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Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 2

Star Tribunei
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE, WFDNESDAY, AUGUST 3. STARVED TO IT. A SEA VOYAGE. WASHINGTON. at the white house is not caused by the Po-tomnc flats.

He says: "My impression is that the sickness at the executive mansion is caused by BAD DRArNAOK. Sitting Bull Bays it ws an Empty Stom I have not examined the matter mviwlf. it If Nothing Happens th President will Howgatb's latfBt EccapadB-what tbfl ach Induced Him to is stated that there is an o'd brick-surface sewer under the mmision. If that is so it Take One, for Eb Health, Three Weeks Hence. Goftipa at tie Capital bay About Ir.

would account to a ereit extent for the sickness there. If the mal rin comes from the fltits it oupht to affect people at tee uiyts iiouKe otner places in that vicin He is Still Firmly of Opinion that the Interesting Statistics from OfmrniBtioner His Progress Toward Becoverj Uninter ity; tut there appeftra to be no uuusual amount of sickness in thai locality." White Man is Unrivaled as a Liar. neither the marshal or any of his deputies iiaye been in Peoria on that business. KNOW NOTHINO ABOUT IT. Chicago, Aug.

2. The British yioe-oonsul at this port, who is to-day in Wheaton, telegraphs the Associated Press in answer to the question whether he has any information as lo the alleged arrest of P. W. Crowe Peoria for oonstroo'ing infernal machines lo be used against the British government: I have had nothing to do with the alleged wren of Crowe. If Tie wan arrested the British legation at Wafhington will know the fact.

It is generally believed here that the arrest, if any was made, is a practical joke. ALL A BOAX. Pbobia, Aug. 2. Patrick Crowe, of this city, was reported in the local evening papers as having been arresied on the order of Attorn' y-Geueral MacVeagh, charged with violation of navigation laws by manufacturing and shipping torpedoes that blew np the Doterel and others cf the same class.

The reported arrest a boax of a oonple of practical jokers Crowe has not been arrested, bot is doing doty as city lamp-lighter. MARQUIS OP LORNE. Kaum'8 Atonal tttr to the Secretary of the Treasury. rupted A Cheerful Mind and Good Appetite Yesterday. TeleKrkam.

SHAFTESBURY TO MliS. GARFIELD. Wash'ngton, Aug. 2. the follorng dis tion.

These were oontinued with greater vehemenoe as the boat neared the landing. Indians, soldiers and citizens began to pour down the sides of the bluffs. The Indians on the shore simply said "How," and manifested but little interest, as a line of soldiers' bayonets kept them at a considerable distance. Sitting Bull stood unmoved throughout the entire time. He was the least adorned of his companions, and the last who would, have been seleoted as the notorious one By those unacquainted with him.

Bunning Antelope being the only agency Indian allowed to oome aboard, he passed hurriedly to the upper deck and in climbing the stairs near the Bide of the boat found Sitting Bull STANDING IMMOVABLE in the row of chiefs and directly in front of the hatchway. He stepped np to Sitting Bull back, threw bis right arm around his neck, placed bis cheek against his and in the Sioux language said: "My son." Sitting Bull made no move to turn or recognize him nntil Antelope passed to the left of the line and stepping in front of the chiefs, shook hands with them and said: "How" to each. As he reached Sitting Bull, the next to the last in the line, he found THE OBEAT CHIEF CBTINO and wiping away the tears. Sitting Bull's patch was received at the white house to day The Trip from B.smarck to Fort Tates- Ihe Ihreat Against Winrkm The Au rrom tnebirl of Shaftesbury: London. Anir.

2 To Mrs. Garfield: The Gaining in Strength and Once More Able Wierd Sight Scenes ui the Ewer Bank. world' conference of the You riff Men' Chniu thor of the Letter Hot Yet Discovered, to Operate His Limbs After a Fashion. The Wily Old Chief Declines be Inter Quiet at the White House, bat Malaria THE HOWGATE SENSATION. FOOD FOB THE OOBSIPS.

viewed by The Tribune Daily Adding to Its Victories. Special Telegram to Tbe Tribune. wan nnncciautiu, now iiiting, reooras lw aen irratitade tn God for the preservation of the president' life, and earnest pruyer bis complete recovery. Shaftesbury, President. BLAINE TO 8HAFTE8BUBT.

Secretary Blnii.e replied as follows: To (he Earl of Preoident, Exeter Hall. London: Mr Garfield ha received yonr dispatch, and reqneitci me to express through you to tbe world' tonferenceof the Ynnng Men' Christian Association her grateful appreciation of their pious and devoted interest io behalf of tbe president. J. U. Blaine, Secretary of State.

