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Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Altoona Mirrori
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEATHER; Start In Businew for Yourwtf fcy to Page 20 and Select of the 5 Bu Opportunities Advertised Today, JDWP13. W74. ALTOONA, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1924. TWENTY-TWO COLUl SENSATION SPRUNG IN SENATE HEARING CLEANOPIN CITY Chief Executive Urges Hearty on Part and of Civic Cooperation Every Citizen Organizations. RUBBISH tO.

BE HAULED BY HIGHWAY BUREAU al Assault on Yards, Cellars, Attics and Closets Is Requested During Present Week. Cleanu one wee ip week in AHoona beyin from toda), MIIJ 5, ami Slajor L. Giles this morning issued a attention to it ami urging the general cooperation of tht people of tho city anil ths the effort to make th'e effort a complete success llie mayor's proclamation followa "I'o the citiaena of AUoonft "With 'a 1 of -eliminating unannj- Inrv conditions and keeping up the Blandard of health the city, 1 incite the fullest cooperu.tion of our and ask our civtc organiza tibns to itae their influence to make Al- toona'the. cleanest-and most sanitary city in the state, Cleanup has been -set for Say 6 by the bureau ol health and wll continue if.iieeil Le 'until May-15. "ELLSWOllTH F.

GLLES, mayor." The hauling will be dona ae by the highway, bureau and gestion fa inhde tliat during the present week, all householders get buaj in their yards, cellars; attics, outbuildings and closets, haul out, the rubbish and pile it at convenient where it can be obtained hy the truck drivers. i Truck Routes Outlinea. Commissioner Behfce'Keatley today outlined' the ferrilory that will be, each clay week by the trucks -of 'the' days will he devoted to each tide of the city, the West side being taken up ''The schedule Sixteenth.utreet to aouth- ern city-, line Ninth avenue 'to woBterii rity Hue, embracing Fifth, Twelfth wards, Htxtccnth to Ninth, Tenth avenue to city line, and FORMER RESIDENT HURT. HJndman, Retired Car Shop yorwnin, Injured at Wilkuubutf. John A.

Hindmaii, aged 80, retired foreman of the maihme shop in the car shop department the Pennsyl vjinia- railroad, is in a -critical condition at bis home in VVilkinaburg suffering from injuries sustained on Friday hen he fell in an open elevator shaft. Word of the accident was received hy Altoona relatives over the week end and 1 from the bedside are to the effect that the.veteran's condi-' tion is grave, with little bones of recovery. Mry Hindman Buffers from a frflc ture of tlie and fracture the hips, both, lego being paralj zed, itb 111B spine' also injured. remaHis in a seiui-oohseiouV condition. HitidmttN retired from 1 llio Pcnnsy service -March 1, J910, and he has resided in 'WHkinshurg for the pafit ten years.

LaHt, Friday he was walking along tlie highway near hi? home when he turned into garage stepping into an" open elevator shaft Mra Mary Vanclam of 1111 Fifth avenue is a sister and Mrs, Margaret Mrn. 1 J. C. HodEnagle unit John Breriueirian, all of HUB city, aro related to tbe injured mun JOSEPH IRASS TO Koflidaysburg Contractor Is Lowest Bidder for 100 Foot Structure Over the Jimjata River at CJaysburg. Bulk of Traffic From Cresson Division Will Probably Be Hauled to the Main Line at Cresson.

LLEVEN FJRMS SOUGHT PRIVILEGE OF ERECTION i Arizona Blockade Against Tourists All Bids for New Automobile for Sealer of Weights and Measures Rejected Without Comment Board. enihracing wards. Thiril and putt of to Hamilton itreets, Klevehth avenue- to city line and embracing the Seventh and Eleventh wards and a part of the First. Thirty-sixtU to Sixteenth streets, Niiith'aveniie line, embracing the Sixth ward, Kridn'y to Seventh streets, 'Ninth avenue to city line, cm- bracing Second an'il Fourth 1 wards. ITagerty streets, Ninth 'avenue to city line and lira ping, Kighth and Tenth warda.

