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Gainesville Daily Sun from Gainesville, Florida • Page 10

Gainesville, Florida
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 TflE HE DAILY DAU SUN GAINESVILLE GmESWLLE FLORIDA FLOmDA DE DECEMBER EMBER 281909 28 1909 NEWS OF CITY ANDCOUNTY AND ANDCOUNTY ANDCOUNTY COUNTY CONDENSEDfl5 CONDENSED a MATTERS OF OFG OFGSNERAL QfcNERAL NERAL INTEREST INTERESTSECURED INTERESTSECURED INTERESTsT sT SECURED BY SUN REPORTERS REPORTERSWhat REPORTERSI REPORTERSWhat rr rrWhat 1 I What Has Happened and What Whatll Is Go GoIng GoIng Gor GoInp Ing to Happen HappenPersonal HappenPe Personal aonai and aridSocial andt andSo and8oolat Social So lal Items of the City Cityt A Gay of Boll was a visitor visitorthe to tohe totho the he city yesterday yesterdayB Minion Mlntonof of Ifldsor Windsor lndBbrwn8 was was cross crossing crossfng cross1ng fl5 ing palms with Gainesville Galne Yl1Io friends yes yesstorday yesterday yesterdllY terday terdayMrs terdllYMrs tordayMrs Mrs C13ovllla Bovllle of Arredondo was wasamong wasamang wasamong among tho shopper sbopP sliopporsvlsltlng visiting the city cityyesterday ollyyosterday cityi i yesterday yesterdayC 0 Kirby of Jacksonville JaCk anvilo is In Intho Intha InF Inthe the city on a visit to lilV 1118 1t1 mother and andother nndather andother other rolAtlvos roIAtlvosA rolAtlvosA A word to tho wine Is sufficient sufficientNinety sl1ft1olentNInety sufflolontk Ninety per cent of tho drummers drUn mers8tap mers8tapat stop stopat stopat at Tho Brown House HouseGot Hou80Get Housei i Got tho best and andchot cheapest pest firoworks fireworksas as well J1 as nice nlc fresh fruits of tho thoold thoold theold old reliable Brooksv BrooksvRov Brooks DraaksRov BrooksRev Rov John Duncan tho Fresbyte Fresbyteraln Prsbyte Prsbyterain osbyte osbyterain rain minister of Micanopy was a visUar vis visitor viaitor itor to tho city yesterday 1Mr JMr i iMr Mr Bryan ono of tho leading citi citizens cUllens cititeas lens of Hawthorn WAS among tbo tbovisitors th thVIsltDr thovlsltora visitors to the city yesterday yesterdayJ esterdayJ Sykes and wlfo Ifo of NorthGuh North NorthQalnosvlllo NarthOnlro8vlUo Qalnosvlllo Guh osvlllo returned yesterday elrt rdny from fromDoLand CramDoLnnd fromDoLand DoLand whero they tho paid a short shortvisit shortVIsit shortvisit visit to tt relatives relativesMr ro1atlvesMrf Mr And Mrs Stringfolfow accompanlod ac accompanied accomlJ1nled companied by their children loft loftyos loftyostdrday yes yesWrday yoatdrday tdrday for Atlanta where they tho will willremain w1l1romaln willremain remain for several dayo dayoMiss dnQMiss dayeDSias Miss Eugenia Fagan loft yesterday yesterdayfor for Jacksonville Jaokson vf1lo where she expects expectsto to spend the tho next week as tho guest guestof guestof guostor of her aunt Mrs Miller MillerMr MI MellorF MellorDir lor lorMr Mr and MrsA Mrs AW Sargent Sar ent ofAvon of ofAvon ofAvon Avon Park arrived In the city yesterday yester yestordny yostorday day and will W1Ul spend some uomo timeas time as tho theguests thoguoste tholIuolt8 guests of their son A Sargont Sargontjunior Sargentjunior rgont rgontjunior junior 1 Diamonds Diamondsfi fi t1 t1Because Fr Because we have fhe fhei fheBecause fhegoods theBecause goods goodsBecause i Because the prices pricesare are right rightBecause rightBecause rightBecause Because the Quality Qualityis Qyal ty tyis is there thereAre thereAte thereAre Are a few of the thereasons thereaspns thereaspns reasons reaspns why you shouldbuy shouldk should shouldbuy buy DIAMONDS DIAMONDSfrom