A PBBDICTIOjr. Wasbinoton. Aug. ine Hcanuui in which Capt. Uowgate and Miss Nellie Bur- rell, a former treasury clerk, are involved aa principals, continues to be food for much gossip.

Tbe relations of the parties are to THE REGULAR BULLETINS. I. Arrival cf the Gen. Sherman at Her DestinationAntics of the Indiana of Canada' Governor-General Winnipeg Reception. Dinners and Executive Mansion, 8:30 a.

m. The presi favorite daughter was riot at the landing. Before Landing. a Bound of Pleasure. ill nl i 1 ti r'Tnnnnt rirhtt qpAjlTj having been removed only yesterday to get her wun the other hostile into The Crop of the Bed BtverTaUey.

8pecial Telegram to The Tribnne. sweetly the greater part of the time. This morning he awoke refreshed, and appeared comfortable and cheerful. False, 94; tem Faroo, Aug. 2.

Mark down the that the average yield of all cereals in perature, 1)8. respiration, 18. camp two miles back from the landing. Not being able to greet her seemed to deeply affect Sitting Bull. He was also not allowed to speak with Gaul or any of the other chiefs, with the exception of Sunning 8itting Bull's Stoicism A Break Down at the Non-Appearance of His tne Bed river valley will equal any previous Several Important Questions Settled by the Directors of the Canada Pacific Man Drowned.

jear, and that the total yield will far exceed Daughter. D. W. xSLIBB, J. K.

Babnis, 3. J. Woodward, Kobt. Ketbcbn D. H.

Aqniw. II. any previous year. The wheat will all be Antelope. After the reception in the cabin, whioh lasted for half an hour, all the No.

1, and other grains grade at tbe top. Indians, including all the chiefs and Sitting Bull, were marched ashore in single file and 12:30 p. m. The president is passing the F0BEIGN NEWS. AT WINNIPEG.

Telegram to The Tribune. day comfortably, with his bead and shoulders raised in the same manner as yesterday. At the rooming dressing his wound was Winnipeg, Aug. 2. A public reception counted.

It has only been a few years since Sitting Bull roamed the prairies "monarch of all be surveyed," with ten thousand Indians and three thousand warriors under him. He then defied a nation, but now he sits beside the river with civilization on GREAT BRITAIN. XRADLAUOH'g cash. London, Ang. 2.

Nobody will be per was given to the governor-general yesterday, The city presented a gay appearance, found to be doing admirably. His pu'se is now Uil; temperature, U8: respiration, 19. mitted to accompany Bradlangh into There were two beautiful arches, one near practically uncnaogea by toe exposure, ai-thougb tbe op-town rooms are temporarily dosed. TEe captain and his wife are living apart, and tbe latter will seek a divorce. Captain Ho a gate is rich, and Miss Burrell has spread his shekels about with a lavish handJly many she is considered an incor-rigiblefand there isn't lua- i.

x-presaed for her. The eoapade is also much in Howgate's line, and if his wife hasn't known tbe fact her ignorance is exceptional aod phenomenal. It is probable that the affair will result in Hawgaie's dismiasal from the service, and put an end to any hopes he may have entertained of congressional assistance in hU pcoposod Atotio exploration. WHO WAS IT? THE TniEAT AOAirBT WINDOm's LIKE. (Special Telegram to 1 he Tribune.

Washington, Aug 2. If is not yet certainly known who is tbe author of the threatening letter recently received by Secretary Vtindom. Suspicion continue to point to Ex-Treasury Agent Bissell as the offender, though he strenuously denies guilt. Biasell it alleged to have declared that ha would get even for his discharge from the service, aud this is about tho extent of tbe evidence attains! him. Lamphere bas also been cloeely questioned, but professes to know nothing of the authorship of tbe letter, and be it generally believed to be innocent In the meantime the secret service officers are tbe hou-e of commons.

If be at the City Hall withosstellated towers in iin every hand, humiliated in the eyes of his tempts to force an entrance to tbe U. W. KLI8S J. K. Babnis, J.

J. Woowabd, Robert Ketbubn, D. H. Aqniw. IIL people and himself.

itation of Inverury oastle, the ancestral seat of the Areylls; the other of ancient Soottish house Gladtone will move that be be de BITTING BULL 1TFTTJBE. tained in custody nntil he apologizes and undertakes not to repeat the offense. The M'ashinoton, Aug. 2. -Sitting Boll and designs.

At the corner of Portage avenne and Main street there were extensive and the Indians who surrendered with him will 7 p. si. The president has continued to Daily News savs Bradlaugh formal com elaborate deoorations and an immense dia- be divided up at Stand in 2 It ck and sent to mnnication leaves no doubt in regard to bit nlav of bunting. His excellency was es different agencies, and the Indian depart intention. A room in tbe Tower ha been progress favorably during the day, and appears better in bis general condition than yesterday, a more natural tone of voire be-ins cercentible.