Jt is desired that all rubbish placed in containers and placed in rtlhiva nu tlie night before. It is cially requested tliat no community pihis. ho aa ttiey cannot bo handled. BOYS' WEEK IN CITY 1.1 Boys' week in AUoona will be oh- during liic weak of May 11, the committee in charge, at a meeting held today, filing tliat date and selecting VRTIOLIS siih-commlttcos to the week's observance a most successful oriR. National boys week is being observed tliis week, tlie AEtoonn relebrntion being delayed two weeks, however, due "no oftieialVconnruiafory ei nouncenient has been maJe, in railroad circles tho, 'Pennsylvania railroad will abandon the shops ad Bellwood and concentrate.the activi ties of the Creason division at Crea- B6n, where the division ire It also reported that the Jurls- dtction 'of: tho'' Tyrone yard will turned OTer to the Tyrone division from the Middle of Bell wood, most of traffic from the Cresson division will be hauled to the at Wesson.

The contemplated' action; i will bo economy lines era braced in the Creseon division.extend through regioni of northern Cambria, and Jefferson and coal constituted the bull: of the tragic. There arc several lines, eaqfi of which has upany branches; moat of them short and reaching coal operations at various places. The line from Bcllwood extends in a northwesterly direction 'to tawney and it connects with thu Vina from Cresson at Irvona, so that there would lie no difficulty involved liyerting "the traffic to Cresson. In thin event, the road from Jrvqna to Bell wood would he need cliicfly for the passenger service. The Creaeon division is an importnnl feeder for the Pennsylvania, its' lines reaching many of coal operations in central Pennsylvania.

The shops at Bellwood include car repair department and an engine honst anil several hundred men are employed tliere under normal conditions. Tim en gine house would not ho abandoned Joseph F. DrARa, a Ilollidayshurg contractor, was tliis morning awarded contract by tlio commissioners of Blair county'for Hie construction of a two-span concrete bridge over the Frank stow branch of the Juniata rntr at hid was There wcre eleven bidders. Drasa was the lowest. There was rou- ghterablo variance in tho bidding.

Work will started as soon aa materials can be assembled. Tho new structure will replace mi old, narrow iron bridge. It will be of two, forty-aix foot spans; total length 100 feet. It will ba thirty-two feet in width! including two five-foot side- iv a Iks. The contractor will remove the olil structure.

It was built before tho day a. of automobiles and also before tho expansion- of Claysburg and is oily inadequate for trtiilie and "They Shall Xot Pass!" That was tlio order that went out from the oflicos of Governor Hunt of Arizona when the foot and mouth disease was prevalent in parts of Calif or nin. Hundreds of tourists, easterners returning to their homes after spending the winter 'in California, were detained by health authorities us they crossed tho border. Here is a elimpso of one of the camps. In the circle is a posted on tho bridge nt the state Hue nrlvising antonjobilifita of the quarantine.

START INJUNCTION SUIT Morris Lenson Sons Declare Business Will Be Menaced by Action of Adelberg-Feder Stores. pedestrian a. The bridge is on the- stale highway aiLtl, when lout away; will bo necessary to establish a detour. This wi II' bo ncoo mulish cd hy iurhi ag al I ralfic to the right, going southward, isst the churches on the hill in Wcat Jlaysburg and continue, south to a joint on the. road leading from Spron! Cnttonvilie at which point, Iraflic ill turn east on tho Sproul road to io maiti road Will Establish Detour.

Tho state has miked for bids for.the construction of. -the primary route from torn a Ix-nson tnd Louh hia wholusi ilu notion deuEcra loi-ated nn Uic" second and third Hours of the huiEding at cnth avciiiiu, have himight injmictloi in the llhur c-outity courts gainst the Adelljerij-Feder Blo The allegation of tha plnintiiTa is tfial lefcml iinls are HH uulnwfu utUYHrrnnled attenipt to shut oil their ingress anil egress lo. Eleventl avenue bv closing or, removing a door bet Sprou The Lenson fir June 11, 1023 to the extenais-e repairs at the Cricket field. being Thp llold ia desired for (be celebration events and the flale wna accordingly fixed to(Uy fio as not to interfere with the program nt the field. A program for each day of tlie week starting May 11 will bo adopted with the general committee to DRY CRUSADER'S HOME- I WRECKED BY TIME BOMB CHICAGO, April limp, supposed to have been set by bootleg- wrecked the honm of Rev.

