The Catholic Advance from Wichita, Kansas • Page 8
- Publication:
- The Catholic Advancei
- Location:
- Wichita, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE ADVANCE BEGISTER Jriaay, uct. 8. t0, PAGE TWO Rome and Vatican City News 3 Nation-Wide Broadcasts FREE Fan ASTHMA I ilnn fnr lha nhaervanr of Mission Sunday. Oct. 19.
The Rt. Rev. If staa suffer with attack of Asthma eo ter- New Dook Considers Work Monaignor Thomas j. McDonnell, national director of the Society for Askccl to Ilch i 1 rbi you ehoko and rasp for breath, if reetful aioop ia Imposaibla because of tha etruartie In breath, If you feel to disease the rropagation oi me rami, win apena on in, wiaoiun npunuun News of War and Peace Bishops in Holland Decry Persecution Under Nazis Continued From Pan One) George Leech of Harrisburg la slowly wesruur'your life away, don't fall to sand at once to the Frontier Asthma Co. for a fra trial of a remarkable method.
No Of U. S. Consuls at Vatican of the Church over the liBS "Uiurch tlte Air sunaay, wi. iram 1 to 1 :30 p.m. EST).
Vocal (election! will be rendered by the Pope Piu School of Liturgical Music. On Oct. 12 H. Em. Cardinal Dennis rtnuirhertT of Philadelohia and Archbishon Francis J.
Spellman of Defense Savin- matter where you live or whether you have any fafth hi any remedy under the Sun. eeod for thia free trial. If you have suffered for a lifetime and tried everything you New York will be heard on a special program broadcast by Ihe NBC network from to 3t30 n.m. (EST). St.
Patrick's Cathedral (Continued From Paae One) hood interrupted by military serv choir of New York, under lha direction of Pielro Yon, organist al the Press office in Breda, is in the I was the principal speaker at cere- Taylor Oeiervator Romano said fee. A large number of those who special S.S. prison in Berlin, and would ordinarily have been or monies marking the opening of a Cathedral, will provide Ihe music. A Mutual Broadcasting company pro-irim Tueadav. Oct.
14. from 10i30 to 11 p.m. (EST) will feature "The Sovereign Pontiff confirmed again hii grateful pleasure in the eould learn of without relief; even if you are utterly discouraged, do not abandon hop but aend today for thia free trial. It will coat you nothing. Addreaa rentier Asthma Co.
U-J, Frontier Bide. 411 Nlacara St. Buffalo. N. T.
Washington. A plan evolved by ths federal gov.J for all schools fttt.tSwE ticipate in the defense savin gram, according to a tion sent to all diocesan dil, Dr. Joseph Schmutzer, utrecnt dained may feel that they are too chapel at the U.S. army reception old to take up their seminary work. university professor, leader of an organization supporting Catholic Archbishop Joseph Bchremns, Biinop oi ueveiana, ana nisnup uruan J.
Vehr of Denver. Rendering vocal selections will be St. Agnes boys' muntiicent gesture made by these illustrious personages last winter center here. Arlington, Va. The Beda college abridge the choir of New York city.
The Mission Sunday poster pictured below German refugees, and former in giving the Holy Father their seminary course to four years, one president of the Catholic party in Father William S. Strahan, chaplain at Fort Myer for the past year, has been promoted to the of philosophy and three of theol now is being distributed throughout the nation. It shows the Blessed Virata holding the world in her hands as she crushes Ihe head of the property, the Villa Schifanoia, near Florence." After considerable the West Indies, is incarcerated in the Buchenwalde concentration ogy. Lectures are in English but texts in Latin. A knowledge of serpent under her fool.
Below her are objecti typical of the Various oi scnoois ny the Rev. Dr hi Johnson, director of the' ffi' Department of Education Johnson called attention to ttis that the government plan, 2 msh for use by the schoni. negotiation through Archbishop rank of captain and transferred to the Hawaiian division of the peoples and countries among which Catholic missionaries are work. Amleto Giovanni Cicoimani, Anos Latin sunicient to read that lan EPILEPSY EPILEPTICS! Detroit lady finda relief for husband. She will tell you bow.
All lettera answered. Mre. Geo. Derapater. Apt 2t.
