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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 18

Alton, Illinois
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PAGE EVENING TELEGRAPH FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8.1926 USE THESE ADS FOR THEM EVERY DAY Indued and Standardised tad Popu Urlzed for Quick Reference All are restricted to their proper oiuslfloatlon to regular nlng Telegraph of type. CLABSdriBD ASM Dally per for consecutive Imertloni! Bates Per UM. i IP 14 II i advantage of Advertising for Irregular insertions the do ad Ultra for tbmn bull of three Count average to ordered for three or ate and (topped before expiration will only be charged for the number of the ad appefred and madt at the earned, Special tot yearly adtertltins upon request. the right to edit or reject any adrertMng copy, Telephone II.

'Aik for Want Ad Announcements Card of DELANEY, MRS. wish to thank the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the Illness and death of our beloved mother, Annie Delaney, We also wish to thank all for the mnriy beautiful flowers and all thoac who donated cars. 'Signed VAL DELANEY. EDW. J.

DELANEY. MRS. HARRY LUCKER, FRANCIS DELANEY. HENRY DELANEY. Personals 7 EPILEPTICS At last a treatment which stops seizures from first day.

No Bromides, Guaranteed, Information free. Hunter Lab- ratories, 000 Scott, Little Rock, Ark. NO or when professional auction aervlcet are desired we furnish the very best. Fields Sale Auction 810 East Phone 297-J. Societies anil FRANKLIN 8, A.

Special Friday, Oct. 7:30 p. m. Mark Master. H.

NEVLTN. H. P. TONIGHT Wlldey Encampment. Regular meeting, Temple Building, Jl m.

Be prosnt. will responsible for any further debts contracted by my Mary Reynolds. Signed RAY REYNOLDS. will not from this day bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Clara Gross. Signed SYLVESTER GROSS.

will not be responsible for any bills made by my former wife, Mlldrod Edmlston. Signed THOMAS EDMIBTON, Btrnyed. Ijoit, ITounfl BEAGLE black and M'hlte beagle, 7 old. Name "Trail" $3.00 reward. G.

Watkins Fnlrmcnint Addition; BLACK AND WHITE BEAGLE Call 601 or 2144, Walnut Grovo Dairy. Reward. scrub brushes attached to iron plate, between Broadway and Alby and Sixteenth and Belle. Return 102 Hast Broadway. Reward.

Automotive For Halt DODGE "iflSO model, run less than 1COO Bargain, 1017 7th. Phone DODGE sale. Apply Rain A nnd Elm, USED CHEVROLET COACH, 1920. i 'CHEVROLET TOURING. 1928.



TRUCK, 1924. 1 TON TRUCK, 1924. 1 FORD PANEL TRUCK, 1923. REIlrLBT BROTHERS i SALE, BELLE STREET Automotive FORD sale, good running condition. Priced right.

Can be seen nt B. Broadway. REAL carl. Hoe fert Bros. Used Car 1020 Broadway.

Phone 8828. USED our stock ot uie? before you bay. O. Luft A 420 fit. Phone 1018.

0SETJ FORD beet in vicinity. Alton Auto Fourth nnd Plena. Phone SS3. WE SELL USBD CARS CHEAPBR-- Touring. Coupe.

Touring. Touring. CHRYSLER Roadster. Coupe. Touring.

THREDB AUTOMOBILE CO. FRONT AND ALBY BTfl. Auto Accessories, II GATES SUPER and tubes, give added miles ot service. Modern Welding Broadway and State Sts. USED all of Used Car A Ex- chnncu.

Plasa St. tfl IB' service, see us. New batteries 110.75 each exchange. Battery Service, 2618 Walnut St. Phone 8128-J.

offer a special service on repairing and replacing new automobile Corri- gnn Repnlr flhop, M9 B. Broadway. Business Service Service Offered 18 FISCHER KRUO PLANING MILL work for residences, Industries. East Alton. Phone W.

R. 488. WINTER WILL SOON BE Prepare against the cold blasts. All metal weatherstrips will help you keep your home warm. A.

G. Me- Connel. Phone 8159-W, YOU WILL FIND Photo Studio on Third street over Luly'n Drug Store. Beat photos. Prices right.

FIELDS FURNITURE CO. Buys and eell anything In used furniture, 810 East Brodway. Phono 207-J. FOR class china closet, oak. $10.