DIAMONDSfrom from us usShould usShould 1 Should you wish anice a anice anice nice nice Diamond RingCuff Ring RingCuff I ICuff Cuff Links Stick Pin PinLocket PinLocket Pin4k 4k Locket Charm or a aLadies aLadies aLadies i Ladies Brooch we wehave ehave ehave have them and can canplease canplease canplease please you youPolhntaK youJotI youNoll PolhntaK JotI wtnr lnl la the vot vote Dt In piaao piano Iauo con contMt oDntNt conteat tNt 18 a oauutwl oouut Dombr ftftht ftfthtlalnw 2fthlALnlUe 3FtfuGatnervltie lALnlUe lalnw vlU High IligkBehool 8eliool I18JS I18JSMlf IlUSIUI Mlf UI Murrton Parker CmJW8t CmJW8tluh cn City 34A1i 34A1ihall HI HIIhhh hall Ihhh chairtn Ok1 UMTS UMTSNorth HI1TStL North fir tL tth QHlwMrllto 1111 Hall 1H47 1H47Ml 11141II 1M1ttAt At Ml II lisa a 1t1 to Da Barton twott tt 1kU MS17 MS17UM S11Allei In InliN liN Mat tattl le Jcimhip It ltNMeilptIU ltNMeilptIUlkw TI II III lkw I na ltoaele 11atteHwthbrn Ita JiAW 1111 1111ulna TIt TItIi UM Ii bS Aj PriM Wad 4 iMtl 41112341u iMtlMlw Mlw 11 KTA Ya I IoweU AtaekM M4 M4MlM 10411 10411Albs aU aUIi Albs Ii ROMV It no I Rim JU Hick lUC TlI IL SpfiK 41 1I4T1 164T1L 1I4T1L li4f1L SMITH 1 Turned of Micatib Micanopy ub 6 waramong was wasamong wasamong among among the visitors to thO city yestor yestorday yostordi yestorday day di dayJudge Judge YJudge Syd Carter made madoa a short shortbusiness shortbuslnes shortbualness business visit to Jacksonville yestoray yestorsay yestor yesterfiy say ay i lA lAA fti ftiA i iA A McDonald of otonlbraok Bontbrook wa wetaniong waamong wnllniQJlg among aniong the visitors UTtbo td the city yes yestcrday yesterday yestorday torday tordayJ tcrday tcrdayJ A Roberts RD erts Justice of the peace peacefor pencetar peacefor for tho Rochello Rochelledlstrlct district was a visitor visitorto vIsitorto to the city yesterday yesterdaySam yosterdaySnm yesterdaySam Sam Leonard Lcon rd of Ocala Is in the theclfy theelfy thecif clfy cif to pay a short visithere visit here with withhis wflllbls wlthlife his mother during the holidays holidaysJ I IJ I Sylvester who is manager managerfor JllDgCr wanrgorfor JllDgCrfpr for tho turpentine turpontinojeterests Interests at Santa SantaFe SllpltLeJ SantaFe Fe eJ was a visitor vlstorlo lo tho city cItYyesterday cItYyesterdayMiss yesterday yesterdayMiss Miss Mary Kennedy of Jacksonville Jacksonvilleis is in Intbe the city as The guest of Dr Drand Drand Drand and Mrs Carter rter on oJ Fast East Alach Alachua ua avonud avonu avonuOheapest avonudCheapest vCheapest Cheapest nccedent accident ccid nt insurance InsurnnceDr InsurnnceDrTh InsuranceDrThomas Dr DrThomas Thomas Th mas Eofectrlci EoC clflq OH Stops thepain the thopdln thepoln pain and heals the the wound All druggists druggists drug druggists gists soil it itM ftM itM OheVes and family have ro returned rot roturnod turned ncdtrom from fromFernandina Ferrtandlna and Jackson Jacksonville JacksonvUlo Jacksonyule yule where they visited vh ilod relatives dur during durIng durIng ing the Christmas holidays holidaysMleaos balldaY8Misses holidaysMisses Misses Mattlo Jennings Annie AtmloCar AtmloCarto Car Carter Cartolr to ter and Velma Jennings were a trio triobf trIodf triodf df happy Rochello young ladies who whovisited whovisited whovisited visited Gainesville yesterday yesterdayJ Call of Cooler Caoterolond Fond was trans transnoting transbuslmsB transacting noting business in the city yesterday yesterdayHo yesterdayHo Ho states that Christmas was very veryquiet veryquiet veryqulot quiet throughout throu hauL his section sectionJack sectionJack sectionJack Jack