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Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 2

Star Tribunei
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OCTOBER 28, 1878. 11. THE MINNEAPOLIS TRTBUNE, TUESDAY EV ated President Bait, of the Republic of THE GREAT BOBBERY. THE GATES OF HELL. fiatircab QLmt (lab leg.

and has been taken to an asylum. How many homes have been directly and indirectly wricked by the corrupt ring that managed the affairs of the metropolis will never be known, bnt that they are numerous cannot be doubted. TUESDAY. OCTOBEB 28. 1878.

ties daring the trial. Gribbons was taken before the Judge at six o'clock Saturday evening and sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary, and on Sunday was secretly taken to his new home. The Cincinnati Enquirer publishes statistics and approximate estimates of the corn crop of 1878, as follows In fifty-one counties of $e's Kot '(Em. GEO. B.

WRIGHTS CUKJS0RY Maud Mnller on a summer's day. Baked and bound twelve acres they say. She rode a self-binder, and drove a span Of mules, and she sighed, "0 1 for a man." And of all sad words of tongue or pen. The saddest are these It might have been Forty bushels to the acre or mi re," And Maud got only about twen y-fonr. Whereas, if she had bought onfe of George B.

Wright's choice selected wneat farms, Bhe might have had the largest possible yield, been amply able to snpport a husband elegani ly, and could have married the man of her choice. But she failed to do so, and Hans went off with another Peru. 1873 January 1. President Morales, of Bolivia, was assassinated. 1875 August.

President Garcia Maeno, of Ecuador, was assassinated. 1877 June. President Gill, of Paraguay, was assassinated by Commander Molas. 1878 May 11. The Emperor William of Germany, was shot at again, this time by Emilie Henri Max HoedeL, alias Lehmann, the socialist.

Lehmann, it will be remembered, fired three shots at the Emperor, who was returning from a drive with the Grand Duchess of Baden, but missed him. 1878 Jane 2. A third attempt was made on the life of the Emperor William by Dr. Nobiling. A DUBIODEYKIE.

The Secret of the St. Louis Yarn About Sam Tilden' Approaching Marriage Eevealed. A Ruse by the Society Ladies to Draw a Crowd at a Charity Performance. St. Louis special telegram.

St. Louis has enjoyed a society sensation of no mean magnitude the past week. Ladies representing the first ciri ilea were in one of their periodical flutters ove a grand charitable entertainment, the principal feature of which was the production of "The Mistletoe These ladies bad shown grat ingenuity in interesting the public througli the newspapers in their performance, and on the day before the opening brought into use tl icir brightest stratagem. The society reporter of a morning paper was sent for, and was given to understand that a local beauty. Miss Nellie Haseltine, who was to sustain the principal role, that of the bride in "THE MISTLETOE jBOUOn," had become the betrothed of Samuel J.

Tilden, and he might announce it if he pleased. The deceived reporter did announce it in good faith with no end of fine adjectives, and, what is more, he gave away the item to the agent of the Associated Press, and jt was sent forth to vex the soid of the old gontk-man at Gramercy. The morning that the item I appeared an intimation was conveyed to thtl society reporter of an evening paper that Misjiaseltine wished to see him, and he hurried on to the West end and found an interview already in shape. Mias Haseltine not only denied the engagement, but said she had NEVEB MET MB. TILDKX, and then artfully introduced a magnificent puff for "The Mistletoe performance, arid told of the part she wa4 to take in the presentation of the drama.

The stratagem of the ladies worked succesKfully, $ave that none of them had taken into accouiit the possibility of the sjciety item lieing telegraphed, or of it going beyond St. Louifc readers. The denial, however, came very promptly next day from New York, and said that "JVIr. Tilden was not acquainted with any such lidy." The society reporter who bad spread tile news abroad was naturally very indignant, iltid in self-defense let out the source of his in urination, thereby revealing the ruse of the aiistocratic ladies to the whole community. I The hoax has oeenthe talk of the town, and this evening BEV JOHN BSjjlJER, who deals out spiritual paliulum to one of the largest and most arLstocratic congregations of the city, the Church of th Trinity, took the matter for a text, and baseii njwn it a severe denunciation of those who encourage and stimulate the publication of Fotjety news.

In the cuurse of his remarks he said: I take up the daily newspaper and run my eyes over that column of tasteless and wishy-wa4hy staff, and I am utterly amazed at the willingness of some young women I know and really esteem, and that highly, to allow them. Ives to be PHOTOOBAPEED IN pIiVTEB's INK by the sidy pen-tlri vers who usually hare charge of that business. It would seem as if some of our society so as if they belonged to another speciea of unity, were moving constantly before the earner i and their slightt-st movements photographed ir the city's inspection. If they vwit, if tbej call, if they give a party or appear at the oijera, if they dress in white, black, blue or wear diamonds or Cowers, this relentless paragraphic detective is upon their track, and everything is repoited from the dressing of their Iack hair to the exact hour of their engagemt jit. Nothing in life seems to have about it I THE SANCTITY OK IrXXUSION.

The reporter, like another I'eeping Tom Coventry, penetrates the serrecy of the young girl's domestic life, and hi inner affection, and parades his knowledge or his semi-ignorance before a unsympathetic body of strangers. Young ladies" "Wit a the slenderest pretensions to personal leauty are heartlessly dragged into print as belles of St- and the ob erved of all observers at Niagara Falls aDd Saratoga. In many cases, very manv cases, the young ladies are not to blame for THESE SILLY EtFOBTS. They are to be put to the credit of the indelicacy of the daily press. Brt in scores of instances they themselves stand ready to furnish the information needed, and feel a slight if they are not paraded in pub'ic print.

The papers have fall encouragement and applause or else they would soon abandon a practice so re-' volticg to any refined sensibility." The reverend gentleman created a profound sensation among his fair andience, and there were strong symptoms of applause at frequent A CAhlFOBNlA How Mr. Mac key Made Two Young People Happy and Very Rich. San Francisrv cor. Chicago Tribune, When Mr. Mackay went to Euroje last time, he invited to accompany him a young gentlemen who was an old friend of the family.

It ia characteristic of the Mackays that the friends of the old time are the friends of the new. however many others may come into the charmed golden circle. The young gentleman declined the invitation on the ground that he was at work winning a wife, and he must stay at home and make pome money. Unfortunately, the prospective wife was a rich man's daughter, and he was obliged to make a very great deal of money. Mr.

Mackay cut the Gordiau knot of the difficulties with all the ease of a Croesns. He bade the young man select a broker, which the young man did with alacrity, aud he placed to the young man's account sufficient money to carry on a good business. Then he advised his confidential man to furnish the young firm with profits, and whisked his friend off to Europe with him. There the young man met his Dul-cinea. and after a stormy courtship, owmg to the jealous interference of a fond father, married her.

Mr. Mackey presented the brides Mrs. Henry Rosener, there is no mystery in the matter with a pair of diamond earringa, whose size has been estimated by rumor of many various degrees, running all the way from a pea to a foot-ball. The pea size is the story the more generally accepted. Mrs.

Mackay loaded the bride with presents, among others a parure of jewebt, the distinguishing feature of which was a diamond watch and chatelaine. The happy pair returned the other night, and the bridegroom was met with the pleasant account of half a million of profits in the firm, the lucky broker having pocketed a similar amount. I YELLOW JACKETS. How They Bwarm in the Mountains of California. Truckee (Cal.) Republican.