Call 617 Belle or Phone 873-W. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 and long distance, goods carefully handled, Geo. Horn- eey. 2001 Main St. Phone 'SOW.

WB MOVB ANYTHING ANY PLACE). A. FLOSS TRANSFER CO. PHONE 167. and long distance, packing and shipping.

Union Storage 320 State St. Painting, Papering. Decorating, IB A4 and Inter- lor decorating. O. W.

Walt, 144 Dry St. Phone 499. COLLEGE you have carpenter work you want done or any repair on your house, call John Wagner and all work is guananteed. WALL lots at bargain Etter, 412 B. Broad way.

Professional DENTIST AND OffTHODENTIST Specializing In plate work. O. A. McMlllen. Fnulstlch Building.

Osteopathlc Physician 28-1 DR. F. 8. BOALS-Osteopathlo phy- alclan, Room 408 Commercial Bide. Phone 38J2.W.

ROB. Phone 1861. Repairing and Rerinlghmg $1 ELECTRICAL repairing. Inquire M. Attebury, 1021 West Ninth PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING All Best workmanship.

Bring motor only. Kleselhorst's, 206 West Third street. (Established 1909). Employment Help to cook take care of restaurant. Must stay on place.

Apply after 4 p. 12t Ave. LIVK Ford cai for Alton and vicinity. Good propo sttion. Experience unnecessary.

Cal W. R. 307-R. union work on Alton Post Office. Apply Waltei W.enzel, LaSalle Hotel.

once 7 young men to get into electrical work. Job guaranteed. No experience.necessary as we train you. Write today, Box cttreTelecraph. ll H8 housekeeper for wld ower or batcholor, Call or write H.

B. Adams, 810 Qulncy Court, Alton III. WANTED Dress making and all sewing. Call 1607-M. WANTED TO CARE-For household In cases of confinement.

See Miss Nalley, 000 Union St. Instruction few private lessons-III marcelling. Write Box Telegraph. Live Stock Other Pete 47 Merchandise for swarms for sale. Tops for And other bee supplies.

Date of dale, Saturday, Oct. 9, at 2 p. m. Thomas Franklin, 415 Monroe East Alton. FOR heavy covered wagon, harnesd, 1 square piano and household rugs, 2114 Johnson street.


Phone 1209-J. HEATING range, gao stove, winter coats. Apply 1227 State. ICE PLANT For nale. Just tho thing for a private concern who wishes to make their Own Ice or have their own cooling system, etc.

Can be bought at a low price. Call Phone 908, P1PELESS condl- tlon. Real bargain. Call 181 Ninth Wood River. Phono'W.

R. 854-W. flood fo Eat 57 SPRAYED STARK Apples for sale. Nolan Brothers Orchard, miles northwest of Godfrey. Women's Personals 88 NEW SILK Dress materials and stamped goods.

Mrs. Lehne's Art Shoppe, Eighth street. Household ne ALL and used stoves; repairs for all makes of stoves. Eckhard's, 612 Bast Broadway. COMBINATION COAL AND Range.

Apply 821 East Tenth. rooms of household furniture for sole, also electric wash- Ing machine. Apply 1224 E. Broadway. HEATING STOVE Good; for sale.

Apply 110 East Ninth St. LARGE OAK. chairs, also Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet. Phone 1180-J. REED sale.

Phone 2ROO-W. Musical Merchandise ttt used phonographs and pianos. Low prices. Easy terms, Kelselhorst's (17th year), 206 West Third street. BE SURE TO William Music Co.

big sale for bargains, all this week. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. almost new. Cheap, 1606 Annex, Upper Alton. piano, almost new, at a bargain.

Apply 615 W. Delmar. Specials the Stores IRON SMOKING STANDS Tables, fern bowls and Iron stands. Edith M. Blair Specialty Shop.

Broadway and Third. Wearing Apparel MAN'S 37; boy's overcoat, alia 8. Apply 2010 Brown. 8(1 Buy FORD COUPE model wanted. Write Box care Tele.

graph, Rags! Rags I High paid. A. M. Moyer Co. Phone 2870.

1321 Eait Fourth St. Rooms and Board With Board 67 ALBY 80S Sleeping room for two with or without board. Call 1607-M. ROOM AND BOARD In private family. All conveniences.

