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Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 15

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EWi 'MUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1916 'TH2 i liiiii VIFEDEIANDS BREAD HER LEAVE THE CITY LEONARD WASELEWSKL Airent v- MAIN STREET Hell Phone 264, Now Pboa 8008 NEW YORK Ql'OTATK'IfH Orr P. IV Eyam Store' caucago Grain Vlarkxil Mtw Tillle Saffy. 20 Oakley has iron to Wapwallopen to spend a fv day. on the farm of Mr. and Mrs.

fCM opan High low GUARANTEED THE GREATEST CIRCULATION IN NANTICOKE WHEAT Hon haw. Bept 115U -11 1' I At i Rose Kltzalmmona of Avoea, Open ii i i Clost Deo .......111 118 111 1 88 CORN j. uninne Keanesr 01 woman is r. a.zi aaae edas Michael DrosdowskL of West Noble Earl, Charles and WlUard Olnter. Oa.

car Qrabowskt, Irene Grebowskl, Myrtle Grabowskl. John Griffith. 1 a AM 6Ti I Mr and Mr. Joseph A. Wllllami Yco cs 8 I Beet Granted and Non-Support of JKasla street, returned from AU Am 1 street' tbls place, la attempting to evert collision with another machine at Kom nd Frsnklls streets, Wllkes-Barre, Saturday, bumped a lamp post and battered a (lobe.

Tb machine vat but so on wai Injured. High KVi 5H 1 51 T4 102 71 84 84 IOW ii il it 91 50 7 102 UK Union street passed away yesterday morning at 1:10 o'clock following a brief ilmeaa. In the death of their child Mr. and Mra.n Hlggans have tlttt sympathy of the community. The funeral will take' place tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.

Services be conducted at the house by the Rev. W. Peters, pastor of the Primitive" Methodist Church and Interment will be made in the Nantlcoke cemetery. (barge Withdrawn r. nuuin uepu.jr cum Anaconda 7 Deo 51 74 OAT-101 Bept 71 8JVi 70 71 46 4 84 71 74 41 4T 60ft 4 71 76 46 48 61.

8 I 7 i ii 4. I Atchison .103 Mian HoUn Jafnlv. nf Hail atrMl aldwln 714 4A 4 May Ieeth of Former Resident. Tho many frlenda of Mra. ElUa-beth Morgan.

former well-known resident of tola place, will be sorry to learn of her death which occurred yesterday, morning at the home or her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Gill of Peck, vllle. She was born In England 78 years axo and has been a resident of Nantlcoke for many years. She la 14 8 4 LOCKED UP WITH FARE has returned home sftor spending tho past several weeks visiting her (-an slater. Mrs, Oharleo Baker at Blng- r.

175 .175 175. 111 Total sales nf atonka fr. Held rial Tbe membera of the Beream Organised Bible Clan of tbe Primitive Methodist Bnaday school will conduct nniue so. vial -in tbe basement of the church Wed. sesday evening Aug, ton.

Ice cream ad. candy will be on asle. 14 64 04 I were 111. COO aharaa: bonda 01 Tennla Aaaoo atlen Meeting. x.

60 (0 A meeting of the Nantlcoke.Newport BringlMr er husbnnd. Ttrlck TA.n)l iji I 11 0 000. -v 18 MS- lis crunhi AiiniT survived by one son, Isaac, of Hanover Green, daughter, Mrs. Alfred Tennis Association will bo held on FrU Drwn, of the Height, to be- a meraber of the staff of The ii Ku2P 4.1 day evenlnsr at Klrmar Park, and all cause lie fulled to support her and her Evening News, who was at Mount Jii? Gill, of Peckvlile, fourteen grand- 18 47 41. 70 UT 4 60 16 48 41 W.

70Vi 117 4 17 7-I 'V 71 cnuaren ana lour great granacnuarea. i uiscuu; nmw. vnree minor cnirorra, iook ijihiiuh irum iwih fjor 117 11? uiiitrvfajnuiJii present. At a recent meeting of th Mrs. serloue Illness returned to thta city Her remains were brought to the home 6 association it was decided that the) yesterday.