The mountains are fn'l of yellow jackets this summer. They sting the horkes and cattle till the poor animals become fuijiously desperate. They gather around a person in the woods as would a swarm of mosquitoes. If you let them crawl over you and bite piecejs of flesh out of your hands and neck without attempting to brush them off, they will not sting you. The averege human being, however, feels irresistibly inclined to brush them Off, aud so gets unmercifully stung.

Trout fishing has some days been unendurable, because a myriad of yellow jackets would cluster around the fisherman, and for every nibble received from the trout they would give him a dozen bites. Woodmen or railroad men who happened upon nests have been stung so I badly that in instances they were unable to work for a day or two. The butchers are compelled to feed these wasps with refuse meat in a certain portion of the shop, in order to keep them from covering the cutting blocks. There are hundreds and thousands and millions or them everywhere ii the mountains around Truckee. They eflectu ally kill off the flies.

It is rare sport to watch their manoeuvres when catching flies. They swoop down upon their victim as a hawk does upon its prey. Their aim is generally unerring, and the fly is carried off to the yellow jacket's nest. It is said to be an old and true saving among backwoodsmen that the more yellow jackets there are, the harder will be the winter. This being true, the coming winter will be about 5,000 times more severe than any of its predecessors.

Thermometers will be entirely inadequate to mark the cold, and snow-plough men will not lack employment. "Booming." Chicago Inter-Ocean. The Grant movement isn't "booming" as much as it might. -Veto 'onfc World. Let The World be patient.

Grant once made a "booming" to settle a little democratic dis turbance, and if the same set makes it necessary the people will ask him to finish up the job. The prospects are that The World will hear of the "booming soon enough. Chicago, St. Paul Min noapolis K'y Co AND CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN Ry OOMPRJHWl CHICAGO, ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS LINE.

Ticket Qfflce, A'o. NkfMet Howie Block, fiKELBS A NZWLON, And at St. Paul 4 Pacifio Depot, JUHN W. HENION. Agent.

LEAVE. ARRIVE. 10:11 a Minneapolis. ..8:16 a nl Sure connections made at Chicago for all Easten and New Erurlnnri nriintA. I Pullman Palace Cars, and particular acconunol uwuiub lurmuien ana iammos.

F. B. CLARKE, General Freight and Passenger Agent. TX INNEAPOLIS fe ST. LOUIS l'JL RAILWAY.

BHOBT LINE IOWA ROUTE. VIA BtTlIJNfVmw. Running through Express Trains with Pullmarl -aiace car Sleepers to St. Louis without change. 28 miles shorter than any other route.

SoUTHw'D! NOBTH'rj Le. daily. A r. daiH 3.50 pm! 1:15 prd St. Louis Express Passengers at St.

Paul leave by the St. Paul 4 Sioux City B. at 8 :30 connecting at Merriam Junction; also, leave St. Paul 4 Pacific R. R.

at 8:00 connecting at Minneapolis daily, Sundays excepted. Train on Saturday runs as far as Albert Lea only. Mixed, Mi nneapolis4 Merriam Junctiou, connecting for local stations and St. P. 4 S.

C. R. R. as far as Worthintrton Mixed, Minneapolis and White Bear Lake, and Duluth Le. daily, Ex.

Knn. Ar. dailv Ex. Sun. 7 a 10:00 am 6:30 6:45 prr 6:10 pm Mixed, Minneapolis, White Bear Lake, and vsiunun upnw, iir an poinu on Ht.

P. A C. RV )mho and California 3:50 pmjll :30 a rH Trains arrive and rtMT.rt fmm i I depot, Minneapolis. Tickets and sleeping car berths secured at Citvl nanningion avenue, lopporau Nioollct Hnnwl fl Tmno i And at St. Paul 4 Pacific Depot, Minneapolis; anl Ticket Agent.

CHAS. F. HATCH, General Manager. A. H.

BODE. Gnqral Pruwengrr Agent. CHICAGO. Milwaukee St. Paul Three Maily Triins each wav between MINNEAPOLIS and CHICAGO Two Daily Trains each way between Minneapolis, St.

Louis Kansas City Six Bally Trf.ins each way between MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL ThroDghEasterci and 8 nth-1 era Express 25 am 6:55 a rr ThroughLwterr. and South-1 em Express 6:45 2:45 Prairie du Chien, Mil an-) 1 kee 4 Chicago 6:43 r. AnstixiandSt-LouiftExpress: 6:00 a 6:43 Express. 8:20 ml 6:55 a rr Sioux City AOrnaha Express 1:50 pm I 2 45 ti.

Owatonna Acoomruotation; 5:15 a rr. -a 'u reierenoeniarxs: raaturaay ex ceptei. Saod ay excepted. jMonday except d. jeilfNEAI-OLia AND ST.

FAIL TttALNM, VIA JOBI S5SL-J LINO AND MTNNFHAHA. Leave Minneapolis. Arrive Ht. Paul am Sunday excepted 6:60 a ra. :15 a Daily a ni 10:25 a Sunday excepted 11:15 a 1:50 pm Daily 2 :5 pm 4:15 pm Daily 4 5:15 pm Snndoy eictj.ted 6:25 pm 6:45 pm Saturday exoepteL 7 35 pm 8 :20 Daily 9 :35 Leave St.

PaaL Arrive Minneapolis 6 :00 a Monday excepted 6 :55 a 8 :25 a Daily 9 :10 a ii 10:05 a Daily 10:53 a 2:00 pm Sunday excepted 2:45 pm 3:15 Daily 5:30 pm Daiiy 6:15 pm 8 :5 ro, Freight 1 1 :55 Freight 1 icaet otcce at Use new jfawnKer Depot, cor ner of Washington averue sr.d Third Avenne bouth; or at No. 9 r.icoilet Hi.use Block. GEO. Ticket Agent FIRST DIVISION St. Paul Pacific Bailroad, if T.IXK TRAIN For Litchfield, Wilimar, Reneon, Morris, Glyndon Crookston, Fisher's Landing and Manitoba.

St. Paul 5:00 pm I Fiber's Lang. 11 a re 5.40pm 10:11 am Fisher's Lad'g. 4 :50 St. Paul 10:42 a WELLMAB ACCOMMODATION.

St Paul. Minneapolis. 4 :32 raj zuriDeapous. am I tit. i'aui 6:40 ra HRASCH LUTE VBALN-For St.

ClonriL, Brainerd and Bismarck. St. Paul a 6,30 pm Minneapolis 7 :30 a St. Paul ST. filL, KlEAFOLLS A.ND atlSiSETONK A 7BAIW Leave.

Arrive. I Arrive. St. PanL I Minneapolis. Wayzxta.

lj6 a liaum 12:05 3:00 pm. 3.30 pm. 5:00 pm. 5:40 6:18 pm I Leave Wayzata. Minneapolis.

St. Paul. 8:34 am 9:23 am. 10:42 am 2:00 pm. 2:35 pm I 4:30 Dm.

i fi-Ofl r. 8:13 pm 4:82 pm. pm I 5:55 I i'J Pullman Sleeping Crs run on Main Lirie trains leaving St. Paul at 5 P. w.

Cars run through to Fisher's Landing without charge, connecting there with Red Liver Transixirtation for Manitoba and all points cm Red liivcr. J. P. FARLEY. General Manjywr.

W. a ALEXANDER, Genl Frt. and Ticket Agent, June 16th, 187S. TORTHLRN PACLKIO RAILROAD, Depot Foot of Sibley street Ticket and Freight Office. No.