Elmer Villiams, dry crusader, liere today. The front of the house was ripped out niul members of Ihe family cut and they were hurled from their Williams rwently gave the police names of two notorious IxwtlegjjerB. He said be had threatened with 1 he discontinued his eni- againnt rum-running. WREKLY FORECAST. April Weather outlook for period Monday, April 28, to Saturday, Miy 3, inelnsive: may be eipected during the einco there -would still lw Rome work to Ixi Ihe force required to opcrato it would probably be com para- tively small.

TWO GARS. Automobile Drivers Keport Accidents City Hall. 1410 Twenty-Unit avenue ami of strcnti liotli yoitiigstcra, were injuretj wlicii struck by automobiles on Sunday. Hotli accide'nts were reportctl at City ball. C'Rrol Btritck by the car.of W.

R. SticU of 1014 Howard avenue, llie hoy running across Thirteenth avenue. Kwart.7. was injured wbcn hit. hy the nmcliine driven hy Cbarles, K.

James of avenue, tbc accident to the'Bedford county line and in necessary to a detour to Bedfdrd from that point, it is probable that a Btftta lished from the hridgs nn through to some other in Bedford county, from which it will he possible get, through whatever trafllc finds it convenient to get from this city anil vicinity to tho Lincoln highway. The bids submitted to the coniinis- this by tho various ontractors were as follows: K. Jlatliicu Sons, S12.32U.SO; 11. R. Myers, Milliron Construction J.

W. Limekiln, Drnivlmiigh, slilJSa.OO: Joseph F. Drusa, Blair L. MeKillip, Vipond, Stroit Jloorc, II. Con- nollv, $18,821.50) Augustus I'ogcl, 877.fif); Edwin II, llrim, Dids were also opencil hy the tounty coinniissioners this inoriiliig for mi nutonioliilii coupe for the use of I bo Benlcr of weights imil uicjianres nf tho cnnilly.

Tho' bids won, to nn for tho wir IKJW ,80 bv thnt olllcial. '1'wo aubniitted, and both wero rejected by imaninious voto nf the lionnl of without fommcnt. Olio of them offered for the old tar ami oskeii S713 for tlio new, tlie oilier offered $'i7ii for the old niul naked for Ihe new. ther next week lq further llie plans. I i cninE at Twenty-thirtl avenue and Bf $3,600,000 HAKR1SBTJRG, April taritT of the Hell Telephone compuny of Pennsylvania ivill bring nn inci-eascd m-cmw of AimuaUy, H.

V. Marvel, counsel for the company informed Ihe public service cotn- Iniasion at tlio hearing here tndny. The reveniui incrcsaau ia divided inlercfl into a contract with tho Artel- jerg-Fedcr Btorea, or ajjents for the business block, formerly ktiowi IB Use St. building, Imvc, lo Ii6kl acid use the basemen and the second and third floors of th building, witli use of the elevator, fo period of ycarH, from Feb. 1, 102; 16 Sept: 7, at A stiptilated rcnta lo ho paid monthly in advance.

According lo tho'allegation 'of th Ihey wern to liave both front and a rear entrance- to their par of thu building HiuUivhen the structur was rciuotliilcu', enlrancu was proviilc one from Eleventh avenue and or from Fourteenth, street, rear. Now is claimed the dcfcudnnlA undertook I close up I ho entrmiL'c frofn Tlic Peoples' CloUung Rlorc occupie a room cm the grnmuL lloor on Klcvcnt audit ia dcclnrcd Lhal the iloo which gives cntrAiivc lo the lo tliu r.enson store is nuisaiu-c lo the Peoples' store; thnt obstructs their show whitlows. Sonio days rigo, an attempt inaitn lo the door and io chin up Ifie spaoe. The I.ensons (fcclaring that the removal of the doo would let their slore open lo mtiiirn era, without llie just proltictinn ivJiich thcv are entitled us well tig otf tlioir eritrniwc. W.