A Challrajra The Nantlcoke Elks ehsllenge any flrat laa teem la tewo for a came Sunday, Aug. 13. Nantlcoke Kede, Nantl. oke Creseeata er Alden preferred. Game to be played on accepting team's ground.

Answer In Evening News or communicate with msascer tbe Elki. The manaaement of the Kike hss some. 4 17 rnD WAMTFrnTn last day to enroll in this aeaodatlr-n orvMrecu ro uiun willlam Tlghton of this city, who .1 I H. .1 1 1 h.P UTAllM AAV t.hl A i I 17 17 Nev cons of her son at Hanover Green, from which place tbe funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be conducted In the 101 101 101 The tournament with Plttston win town.

I has returned. jj, av 57 58 67 68 'OH in ziAitnf vw' 16 11 cemetery chapel and Interment will be made In the Hanover Green cemetery. vvn 01 hi 1 The cmo wn- a rod this artejrnoon ex. A 16 Vk A Tihor rv tnnrnamont will be held j. lr- r.i...

ut tJ what strengthened bis team by signing Fred tolling and John Novak, two .110 110 110 110 15 lUIilfliill with club members only and sllvVr uj Brown. in fc.r. of it Iake Nuangola visiting friends. loving cups will be warded to the fcnBenteil tl) ahakg the dust City Commissioner Fred Ooerlnger np. winner In singles and doubles.

nl.v from hia heels of North Main street, together with 65 66 5o 55 97 17 7 22 IS 11 SI 77,. Jiind tonight at Mx o'clock wltt board the members of Ytia family are apend- Rtudebaker 125 125 1244 125 Oarer young i amateurs. rraetwred Ana Joseph. Glowacki. a well known young man of Honey Pot la suffering with a severe fracture of the left forearm, sus.

talned Satnrde morning while tramping thrdugb the wood a at Hooey Pot la company with aereral friends. 118 118 111 18 Victory for Creseents. The Crescents baseball team defeated the Nantlcoke Cuba yeeterfay afternoon on the Lincoln diamond- by the eoore of to f. The pitching and batting of Mc-Graw was the feature of the game. The score by Innings was as follows: R.

H. E. Cubs 101 000 MO-1 4 txie pnnsyivara. wain ror mn ing aumer momnj ai ouuiwi po The members of the Junior Epworth town near Hlt.tsburirh. wher his In the Poconos.

gteei 81 86 86 8f; League, of tne Meinouist episcopal iroiner isioes. Alderman aroppew ins PhurrK nf filnn I. vnn antoved a lone Wi'lMswn McKennu, of Kast North- utah Cop 78 78 78 ampton street, this cltv, who was In- Weatlnsrh'e. 661 87 51V i. WA Vl PC IVJI axUlnftt.

Brown, but an st ere- 118 78. 7 rrom miptv caut on not to permit Patrick. 1ured while working at Haaleton, Kiu siu In their report of the audit cX Ashley school dlatrlot WlUlam -Harris, of XMantlooke and Robert touwen, of AJuryea, the auditors i that evtry cent racelved by tne chi treasurer has been accounted for that the money has been spent iri lawful niarner. The auditors find that tnere Is room for lmpri) raent in (he manner the minutes a accounts of the board are knt i- Crescents 302 020 000- 10 3 ft ...1 nor. Mouajvlnrlnr hda few dollars, una car 48 68 67 Crucible and recovering at the Mercv hospknl where ho was taken laat Tuesday fol- 4UUn 1IV VllllWOgU Ui.

I'lAi 1 Marola Sack. Augusta Sack, Haiel fare. tad. Mm lokd up at th police Batteries. Crescent McOraW Busch; Cuba Shepan and Krynlk.

Mine Accident At Loomlft. Walter Hulllck, a resident ol Ply-nKuth, employeNj as ft tracklayer at the Ldomls coHlei'y of the 1 A W. the mishap. MarVhmiaa Minn.h Thnmix Mnrthn feiaiion unu Sow York Curb Transaction Crepps, Ulllan Flaher, Viola Fisher, westward. Notice to P.