43 Jackson street, SU I'anL WMTWAai. SATAliO. Su Paul Minneapolis Sank Rapids Brainerd Glyndon Moorhead. Fargo. Fargo Hismarrk.

Duluth N. P. Junction Le. 7:30 Le. 7:30 Le.

11:10 a a a ra ia a a a Ar. 6:40 pm Ar. 6:30 pm Ar. 8:10 pm Le. Le.

Le. Ar. Le Ar. Le Le. 3:15 7:30 7:55 8:00 8:20 7:00 75 8:55 Ar.lZ ro Ar.

jo a Ax. 6:05 am Le. am Ar. 5:30 a fLe.7:25 pm Ar. 8 15 pm Ar.l0:(5 pro Except Sunday, Exocnt Haturdav.

Trains via the Brainerd Branch leave St. Paul dl'y, fezoept Sunday, making a day run of twelve hears to Fargo, arriving at Bismarck at 7 o'clock the following morning, saving nearly 'JO miles in distance over the old ronto via N. P. Junction, Connection made at Bismarck with Stages for Dcsdnood and point in the Black Hills, and with f-rstAclaas Routs to Fort BentOiiand all points on the Upper Missouri River and the Yellowstone." Conn -ct at St. Paul with trams to all points east and south.

At Duluth with steamers to and from all Lake points, both American and Canadian; also with steamers running in connection with Wisconsin Central Railroad, at Ashland. In effect September IMth, 1878. H. E. SARGENT, General Manage G.

G. General PassengeT Agent. be Xtlaila TJ08TAL GUID.K. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS At tlte Minneapolis Post Office. t'lme of Olivine.

Rent and Office. I ime of I Opening. 9:55 a. m. 6:00 p.

Eimifrn. via luL A ot. I fci. Iw, Hastings, Red Wing, Lake Citv and Winona. 8:00 a.

m. 3:45 p. m. Socthera, via Farniington, 5:30 a m. Antin.

Iowa mnils- 7:13 p. m. 11:45 a. m. in.

WO m. 4 :45 p. m. Northfield, 4 rannenltLtsnecial) Northern, via Atioits, Eik 7 a. 7:50 a.

m. River, St Cloud, Ac-, St. P. branch line Delano, Dassel, 5 .00 p. m.

iatchftfld. Willmrr, Ac fH. P. mainline. 5 p.

m. 8 5 a. nt. 12 30 p. m.

p.m. 6-80 p. m. 1 :45 p. m.

2:00 p.m. 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p.m. 7:50 a.

9.55 a. in rSt. Paul. 1:80 p. m.

0:15 p. m. 1- I North Pacific, west of Gl vn- 7:05 a. 3:20 p. don, Pirgo, Moorhead, Ac CnliforniaxndWcoteTn Ter- rit rios, via St.

Paul A Sioox City Railroad. Maokato, St. Peter. Shako-pee, Carver and Chaska, via Min. 4 St.

Ijonis R. H. St. Louis li. and all prints on the line 7 0 a.

to. 3:20 p.m. St. Minis (direct) via Mil. 7:40 p.

9 23 a. ra. 9:29 a. m. 9:29 a.m.

A St. P. 11. Stillwater and White Bear. West Wis.

fi. Hudson, Meuomonoe 4 Eau Claire. 8:45 a. m. 6:15 p.m.

Monday, Wedn'sday F'riday, at 7 p. ra L. 8. Miss. R.

Duluth, inkley and Wyoming. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 7 a. m. Monday, Wedn sday, Fridav. Brook 1n Centre, Osneo, St.


D. MCKKISON, Proprietor. Details of the Daring and Successful Raid on the Vaults of the Manhattan Savings Institution. The Janitor Surprised at Daylight, Handcuffed, and Forced to Deliver the Keys. New York telegram to Chicago Times.

One of the most daring and successful burglaries ever attempted in this city was committed this morning on the Manhattan Savings Institution, corner of Broadway and Bleecker street. The burglars obtained the keys of the bank doors and the key and combination of the vault door from the janitor and day watchman of the bank, Louis Werkle, and entered the bank and vault, forced open one of the compartments of the inner ftafe, and helped themselves to the contents. According to the statement given by Werkle, he was waked np this morning by the night watchman, Healy, at the usual hour, 6 o'clock. About 6:30 o'clock, while he was dressing, seven masked men rushed into his room and HANDCUFFKD HIM AND HIS WIFE, and also put a gnard over his wife's mother. His wife began to scream, bnt be told her to hush or the men would kill her.

Three of the men remained up stairs in his room, while the other four, having gained possession of the keys, went down stairs, entered the bank, and locked the dobr after them. Werkle told his story twice before admitting that the burglars had obtained, knowledge of the combination from him. He finally told Superintendent Walling that the men took him into an adjoining room and told htm if he did not give them the combination TBY WOULD KILL. HTM. He gave it to them and they went down into the bank.

Tike men in his room remained there for somfc time and at last went away, leaving him aud his wife handcuffed. A tew minutes after he went down to the street and found no one in -sight. The burglars, having secured the keys, entered the bank, locking it after them, and opened the vaalt by the combination. THE VAULT is built with separate walls and is thirteen feet long, eight feet wide, and eight feet high. Within ia a passage-way four feet widei, with shelves on either side whei ths books of the bank were kept.

The janitor was given the combinatior of the vanlt lock that be might take the bookjs out every morning. At the end of the passage-way is A LARGE SAFE with folding doors, and on the right is a row of shelves upon which were kept the private boxes of depositors. The right hand wing of the door was removed by knocking off the hinges. For this purpose the burglars had provided themselves in advance with an etior-mouse sledgej hammer, which was afterward fouud by the jpolice 'n the vault. THEllNTEaiOB OF THE SAFE is divided into four compartments, each of which has a separate door.

Nos. 2 and 4 were rilled. No. 2jContained in cah. The burglars tuust have been frightened off while they were in the act of ojiening No.

3, as a cold chisel remains firmly driven into the door. The number of PBIVATK BOXES upon the shelves to the right of the safe is not definitely staged. The police Bay the number was between twenty and fifty, and that at least twenty were opened and relieved of their contents. Another evidence that the burglars were frightened away before they completed their work is tbat many pieces of jewelry taken from the private boxes were fonnd by the police, 8CATTEBED OVKB THE FLOOB of the vault, Some of the boxts, too, were left untouched, as for example one lielonging to Mr. Augustas Schell.

which contained upward of in bonds and other valuables. When the police entered the lank they found the door of he bank and vault oen. The floor of the vault was strewn with broken tin boxes, pieces of jewelry, aud lime and plaster from the broktn safe. A COMPLETE SET OF ECHO LA Bs' TOOLS of the finest make also lay in a heap on the vault flor. Xhey consisted of a combination jimmy, two sectional jimmies, a 6ixteen-poaud sledge-hammier.

two large hickory wedges, a screwdriver, a brace, fifteen bits of different sizes, three large steel drivers, a gimlet, a dozen short steel wedges used for starting the eafe door, a bhawl-strap, a leather strap and buckle, several thin iron plates, a traveling dustr, three gunny bags, and a bunch of hemp rope. THE JANITOB, WERKLE, who was found with the handcuffs stiH on him, was relieved of these imcurnbrancea and placed under arrest. In the evening he wag released. Superintendent Walling, who was notified immediately, took charge of the case. Healy, the night watchman, was also carried to the station house, but was released in the evening.

