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The Herald from Crystal Lake, Illinois • Page 8

The Heraldi
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

irrn IT ATT 1 1 Q.T1 rAUIi tlUIIT i CKVSTAL LAKE llfcKALU, UUSIAU Mnthera Club Meeta mmmmm I Tlwse attending from Crvst.1 Mrs. Harrv Sh.U. il L'rnl-Knee Tendered Surprise Rrwaiwi Wonaa'a Club Meets Fellowship Rally -Thfr Mothor' Quh beld their regular monthly meeting Monday even-in Oct. 12. at the home of Mrs.

A. Orland E. Brawn. on of Mr. and Young People to A very pretty wedding look place O-U 10 the Immanuel Lutheran Church.

hen Jacobs Mrs. W. "cilbStT'I Jinie Cruenwakl and Mrs Tmx. Arthur A banouet was hoU n- thoroughly enjoyed the first meeting Elgin. Dundee, Carpentersville, AI-jMrs.

M. a Brown, and Geo. h. Bron, with Mrs. Wm.

Mump as of the Crystal Lake Woman's ooastocK ana Dromer 10 ju. y. n. luistpss. Fifteen members KTCpei, P.ul KreneL 251 N.

ik. knm. of fr- Anotin Stl mi RW-kmuiH will nmrtictnate in a ion. t. Jaiii lrnviM a 1 Banque night in honor I VI wm j4 crlieAI- Mrs.

W. Kolberg, Ahnut fnrtr-fii lnwshin Rallv at -the Concreeational for a visit with relatives here. rh later became a member of the Hanson newly Grand Matron. CrysUl SU nd son of John Knee formerly of Elgin Worthy ine social aria ra were present, whtch.

considering the church on Thursday. Oct. 22. "The; Tuesday evening a surprise party stormy day, -was as many as could meeting will begin with a Round was tendered them by Mr. and Mrs.

be expected. discussion at 4 o'clock. Dinner O. Brown at their home on Frank- The chief feature of the -rogram will Deserved at six. At the evening lin avenue.

Guests included relatives u- t.ii, i n- WftTiwi1" rcjnii aitnsp kv able iiHiKfi a i and close friends of. the family. Club, were present. During the busine-s meeting plans were made for a Hallowe'en party to be held Monday evening, Oct. 26, nf Mrs.

Browman on Croups From AD Churches Will Unite in Program but now of Laporte, Minn, were in marriage. Rev. F. G. Kuehnert officiating; the single ring service being seslion? i given br Mrs, Ruhama Farnsworth.

from the Home and Foreign fields Among the guests present were two St This is to oe a nam The bride, who was escuuru with accomnanvimr son its and dances i will be given. alur by her father to thertraiiJrJljn.ieS mni rU4Hiu ar to come the bridal chorus from "LohengTin teJ. Each member is asked to zJlom Brea to The regular meetimr of Home Bureau Unit will in Mexican costume, by her daughter, One of the speakers will be Rev. Miss Wilma. i Robert D.

Hall of Wahpeton, NY Alvm Hiuemann attend. Mrs. Farnsworth took her listeners who is considered an expert on the day, Oct. 16, at the The lesson of the month "The Par organ, wore a lovely gown of blue on a twenty-four hour entertainment 'subje of the American Indian. ilumie mgate.

A The Union Young People's Banquet will be held next Monday evening, Oct. 19. in the parlors of the Methodist The banquet will be ery informal this year beinij a novelty party in seeping with Hallowe'en. Young people from the various churches in Crystal Lake will be in ti. ent Facei a New worn y- flowered silk cnuion aim Garbe.

'A Arthur luncheon will be served at iu by Mrs. 1 k.w.iofr trip, starting at eleven o'clock p. ra, in and around Mexico City, describing A social ill I uuui ut 6 Anna! I liruHion followed: iara i. reaves. Home demonstrate wateit ml.t;...

sen and Mrs. Chas. Anderson of Chicago, who had not seen their brother for nineteen years, and this was indeed a delightful reunion; made more so due to the fact that tSe reunion came as a complete surprise to them all. 1 Cards were played during the eve-; ning and much enjoyment was had singing songs thai were popular when Mw Hwnn. V- Ar'-li-reon, Georre and M.