Knight and brother Goo JKnight Jnlgbt JKnight Knight nlgbt wore in in tbo city yesterday yesterdayfrom yesterdayfrom sterday sterdaytrom trom from Nowberry They came on bust business bustne8S bustnose ness with the land land office officeR Black of Highland Hlghl nd who Is Isoperating IsPQratfllg isporatlug operating a still at that point was wasIn wasIn wasn In the theelty city yesterday for tho purpose purposeof of attending to some business matters mattersA 1atter8A A Harper of Jacksonville is isIn fsIn isn In the altyon city on a short stfort visit with his bisfamily hisfnmlty hisamity family and Incidentally to look af after a ater aor ter or Borne of his business bu lncss InterestsCoro interests interestshoro Intorostahoro horo1MB horo horoMrs Coro CoroMrs Mrs A Lamb of Mlcanopy was a avisitor avisitor arisltr visitor to the city yesterday She Shewashero Showas Shevita was washero hero for tho purpose purioso pur aBo of settling settlingjomo settlingomo settlingonto onto claims pertaining to her Into latoliusbands Intohusbnnds latetusbanda liusbands estate Ii King Itln who Is engaged In tho thowholosnlo thowhotosllu thewholesale wholesale business bu hlOBS In Jacksonville lehero Is Ishoro Ishoro horo to spend cnd a tow days with hiswife hiswifeand his hiswiteand wife wifennd and children child ron who aro nr stopping with withCol withCol withCol Col and Mrs Droomq DroomqDr Dr Montgomery passed through throughQainoHvlHo throughOallloHvlllo throughGainesville QainoHvlHo Monday Mondayto to attend a profes profoaclonal professional II1afosonnl sional onnl call to Jacksonville Ho will willbo willbo willbe bo book at his office In Mlcanopy MlcanopyWodnosday MloanopyWodulHuln MicanopyWednesday Wednesday morning the 28th 28thMrs 28thMrs 2 ath athMrs Mrs I Edwards Mr and Mrs MrsRobort Mrsnobort MrsRobort Robort Adams and little child who whohave whohlo whohave have been bnhoro hero on a avlalt visit to tho fam family famIt femily ily It of I Strlngfollow returned to tothlr totheir totheir their homo at Ocala ala yMtorday yMtordayCapL yatordayCapL to toOalt CapL Cato of High Spring Springwag Slnlngwas Springswas wag was among the visitors to tho city cityyeeterduy alt altlIIl8rday cityyester yester yeeterduy Jay lie Is now dark and treasuror treas treasurer treftsuror uror of that place the position having havingbean hAvingblon havingbeou bean given him for tho second tormMisses torm termMltaos Misses Gladys Burke nrko of Jackson Jacksonville Jaoksonvllle ville and AmlDotUe Bottle Richardson ntoh rdson of Mariannn Marian nn who have boon hero as guosts of ofMr ofMr ofMr Mr and Mrs frs Merchant for tho thoIWMt thoI tho1Ml1t thepest I pest two weeks have returned to their tholrhome theirhalUM theirhomos homeMr home homosMr Mr Johns who has recently roconUyromov remov removed romoveel ed to this Uti city olt from Starko and pur purohaeed pu puohR8et purabased abased an interest In the tb Efeglo Bar Bapberahop Barblrahol1 Barbershop berahop with I Cone has returned returnedfrom rtturnttdfram returnedtrout from a pleasant visit I lt to the Straw Strawberry Sl Slblrry Strawberry berry City CityGapt Oil OilOjt CityOrtpt Gapt A UUIJUtan Hyiwry who has hascharge hoharg hascharge charge ot tho Urge Snyder Interests Interestsnear IntereslsnOAr interestsnear near Miotmopy UOmOI and who la now con conducting conduotlng conducting ducting ono ot tho largest truok truckfarms truokfarm8 truokfarms farms In tho State wtys a visitor to totho totbu tothe the city olt yesterday yesterdayV oatorda oatordaW Wlnocoft Inlcott and brother of of6wrla ofbecrlsln