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The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune from Chillicothe, Missouri • Page 10

Chillicothe, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWO. OHHiMOOTHB CONSTITUTION SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1900. THE CONSTITUTION. including The Constitution, The Mall and Star and Chllllcothe Democrat. J.

Newland Win. L. Walking and Owners. Terms of Nnbscriptlon. by carrier In the city of Chllllcothe, per year J5.00 week 10 Dally by mall, postage paid per year In Livingston coun ty J3.00 Oally by mall, postage paid, out- aide Livingston county, per year J5.00 Weakly, postage paid, per year $1.00 Circulation.

A detailed sworn statement of clr- ralation will hn furnished at any when requvtiUtd by an adver- TI1OMAS II. JjAXKFORD. The uprightness of some men attracts attention because of the struggle which they make to maintain it; hut it is given to some choicer spiriU to be good so naturally that theii unobtrusive virtues never cause to marvel. Of the latter type wa Thomas H. Lankford.

It is a high tribute to pay to a man to say that his life had Keen ai; exemplification of the Golden Rule Few of us are so unselfish that this could be truthfully said of us. But it could be truthfully said of this man. He not only believed the Golden Rule, but he practiced it; and lit did it so quietly, so naturally and with such infinite kindness that those came in contact with him were not surprised but accepted it as an attribute of his gentle nature. The love that he bore to others measured up fully to the apostolic standard. It sought not its own taking more delight in the pleasure of others.

was not puffed up for although there were few better Informed men in Chillicothe, he was a man of much one who never ceased to learn. It was long suffering, and enduring, his life being one which wasjiot characterized with complaint and to whom his daily la bors were a pleasure and perforniei a devotion to duty that -was nev er satisfied with anything Jess thai the best that he could do. If he ever had any desire to do harm to others it was not manifes in his conduct, but many there an who can testify that he was eve ready to respond to those who weri in need of help. The daily routine of his life was ac complished with such cheerfulnes even in suffering, as to be au inspii ation, his character losing nothing forcefulness because of its unas surning quietness, neither did it lac in strength because of its gentleness He hated evil and gave it. no par in his living, but he knew how to charitable toward the frailities others.

With him the sweetest plac on earth was home, and in the ten der confines of his family the great ness of his goodness found its high est development. During a career of steady energj from boyhood he had met his dutie as they came, shrinking from non of them, but discharging each re sponsibilty with a manliness whic was none the less heroic because i without display and had to dc only with the arts of peace. It is not surpirsing that when th end drew near, he met it without i fear, and that with a past unsulliei by a shadow he could face his futur with a smile. J. B.

OSTRANDEK. The death of J. B. Ostrander removes from Chillicothe one who hai been prominently identified with th growth of the city during the pas several decades. During the manj years of his business activity in Chillicothe, Mr.

Ostrander was notec for his progressive spirit, his liberal ity, the soundness and fairness of hi business methods, these element combined with an immense amoun of energy and push, contributin largely to his business success. In public station, on the City Council and on the Board of Edu All Who Would Enjoy good health, with its blessings, must understand, quite clearly, that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With projwr knowledge of what is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to living aright Then the use of medicines may be dispensed with to advantage, but under ordinary conditions in many instances a simple, -wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time and the California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is alike important to present the subject truthfully supply the one perfecb laxative to those "desiring it. Consequently, the-Company's Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general satisfaction.

To get its beneficial effects buy the --aianufactured by the California Kg SjTjSijJEo; only, and for sale by all leading druggfets. Price's Cream BaRiruj Used by the best ilies, hotels and restaurants the world over. Makes the lightest, most delicious and tasty hot biscuit. Makes the bread, rolls and fins sweet and wholesome Protects the food from alum. N.

of I'aniuii! ot Caiiiisioia, wliou in- aimu-il a cluirgi-il with imox- iiou ln-1'oiv of tin- 10. notii-i-d that His nor sivuyjni: from sidi- to sidi- motion iliaf nii-aii but Hit- Conn was drunk or C'ii "1 Carman ilVloug fi-'i-ml for -i' am! iiiiilly di-i I'li-d In- not dizzy. I'arliiw liainlrd a pad anil pi-uril and lold him to vi in- out his own rommi! mi-lit. nan il hinisi-lf lo It) days ami a Tlii-n f'bii-f Carman ri'tiivin-d ami iniioiiiici-il to tin- Cinirt that it would lavi- in In- lorki-d n)i for its own saff- y. Hi- put Judge Itarlow in a i-i-ll iK'xt tlnor to tho and tin- pair roim-rsi'il in a I'rii-ndly manner iluriug (hi- afli-rnoon.

