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The Herald from Crystal Lake, Illinois • Page 5

The Heraldi
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CRYSTAL LA HE IinnALP, CHT TAL LA II L. ILL. I rrrnnk aad ha 11 aad It. Ck 4. VvHutvr Jn to Crystal Lake.

ht FOU SALE Jersey cow." Iswiaim of Dr. Ftena. ir.f HOUSE WANT tO Wanted by May 1. BMMtera. T-raam boaaa.

ceatrally located. Pbooa ta-R. Wont Ads i Alva II Hale aad to Heart" Brwr-digaau pt Its i aad 4. Wt 12 OP Crystal Lake. t-i.

Saata ta WBliam Braedigam. pt It 4. hik 12. OP Crystal Lake. rw.

TAKE A WALK 011 SALE jersey coy aad Ia- aire of Vr. W. M. Freeman. If Elisabeth Urunia to rrea nei-aeauaa.

t. hik Webnea's ada OUR PURPOSE FOR SALE ia taa lalaaHS. Sa par' tine par Egjcs far hatching. ta HuaUey. $236.

SCHOOL NOTES A waiiwa rata af 23c Is Reas, tl per setting. Phoaa 73-R. Thea. Davis. 1 or ads af lass Waa li FOR SALE A No.

4H Victor safe, in It ditioa. 'Apply at Herald office. aVAMTCO Aa iacahatar thav will hold eggv laqaire of Ted' vi kite, phona -t, i tjtt it) James Caddy has withdrawn from grade foar. Mahal Swansea of Dakota eatsred grada twa Monday. Thhrd grade have begaa their work FOR RENT I have good pastaraga for SS held of cattle for reaU Then.

Wtttiag. FOR dALE Early Ohio need potatoes aad seed barley free from foreign weeds, ta-ouire of Haas ttetson. RidgefieltL LOST is to make our bank'a nnterial benefit to the commirn- fty in general and its patrons in particular. It would be a pleasure to have your'mme on our books. We invite you to'start a' checking account with us.

The tagcs offer- will be a tonvenience and benefit to you; aa Mclfeary eaaaty. TO CANADA CO TO between rys- Boa die of dotaas. Mrs. F. KUack vtaited la graoe Parior aad two, Taeaday afierBooa.

ta Lake lea Blank's corner. ul 16tf Alfred ScauMt aaa WANTED from achool the past week. at Herald office aad receive reward, li Campetaat laandiess. ana day each Bessie Palm is back la grada two Inoaire or address Mrs. U.

after being absent three months. EGGS FOR HATCHING O. Hetrich, Cola flats, J5' Florence Kemfert ss back after ae- From winter layers with yearly reeJ FOR SALE isg abaeat with the whooping eough. bed aad- snrhucs: also three- Mrs. Klinck aad Jams Kina joaasoa erds af 24d eggs aad aver.

The well known young strata of S. White Leghorns, li eggs. T. F. Leon burner gas plate.

Reasonable, la- Wenninger's era visitors la third grada. last uire of or addftras G. G. Hetrich, INTEREST ON SAVINGS ard. uni flats, is "Indian Stories' FOR SALE Choica timothy hay la bara.

Phone FOR SALE new reading grades lOe-R-1. IS We are studying Australia for our Eggs for, hatching from the V. R. Flshel strain of White Plymouth Foar Oaks Farm. North Cry- new tonic sa geography ia fifth FOR SALE Nine-room house, gas, electric Market grada.

stal Lake. OL, 1S-1T Arthur Ritt entered the seventa lights, bam. good well. Two blocks from the Union school. Crystal Lake.

FOR SALE grade on Twesday. from the German schooC State Bank of Crystal Lake TeL tf Baled timothy hay. oa the farm anoa-a as the Christ Ehlert farm. R. FOR SALE Tha papas of fourth grade are very C.

Schnldt, rive-passenger uuick. ntooet in- much interested in reading spyrts "HeidL-" qnire Lake Shore House. IS WANTED A man to' do- soliciting. Must and see the out- Third grade can scarcely wait to of good address aad able to SEND IN ORDERS For Barred Rock setting hens. ha their aaw booLs, 'TheBlue and talk to people- of all walks Bird for ChOdren.