THE SKiHT W1TCHMAX said he woke Werkle np promptly at 6 o'clock, and then descended to the street, locking the street door alter him. He stood at the corner of Bleecker street and Broadway nntil and then went home. Everything was right up to that time. 1 OKFICKK VAN OBPEX stopped in front' of the door by which the burglars entered the bank ot a. but saw nothing to create suspicion.

A little after o'chx-k Officer Kent, whose beat was on Broadway, in passing the bank saw a man inside in his shirt sleeves busily IjUSTINO THE COUNTERS. He supposed the man was an employe of the bank and therefore passed on. The man was evidently one of the burglars. The upper part of the vauit door can be seen from the Broadway entrance of the bank, but the burglars had of course taken the precaution to shut themselves up in the vault to make their work sure. KOHMAN.

A BABCER, under the bank, says at Werkle rushed into his shop handcuffed, and lookicg like a man iu delirium. He is certain that the hammering was done before 7 o'clock, as he thinks he would have heard it bad it been afterward. An inspection of the interior of the bank shows how burglars might work uninterruptedly, EVEN IN MIDDAY, without being observed from the street. A high desk hides the front of the vault from view on the Broadway side, while the outer railing of the baDk prevents scrutiny of the vauit from Bleecker street. Having once secured an entrance to the vault, the doors were probably closed, and the noise of the burglars' operations could scarcely be heard on the outside.

PENALTIES OP HOYALTJ. A Thirty Years' Kecord of Attempts on the Lives of Kulers. New York World. November 26. The life of the Duke of Modena was attempted.

184it June 21. The Crown Prince of Prussia was attacked at Minden. 1851 May 22. Selfeloque, a workman, shot at Frederick William 1 King of Prussia, and broke his forearm. 1850 June 28.

Itoliert Pate, an ex-lieutenant in the army, attempted to assassinate Queen Victoria, 1852 September 24. An infernal machine was found at Marseilles with which it had been intended to destroy Napoleon 1H. 1853 February 18. The Emperor Francis Jostph of Austria was grievously wounded in the head while walking on the ramparts at Vienna, by a Hungarian tailor named Lib-zens. 185:5 April 1C.

An attempt on the life of Victor Emanuel was reported to the Italian chamber. 1853 i-July attempt was made to kill Napoleon III. as he was entering the Opera comique. 1854 March 20. Ferdinand Charles Duke of Parma, was killed by an unknown man, who stabbed him in the abdomen.

1855 April 28. Napoleon Hi. was fired at in the Champa lysees by Giavanni Pianeri. 185(3 April 2- Raymond Fuentes was arrested in the act of firing on Isabella, Queen of Spain. 1856 December 8.

Agesilas Milano, a soldier, stabbed Ferdinand IH. of Naples with his bayonet- 1857 r- August 7. Napoleon DTI. again. Bartoletti, Gibaldi and Grillo were sentenced to death for coming from London to assassinate him.

1858 January 14. Napoleon HL for the fifth time. Orsini and his associates threw fulminating bombs at him as he was on his way to the opera. 1801 July 14. King William of Prussia was for the first time shot at by Oscar Becker, a student at Baden-Baden.

Becker fired twice at him, but missed him. 1802 December 18. A student named Dos-sios fired a pistol at Queen Amelia of Greece (Princess of Oldenberg) at Athens. 1805 December 24. Four more conspira tors from London against the life of Napoleon I III.

were arrested at Pans. 1865 April 14. President Lincoln was shot by J. Wilkes Booth. 1866 April 6.

A Russian named Kavara-soff attempted Czar Alexander's life at St. Petersburg. He was foiled by a peasant, who was ennobled for the deed. 1867. The Czar's life was again attempted during the great Exposition at a review in the Bois de Boulogne at Paris.

1868 June 10 Prince Michael of Serbia was killed by the brothers liadwaro witch. 1871 The life of Amadeoa, then newly King of Spain, was attempted. 1 72 A ugunt Oolonel Gutieriez assassin Another of Tannage's Pulpit Sensations A Visit to an Extensive Gambling House. Impure Literature High-Ecking Dancers The Attire of Women -Alcoholic Beverage. New York telegram, The Specific Sins I Saw proved a taking bait, lalmages Tabernacle was a perfect crush this morning.

Large crowds, unable to effect an entrance, filled the surrounding cor ridors and overflowed into the street. They were magnificently swindled. Mr. Talmage saw nothing "specific" in his midnight travels, or chose to generalize in the most un satisfactory manner. His text was, The gates of hell shall not prevail against it," and he went on somewhat in this style It's only 10 o'clock," said the officer, as we got into a carriage, and it's too early to see the places right, for the theatres have not yet been let out," I asked what he meant.

The places of iniquity," he answered, "are not in full blast uatil their guests arrive from-the theatre." The officer told the driver to stop at one of the most costly gambling houses. All seemed dark from the outside. Tue blinds were down and the door guarded. After some whisjiering, we were admitted. In the parlor around A TABO TABLE were eight or ten well-dressed men.

The silence was unbroken save by the rattling of chips and the revolving of a ball on a roulette-board in another room. I was told that some of the men had served several terms ia state prison, that some were ship-wrecked bankers, brokers money dealers, and some taking their first lesson iu vice. There was something awful in their silence and supprehued emotions as small fortunes were won and lost at each turn of the Some of them saw horses, carriages, home and family rushing into the vortex. A man's life would not have been worth a rush that place without the protection of the police, if it were suspected that he came on a Christian errand. Some had been admitted by private key, others by introduction.

The oiiicer said "No one gets in here unless through police mandate or a letter." ALL STORIES ABOUT THE COSTLY MAONIFICEKCE of those places are untrue. Men kept their hats on and smoked, and nothHig in the upholstery forbade. While I stood there men lost property and soula. Not once was a word of sympathy uttered for tht losers by the game. It is estimated that every day in Christendom $18,000,000 pass from hand to hand through gambling.

'I he officer said "It is 11 o'clock, and we must be off." The guard slammed the door after us. We re-entered our carriage and were driven down TO THE GATES OK HELL. I always go where God tells me. He told me to go there, and I went, and am here this morning to sketch the gates. Having thus aroused general expectation, the speaker continued in substance: Gate one was impure literature, much of it is under the tide of scientific information.

Novelettes are alo wide gHtes to hell. The leprous bookstU-eis have gathered catalogues of the msile and female seminaries in the United States, and have sent circulars to every name ou them without exception. Gate two was the dissolute dance. Gate three was indincreet apparel. The attire of women during the list four or five years was the most beautiful and graceful the speaker ever knew.

But he was told a new fashion was on the way from Paris which was shocking. 'Ihere were multitudes of men who owe their eternal damnation to the boldness of womanly attire. Applause and hissea. Gale four was alcoholic beverage. The officer said the rtaon places escaped was because they w-tre lioened.

It was. therefore, the courts and Legislature that swung open this stupendous gate of hell. IN OONCXCSION, Mr. Talmage dica-vsed the utility of hU sermons thanked the press for its almost universal fairness in reiKjniug him. Among the educated and refined geutlemou who wrote him up from week to week he was compelled to say there was a fool or two.

He had received an immense number of letters trging him to go on, aud a few condemnatory ot bis One took the ground he was doing harm by a routing suspicion in domestic cir- cles against the head of the family. lie was sorry the letter was anonymous. It he knew that man's name he would write to fc wife to put detectives on his track. The gates of hell could only be leveled by Christian men and wuiuen forgetting their prudery. The piety of the day was such a namby-pamby emetic sort of thing that the preacher could not even quote Scripture without making people nervous.

