Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 1
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- Star Tribunei
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18D7. PRICE FIVE CENTS. man grabbed me and said that I would be drowned if I went in; that a horse could hardly live there. Hut Kalberk floundered around the horse and cut off the saddle, and we finally got the horse ashore on a liitle island. Several horses were drowned in the riwr in the last few days, and while I am writing they are trying to revive a man that fell In.
He Is apparently de id. The river is terribly swift and full of bowlders. HIS FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. HKTIlt KltOM II AW SOX. Ml JO Ail.
STILL 1 THEY GO MAKES A RECORD -r. I -I i -'3 1 .1 -a erv" Sleiimer Star Pointer Paces Fast First Heat. Alaska Gold Hunters Will Take Any Risks. T' 1' I 'M i sa A- -p JjV' Ml I LI r.v Donald Sliupnon, son of Judge D. P.
Simpson, Dinpln tag Hi Loyalty and Patriotism on the Anniversary of the tliiu'n Hlrtli. Photo by Mrs. S. B. SAHEE.S.
IN HUMITi'S SAKE It Caused a Flurry. i--f Representatives Fletcher, Stevens and Tawney Said to Have Called on the President. Patriotic Women Appeal to the Uueeii of Spill on llebnll of Slmiorn (in- neras. 1 WASHINGTON, D. Aug.
following cablegram has been sent to the queen regent of Spain: Washington, U. S. A. tjueen Regent, Mairid: We appeal to your majesty in humanity's sake to interpose for Sienora Cisraras, in Cuba. (Signed) MRS.
J. C. Rl'RROWS. PrisiUnt, MRS. J.
ALI.IvN KOSTEH Advocate General, MRS. EMILY Kl LV ERT, Relief Association for Cuba, In American Red Cross. Seualor lliinnu Hack. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Aug. 21.
-S, nator M. A. Hanna returned 'to the city this morning frr.m his three weeks' cruise on the yacht Comanche. He locked the perfect picture of and said he ver felt better in his life. He went at once to his Bumnr-r home.
Windemciv, v. here he will in a few days entertain President McKinley. Hamuli) Wins. POSTON. Auir.
21. Rarnaby won the days' bicvele race; Waller second, H. Elites third. six Thursday. It Is not believed that Mr.
TavvjiT-y is In theKast, allhuagtr he is expected here early In September to attend Important legal business. Representative Eddy will also come to Washingtcn next month on business connected with the Red Ijike Indian reservation. The plans and spe. -ideation, for AVhlte Earth Indian seho.d -will be ready by the loth of September. It is understood tonight that on the re-, turn of Met tdey early next moTifli a collector of customs for Minnesota will be named.
(EXECUTION POSTPOMED The Man With a Maria for Marrying Young (ilrls Gets a ew Lease of Life. ATLANTA, Aug. 21. The execution of Edward Flanagan, the alleged paranoiac with a mania for marrying young girls, has been Indefinitely postponed. Flanagan was convicted of tho murder of Mrs.
Aii-n and Miss Ruth Stack, in Dekalb county, and sentenced to be hanged Wednesday, AiK. 20. A. motion for a new trial was argued before Judge Chandler at Decatur today. The Hidge reserved his decision and indefinitely postponed Flanagan's execution.
They Are Ho Hi Dead. NIAGARA FALLS. Aug. 21. Word was received today frbm Ashtabula, Ohio, that the body of Fred Slater, of this place, was found there this morning drowned.
Slater accompanied Edna Mitchell, of Toronto, to Cleveland on her way to Cincinnati three weeks ago and then mysteriously disappeared, being last seen alive at Cleveland. Miss Mitchell was found dead In her room two weeks ago. Mckel Plate Presliieney CLEVELAND, Aug. 21. -It is.
announced with authority 'that W. H. Car.iff, general manager of the Lake Shore, will be tendered the presideriey'tiT "the Nickel Plato railway early next He will succeed S. R. wlib' has Just been mado president of the'Lake Shore.
OnrHP K. Starr llrlns Party of Ml mem. SEATTLE. Aug. 21.