Couple preferred. Phone 3268-R. room for young lady employed. Private home. Fine loca tlon.

Call 367-W. Rooms "Without Board 118 ALBY, furnished cleeplng room. Phonn 2590-W. CENTRAL AVE. large sleeping room, in private family.

KAST 122 rent. Sleeping room for FOR RENT Large front 'sleeping room, steam heat and bath, suitable for 2 to 4 men, 117 Easton street. Opposite Elks Club. or without board. Con- virilent to car.

schools and factories, Jgalll771-R. Rooms (orJHouiiek.ffnTni lig COLLEGE, BndTTooTns nnd bath, furnished or unfurnished. COLLEGE. 3 I Jl2 A preferred. EAST 7TH children, unfinished EAST BIXTH, 918 4 rooms for rent.

guaranteed young singers. 616 W. Delrrmr for light housekeeping. Partly modern. First floor, Cattle, 48 JERSEY BULL nire reg Istered Dam 10 butter week.

Walter Oyjllo. Foaterburg. dairy, heavy Mullen Farm, Grafton Road, North Alton. FOR ice bos. 10 lone, feet high and 8 OPEN SUNDAY MORNING.

MAIN. front room for light housekeeping. TO couple only jiUjactorles. STATE, rooms furiiTsited for jlght STATE. Jteeplng roomii.

1M5 Zr furnished. Warm and cozy. All modern. Both and toilet on same floor. Real Estate for Rent For Rent IT EAST 420 Bowman avenue, 7 room modern houne, rooms, all modern except heat; garage, located car line; close In; will lease for year with privilege of 2 years, $35 per month.

W. B. Schmoeller Agency. 803 Union 8ti, 3 rooms'; water, lights, gas, $20. Adults.

I'honn 1725. GKEEN, room house, partly modern, Inquire 1125 Putman. W. T. Cox.

M1LI.8 room house. modern FOR SALE OR room modern house, also 8 room house. C. H. Ashlock, 222 Danforth.

Phone 10S7-W. FULLERTON room house. Apply Mrs. J. W.

Burlcson, 3408 Olllham. GEORGE, 425 6 room house for fent. Inquire 423 George. Must have good references. rent.

Apply Crawford Upper Alton. NEW 6 modern, attractive, on corner, paved street. Phon 01. TiTOF DOUBLE HOUSE 3 rooms nnd garage, 426 E. Fourteenth.

Geo. H. Smiley Co. Agency, new Alton National Bank Bldg. WASHINGTON, 6-room houce.

Rent. HI WANTED TO RENT Three furnished rooms, best of reference. Write BOJ: care Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale Real Kstnte Agents BELIEVE O. H.

KRAMER AGENCY (Realtors end Insurers) JOHN LEVERETT Insurance and Real Estate. 1657 Washington Ave. BISHOP WGBER Real, estate, Insurance and East Broadway. Phone 269. GEO.

H. SMILEY A CO. AGENCY estate and Insurance. Alton National Bank Building. IF YOU buy, build, sell or repair, call W.

J. West, 2605 Benbow Ave. Phone 1030. INSURANCE-REAL that satisfies. Watson Howard Agency.

LOUIS B. WALTER Insurance Agency. Real Estate and Insurance, B15 Commercial Bldg. Phone 2016. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 816 Acton Wood River, Phone W.

R. 2G9-W. REAL sold and exchanged. Quick answer. Phone 741-J.

Gco. Hnil. 1817 Evergreen HEAL selling arid Insuring property Is our, business. Conetflt John H. Hellrung, ill Henry street.

TO SAVE MONEY On real estate. See A. W. Gerson, 19 East Ferguson Ave, Wood River. Phone 289.

YOU CAN SELL YOUR PKOPERTY my aggressive methods; W. R. Wright. Phone 3088, 2511 College Ave. Houses 84 A room house on Rogers 4 rooms on first floor, 3 bedrooms and bath not equipped on second, five extra lots, all for JCOOO.

225 Market St. A room bungalow in rear Milton school, Upper Alton; H. water, lights, terms. $2500. O.

1 225 Ma A 7 on arranged for two families. Modern except furnace. $3000. O. H.

Kramer Agency, 225 Market St. A 2 off Washington nil modern, 3 rooms down and 3 and bath upstairs. For quick sale, S0600. O. H.