At in t-xtni- term of court inpt night was arraigned hofon- an a'-tiug judge. Hr- plr-adi-il not guilty lo tin- chat'Lrc of intoxication. Mis i-asi- was ailjoiirm-il and in the Chief Carman will round uu sv-vt-nil witnesses to support his, charge. Are doctors good for anything? I Foolish question! Yet some people act as if a medicine could I i ake the place of a doctor! The best medicine in the world cannot thij. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently.

If we did i doctors endorsed Aycr'r, Cherry Pectoral for coughs i rnliU, we would nol offer it to cation, he had unselfishly and faith-! him that it might be about thirty fully served his fellow-citizens and jdays before that car sot to Macon. the interests of the entire city, and the fact that until his failing health made it necessary for him to retire from places of civic responsibility, his friends continued to call his services into requisition, was an evidence of the high esteem in which he was held and the great measure of it would have to go in Kansas City and Denver first. When Rabbit Hrarison got off th train the one to Macon had gone ami it was getting mighty close the hour of his engagement. I In tried to charter a motor car. but the roads were too rough.

Thru. In' sotiit- cf- public confidence which he-enjoyed, jfort, he secured a special train con- Chillicothe has reason to feel the sisting of an engine and passenger death of J. B. Ostrander with genuine sorrow and to do sincere reverence to his memory. The healthy interest, lakcu in the selection of school board members is to be commended rather than deplored as a "fight." It is desirable that just as many voters as can be prevailed upon to do so should take part in selecting public officials, so that those who are named may as nearly as possible be the representatives of the majority.

STATJi PRESS OPINIONS. Senator Stone may attempt to explain his vote on the iron schedule in the Aldrich tariff hill for a thousand years, yet the Missouri farmers will not be satisfied, sought to lower the rate on iron. The Senate raised Hie rale tin- coach, arriving in Macon a few utes before he was to speak, cording to the contract In- $50 for the address ami ordinary 'railroad expenses, but Hi; 1 cost him more than that. JJFTTTER THAN SPAXK1NG. Spanking does not -nre children or bed-wetting.

Tin-re Is a constitutional cause for this trf-MbK Mrs. ii Summers, Box W. Notro nc 1 will send free to any mother her iiiccessfi'l home treatment, with full Instructions Send no money, bu: write today If your "hlldraii you In this way. Don't blame the ehlld. the are It can't belt: It lrp.atm«nc also sd-iln and peoplo trouDled urine tfficultles by day or night.

Johnson binders are easier to op- The Housej cl wcar Better, and give bettor general satisfaction than any binder on the market. Sold only by fixed and to our astonishment Stone voted for the raise. This will unquestionably raise the price of farm E. IT. Lake, North Locust St.

ISmdtf machinery, or at least, prohibits the importation of uml trust to keep it up. We have always-been an admirer of Slum 1 but iii-'s 1 turning some peculiar tricks session. This one in parik-ular. vote can be justified to MU'SO id tariff on any article so necessary -ii. Courier (Di-in.) "Prohibition for Missouri is dead." says one of our exchanges in -peaking about the failure of the Legislature to submit a amendment to the people for a volt-.

Proliibition is not dead, but the sion of submission is. State wide prohibition is not dead and will not Sturgeon, Aug. IS. 1 allows the' certify that one half rJio Texas Wonder. Hall's Great Discovery, cured my sister of kidney ind lilailder trouble, and a cure to cured.

Shi- Is 4S voars of "KI-. Respectfully. THOS. M. SKAGGd.

be until the people a decisive vote either adopt or reject: it, as they deem best for their interests. Salisbury Press-Spectator (Dem.) A proposition to advertise for the Anlieuser-lJush Vrewiug Association reached the Leader office the pastj week. While the proposition was a profitable one, the Leader felt 'bound to turn it down as it has all liquor advertising. While money is very much needed to keep up the enlarging expenses of a print shop, the Leader prefers to depend on the patronage of the public rather than use 13. H.

Lake has the largest lino of buggies in Livingston one 10 suit every taste with prices that right. Don't buy until you see his stock. N. Locust street. ISrudtf Loi-k Springs Herald: Mr.