W. Lafayette Detroit. Mich. camp. Three of the priests, Fa thers von Llerop, former news edi ing.
fhoto features. armv's chaplain corps. He was for guage is not difficult to acauire: tor of the International Catholic tolic Delegate to the United States, the documents necessary to the transfer of the property were ex Students must be at least 24 years merly an English professor at the Catholic university. of manuals, texts, and the program that may b. ft tained without cost, says NCWf Press -office; Father Kooyuckers, rector of a school for Catholic ecuted by Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor Students' Draft old to be accepted at the college, and must be adopted and sent by a Bishop. Almost every profession and trade has been represented before officials of the Italian em teachers in Brabanta, and Father avTvrvrc hem colds Status Clarified Kusters, are in the Sachenhausen litHlili bassy in Washington May 23, 1941. Local formalities have now been Father Robert Regout, professor Washington. College students ieJAaLNJ Wm CATARRH VY THIS FOR RELIEF OF THE NASAL CONGESTION among jseda students.
Pope Lauds Switzerland a. the Catholic university, wyme-gen, and son of a Dutch minister, will be permitted to finish partially To mm neb nual eonreation sytnptom completed. Parents Are First Teachers of Young Rome. In a letter to Joseph Boys and Young Men' wishinc te ba Priests sr Brolatii Order of St. Caaaillna nay writs ul Kev.
Father Superior, St. Monastery, 1(11 Bo. SSth MUwesu wise has been sent 4o Dachau and Fa aiming. nMsicir. cawsun.
nuitM-op xmub. scnerrer, president or the Swiss mtarr ye, roarin etn ana pounainf pi itl FLUSH th naul with SI or. FiAJbtt tb nam ponan iui d1n completed semester or quarter terms before being inducted into the army, Selective Service officials have decreed. If it appears, A Christian Social Workers' league, the Holy Father praises Switzer ther A. van der Wey, Carmelite, is also in a concentration camp, location unknown.
fllfTEC fiaMdonaphysioiu'aiaccaafuJpr In an audience to a group of land because she freely permits the. newiyweds His Holiness said that parents should not only be the first however, that a student regis The open challenge of the social teachings of the Church The letter, published in Osserva- Dutch Bishops has created a sen teachers of their children but their first friends as well and that their oriptKOL BiNASiPiEC wutMsonttbickeCrtutr. tieky. old jnnooua it soothe and reducca swoJian. ImtAtad tisnua.
Ask your dnunrista. Send Today for An Amazing 25c Test rut maH 26c with nam a. addreaa today for new paeiaJ complete Sinasiptso and Nasal Douchm peckaga for tboroag-b trial to American Drag CorpTDept 4260W KaoJe, St. Ma trant's induction is likely to occur shortly after the start of a college term, his induction will not be postponed and he should not begin Wfculd You Like to sation in Holland, an escaped Dutchman, writing in the Free tore. Romano, was in answer to a message on the 50th anniversary love should be completed with an Become a Lay Broth, JJ Dutch newspaper.
Vrijnederland, oi tcerum wovarum. the term. example of respect for God, His Church, and legitimate authorities, and of constant fidelity to their claimed in an article in the paper Would rou like to Cardinal Provides for Education of Priests Belgian Bureau Backs Leopold London. King Leopold's action published in London. "In every sermon," asserted the writer.
various duties. He urged parents to temper firmness with kindness. "there were references to Hitler Vatican City. The will of the and the Nazis, and they srave such Gelling Up flights MakesManyFeel Old Do you feel older than you are or suffer Beda Is Fostering late Cardinal Kasnar. Archbishoo in capitulating to the Nazis when his country was overrun is vindicated in an" official record published here by the Belgian minis setf to God as a La, ZZ rour lifo to prayer and 0ri ks peace and quiet of the Monuunil If rou know a trade, pises a service of God I If you are net JJ In a trade, we shall be slid to, you one.
Develop whatever Ti rou for Ood'a Cause. Writs (,, booklet. "The Salvatorian BJ The Very Reverend Father offense to the Germans that many Belated Vocations of Prague, sets un a fund for the priests were placed in concentra London. The Beda college of education of priests from the archdiocese and for the preservation try of information. from Getting up fugius, xjacnacne, nervous- Rome, which Is carrying on in St.
sess, Leg Pains, Dizziness, Swollen Ankles, tion camps. Bishop of Muenster Leads Bold Attack an Joseph's college, Upholland, Eng Rheumatic Pains. Burning, scanty or Ire- Society of the Divine Barter. qutnt passages? so. remember tnaiTour land, durrng the war, seeks to nuua 7 Children's Mission Program Is Widened mmmu ocuimerr, ou naSISBt, I TO Kidneys are vita.