Barred Rock Houdan and goose eggv life. Address X. Herald. No Frank -Cuddy has withdrawn from Duck eggs at 35 cents x-fowisTtlay for yourself attention given to any other than grade one because of the removal so baby stock from these 0 0 of the family to Algonquin. Phone 105-L-I.

lotf written applications; 20 FOR" SALEljl Tha fourth grade recently received 2tfw bushels of white oats, euaran- FINE CREAMERY BUTTER Delivered at 30 cents. In print or letters from the Harvard fourth grade, and answered them this week. Olive oil pickles at Dike's. Try Something fancy in ripe olives at Harry Cook was at Gilberts, Sun- teed free from foul-, seed. 'Inquire of bulk.

W. G. Barrows. Crystal Lake, them. Dike's.

dav O. McEwan. Cafy. PL 15' Wa received interesting letters 111. 15 tjrdf-r your Easter groceries of Dwinht Goodwin speat Sanday in I All kinds of Richeiieu canned foods Money In Your Pocket! from pupils of the fifth grade of the Harvard Central school, on Monday.

Chicago. Dike's. SEED OATS Kegebein I Milter have received FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Pure bred White Miss Helen Dnngaa speat Satnr-j' Christ Mtekelson and Pete Hanson Russell Meyer. Marion Cray aad day in Chicago.

I were in Cary. Sunday. car load of choica seed oats, and fanners waattnaT any of these' oats Christina Deering have been absent Leghorns. SS per hundtad. Mrs.

Berne Kadall. IS Lyie Woodbary visited friends in I Mr. and Mrs. Kherson Were In Chi- from fourth grade this week on ac- i should call at once, as the supply wil Harvard. Sunday.

jcaco on business. Saturday. count of illness. IS not last long. C.

1L Carr of Rinrwood was here Save money and buy your garden Probata pis. Mrs. E. at. Bissal Ttoited, U.Woodstock.

Kriday. Mrs. K. M. isset pent Saturday Barrinstosw Mrs.

Arthur Saaby spent a part of last week in Chicago. james Kitchen peat Saturday and Sunday at atarenao. Mrs K. left Wednesday for PlainfWd. la, for a visIL The sixth grade have purchased tools, etc, at Souaefer's hardware.

on business. Friday. Estate of Arthur E. Rathbun. Ap their picture with the money which they have been collecting since the Mrs.

George Freye and daugh FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. S3 for 100; baby chicks. 19 per lwO; a few choice cockerels. $1 each, all from a heavy praisers appointed. ter Luella were In Chicago.

Satur Estate of Thomas Rowson. Peti first of the school year. day. Roquefort. McLaren's.

Pimento aad Blue Ribbon cheese at Dike's. Mrs. J. W. Gilbert and daughter Una ware ta Chicago, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. ft. W. Grecy were In tion for letters filed.

Wilfred W. The sixth grade are very much In laying strain S. C- B. Leghorns. Phone Mrs.

H. D. Hull and daughters. Rowson appointed administrator. Heir 10I-J1.

North Crystal Lake. 18 terested In a new physiology book which they are now studying. It Cathryne and spent Tuesday ship established. Woodstock. Sunday afternoon.

FOR RENT Estate of MeJiia Klasen. Report of deals with the hygiene of town and Four-room second floor: gas sale filed and approved and deed city. Tha pupils in grade two that had and electric lights; Call at Henry trde red delivered. Paul Hanbo waa unicago on business. Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. TJrsc over Sunday at tha homo of Fred Dolle. Henry Ohlrich of Woodstock called on John Smith and Don't forget the Junior candy ale at Uilbart'a at or. Saturday, April 1L Ur ''and Sirs. Gears Williams In perfect grades in spelling for the Johnson's restaurant or phoiieTr-Wl-1 Estate of Thomas Conely Sr.

Miss Clara Stoffei of McHeary visited Mrs. P. Johnson, Monday. Mrs. Emma Herring of Algonquin spent Monday with Mrs.

Julia Piatt. Mr. and Mrs. George Piatt spent Wednesday at Algonquin with friends. Don't forget the Jaaior candy sale lfttf month of March are: Edith and Car terlocutory report filed and approved.

rie Bergman. Leota Peeler and Le to Chicago. Mrs. C. L.

Teckier addressed a meeting of ladies at Cary on women voting. Monday. Stanley Ties of Chicago spent the week end st the home of Mr. aad Mrs. William Cowlin.

Miss Myrtle Wright and a lady friend of Elgin spent the week end with her aunt. Mrs. Wm. VanNatta. Mrs.

W. W. Dike Is slowly improving from her recent illness. Mrs. ers, Ritt.

Last week the first grade were treated to cake, pop corn and candy. nA iiarfre 'spent Friday at Wood fiulB. Estelle of St. by Mrs. tamer Frey snd Mrs.