Kramer Agency, 225 Market St. A VERY room bungalow nt 2127 College across from new High school site. Water, lights, hath and furnace. Lot 45x330 ft. Good location on car line.

Your chance now nt $5.000. O. H. Kramer Agency 225 Market St. A WONDERFUL COMPACT Yet spacious homo In Allddletown, 4 rooms and buth on fire floor.

4 rooms upstairs, all Improvements paid. Lot 60x300. Garage. Price J8500. O.

H. Kramer Agency, 225 Market St. EAST room house. Beat residence section. Water, lights.

Bargain at $2000. Also 6 room modern on Gouldtng avenue, 84000. Terms. Mrs. Jennie Eckmnn, Ed- Road.

Phone W. R. 221-R. EAST 'on Brpndwny. A bargain at $4700.

Mrs. Ada Sullivan, 547 Whttelaw, Wood River. Phone 332-W. ERVAY of State street. New 5 room frame house.

Modern throughout. Two lots 60x120 each. Owner will take In car part payment. Price $4500. I.

Clark ft Phone 1824. FRANOR room fromeTouse with one acre of ground. Owner will trade for small farm. Property Is clear of encumbrance. Prlco $4600, I.

M. Clark Temple Bldg, FOR SALE Wood 120 East Penning practically new 5 room modern BRICK, all floors double and hardwood; 2 room frame in rear which will rent for goes with It. Lot 60x126. Price for quick sale, na own er contemplates leaving, No. 463 Ferguson 7 room frame residence, excellent condition Inside and out, modern In every way, double floors, some hardwood, built in features, completely screened and garage.

Paved street. This will make you a mighty fine home but It must bo seen to be appreciated. Price for quick sale (or owner will exchange for smaller house) $5,500. You Must Act Qiik'k. T.

A SO East Ferguson Avenue Wood River, Illliioig. Real Estate for Sale Houses For Hale JM FOR robrn residence, poultry ynrd. Terms or trade. Alton Realty 615 East Broadway. OLENWOOD new four room frnmc house.

Lights, well water, heotrd by stoves. Garage under hoiipe. Price L. M. Clnrk Temple Hldg, room house, Itehtn, water, gnniKC for 3 machines, 2 blocks from cnr-llnr.

Call 1261. nT room part modern, $300 down. Alton Realty Company, (515 K. Broadway. Phonn 22.

LCKIAN room modern house, good buy In this location, $4300. Apply nt 1137 West Ninth. 5 room frame house In a very good residential district. Lot 56x125. Cash payment of $800 will handle proposition.

Price $4500. Bid I. M. Clark Temple NEW Upper Alton, 5 rooms and bath or one floor, furnace, gnrnge In basement, $4750. O.

II. Krnmer Agency, 265 Market Rt. PAL'MER good little three room frame house, built In 1925. Basement under house. Lights and water, liented by stoves.

Garage. Price $2500. Co. Phone 1824, I. M.

Clark room modern house. Reasonable. SIDNEY Portly modern. room house. UPPER sale or exchange; fine subdivision proposition o'r country estate close to city, conveniences.

Bargain if quick. Call between 6 and 7 p. 1817 Evergreen Ave. VERNIE room frame house, Just off of West Brown street. Lights, water nnd furnace.

Lot 40x105. Prlco $3000. I. Clark Temple Bldg. WOOU 6 room modern bungalow wtlh garage on Third St.

Just finished. Beautiful location. Priced to sell nt $4.000. Small down payment. Balance like rent.

If you want a real home see this. Also 4 room house. Modern, at Tenth and Madison. Price $3000. Mrs.

Jennie Eckman, Edwardsvllle Road. Phone W. R. 221-R, Lots For Sale ALTONA HIGHLANDS Located South of Brown street, on the Wilton Road, which is now being paved. A high, healthful location, over-looking a beautiful rolling country.

Qver- size lota 60x139. Cinder-surfaced street, sewer paid In full. Electric and telephone service. Near public school. No smoke or soot, but only a few minutes ride from a dozen factories.

A uniform building temporary houses or shacks permitted. No negroes. No foreigners. Many' homea now being built, and many more contracted for. These bargain lots aro being rapidly taken by shrewd buyers.

Buy now before the next raise in price. Prices today from $250.00 to $525.00. Bishop Weber, No. 8 Enst Broadway. WOOD RIVER lots for sale on Sixth street.