The appearance cf the ex corted from SiUer Heights by the cavalry ment win treat sitting ami precisely as the otner Indians are treated. prepared for him. AFGHANISTAN. ATOOB KHAM IN CANDABAB. ternal wound at the evening dressing was and received at the City Hall by the Guard of Honor of the Winnipeg infantry and a field battery, the band playing appropriate sirs.

The Held battery fired a salute of sev exceedingly good; that made by the ball is BCHiJJES AND INCIDENTS. Special Telezram to The Tribune. Fobt Yates, D. via Bismarck, Aug. 2.

The boat which left Bismarck at 6 o'clock only proceeded two miles down the river where it laid up for the night, the Indians being allowed to go ashore. The squads quickly shouldered the blankets and cooking utensils, and had bright firea burning, in front of whioh the sturdy bucks sat and smoked the pipe. As darkness came and the firea began to fade away the scene from the cabin of the lxat was a wierd and dreary one. In the stillness of the night, beneath a cloudless sky studded with millions of bright, twinkling stars, the tall weeds and luxuriant undergrowth waved gently to end fro over the sleeping forms of the once brave and mighty warriors, and this scene scarcely a half a dozen miles from the Custer flats, and in a country well known by the Indians, and whioh recalled a fierce battle or a bunt At a late hour Capt. Clifford was sought and his STOUT OP THE SUBHENDEB of Sitting Bull learned, which was as follows: Having received information that Sitting Bull was ready to come in I left the fort with a sergeant and five half-breed scouts, at an early hour in the morning and went to meet him.

After inarching about sixty miles we found Sitting Bull in camp about ten miles north of Sand Buttes. The traditional i was all the greeting I received. We countermarched that day and went into camp. The next morniLgrifrnly 18, after a long, ram- London, Aug. 2.

The viceroy of India THE HARVEST FIELDS. rapidly gr nulatmg, wnue the discharge from the deeper portion of the wound, telegraphs as follows: Ayoob Kban entered enteen guns. On the platform erected in Candaharthe 30th all, and bis infantry and which is abundant and healthy, comes through the counter opening made by the artillery occupy the citadel. Advices from front of the City Hall were TBI IN TIT SB OUE8T8, Chamnn Chnnki represent all quiet on tbe operation. The rise of temperature this evening is moderate and attended by no in Progress cf the Work in the Minnesota BriUbh frontier.

convenience to him. At present his pulse is Valley-The Yield and Grade 1S4; temperature, liu; respiration M. buav ferreting out tbe offender, and if I among whom were bis honor, the lieutenant governor, Capt. Lewis, Chief-Justice Wood and Justices Miller and Dubuo of the superior court, Col. Peebles, polioe magistrate, United States Consul Taylor, Vice-Consul Howard of Sweden and Norway, his grace Archbishop Toche, bis lordship Bishop of found tbe officials are resolved to make such an example of him as will put a check I D.

W. Buss, J. K. Barnis, J. J.

Woodward, Kobt. Ketbubn, D. H. Aonew. DECIDED GAIN IN STRENGTH.

upon this stem of boycotting. Up to Anticipation at All Points and Kaperrs liana, itev. rror. nryee, uev. rror, Above at Some Pine Weather.

INTERNAL BEVENUE. COmflKfllONEB HA CM 'a ANNUAL LETTER. 11:15 p. m. The president has rested qui FLASHES.

Condensed From this Morning's Associated Prens Report. DOMESTIC. The Norwich Tintol Oimpany biui made an asoinment for tbe benefit of bin creditor. Ilarcu Brno. ar.

works at Mukrein. were burned yeaterdij, Lom fl.UXl; insured il.MI, The trial of Elder Atwater before a committee of mmiRtera began at Knapp, Winconain, to-day. etly sinoe the evening examination. The Washington, Aug. 2.

Commiwiionei Haum bas wiitten his annual lettel to the secretary of the treasury revien slight fever which was apparent at that time has subsided. He has had an extremely comfoitable day and has made a decided gain in strength. All the features of his oase worth special notice have been included 4n th? ftHiil tin letins. His pulse at this ina the condition of tbe service thi IS MID-H ARV.EBT. SOOTT corjKTT.

Special Telezram to The Tribune. lost fiscal year. It shows that the last fisca vear were collected and paid A despatch from Uraham, Texa, say 'What is the reason they put my daughter Hart, Hon John Norquay, premier or Manitoba, Senator Girard, Hon. D. M.

Walker, Hon. C. P. Brown, Hon. M.