O. Brown were All! present proclaimed this a delightful i Barth, an intimate JM Miss Barth hour JA the homes of its presideents and the other beautiful rublic which in a froTK OI i meei inir. attendance. articles in the morning. Te' rV meeting will be held in the was A program has been arranged and re nJ modern in every re- spectin drastic contrast to the habi chiffon Thev were precled by the; by the hostesses, groom and -William Krepel a brother M.Ho-t for Nowmber.nb.

"if thebrideTo-sir-abert-J "Instead of 'havinjr an--- important speaker of the evening, a representative from each young people's society ha been asked to give a short tations of the smaller places, which have not changed their customs much for four hundred years. following "ece.e.. i nY m.mhcr, nresent were Mrs. Krepel -Pomer CBov.e. Kathiyn Hopp.

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. F. H.

Schroeder, The Spanish and graceful talk. -The entire program will be very informal- Each group will also dances done by Miss' Wilma were evening and one to be long remembered. At midnight a t'elicious luncheon was served bv M-s. Brown, assisted i. I '-nil, uncle and aunt of the Kuth trow.nan.

Mrs. J. D. Williams, frinJ iivre- has. be for a stunt in the way very greatly enjoyeo.

one is artistic Pinnow, Mrs. tarl Hurt iniriy-iie reuM yrs by her G. Masterson in autnuaneu. rra! nink and white coratiuns and IK- and Wm. Farter, Jr, after which were employed in effective arrange- Ilia ctiAjfa ilim.

i JT- tr flrVJ rA for the two-course luncheon nn Rlth Birthdar within the very near future. whi was served in we oming rooin.i A of members oi me yuu 'Ah of entertainment: the act to take Be- and graceful in liet mmenwnij and tween five and ten minutes. i has a beautiful soprano voi.e. Musical selections will be furnished Mrs. Farnsworth had on.

exhibition by Mrs. L. W. Cobb and Miss Mae 'articles of Mexican handiwork, woven Schramm, who will be accompanied drapes and mats, straw at the niano by M. Yessler pictures, etc.

This mother and Woodstock. Mr. Curtiss will lead. ter pjve a jne entertainment and the the group in community singing. members present considered them-, selves fortunate to be there.

Ailiarv Members Honored I The nest meeting is Oct 27. at the Miss Julia Feffer, past president residence Mrs. John Roberts- Every of the local American Legion Aux- program for the year has been care-iliary. entertained members who I worked out and members are served the past jrear on the executive i urged to attend regularly, board, at her home north of Thursday evening. Honored Uuests ilr.

and A weaning uen bellow lwit i-r' if Hakon Larson ard fanniv; Mr. and 1 the and a bouquet of roses i added a di lightful surprise Tuesday Mrs. Geo. Larson: Mr. and" Mrs.

Chas.j both color and fragrance to the et-- eVening when they gathered his B. Anderson and family; Mr. and i ting. he re on Gates street in honor or his Mrs. Donald and Mr.

and' Mr. Knee and his bride left in the jS4 birth lay anniversary. Mrs. Frank G. all of Chi-! evening for a honeymoon m.JJiscon- The evening was spent cago; Mrs.

Maleca Oion of Capron, sin where they will the iscon-, euchr hi-rh scores being made by ROBERT D. HALL Robert was born among Indians. His father says so, and he must know. and Mr. and Wm.

F. Fanter, sin Wells ami relatives, imj ev-ni h.ov wi" to make their home, in Laporte. At the close of Pjaynf The bride was formerly employed. Siews a presented ith a gift of at the Coll ingbourne Thread Mi'K i eoM and a beautiful boiiqrt vAlhw rhr santhemums. Delicious aim jimmie Knows, too, lor ne jr.

anj of Shis cstv. eleven years old when Robert's moth-1 er died, before he was aware that he Activities Troupe 58 Two tables of bndffe. one of 500 1 MR ami-airs. a. oiepan Vrann had one.

Jimmie is now Superintend-1 Mondav evening. Oct. 12, Scout and one of bunco were in play during pleasantly surprised tr.w I m. i i WTP nrl-. i i t.

pm ni nfimp .11 issiiiris 111 L.Laii hiiu 1 nnn mniif tho unnitriiTT anil r.iiari. nuiwi. the evening, avors were awarded to Mesdames Emrra Griffin, Alma Crichton, Bridget Feffer, Marge Armstrong. Selma Morgan. Catherine enin.