Bab- at Gilbert's store. Saturday. April 11. Mrs. Will VaaXarta and sister.

Mrs. MeNish. visited at McHeary. Tuesday. Come in aad sea my spring millin cock.

In recognition of their little rharlas I apendln th weei at Mor girls birthdays. Those perfect in spelling during Ceraldine Smith of Chicago is caring for her. Mrs. Olive Baldwin went to Evans- March in grade four were: Irene The Motor Cars Supply Co. Freeman.

Locile Raue. James Und- ville. Tuesday evening, to visit FCH THE STATUE comfort of horse may be had i here. If you need a halter, a sley, Leona Deutschman, Mary Mick- nays. I ery.

Mollye ti. Steams. Teckier block. IS Mist Etta TLevey af RidgeTieid visited Mr. aad Mrs.

M. V. Miller. Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. George steward and children spent Saturday aad Sunday la Chicago. Mrs. Fayette Thomas visited agthe home of O. W.

Thomas, at Algon Mrs. C. W. Armbrust and dauV i ris Bark. V--: Go to- Dike's tor sametbinr: fancy in trail, vegetables and canned good for Easter.

Mrs. Will Robinson, of Woodstock Visited her stater. Mrs. 8. C.Ornen-t.-r; lioudayv Mrs.

W. Cearbart of speat several day of this vraeirwith relatives hem- Time to fence In your chickens. h-i your chicken netting, ete, at tf HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ter Dorothy were in Chicago Satur day, and saw "Daddy Long LegVwkt rowers" theatre. Mrs. Fred Clow, who has spending a rew weeks at tha home quin, Friday.

Mrs. W. J. Nye and daughter Elisa of her parents, Mr. and Mm W.

W. Dike, returned to her home at High Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Koen -or ai beth of Oak ware la Crystal Lake.

Friday, i blanket, a curry comb, a a chpper. or any other article for the horse's toilet, come here for it You'll find as right as can be both for your use and the comfort of the horse. Be suie to call at Heisler's land fark, Saturday. ronuuiu soent Sunday -with Mr. and Dealer? in Automobile and Motorcycle Supplies of All Kinds for All Cars Harley Davidson Motorcycles, Brick Silos, American Drain-heads, Pyrene Fire Extiiigiiisbers Mrs.

John Stanek visited her mo- Urs John Siesaneier. The girls have planned to organise a track team as well as a base ball team. The running suits, with Crystal Lake high schocl colors, will be given out in a few days. After much hard labor the complete apparatus for the track team has been assembled. Nothing now lacks but enthusiasm.

The order for engraved commence-1 Read "The Perils of Paulina In the Chicago Sunday Examiner every H. Sevter. in Green- Mr. and Harry Mack of ther. Mrs.

J. wees. I hose who wish the first chapters may apply at the ticket of Thleusville, vtaited friends in wooo. sunaay. Crystal Lake, Saturday.

-f -Dallls Wise of Hammond. vis- Frank Ehlert bought tha HandrockV Ited at tha home af Mrs. John Stanek. the past week. iA -i JaUt fice of the Gem Theatre.

Miss Gladys Landis, who ban been a guest at the home of F. P. Wilmington, left for Chicago Taeaday. where she will visit a few days, be meat Invitations has been placed wl The Herald -Printing Co. A very Mrs.

Will Lucas waa ia Woodstock and visited her cousin. Mrs. Paul Smith, recently. Miss Elizabeth Dike Is spending a Jackson and Empire Autos a eat aad simple design was selected. fore returning to her home at Mil North Side Shoe and Harness Shop few days with her sifter.

Mrs. Will Harrison, at Austin. These tWb mhtes-u cAfs have been pronounced perfect. property on- Division "Street, ana moved Into the aame April 1, I have aa entirely new-liha of postals town views and Easter postals. Mollye E.

Steams, Teckier block. Mrs. Harry Cook and son Robert tiited at the borne of Walter Butler, at -iluirtley, Saturday and Sunday. The Woman's IVotteg'" a-ib will meet at tha noma of Mrs, C. Teckier.

Monday afternoon. April 13, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Belle Palmer of Chicago Ipent Don't faa ta sea the second aeries of Tha Perils af Pauline," at the That Easter Vacation Gem. Tuesday, April 14.

