josl tho epidemic.

School will lin held on live differ- out. hetweeii nnd the enil of (lie present t(-nn, the lifHl urdiiy to he held on Junuiiry IS. School will he hold two louver Iu Julie and an o.xtra hour of ntudy will he nddfid to each day's work. This miikfs up the lost llrne nc- cordins to proacut urrange.incnts. Inspected Schools at SuMlvan and Athens.

H. H. Clark, of the Community lllph School Board; K. H. Maxoy.

a school hoard inemhor, and Kennedy, nil architect from Kast Ht. fjouis, have returned from visit In Sullivan and Athens, 111., whore they Inspected school buildings. I'rom tho nchoola visited the committee gained much information, and plans which they will use in the new school building to ha constructed shortly in this vicinity. B. L.

Meeting This Evening. The reffulnr meeting oH thfi Build- IIIK and Loan Association will he held tlilfl ovenlnB. To Pave Parts of Wood River. At regular monthly meeting of the vlllftgn council hold on January El the question of paring certain parts of Wood Hirer was takcln up. Tho parts of Wood lllver under consideration aro all of 1 load's Addition, Per- eu.iou, from Third to Ninth, and Ker- KUKon from the His Four li'ucks to Benhow City.

South Wood River School. The Siiiith It Ivor school oiicn- cd up the forepart oT January, Laura Htruass Iu Forty- two children aro enrolled and tho school IIMS prospects. Notes. C. J.

lloss of Alton was a Wood Rfvcr visitor today. Arthur lloiifir is ill with Mr. and Hex Hamilton tuotor- od to (Iniflnn yeftfirday. I Miss Kth61 (lifl'ord was an Alton itor yeKlerdiiy. F.

J. Guinor is Imsiues-; visitor in Whiting and Chicago. Kraiicir) Miitiniug, a student at Notre Hume Notre Dame, Kponl. tlm end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

M. F. Manning Hev. Fr. Daly was in Wood Ulvur today collecting money and Iransacl- ing other business iu the Interest of tho building of a now church.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Brett spoilt Saturday nud Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Lasher iu Carllnvlllo.

C. If. Hoeckatra, D. V. ILH.S re- tXirned from sorvlco In the army and has taken up practlco in Wood Hlvor.

is an assitttaut lo the utate veterinarian. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I.lurnelt gave party Friday cvculiiK, January 10, In honor of Mr.

and Mrs. A. C. Hunt who JUKI recently married. Games, music, dancltiK, linon nud china shower.

Mrs. ilunt was Mlsa Lorena Mnxey until Just recontly. Thoy woro married on Mr. Hunt's return to Wood Itiver from service which wns ahout a month About ton couples attiMidod tho imrly. William Most of tho Fir.ii Slate ftiid SuviiiRti Haulc lias nccoplud the imeiicy for HID nrJscoo Mjtoinoblle.

He receivod his domonMtrator last Friday. ARency for Alton and Wood River. Most will work at the hank. lloinor Sheets of Alton who has lieon in thf army service for twenty months IIUH returned. Ho will resume his position at ilniK htore of Wood Klvcr.

Full house iu Wood corner Whitwhiw and Jennings; rooms, huth, water, lient, llKht, brrnoun and nhudos. Open. V. F. IlaUKhingn, Uivor towc.r.

LOST- Hound, male, white nnd COLLEGE AVENUE PAVING IS PLANNED Board of Local Improvements Will Launch Project for Making Road from Present Paving on Collegs Avenue to Central Avenue, A bic project (if Btrrcl paving Is IIP- by (ho Bonn! of Local Improvements lor College, extending from tho western extremity ol' t.iui paving- now laid on Col logo avenue In Central avenue, titklnpr in Slate square fit the homl of Central avenue. City KiiKlnror Laiulon snlcl (hat lie is Invent (Killing HIP quc'sUoti of using rock nnd uimd foundation inMoad of concrete, that by a new method of putting down tho foundation imirh expense can be saved over UKMK concrete and that Hie foundalioa will bo Tho reason for tho lukinfj up of tho brown. Ueward. ttcturn John Van-! Wood lllver. Klliolt relumed fuiiM Medi.lii! (his morilliiH where he.