Goulet and Speaker McMicker, Capt. Soott, M. Dr. Sohultz, M. Hon.

Joseph Koyal, M. Joseph Kyan, M. Rev. A. A.

Chernier, of St. Boniface College, Uev. Dr. Bice, Mayor Cohilougbto Logan, C. J.

Brjdges, A. G. B. Bannatyne, S. C.

Biggs, A. Howe and other members-of the oivio reception committee. The mayor read THE ADDBEflS OF WELCOME, to which his excellency made a beautiful and appropriate reply. Hia worship then introduced the governor to those on the platform, after which three cheers wair killed in an at- luto the tresury. Tfce amaunt collected du here.

Wheat is turning out well better hour is below 100, bis temperature mid rt9- boTSe tbief cm ing tbe five years of Commissioner Itaumj tempt to escape from prUon- piration normal, and he is asleep. than anticipated. so far favor nuiuiuiauituuu sKKirKDU able. Wheat will average from 18 to A NEAT TESTIMONIAL. Mrs.

Garfield received today a letter of The entire amount, without loss or defaict tion had been paid into tbe treasur sympathy and condolence from the Chris Burglar entered H. B. Smith'a grocery at Detroit. opened the oafe, nettiug tire to tbe building and damaging stock insurance fill i. A fire at Jarre Israel's linoeed oil works, at Mt.

Vernon, Oh destroyed property vslned 23 bushels per tore, of a good grade. AT 1M.AKKLY. Special Telegram to Xac Tribune. in irons? What will they do with me? I tried to CALM HIS PEAKS, and told him that bis daughter had not been put in irons. "What would I gain by lying to you? Tho United States government has no cause to lie to you.

It was in a spirit of mercy that yon were sent for. They wish to settle the great question for Tbe nexnente of the internal revent ssrvioe the past fiscal year will be showl tian cnurcnes oi aoutriamton, unetu-er, South port and Liverpool, Eogland, together with a draft for 100 as a contribution to on the noal hOinnment oi account to exceed The entire expense i Blakely. Aug. 2. lbe harvest is progressing rapidly; farmers ranking the most of the favorable weatner.

Wheat is turning out better than expected. Corn will be un the wist five years. t21.W.';)!0. being 3.: the building fund of the Church of Disciples in this city, with which tho president is con nected. The draft is sent bv adherents of rer cent, on the amount collected, and ever.

I put a knife in joar hands, and if I the disbursement of this money there hi am lying to you you may kul me. been no os to tbe government. This satil usually heavy yield; oats are big. LE SUKUB COUNTY. Special Teleeram to Tbe Tribune.

tbe same religious faith in England, as a token of thank fulness for tbe preservation of his life. This, however, did not seem to satisfy the faotory result is due to the intelligence, cl pacitv and fidelity of tbe officers and til Le Sueur, Aug. 2. Wheat is nearly all great chief, and having repeated his question and declined to accept my reiteration of THE BEST DAY YET. Washington, Aug.

2. Dr. Miss reports down and threshing has begun. Tbe result ploy en of the internal reveuue varvi, whom 1 desire to convev mv aptiNciation is not disappointing. Wheat on tbe low this evening that the president has had tho their laudable Hurts to reach and mail lands will not average above ten bushels per best day be bas known sinoe bis injury.

His tain THE IIIOUEST STAXDARD acre, but on high ground it will do much appetite is good and be ets nourishment tho tiuth, be said: "I DON'T EELI3VB IOJ." I told him I was not in the habit of lying to either white or red men, after wbbh the conversation ended. We then took up the march and reached Euford at 2:15 o'clock in better. The weather has been exception of excellence. Taxes are assessed and cd at lbe storage-ruum and conteata were not destroyed. The boiler fit Friend 4 Hon's rper-mill, near Dsyton.

Ohio, explodtd Monday niht, (IcKtrojinu the Lnilrr-houte and bleachmg-bouse. Noone injured. O. M. Desop, accused of forgery and a bard Cftt-e generally, killed Constable J.

h. llarnson, who was attempting to arrest him at Valley Htation, yesterday. Htiefel A Ney. wholesale and tobacco merchant of Kansas City, have nisi an a-signment. Tbe liabilities of the firm are estimated at from 14.1,000 to assets not know.

Of tbe victims of Monday's shootings in Chicago. is glowing leelile and will die soon. O'Mara. though he has a ball in his bead, has shown wonderful vitality a will probably survive Tom Catill is in a fair way tore-cover. Tbe Virginia democrats hold their state con.

venth-n at rtichinond to-morrow, and the straight-out republicans on tbe 10th. The Mabone movement ha gained considerable strength from letters of prominent republicans abroad and from the change of some of Wickham's followers to Mahone. Daniel Hheo, of New York city, endeavored to stop three thieves who were tearing hia hmifip aftr an attemnted rohberv. ami was leeted in all states and territories of tbe I the governor atd were given and the vast concourse dispersed to witness the lsying of the corner-stone of the new Manitoba College. The address was read by Hon.