Apply 'Mrs. W. H. Neerman, 323 Lahsrdon or Phone 2481. To Estate MAPLE lota for sale, $1100.

W. B. Schmoeller Agency. Mr. and Mrs.

William Hassebrock and son Harold, left this morning for St. Peter, 111., to visit Mr. and Mrs. William Knecht and to enjoy a rel hunt for a few days. Mrs.

Joe Crocker and son moljred to Belleville to spend the week-end with relatives and frienda. HARTFORD Woman's Club Holds Hur.incss Meeting The Hartford Woman's club held a regular business meeting last night at tho home of Mrs. Mary Doerges. Owing to the absence ot the secretary, no roll call or minutes were had. The treasurer's report was read and accepted.

A motion was made and carried that each member "earn dollur' by the first meeting In November, and at that meeting give their experience in the earning of the money. The club's funds are low and they will take this way of raising money need ed. Tho possibility of having a home talent play was and the arrangement for same to be left to the social committee after the business session, the meeting adjourned. Hartford Building and Loan Association Mecl The Hartford Building and Loan As sociation met last night at the vll lage hall. The meet Ing with the stocli holders' annual meeting nt which time the members of tho board of dlrec tors, whose terms had expired, were re-elected for a term of three years Those elected were C.

W. Lutz, I. Strceper ami 3. A. Wright.

After the stockholders meeting adjourned the new board met In regular session an elected the following officers for a term of one year; L. p. Glelber, presl dent; C. C. Wlpgnnd, secretary, ant James A.

Wright, treasurer. I. Stroeper was appointed attorney the president. Tho following auditing committee then appointed by the president: Clarence Liter, Frank Wa and J. Emery.

Club Women Enjoy Presidents' Day Members of tho Hartford Woman's club, among many other sister clubs wero entertained yesterday at the presidents' day meeting held In Wooi River. From the ral Ho order by Mrs Fred Wugner. president of the twenty second district to the adjournment one was inspired by the tnlks given and the music rendered. The meeting held in tho Baptist church am lunchean was served In the church basement by the Baptist Ladles' Aid Wood River Presidents' Day Celebrated There was a large attendance ot women at the twenty-second district of the Illinois Federation ot Women's club meeting held in honor of Presidents' Day yesterday at the First Baptist church. Out of town guests began arriving early for the all day session, which began at 10 o'clock and lasted until 4 in the afternoon.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. F. J. Wagner of Marlssa, president of the twenty-second district, followed by the singing of America. Greetings were extended by Mrs.

E. Mueller, new president of the Wood River club. A response by Mrs. A. G.

Douglas wan followed by the Invocation by the Rev. Robert Bristol. Minutes of the preceding'meeting were read by Mrs. Walter Melster, of Colllnsvllle, the recording secretary. A silent tribute was paid to Mrs.

Fred Talbott. The resolutions were read by Mrs. J. B. Bruso, chairman of resolutions.

Introduction of Mrs. Paul Carter, chairman of American citizenship department nnd then the pledge to the flag. Mrs. Maud Mueller Allen pleased with a vocal solo. Mrs.

Allen Is chairman of the music committed for the Wood River Six club women spoke. Mrs. G. W. Qunnlson on "Your City Government;" Mrs.

B. Foreman on Efficiency of Your Government;" Mrs. M. F. Manning, "Alien Churches and Schools;" Mrs, J.

F. Traband, "Crime Prevention;" Mrs. Robert Parks on "Quality of Your Citizenship," and Mrs. M. F.

Leever on "Public Health." Two Wopd River members who gave talks yesterday are on the district board, Mrs. G. Gunnlson and "Mrs. M. F.

Manning. Following the talks, by the six Wood River women, questions were asked pertaining to their subjects and evidently their talks interested the assemblage as all the questions received ready answers. At that period dinner was announced and the women repaired to the dining room where club colors of green and gold -were very much in evidence as they were In the church. Asparagus ferns, gold and green streamers and fall flowers were used for the decorations. At each table tall fold candles In candlesticks were lighted after the guests were seated.

Bud vases containing yellow cut roses added to the pretty decorative scheme, Colors of the club predominated In the lunch- con. At the first' table, where the presidents were seated, a large boquet of the yellow roses was placed. Corsage boquets were also at the honored guests places. Mrs. Akers gave the Invocation.

