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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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John Gray's CORNER. On nil kinds oMIght weight underwear. AO rtyles and prices for men, 'women Md cblldren. The extreme warm has so far made this a good un- Itrwear season, and John Gray Is the VUce to be suited. DAiiy- 1 PubllBhed every day in tho week (except Monday) by the Loffanaport Journal Company.

W. WRIGHT President A. HARDY vice President C. W. GRAVES Secretary S.

BOYER PHoo per Annum $4,39 Price per Month 40 Official Paper of City and County, (Entered as second-class mall-matter at the Loganspon Post Office, 'February. Greatest Discovery or the 19th Century. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 10, 1SOO. league's NEW REMEDY Modlcuted Air for the Cure ot Catarrh, AsHmm nnd nil Pulmonary Dl.ieiises, It biks no equnl for Sick and Nervous Heacl- iiC'w, 1,000.000 people ale annually from above mtiiied diseases. Why suitor and die, when Medicated Air is guaranteed to CJTOJOU.

Air mid Driiff Richmond, U. S. It to the best remedy on earth for La It will give immediate relief will effect a cure where all other tmedtes fall. by B. F.


Ullery, Vice President. H. J. Hcitbrlnk, Cashier. DIRECTORS.

J. F. Johnson. S. W.

Ullery. T. Elliott W. M. Elliott W.

H. Snider. Buy and sell Government bonfla. Ltaut money on. personal security and collater- Issue special certificate's of deposits Dewing per cent.

Interest when left one per cent, per annum when deposited six months. Boxes In Safety Deposit Vaults of this for the deposit of deeds. Insurance mortgages and other valluabJes noted at from 15 to per year. 'E never put up any Flour under any other Brand than our own. OUT Magnolia Patent Flour la Guaranteed to be Twenty per cent better than any other 'Flour made in the State, UNJUST DISCRIMINATION.

Democrats railed against so-called class legislation favoring the manufacturer nt -tihe expense of the farmer. They wanted a chance to benetit the outraged agriculturist. They sot it. Their attwnpt to improve McKinley- rsm would be ludicrous but for its sail results. Wool was by Wilson ami Gorman placed ou the free list, because lie- publicans had protected it.

Tliei-e was no other visible reasotL The farmer tostLlles as to the btineiits recalled. The supposed which Democrats howled, was shown them In the slight, protection reluctantly given the produeei's of woolen fabrics. t'ndet the low tariff law a fow woolen mills are running at smaller profits.with fewer workman lowered wages, using foreign find slwdnly. Manufacturers are melaucholy. It' depression affects them, with the slight encouragement siren by Demo- cra.tic blunderers, wliat' can the wool growing farmer see that is or hopeful in the prospect, With the wool growing business cut down in its most tln-iving stage and Diourued as dead.

The duties ou foreign, competing wool, cut off by the Democratic ers, amounted to $8,000,000. Tho .5,11110 law placed a tax on cite sugar of the masses. These moves are called by tho tariff buffoons "customs reductions hi the Interests of all Hie people." The protection denied tho wool of the fa.rmer was meted put to a. few others with discrimination such the McKlnley law did not, show of a kind that-Republicans do not believe in. The Gorman-Wilson law imposes duties equal to ad valorem duties.on clean rice of.

S3.SO per cotton to 40 pea- woolen cloths, flannels, 40 to 50 per here, returned to their ho-ine In Log.ins-: Otto Is-'in Chicago ou-business-. 'I D01 at U0011 has''returned from Ida- JIarioD Chronicle: Ed Anderson of Logansport spent Sunday hi with his brother Anderson X. O. Ross, of Logausport was in the ci't-y. today o'u legal business 1.

H. 'Sample of Loganspont in Marlon today. Mrs; Joseph McAllister of'Vau Wert, Ohio, who has been the guest her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. M.

Hooley, of the Westside, left Sunday for. Richmond, to vlsk her sister, Mrs. Coughlin. She was accompanied by lier. Miss Kate Hooley, who will also visit Mis.

CougMln Highest of all in Leavening U. Report ville. W. F. Young of Gas City was in rile city yesterday.

Mrs. John Collins is the guest of her sister at Woodburn, Ind. Mls.s Ada I-Hery has returned from 'a week's was iu the dry; yesterday on fegat business. Mrs. Indianapolis is giiest of Mis.

OWo CJlne. Mrs. Harry Lougwell is visltin; friends aud relatives at Kokomo. Edwin Lennox of Marlon visited friends In this city, over Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bundy caino home last night from New Castle, Mrs. H. Moore, of Wtaona, Is lilie guest of relatives in the city. Mrs. R.