Tho steamer George H. Starr arrived at her dock fnis morning shortly afur 11 o'clock from Dyea and Skaguay and was met by a reat crowd of people, it having been reported that several men from Klondike, having made their way to salt water overland, were on board. This report proved true, but the Interest centered In the appearance of ousMmsscnger, Jvlward 1 bofprw Tiow as ex-IM-cted to come down on tho Portland, and who reported to have somewhere In the neighborhood of In Klondike gold In his possession. Thorp with his companions talked, but it is impossible to get definite from them. Willis Thorp, the father of Kdward Thorp, received a letter a few dajs ago on tho Alki from his son, seying that he had.
in gold, at least that hi what Willis Thorp Is alleged to have told hlii friends, but now Thorp and companions on tho Starr unite only In ono point in telling their story, and that Is that they have $2', between them. Four nan on the steamer are direct from Dawson. They are Oeorge Stewart, Ed Thorp, Joseph Wintertield arid Jack Kos arid their Indian guide, Sehwatka. Stewart went to the Yukon In July, 1M, arid located a claim on Eldorado creek, a branch of Honanza Creek, and about hi miles from Dawson. When their party left Dawvon City, July 4, nothing had been heard of the discoveries on Stewart river.
The party came up tne Yukon to Pelly river, which they reached on tho 17th of July. From there they came over the Dalton trail and reached Skaguay Aug. 2. Dalton trail necessitates parking a 'Instance of between 4oo and 5HJ miles, and is used mostly for driving sto-k over the Yukon. It is the intention of all the party to return tlnlr niioes at once on the next trip of the steamer George Starr, if they can get ready.
They all came out after supplies. Mr. Stewart said supplies run short In the spring, and that flour went up to $70 per sack; at present it la $12 per hundredweight. Oil miners on the Yukon tuy that the transportation company promises every year to have plenty of provisions for the next winter, hut that the supply Invariably runs short. (ha lire for Stranded Miner.
Special Telegram to the Tribune. WENATCHKH Aug. 21. The locators of the Highland Eight, a new mine en the Methow river, 40 miles north of here, today came to the town with $0,000 in gold bullion, the process of the first month's (lean up. The new strikes In that section are attracting much attention by their richness, and many prospectors who find the season too far advanced to reach Alaska this fall are going in that way.
DIED WITHOUT WARNING JOIIX KXOWX AS "DtTC JOIIV" SIDDEXI.Y. Was Juat Rerotrrlng From KU-kaes When He Helarned to Work nil Performed Hard Labor. John Jensen, better kr.vA'n to his associates as "Dutch John," expired without warning at his rccm, 21H Twelfth avenue south, at 6 o'clock last n'ftht. Jensen had been sick for a number of months, and although almost recovered, as still weak. he performed some hard labor In hauling wood, and home last night very tired.
After partaking of a light supper, and while sitting I i a chair, he fell backv, ari almost Into the arms of his housekeeper, Mrs. Elily Bentlne. He died before help could be procured. Deputy Coroner II. S.
Nelson viewed the remains, and had them removed to the morgue, where a postmortem examination will be held, peath Is thought to have been due to heart disease. Jensen was about 55 years of age. He leaves a divorced wife and five children. The two oldest sons are at work In Dakota, and have been notified of their father's death. RAID ON BOOKMAKERS Kansnn City Olllrluls Are Determined to Put an End to Gambling.
KANSAS CITY, Aus. 1 The bookmakers and mm with their cash weio gathered In by the police at 4 o'clock this afternoon. All th" men were released on bail this evening, but too late to permit of their resuming the offering of on today's events. Arrests were mado under the state law against gambling, and the raid Is a sequel to the closing of the down town pool looms by tho police on Thursday last. The pool room men claimed that they were discriminated against and the warrants against the track bookmakers were sworn out at the lnstanco of tho former.
A sus)enslon of the race meeting will undoubtedly follow if the police persist In arresting the track boa'-makers, who practically control tho meeting. II YD IS BEAU. Pari Chamber of Deputle Moved to Tu We Action. (By Cable to the Tribune.) PARIS, Auig. 21.
A meeting of members of tho chamber of deputies Is being arranged with tho object of urging the government to action In view of the rise In the prlco of bread, and tho council of the department of Eure-et-LoIro has passed a resolution protesting against the proposal to removo the duty on wheat imports nt a time when the French growers are able to sell grain at a remunerative price. The Solell urges tho government to take immediate action and says the cry of dear bread la a powerful weapon in tho hands of the socialists. To the Supreme Court. Special Telegram to the Tribune. ST.