O. 8. of A. mmiunv mKtaJniul a aevera in-I 1 11 TJn P. O.

S. Clara Lape, Carrie Shellhammer, utr- i MIsm Mary Nolan, of Now York City, has returned to VhaC city after spending everaJl weeks in this city visKlng relatives and frlenda. I A Ka. An A 1 Bid 14 ,29 Aetna DrJgg ake i some suggestions to correct fault. They also recommend ENTENTE RULERS Asked 100 41 9 jury to one of baa hands as the result lof A ar requested to meet at their hall of rail faMlnff on him.

The accident on East Main street on Tuesday evening, occurred Saturday afternoon. August the 8th, to take part In the parade OtU Roll, employed the IxoitiIs to be given that evening In honor of Bat-mlnea a coiicrote boss, sustained en tery C. of this place. A full attendance Coal Sales Fred F. Rlemensnrder.

of ill Marti- school hoard see that the tax ooller Gaston A mriia over to the board at the cl son street Willis nruremnn. of 11 rvmpl street nnd Fre-1 F. ef I'ke Torpedo Keane, Florence Rhodda, Harry Robert Nyhart. Ediaon Fisher, Russell Thomas, Fred Fuller, William Henry, Lester and Clyde Sack, Kalph Sherman, Fred Rhodes, Clifford I Shaughnessy, Otto Sutter, Mr. H.

X5A Nyhart, Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Griffith.

Mrs. Anna Hhodda, John Kanuck, of each month the total amount ugly gJixh of tbe riht han -is tho re-ila requested by the order of Bay Jones, president: John Volrath. secretary. gurt of a piece of Iron falling on him EXPRESS HOPE IN MESSAGES Hudswn. ere spending their vacation at 'x'." Atlantic City.

Miss Hilda Ashton. a student Anglo Amer Oil at the Mercy hospital, who. fotmerly Ohio Oil resided at Plymouth, but now of New- of 11 1 11 61 12 14 ..216 ..201 ..611 ..168 ..680 Kvan T. Jones, Charles Moore or Alden and Joseph Miller of Wanamle. Opens Branch Store.

Mrs. Celia Cseehowlcs desires to announce to her frlenda and patrons In New. port township, that she will open up a branch millinery store st Glen Lyon In the near future. Michael Konnlck. resiient or ian-evcr.

wu struck by car at the Lootnls minei recently nnd sustained a severely bruised mkle. While tlmbr at lootnls colliery on Siifi Flunk of thin nluco. recelvc.l a severe gh ll- heal ark. N. Is spending her vacation or in with her parents in the latter city.

8 of Calif Sir. and Mr. Lawson, of Scranton. 8 of Ind and Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Frlggl. of Cosden A lltt 5 11 15 220 20 61t 200 50 11 26 105 1 65 22 IS 51 Succumbs to Operation, Friends of Edward Phillips, a well known resident of Wanamle, will be grieved to learn of hla death which occurred at the Nantlcoke State Hospital taxes psi during the, month a list of names of those who ha paid during; tbe month together the amount and that the treasu; balance up hla book monthly render a report estrh month, ot th celpta and xpsnttures, It hos been found that tha sett: ments of the tax collector-hart in tonformity with the schi code luasmueh as the duplicates "i 1114 5nd have not been settit up to July last, Tha total stasets of the school tv trlst are $87,411.12 and the tot lluhllltles 114,711.11 maklnr the: reaources The total 11 14 Annual First Aid Contest. The annual outing and' flrsfeld contest Wanamle, returned home on Saturday Cerro de Pasco London, Auar.

7. Answers to the telegrams he sent to the heads vt various Kntente A. 1 lied nations on the Drowning At This PUce afternoon spending a week at Atlantio City. r-i- 1. elaatvhere in 40- of the local D.

L. A W. collieries win. oe yesterday morning following an opera IK Mil Ton Mining 6 Chevrolet 160 Mldvala 60 U1W- tlon. The deceased had a serious case ry of Great Britain's Lr hav been rscelved of HDDBiidieltls.

Ha was born In Wales Lso Ftnnegan and George Strom iMofbr Products 58 tw Klnr Oaorara. Tha messaga from returned from Atlantic City to their 'peerless 21 homes In Newtown, folowlng a week's United Motors 61 Rmperor NlOholeaa, of Rusma, said: am iWIIISs'l iv irkat we Whit Motors 61 cslpU for the year were in the rivw nwr new bridge yes 1 arranBemenU hav. been terday afternoon. 1 completed and the officers In charge are riu rirrna las follows: President. David T.