Mr. and Mrs. Prior aad family of Wauconda speat Sunday with the let ter's aarenia, Mr. aad Mrs. O.

waukee. Miss Helena Rogers of Buckingham, spent the week end at the home oT her parents. Mr. and Mm W. O.

Rogers. She returned Sunday evening, her mother accompanying her as far as Chicago. A. a Cor! has sold his residence to Edward Ostrander of Evanstoa. a pensioned railroad Mr.

Ostrander wfll take possession of the property May Mr. Corl and fam-By will move to California. Mm O. H. Dike and Mm C.

L. Tackier attended a meeting for instructing women voters at Algonquin. Friday. There were about 60 present TaesdSv afternoon at tbe'boma of Mrs. Rebeaadorf aaderweat her paraata.

Mr. aad A. A. Ro- by experts and people whose judgment is unquestionable and whose ioDinion" was given to prospective btners: of autos (or the sole purpose of benefiririg the uTKledded, both fiiiatKaally and in me hotne. They nuJ.home brighter, the wife more loving, the children hapfaer.

ihe horses fatter, and the bank account larger in the days of heir running (on account of mileage per gaDon and-durabXty of crjnstniction) than any car on the market We ask only for the privilege of giving you a demonstration that you may be your own judge. Call on or write Wilton VELVET mm operation for appendJcitts. at St. Joseph's. hospUaL Elgin.

She is domg Hiram HdUlmis returned to -hi nicely at this wrnnog. Mrs. M. Stewart aad daughters. Olive and Alice, visited Mrs.

B. C. Doagherty. at BeJott. Saturday aad Sunday of last Mr.

aad Mrs. James Svegger of at the meeting and Mm Teckier spoke to the ladies on women voting. Crystal -Lake moved ta Adama, Wis, Wednesday. Mr. Svagrjer wfll engage work at ArlUgton Heights Tuesday, after pending aeveraL days his home here.

Glenn Snalt of 'Woodstock and Ralph Eraastoa spen? Sunday at, the home of Mr. aad Mrs. E. T. OeoeJL Mrs, Bella "ifitung today ITharsdayr for Blue Ialnd.v where sha wtU rtait at fha.homa bar ana, Bert.Gvauag.

Mra. Faanle Payne of Ivanboa, Lake cotmty. rtelted from Friday, until Monday with her mother, Mrs. Faanle Csoas. 1 Arlow James left Monday night for Motor Cars Scpply Phoie7r-W St Crystal Lake.

0. tnrcaraeater work Mr. aad William Chalea Standing of Contestants Following Is tha standing of Bring the children in during Easter vacation. They're feeling jolly then, and nave no school cares to worry their little faces SCHNABEL'S Photo Studio The Children a Studio Phone. Studio 75-R Phone, Residence 93-R fartamed-Mr.

aad Mrs. O. Morley of test an Is In the piano voting contest. Crystal Lake aad Mr. aad Mrs.

ill being conducted at G. H. Prickett's spcdaDj low this, season at Gilbert's Furniture Store Shalea of Saaaay. store, ap to o'clock Wednesday af- Henry Xowlia af Ana Arbor, jiicb. lernooa: arrived at the home of his parents.

aad Mm. 'William Cowlin. Friday, for a vhdt at tan days. Crlssie Stenson 18135 Frances Paine 13479 Ruth Rspp ...........11180 Mf. and Mm, Adoiph Kaaer ssoved HaxeJ Lockwood 8320 to Crystal Lake tram Chicago, April Cathryne Hull .7396 ueorge I.

They tit occupying me BpnagoeM nee nis son wnweu. who is sick with typhoid fever hosphal therel Burr Slater of EvansvlHe. Wis, has leased lit Miller bouse on Vlr-. ITlnia. Street, had V1 move In to the same' next week.

BUY A Rryaat houae-ea auaale streev Mm Mildred -Si Wmiams Rich-tex Wilton Velret Rnp Tmlssg nan etnas rag is iiasiiilofaW vary bsst si was! ynss. has a fins, evsa sawa Mr. sad Wm. Nora Darby Alice Pterson Mamie Nlemaa Mae Nlsh Eva Wtlliama Vesta Mason Esther Carlson Blanche Loom is Ruth Morgan Z7 Ml ......2366 2186 ......1766 ......1366 130 ......1256 immsi have been spending tha winter la Elgin. retnraM' to their" home In Crys CAR (Jpen tor sittings all day on FOkD a.

t- eJeeted Irrasurer of tha Congregational Sua dry school, Sunday, la the place of t. Wolck. who raslgned. Mm A. 8.