CEOl'D, Aug. 21. Tiie necessary papers In the appeal In the big case of Lucas Kells, assignee, and N. P. Clarke Co, vs.
dins. F. Powell estate, were liled In the district court late yesterday afternoon by N. H. Miner, of Sauk Centre, one of Kell's attorneys.
The suit Is for $100,000, and Judga Baxter directed a verdict for defendant at the trial In the district court, and also overruled a motion for a new trial several weeks since. The caBe will be on the October calendar of the supreme; court. Geo. H. Reynolds, of this city, represents Administrator Webster, of the Powell estate.
Como Itond Huce. ST. PAUL, Aug. 21. D.
F. Carmiehael won the time piizo In tho Como road race today, covering the 20 miles In 52:17 4-5. I. T. Dugan, second; William Martin, third.
There appears to be somewhat of a mix-up In regard to the place winner and at a late hour tonight the race officials were working at the score to lind him. Strike 1 Still On. FrTTSBTJRG, Aug. 21. Jones and Laugh-Un's American Iron worts, south side, failed to start non union today, as had beeii planned and tho strike 1 ae fax from aa ever.
a J0EJ4ICHEimEEEATE0 The Big Bay Covers the Mile in Two Minutes, Two Seconds. CHICAGO. Aug. 21. Those who went to the Washington Park course this afternoon, and there were some 15,000 of them, saw the fastest first heat ever paced, anC.
probably, the fastest fourth quarter. The conditions were good for fast time. The track was springy and fast and tho weather was warm; but, during the earlier part of the afternoon there was quite a little breeze which the pacers had to breast through the half-mile back stretch. The chief event on the card was tho match race between Joe Patohen, a record of 2:014. and Star Pointer, record 2:014.
The conditions were that they should pace three heats and have the inside position alternately. The toss of a coin gave Patehen the pole for the first and third heats. Notwithstanding this advantage and the fact that he had a quarter of a second the better of his opiionent In the matter of records, the race demonstrated that Stitr Pointer was too fast for him, at least on this occasion, for the latter won all three; of the heats, handily outfooting the bUck horse. For the first heat they were given the word und worked well together. Around the tlrst turn Patehen secured a lead of a length.
The first quarter was covered in seconds, a 2:02 gait, which proved to oe tne rating for the heats. Turning tn- trr-the far si. I c. they faced the but Pointer began to come up, lapping his antagonist and the pace was Increased, the Half nu'e being done in one minute. Hat.
or second fur the second quarter, a Li gait, jeeri the wind and the terrific pace began to tell on them and the tlme.s caught them at the pot In 1.324, or a 2:10 gait for the third qu-iP-ter. At that point. Pointer, trotting on the outside, had fallen an open length behind Patehen. Swinging into the straight Mc-Clary called on the bay horse and he responded gamely with two of the greatest bursts of speed ever seen on a trotting track. Steadily, inch by inch, he crept upon the black stallion, Curry shook up bin horse, lifted him, la'd the lash with stinging emphasis on his flank.
He responded nobly let out another link, pacing without waver, like a piece of well balanced machinery. But go he ever so fas', he could not shake off the big bay. Inc. by Inch Pointer crept "up on him. Now the cry was "Patehen wins," as they neared tlit.
wi but it was met with the answer lng cry "Pointer wins." And he did win but It was only In the last half dozen stridet and on' by a nose. The time for the mile was two minutes and 2 seconds and a first heat ri rd was marked up. This made th time of the last quarter 2ii3 rtconds. If fact that ritar Pointer was an open length to the bail when the Judges caught Patchen's time at the three-quarter post Is taken Into consideration, It is evident that Pointer must have trotted the last quarter in about -9 seconds, or at a 1X1 gait, which was probably never before equalled In the fourth quarter of a lace In which a previous quarter had been trotted at a gait. The strength with which Pointer finished in this heat mado It almost a foregone conclusion that he would win the second and the race, especially as he would have the pule in that heat.
When they were given the word they went away at evens, but Pointer wivs never-headed, and won ar will by two open lengths in The first quarter was covered In seconds; the half in and the three-quarters in The third heat was a r. pttltion of the second, ami was done in 2:04 flat; the first quarter in seconds, the half in 1:02, tha three-quarters in LOOKS LIKE MURDER Two-Months Old Unity tilrl Pound In the HI ver Indication Polut to Foul Piny. ST. PAl'L, Aug. 21.