D. Collins of Linden avenue is visiting at'Crawiordsville. Attorney M. E. Fitzgerald of Anderson was the guest of friends here Oliver Legg have gone to St.

where they will reside, C. McParland and Frank J. Kiley of Marion Sunday with friends here. Maymo Crawford Is the guest of Miss Cora Kessliiig of Wal-cou for a ABSOLUTELY UNION RINK SERVICES. Association Sets a Date for the Opening.

NEW OIL PIPE LINE. The Cudahys' Will Pump Indiana Oil to Whiting. Dwight Powell o-f 'Ann Arbor Medical school wi-U return Friday for. the summer vacation, Miss Nellie Gallagher of Cieott stre will go to Cincinnattl for a visit relatives. LaJ'ayette Call: Fisher Logansport, was in the city afternoon.

Mrs. J. H. Shultz and Mrs. M.

The Ministers' association of tiie L-ogansport decided last Monday to begin the Union Rink services on Hie first Sunday of July. They also arranged to hold services at the Co-tinty Infirmary on alternate Sunday afternoons. A congratulatory resolution was passed unanimously, expressing tiiu pleasure of the members of the association that.tlio Doctorate had been conferred upon C. Kaufljuau. WE HAVE FREE PIKES.

Peru Milling Co. KROEGER STRAIN, Undertakers Efflbalmers. CIO BROADWAY. JERSEY ICE CREAM, a Best in tio Citr. Little Candy Kitchen, 314 Pc-uj-1 Street.

All of our line ton bons 25c pound The "Twin Comet" and "Llttlo Giant" Lawn Sprinklers. BEST HADE Unique, Efficient, Labor Savins. Will four times greater area than any Highest atvnrcl at tho Chlcag-o exposition. E. STEBBINS MFG.

CC. Manufacurers, Sprlngneld, Mass. Sale by all Hardware and Rubber In the United States. dross goods, 00 per car- pefs 30 to 40 per bar iron, 27.22 per iron ore, 22:07 per iron beams, 49.7G per and pig Iron $4 per ton. Does the farmer raise rice; flannel, dress goods or carpets, or bar Aroa? If lie does the'Democratic scape-goait law protects -him in a very slight degree.

If he raises sheep, then is lie flouted and deprived of his just rights, aho justice he enjoyed when Mc- Kinlcylsmi and "America, for America us" were the sUuidbys of the TJje very things Prof. Wilson spoke against crept into Ws miserable bill and the rosnJts are tlio present undoing of flic farmer ami the coinlug destruction oC the Democratic party of false reform. The Democratic party in M.innii county lias boon torn asunder by the money question. Saturday night they mr-t in toiVDShip conventions to select Sea. 1 1 Congressional and Joint Kcpreseulativii di and in 1'cin! township, especially, sfonny lime flic result, wifli two sets of delegates.

Tho'lino is severely nnd specifically dr.rvni. anil factions arc bitter in their animosity. Spring: Suits. l-lafiTisoji has been asked by a Xew York paper lo.givc it his impressions of tho St. I-onis eon veiition, from It 'is evident that some one In the East desires that General Harrison at least bo present when Major McKmley is nominated.

It is needless to that Indiana's! First Citixeu dot-lined to "accept. Good Goods and Low Prices, the Combination that Wins. Made In the Latest Styles. V. D.

GRAIQ Broadway. Second Floor. WANTED: Now took; Illustrated and to History of the -t Lonlg-Cyclone :era.s frcr. ce ciders In town ana oltf: no cepl- 'ork. GLEN KochMter, S.

1, Tilie, raising of revenues by high tariff for a patriotic e.ud is -an-net of loyally. more cud could be educe! ved than the creation of general, wide-spread prosperity; employm-enf at I their Charles Bell, good wages for the millions of earners, and the payment ol 1 national debt. Tierce are Mie guests of relatives Monticello. Samuel Mnrdock manager of the Lo gansport aud Wabash Valley Gas Co is in New York. Mrs.

G. W. Hoffman'-and childre went to Adrian, yesterday spend Hie su-mmer. The Rev. H.

J. Norris- came In las night'i'rom New Castle for a visit a into transact business. Mrs. Walker of ShelbyvHle, the of her sister, W. Walters of Race street.

Mr. E. Cohee and'fAmily of this cif.v have as their Hiidaiesbii aud family of Winnmac. Nancy Small Mrs. Emma Pinkertou caino over last Monday from Idavillo for a short visit.