10 your neaitn ana tnat oi cnurcnes within the archdiocese. Half the interest from the fund is to be used to educate priests at the Nepomucene college up its student body or belated vo these symptoms may be due to non-organic and non-iTfitemic Kidnev and Bladder trou Nazi Persecutions cations to met the shortage of priests that will result from the Bern, Switzerland. Bishop Cle Dies in suca cubcs vioiha ia iiuxuviku a prescription) usually gives prompt and Joyous relief by helping the Kidneys flush out twiimnnufl excess acids and wastes. You have in jiome, at some otner institute in Rome if this is impossible, or for ment von Galen of Muenster, Germany, is leading Catholic opposi stuaents in the seminary. Bequests were made for charitable war, reports univerte.
ine property in Rome will be turned back to the college by Italian-authorities two months after the war tion to the activities of the S.S. purposes and to the Cardinal's tit everything to gain and nothing to lose in trvmg Cystez. An Iron-clad guarantee wrapped around each package assures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don't take chances on any Kidney medicine that Is sot guaranteed. Don't delay.
Get Cystex (Hitler's Elite euard). Although ular church in Rome, San Vitale. ends. Many seminarians have had to has been placed under arrest in his house, the Bishop has not been their preparation for the priest- A Jp ni irti il Card mal Has 50th Jubilee) (tsiss-texi iromyour druggist today. Only I a Sr.
The guarantee harmed, much to the amazement Cystex Vatican City. The Holy Father sent to H. Em. Cardinal Domencio of all Germany. In three sermons CLASSIFIED ADS protects you.
and two pastorals, the prelate suc juiiu, preieci oi me oacrea congregation of the Sacraments, a letter congratulating him unon the FREE BOOK ON cessively attacked the Gestapo, a German decree ordering all Cath Rate tie per word per Isauet minimum 12 mlmm i words. If four or more eonseoutive IMuei olics to choose between Christ and are uaed. the rata ia 20e per word per is RECTAL AILMENTS Germany, and the killing of 50th anniversary of his ordinBtion. The Pontiff received in audience the Very Rev. Silvestre San-1 cho, O.P., rector of the Universitvl sue.
Payment muat accompany all orders. Ada received on Monday will appear in the Iseue printed for the following week. the insane, the hopelessly ill, and the crippled. Mimeographed cop abl to Late U. S.
news Flashes of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philip AGENTS WANTED ies or the bishop's letters have been distributed anions? thousands pine lsianas. Jose Manuel Llo. bet, Argentine minister to Buda. ST. JUDE THADDEU CHRISTMAS CARDS.
Sell 50 assorted folderi, name imprinted $1.00 Cost you 60c. Samplea free. Dunbar, New Bruns- or soldiers on the Eastern front, where they have been widely read pest and former consul general in Here is good news. A new 122-page, up-to-the-minute book on Piles, Fistula and other related rectal and colon ailments will be sent free for the asking. It may save you much suffering, as well as time and money.
Write today naming ailments to The Mc-Cleary Clinic, 1000 Elms Excelsior Springs, Mo. "Patron of Difficult Cm' wick. N. J. rans, nas Deen namea ambassador ana nave created a sensation.
Church Hour Speaker Chosen Solemn Rosary Novena DIAMONDS WANTED to the Holy See. Order Loses 14 Houses lo Nazis ates of St. John's college, St. John's university, are among new students enrolled at the diocese's Seminary PEACE HEALTH PROSPEUrt itu Chicago. The speaker on the New World broadcast of the Chi-cagoland Church hour Oct.
12 over HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR DIAMONDS, All ffrades and sizes, loose or ine London. The Society of the Divine Word has retained onlv one oi the immaculate Conception in ieweiry. Send by insured mail and re- JMI ceive cash by return moil. Satisfaction of the 14 houses it owned in Aus nuntington. Awards Four Scholarships guaranteed or shipment returned.
Free ln New Junior Seminary Is Opened by Oblales In Bucksporf, Maine formation. National Diamond Jewelry rYOU GIRLS! Of ill for tria and Germany, according to the Catholic Timet of London. All the others, including the mother- 1500.H Hennepin Minneapolis, Minn. Solemn Novena of Patitloa October 20 to October II Solemn Novena of Thankssin October IS to November Solemn Hlich Mass Dally 10 s. Noon Mass Dally 12:11 Evenines Daily and Till DOMINICAN FATHERS Rosary 8hrine of St.