Vrn in reproBenls the 1-crisons J. Jlabcrstroh the defcinlanl The cwirt will fix ft time foi' the Iica 1 in" ol" Thomas Hatch ford was before the court Ihie tnorning lo answer serious charges against him by young woman from Ncwry. lUtchfonl pleaded' gwilly ami Jmlgq Thomas J. linldrJge tlireclcil that tlio yomifi "inn be rcrpiiicil lo nisike proper payments for the protection of the young lurly id enter hotid for the fiullifni pwr- formmiee of llie trust or go lo jnil jnlil finch time as tlie court direct his release' under the insolvent SENATE TAX RATE BATHE IS Executive Is Principal Speaker at Dedication of New Temple of Learning at Nation's Capital. Unleash Forces Fight Out Income and Surtax Rates to Be Levied on Nation Next Year.

Fourth street. Tlte injin hovs were bnt minor. iriea to lioiially as follows, Marye said: Phihv Pittaliiirgli, 000; other HE HAD BEFRIENDED PAY FINALJRIBUTE TO MURPHY Attorneys J. Tx-o Plnmmcr and Knink Vnuglin have filed their report wiili. tlie eonrt, relative tn ihcir in- vcsligatioii nf a hotter method of indexing certain of the puldic records at the courthouse.

Tim inetndcs Ihe installation of proper indexes finr the rtcr, Commission and records in the register and ollicc IHU) for the orpliBna comt records niul allottees and nf retil estate in partition proceedings in thii olliee of I'rothonotary Paul L. who by virtue of hia oflice as clerk of tlie orphans court. The contract waa let to the Russell company Ht the price of S7jTiOO, (Hy Unltefl Prcwo.) D. 0. April Vith 1'resiik'iit Coolidgc tin I lie iirin- ipal speaker, Amerini todny drdinii- id 11 new temple of llie ioinil Avtiilemy of Science.

1 The hutldiiig, recently compleloil, vill limisic the Miilioiuil Research uunn- iluring its convention here this week convention that will air the lafest wonders of science. The greatest experts in Ihe country II nddress the convention. The) II iliscuss nfllronoTiiy, radio, medicine a nt cpidemology, anil cvcrj other "ology" iii the caluloync 1 lieory from Kinslein lie descent of men will be bundled. Today's jyognuu WHS to he limitci to of tho Iniilding iitid in speclipn of BCicntillc trcafiurea tha will repose in it. fund which dcfraye the nxpcriHc of building the ncntlemj itructnre in SVaBhington'was gift the Carnegie corporation.

Tho building itself is a scientifi marvel. The nmmsttcs of the iiudi loriinn are said lo be Die fmeat in tli world. Other speakers during the morniiij eossioii 1 were Trcsident Miulmctson the Academy; Vice President -Merlin nml Vcruoti Kellogg, scere lary of thu Itcsenrch Council- fiED CROSS OFFICER Williiun Kicb of the Cross IicndqunrtRrn in Wnshinglori, 1). expert in tho life wiving division, is in Altoona for coufi-roiK-es and demonstrations, incctinjj "'it 11 ivjimujnla- tivrs of swimming pools in lliis district, the visitor to ulso give lests swimming instructor tipplifsmla. Cnplain Kicb ojnne here nt Ihe in- Rtanre of the'local branch Kcil CIOM.

lift ia today with Com i PS ion cr Samuel Tuylor rohi- tivo to the Prosnect Hill swimming pnnl, with Nnla'UencU pr.nnotrrs, Ivy- side, nit'. Tliis lie addressed a Bed Cross galhering til Hie J'enn- Alto. Tdis cs'ening Captain Kii'h will give demonstration Rt HIP llollfduysburg pool with Scout Exeriitivv Harry K. Prayer, who pnsscd the life s.iviru; lesla a year-ago, preparing a tho various lests. Captain Kii-b will give an ndilress tomorrow morning in the AUoonn Hijih el 1001 and wifl also bft nt.