Following the serving -of the luncheon a double quartet, composed of Miss Vcra Raines, Meadames Maud AI- en, J. J. Mahoney, Irene Elder Meyers, and Messrs. Raines, Hartwiff, Martin and Zimmerman, delighted the audience with the singing of "Illinois" composed by Mrs. C.

W. Burton, the district chairman of music. A report on American citizenship from the biennial convention was given by Mrs. Clark Schmidt of Nashville. Francis 3eago gave as a piano solo, "In a Country, Garden," and as an encore, a dance by Concone.

Mrs. H. C. Rodenhouser, who Is state chairman of American citizenship government, made a splendid talk and discussed many things ot real In tercst. The main things she stressed were the duties of women In clubs and what woman really meant In many things; politics In club work and so forth.

One of the things she said which created quite a bit of amusement was that the old age adage: "Every has his day," the new one "Every Woman Has Her Say." How ever, she brought about her point' in such an Impressive way as to make the women responsibilities Mrs. Rodenhouser went on to say thai social distinction kills any club. She urged the women to get out to vote, and spoke of It In a way of being a real duty. She also spoke ot support, and of tho help a club 1 wo man can give her foreign born neigh bor. One of her definitions of a wo man's club wns given In poetry bu in short meant a meeting place fo those with purpose.

Women, she said can never, take the place of man, bu can co-operate, and many other In tercstlng things which the lack space forbids. The reading of resolutions and th making of announcements brought th meeting to a close. Mrs. Mueller ex pressed her pleasure at the co-opera tlon of those who assisted in makln the event such a success. Party for Son of Mr.

and Mrs. Grove George Preston Groves, the son Mr. and Mrs. William Groves, wa tendered a birthday party yesterda afternoon, the having been a ranged by his mother and given in th Groves home at 717 Madison avenui Games, which amuse the little folk were played, and later delicious freshments were served. A pretty colo iome Wednesday night.

A business meeting preceded a social meeting, fter which refreshments were served. Attend Veiled Prophet's Parade Mr. and William Bncheldor nd family attended the Veiled Prophet arado in St, Louis Tuesday evening. Attend World Series Game Yesetrday Walters and son of Vlnth street, attended the world series ame in St. Louis.

Martin Entertains Mr. and Mrs. Denzel Martin of Mararet avenue, entertained a parly of lends In their home last evening, tearts was enjoyed and three tables occupied. Favors were received Eldon Toberman and Miss Rose Valson; At 10 o'clock an Italian super was served. Attend Messrs.

Walter Crocker and M. irown attended the baseball game in t. Loula yesterday. with Dinner Party Mrs. E.

B. Mueller, president of tho Wood River club, enter- alned with ft dinner party In her ome on Eighth street in honor of Irs. Fred Wagner, president of the wenty-second district of the Fedora- on of Women's Clubs. Members of lie Mueller family and Mr. and Mrs.

v. Gelhl of this city, attended the Inner. Attend Meeting at Alton Mrs. Fred Landre and daughter, Ilss Dorothy and Mrs. John Frlek at- ended the meeting of the Royal Neighbors held In Alton last evening.

K. of P. Meeting The Flag Lodge No. 728, K. of Ill hold their regular meeting in their all tonight.

Royal to Meet The Royal Neighbors lodge will hold heir regular meeting In their hall to- Ight. Several new members will be aken into the, order. Sam Hawkins and brother and Mrs. T. Paddock motored to St.

Louis isltlng with friends. (The brother, A. Hawkins, left St. Louis last eve- Ing for hla home after a visit with am Hawkins. Mr.

and Mrs. Matthew Freeman tslted relatives in Alton Thursday. Miss Nell Rouse of Donlphan, ift for herrlSome yesterday after a Islt with her sister, Mrs. J. G.

Boon Acton avenue. Mrs. Clifford Yarbrough' and daugh Miss Luclle Horten, motored to aylorvllle to visit the former's par nts, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, yer the week-end.

Air. and Mrs. A. Juhlln and daugh- er Thelma. and Mrs.