Oct 3. when thev were enter-' lho, and he has to tell the truth. the Junior "Hi-n School gymnas- Out of town euests were: Mr. a. il taineii' at Carl's Restaurant, Palatine, i VVhen Robert was six, a teacher and ium.

This was init'ation and parents Paul Krew! and VI )'a Reservations had previously been' Aatron made a home for him and and guest night. The lwy. initiated and Alice and son Harvld. Mrs. Kern made for sixteen all of whom were is father and six little Mandun were: Robert Rdert Miss Ansa Bsirth.

Wjiiiar) Guests included: harl Krjant. uoy Sohrreoe-. Chas. Rowlev, Victor lore Jfhn -t'eterson. Andrew J.

hi James Roxburgh, Fre-i Jee Emory (' wan. Wm. B-len. in attendance A deliciout dinner I.The matron, scrubbed him clean, and George Dewey billy Le eque. Krer-el and Mrs.

Herman i Hensley and Edith Huffman. Before luncheon was served. Miss Feffer presented Mrs. Pearl Haus- a nVWV i she p-iils taught him their Ian- will r-r an orchesira Mrn. After a while he sat at the.

under the direct wirth with a personal gift, as a token i Wignt U.wt-i(;,lin Jr Walter hrt-i am! was the instigator. Mw Ar.i-r Mirk. Chn. vvr. i iaune Harrv MaUhews, I.a 1 Fmrk Wolck.

Clyde Hay-: sk with Long Tail who 'J'" t-ant tironlV-C'T r.o? same school ties of for her splendid work lovely bouquet of us 1 1 iTrrrriary. -v 7 1 --wj 1 1 gran. 'mother t-t t'-e and 'h- i S.1 ears old; Heiir Chi r.g on tneir (ten. the bdscrtient of Terra Cotta Mr "-r Mr. im.

tftJineK ana an i Aijen Hayford, son E.iv in. cnL; rtf mi jnvjn jt- s-r a 1 u. Hit re- Mr. ai ave fitte.l a larjre int. niann.

RoseT 1 1 hi- ii'M-ful affair was arrangeo 'v (: Migi'-Feffr was presented with a i dancing until mirfmgrit, when tfcey 1 Wood, we are friends." 1 hat is a left for their resnective hornM. (i. p.Jt l.W.I it Vn, 85(1 a. mra ml: lut iiiciUJiip vu5--" i i -j-j. i fjAn.pltiT.

Brickw mvA 1 i 1 articles riv. -ven gathered ny Atte jrem presieni. in aopreciation i l-i liitiuaLiuK vaiiftuu of the splendid leadershin' she gave eongratulations were exteRded and Oberlin Seminary, he ft. E. S.

Se-wion i annual session of the mi of (he Order of 1 Idlehour Ciih To Mtn't The I i'rehmii; Briig 1u'i will irtit Friday afternoon at .2 o'clock with Mrs. Mi! on Ma-W street, of with Mrs. Earl Hurt a formerly announced. All members the entire unit during the past year. (i the patrol.

-up has started savin? match h- i ers and various coins; as to whs: ill later be done with these artkk embers cannot i. .1 T' Si-ir in Illinois was held Oct. in the Mtnlinah one, lor many more j-ej as. missionary to Indians for jof happiness. 9 five and a half years" under the A.

M. I A. In that and other ways he learned To Give Prosrram ho know the heart of Mandans, Rees. I Suwjay evening at 8- clock the Hiaatsas anii Dakotas. For eight ilast of a series of four programs 0 c0.

lecting of these -iders and coinj a Othrrs 'present than those mentioned above were: Mrs. Lee Weffks, Mrs. Blanche Rose. Mrs. Ann Jartak, Mrs.

Martin Ekelund. Mrs. Marie Waener. Mrs. MrGoodwin and Mrs.

Frank Brockrogge. remains their At the next the boys whrt will be given by the young people nf th- M.r; i. he 1 passed initiation vi31 le presented -e t. r1 i i. with their Dins.

i i X. of-them into France, garet coyer, will give an ltinsrratea 1 .1 i I .11 1 1 Mcndav Bridge Club as uue? wua. I lecture on The ntmished Ta-k ot lecture on "The Unfinished Tak Several tables of bridge were in the West." Excellent colored r-ietares "no'a ceieoraung u-, were: aiw Jir, m. uange irs play Mo-dav when members 'o'f the of the West will be shown. Another tjelh Anniversary of the Mission witn Chas.