Alex Litton and wife were in Chilliculh yesterday, and of course atteudi-d tii carnival, which they was simp; line. Mr. Litton says lie would lik to go again. Some say tin 1 fat wn man "makes eyes:" of course Litton doesn't know what tha means. How's This? its columns to enlarge a business which like the liquor business, brings moral and intelectual ruin to so many Leader (Dem.) Now.

that their interest is on the wane, the brewers, like a drowning man catching at a straw, are trying to subsidize the rountry press. hope that all, like the Leader and The Recorder, will have the manhood to refuse an County Recorder, (Dem.) We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney Toledo.

O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 and believe him perfectly In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out, any obligations made by his firm. Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. i Testimonials sent. free. Price, 75c. per bottle.

Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. P. Murphy of Moberly transad- business and visited friends in the K. lie city friends.

of llntymer be gin-si of relatives is PILLS IIKAMI. A I--: CIJ i.l'IiVs.TKUR rn.i.<. fc i', A Want Ads; Classified SAbK. I-'OK liousf. Apjily at -IDS K.

Clay st. aliSt For house, good as new, "i bit? rooms, closets; on paved -itrent, lilorks from square; East Cnlluiini strei't. Don't" m-eil a dollar's wortli of repairs. Call A. A.

Bryan. Ofdtf For houses and lots. 3 io rooms. Henry Corn well. Ifiindtt For ten room house, large lot.

good good well and garden spot; lot and yard well fenced, at Xorih Vine street, four from square. Apply at Dirkenson or nt. property. loindlm Sandusky, May of hunted hy detectives. Harry Rohinson, ti-1 years old, once a member of the Jesse James handit.

KanK. has sniTeiulerc.d to R'-uter. He lilnadi'd with the to keep his surrender a secret and to send him lo Chicago, where, ho said, lie was wauled for hank rohherios. said hi 1 dared not talk in Sandusky. Ill-cause former associates in robberies were numerous in tlio neighborhood, and he feared an attempt on his life.

He was taken 10 Kremont in an effort lo find nitre- slyci-rin and money hi- said had beeii hidden near that, city in readiness for an attack on a bank in Oak Harbor. Knu county. Askcil to In- Ai-n-sti-il. Robinson rushed into Sheriff Renter's oilic.e early today, shouting he wanted to lie am-sted. He tried to toll the sheriff of his experiences, but swooned after savins he belonu-ed lo tin- notorious Jesse James and had been a bank robber and (rain robber since his youth.

Kills To Stop Tlie Kit-ud. The worst foe for 12 years of John Dcye, of Gladwin, was.a running ulcer. lie paid doctors over S'lOO-OO without benefit. Then Ouck- liu's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him. Cures Fever-Sores, Boils, Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum.

Infallible for Piles. B'urns. Scalds. Cuts, Corns. 25c at N.

,1. Swetlatid Drug Co. FOB RALK. l-'or roltase on Rast Calhoiin slreet; best locatiim in city, live nice rooms, besides large bathroom, pnntry and three sood closets, electric lights in every room, hot and cold water in bath room and kitchen, good small barn and some fruit. Priced right.

F. A. Clifton, E. Calhonn street. L'5mdtf For Sale or Kent.

I have several desirable properties for sale or rent. Parties desiring to buy or rent a home should see me. A. W. Cios, Wallhrunn hldg.

FARMS FOU SALK. Have buyers for small farms, 20, -10 and GO acres. Bazel J. Meek. 22rdtf FOlt rROPEBTV.

TIesidojice for Rent. rooms, cellar, plenty of water, large yard, barn for ten horses, chicken houses, pasture for cows and horses, good garden spot. Ready to ue occupied at once. Paul Byrd, It's pretty tough to have no hair, but plenty of Globe. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.

Bids will be received up to June 1, at -1 o'clock p. for the erection of the new Elk home. Plans and specifications can be seen at. the office of E. C.

Orr, in the Masonic Temple building. All bids must he accompanied by a certified check fcr StTvO. We reserve the. right to reject any and all bids. W.

A. Eylenburg. raHdtd Sec. B. P.

0. E. A young girl likes to lie startled; il is so like a startled fawn. ison Globe. DeWitt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve Is good for cuts, burns and bruises and Is especially good tor piles.

Refuse substitutes. Sold by N. J. Swetland Drug Co. If you must IK: abusive, abuse a dog: a dog will forgive you without an apology.

Atchison Globe. Heartburn, sour risings, uelching, dull, heavy feeling and such things are ail caused by Indigestion. Kodol stops them by digesting all the food you eat. Sold by N. J.

Swetland Drug Co. Automobiles are becoming so common that finally yon can get them in slot Globe. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The contract for the Shirt and Overall Factory having been let, the Factory Site Association requests all subscribers to the fund, who have not yet yaid their subscriptions, to do so at once, as the money Is needed. Subscriptions can be paid at the office the secretary, north side square, llfdtf B.