Morgan W1M Animal Clrcns 0TOrre Harloy; recording 00k A WUson'a colossal canvas city ecretary. Roberts; financial sec will apnoar here on Tuesday of next rtftryt Lewis rtichards; treasurer, Sam-imuniinc to the amusement PHtrhxrd' trustees. 'William Whyte, 39 years ago and has been a resident of Wanamle for the past tec years. Cor the past 18 years he was employed as a conductor on the Peopu'j Street Railway and was held in hlxh esteem by hie employees. He was affiliated with the following order: ldge No.

641, P. and A. Glen Lyon Lodge No. 116, K. of Wanamle Lodge No.

867, I. O. O. F. and the In Rualaahall Txake good tha sworl-1 vacation noes which my rave troops and Pj uiniv h.v riven to a causa which wit olty -are at Atlantio city.

They brTng7Tewar5 t. and that'e ragWed at St. Ch.rl.s hotel, fbi for wKioh w. nght sb-all be) Mta Ncy Nolan, who has bs.n by ccnnolete victory over our Mm enemies, lun.i i.xi.rii wiitv niht and tho total expenditures wer the balance In the treasur on July 1011, being $614.11. 8C1T FOR SLAICDETt New York Produce Markets Rye Firm: No.

2 western 112. Barley--Steady; mailing lit feeding 45 lbs. TS. Hay Quiet: No. 1 HO: No, 2 tSa 10; clover mixed 60al0.

From Hive Eroperor ot japan loving people of tml community not Davla j. Thomas, R. R. Jonaa and M. J.

onlv the largest and most complete DaVea. wild animal clrcna In exlstance. but Committees have been named as foi. t-i-'r. ribbon oer- ini Knights of Malta of Glen Lyon.

She returned to New York to resume following was rcelved; her duties as mi Fifteen thousand dollars are ask. Htraw Firm; rre 6670, forrrtahces ever offered. Two eomplete gelling tlckeU for automobnes--Wllllam Misses Anna Bauer and Teutne Nay Hop Dull: state prime to choice by rarrle A Kan of HMrk.hin. neprmanct will bo given daily. one Jordan," Alfred ana am In the afternoon at 2:15 and the other Advertising-Samuel Prltchard.

D. T. in the evcng at I Morgan. John Jonas. Morgan Samuel, and returned from Harvey'a lake where iealj raclflo eoast prime to choice they spent two weeks at Word en ial4.

oesiaes nis parents, air. ana rs. 1 .11 k-. nf ha arrat John Abrams hels survived by a wife i Aftr idomitaWe and the following children:, tlsjfewlvs Jom't'7 John and Edward. The following im- rmles ot the AA are now mrch.

thers and sisters also survive: David, torwird, stewadlly and Mr. John Kane. Mrs. William T. fully, cn ill fronts.

I btl your MsJ. Warns, Mrs. Howard Bunckerh-iff. 1 ty to boluvs I am entirely In ao-George and Catherine Abrams. cord with you In th strong deter- Tha funeral will tnke nlaca tomorrow tiilnntlou to carry 00 the Struggle Place.

cruds Pann- Petroleum teady: One of thefwtures 01 me twniwi 1- Powell 1 k. frM atreot nnrade. Contest William White, r. against Elisabeth Dietrich of same place, for slanderous wrr alleged to hava been spoken. T.

plaintiff demands a Jury trial- Atto nays K. MxiOulgan aud Orover represent tha plaintiff, Misses Kathryn MoCaulley and Ar-llne Hlgglns soent their vocation at Lakeside Inn, Harvey's Lake. A lo; Wdlatlng color nnd John Thomas. John Jones and H. sylvan I a 140.

Turpentine Quiet 61. Rosin Quiet; common 626. Wool Strong; domestic fleece XX 1 liwi nr dellffnm. ocorea 01 Arrangements-Daniel Jones, WIDlam afternoon at 1 o'clock with services lu until our common cause for righj, horses, ponies, elephant. Bedouin camel and dromwiarie Whyte.