Jude Theism 1421 West Warren Arenas, Detroit. Mich. The collaboration of two mission Jacksonville, Fla. The Diocese of St. Augustine has awarded three scholarships to the National NURSES TRAINING SCHOOLS house of the society, St.
Michael's, societies in providing an enlarged program of mission education for MAKE UP TO 126-135 WEEK as a Trained Who Suffer From DYSMENORRHEA catholic School of social service near venio, Holland, have been taken over by the Nazis. Tha con grade school children in Practical Nurse I Learn quickly at home. Booklet Free. Chlcaao School at Nursing. Dept.
R-9. Chicago. bill Washington, D. and one to Barry college, Miami Shores, to the United States was announced fiscation of these properties has station WGN will ba the Rev. John D.
Fitzgerald, secretary to Archbishop Samuel A. Stritch, Archdiocese lo Honor Baatus New Orleans. Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel has announced that beginning this year the Feast of Blessed Martin de Porres, Nov. 5, will be observed in all churches in the archdiocese.
New Seminary Going Up Los Angeles. Difficulty in securing essential materials having been overcome, construction of the new Dominguez seminary of Very Rev. Vincent R. Burntlt, 0JJ P.G.. Director Bucksport, M.
The new junior seminary of the Oblate Fathers has been formally opened. The Rev. Gaston LeHouliher is simultaneously by the Very Rev, OLD GOLD WANTED the Catholic young women. Ex-Editor Directs Writers which makes you WEAK, NERVOUS Rev. Joseph B.
Brian, p.p., Aulrtuj Monsignor Edward Freking, resulted in the expulsion of 294 priests, 240 theological students, 1,238 lay brothers, and 2,110 stu reimone receirea Bl all liana. UH bile Gold $35.00 Ounce. Mail old gold toth. crowni. ieweiry.
ate hea-receive cash hy Los Angeles. Myles Connolly, I.U., national secretary of the It vou suffer head dents. Catholic Students' Mission Crusade, return mail. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Free former editor of Columbia, Knights ache, cramps, back-ark.
of Columbus publication, will di Cincinnati, and the Very Hev. Rich Information, Paramount Gold Rpfining 1500-B Hennepin, Minneapolis, Minn. "(1 7i i Catholic Property Confiscated Berlin. The official Gazette an rect activities of the Writers' guild 300 masses; i tvit i i ir ard Ackerman, C.S.Sp. (above), national director of the Association PHOTO FINISHING New Parish Library Is Opened in Chicago Chicago.
A parish library has at Loyola university. of the Holy Childhood, Pittsburgh, nounced confiscation of the property of St. Valentinus' Haus in the Rluneland. because it was "hostile the uaretian athers at Compton Encyclopedia Is Being ra. According to this new arrange is now under way.
a i for the living and decent been opened under the snonsor- ment, I Annate of the Holy to the state." ti FREE BOOKLET "HOW TO TAKE BETTER PICTURES" asy to get. Clip thia ad and send trial roll with 25o (coin), send you promptly, postpaid, your booklet, developed negatives, your choice of 8 deckledjred dated Ray tone prints, and coupon entitling rou to enlargements, or 2 Raytoneprinte acne, leel dragged out," blue, cranky, with dark circles under your eyes-due to functional monthly disturbance3-try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 Pinkham's Compound Is made ttpecially to relieve such female distress-It helps build up resistance against such tired, nervous feelings. Hundreds of thousands of women remarkably helped. Try it! Eight of Class in Seminary Brooklyn.
Eight 1941 gradu ship of the Cathedral Book club. Offered at Low Price The National Committee on Education is presenting through an advertisement in this issue Lhuahood, Ihe monthly magazine of Ihe association, wiil carry as regular features stories and art). 7 German Chaplains Killed in Nazi-Red War members of the Union Masses. Enrollment Dues 25e (Never to ba renewed) ii'J of each negative. Ray's Photo Service, Dept.
43-CB, La Crosse, Wise. (irlj Religion Has Kept Alive cles on Ihe various mission fields of the world, written especially for Berlin. Seven Catholic priests an an opportunity for every fanv ily to have an educational library in the home. By send' St. Peter Claver Sodallt hildrrn by the editorial staff of ROLLS DEVELOPED Two beautiful Double Weight Professional Enlargements, 8 Never Fsde Deckle Edge Prints, 25c.