Lange of Ernest Monday Bridge Clab gathered at the feature of the program will be fnenjte there. ow he is jastor, Taylor, Leore a -er. 1-ester Giese-Crstal Lake Country Club for an- nlav presented bv some of the voung I of the oldest Congregational Churcnjke, Fred Rose ar. i tar! Bretzlaff. other pleasant afternoon together, i reonle.

"Soup. Sand and Sagebr-jsh" North Dakota. The chur is at Hi rh -nrf wpt inn hi- Mrs A is thp nsmf. of he- nlav and the ras i ahieton. Here they have just cele-! Go T.

idstork Osbom. Mrs. Jos. A. Conertv and includes: iT orated their Fiftieth" Anniversary-- A very enjoyaM was spent W.

R. C. when Ruth Schroeder and Mary Rockem-j 1 hey are white folks, but they have by several of tne i-v I bach Paughters of the Man-e: In iian name Wah-pe-ton Leaf they attended the- ice Piersrtn rW.ealthv Annt; The Imi'ians have gone and American Legicn A. Heath Rev. Robinson: Mrs.

C. R. left only a name. stock last Thorsda iWatts His Grandmother; EJizaheth Mr. Hall wiil serve under the aus- decorated with basi- Rockenbach Mrs.

Robinson: Janetpices of the Commission on Missions and the the ry at Wood-T ha'l was i fail fl-jwcrs was Miitie of iict 1'ireclor, as- Mr. Harry C. Wimple. Announcement is made of the annual fall luncheon which is to be held at the Club Hause Monday, Oct. 19.

Luncheon will be at 12:30 o'clock. Re servat ions are to be made with Mr. Barkoff not later than Friday. Mrs. G.

H. Pflueger. chairman, and 1 Ford and Medora Clow Indian wo-ias the home missionary representa-! performed' bv nfcR live cn the" Illinois missionary team Algonouin. 11th jmen; Shirley Kockenbach Indian girl. The public is cordially invited.

from October 1" to November 22 in-. sisted by her Mis Van Per Aue. retincg president, Mrs. Mrs. Wm.

Birk. cry-chairman, for the; ensuing year, will take office at. this to! clasive. The public is -cordially invited attend these meetings. Ceiia Hupre.

was presented with a Past President's pin, and ir.a ly other lovely gifts. jjresident and installinr ff; -ers were presented iviU: time. They also act as hostesses Lamp Shade School. Mm. on this occasion.

An instructive nreeting which will Anyone desiring to donate a prize of interest to everv woman in the. for this party is asKed to kindly call community will be that of the lamp Mrs. Martin, at. i shade school to be conducted bv Miss Celebrates 5th Birthday Miss Maxine Peterson celebrated sprays of n-ie buds. her 5th birthday anniversary Thurs-: A wenrfe-fjs report 'of the work of in i Sarah Lowe, Lighting Specialist fjdav afternoon.

Oct. 8, when her i the rat yesr ww given by rsr aftjrnrtrtn (irt ft ti-Hati tir i the rat hv serrt" io io Linertyrtlle the Home Service Department of the m-nnn Ktt'. tarr hnw miicK Sonrh ran he at- bed bv uK.ri j. i tcitu a i uniic trviL-t? inojianv. i in? 1 iriencis at their home oji iwmwr rrienas -Mgnt runne service company, nis scnooi fTirfa it thnir hnmo on til Vhl oi I.otSge will be held atternoon.

Oct. street- Maxine is the daughter of Guests tr.f- evening R. the Crystal rnaay evening, inose irom crystal i at i ciock in trie ctning noin jjr Mrs. Carl Peterson. i the Woo.

stauons were, jirs.joi tne v.r stai use afternoon was spent in plav- Lake W. Ijke fillir. Beden. trea' ind a 55, j.uerary -tv. rer; Mrs.

inside School. All woaea tn the eonvncsiS-. in, that, tote so nm. a. the meet in ed tti the guardiari; Mrs.

MacLaughhn, vice are cordially invited to alters Each guest was presented with a toy was' e's kitche grana; Mrs. Mayford, sjap- Jliss Lowe will furnish ad srater- fcigiloon- and other novelties, which where lit-Fci-. refreshment' served r. i sty'e. port to tne viee-graml.