So long as this imbecility lasted no good could be done. Patriarchs, prophets, and Christ himself, thundered against these sins as against no others. Yet, nowadays, when the speaker mentions them he has to assume the tone of apology. Mr. Talmage announced that be would continue the subject until he had said all he wanted to say.

GOVERNMENT. Col. lugersolt's Plan. CoL, Robert Ingersoll was asked a few days ago to give his ideas on f-imily government, and replied I haven't any. I don't believe in family government.

I don't correct my children at ail. I warn them of the consequences of evil habits, but I tell them they could never do anything bad enough, to cause me to hate or disown them. I keep a pocket-book in a drawer, and they go and help themselves to money whenever they want it. They eat when they want to and what they want to. They may s-leepail day if ttey choose, and sit up ail night if they desire.

I don't attempt to correct them in any way. I never punish, never scold. They buy their own clothes, and are masters of themselves. I teach them that everything we have we own in common it is just as much theirs as mine. Here's a sample of the way I handle my children One of them got a valuable illustrated book one day.

and marked it and tore it, I came in and asked the little girl who did it. She said I did I took her np and kissed and hugged her and gave her lots of good advice. She has never troubled me since. If my children lie. I tell thorn, Bless your soul, I've lied myself a thousand times, but I never made anything by I tell them lying don't pay.

Don't claim before your children to be any better than you are. Be honest with your children, if yon want them to be honest with you." The Republican Candidate. Polk County Journal. Gen. W.

D. Washburn ranks among the first and foremost business men of out state. His interests are identical with the interests of his district, and he is a man whose broad views will not and can not be circumscribed within narrow sectional limits. He has not accumulated money to hoard in banks or lie in bonds, but the capital which by steady industry acd strict business principles he has acquired he has devoted to the iuterest of the commonwealth, putting it into the business enterprises of the state, of which he ia an honorable, upright citizen. His statesmanlike qualities are not inferior to his business Qualifications, and there is no man in the district who more thoroughly understands the needs of this district than he and none better qualified to represent it Iu the life of almost every business man I there will sometimes occur some circumstances which may be twisted into an appearance of evil and seem to npea against the purity and honor of that life.

The sharpest demagogue, the most unscrupulous political monte man in the state, Ignatius Donnelly, has iu vain searched the records, seeking diligently for some point upon which to base an attack upon the character of W. D. Washburn and found it not not even the ghost of a show, and he must be pure indeed about whom Don- nelly cannot wreath the slimy coil of ca umny We never had a candidate for any office within the gift of the people with a better record for honesty sobriety, statesmanship, or business qualities. Robeson. Washington Special Telegram.

News from New Jersey is that ex-S Robeson is very certain to be elected to Congress from the Camden district. It in now only a question of majority, republicans claiming at least 2,000. Robeson expresses great regret that he could not get Whitthome, his old enemy, face to face in the Forty-sixth Congress. The democrats have left Whitthore at home. "Facts are stubborn things," and so are coughs and colds, but the latter will invariably yield to Dr.

Bull's Cough Syrup, which costs but 25 cents. BUGGY RIDING. "Snppofe," said he, in accents soft, "A felloe, just like me, Should axle a little girl to wed What WufUd the answer be?" The maiden drops her liquid eyes Her smiles with blushes mingle "Why seek the bridle halter when You may live on, snr, cingle?" And then he spoke Oh, be my bride, I ask you once again You are the empress of my soul, And there shall ever rein. I'll never tire of kindly deeds To win your gentle heart, And saddle be the shaft that rends, Qor happy lives apart!" Upon ber cheeks the maiden felt The mantling blushes grow She took him for her faithful hub To share his wheel or whoa. Th Tansota i published every evening (Sundays excepted), for cirrmVntion by carrier, newt-men and the snails: Per month, by carrier 75 Per year, bv mail 8 00 WKKCLT.

Single copies, per year. 3 00 CLTTB KATES. In clnbs of rive, per copy In clubs ol ten, per copy In clnba of twenty-five, per copy 1 Subscriptions pavable invariablv in advance. AddressTHE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE Minneapolis, Minn BEPUBLICAH TICKET-STATE TICKET. Judge Supreme Court John M.

Berry. Clerk Supreaje Conrt a H. NiohoU. State Auditor O. P.

Whitcomb CONOBRSftlONAL. BepresenUtive, Sd District Wm. D. Washburn. LEGISLATIVE.

Senator, 26th District Chas. A. Pillsbury. Senator, 27th District Elwood a Corser. Representative, 26th Districts-Henry G.

Hicks, Wm. H. Johnson, And. Tharalson, Josiah Thomp- JWpresentativeB. 27th District-John Baxter, George Huhn, A.

J. Smith. COUNTY TICKET. Sheriff N. R.

Thompson. Auditor F. S. McDonald. Register of Deeds Chas.

Robinson. Attorney Wm. E. Hale. Surveyor S.

H. Baker. Coroner Petrus telson. Countv Commissioners 2d District, John U. Mitchell'; 3d District, Jacob Schaefer.

BEFTJBIjICAN APPOINTMENTS- The following appointments have been made bv the Republican District Committee: SENATOR WISDOM. Duluth. Tuesday, (ct. 29th. Brainerd.

Wednesday, Oct. 80th. Sauk Kapids, Thursday, Oct. 31st. Minneapolis, Friday.

Nov. 1st. GCS. 8. P.

JESSISON. Cambridge. Thursday, Oct. 31st. Princeton, Friday, Nov.

1st BfUC-A-BKAC An interesting article about bric-a-brac in the last Art Journal gives some curious facts in the history of the modem mania for okl china, old furniture, old engravings, old lace, old books, old armor, old everything, in short, which by extreme age, combined with artistic ugliness or loveliness, has undergone in the eye of the antiquarian a subtle and wondrous change "into something rich and strange." To the uninitiated the collections of the brie a-brac hunter are for the most part a bewildering mass of heterogeneous trash, whose value, whose charm is simply inexplicable. To be told that this odd plate, cup or tea-pot is Wedgewood, Majolica, Henri Deux, or any other sort of precious and extinct earthern or china ware; that that straight-backed, spindle-legged, nn-comfortable-l(xking chair is a relic of the reign of Louis XIV. or of Queen Anne, or of some one of the long list of monarchs who lived when chairs bedecked with carvings and upholstery were confined to palaces and mansions and the common people eat on rude benches; to be told that this bit of yellow lace or that stained and faded engraving is a veritable antique, the product of this celebrated manufactory or that eminent master, does not clear up the mystery nor make it seem reasonable and aj reeable to the sober-mmdeJ to have their parlors transformed into curiosity shops, or their walls and mantles filled with samples of unmatched crockery and their living rooms cluttered with old-fashioned, mis-mated and ungainly articles of furniture, ilragged from garrets and trumpery chain liers where they have slumbered for untold years. The bric-a-brayjuursexntmglj cite the cost of their unique specimens of old and rare and obsolete mauufactuie, as though the money invested gave them an indisputable claim to admiration. The argument is a weigiity one with a generation which sets the value of things according to their show and their high prices.