ofOtor 6wrla Otor who are tt now upending lte uUl1g a few fewwl fewttt feww wl ttt with fttlatlvM rulath at Archer were werelit wereSn werein lit tke to cltjr ell Mtenlay Mter They MlMt MlMtdowR vwe vwedown me medown down In I their Lr large UmrlHR car and andare antIijig andare are eej enjoying ijig ike country oQuntr Immeiwely ImmeiwelyThe mtuel mtuelTk The Tk symptoma ot kMaay trouble are arevrtaary aretiMr arevrlaary vrtaary tiMr dteonUra weak book and andbaek andbask dMet Met aoke rlwtiwaUam ad raeHwatte raeHwatteDftlna rlaettUoJ rAeetaatlepales pales taw twinges pita 1 I i the grata grataec Iretae grataetc ec Tkere Tat to Motklftg notlrIs tts goo coM tor torkMiwr ferkid terkldaer kMiwr kid awl MiuMwr bk ider trs trmiW sbl as uwau De DeWin be11itts Win KUwiy awl miler MM YM YMmay YAI YNday may AI iepaad wl MM nMeo Meat tu to give If Ift arts tUrtMtUfeeUott artsMttsfeeUoti MtUfeeUott Ttwr ar am a susUpue tk uUe act actIKtMnpUy Meptb aetprepUy IKtMnpUy ptb and tooth soot IO pal la SoW br brau tt ttaU aU aA1eta 1 1PHIFER PHIFER PHIFEROur BROS BROSIOur DispOBANKERS DispOBANKERSl BANKERS BANKERSu1 Our u1 Banking Faoilitied are at Your Disposal Four Per Cent CentAllowed CentAllowccl CentI I Allowed in Savings Department Would Approbate Ap tto a Share Shareof Shareof ShyV of Your Ollf Buaii Bueineni I 1 ITT lIf ilL ilLo Dog Causes Excitement ExcitementMarshal ExcitementMarshal excitementMarsbal Marshal Dell was compelled to toshoot toshoat toshoot shoot a vicious dog on Sunday which whichwas wblchWUS whichwas was raising a disturbance In various varioussections varl varioussections us ussections sections of the th city While the ca canine canino ennine nine was pot not thought to bo mad he hewas bewas howas was attacking a number of other dogsand dogs dogsand itagsnnd and would make a dash dns at ntpersoris ntpersorisWho persons personswho personswbo who came along ql 1g If they In any way waytried waytried ytrlca tried to molest molest him himMiss 111mMiss himMiss Miss Mazfq MnzloCox Cox of Jacksonville Jo iksODvlli ar arrlVed i1 i1r atrlved rlVed Ved In the city lt yesterday esterdnr add andwill andwillremain rill rillremain It1 It1remain remain hero for the next sverai vernldas vernldasas days daysas daysas as the guest gtJQ of MrJ Mrs A Ettel at attho altho attho tho Brown House HouseYoull HouseYoull HouseYoull Youll be Entertaining durlng ttr1n tlie tlieholidays th thhoUda lhhholidays holidays hoUda Certainly youll ouU want your yourdesserts your yourdosserts yourdosserts dosserts perfect perr ot Flavor them tbemW1tl1 tbemW1tl1mua with withBluor with withBlue Blue Ribbon Vanilla I Extract and and a a your yoursuccess yourJuccess yoursuccess success Is assuredOh assured assuredOh assuredOh Oh Mamma Is the way waylg In which whichh whichho whichthe the ho Kome Klean Kle Ilub call attention attentiontp ttQnUonW tp how nlcethey can maker that spoil spoiled apolled spoiled ed suit look now again in their spaceelsewhere space spaceelsewhere spacolsowhere elsewhere in this paperMM paper paperM pnlerM MM MPrlnce Prince ft fMl Mlcanopy ano was wasamongtho wasamong wasamong amongtho among the visitors to the qlty yes yesterday yestorday es esterdny terday and while horo made a piousant pleas pleasant pIonsnot ant call at this office renewing his hissubscription hisJlubscrlptloit hissubscription subscription for another yearThe year yearThe yenrThe The First Flr National Bank have a achange achongo achange change of advertisement In this is issue issuo IsBUO sue in which they talk to you of an anOpportune nnOpportuno anOpportune