Evan. Fulton, James DutTy. rm and Wtlliam H. Jones. the Methodist Episcopal Church at i and freedom,, bs fully- wtndi-Wanamle.

Interment will be made In I coted the Hanover Green cemetery. rhs mwiage rropi King Petar of Ohio Ssail; domestic pulled scoured fa open 4ms of trx'nod wlM beasts, ror- lr. and Mrs. Joihn T. rtaMereon.

of Forty Fort, are entertaining Mr. an Mra. P. 8 P.lsdale and family, of WaehSngron. I).

C. htnenta-Wlltlam Martin, John PITTSTON basis 66a86; domestic Texas scoured other diverting basis SSa80 rnwnn mm Hides Oulet: native steers Xfsll a etulre- Kuchtka, George Harlow and John E. Evans. Mai jagi "William 'DarleirasslstantT Tliomas Kennedy. Stand managers Lewis R.

Thomas i Board of Health te Meet. An Important meting of the of the Nantlcoke Board of Health Mlaat flarwh I.eOrin of IS Oak I Ui branded steers 111 5r'Dia snin ns recv.u satisfaction the rash tMtlraony of an "lnfllble datarmlnatlon to bring about triumph of tha noble cau't." Announcements. streer, rotnuited flundav nleiht from I Coffee Steady; options opened Oattni At Harvey's Lake. Mea1ow Brcok. where she snent sev- 0 6 points higher; Rio Ns.

on A number of ladles ot mis pia.v will take place this evening In the health officer's rooms in the city build; Tha city council will meat this at 7:10 o'clock, The rattan Society will meet Tue erai wswi wnn ner xuw, miss mix jpot held Thomas. John ntiv. where they spent the day in r. T. Hirh.

1 rut. Rice Steady; domestic tt64. tng. The presence of every men)!" nr. and Mrs.

W. A. nibble. James (lay evening at I o'clock. Molasses Steady demand for black va'rV eniovable manner.

Those Is urgently requested as buelnrss of i-rtv ware: Mri. P.lMlo and W. ft. Morgnn. have re- 1 he city sohool board will meet Wed strap; New Orleans open kettle 40a great Importance Is to be transacted.

AthleticsDel Slmonson, William DU PONT DECLINES U. S. SENATE CANDIDACY ncsday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Inrned from a weeks' me (wiring trip thrMigOi t'he Knw TCpgland stales. A.

Tuslnskl, Mrs. S. borowekl. rs, A. Csechowlca, Mrs.

8. Vomplerskl. Mrs. E. Mekowskt.

Mrs. F. Peters, Heepltel Kates Ell (Mblng waa admitted to tbe Via. Frank MtOovern. of North wilkes- A Fine Demonstration and Address eg; black strap iTttazo.

Raw Sugar Steadier; centrifugals 676; molasses sugar 416. Refined flugar Barely steady; fine granulated 746aTI6; cut loaf S0a tlcoke State hospital yesterday for surgi i. DmiDi Mn. Knoll. Mrs.

A beautiful notrlotlo demonstrate TVirre. Is spending his vnnatilon at NuansroH, where there are a number Roberta, Wesley Klsner. Theodore Courts, Gordon Roberts and John Roberts. Ticket sellers at stands Henry Hobbes, Thomas Bebb, Thomas Smith, D. J.

Thomas and George Lewis. Ticket sellers for boats-Cran 3. cal ireaimeni. waa held Haturday evening when Herman Gaoakonn was admitted for of othee- boys camping, 860; crushed 846M66; mould A 76a medical treatment. Mra.

W. 1C. lteelensn and son. of mi, rita. Titait nowdarAd Wilmington.

Aug. 7. Alfrexl I. lTiPont. who x-acently made hl tl-vent Into De-lawurf politics.

to-day gave out the followlnif statement; 1 AaaoaBcemanta thousand or mora people assembled 1 the Broad street city park to listen the spirited addresses made by O. br Ml0eAnd The parade, mads up of the Nation Evans, WUllam Grey, EJdward Klsner, this city, gflont the wee end as rhe i.mond A 166; eonfsotloners rueet -oVf Hands at Tke Psrev 'a 716a7i apftg No. a Tl0aT60; No. Miss Boyrs.jf.f North flv- Jn0( Ko. 1 and ibb anuuni nuima tn ine xtriuei nun.