JtJut will the guests of the Earl of Dudley be able to discover an intrinsic beauty in the pair of vasesl only eleven and a half inches high for which he paid nearly SlO.OtK), merely on account of that fact The immense sum they represent will certainly ensure them a curious interest, but what extraordinary circumstances can sanction the exorbitant price they brought in the bric-a-brac market It is a fanciful value, measuring, not their real worth, but the enthusiasm of a rich nobleman badly affected bv the craze of the hour. A Freuch collector was pleased last year to pay $100,000 for a bureau formerly pre sented by George IIL to the grandmother of the Marquis of Conyngham. The Duke Porthiud gave, in a late sale, for three small vases. A Parisian, enamored of old armor, paid 2, 000, a short time ago, for a small dagger belonging to Heury of Navarre. Baron Rothschilds has in his collection a single Sevres cup, which cost him $535, and an English earl, afflicted with the bric-a-brac fever its most virulent phase, wears a toctli of Sir Isaac Newton set in a ring, for the purchase of which he ported with The sums paid for these objects cannot iu any case enhance their original attractiveness, cannot transform them into things of beauty, cannot make them desirable as household or personal ornaments.

That which is beautiful in itself and gratifying to the artistic sense has a genuine value independent of fashion or fancy. It certifies its appropriateness for decorative uses, and a refined taste will not err in disposing of it. But mere age, or oddity or rarity never endowed any piece of bric-a-brac with veritable, substantial worth, and however popular it may be for the moment, or however extravagant may be the price an infatuated collector will give for it, a sane judgment will not le tricked iuto an exaggerated orcoretotis veneration for the thing. A judicious purchaser may be able to sell his collection of choice and curious odds umI ends now while the fashion rages, at a large advance upon the amount they cost him. Thus a collector of ceramics is named who obtained 10,000 for a lot that had cost him but Xet ail dealers in these expensive trifles testify that a great deal of experience and shrewd faculty are necessary to render one expert iu recognizing, what is genuine and valuable, and iu thriving profitable bargains for the same.

Tlu-re is many a costly mistake made in the beginuing, and years of seeking and testing and buying must roll away ere one becomes a safe and skillful bric-a-bracqucur. There is no doubt keen enjoyment in the pursuit. A hobby is always a pleasant if not a profitable horse to ride. The being in dead earnest in a matter is of itself most refreshing and exhilarating experience, and the having something to think about, to long for and work to get hold of, is healthful for lxxly and mind. But it is fully to ran after bric-a-brac unless there is a natural taste for it, a capacity to appreciate its exact sphere and influence, and ample means to support an expensive iadulgence.

Above all it is folly to pretend to like it because others do, and to dabble in it because it is the style and you dare not be out of the fashion;" E. Hoag, a niece of Thomaa C. Fields, socially the most brilliant of the Tweed ring, was invited by her uncle to a liome with him, and he educated her in the all the accomplishments. At the close of her school life she was installed at the head of her uncle's household, her aunt having deserted her home. Subsequently Mrs.

Fields obtained a divorce from her husband ftad Field married his niece. The second Mrs. Fields soon learned that Ler husband was criminally intimate with a Mrs. Garrett, and at the breaking up of the Tweed ring Fields fled to Canada, abandoning Lis wife and taking Mrs. Garrett with him.

Mrs. Fields was forced to take more modest quarters, and she became addicted to the opium habit, and became a wreck. She has from time to time received remittances from Fields, but be. comming possessed of the idea that her child, a bright boy, was liable to be stolen bj her father's agents, she became insane, Ohio, number of acres planted, yield of bushels, 63,665,000, being an increase over last year of about a million and a half. Forty-eight counties in Indiana, number of acres planted, yield, bushels, 48,920,009, beinr; about two million decrease.

Ten counties in Kentucky, number of acres, yield, bushels, 3,003,000, being 300,000 decrease. CURRENT NOTES. Sir Stafford Northcote, British Chan cellor of the Exchequer, is about to publish a little volume of plays for children, written by him orig-inallv for the amusement of his own family. "The monitors of the United States navy should be sold for old iron," says a Russian naval officer, who has just inspected the latest naval inventions of all nations, including the monster Duilio. In a gambling room in Nevada the jani tor, on opening the place in the morning, fonnd a man sitting dead at a table, with cards still in his hands.

He had been shot at poker by his adversary, who hail fled. A workman in a Troy mill was guiding a red-hot rod of iron between two rollers. He stumbled forward, and the rod entered his mouth. passed out through his cheek, and coiled round and round his body. He was frightfully burned, yet will recover.

A new steam life-boat which is claimed to be nnsinkable and uncapsizable, has been invented by Sir. Edmund Thompson, an Englishman, and is exciting mnch interest. She will be ready about the end of the month. It is proosea to test ber by placing her at a dangerous point for service this winter. The disturbances of Vesuvius continue, but scientific men there say it will probably be some time before an eruption occurs.

The eruption will probably be confined to an overflow of molten lava, and accompanied by those disasters which marked the years 1854, 1861, and 1872. An observatory on the summit, under charge of Prof. Palmieri, keeps accurate notice of all phenomena. Unfortunate news is given of the expedition which left Australia for New Guinea last spring in search of gold. The menj have suffered much from illness and from destitution, their stock of provisions running low, and there being no opportunity of improving their condition.

The miners describe the interior of New Guinea as a most unwholesome region, the vegetation being very dense and the climate hot, with continued rain. With the exception of the fez the present Sultan dresses altogether in European style, and ordinarily wears no je elry or decoraton. He is rather above the middle height, and powerful in build. He wears moustache and whiskers and habitually leans bis head forward as though thinking. He speaks in low tones.

When not smoking he has a habit of playing with something which may chance to lie about. He gives the idea of being weary and sal, and indeed he has enough to make him both. In describing a dinner at the Sultan's palace, Mr. Drew Gay writes "And now comes the critical moment for you if you ai pres nt at thU feast as a stranger. You will have placed your meat on yonr plate, and be caref cutting it up when suddenly a more than ordinarily juicy morsel will be pushed into your mouth by a pair of very greasy fingers.

You must not resent this. It is a token of loving kindness, a sign that yon are respected, esteemed, beloved. Eat it; you are a favored mortal." Queen Victoria is said to he acquiring a great deal of land around her favorite home at Ctlmoral, in Scotland, and has now quite a large estate there. The Queen has been in great grief at the death of Sir Thomas Biddulph, her secretary and man of business. He married one of her maids of honor, and both husband and wife were intimate and trusted friends of the Queen, who has been very kind to the widow.

She visited her every day before the funeral, and followed the corpse on foot to the gates of Abegelaie Park. Queen Victoria is a true friend, and ha endeared hers If personally to all, from the highest to the lowest, on her Scottish estate. Mrs. Lincoln's Lions. Some sportive Bostonians.

says The New York Times, are offering to lay wagers 89 to the time when the l.ons kept by a Mrs. Lincoln, in Howard street in that city, will make a breakfast from her. She regards them as entirely harmless, having received thein as a present when they were whelps, and cannot understand why anybody shonld fear them. They are two and a half years old now, of different sex, and behave so well and are so gentle that she is indignant that the municipal authorities should bave ordered ber to keep them under restraint Mrs. Lincoln spitsfufiy says that her lion and lioness live more amicably and harmoniously together than many married couples in lioston.

Bnt the lions may he dangerous for all that. What can 13 more dangerous than married couples often art! to one another. Beecher in. California. Chicago Tribune.