The police authorities are Investigating a supposed cas- of child murder. This afternoon the body of a two months old baby girl was found in the river mar tho lower flats, and indications point to the child having been alive when thrown into the water. The body showed perfect development, ami not tlu slightest bruise or evidence of external lob nee could he found. It had probably been In the water several days, but owing to the manner in which It was wrapped up was scarcely affected by decomposition, and is in good condition for the cx imin.i-ticn. which will cstaUi-h dcPidtely hether or not the Infant i murdered.
For this purpose an uutoi-sy viU be conducted, and in the meantime hi- popce are gathering evidence whu is said to point to the theory of murdci. IllW.tllW 1SEWS. American King: linn ot let II ecu liaised. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21.
-F Coptic Honolulu, Aug. 16. The merl flag has not yet been raised over Hawaii and there Is no indication that It will oi. Just before the last steamer left fi-r S-m Francisco cn July 27 It was in Aug. 2, the United Minister would take possession of the islands.
He was to receive dellnlto Instructions on the -t airier Mowana. arriving at Honolulu but evidently they failed to come, as th rxi.i-lng of the tl.ur has not been taik.d The Hawaiian government ha, dec'ined to grant a rm.u;enl reglsttr ineltv the Hawaiian flag for the Pacific Maii steamship China, hich Iwis granted a register by the Hawaiian consul al London. The China Is a British leiilt vessel and the Hawaiian government claims that the sale of the ship to Col. Mae Far land, a Hawaiian subject, Is not a bona fide one. r.rne Wants a Fight.
NEW YORK. Aug. Line, or Buffalo, Is out with a challenge to Dal Hawkins, of California. Erne says that Hawkins has boasted that all the Eastern lads are afraid to meet him. In order to P'ove that ho la more than anxious get on a match with the Western boxer, tho Buffalo lad says he Is wlllii.g to go out to the Pacific coast If neceshary.
Erne will meet Hawkins for 2u rounds at 12S pounds before tbe club offering best inducements. Buffalo Is Ready 3 HAVE BUT-ONE DESIRE Approach of Winter Does Not Deter Them in the Least. SEATTLE, Aur. 21. -Not withstanding tho congested condition of affairs at.Skagaway and lyea, and the approach of thu tim when tho Yukon river will close for ttia winter, there Is not an appreciable decrease in tho demand for tickets to (ho three principal Intermediate point between Seattle and Die Klondike.
If there has been uny change In tne condition shipping affairs during tfie past feu days, it In the result of the numerous lttteisi from people on the liyea or White Pass, telling of the hardships to be encountered and the probu Ijilltles that not ono In of those there will reach the gold fields this winter. Th'- reports have caused people who are anxious to reach Pawnor. City as soon us possible 10 turn their attention to the Yukon route in hoes of reaching their destination without undergoing the hardships incidental to the other two route. Tha Portland and Alaska Trading Company Is spending money right and left to get eveiythlng In readiness tor thu departure of the Bristol Aug. S3 tor 8t.
Michaels. A tho Bristol in a British bottom, it wiH be necessary to folluw the same plan as adopted with the Islander. Passengers will lit sent to Victoria from Seattle and transferred tv the Bristol. Kamern people are anxious to go on this boat because the will take only IPO passengers, whereas her rapacity is twice that number. The reason for taking so few passengers is that the stearmr Eu-gene, which Is to lake the Bristol's passengers up the Yukjn from M' Gael's, cannot accommodate more.
The Bristol people say they will land their passengers In Lawson Sept. 17. Jf they do no it will be a remarkable run. There has been such a deluge of news from Lyea and Skaguay that the opie hero are commencing to talk more and more about the return of the North American Transportation and Trading Company steamer Portland. It Is problematical what she will bring, the uncertainty gives an added charm to tha situation.
The schooner W. Jewel art vd at Hoquiam, Aug. 17, 31 days from St. Michael'. She brought news of activity on tho water front at St.
Michael's on account of the construction of a wharf and warehouse. There was a great rush of prospector up ii Yukon, only a few were coming down. of those few, however, only two had made fcilunes; name nut known. The travel to St. Michael's will close Sipt.
KJ, when the Portland makes last trip. Prior to that the steamer Xoyo will try that run, leaving San Francisco Aug. 12, and Seattle Aug. 2. An ancient old schooner named the Shirley and rechrlstencd the Klondike Is in port waiting for freight and horses.