HighSuml lall, Iloljitlnyshurg, tomorrow. AF1ER One kundred and Fourteen Men Missing in Disaster at Benwood Mine of Wheeling Steet Corporation. President Coolidge Alleged Have Said He Hoped Ford Would Not Do or Say Anything That would Make It Difficult for Him to liver Muscle Shoals. SUPPOSED MESSAGE IS CONTAINED IN TELEGRAM WORK OF RESCUE BEGUN Chairman Morris Reads State' BY SEARCHING PARTIES Gas Lets Go After Workers 'Enter Shaft Escape and Go Back at Head of Rescuers. merit Into Record of culture Weeks, on Stand, Denies Knowledge and presses Disbelief.

By PAUL R. MALLOW. Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON, II. CV April Tins big lux rule buttle is on, After tjuks ot niiiiium scniile Ei'iicl Jiiny UJili'JL-slicd heiv fortfjs lo liylit lit Urn iiH'Otni; 11 ml surtax i levied on tin; nuliuii niivt your, Cimirnmu Utod SniuDt of ttiu linnritic uniinittuu foiLL'il ttic Wlieu nskcd (he Mellon projiOriixL for '25 cent surtax bo brought For discussion.

Tlic Mellon proposal was out into bill hy acimto finance commit- tco nfter" Dcmocriita decided to HUH: their llic nmltor cuclicil the floor. Tlicy did not. to dclny lituil disposition (if the tax bill by up Uclenninrd fight coimnillfG irconiiEC tlicy were coii- lldcnt there were greater cliaiicea of victory, before the senate. The Democratic plan ia for a 4C per cent surtux, Progressives per cent, which is the TJrj htiusc nilopted a J17 1-1! per cent promise, yccretary ilctltm asks '2H per Jndiunliuns ns the fight got under way tbnt the 1 )fii 11 CK: L-U ic r. would Biuoot is tlctcrinincil to vole on every possible promise.

When the 2o per cent tmrliu is it is cerium to will usk vote cm pti rciilj then per cent itnd pcr- even 33 per cent. Smoot believes HIR bill nmy lie by week from M.itnrdiiy yet io lie scf.t led In 1 normal and siirtux rate, sulnutuk'n nre Corpornlion.s tax of 1-1 por rcnl, lux 01 teloplioncri iinJ Icloj-niiJli nn-ssnges, nu lomobilf.s, radio twin, jmljlii-ity nf in conic tax rotiirua and ndinitiis Ira live features inent of the Juvv. (Cotttinucd on I'ngo BENWOOD, W. April bodies were taken from the mine shortly after i o'clock. They were found 2,700 feet within the mine.

(By United Tress.) tllON'U'OOD, April himrlrcd nnd fourteen men were entombed in the Homvood mine of the heeling steel corporation a I 7.30 a. todrty, it was announced. A gas "explosion, lliy exact niitiir? of which linn not yet been determined, oL-i-urnrd thirty minutes nfter Uic men lait goiiti to work. Workers from nil surrounding minca wero bronxht lo lh" llenwood niiiif- in nufnniobitf.s mid uiudc tr gu irilo mine. Arrivul of the niimi rosruo curn from Pittsburgh wan min-sKury, however, before iml work t-onhl Blurted.

OfTirriiils of the IniM no details. One lunulrcil nnd Iwnnty- livc int'iL wen: known to have gone into mine ill 7 a. in. Kleven these were believed to have raped. The men whoso live a were saved don tin) gna masks and led tin purtics buck Into the mine.