James Baker has returned to. his h'o-nie n.t Frankfort, after .1 week's visit with relatives In this city. Miss Waring of Bl-uffton has returned home after a pleasant visit with Miss June Jen-ks of Market street. Peru Journal: Clarence-Johnson, of Logansport, was the guest oC Miss Maude Lewis over Sunday. Miss Folinger who has been guest: of friends In Hi Is rc- timied to her home'in Eli GroensfeMor and Goo.

B. Forgy were at Pern yesterday attending funeral of the late T.CWJS Mergontheim. Miss who atreridlng school at. Lake- Forest, returned home yesterday for Hie vacation. Conductor Albert Kies and wife ol Sycamore street are entertaining Mrs.

W. S. Street, ami Mrs. E. F.

Miller 1 Chicago. The commencement nt Culver Military Academy at Lake -Maxinkuckeu will be a-ttended tlu's week by several T.nganspnrt people. Miss Charlotte Harrison, who has been attending school at. Mary's academy at Noire is home for the summer vacation. B.

F. and Keeslfng. wont to yesterday to visit their son Arthur Cor days before he starts on his European hip. Miss Mary Alien (colored) of thJs, ritj has oo-mpleled ,1 four years' course in a school at Louisville, and is home this W. Michael returned "'from Washington, D.

a. Sunday. Mrs. Michael and children w.iU'remain there' and visit relatives -j Mr. and Mrs.

Geocge Bnrkilt have returned their JSuruetts- vllle after a several wkii Wheelmen Complain of the'Toll Roads in Cass County. Two Indianapolis wheelmen who recently passed through this section say that Cass is Hie. only county in which they were asked to pay toll. They could easily have avoided the toll roads, as.Cass counity has many free gravel roads that are best adapted to the use of wheelmen. The arguments are weighty against the sustaining of any toll, highways, whatever.

A special from Blufffon "A project to build a second pipe line from the Indiana oil fields to Wmiing, in has just been made public by the filing of articles of incorporation in the olllce of Che county recorder, to which are attached the names of John and Michael Cudahy, tire pork packers of Chicago, together wiU) rlint J. A. Graves, their Indiana representative. It is to be known as the Indiana Pipeline and Refining company. The Cu- dahys are at the head the Northern Indiana Oil company, with a monthly production of S.j.OOO barrels, and I heir leases cover all parts of the Indiana Meld.

The line will be 100 miles long, beginning in me fields of Wells, Blackford, Jay, and Grant counties and extending northwest through NAPOLEON'S BAD TEMPER. Conlcan Huntington, Wiibasli, Miami, Koscius- Fulton, Cass, Marshall, White, Pulaski, Starke, Laporte. Porter, Xewton and Lake lo Whiting where immense relinerte are to be erected an outlay of several millions. Headquarters are located in the city of Bluffton. Work has been underway quietly for a month and a part of (lie right of way secured in Lake county, where the first, of the pipe will be hmL The work of securing' the of way has of VenKcanne Cell the Better of the Conqueror.

The French commandant of a town through which had passed, on his return journey to the Elbe had entertained him at a matter of courtesy to a fellow-sold ior during an armistice. Xapoleon beard of this, and immediately ordered him to Dresden, there to explain his conduct. The French commandant hurried to his master, and at once sought to justify himself by showing- that Lutzow had acted in perfect a ceo i-d with the-rules of war. Jiut, Xapoleon interrupted him with violence, and heaped upon him gross insults. I-Ie told him he should have seized "ce brigand Lutzow, chef du corps do la Vengeance," that he should nt onca have tried him for highway robbery, or, better still, ordered him shot at once without a trial.

The poor who had done nothing- but his duty ns a soldier aud a man of honor, sought in vain to justify himself. But Napoleon was mad" witli anger. L-utzow at tiie moment seemed to have escaped him, and his Corsican been placed in the hands of W. HALF RATES TO MILWAUKEE. On account of the International Con- u'tlon of the 'B.

Y. P. the Noith- Vestorn Line. will, from July .15 to IS, inclusive, sell excursion tickets Milwaukee aud return at one fare or the round trip. The Chicago "orth-Western R'y Is the "Lake Shore" Route between Chicago Milwaukee ltd makes the run between Hie two dt- es to less than two hours.

For full nformatom to ticket agents of onnectiug lines or address A. H. Wagoner, T. P. 7 Jackson place, Indiau- lolis, Ind.