Ueecber's California trip was not altogether lovely, as some of the pa-ers allege. The Eureka Sentinel says that Mr. Heecher's friends omit to state how fearfally the crowds that first flocked to hear him dwindled near the close of the engagement, and The San Franei-sco Examiner, after commenting severely oa the circumstance that Beecher, notwithstanding ail the thousands of dollars he begged while here, when appealed to for a contribution in behalf of the yellow fever sufferers, or to lecture in aid of a fund for their relief, positively and very curtly declined to do either," adds that if he comes again he will learn thst the novelty of his platform performance has worn off. Deep Sorrow. Burlington Hankeye.

Since the breaking oat of the yellow fever there has been no strain oa the sympathies of the Americau people equal to that called forth by the sorrow of Chicago over the St. Louis failure. Donnelly and Hts Polk County Journal. Ignatius Donnelly has a record that would put to blush the wickedest man hi New York, but Donnelly chuckles in his sleeves and grows fat on it. A House that fteeds a Mistress.

New York Tribune. Mr. Tilden is riijht in getting a wife. It is high time for somebody to know what is going on in tbat house of his. MINNESOTA SCATTERINGS.

A large fat deer was shot near Cannon Falls the other day. The state auditor sold 3,300 acres of state lands in Jackson county. Donald Stevenson has laid out a forty acre addition to O-takis village. The corner-stone of a Lutheran church was liia at Mailelia on Sunday last. Ex-Governor Dillingham, of Vermont, thinks of establishing a bank at Sauk Rapids.

Mr. Taylor, of Spring Valley, has 15,000 apple trees, one-third of which are in bearing stale. The Post thinks the erection of a mill and elevator at Rush City would be a paying enterprise. The Alexandria Post says the the track is within nine miles of that ace and coming at the rate of a mile per day. In Heron Lake township Wm.

Rassow lost by a prairie fire his table, hay, grain, one horse, and had another injured. The Isanti County Press says there is an usual demand for oxen for the woods this falL They are bringing from 1C0 to 125. By a prairie fire south and west of Jackson last week Erwin Hall lost all his bay, oats, stables, and barely saved his horses. It is reported that a woman was burned to death by a prairie fire in Westbrook, Cottonwood county, and another one injured, last week. On Monday morning of last week, Mr.

Henry Souther, of Lanesboro, lost his granary, stables and 500 bushels of wheat by an incendiary fire. The railroad company has decided to locate its station midway between Jackson and Fairmont on section seven, near Temperance Lake. An effort is to be made to sell the Chisago county poor farm. It is too expensive to keep, having cost the county more thn 10,000 during the past five years. Col.

Hiram Hayes, of Hudson, has purchased a large tract of land in Wisconsin township, Jackson county. He intends to make Jackson his residence, and practice his profession law. The Rush City Post says: Frank Hoar killed a very large she bear about twelve milesand a half east of town which weighed about 350 pounds, and was so fat that the fat on its back was five inches thick. The Rush City Post complains that numerous parties are encamped in the woods north of that place, who are killing deer in large numbers, contrary to law. and urges that steps be taken to put a ftop to the slaughter.

M. L. Lockerly, of Grapeland, manufactured from one acre of the early Amber cane, 203 gallons of syrup. He intends to plant largely of it next season, and put in a good mill and apparatus for manufacturing. JJankato Jiecortl.

According to The Benton County Press, a poor widow there has been swindled out of one thousand dollars by her spiritual adviser. No names are given. Why not? That sort of rascality, with the names of the rascals, should be exposed. It is stated that the Waukon narrow-gauge railroad is going to be made into a broad-gauge, and extended fifty miles, the work to be commenced early next spring. Fifty miles will reach Preston.

This is the road recently pur chased by the Chicago, Burlington Quincy EASTERN AFFAIBS. Affairs in the east are not on as satisfactory a basis as peace promoters could wish. The Ameer of Afghanistan is prosecuting his preparations for a defensive war with England, which seems inevitable when the winter shall have passed. Meanwhile England is getting ready for a rigorous campaign. That the Ameer has the moral support of Russia is not questioned, and semi-official utterances from St.

Petersburg are to the effect that England will not be permitted to gain a dangerous ascendency in Asia contiguous to the Russian territory. Bulgaria is in arms as it is alleged for the purpose of extending her territory to the iEgean Sea, in conformity with the treaty of San Stefano, but in opposition to the decision of the Berlin congress. Mahometans are being slaughtered in Bulgaria, and the porte is preparing to send a force sufficient to quell the uprising. Turkey accuses Russia of openly abetting the Bulgarians in their atrocities. Russia is concentrating troops in Rou-melia, and forces are moving southward.

The Turks are fortifying Constantinople, evidently fearful of renewed hostilities on the part of Russia. England stands behind Turkey in her movements, and between the Afghan and the Turkish troubles it seems quite probable tliat Russia and Great Britain will become involved, either directly or indirectly, in hostilities. If it can be made to appear that Russia is violating the provisions of the Berlin treaty that nation will receive but little sympathy from the Continental powers of Europe. FEDEKAIi PHOTiCTION. When the posse comitatus clause was attached to the army appropriation bill by Congress at i's last session, the republicans were led to vote for it on the ground that it would in no way interfere with the right of the President to quell mob intimidation in the south.

No sooner had it become a law than the democrats began to exult in that it did prohibit any interference on the part of the army with political troubles in the several states. It now appears that there is a statute, enacted in 1871, which covers the case completely, and gives the President full authority to protect the people of any state against any infringement upon their rights. It reads: r-EC. 5,299 whenever insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combinations or conspiracies in any state so ob tracts or hinders the execution of the laws thereof, and of the United States, as to deprive any portion or class of the people of such state of any of the rights, privileges, or immunities, or protection named in the constitution and secured by the laws tor the protection of such rights, privileges 'T immunities, and the constituted authorities of such state are unable to protect, or, from any cause, fail in or ref ns? protection of the people in such rights, such facts shall be deemed a denial by such state of the equal protection of the laws to which they are entitled under the constitution of the United States; and in all such cases, or whenever any such insurrection, vio lence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, op- noses or obstructs the lawsof the mted States, or the due execution thereof, or impedes or obstructs the due course of justice under the same, it shall he lawful for the President, and it shall his duty to take such measures, by the employment of the militia or the land and naval forces of the United States, or either, or by other means, a he may oeera necessary, for the suppression of such insurrection, domestic violence, or combinations. Under this section of the revised statutes peace and order can and will be enforced in South Carolina, and wherever else the constitutional rights of citizens are interfered with by organized bands.

To Hon Thomas B. Keogh, chairman of the republican central committee, of North Carolina, has been attributed the authorship of a se ries of political letters signed giving an accurate and detailed accouut of ku klux operations in that state, and associat ing the names of prominent state officers with such outrages. The letters produced a decided impression as being written by one familiar with the subject, and strenuous efforts have been made to trace their authorship. Ihey have been printed in pamphlet form as a campaign document and freely circulated, with marked effect The authorship having been fastened upon Mr. Keogh, it is qmte probable he will be made decidedly uncomfortable.

Gen. Grant was a witness of the attempted assassination of King Alfonzo, of Spain. He was standing at the window of his hotel watching the progress of the royal party, and distinctly saw the Hash of the pistol. He was booked for Lisbon on an early train, wliich prevented his calling upon the King to congratulate him upon his escape, in person, but conveyed a cor thai expression of sympathy through the Spanish Secretary of State, who called upon him to escort him to the railroad sta tion. Minister James Russell Lowell called upon the King, and in the name of the American people congratulated him on his escape.