A. G. Baunatyne, on behalf of the board of directors, whioh elioited an appropriate teply. Having declared the stone truly laid Prof. Bryce pronounced the benediction.

The governor and suite next visited gome -of the public institutions and places of in-. terest around the city. A GRAND DRAWING BOOM is now in progress at the government house, which is being largely attended by the elite and fashion of the city. The following questions Were disposed of at a meeting of the board of directors of the Canadian 1'aciSo railroad just closed in this ity: The approval of the location at Moose Jaw creek; the continuation of tlio location of the survey to Fort Col. Garry, to be completed this season, and the line itself to be completed next season; the location in coo.

well. Ilia voice is notably stronger than heretofoie, and he has been all day tntirely free from fever. Tbe of pulse was be ally favorable. All other grains look well ion. There are engaged in this work SIBLEY COUNTY.

collectors and deputy collectors al Special Teleeram to The Tribune. low 100, and temperature aud respiration continued riormul. In all respects he has made favtrable progress toward recovery. caucers. Cft cauiier and 35 internal revet ilENDEBscN, July ilarvejt is progress agents, who are chirked by law and regul tion with the important dat es in oonitf ing.

1 ere is some complaint or lack of harvest hinds. The wheat yield is above especially in the timber dis THE BILL OF FARE. The president continues to make favora tion with the assessment ana the afternoon of July A detachment was sent out to bunt an aged squaw who had wandered away to dig -pomn'x bhmceflt White Apph, and got lost during the first day. The 188 Indians in the band made thenistlveH as comfortable 83 possible, but Sitting Bull requested that no one speak to him, and his request was firantad. On the lection of revenae.

An uicreaif ble progress toward recovery. One good tricts. The grain is plump, and will grade high. All other grains looking well. Corn, kuoaledge of tbe laws and ulations bv the officers and unless nipped by early frosts, will be a big payers bas contributed to greater harmd feature in his case is an increased appetite.

He now partakes more freely of solid food, nd bis bill of fare has been extended to embrace several things hitherto forbidden, including coffee, of which bo drank a half cup yesterday. The surgeons continue to give him "koumyss" occasionally between tne iai-paje ana me poveruim irning of the 20th he went up to see Ma crop. 1 he firm enforcement of tne laws.nas most overcome any resistance, and I bell BLUE EABTTI COUSTY. Special Teleeram to The Tribune. formity with the Winnipeg by-law of tho Winnipeg fc Pembina Mountain Branch, tbe day is not far distant wheu the inter nearly cut to pieces witb a dagger.

He was stabbed sixtimes by oneof the men, but could Mankato, Aug. 2. Harvest is in progress throughout Blue Earth county. Tbe yield jor Brotherton and told him he wanted six chiefs and his daughter at Fort iates to come up to see him. Major Brotherton said: "You must obey the commands of the GI1EAT FATHEB and go where he sends you." revenue taxes; will be coiiectea tnrongni the country with as little fried not be made to looten bis grip, lie is in a dangerous condition.

The nian who did the as those of a state, cou in plaof- of an equal quantity of milk, and though this mild tartar stimulant haj but little to recommend it to the average taste he expresses a decided fondness for it and drinks it eagerly. Tbe or lnuniciLialitv. District attorneys catting was aricstcd, but ms accomplices escaped. of wheat will not be large, but the berry is of good quality, and on the whole farmers are well satisfied. Corn promises well.

Barley, of which a large acreage was sown in this county, will be a fine crop. Oats np niarrthais are i nlitied to oomuiendation Sitting Bull replied: "I am entitled to At tbe missionary meeting at Lbantaaqua their aid in tbe enforcement of the laws am of the ooiuion. however, that gTe; yesterday, it was announced that tbe women of the Presbyterian church had raised for missionary purposes the past year tlTD.OU), those some consideration from the government and the Great Father, as I have never received a handful of corn from the United certainty in the prompt tiial and pun anu provision ior us uou-et motion the immediate construction and leoation of the Assin-niboine branch from a point twenty miles east of Brandon northwesterly towards the Little Saskatchewan, Fort Ellice, Biding Mountain and Touchwood hills; the immediate location and construction of THE SAKKATGIiy.WAN BBANCI1 from a point near the great forks of the Qaappelle, extending in a northwesterly direction south of Battleford to Edmonton; the immediate location and survey of the Son is branch, extending from Brandon southwesterly towards the Souris and Turtle mountain district, to within twenty-four morning exarainition lo dtty showed a very healthy discharge from tbe wound. The nature of tbe discharge showed that suppuration is going on along tho remote track of the wound as well as in the portion where of tbe and those of tbe to ave'age. NICOLLET COUNTY.