Holinea sad sob Marvin spent'Frtday Ringwood with her W. E. bradley. who celebrated her birthday aa that day. klri.

A4 ft- Ileadersoa Is spending the week with friends In Chicago. Mr'Tkoaersoa "eat to tha efcy fcat-arday. aad war the week 8xl0 Thursday. Friday. Saturday aansl tmnaV ft yvnnnt Hazel Wlngate mtM naH ayaea auawiatVVU (lam Schults ExtraVa! Margaret Grant .105 Bella Osmua Vera Shales 9x12 .1075 ,.107 ..1066 end.

Hale Oehmke Vera Casaidy Miss Louise notes im aoie to re her work as a trained aarse. Alma Tlmm Special at after baring been sick for several Rover Marion Nelson ........1060 ........1010 ..1010 1000 tal Lake. laavThursday. 4 Ben Kefly and 'family of Wood tack mowed Into, the Grantham 'bowse tha fetter part of the week. Mr.

Hy Is employed at tha Crystal Lake' IauhSry; '--Herman lurtung, who had one leg in a Chicago hospital re- really; U' Improving andTV ta be out. He hopes soon to aa aU wear an artificial leg. George fwardlow and family, who aava been) occupying the. P. houve on North Mn In street, wved talRockrord.

Tn- iy. and ou lha same bay George Petifand fsv of ChScago moved Into the Ecg-aad houses M. C. Arris and daushter Lottfe returned Tjesdsy afte moon frotn.3fl-Charles, whiere they bare been spend- the past' tbree week. at the home Mr.

and Wrs. E. F. Works. Mrs.

Works has b'en very plrk with the weeks, and returned la ugm taw week Wednesday. Mr. and Mm Tamer motored out Npt becaiisfa is cHeap. biit because it is a better car Carrie Bernard Jennie Johnson Irene Da vol! 1000 Seadess Tflltoa Velret Rugs from Cbicagai Sunday, ta a aew Ford automobiles, which tha Consumers 1000 1000 Alice Stewart Florence Naslund company seat for tha asa at Mr. aad A t4.

strsas. ssldastiiSy awds sss (iiti f. hiiiss a fmm, bas, huh sde. bssatifaliy ..1000 ....1000 Rath Gaylord Mm M. A.

fctewan. inhvid ssd ili isaUj lianlwd Grace Mm Charles neaion returnee to ...1000 her home In Chicago. edneauay. Martna rutaack ines Berlle liter a wita means nerw. cue Carrie Dewey as accompaaled by Mm Harriet 1000 1..1000 1)00 1000 1000 Patten, who wm.make aa extenaeu Itwssie Krejoca Freda Tessendorf lslt in Chicago.

$550 for Touring Car $5C0 for Roadster Mm Aik-e Jewell arriTed Monday Hip. but U'nioaly recovering. et i $9.50 $16.50 $18.75 $22.00 O. it. Sfct from Jacksonville, FK Her car of goods waa rewired Wf and tis Is morfng Into her cige at the (F.Ql DETROm Marriage Licenses, Real Estate and wiikh ia lucaiea east.

01 the Lake Shore hotel. Probsts Mature hftfl rev! Lis T. C. C. company 1 a position with Ue at Noma went to Tue1 tnoriiirr.

i fa'i r- for tlic enrineer on I he train FOR DIZMONGTRATION CALU ON Mr. and Mrs. w. scnerr ana Pauline, Mm. ft.

K. Huff-iiiaa ad Mn. sM drove to Woxlswk la tu-iia auto. IT BURNS WEILL la fact, consumes lt'f entlr after eHins yoa ail tha hust Ihe f'isest coal ever cmtsiuel. COAL WITHOUT SLATS ta I'r-t i i Una with thi' nd has Vaace i rago Chicago Mrs, JWiir; bt Crjsi.i H.

Sj jat lena tr.iin to I Sunday sfienw. and culled at the the V. home A. H. Yr.

sml 'r- 1:4 1 atid t0 and and Frsr.k Jel- Ba Estate Trtntftrt II Con I to John Core. It Oofianl's adn to Woodstock. srles li.i llu.rne lo Curl Okesoo. bf sw or sec 14. J.ii a tf no tr 21.

Hebron, tlt.O '(. ShtTlmnie snd fo M-'r-e hf It 4. hik J. Vi k- adn to 11. T' -t in f' to i f.

rr the li- i now ii 1 rry and daut'itr t-f A'. and -r and Krt. I' red and to a fit I t..

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