Alter the lals ana supervise tne mswr.e ol trie; creatlv delighted them. A delicious meeting aeroplane banco was played, shades. A small charge of twenty- ich "was served late in the after-following which refreshments were five cents per person will be made, jn.n A hoantiTnlK- ilmntivl i serve i by the committee in charge. each member to Uke Home Her sa3e hirihdav illnmmat wirh fiv 1. Baotized Little R-ekard Pa ne, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Chs. Paine, received holv Those who attended from here I com nleted. candies was the center attraction. receivetl many lovely gilts.

baptism. Fri The Nunda Home Bureau is soring this school. ever, in sr. Oct. at his on First uuests Sylvia, Karoara Louise and Bruce Lindmark, Arlene were: Mrs.

Clyde Hayford. Mrs. Emory Cowan. Mrs. Root.

Howell, Mrs. Phil Huffman. Mrs. Jane Camm, Mrs- Wayne' Beden. Mrs.

Joe Ober, Mrs. John Jolley. Mrs. Ben Reed and Mrs. Roy MarLauehlin.

an i Evelyn JThuiowt Gloria Ekelund, 0, arsd Arthur Eisenn u-ir of Alice Mav and Ruts Elaine Benson, this CitT- Billie Adams of Woodstock. the Attend McHenry O. S. A number of local O. E.

S. members attended Advanced Officers Xie-ht of McHenrv Chanter Monday evening. Mrs. "Claude Jacobs filled the station of Associate "Condtsctress. Tho-e who attended were: Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Shales. Mr. and Mrs. Supper Nets Xeat Sum The cafeteria supper held last Thursday evering in the parlors of the Congregational Church was well Peony Chapter To Meet Mrs.

-John Roberts will be hostess to the members of the. Peony Chapr ter Tuesday. Oct. 20. A covered disli St.

Paul's. Evangelical Church Ellsworth. Sherman Sts.) Thursday, Choir dJehearsal, 8 p. m. attended, 'afti a rtea um was netted luncheon WEI be served 12:30 Arthur Truax.

Mrs. 'J. W. Gt'bert, Top co a Saturday, Confirmation class at Membe-s of the Ladies Aid sponsored p. m.

in the parlors of tne church. this affair, with Mrs. J. D. Williams Mrs.

Jennie Grtienwald. Mrs. E. H. Woodbury.

Mrs. W. B. Wilber and Mrs. Jacobs.

Sunday, Oct. 18, Sumlay School at; as chairman. 9:30 a. m.

Classes for alh after which the meeting will be in charge of Mrs. C. Miles, who will give a talk on "Winter Mulching and Protection of Flowers' A round table discussion will follow. Each member has been asked to bring 1.... L- i u': Mt r- t- 1 Season is now here.

Mrs. Vounniahl Is HKte3 w. i.ui;iuu ikuk nuismii iB.dui IT v.i.i.i a. m. I Jlrs A.

H. Haie will be hoste-s to Tuesday. Oct. 20. Men's Club wiUlthe members of the 20th Century and we are offering! rhnt; vi.Sr at 7:30 p.

m. in the annex of thej t-K 2 ocloct party at her home the new Bradley Flex at her horne on west Crvstal Lake chreh- Ta, dr 0rt" 23 avenue. Nine members were present. Grand Bazaar sponsored by the After the regular holiness nseetirsr i Mrtha Society Saturday. O-t.

24, a small item of interest to add to the discussion. To Attend "Stunt XieM The Elsrin Rebekah Loda-e win put on a "-tunt tonight, Oct. 15. Crystal Lake Justin Rebekah Lodge has been asked to furnish a stunt. Prior the mretrrtr -members tf the a general discussion on gardens 'and icommencing at 2 p.

m. in Moose HalL i Chicken supper sered from 5 to 8 flowers was held. Lovely refresh Edge topcoat with a 3 Teai p. m. Everybody cordially invited.

ments were served by the hostess. i 1 minister local lodjre rather at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. M. A.

Stewart, where Ha'lowe'ea Maqoerade The me-rbers of the Ahar Entertains At Luncheon and and potM-jck supper will be Enjoyed, Rosary Sodality of St. Peter a large namoer irorn here are ex pecteci at this meeting. 1. Guarantee for only I aul hurch oi ary wt.I grre a benefit Hallowe'en Masquerade dance Saturday evenirte, Oct. SI.

in Cer-nocky's HalL Goodwin's Orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. A small admission fee wiU-be icade. Unprecedented for Coats "In i Low Price Season" Mrs. M. A.