She looks tough and anyone who is foolish enough to trust even horses on her ought to lose them. The schooner Moonlight is also having trouble getting her cargo. Reliable boats destined for Skagaway find Dyea have their passenger lists well Tiueu two weens in advance of this wrlt- ir. ifie yueen sails Aug, 22, and todav were ngurlng on cutting away part of her upper deck to make room for horses. This afternoon there was not a horse or old "plug" to be purchased In the city.
This Is owing to tho great demand for horses at Skagaway and Dyea, where they are worth from to 25o. Steamers for Dyea and Skaguay other than those mentioned are: ltapld Transit Aug. 20; Rosalie, Aug. 21; City of Aug. City of Seattle or Kingston.
Aug. Farallon, Aug. 3u; Al Kl, Sept. 1. Tho steamer Starr Is expected in tomorrow from Dyea with three or four miners who came overland.
One is said to have $10,000 and the others between them. The i'readwell mine at Sitka Is to add 300 stamps to its milling capacity. The steamer BrlBtol will tow with her the stern wheel steamer Eugene, whoso capacity Is passengers and about tons of freight. The steamers will not go to St. Michaels, but to the mouth of the Yukon river, where the passengers and freight will he put aboard the Kugene, which will proceed up the river to Dawson City.
The schooner Queen will sail next week for St. Michaels with lumber already cut and framed for a hotel to he built In St. Michaels to accommodate 150 persons. The workmen will go on the schooner and as goon as it reaches there will commence putting the hotel together. In addition to the "knockdown" hotel, the (Jueen will take lio.OOO feet of lumber and a stock of hardware.
A widow of 40 has become the bride of a Klondike millionaire. Mrs. C. M. Koles, of Juneau, a Washington woman, went into the diggings with the rush hist year and row she writes home that her husband, S.
M. Home, owns several of the best claims there. His claims are valued at $1,500,000 and more than $100,000 In nuggets and dust will be taken out this season. Mrs. Home snys she frequently assists In panning out the gold and if she worked ten hours a fair day's work would net her $2,000.
Deputy Sheriff A. Baker, of Seattle, who left for the north a few weeks ago, has written an interesting letter to friends In this city. Among other things he says, under date of Skiigaway, Aug. 7: In all my life I never saw anything like our landing. They unloaded our goods against a stone pile, opposite the camp, where It was impossible to pack goods aiong the hill to solid ground.
Small boats were there in plenty, but their owners demanded $20 a ton to carry goods ubout GOO leet. We finally got a scow and got our goods across. There were many persons ui the steamer Rosalie who wanted to do tho bossing. So we picked out our goods und proceeded to carry them off. One man, who aspired to bo chief easetaker, executed a ghost dance and threatened to jump on Sam Archer, of Seattle, for picking out our goods.
He Intimated that he would dump our goods overboard. This proved too much for Archer. Drawing a pistol. Sam threatened to puncture, his skin full of holes If he didn't attend strictly to his own business. Archer would certainly have made his threat good If tho officious individual had not subsided.
One mile from the camp Is a river about 100 feet wide and it Is very dangerous to pros. We rowed all our stun up to tne 4-lver yesterday. Kalherg got on one norse lead led another, which carried a pack. fie started across, and when about half way over, the horse he was riding stumbled on a bowlder and went down. I ran Into tne river and came to a little Island, and "Intended to run over and asslHt A MUST PAY THEIR TAXES Kentucky Slnte Hoard of Valuation Wants About IOO.OOO From the Miuiliein l'at'llic.
Aug. special to the Tinics from Frankfort. says: It Is reported that two or three members of the state board of valuation have iixed a value of 2 l.ixm.ijotj on tho franchise of the Southern PacJtlc company and will try to col led between and taxes from It for this and each or four back years. Interested In the lusane. (The Progress.) Mrs.
Alh'e B. Russell, who has been relive in reform efforts in behalf of the Insane, is preparing to publish volume In the intc-o-i ol tha: nbum, and deslrea contribution of opinions and stories of personal experience from those who have been actual inmates or Insane asylums. Communications should be' addressed to her at Excelsior, this county. To OcikMOoil Cemetery. TROY, N.
Aug. The incmb. rs of the society of the Arrnv of the Potomac went today to Oukwood cemetery, where the bodies of Gen. Thomas, Gen. Wool.
Gen. Carr, Gen. Tibbeis. and Gen. WiM.ard are interred.