Snecial Telegram The Tribune. raent of tbe gnillty by some of the court! the United States would teud to materi Congregational 1MJ0. Abut 8UU.lU was reduce the number of offenses. tbe ball entered. This morning h) bad for raiFea ior mis wora oy nueen wouiru mwiu.

last vear. and from tbe first they bad raised an States authorities. I come" he did not say surreudc "and ield to the -wishes of the government, not on my own aooount, but because my women and children were St. Peter, Aug. 2.

Ibeyield of wheat in this county is full up to expectations. On breakfast souie beefsteak and" toast saturated in milk. His pulse thin moining was high ground tbe yield is quite heavy. The aggregate of Joseph Boyle, living near Magnolia.

last across the Louisiana line, was engaged to Miss Hallie Walker, daughter of Capt. James starving." BETTER THAN AT ANY TIME grain stands well, and tbe berry is plump. THE OOMKTSi VWIULK IS TEN PATS. WASiiiNoroN. Aug.

2. The new Major Brotherton then informed him The bot weather of the rant few days has that his daughter and the chief 3 could not or Schoebtrta's oouiet, has not yet ripened tbe grain fast, aud a cooling shower might save considerable which shells in come to see him, and Sitting Bull said of bis illness. The president good-naturedly said to (Jen. Swaim this morning, "I will be with you a wuile longer, Bwaim." His diet will be changed and the amount of nourishment increased as tbe tone of bis stomach improves. His pulse is stronger in come visible to the naked eye.

The wen "All right; it is all of one piece. They bas been so bad recently that few obse H. Walker. On some pretext be postponed tno wedding, and shortly afterward seduced tbe girl ana left for Texas. Miss Walker immediately acquainted her father witb tbe facts, and openly vowed vengeance.

To the surprise of all Boyle suddenly returned last (Sunday, and in less than two hours alter his arrival Capt. Walker had bis foot on his throat and the contents of a double-barreled shot-gun in hauling. BROWN COUNTY. Special Telegram to The Tribune. tions have been taken of it.

I'rof. East have ALWAYS LIK1) TO MB." of the Naval observatory savs that he tone and cbarao er than at any time, and in fact all of his symptoms are of a better The captain halted here aud said he would doscry a very distinct tail. He thinks the New L'lm, Aug. 2. Wheat is nearly all cut.

in this county. Tbe few fields threshed character than ever. Quiet reigned his hodv. walker made no attempt to escape. fetch Sitting Bull in and let him tell his own story.

So he came down from the up one wii: De very interesting Aa it rise north, its r.eht ascension is and gave bonds (or his appe i ranee as the trial. show the yield to be rather above expecta increasing a motion which keeps the cJ tion, and the grade will average higher than per deck and took a seat by the table. A newspaper was spread before him, and he nearly horizontal woere it is oimcuiv TOREION. Thco. Dononghe, member of parliament for Trallee, is a bankrupt.

Honker. Bonnrartist, announces his retire supreme at tbe white house, and to night there was little to break tbe dull monotony. Callers were even rtr than usual. Even cabinet officers have abardoned their daily visits. Attorney-General MacVeagh was the only cabinet caller, aud even he did Lot enter the build it.

I'rof. Lastmau thinks it will 'i was told by the interpreter that the reporter wished to talk to thousands at one time. mites of the international boundary line, and then westward parallel to Buch boundary to the 104th parallel of longitude, the of lenses for elevators and fine warehouses at nominal rents. Thesubjectof the most effectual means of confining the sales of agricultural as far as possible, to actual settlers was considered but was not dually disposed of. The construction of freight and passenger (-bilious, offices, workshops and stock and cattle yards witfcin the city of Winnipeg, as soon as the city by-laws shall be finally passed, was decided upon.

MAN DISOWNED. A mau up.mod John FitiUyson, employed on the iron bridge over the Winnipeg river near Uat l'ortnge, about 9 o'clock this morning, fell off whilo at work and was drowned. Tho body had not been recovered at the latest account. FnUTUKB VISITS AND BECKPTIONS. The Governor-General visited St.