Opportune Time In a forceful andneat and andneat andnent neat manner Read what they have haveto havesay havew rLawson to say eayLawaon sayLawsan Lawson Mooty who Is employed employedwith employedwith employedwith with tho Southern Bell Telephone TelephoneCompany TelephaneCompany TelephoneCompany Company at Jacksonville spent spenlChristmas spentOhrlntml1s spentChristmas Christmas with his parents and other otherrelatives otherrelatives otherrolatlvos relatives hero Before his return he hemade hemodo hemade made a short visit to Mlcanopy MlcanopyCalvin MlcanopyCnlvln MicanopyCalvin Calvin Banks a uegress who has been beenresiding beonrosldlng beenresiding residing weU of tho city was adjudg ndJudged adjudged ed insane yesterday before a commisatop commis commission commlssIan atop selected by County Judge MasonShe Mason MasonShe MasonSho She was committed tojail to jail to await awaittho awaittho awaitthe tho arrival oJ of a nurse from Chnttahoochoe Chntta Chattahoochoe Chnttahooohoo hoochoe hoochoeTho hooohooTho hoochoeThe Tho best pill is DoWitts Little EarlyRisersthe Early EarlyRisers EarlyRiserstho Risers Riserstho tho safe easy oa yplc pleasant sant and andsure antisuro andaura sure little liver pills pl IB DoWitts Car Carbollzcd tarholized ar arballzod bollzcd Witch Hazel Salvo Is the theoriginal theorJglnal theoriginal original Good GD for cuts burns orbruises or orbruises orbruilles bruises and especially fop piles Bold Boldby Saidb Soldby by all druggists Joseph Hayes editor of The Lake LakeButler LakeUuUor LakButler Butler Star wn was In tho city elt for thepurpose the thepurpose tbepUrlOSO purpose of 0 uiiindlug tho holiday holidayIjoro boUdnysoro holidayiMoro Moro oro with his parents lIran Ho states 8tntoshat 8tntoshatbo thai thaiho thaho ho will leave that place about tho thofirat the thefirst hc hcfirst first ot tho year and other parties parflearo partiesare pnrtlesnro are to take charge of tho paper paperAll paperAU paperAll All i persons eraons Interested In Oak Ridgtcemetery Ridge Rldgccemetery Ridgeoomctor cemetery aro requested to meet at attho attho al althe tho cemetery on Thursday January 6 1910 Come prepared to spend the theday tbodnbrlng thtday day dnbrlng bring your our dinner and something some something som somthing thing with whloh to work At this thisrotating thismtatlng thbmeeting rotating It IB oxpootod to parfeot arorgatllzatton an anorgaiilzatlon anorglutlzaUon orgaiilzatlon for the care of the come cemetery con1otory cometort tory XMr toryMr Mr and Mrs lrsJ Burke of Jabk Jabksonvlllo Jn Jaoksonvlilo kIOn sonvlllo IOn 111 who have been on horo on svisit a avisit avllil visit to Mr and nlldMrs Mrs James Jam os Moroh Morohant Morohant Morohant ant returned to tho metropolis Sunday Sunday Sun SuhdB day dB Mr Durko Is pnoof ono of tho roal roalostato ronlOltlto roa roaestate estate men ot that city oil and has alWays al always afw ways ya boon hustler lu this directionThoy direction dlrootlonTho diroottonThey They Tho wore accompanied RQCO l1pnnled by WBurke WBurko WDutko Burke also ot tho same place placeBkrlo IJlaqeEarlo placeEarle Bkrlo 1t1ollo Kolloy will leave today tada totDolatnd for forDoLnnd forDobmtI DoLnnd for the purpose 1 7urpoao rl10Se of attondinthe attending attendingtha the Florida State Stl tQ Teachers Associa Association AssoolaLion S8oclaUon Lion and Mso Iso to tobo bo prosont and com comp cornpate Om Om110tt pate for tho modal offered by thatbody that thatbody thAtbody body as a doolamatlon prize Miao MiaoDawklne MisrDawklns MI MIDawkins Dawklne who 110 is aont from the HighSchool