Thin arsenal was inrpecied and i er-wards they went for a sail down the Hudson ths Grand Army Encamp Already Arriving. Four children who are to comprise the living shield were In rehearsal today on the great stand that has been erected at Chippewa street and Delaware avenue. They rehearsed aa they will sing on the day of the parade, in relays, two thousand in each relay. Thousands of spectators were attracted by the swelling chorus of their voices and at times traffic was siipcndcd in the neighborhood of the stand. Col.
Shaw, stale commander, estimated that lcnj veterans from New York state will be in Buffalo by Tuesday next. Sie jSi I -1 seated besldo her. A. Paul, the attorney, is standing up the second man at Simpson's left. C.
C. Garland is seated Just In front of him. S. B. Sarles Is seated at the left of Mr.
Garland, while Rome G. Brown, the attorney, Is seated a little to the rear and farther to the right. J. T. Hen.phill, secretary of the board of trade, la Handing on the piazza of the Hermitage, CLUB PARTY AT THE HERMITAGE, UPPER LAKE MINNETONKA.
Special Telegram to the Tribune. WASHINGTON, D. Aug. a flurry was caused this afternoon among the Minnesota colony in Washington over the news that Representatives Fletcher, of Minneapolis; Stevens, of St. Paul, and of Winona.
araU in the East and had called on the president today at Bluff Point. N. Y. There is no verification of the rumor tonight, but It Is know that both Fletcher and Stevena were at Par Harbor, on TWO NEW CLAIMANTS Harry K. Duvl.
and HI Sister Want a Slice of the California Wenllh. ATLANTA, Aug. 21. Two claimants to the Davis estate now in litigation in San Francisco have appeared here. They are Harry E.
Davis, a young business man on Whitehall street and his sister, now Mrs. W. Hilkr liagsdale. Their father, William H. Davis, came from Harri.sburg, to Atlanta and they claim that he was.
a brother of Jacob C. Davis, the California millionaire. The Atlanta Davises have employed counsel to prosecute their claim and propose to make a vigorous fight for a share in the big estate. Declared Her Innocent. KEWANEE, 111., Aug.
jury In the Porter murder case brought In a verdict of not guilty late last night, after a trial lasting twelve days. Mrs. Emma Porter was accused by her servant girl of putting poison In Mr. Porter's coffee. It was the first time in the history of Henry-county that a woman had been tried fur murder.
A Trip to MaKara. TORONTO, Ont Aug. 1. The members of the British association enjoyed an outing at Niagara FpIIs and other places today. The section in geology held a session, at which Dr.
Ami discussed some new and hitherto little known palezoic formations In Northeastern America. WHIST Trrw' V- fu, -a' A if The above photograph was taken by Mrs. S. B. Sarles this summer, on the occnslon of a day's outing at the Hermitage.
Most of the members of the party were spending the summer at Llnwood at the time, and nearly nil of them are members of a whist club which has not teen nAmed, i i its wpstsis-mtwffriiii ii nwl tmmmmi 4, WHsOiHrllUiH I iihth ii tli r.unMtmm ym.f 11 -f. 1 i. I i -t 5 Delegates to msnt BUFFALO, N. Y. Aug.
21. Every train entering the city this aft; moon nd evening has bet-n crowded with delegates to the G. A. R. encampment and tonight the main streets are crowded as they have never been before.
The different headquarters of the local committees, are besieged by veterans looking for quarters. Work on the reviewing stands and the triumphal arches will go on all night and all day Sunday. It Is expected that by Monday morning everything will be shipshape. --Si v. Nunn will be seen -u? child.
At tho otremo right of the sitting on the ground, la Copt. George Mason, of tho steamer Wlldwood, and sitting beside him Is Judge Robert Jamison. The gentleman standing up at tho extreme left of tho picture Is Judge David F. Simpson, and sitting on the ground In front tf him Is Mrs. 0.
C. Garland. D. Bhersr, the attorney, i i i i L. -c- 1 'v tr' li r' 7' but which includes a large number of well known people who live on Hawthorn avenue or vicinity.
MaJ. Halstad, the hermit, will be easily dlstlngulnhed, sitting on the Tround In the front 01 the picture. At his left Is Freeman P. Lane, the Attorney, behind his left shoulder Is Frank Barnard, and biihind hln riffht ehotUdiw Judge A. K..
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