NOTICE. To the Members of tlio Continental Fraternal Union, Loganspor.t, Ind. There will bo a specwl rally of all the members at -the hall, corner of Fourth and Market street, Wednesday evening, June 10M), at which-'time the unrein Chancellor will deliver a -leoture which will lie' of-interest to every niem-ber. ani.l bring: your order of the President. BENEFITS ARE ASSESSED 1 The Hoard of City yesfenlay agcs for tho vacatiiwi of the Soutlf feet of Canal street from the West line of Third street lo tho alley between lots 3 and -1 In the original plat of Lo- Winsport Tho aciiou is the rcfe'n'it of a to the city council by the Pan- company.

HALF RATES TO SAX FRANCISCO On June 35. 1C. 23 and 24, 1SOG, the Liinc (Chicago North- Western Railway), the famous "California vn days" Route, will sell excursion tickets lo Sau Francisco nnd return a.t LaK rates, erne fare for round Ir'ip, good returning CO days from 3s of sale. For full information apply to. ticket agents of coivnoeling lines nr address A.

H. T. T. 7 Jack- sou plaeo, Indianapolis, Ind. kel, also of the Indiana Oil company.

As the Standard Oil company controls the entire output of the Indiana field at the present time, the movement is being bitterly fought, its opposition was first felt before the Board of Commissioners of Lake county Friday, where a petition had been (lied for a franchise to cross highways with the pipe line. Finally, the'petition was granted after due consideration ou the part of the board, and Uie greatest obstacle to the project was overcome. Work on the right of way is being pushed rapidly in all the counties through which the line will pass. Much interest is being manifested in the line by Indiana Independent oil producers for numerous reasons. It is a.

practical confirmation of their judK ment that the Indiana oil field is stll in its-infancy, and that its scope is lim ifed thus far only by preseut opera tions. They regard the building of thi- pi-pe line as a manifestation of ihe same belief on. the part of the Cudahys, who are largo operators. Since the first well was drilled in Indiana the Standard has been without rival iu the field. It owns a similar Hue to that in contemplation running to Whiting, and every drop'of oil produced in the State is refined at 'hat point-, and is bought here at a price made entirely at the pleasure of the SUindard.

For a long time. Indiana oil. though shown by test equal to North and South Lima oil. wns held at a price 10 and cents a barrel below the Indiana proilnci. but, ou request of the Indiana Oil association, was finally ranked with South Lima oil. result of the now line, it is believed, will be tlio placing of Indiana and Oliio oils on a parity, with a much higher price paid than ihat now prevailing. love of vcng-eance clouded every other feeling. Though his commandant, was decorated with the cross of the Legion of Honor, so-furious was the emperor- that he snatched the epaulets from his shoulders and ordered him to "go to the devil." This circumstance was related to Lutzow by the French commandant after the allies had entered Paris Had Napoleon had been removed to Elba. But. Xapoleon xvas still more angry when he heard that these Lutzow "brig'- FOOlBALL INCIDENT.

Capt. 0. F. Allen thinks Goy, Matthews Is -the presidential datc. He also -thinks that the only -hope of the Democracy is free silver.

In other words Populism is cratlc foundation for hopes victory. Gen. Fitzhugh- Lee.seeiiiS' able lo nakc presence felt. He will make Weyler think Havana cigars are all EUGENE FIELD ENTERTAINMENT. The young' ladies of the Baptist church' will give a Eugene Field on- terta'iraiieht on Wednesday ovcuin; Fred M.

Xeely of-Lima, Ohio, former- A 1 social session will be given ly of this city visited friends here Sun- after'the entertainment, day and Monday, on route to home from DoPauw. University, Greencastle, where -be-had been-attending 1 school. The Rev. Dr. Blrsch' of Chicago passed through the city yesto-dfiy on to Peru where he conducted the funeral, services of Lewis Mergcnrheim He was joined 1 by Harry Strauss of Peru while in tills Misses Grace Barker 'Christine for tlio Fort Diioucsne Defeat of 170C.

During- the last, football season, tho Indian school tit. Carlisle, somfa B. L. is GROWING! There were three members admitted No. 300 C.

tho last meeting. There now six applications for membership, making a total of nuie DCAV members. ROBBERS TAKE RUBBER, Thieves raided tho Sixth street junk Shall 'Muzaffer-Ed-DIu, of Persia is cathroued. His peer In America Is Patrolman "Alike Ed. 1 A bomlhy tcust Is the latest.

OUT mothers, thank goodness are not in the combine. Markert, nnd 'C. M. Cordeil. left y'ester day Crawfordsvtlle 'to- attend Hie Stare Sunday School cbhven- tlon session'there.