High HighSchool lUghSohool School to repre rtprwantr pret nC the glrla will willnot willnot willnot not leave until th tilt latter part ot the thewook tboWGok thevook wook wookTho WGokTho vookThe Tho happlMt bnl1ilfMltman man In town IlrnestMolnar Hrneat HrneatMolnar Hme lMolnar Molnar There Is no need to ask him htmwhy himwhy himwhy why for the answer la plainly visibleupon visible visibleupon IalbleUIU upon his face ace and bearing Santa SantaQbue SantaOA8 SantaQlatte Qbue had a great dial fl al to do with withIt wlitIt withIt It for OR Chriatma8 day da ho brought to tothe toUle tothe the horn ot Mr and td Mrs Mr Molnar Molnartjie Nolaartype type 8 prattlMt girl baby Imaginable ImaginableAwl ImaginableAnd malnab1eAM Awl It la a real bulky ono on too andwt and andw Ifba 01 It pounds iHHindaTN lHIndTh poundsTpe Tpe TN seat tltao tl tiM a oa ORe of Uw chlWrwa chlWrwaoatek ehlklr ehlklroatok chUdreaoateb oatek coW Rlvak IIva It somoUtlag oUtlag eti lag that will willUM wlUINOMJltr willMansur INOMJltr atw freely 1Mb lIt antir atb mars marsU 180fttM UM iMwtla WI In Uuttwny talww tJaat 1ft the coW will willlUMMMTa w111at willat at GMt drli 11 aMt Ht or Ute setea seteatr1e 111 111x lUMMMTa tr1e Laths La Oowftk OD Synm SynmMOW SnIf SnIftJM SynprMOree MOW UM Ww ttoweJIlINtl1 bewe lt iKWwpUy awl froth frotht fr frHlrU1 Ijr Ijrrat rat fWNtlr U1 awl ad Ute rwtw time Hall HallrUM 1 a eatsIrr11M1oN ak akirritMkm irritMkm rUM awl at pe UN cofck It It11taUt Iaepeoa1Iy kmMdaikr mMdaikr 11taUt rod o4 liar pHthir rhtWtM SoW SoWFOR SoWbr Sowftr br aU FOR SALE SALETHWtX SALEm 1tE 1tErut rut IS NX NO A QAMX GJo QI LAW LAWMlk LA VI VI1Ia1 aypt ayptaatywi aatywi bent 1Ia1 Plaks CWII Teak T1cIt TeakIts It Its I rartM 4 t4 be CIIIIIe rn aahula aahulasHea krlt krltJUt Mlk aA JUt brit Ie Pries rrs XAM OMU HWrtW pfit fit Aak JlbIOII ne AeS AeSprobtbll TI 1 1Wr probtbll Wr knW knWG tt1 t1 1 I 01 Please Call CallAnd And secure one of our fine art calendarn calen calendars calcndam darn dam before they are ar all given out outThis outTftta outThiadoes This Thiadoes does not apply to to children but butwe butIII III we wed do hope the grovynups gmwn upa will avail availthemselves availj I I i themselves thc thegtselves lves of this opportunity to get getoneof i ione I Ithc iFREE I I 11 onoo one oneof of these fine flnecalcnd calendars calendarsFREE calcndps rs rsFOR I FREEJ FOR FREE FREEOEPPSITOR Ii IiII II dP UNIT STiVF SlATE OEPPSITOR PEPSIT9AY PEPSIT9AYJ pgpQSITOWYt I ai a leSyilleltati esM1le atio Oll nk i WANTS ANTS 1 5 50 Cents Per LineLOST Line LineLOST 4 LOST LOSTi LOSTLOST LOSTLOSTDrcniJt LOSTLOSTBreast i LOST LOSTDrcniJt BreaSt pin with pearl sun sunburst sunburst sunburst burst Leave Lea atSun at Sun off oalco officoand iceand and get getreward gelreward rewardLOST reward rewardLOST rewardLOST LOST PoInter pup with liver spots spotson spotlton spotson on each ear also on right fore foreshoulder fareshould foreshoulder shoulder should i and on bind part of back backabout bnclepbout backAbout about threo thr months old Return to toGainesville toGt toGainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gt Planing Coffin Go andgot and andgot nntLgot got reward STRAYED STRAYEDSTRAYED STRAYEDSTRAYED STRAYEDSTRAYEDXarge STRAYED STRAYEDXarge jarge rge turkey gobbler gobblerright gobb gobblerright rrlgbt right wing clipped Return to or ornotify br brnotify or ornatlt notify natlt 300 East Cpurt street and get getreward getreward getreward reward Jenkins JenkinsWANTED JenkinsWANTED JenkinsWANTED WANTED WANTEDREE WANTEDFREEV WANTEDREEWo FREEV REE Wo repair