Rescue Work Starts. liesrne of the entombed men utarlert ith nrrivnl of mine cars from Tills urgli nnd Clnrksburp. Trained workers, wlfli tlielr peculiar looking npparntiiH, into ie at once, aided by scores of miners rccruilod from surrounding pita. The explosion caused no fire, olTiciula of the mine nnnouncod, whlcli increases the iilinncoa of the entombed men beinf; V.ronght out alive. Hundreds gixlhrrnl around tbe mint mouth, many of lliciti women nnd children.

The explosion, occurred about a mile from (he ctitinnce of (lie mine, which ia a "slope" mine. An opening in tlin mine nt llrmviis Run, two and ImU mill's from the, cntrnncOj choked up by the nn-ks and dirt hurled by tluj IL is believed llic rescue sounds will ntlcmpl io rt-aeli Ihe cnlfiinhcd men through ilic c'ntrnnru the mine nnd altcrnpt to on i-ntrnuce tlirongh tliK llrowna Run Tlie first of the miners woift to tlin snrfnrp by rescue workflns curly (Hy IJnlled I'ress WASniXUTON, I). April 28 A sensation Hpruiig in tlio Ei'iiats -otntnittcc today uhen Chairman Nome rcnil into tho record it tclcgnun in wliiih IVesidcnt Coolid M'us quoted at) faying he hoped Henry Ford would not, do or siiv nny- thhigf'thiit. will mnkc it diflicuEt fbf to di'livcr iMuselo Shotils to )iiui u.s I am trying to do." The telegram which wan one of number tunii-il over lo the committed muter a subpoena to local telegraph. company, was Rent to L'limtMon or Krnost G.

Lieliold, Dearhorn Independent, Detroit, by 'Martins Martin Aliller, National I'J-RBS Waaliington." JjJulmM ts Fonl's private secretary, Text of the Telegram. -The dnh-d Get, 12, 1923, waa iJilo Ihe Hticord Ly nnd ri-atls as follow "In private jntcrvicvv with Frcstdenlf loliilgc this he paid Icntnlly; 'J am to itr. Ford, wish AOmeonrj would convey tflt Hi at it IB my Iiopo that Mr. Ftinl imt do or Bay anything that mnko tt dilliciilt for me to deliver Muscle Sliaala to Jiiiu wliich I em to tlo. 1 "Whilft preniilcnt did not any so, Wci'ks has lie en in consultation, with president thi.i morning in of Air.

Ford's reported interview day's papers." Secretary of War 'who 'wM, in Urn witness stand when Korrii iprung tho telegram on the disclitimed any knowledge of-the mat- lor roportSW in il, or of TrcsKlcnt nine's nUiluitc concerning llie Ford for. the end of the wnk. Coo) weather, through tlie firnt part of mk will be fol aboni BOrmal unperiture (TJy Press.) NKW YORK, April Ihe sidewalks of New York where aloofi with bowed ami tear-dimmed thousands he had be friended, Hit! funeral cortege of Cliarlcs K. Murphy, carried lire remains of the dead Tammany learlcr to, their last resting place today. Up from Ihe teeming Kast side wlrere Hie c-latlor and roar of traffic Bi stilled for an inatant, an the smoothly -roll ing black-Umoiiainefi wen to the cool broad of Fifth avenue and the lofty heights of St.

PatrickV cathedral, ths solemn pro cession moved. And, in the procea on the of both cectioni. were men of aH of life, who owed nnwh to "Charley" Murphy, anil tearfully ackr.owled^tti that gratitude district of pohtke hxWd, power ami aloof in life, Murpliy would permit effusiveness from one; after his flealh the welled forth. The voice 6f Ihe city wan hushed; so many men and wotncn oflic-ials and employea attendccl the funeral that here virtual cessation of city It was probably the moat extraordinary demonstration ever a private lii the procession rode the of the supreme court in ft Ixxly, aldermen, of the Itonrdft of estimate, the bead ft and alaffa of the district attorney's oflice. There waa Gov- the work to he doiie ninntha.