V. Gill secretary. Do members of your family die hard? If hey do, you may depend a hard Globe. phone 23S. 20adtf ROOMS FOR RENT.

OF- FOR fice rooms over and 10 Cent Store, West side square. dSdt) HOUSEHOLD GOODS. RABBI HARRISON HAD TO HAVE SPECIAL TRAIN Macon, May Rabbi fit ytoday. For leaving the city and will sell a number of nice pieces of furniture cheap. Will also sell my modern six room residence.

Call at home, 101 Jackson street. 22mdtf A. L. Campbell. COWS PASTURED.

TO PASTUIiU. Good blue grass on North Broadway. Phono 210. J. V.

GRACE. LMiiudU' MALM HELP WANTED. Harrison of St. Louis, who was scheduled to address the graduates of the Macon High school here last light, had to hire a special train at Moberly to meet his engagement. When he changed cars at Moberly he entered the dining car of another train and ordered dinner, supposing it was the train going to Macon.

After a time it occurred to hlm-to ask the waiter how long before the train" would reach Macon. The waiter told have an opening for a good-up-to-dali- minute imr man. capable of selling a staple line DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pillsjto all classes of trade. Line has un- quickly relieve backache, weak back, inducements. which makes pains in the groin, rheumatism, etc.

I sales advances and pro' tection i uterritory guaranteed. Mor- Send your name to B. C. DeWltt Chicago, for free trial box. Sold by N.

J. Swetland Drug Co. CASTOmA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I Jewelry Cliciaso. 29md2t Avo JXO AT THIS I5APTIST CirUHCrt SUiYOAY Owing to tho absence of Rev.

F. Davidson, pastor, there will he no preaching services at tho First. Eap- jtist church Sunday morning. Sunday i school and other services will he held the usual hour. Won't Slifiht A Good Prinnl.

"If ever I need a cougli medicine again I icnow what tc get," declares Mrs. A. L. Alley of Beals, "for, after using ten bottles of Dr. Kings New Discovery, and seeing its excellent results in my own family and others, I am convinced it is the best medicine made for Coughs, Colds and lung trouble.

Every one who tries it feels just that way. Relief is fell at once and its quick cure surprises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemorrhage, chest or lungs it's suprcme.50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N.

J. Swetland Drug Co. j.c.; Lowoil. 1 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Luella Opera House, Matinee asd Night Performance WEDNESDAY, JUKE 2,1909 GHIIUCOTHE LODGE B. P.

O. E. 656 Presents Addison Madeira and His Company in a Quadruple Bill of Mr. Madiera's Successful VAUDEVILLE SKETCHES Masqueraders," (Direct from Orplieum Circuit) Mr Afldi- on Madeira as "Svemrali," Miss as "Madau.e utter- What happened at the French iiall. "Sarah Ann." (Keith and Proctor Circuit, N.

Mr. Addison Madeira, Miss, Jane Kirmit, "Love will lind a way." "The Try-Out," Miss Gent-vieve Soprano. Miss Fav Contralto. 'Gypsy Sony's and -Hob, the Characteristic Darkey 'The Cushvillt; "Thc Otliur sin," solid for forty weeks on Keith and Proctor circuit.) A. Uutler, Mr.

Walter Bacon: Robert Winthrop, Addison Madeira: Mrs. Robert Winthrop, Miss Eleanor Ford and Mr. Addison Madeira as "The Other Put yourself in his he strongest Dramatic Sketch now the. vaudeville A magnificent play in one act, Henry Miller of the Great Divide Co. Tickets on sale Tuesday, 9 m.

ai Owl Drug Store Admission 25, 35, 75c son II HAVE YOU VALUABLE PAPERS? ARE THEY IN A SAFE PLAGE? MAKE SURE AND RENT A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR $1.50 PER YEAR CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND 9VRPLVS $180,000. W.DAVIS -LIVE STOCK AUCTINE Six years experience in this and adjoining- counties. Satisfaction guaranteed Address Route 3. Chillicothe, Missouri, or tele- Phone Sprinichill Central. DR.

J. E. CALLAWAY Does a general practice. Gives special attention to treating all Chronic ailments, and more especially any diseased condi- tton of the EYE, GAB, NOSE andTirROAT. Offlce well equip- ped with latest unproved para- phernalla.

Call and investigate. Offlce of 3 rooms over Ptimt Na- tlonal Bank building. N. B. Cor- ner Square, Chllllcothe, Ho.