Thomas Irulton, Even Thomas and "It hi bacesge -necessanrTor Fred Williams. tomorrow. Bpeal cars will leare Can. mrxko a frank nnd nnit aiaiemnx 01 Guard, comprising Companies C. I OKltlowskt, Mrs.

P. Berfus. Mrs. W. Koschlnskl, MiJ.

SchwarU. Mrs; P. Kanorskl. F. Kriyianskl.

Mrs. Wlsnlewskl. Mrs. 3. Oosclnaki, Mrs.

J. Toralskl, Miss Julia WaslelsWBkl, Miss Mamie Glocwackl. Miss Lilian Glowsuskl. Ii I ail I Outing At Hnnlock's, The following people held an enjoyable outing at Hunlock's Creek ye- terday: Mrs. Augusta Grabowskl.

Mrs. Amelia Roman. Mr. and Mrs. 5 Wlllam Glnter, Mr.

and Mra Carl Warmnth. -Mr. and Mra Fred Davis. m.v position relative to 'ho tral Park at noon. Members of HuuUny and who are now mustered lr Taking Up CngrsvlnB.

inn BT.rj.-T. aprnninp norv aVNoa to j4 fcr, polnU lake carey. (lower than the preceding grade. AfU-r spending a few dsvs at 'Dan- LflL VtlLllol vllle Mr. and Mrs.

B. P. Harris aoutharns 160216; sweats S00 acbool ana rneads are Invttm. a pro. gram of sports will be carried oat.

Richard Crotser, son or William Crotaer. the Market street jeweler, Is th battery, was headed by the Mut climl band of West Plttston. Ale thn Main street enthusiasm wag mar. fested by the outburst of applause tK 160. returned to their home at Plains; 1 taking up a special course in, en cravinr at the B.

F. Bowman tech Beans -Quiet; marrow choice T6l neclal school of engraving at Lan Mtaa Kathryn Ft afford will conduct a private dsnie at the Oneonta Hotel at Harvey's Take tonight, flhe greeted them. On their return th rrpalred to the park en Broad stre coster Pa. tiornlrmtlon for TTtxtted Rtates Senator. This necessity irises from the periston! mMn ner.

teat Ion rf my attitude an 1 purp.iM I liao Bik 'n rrtnt anl private co'i'rat'on unl-fTr-i'v fM "n-j "vwel ftnranki imbltlon It. my 10 serve the llcpubltcan Tarly by ind-cotlng tihe poril of aervllliv to machine domlnntlor and by suggesting t.he naDWslty of Independence Inpol-ltlcnl Mf- hellvtha-vo denll sr Csavo. 1 la nMuirv to convince my set where a big crowd greeted their. will conduct four more beare the season' closes. Men Wanted.

While members of Battery are elated over the arrangements planned for a farewell reception, they are par-tl culary anxious that during the short time Irttervenlng between this and their departure that the citlaens active In this movement lend all possible encouragement In Increasing the ranks of the battery. Just how soon "thar calt to Mayor M. N. Donnelly was chalrmr i Injured In Divlni. of the meetlnar and he introduced Col.

While In the act of diving off the Asher Miner and Judge 0Boy: Miss Lilian Kolb of Dana street. Is Mrs. Elisabeth Kuckenbecker. Miss 1 Anna Ddberstetn. Mrs.

Lsona Engle, i Andrew Dobbersteln Lewis Bchwelta- rvMlss Martha Grabowskl, Miss Mary Grabowskl, Miss Kmlly Grabowskl, Helen -Dartdr- Elisabeth Kuckenbecker. Clara Grabowskl, Lewis, Floyd. shoulders of a fellow companion yes Throughout their addresses both gen a gneet nf her sister. Mrs. Hugo Bell- pta choice 876al80; rad kidney choice 180am.