John's Episcopal See last night, where the party was cordially received by the Bishop of for years, uorn looks well, iarmors are pushing things, but the hot weather ripened the grain very fast, and there was some lack of help. Wages for harvest hands have to the naked eye in about ten days, uy time it will be seen in the northwest evening. Ko observations nave jei made hero of Encke's coniut. Captain Clifford told bira, "This man will scatter it broadcast. He can talk to more people in the morning in his newspaper ranged from $2.50 to $3.

ing. He stopped at tbe main door, obtained a cony of the bulletin, and foe in iz enoour- than you can see in several mouths. Your CAtUTAli WOT18. CONTBAOT FOB CABBTINO INDIANS. ELDER ATWATER'S CASE.

story will go to the people far away so far that it would take you four moons to reach Investigation to Begin To-Day What is Washington, Aug. 2. The Baltimf Ohio Bailroad Company is awardet Thought of It. Special Telegram to The Tribune. ageu at us contents arove on wunoui alighting.

THE COOLER. Mr. Jennings's cooling apparatus, wLich bas been out of use daring tbe past two days on account of tbe coolness of the weather, was again put in operation to day. The question of removing tbe president is talked of at the white house. It is thought that in three weeks, if he progresses as be now does, it will be entirely safe to give him a trip.

Tbe sea voyage is what is best thought of by his uhvsicians. If he con Hudson, Aug. z. A tribunal consisting contract to bring to this city the I delegation of 220 persons. protection or tatents assubed, The French government assures inn tn foreigners, oartici Dating in tbe them." After this statement the great ohief hung bis bead for a few moments, the while he fanned himself with a palm leaf fan; then be lookod up, gave one of his 1NDKHCHIDAHLK OliUNTB and looking at the people congregated about him said: "I cannot ta'k to night to the great newspaper.

There are none of my of Kevs. Howe, Irish, Collins, Woodruff and others will meet at Knapp to morrow to in bition of electricity, of all patent right! vestigate tbe charges of immoral conduct titles, provided that specimens are rey against Elder Atwater. The trial is really only preliminary, as if a verdict of guilty is reached nothing beyond suspension can oc within three momns. A ax't Music. LI 1 'T'l-a Tri Viil nr.

tinues to gain strength, without any serious break, it is almost safe to say that in three cur until tbe annual conference next fall. Atwater's friends are confidant that he can weeks he will start on A SHORT SEA VOYAOE New Yobk, Aug. 2. Max Slrak new omDarv Is practically oomjj unpens Liana, ana presented wun me aa-dress, to which u.h excellency made an appropriate reply. Two hundred citizens, embracing the clUr and fashion of the city, were presented to the Marquis of Lome at a Inx'i at the Government House last night.

His Excellency and suite were surrounded by the ministers of the local government, Col. Houghton, and a brilliaut staff of officers of the active roil tia.Guard of.Honor, supplied by the St. Boniface infantry. The governor this morning attended a picnic at Bird's Hill, a rural retreat seven miles noitbeastof the city, as guests of the local government His excellency launched the splendid new side, wheel steamer to-day, aud christened her Princess, in honor of the Princess Loum. Thore a dinner at the Government House to night.

establish is innocence, and the best public opinion of the neighborhood is that be was innocent of any wrong intent but foolishly Among the attractions will be Oersteri in the Tallapor sa, which will be ready to receive bun. In view of the steady improvement of hia condition members of tbe cabinet are beginning to think again of their leave of abseuoe for trips that they Leslino, Mile E. Mel ana mine xveou, contralto: Stcpbani and l'emgini indiscreet. GIVE IT CP. people here to listen to me, to listen to what I say.

If I tell the truth and if the great newspaper tells the truth At this juncture Capt. Clifford sent for other chiefs, and Shoot-the-Bear, Bear-that- Looked-Baok, and Stand-and-Kill-Him entered tho cabin, to scats in the oirole and took a whiff at the pipe of peace passed by the reporter. They assumed a stalwart attitude, and Sitting Bull, who bad been talking to the interpreters, was asked to talk; he arose and gesticulated and talked for about five minutes, but what he said proved only to lie that HE REFUSED TO TALK for reasons that were not made public The interpreters said that the talk would Merr Waewitz. basBO.andMr, ment from political life. The czar and family arrived at Nijninovor-gorod, in central Kiissia.

Monday morning. Adispatch from Tunissays that plundering baa been renewed a few miles from that place. The statement of the Imperial Bark of (ier-many, shows a decrease in specie of marks. Lo'd Denman, liberal, bas announced that he would move a reaction of tbe land bill on going into committee Thursday next. The London Times says it is manifest that the lords almost without distinction of party, regard the land bill as a paintut necessity.

The meeting in Trafalgar square 'ast evening to protest against Bradlaugh a exclusion from honse of commons was very largely attended. Bradlaugh said he would go home Wednesday. MeGrath and McKevitt to-day pleaded not guilty to the indictment charging them with having attempted to blow np the town hall in Liverpool. The charge of "attempted murder" will be abandoned. The minister of tiuanoe of Spa'n will begin next session the customary practice of making public the exact state of the treasury.