Rea. Phone Nr 11. Offlce 57. He7she andlt The faces of the younij just start- inu- in life are tfood. to look at, particularly in a ifood picture.

Now, "IT," which is picture we take abounds in beauty of detail, in handsome mountings and appropriate a ground and finish. A jfood picture becomes an asset of value in later life. Let Us Take You TODAY WATTON STUDIO- COL. A. W.

CIB8 LIVE STOCK AUOT1ONEKR PHONIC KStt KOOIUB 9 IO Wullbruun Bldf(. CHUJ.ICOTHK, MO. New Gash Grocery HAIR DRESSING PARLOR HO-I Monroue St. Phone (11O. 1 Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment Manicuring, Cutting Children's Hair.

Manufacturer of Hair Second Door North'P. 0. J. V. RAMSEY.

SUPER'S LAIfifnRY. The only country Laundry In Goods. MRS. EDWARD CHAPKV the world using a Troy No. 5 Collar and Cuff Ironer.

The on- ly country Laundry in the -world using a Kennlcott water soften- er and purifier. The only small 9 town Laundry In the world hav- Ing Its own water and gas plant. Onr equipment Is very exten- slve and expensive and waa bought for you. WOODMEN OK THE WORLD. 308 MO.

Meet 2d A TUBII- day's each month at the Citizens National Bank F. W. Cornue, C. C. F.

E. Brown, Clerk. A. J. THOMPSON, IJve Slock and General Farm Sale Anc- S- tioneer.

Graduate of Missouri Auction School, Trenton, See, write or wire me before making dates. Call 141-3 through Lock Springs, or Boyle Central. Address, Sampsel, English. German, Spanish, Portuguese and French. No.

J-'OB Mce 1. Fcvi-rs. Congestions, Inflammations S3 2. Wiirm KI-VIT. or Worm 3.

Clilic. mill Wukcfulness of Iufoutd.23 of Children anil Adults 5. Ilvaciiterv. GrlpliiRS, Colic 7. dmaliH.

Colds, bronchitis 8. Tootlmehe. l-accache, Seurolt'la Sick Vt-rtlKo IO. Imllnestlon, Weak Stomach. 13.

Croup. Hoarse CouKh, Laryngitis 1-1. Snlt .25 23 25 25 S5 25 25 25 Malarln illnit, External, Internal. 25 15. Elmumatlc IO.

Fi-vcr uml Asm 1 17. Ullll'ler III. 18. Ophtlialmi Weat or lullumeil Eyes -J5 1U. Calarrh, Hoiiil 25 SO.

Conu-li 31. A.itlinin.Oppressed, DltUcult Brcathiuir 27. Kidney Oravut, Cnlrul! 88. Kerruiis Debility, VIcU Weakness J.OO Son- Alotilli, I-'evcr Sorts or Canker. S5 30.

Urinary Incoiillnrlicr, Writing Bed 25 31. Sore Throat. Quinsy uml Ulpluhcrta US 35. Chronic Keailaehes 25 77. Grippe, Bay Fever and Summer A small botllo of Pleasant Pellets, flta the Test pocket.

Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt ol price. Medical Book sent free. HUJrPIIREVS' HOMEO. MEDICINE dTilllam ard Aim Street. Nt-w iort McCOniVUCK BROS.

The South Locust Street have added to their stock the fin- est Funeral Car ever brought to CbilUcothe. Besides doing a general livery business, they give special attention to funerals. They also make carriege calls (day or night to any part of the city or county. Telephone 1.10. -It-I S.

Locust Street. OSTEOPATHY DR. T. G. PHEI.P9_ Over Guiuby West's, Chilllco- Picture Business The only exclusive business of its kind in Northwest Mo.

Everything in pictures, high grade enlarging, picture framing at Gregg's. Prices "NUF SED." W.H. Gregg, GunbyBg. 3. V.

SHELTON, M. O. Practice Limited to Eye, Bar, Nose, and Throat. Glasses Fit- ted. Telephones: Office, U3; to 12 a.

1 Sunday: 2 to the. Phones: 208. Office 141; Hours: 9 to 6 p. 4 p. m.

Over First Nnfl. Book, Chillicothe Missouri J. M. DAVIS SONS, 9 iMwyera, Notary Always In Ot- flee. Will Practice in nny Conn.

Office in Davis Building, 510 Washington Phones: Office 78; Res. 36. over Swetland's store DR. W. R.

j. Surgeon Physician Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat Bpec- tallst. Glassei fitted CHTLLJCOTHB. MO. A.

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