Dried Fruits Dull; apricots choice to fancy 1114al4Hj apples evaporated prime to fancy 6H74: prunes 80s to SOs TKalltt; prunes 0s to 100s 6aTU; peaches choice to fancy 6 al needed jralsl jo- arcy Ial64. Dressed Poultry Quiet; chickens 2111: fowl 14a2Z; turkeys 2ill. Live Poultry Barely steady: chickens 20ell; fowls 19 turkeys ISalS; roosters 14 ducks terdav afternoon at Hunlocks Creek, tlemen received tioarty Arthur 1 Bonawlca, khoWd ytfUnA move will come Is not known and they man of West Nantlcoke. struck bottom now The Boston fltote Mutual Association will conduct one of their series of outtft Valley View tomorrow are. anxious that, when It-does of th.f abeirdltv the and -sustained a severe lacerations of iriefa Misses Ma ry and Catherine tha head.

Several stitches ware re fntthorlne Kilgrallon and Mary Dailey loTt Haturday for. two weeks vaca nlsht, August 8. The committee In charge has arranged an excellent program of amusement. them that they will have tbeir ruill smbltlftn iiiirintexi to me aim quoU of men. Some hard work Is elmerlty of my pax rrow.

It is for Uie ahead to secure the required numlw reason thM thr whioh lr r'w unUss a greater number enlist In the calming the bat of next two days than have In the oast I worthy ncturblcans In the Btate may quired to close the wouna. Carpenters' Clam Bake. tion at lake George and Saratoga Lawrence Ford 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. I aid or niatner, or Misses Margaret and Reglna Mull The annual outing and clam bake be orludlMd by tTi8s nmhltlon wrongly South Tllver street, will return today from a stay at Aharon Hp rings and Al week.

ontrtalned at their home oh Willi)" street Friday In honor of Mlsa Up' 1 of the local Carpenters and Joiners Union, will be held at Hunlocks Creek. bany. geese IS. Butter Moderate export demand; creamery extras lOail: creamery firsts SSalO; higher scoring; to Mall state dairy tub Mat renovated extras Imitation creamery 2Sa26Vi. on Saturday of this week and the com IB! 5.

mkft SI. 4tVlssie nf man aiuna imitEi mlttee in charge are making extensive DISLOCATED KNEE arrangements for same. One of tne features of the outing will be a base ctiarged to me. that I now state that 1 r-m not a tandlrt -ete the United Watc Senate the successor to tha prnt Inwmlirt; Mr dftltturat Indrment la that If would be a not nallttral blunder, at tWs Hrrnv to nomtnU oTor this hlgli office A. duT'ont.

Whatever tf debt, was owed by the partv to Wm h-a been paid many hid elcct-lon for two term. rw it 11. rr 1 1. 1 1. BOAliED BEKR wad lWrCYKIl ball game between the An Enthuslastle Meeting.

Yesterday's torrid waves could not keep down the enthusiasm of all of Kantlcoke's men who are anxious that the soldier boys be given a send-oft In keeping with the occasion of their departure, but they reduced the number materially. The metfb. like the others, was held in the council chamber but so hot union and the local union. other Tracey, 01 Philadelphia, who Is guest of Mlsa aenevlev Bohan. Frank Strudato, bookkeeper al tl Dime Bank, has returned from Philadelphia and Atlamio Clty.

Attorney and Mrs, W. Gillespie and two daugrhters are visiting in AV ki title City. Miss Rhoda. Tlschlef of ilughen. town, left th la morning for Philadelphia and Atlantic City.

1 Mr. and Mra. C. Blerly. of Fourth street, have erone to Atlantio Cltv to KXTUAC9 ftrNrery BoWlnjf rAIlNFS KllYV nFATH UH; whole milk fancy 164 XsnVOUJ DVla VltXlH mH; whole milk fresh export type 'specials all styles under grades Halt whole milk fresh export type Kiiward Hicks, asred 7 veers, of 224 fancy Wisconsin young sports will also be Indulged In.

Death ef Infant The thirteen month old son of Mr, ter ef ftalhm nitre Ol TO tm OBDfttll, Hla nomination at this time must lead George avenue, Parsons, died In the Americans iVAi skims specials 1SU rifv ffMnlSnl (hi mflmrnnnn fnlLnw. allVt: skims choice HallV! skims was the upper room that tbe business waa illarn.tphl anfMlllv mm nnaslhla iPfArt on within tni party, lr and Mrs. Francis Hlggani, of West no to l's dlvlrton. Twri many brlf on bv the. fair to good 10HUH; "lms lower men in THnir.

who KhnuUI bevoon- an)acmtion ot a knee. He was ad- grades 7a10. erlerd fw thl nomttinUon. nd tn -Mm tha hosnltal veeterdiiv after- Eggs Firm low grades dull: near- ajid adjournment made until this evening at 8 o'clock, when it la expected that final plans 1)1 be made. This de d-lre for Tt "iiblimn miccessf in oon By white fancy 16s40; nearby brown pends, too, upon the notification of apend the neat week, Miss tOmce Blewltt, of Broad street, Is sojourning; at Atlantic City.