rep lrsboes shoes free of charge chargeit it bought from us Morris Cohen CohenGuarantee CohonGunrantoo CohenGuaranteo Guarantee Shoo Store West Union Unionstreet Unionstreot Unionstreet street streetDONT streotDONT streetDONT DONT FORGET Morris Cohen when whenyou whenou whenyou you ou need shoo repairing re lrJ 1g All work workdone workdone workdone done at the Guarantee Shoe Store StoreWall StaroWal1 StoreWall Wall street streetWANTED streeti streetWANTEDPlana i oV ANTEDPlans WANTED Plans and a iid specifications speclflcationsaccompanlod specificationsaccompanied peolOonUonsaccompanlod accompanlod by bids for tho oroathen erec erection orootlon then of four houses on University UniversityPlace UnivQrsltyPIneo UnivqrsityPlace Place each house to cost not morethan more morethan arQ arQtban than 2600 2600 Address Ad Address Thomas ThomasFOR Thomas ThomasFOR omas omasF FOR 8 NT NTOR NTI NTton NTOR I I OR RENT RENlCottnge Cottage In South Galnos Galnosvilla QalnGJ QalnGJvilla Qainyvilla villa Apply Applyto ApplY to Hayes II yosor or atthis at atthis atllo this llo office offlcoO cto i to RBtNT RSNTMy My plantation agar llQ Alaoh Alaohua ua tn as a wholo pr in part For Forsale Forsnle Forsale sale on place 800 bushels bu holl corn say several 80 80ornl sayoral oral tons bay potatoes poas plows plowswagons plowswagonl plowswagons wagons hay press mower rake rakoand rnkeBnd rakeand and other implements found on a awellequipped aWclloq awell wellequipped well Wclloq oqulpped llJped farm fifty head of ofoattla ofoattle ofcattle cattle throe mulctS Terms oaahJames oaah oaahJames oalhJames James Ghaanut Cti 8enut 1h rP I TJ No NO1 NO1GalnetllIo 1 1Galnesvlllo 1Galneevilta Galnesvlllo Florida FloridaFOR FlorltIFOR FloridaFOR FOR BALE BALEIR 8AEFOR BAEOR FOR OR IR SALE SAL SALIiTypowretor Typowrllor ribbons all allkinds aUklni allkinds kinds sun dun office officeORB offIcePORII officehtm PORII ORB f1 MOLD BED ED POTATOES POTATOESWo Wo offor offortho offortbo offerthe the genuine Snauldlng Row Ro No 4 in In10lHtck 10 10lHtck peck sacks Hcks250 280 True Red Bliss BlissTriumph DU81Triumph BlissTriumph Triumph at1321 at 325 Send us your yourordars yourorders onr onrordn orders American Produce Com Coml Comtanr any Jaoksonvllto Fla I WANTED WANTEDMALE MALE HELP HELPWANTBDMcn HLPWANTED1tlen HCLPWANTEDMon WANTBDMcn to learn tar tarur tarurtrade ar ntratIe rtrade trade few weeks refit 1 tat tatpaying Ic ltapaying tpayJng paying work within ti th cr crpoor fpoor fpoor poor man can cnnb have ve shop a acapital EJU EJUcapital 2 2capital capital wages gos 12 to 5o 20 Lt is tiy tiywonderful lywonderful ly lywondertul wonderful demand Cur barbtrsCatalogue barbers barbersCatalogue barbersCatalogue Catalogue mailed free Mol toLr Bar lIarher Barber Barber ber College Atlanta GaJONES Ga GaJOKES GnJONES JONES BROS BROCO BROCOHoliday CO COYuu COHoliday Holiday HolidaySuggestions HolidayUgestions Suggestions SuggestionsYu You can make no mistake if you scM scMBomo 1 tsome rl rlBome some article of lions mniMiinp It1rllihhl from fromthis from fromthis fromthis this store for your your Holiday Gift There Therearc Thrrearc Thereare arc hundreds of articles artic1 hire that will willprove willprove ill illpfaO prove most acceptable as wel t1 us I a appro aipropriate appropriate 8Hropriate priate gifts Ifts and wil lasting lastill as well wellas wellas wc i ias as useful to those receiving fCe ng them themRugs th111Hogs themRugs Rugs and Art Squares up to S3D S3DLeather 30Feather 30 30Leather Leather Couches SI 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