Ihe Mission Crusade, which will for the African Mission! km have been killed while acting as army chaplains with the German army in the var with Russia, and 11 more have been wounded, the official German news agency has ing 25 cents in stamps or coin to CENTURY PHOTO BERVICB. La Crosse. Iso correlate these readings with Sacredness of Man's Rights Wisconsin. DEPARTMENT the committee's headquarters, 147 tl the CSMC course of mission study in its grade school publication, the West 22nd street, New York city, JS24 W. Pine Blvd.
fit. Look announced. All were struck down department 44, readers can obtain sun afl unior Lruiaae Programmer. EXCITING OFFERS i I prints i en-lancements. erinta or 8 oversise prints 25c.
Mailers free Work guaranteed. MAY'S PHOTO, Box 170-V. La Crosse. Wise. volume one of the iStancfatti Amer Washington, Religion "has while trying to make their way to wounded soldiers on the front.
1 cial Action department of the GreenburJ si ican Encyclopedia. The cost of SETOX HILL COLLEGE NCWC, in a radio broadcast. each of the other 19 volumes will Pennsylnd SONGWRITERS The first speaker on a series Bishop Spealce at Army Chapol Opening New Cumberland, Pa, Bishop Women from 11 Foreisn Countrlei be 69 cents per volume for the regular edition, or 79 cents for the of broadcasts over the Columbia Accredited by Association of American Universities been mainly instrumental in disseminating and keeping alive the doctrines of the sacredness of the individual, of human rights, and consequently of rational freedom," declared the Rt. Rev. Monsitrnor pa" Nil ana 87 American States Broadcasting system on the sub MU6IO composed to words, fiend poem for consideration.
On request. Rhyming Pamphlst Free. Phonograph Record FREE if poem accepted. KEEN AN '8 8TUDIOT Dept. SV, Boa 2140, Bridgeport, Conn, de luxe edition, plus a slight mailing charge.
The set was originally WP ject of "Freedom," Monsignor Ryan will be followed by such prominent figures as Vice Presi valued at $65 per set. John Ryan, director of the So- STAMPS TO READERS OF THE REGISTER the ia oi iki dent Henry Wallace, Supreme Court Justices Louis D. firandeis and Felix Frankfurter, and Sigrid Eminent Authority On Canon Law Dies unnset, uatiioiio novelist, says POSITIVELY Greatest Free offer Latest Scott's Internstional $4.00 Stamp Album-covering entire World, contains H6.000 t. lustrsted. descriptive spaces Scntfs Standard 13.60 Catalogue "Philately's En.
cyclnpedia" absolutely Free to applicants for Foreian Approvals becoming customers. Bargain Stamp Service, Santa Ana, BANKERS irr A Kin rtciisiTv ambaMv ST. JUDE THADDEUS SOLEMN ROSARY AOVEiXA PEACE October 20 to 28 Dominican Fathers PREACHERS Rev. Thomas H. Dalley, O.P.
Dominican Missionary River Forest, 111. Rev. Clement M. Breen, O.P. Dominican Missionary Chiraao.
III. SHRINE OF ST. JUDE THADDEUS 1901 0. Ashl.nd Avifiut Chicago, III. P.titloni may sent fn befort or during the Novtnt K.
Edward Hughes. O.P,, S.T.Lf. Director Religion. Is Not Free in Russia; President Wrong lorn Pirn I ate OFFERS THE NEW Rrmin life Pnlinv Thaf tin TOBACCO GOLDI.EAF guaranteed cigarette, nine or Freedom of the will, the dignity of personality, the equality of all persons, and brotherly love are the "essential prerequisites of freedom," said Monsignor Ryan. A person who rejects freedom of the will "cannot logically believe in the existence of political, civil, economic, or any other kind of external freedom" he added.
"In IM HI I sf I WIIUJ IIIHI chewing, lbs. tl.00, ten 11.71 Pay when lUlit flkx receive, ripe ina noa cigars' tree. Klve, Tobacco Works. Paducah. Kentucky.
int. INSURES FAtMi 4: bef GRAY FADED Mi creating and keeping alive the be ssiriiirTliasasasssaKassasili'iraaiiiaiisssssseaassan lief in a free will, religion has exercised vastly more influence IMPOLICY-) ONE PREMIUM hi in (Continued From Page One) prices is brought to bear against religion. Godless education alone can exist. Seminaries are forbidden, so that ministers of religion cannot be trained. Meantime, the government itiself subsidizes the militant atheist propaganda of the vilest sort.