Win; culled yesterday by the scriou.i illness of lilnj. father, l.ev.js Klliolt. Tho latter re rentlv underwent an operation in 111., hospital, 1'iiiit removed to present, the, upreiid of ti'limu! 1 OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLDjm CATARRH How To (let Relief When and Nose uro Stuffed Up, C-niiit N'our roll in JJM. I catarrh Your cluggnl noi- Ivili will open, the air o( y-nir will and you frwly. iimro iniiceiia dryneiH or 110 fur bny-'' from your, Wcsi Colkgo arentio po road Micro to IMek Pprlug been In very bud condition and laj inj? the sewer In the street Jias made It worse Ihnu ever.

Is estimated that tho improvement will cojfelHl. of nbotit hS.ulio' yiuilH of pnvlng. It is planned lo tin 11 neM summer. C'Hy I'lnplnoor I.iuidon i.s going to a ini-eting' of (jiieiticcrs at January 2 It and whilo move 'of UK; new plan of liiylng 1 .1 lio roclJ and s'a'ntl loundalipn f6r brick pavement. Ib6 The condition of Misa Ida Clark of Tipper Alton, who operated upon last, week at St.

Joseph's Hoapltiil for appendicitis, was reporled Improved today. Miss Clark Is the daughter of Hov. and Mrs. Thomas Marsh of lUK'u Collcgo avctiuo. Mr New and doorfio S.

Mllnor nve iiR a trip to Washington and York. of youth BLIMR TION OF POISONS done, you can Hvs tp hu enjoy (ood of lifi; of youth, Keep good comlltlofl, MfeMfc. Wstcti the kidneys, Vn4 purlfr the blood, 'of" Wkldhftlooj through them puce, ttery; threi falnutei. Keep thomj and proper working condition and you ttotulni to fear. Drlvr the wastea nnd 'deadly urlo ftc' tioni from your MKDAL Haarlem Oil Oapso rpill be in good condition.

will feel stronj vliofrovt. wl' nervos nnd elastic tauscl. GOLD MEDAL Oil imported dlrrot from the tftbo; at Haarlem, Holland. T. They art a reliable remedy which LII been used br tho sturdy Dutch fo- over 200 years, and haa helped them tc rtovelop Into ont of itrongeat and heirtldest rneei of world.

Qet them from your drucctat. Do not substitute, la icaled three, aliei. All This Week- Now! Alton's Greatest Clothing Values Hart Schaffner Marx Suits and Overcoats Broken sizes of this mosf. widely known clothes for men and young offered below wholesaler's replace- mcnt cost. Wonderful values and the best clothing buy you can make today, Hart Schaffner Marx Suits and Overcoats Large assortment, of dark heavy and medium weights, in extreme and conservative models for men and young men.

Values to 50 per cent more than the price we quote. Ultra-values, and not to be duplicated elsewhere at OUR UNQUALIFIED GUARANTEE in respect to prices on Hart Mnrx Clojhcs. We unqualifie guarantee the prices on oilr'HaWS lower price elsewhere. A Special Offering of Men's Sifi at $1.25 Mai and young's men' dressy Shirts of percales, madras Jap crepes flannels, some with collars to match; all sixes represented, but mostly 14, 14 1-2, 15, 12. Made by well known nmanufaclurers.

Every shirt to special order. Formerly priced at $1.50, SI 75 An extreme value buy at Manhattan Shirts at Reduced Prices i .2 S2.f)0 Manhattans $.100 Manhattans $.150 Manhattans $2.85 $4,50 Manhattans $5.00 Manhattans $0.50 Manhattans .15 $10.00 Manhattans UNION SUITS Men's heavy cotton-ribbed Union Suits, crolh, in giuy and ecru, special oll'tring tomorrow BOY'S SUITS A cleanup of heavy ivool school suils 1'or boys nf lo IS, priced. 1 .77 NECKWEAR SPECIAL; Cheney and Eiscnsladl dollar wear, tomorrow, 77. i Cheney and Eistensladt $1.50 NJ wear, tomorrow $1.22. CORDUROY PANTS Men's extra heavy cordu- i'oy i)ants, dark brown, nearly all sixes,.

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