He will show heavy arrears in tbe Cuban treasury, where 18 CIOO.OjO bU arling of debt remaius unliquidated. It is stated that tbe English, Italian and other foreign aubjects residing at Tunis are signing addresses to their respective governments, showing the dangers to which they and their property are exposed, and the trench subjects have remonstrated to Uouctain, the French minister. l'arnell. at a meating of the land-leaguo of Dublin yesterday, announced tht the league would hold a convention at Dublin the 15th of September to consider the best means of obtaining Irish land for Irishmen. The suggestion was unanimously approved, l'arnell advised tenants not to trust tho land bill, At a meeting of the Dublin land-league last night l'arnell tiaid it would be the duty of the league to select cases in different parts of Ire-lana to see what tho land commissioners were going to do, and how tnuob they were going to lower reuis, and would be a crucial test by whioh the working of the bill would stand or falter.

The renort of the French Aoadomy of Science publishes the statement of a preliminary investigation into the geological strength ot the isthmus of Panama at the prt to bp traversed by tbe onal. The result is satisfactory, and De Lessens raloulatea the work will be done considerably under the originally-estimated expense. naa pianuea tna wnicii were upset by Gni baritone. The route has not been del decided, but owing to the expensive! the organization it will bocircunisoril teau and bis revolver. Dr.

Aguew stated to The Hunt Alter the Williams Brothers a friend th's forenoon that be ras certainly Abandoned. Special Teleeram to The Tribune. doing very well indeed. There was no feature in the case that they could wish Tho Odor of Cominir Death. Mknomonik, Aug.

2. The hunt for tbe to be improved. The present progress was in every way satisfactory- Williams brothers has been virtually aban An artiole in Tho Amorioan Joni Medical Soienuo describes a peculisJ often noticed several hours before Tho smell is said to resemble musk, be due to the liberation ot aminoniaf lie nnu taken nourishment three times up to 3 o'clock to-dav. He had some newspa have reflected on Capt. Clifford, while the doned, and the belief is now almost universal that they have escaped from tbe timber in fact escaped some days ago.

"Buffalo Charley" is still under arrest, but nothing will be done with him as it cannot be pers lead to him, but care was taken to lot him boar nothing that would be likely to latter acouscs the interpreters of withhold iug the interview to got money for it. the fattv aoia wnicn gives vuu vu, characteristic odor. exercise uis miua. lie is now able to MAKE USE OF HIS ARMS The Sherman arrived at Fort Yates at 12 o'clock noon. All the chiefs had assembled at the bow of the boat, and were chanting tbuir traditional songs.

A yellow flag was shown that he has done anything worse than to badly guy th't hunters, though what W. H. Echols, chief of tiro departmj Whm.linff. W. yesterday institu to lift himself about a little, and can draw up bis legs without bolp.

He makes no complaint of pain Km the back, though all the his object could be, unless to in noine way Nearly Fatal Aocldent at Lanesboro. Special Telegram to The Tribune. Lani-sbouo, Aug. 2. An aooident occurred at 8:30 this forenoon that oame noar causing the instant death of Dan.

Leary, superintendent of the bridge department of the Southern Minnesota. While in the act of taking down tho wind mill that had served to support water to the locomotive-tank, a large beam about sixteen feet lonn; fell a distance of thirty feet, niissiDg Leary head by only ten inches, striking a board -which struck him on the baok and totween the shoulders with terrific force. The extent of his injuries are not at this time definitely known, but probably be wiH recover. The only wonder is be was not kilted against The Daily Kegister for I15.1W for an alleged slanderous publication! aid the desperadoes, it is hard to under raised by one chief, having in the center a rude design of a deer, and in each corner a sign representing the doublo dagger. This staud.

official action. THE WEATHER. flag was raised as during a battle. As it was flung to the breeze the seven ohiefs Harvest in bteele County. HDonial Teleeram to The Tribune.

Indications for To-Day. lower portion or ins body is very sua. me pains in hia lower extremities have disappeared too. Another employe of the white house one of the servants last night suooumbed to malaria and went home sick. This makes eight employed at the white house who have been taken ill with malaria and had to quit work since the president was xhot.

Major Twining, engineer commissioner of the District of Columbia, holds that the malaria Upper Mississippi and lower Missoj levs: Partly cloudy weather, local Owatonma, Aug. 2. Tbe harvest in this county is progressing finely. Two-thirds of the grain is cut. Wheat is of an excellent quality, and will average about fifteen began their peculiar ohunting and monoto-nous songs, which was every moment min gled with WARLIKE TELLS and peculiar and indescribable deuioustra winds mostly southerly, stationary temperature, and falling barometer.

bushels to tne aore. i.

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