Walter Crocker rera business visitors yesterday in Idwnrdsville. PASTRY BALE Given by the World's Service Guild of the First Presbyterian church at rear of Young's Store, Saturday, October S. OLD AND YUCNG LIKE IT Keep Pink Lady Apple Butter al- on hand, too, Children like It, old scheme of pink and white was carrlc out and the center of the table wa occupied by a birthday cake trlmme In pink candles. The little honoree re celved a number of pretty gifts. The guests Included, Olllo Meyers Felice Meyers.

Mary Hartwlg, Jea llartwlg, Winifred Hortwig, Eugen Waggoner, John Franklin, Elaine Ne derkorn, Helen Ellison, Mary Eliza Burrls, Jack Steele, Ruth Ragim Joe Barr, Edward Hartwlg, Dorl Thompson, George Thompson, Billy Lane. Billy Sllvka, Bonna Dell Bur ger, Bernell Burger. Mrs. Groves wa assisted by Mrs. O.

A. Meyer, Commercial Club Meets Yesterday at noon at the Klstne hotel, tho Commercial club held Us regular meeting. Judge Trares of Ed wnrdsvlllc, was the speaker of the day The question of better telephone service will be taken up with the Bell Telephone company. Tho club decldec to substantiate the city's claim for better electric service. The club will hold Its next meeting at the American Legion hall and the luncheon will be served by the Ladles' Auxiliary.

The Hon. Ed. Irwin, con- jrrcssman from thls district will be the speaker of the day. Uadielilor Entertains Class Miss Eleanora Bacheldor enter- talned the members of the W. Miller and son Allen, anWVra L.

McCormlck motored to St. Louie for the day, A pastry sale will be given Oct. 9 at the Jacoby store by the Washing- ten-Wood River Parent-Teacher Association. FOB RENT 1 room house furnished, 104 Sast Jennings Wood River. HoeferfBros.

1020 B. Broadway Business Sedan. Business Sedan. Touring; new paint. Touring; CHEVROLWT Touring: looks like new.

Fordor Sedan: bal- lpen tiros; Rucksteel axle. Tudor Sedan. Touring; new tires. Champion. Touring.

TRUCKS Truck. Tdn Truck; new tires. G. M. C.

Ton Truck. Chassis. FOR SALE 4-ROOM cozy, little cottage, in a good Grondvlew near Main Street. All conveniences, lot 50x120. You will like this property.

Price 5-ROOM comparltlvoly new house, well built, in a good location. Every modern convenience. Double garage. Lot 43x165 feet. One block from Public School.

Price 6-RQOM very good repair, lence. Central location, near Henry and Ninth Street. Price $5000.00 Every modern convcn- $6300.00 6-ROOM floors, porch, large garage. Lot 60x120. Price hot-water heat, sleeping $6300.00 7-ROOM being completed.

4 rocms and bath on main floor, exceptionally good fixtures. Unusual amount of closet space. Large front porch. 3 light, pleasant rooms in basement. This house can be used by either one or two families.

Lot 50x165. Location: on State Road at the junction of Milton Road. An unsually good location for any one cm- ployed In East Alton or Wood River. This is a real bargain. Price 8-ROOM than block from car line.

Lot 50x120. The house Is in perfect repair, thoroughly modern, new hard-wood floors. ju tiny Uiio $4000.00 Garage. Price HENRY STREET RESIDENCE-IB large rooms, two bath rooms. hard-wood floors, wood-work oak, or white enamel finish.

Plate glass windows. Slate roof. Hot -water heat. Two lots 120 feet frontage on Henry Street. Can easily be remodeled into apartments.

Price $10,000.00 Avenue 50x120, level. LOTS WOODLAWN City water. Gas. Electricity. Special price WASHINGTON business location fit sure to Increase in value.

40x180. Price DANFORTH STREET-Paving and sidewalk OAfV paid. 60x448. Price $1200.00 fine lots near State Road. Each 40x120.

Price $1050.00 SEMINARY STREET-Half block North of ctOI Price IpZlUU.UU LIBERTY of Grove Street- 60x120. Prlco STATE Joint blocks from the old Cathedral. Price drive-way. About two $2350.00 AX EXCHANGE FOR FARM 10.ROOM DOUBLE DWELLING-Water, lights, gas. Paved Street.

Close-in location. Lot 56x120. Rent $40 00 month. Will trade clear for clear-or wll furnish a first mortgage loan on this property. What have you to offer? ROCERT AND RIEAT MARKET MONEY WANTED BISHOP WEBER REAL No.

8 East Broadway.

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