Teeting entertained a group of friends at luncheon and bridge Wednesday at her home on Nelson avenue. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess- Several interesting games of bridge, were played with favors being given the wmnera. Out-of-town guests included: Mrs. Carl E. Hobart of Highland Parky Mrs.

-Geo. F. Mitchell of Winnetka. 1 Mrs. Frank Savage.

Mrs. Cora Cul-1 Assista At iRstallatHM Miss Julia Feffer assi-ted Mr.s Mirt-e Jayne of at the installation of officers at the McHenry Legion Auxiliary meeting Rose Chapter Meet The I nursday evening, trt. 1. next meeting the Mis-s Jayne and Miss Feffer both Chanter of the Crrstal Lake Garden gifts, as a mark of anpre-i Club will be held Tuesday. Oct- 0.

at 2 o'clock at the home Mrs. Wm. bertson and Mrs. Robt. Reynolds all raiwn, i z-m i-e jicrienry uniu Mrs.

Pearl Hanswirth, former secretary cf the local Unit, accompanied Hiss Feffer to McHenry. ot 7 Friendshin Club Meet Helm on Maple street. There wl he a paoer on "Rock Gardens." Everyone is urged to attend. Presenting the latest Paris ideas about the fitted silhouette-giving: you fabrics and furs not possible for years at this low price. Every coat has a silk lining: and warm interlining Blacks, browns, reds, and greens, in all sizes.

rWiA in nnd see these "Aaram" ObV Meef Mrs. Walter Merer of MeH-try av Mr. Xvm iMarx Is Hostess The member of the 2mh Century Club, mt last Friday afternoon at the Htcmea-t ho -re on Woodstock The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Church held their regular business meetintr Thursday evening in the parlors of the church. PUns were completed for the coming bazaar, and a committee was THE NEW MODES PUMPS OXE-STIL-VPS enue, was hostess -yesterday to -the members- the "AmTa coats that will wear, and wear, and wear.

sireei. wi.a airs. -Nan Ton lian asjBndite Club- Several rrteren-Bg ketfs. cames of bridge were played after elected to tiave charge of the next aftemcon of bri-itre which the kwtc wttkJ TrT'nTt I sal meeting which ill be held 29. Those was er with" scores bein? Favors were nve-n thos hiri Tharsdav eveniny.

Oct. tor value you scores. cftarre will be Mrs. A. Shuler, MrsJ Kammin, Miss Margaret Set abbe and lrvin Wil'se.

made ty Mrs: G. H. PTiacgr, Mrs. Raymor-1 Cow and Mrs. Fred Peterson.

LvrJy rvfreshntents were served by the hostess. do better at any price. ITirnotT flab Mes The Harmony Club nvt yestrdy ftc-noon at the of Mm. R. A.

have other Crystal Clab Meets "acLnaehlin en O. S. Te Meet Kari Chapter O. E. S.

will hold Sd on Fri lav evening. OXFORDS Degars a rrr vent the extrnae liisit ta every eau 'frrfear hapfMiH-ai this Mtsoa. lkt-s fact in eiideat in a special iwtie at a very special price, the fewest is jers. We i-m da clan mt repair trt serxice at a ery fcrw pt- Let i-e lhe les ear elertoc 1.:3 aar hiae. i i Mrs.

E- J. was hostess 1 T2-. afternoon was is jm ftopcoats that sell ire- TM" aftenooa. Oct, 14. to mem-ber of ve Crrstal at a 2 o'clock ary at hr hv.Tre or irr: stet.

1 (- were a war-Ami thn-e and social chat, after wlir.H -v- h- Oct. 1 3. Tbe will be initiation of rrents were served by the btstess. eai-Jwates. fiiewed by refrehmen's tvt a boor.

meeting wiii Merry Mker Meet prornptiy at 8 o'clock and mera- Jfr iterry -rt be ---es. Urs are re'i-e'tv 1 to i ax -e ci-se or were served ty r- r-l Attend rr cf Iwette i tf-e amlf ti tte a 2 at rtrt- Vip-ibers are I'M i "-is T- MI-QH 1 rer ti.r.! to ere tHT rviJ.j ft ii I pnv fr A'-l t-w i crarsTAr.

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