At the same time he was conducting negotiations with President Roosevelt in 1933, Litvinov, speaking at the National Press club, here, was asked about religious freedom. He blithely tossed the than all other social forces com bined Wnnwn. efrle. with r.riM, jray meafcM hlr, ham poo and calor your hair it tha lam tima at fioma with hy MonHfur ValUpij, ramn-'i tiUr rolnrinf oxpett. No xpprienea neerted.
Tskei few minutes, colon hult clnia icalp. No itrelhi or overlap. No 6rni Inn. Will nol rub off. Permits Prmannt.
aUo rine or nnr. Frt Van, my 0tpt.It-N,4 W.I1ittt.,NewVork,N.y. ONLY "Whether the postulate of 'tun brotherly love be accepted in its Now at lastl Bankers Life and Casualty Company offers you SAFE. LIBERAL. LEGAL RESERVE INSURANCE that pro-tects your entire family at amazingly LOW COSTI Imagine only $1.00 per month pays for Father, Mother, Children, Grandparents and gives YOUR WHOLE FAMILY safe, reliable, real life insurance up to $3,000.00 maximum benefits as clearly stated right in the policy.
Hurry! Take advantage of this amating offer now. Just mail the free coupon today-RIGHT N0VVI luu supernatural sense or from merely natural motives, its benef-icent imnortance for freedom sffl a month; vfv yC I and the struggle for freedom is question off by referring to cer lncaicuiarue," the speaker asserted. "And most of its prevalence, force, and appeal is and always has The Murray family, 4712 Lesmlngtoa Chicago, III. A prolific writer on the subject NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION PROTECTS WHOLE FAMIL AGES 1 TO 75! Deen due to the teaching of religion. While other religions have contributed to this result, Christianity has been the most effec-tive influence." Who will pray for you AFTER DEATH? cordially Invite you lo join the Sacred Heart Mass League Its members I both living and deceased) share In the rich spiritual benefits of Mass said dally, to tha and of time, especially (or tha members of tha League, or Information write: The Priesta of Ihe Sacred Heart lacred Heart Hlsslen Home.
Ste. Maria, 111. of canon law and an eminent authority the rode, the Rev. Stanislaus Woywod, O.F.M. (above).
Men, Women, Children from ages 1 to 75 One never knows. Recently a Floridi ar included the policy without medical and his wife were both killed in a ingle examination. If you and vour fami a in riibm Th. r. omUvPoW died in St.
Clare's hospital. New (lur York. Father Woywod, 61, had five years' graduate work at Rome In good health, wa can issue your lamily pol- only a few days before. And Bankenf icy on every member under 75. Fill out the DOUBLE benefits on BOTH desthl coupon now -before you nut this page they had delayed even a few day Nat down.
Remember, this offer is limited, would not have been covered. I Don wait and then find out it's too late. I canon law and moral theology and then look the la civil law at Notre Dame U. He was the aulhor Chapel Being Built At Boy Scout Camp New Orleans. The new $3,000 chapel at the Catholic Boy Scout Camp Salmen, near Sidell, is fast nearing completion.
At Plainly Stated in tha Policy YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY IS INSURED UP TO: MAXIMUM Far Natural Death 10-DAY FREE OFFER 'Nil lint. of an English translation of much of the code of canon law and of a two-volume commentary on the code. He was ihe editor of Si. Anthony' Almanac, and associate edl if THE ADVANCE REGISTER a uulIaL.J Tim til Too Cawoue r-resa Hoeiatv. Ins.
You risk absolutely nothing In getting Family Group Policv tor 10-Day Fres.IfrJ spection. send the coupon luUJlflJ'Vl i tantly and persecutingly atheistic. t. That these are some of the or oi ine American euitiun ot Ine send you this liberal Triple-Benefit Family Croup Policy for 10-Day Free In- avciiikii. i.ii the riea Coupon tooay lor full details and this amasina; offer, All mem.
bera of your family ages I to 75 are eligible to apply at this low cost Friar series, and a contributor to 84-m Bannock Street, Denvar, Colo. Post Office Bos 1620 may never navt tnis marvewua nv- i I the Catholic Encyclopedia. For nity again. Member Audit lursaii Cumulations tain decrees guaranteeing religious freedom. When asked whether church attendance was large, he replied that he did not know because he never attended a church.