within Jit teen Court will reconvene on next Monday morning 0.30 o'clock. Argnmeril court will be in tension during tht veek and on'Wcdnesdny of court will reMBUU Al" Smith and hia aides; rep- o( 'the army and navy, and. politicians of national fame wfco played the bigger game with Murphy. But, in tho line that the ititf ftjrnre In the coffin, ami in tW hencbeif at-the cathedral, mnrf OB UM Murphy for time, were tired helil. ANNUM BOOSTER MEET AT PENN-ALTO TONIGHT The iinnunI hnnquet and Ket-logcthcr of the Altoona Booster association wll he held at 0 o'clock this evening in of.

the Penn-Alto, seV' eral hundred beine lo attend' Invitations Im'va to nicmhera of the Rotary, I-ions Klwania the Altoona 'Clianv ber of Commerce. ThomaB F. Ij. Henrtflraon of Chtntgo husinets connMllor of the Kv teiiaion university, -will be Ihe princl' speaker, announcing subject In Hen- of PAYS DEATH PENALTY FOR LIFE OF CHILD RETOOK ATTEMPT TO BURGLARIZE 1ST BAPTIST PARSONAGE An ntU'inpt waa made In ruler tin! tecnlh aonie lime night. The would-he burglar jimmied open miis of UK: front windows nn Ihe tirst lloor.

Tin? noisii pastor, Hex-. Hr! Claylon (Irinncll, Tit: n.rutn switched mi of llie ort the second tloor. He diil not, funvuvur, peel, that an effort wns niiidi; lorc-c nn onlruTKV, IK-III-II no invcsli- wns conducted. Hn1 when lie us filairs UJH morning lin found ron I opon and nrku of t.Sic jlinniy pluinly viKibln. Kvicli'ntly tho nocturnni visitor was nivny by Hut in the liunsc hud linen i turhcil.

Tw r.s hntli rcp pullcil tn th Squads Enter Mine. Ho si: no Fq nails from l)ui lmri ihio our. arrived bore ahnrtly hofo prnup the Miller Saw President. Xorria finid that ho had through White House records that Miller, former newspaper correspondent, hnd culled nt the tivn onicca on Oct. 12, the data on whicli tlifs telegram was sent, Weeks dcclnrcd that lio did not lieve the president had inatlc tiny such "Certainly tho president did not ex- pniFS any nuch viewh lo lip fitiiiL The Ford interview roferred to in Hie iiLCSsngft wns scathing rillnck on for Uiii sain of the J'ower nliiiit lo thn Alahaiim I'owcr f.iirl Hint, after the Oorgaa rled litidly in- iail Fold, Koid hnd top juul takcji him and lad-r on President nnd tlu-ti mude "a social call" nt, oilicc.

President Not Weeks fa ill hi.i reply to slnlcinont. tho sale of tlia "not ffonft over with Mr, of fvnm broke mrn stjirt- nt. 1 tic Itrowns Hun iiH-ii their pe ihu innin DEATH OF CHARLES MURPHY TO HAVE BIG EFFECT ON CAMPAIGN By DAVID LAWRENCE riK'ilr 192-1, I'V Atl fSncctnl to 7JELLKFONTK, April Uoryah, njjcd iJ5 yours, avft ife in the doath IKHIRU fit Jiockview Ins morning as the pciniKv ffi" nred littln child to (he outskirts if on 1'oh. 2fl, where ie Tiiurdcrcd her. Lillian flilinorc, ij-cil II ycnrs, lured into auto- rnnbilo hy Jlorgftii nml slain.

Mor- wits hroiifjht to (Jic drath hoiife an SRinrdny from Philndelphin. So fur aa known, he made ttn ntnte- inont anit went to liifi uilmly was snifl no trouble WAS to nusli the hutt a immlrcf tn the act, that would pnd career of the jierpotrator of critnn lliat an iinwl revolting in every particular. He wdiil (o chair at and was pro hoiinCftl dead at. 7.IS. Thu rKxIy wivi 1 BRCC! 57, of Crawford i tbe nuiMcn countv went to the chnir at 7.In anil I Murphy need denil at 7.W.

moans the losa of yroiit inllucnro sipnid nrrivud, so tin (Continued mi 13.) WIDOW'S CLAIM ALLOWED. Thu fonimiHHKHHM- nl jiunsions Hanks I lit- allowance ot" pensions for Mrs. Kninm C. widow of Daniel Cruccy of Slulw formerly nt Tyrone. Cmrr-y will rccrive pension al tho rain uf piT inoiilli from Nov.