In the examination of Miles, the Mor mon, on a charge of bigamy for marrying three wives, a number of Mormons were called as witnesses, but pleadiDg that their oath as members of the Mormon church forbid their giving any testimony in tne premises, they were excused by Commis sioner Sprague, before whom the examin ation was held. Isn't it about time the United States declared its laws superior to those of the Mormon church Eighteen of the seventy miles of track between "Winnipeg and Pembina has been laid, and the track layers of the St. Yin cent branch of the St. Paul Pacific road are within five miles of Pembina. Another line of importance to Minneapolis and St.

Paul will thus be completed at an early dav. The Unfortunate Stockholders. A telegram Glasgow says The iron ii entering the hearts of the unfortunate shareholders of the City of Glasgow Bank. The list published to-dav show the liabiliti- due on grst call of .500 on each share to be as follows: Thomas Matthews, Glasgow, Robert Craig, 101,291. The others can be summarized as follows: One shareholder is liable for over three liable for .40,000, and over five liabe for .30 000; thirteen liable for 20.000, two liable for 19,000, three liab for 18,000, two liable for three liable for 16,000, sixliible for 00, three liable for 14.000, four liable for 13.000, sixteen liable for 12.000, six liable for 11,000.

eighteen liable for 10,000, eleven liable for 9.000, fourteen liable for 00, venty-one liable for 7,000, forty-five liable for sixty-six liable for 5,0 0. This list embraces 24 shareholders, possessing 1000 worth of shades, and a total liability amounting to It is impossible to estimate the number who will probably be liable to meet the call, but it is certain fe men holding 1,000 worth and under will respond. The prospect for these is overwhelming and immediate ruin. Their hopes for are extinguished. Fever Notes.

Memphis yesterday reported but four deaths. The board of ht-atth announce that refugees may wifely retnrn. New Orleans tad only four deaths and one new case. Nearly a million rations have been issued by the Peabody Association during the fever visitation. The Howard Association of Yicksburg has closed its labors, and volunteer physicians and nurses have returned to their homes.

Cairo is free from the fever, and quarantine restrictions will cease November 1st The first through sleeper from 8c Louis to New Orleans siuce th fever broke out, left last evening. It was loaded with refugees. Mobile reports fifteen new cases and fifty-two deaths on Sunday acd Monday. At Holly Springs theie are but four new cases and one death. Heavy frosts are reported at nearly every point, and the fever as an epidemic, has run its deadly Gribbons, on trial at Winnipeg for the murder of young Bell, of St.

Paul, last spring, was found guilty of manslaughter on Saturday, and at the request of counsel his sentence was deferred by the Judge until Monday. Certain suspicious movements upon the part of Gribbons's friends rendered the sheriff particularly alert, and on Saturday afternoon he visited Gribbons's cell and found him in possession of a skeleton key, file and saw. When these articles were discovered Gribbons acknowledged that his friends were endeavoring to effect his escape, and would have succeeded but for the suspicions aroused by the action of certain par- girL Rough on Maud. Mobal. Buy a Wheat Farm of Geo.

B. Wright In Brown, Redwood, "Yellow Medicine. iFonglas, Kandiyohi, Swift, Or some othei eood countv in Minnesota or Da kota, and avoid the sad fate of pooi Maud Muller. Remember, I've oot 'em. GEO.

B. WRIGHT. Over Northwfiitflm Bank. ffliUers C. A.


Successors to W. F. CAHILlJ maxctacttbebs or 'Gold Dust," "Hoar Frost, "Climax," "Inland," "Crystal Flfs, Clear Grit," and other brands of Flol kr. CarancT. MORRISON" BROT HERS, MANnrACTCE25s or Ti IX XII TO Comer Fourth street and Eleventh SlinneapoUs, Minn.

Avenue South. EASTMAN, BOVEY DEALERS IU LT MBEK, LATH, and SHINGLES, Cornier Second street and Eleventh Avenue South, Minneapolis. FARNHAM LOVE JOY, Wholesale Dealers in LTJMBEB, LATH, SHINGLES. PICKETS! r. Cnivereity avence and First Avenue N.

E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. MASCTACTCISIlEH AND Dr.fLEBS FINE LUMBEK. Two million feet Dry Lumber, sawed IhKt year, added to our stock it is a scarce article Call and see ns. Office and Yard.

Corner Fifth street and First Ave. North. near Clark House, Slinneapolis, Minn. PACIFIC MILLS. CAMP WALK Kit, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PIN'E LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, AXU PINE WOOD.

Office near Pacific Mill. THE SECURITY BANS OF MINNESOTA, Minneapolis. Authorized Capital Paid ia Capital 300,001 T. A. HARRISON, President.

J. Dzas, Cashier. H. G. Harbison, Vice Pre hibfctobs T.

A. Harrison, E. Vanderburgh, H. G. Harrison, Franklin Bee be, J.

Dean, W. W. McNair, J. M. Shaw.

This Bank conducts a general banking, collec tion and exchange business. We respectfully solicit the accounts of merchants, millers, and all who have dialiigs with banks, in this city and throughout the Htate. Certificates of deposit issued, payable after a fixed date, and bearing inter est according to special agreement. THIRST NATIONAL Jt -Authorized capital Paid np capital 1,000,000 600,000 J. K.

SIDLE, President. H. G. SIDLE, Cashier E. B.

AMES, Vice President. J. K. Sidle, H. G.

Sidle, E. B. Ames, Copt. John Martin, G. Scbeitlin, L.

Fletcher. I if" Deposits from 'country bank solicited, and prompt attention given to collections. Correspond ents can send currency on our season contracts. ORTH WESTERN I NATIONAL BANt MixstATOixi, Mans. CAPITAL 00.X0.

H. r. Welles. FrcRidflnt, K. NEmim.eaf.rne.

yiBBOTOUS a E. Neiler, H. T. Welle. Winthrop Young, E.

A. Barmon, Wm. H. Bunwoodj, Dr. O.

G. Goodrich. A. H. Barnev, New York.

WoodVirv Fisk. C. 3. Wright, Philadelphia, Pa. S.

S. Sorsxrue. Provide! R. I. I LUMBERMEN' AND EVERYBODY.

EROAI Makes a JT of manufacturing Cant-Hooks for driving, Cant-Hooka for mill pse, Cant-Hooks for railroad men. Caut-Hooks fo winter use. Oant-Hook stocks of every length and siw: Driving Corks, Mill Handkspikes, and Pike Poles, with or without pikes in thorn A full stock always on band. Specify for what use wanted. FACTORY on Hennepin Istaud, near Paper Mill.

Minnwulu East. I ANNOUNCEMENT I offer for sale my entire business and property known as the "NORTH STAR IRONWORKS," the most desirable, prosperous anc profitable institution of the kind in the United States. Satisfactory reasons given for selling, a id all other information required, on application, J. W. JOHNSON, Minneapolis, Minn.

BRAND OF FLOUii, -GOLD DUST," is secured to ns by register of "Tirade Mark" in U. 8. Patent Office, and oivers the words "Gold in any form as a trade mark on Flour. Wj shall protect our right, to full extent of the law, aud caution all parties from branding, buying or selling Flour under this brand in the United States, except made by i W. H.

HINKLE Successors to W. F. Cahiil fc Co Minneapolis, Jane 1, 1878. Renville. Chippjwa, MflLeod.


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