Grinding Persecution Undergone All this notwithstanding, there Is voluminous evidence that religion underwent grinding persecution in Russia before and after Litvinov gave this assurance in the national capital. Students of Russian affairs have said that religion has undergone four distinct waves of persecution since the advent of the Soviet regime, and that economic pressure and defamation have Wn onlw some of the weapons employed. Hundreds of priests are reported to have been killed, imprisoned, or otherwise to have disappeared under the Soviet regime. Churches have been closed, torn down, or converted to profane uses on slight pretext, or on no pretext at all. The program of the Communist International says, "Among the tasks of cultural revolution which must embrace the greater masses, special importance is given to the struggle against the opium of the people, religion; a struggle which must be conducted in a systematic manner and without flinching." Only about rix months after Litvinov made his high-sounding declarations in Washington, a writer in Ontrvatort Romano in Vatican City said: "As to religion, the government of the Kremlin re-mains as it has always been mili- many years he wrote for the ffomi- tnmgs tnat have been going on in Russia, there is general agreement, despite the pledges, constitutional and by decree, of freedom of fetfe and Paitoral Hevieu.
Born of 2,000" SEND NO MONEY cAt! (dltor.ln-Cblef.- Meaaalaa Editor Most Rat. Ilshe Orbas t. Vtke, D.D Daaea, ki. Hagr. Matthew Smith.
Ph.D. LudT Jour.D A Smith. Jout.D r. Everett. Joueri.i ft um.h, p.
Polish ancestry In Gultatadt, East Prussia, Germany, In 1880, Father Woywod came lo the United States In 1897, entered Ihe Franciscan The Stata department Tuesday Aseoelate Idl tore Millard HUmUII. -far late IUsMmIsI But a. Joha Cavsnagh. A Lltt.D.: Ra. Walter Canaran.
JCL Lit't Re' Clarenoa O. I.senm.nn. S.T.D.. Ph.L.. iout.D.i Key.
Ed-ard A Utt.M.1 Lawreaea Walter, M.A. a. Breen. at. mono puDiio a letter to Secretary of State Hull from Jan Clechanow-ski ambassador of Poland, who said, "The U.S.S.R.
has granted to our armed forces full rights of an independent national Poliah 0.nurryi.'l'? You cn examine this superb pol cy ATOUR EXPENSE, eniy, afrtiawSSt fill in coupon now. No agent will call Na oblintion. 3,000" U. t. en lu she J' 1.
enyefie 1 1 -'werselea laleiereeie.1 ST army, giving it likewise the right WUUSMI-'sr Travel aealdaatel Seats Twenty-efght Arehdleeaeas and: Diocese, have separata rfitl. Mer a. their afflaial arsaa tallows. AraUlMnVs ttT LoT and Santa fa, and of Daaeer.
Moauw-rraTaJ Cd Island. Great rails. Helena. Reno. Lincoln.
PHe hl A-ienw Croasa, Duluth. N.sheilla, Salt Lake City. Coaeirdls. Ertl' St alia. 'warta, Kansas Citr, Mo.
Columbus. Tuaaon. Wiehit! eJt Die Itit-1 oL Te fan thet the eompeny oar, one death cklm dees not cancel the ooUcy II remains in (ore on order two years later, and was ordained in 1906. He also was noted as a professor of canon law and liturgy, and until recently was rector of Holy Name college in Washington, D. Bishop Thomas H.
McLaughlin of Peterson, N. presided at the Solemn Requiem Mass celebrated for Father Woywod in St. Bona venture's Monastery church, Palerson, by the Very Rev. Malhias Fausl, O.F.M., vice pro-vinojal of the Holy Name province of the Order of Friars Minor (Drawn by Leo Canavan, staff artist.) SMNRtm Lirt AMD CASUALTY CO. od.
in. limn es tone as premiums FREE OFFER Sa Sesaer. ssiai ssn sts, sefrersea Seeh it caieaaa. eaks. sr.
peia. fttemhlr premiums srs divided squally MIIMI tlM MMlhH lM. .7. mrniums an aivtaea sousity the number Insured end Jja bansnis sr. traded Without Cost or oblintion.
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as Seeond Class Malta at Post 0laa. Oeavee, Celoreda. tT0 K.1ii)il!il1 up Cltf. State..
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