HO, 11)23. Uin president about tfia pahs of plmit," naicj, "liuk I n-it wiint the responsibility placed ulled on the president ris saiil, ''tbe president "After Kord i Div. Nii ilivi'ii'il Ins ii lo of veninicnt. Then, on ne nut for Slumls by tlic! t'oril for president." i Following Ins Wreka iin- modinlnly went to tho White mnl President It he lo discus Milter trlrjjrjun. After cunftTctire with llio ilcul, Weeki thnt lift believpd stntoiiH nt xt'ould bo i.s^iied by Wliitc House nhout the Miller hitcr in tho day.

influence likely Ihink (he tiling. mtirc tlnin iiny other II -'S Inuin in tho party, was its until of'ihc-'ltoiir Hie h(1 Domnprulk invention of 1111-2. Cb-irle, F. Ali.rphy. Attrr it IVI.R Wil.on Charlie Murphy or the type of The si'tisntio: tlint Lhc leader of Tammany Mull, will upon 1 the ni-xt Democratic imtioi 111 11 1 ami hta' (ollowcri tn win the Moat' of Hie conversion bore.

nornination been sim- lalos onlv lo (Juj iiitlnnnv nf the in-jply." the old fljjhl 1 anil polilic'A wliich he sentc'l. The i-irorL of Williiini fJil.b MAGNOLIA TREES BLOOM. Covcnmr Al Smith; noniiiinlion- Hut rliminntinn of Charlio more, thai) Mini. was pronou r.lexl for Din body at llic the party nnd the 4inci ImlV jimporlant factor tKxlJM were hnriuit in I lie wsmotery. UK- ihr of every NenVi.V overy ot rvcrnl ilopi-ndi'il to no FALLS AGAINST mull extent on what Clmrlin Murphy Regn Luther, ai, of 2MO Oak say ami wlmt he would iln, Other cur Inspector aC 01) lower, I were inMutmed not merely waa Ireated tbe hospilal for a Hpnttn of Ihe rifrht leg.

An N-ray takffij'-No fracture WIN found. worker fell, kg ILV! the fact that 'rout rolled NfW Vork ninety vt.lvs in the convdntion, hut by hid HKtutonesR Mxion If thought wrUin oUtuflt wax njiaiiiHt Tiuiunnny, however, is' na in a ronviMition rts its fipokesnian. George Hrc-minn of Illinois, who Hticcoe'led iimckly to of on Ilu- dudh oE RoRor Snllivnn in Illinois, likoly tn lake charge of Al 1 Kin i nml the- j-eiiPnil tiim" tlifl lion, lint it is not prcibuhle that anyone in fllinoi.s will ix-rnianenlly take Murphy's place in thw T)erao party. Tin of Demo rrncy's IpRiter in Km Ire ttlmont Rivfa him a place of in the party, from Warm Sun Bringa Out Fotsythiaa Also In Btoom. The u'flrm aim of yesterday broiiphfc out -ilio iilosaoms of tlie tH'i-R.

nM)nlP thn fact that th.a nroliahlv 1 1n; curliest Mo tf sliriili Ihrtt MIL lift srowii so far aortk, tlicrc urc hut a few fpeclinena in inrt of the stfttrt. f. Kin c-Fa rlnii criomg mnnagcr for the Sliaffcr comt has a fine tree nt hin 2421 Clicstniit it- al- trartcil amount of Allen ouring tlie day. AMOUNT llfiwfrinp tthrnh that ii otffr hlooin tlui Fordvthia. Wl- vcdow Hewers A plav.

lc ft number of these are' to he ftJi.uil in Uoytf park plBntwl fliere J.y the cily 1 yeara on aprtcol UH (Cwtiniwt on.

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