Kauffman. and others' morning. Monticello Journal: JjOphnspor.t, where' 'L secured Sills' a ac Lognnsport on. business': 1 Chas. Marshall ami children of fio'gans- of 'Mr.

M. -Barnard Sunday night and secured 400 pounds of 'old rubber was valued fit $20. Detective Morgan lias charge of the cnse. of young red men into field which ooiDpct-ed with credit, jiga.inst of the ijlnyiTip clubs in the couctry. Among oMier cr.gngc- ments tlicy played a match with tin- Dnrjucsiic club in rittsburyh.

iind ort victorious. The bearing 4 of r.lie. lads was so courteous and manly as to win ap- lilause. fi-ora aJl the white spectators. Afler tlicv returned they received a Ciirtoou from the dt- tea fed club, with a letter tbtit it was "from some Jf the many friends whom the boys had uade in Pittsburgh by your gentlemanly The sketch was drawn with spirit, and represented at one side the coil; test between' the red and the white men Fort Duqucsiie in 179o, the Indian falling- beneath the shots of the other side was their contcs in 3.SOS, the red man standing 1 footbaJ it! hand, victorious over his white broth er; lastly, a picture of th ands" had been received with demonstrations of sympathy after their capture by the troops ofArrighi.

Hemado an prder, dated June 20, placing- Leip- zifT und-cr tiilita.ry law, making all the police subject to the military authority, and providing- for a forced contribution by way of punishment. Two days later tlio Corsican kinsman Arriglii announced that "the town of Leipzig- has incurred the displeasure of his majesty tbe emperor to a' high degree, on account of the bad behavior in connection with recent military and political events. Therefore, be it enacted that whosoever shall hereafter show aversion towards the French, or incur suspicion for behavior towards their allies, shall be treated as a traitor, be arrosted at cncc, nud brought before the French military authorities for the severest Six days were allowed in which the citizens should give up every weapon thoy had. All provisions were confiscated by authority, nnd Leipzig- was still further punished by being- forced to furnish oil supplies to the fortress of Wittenberg- on tbe Wittenberg of Martin Luther. The city fathers of Leipzig 1 came humbly to Dresden and 331 audience of their mighty conqueror, but they begged long before they were allowed oven lo see him.

Finally they were ad- ir.itted, and at once he turned upon them the sanje character of nbuse ho had heaped upon tbe French commandant cf few days before. ITo caJIcrl thenr dunces and sleepy -heads, and said. they did jjot what was 5-oing-on. under their noses: that they should seized tiie Lutzow men and sent than to the g-nJleys. or.

better still, have hutifr them. Each time that the city fathers tt- tempted to say any "npoleon broke in with renewed abuse, until he deemed his time exhausted, when he turned his back upon them, slammed the door iu their faces, and scJitthejri homo to ponder over the relative merits of different, forms of Poultney Big-clow, iu Ilarper's Magazine. Old Kibbons arc to be extremely fashionable ajrahi. already they are being- put to new purposes in a way of irizn- 1111115 evening 1 and other smart- dresses, while at the same time are once more resorting" to them. It is principally owing 1 the sudden reaction in favor of a simpler style of hat for ordinary wear that.ribbons are to the fore ag-ain at the milliner's.

For (he sailor-shaped silk hat nnd the-, limooth felt amnzou hat turned up at the side, ribbon trimmings are required to compose the decoration, wilh-the addition of or cock's pJumes, or sometimes a large bunch of flowers. The ribbon is bunded around the crown and arranged in simple bows on one Times. the Indian clnb. ns he was carried ANNIVERSARY. The fifteenth anniversary of Indiana (Maccabees will be celebrated tomorrow Wlnona Assembly park War- isaw.

big gathering of the K. 0. T. more for your money in your money Mr. Mark Banna may be Republican yteWing wltli-Oapt.

shoes than any one -Stevenson Klin- nHr.nol I r.rr, on Bl'OWn Mr. -liHrl AfvB I'' i i cuavii ntianal chairman, off tho field in triumph by both shouting- teams. Bcucn.tli was the suggestive word: "Revenge." If the manliness nhd magnanimous courtesy o'f these Indian nnd white clubs were shown by nJl football pla'y- the prejudice of many tul men nnd women against the game would be lessened, if not removed. When, instead of making 1 men more brutal, it teaches them self-control, good temper and tfte generosity whicih. can applaud a victorious foe, its discipline is Companion.


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