Miss Kitty Toyne, of (.. spent the week-end with Thomas Oaugtisut. rhtis State and Tntion 1 trnst inn, ftMJ 4aS6; extra Hall; firsts 16 the departure of the artillery mtn, as Capt. Waters, up till last evnelng, had COMMON PLEAS KITES THE NANTICOKE STORE C. 0 no Inkling of hen that would be.

srifn IS rai in n-nrnlnated." Henrv A. duPoht the kl wl of Alfred I. Chairman Burke presided nt yester 'tiew York. Official quotations dls- day's metelrur and offered a number Ma Teibermn v. A.

V. Thomas: Continued, of suggestion along with the Other men who have been working to make the STORE CLOSES at! I O'CLOCK EXCEPTING SATTJRDATS A YD Union fttorks Yards. Chstflgo Rule for r.hcrlff' Interpleader cc-tlnned until August U. at 10 affair WILSON FINISHES PAY. PAYS Reports from th mrsluil.vDr.

Meek, were to the effect that the prospect ACCEPTANCE SPEECH of the big demonstration were good. John Morrelt vs. Kir Association, of )0o higher; mixed and butchers 016 PhlladelThla: Rule gramul to show sl016; good and heavy 960 101 Si cause why ludcment hall not be en- rough heavy 900j940; light 40a tered for want of affidavit 1010; pigs 860ft0l6; bulk 9Ha6. ror the committer, to extend to all organized bodies It waa TMaMDMa Is Sore- said that al had been Interviewed and We Have Orders to Sell 8H13U)0If AlTOATIC ElilCCTIUO DIME BAHK 1 INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK C3KNTRAI, B. n.

BROOKS CO, Eaicrs Members W. T. Stock Kx change Bvranton. Btsghamton Wflbes-Bsrre. of (lefenee, Recaipta; marjeets a ready response followed in each Instance.

Old 7-The Prrsl- dent anil Mrs. Wllaon, spending the week. end cn the yatht Mayflower, Batlsfaotlon of morlgage Of l.ewte J0o. eeve" A pleasant bit of news was the of- Thomna. morWitgor te Jonas llow- sik nan.

mortraw: Court dvarces that t0CJf f' land be refcased and rilsoharged froen Teaans 710a64O; calves 105Oa fer of the John Bunvan Lodge. Knights' concluded 1 visit to of Pythias Glee Club of forty men Hampton Iloads sat noon today and min- i vm.Ia a'tu I th. kav fnr Washlnrton. because that city didn't get th regiment of artillery that was TI.u i x.i' r. inortg'tr- and the payment theroof, linn SV thn UmH kh.i.111..

I. hi. nM ttl Pr-Mlde'Sk iM thmt vnv nf thn nfl'ttlnn anil BheeD Receipts 17.00V, niarKut reported that Marshal's band of Wana-! prarl cally completed his peechxac- decree be entered record In the re- ftrong; native and westorn uoasaw. mk and the Qleit Lyon band hnd tc reptlne the Democratic nomlnetlort eordor' office which decree shall lambs SSBalZto. cented an Invitation but the tfther cr- Me will dlcm It this week wltfi seerato release andt ttxice-x-wiic( ui wuicu nauuuuae im paru The Nauticoke women believe ia preparedDeas.

Tha.r are preparing now for future need by buying the. mimmcr drcis groodj wc offer at Less Than Trice. ganltatlons were wnable to say until Vance Mormlclg- Chairman of the idlschr rare of the said Hen-. irt mnrtmit at Wllllflm 1 after a meeting to be held this evening Democratic Comm. tee; members of bther or not because of existing, the and Tmocratlc leader.

rule, thev would be able to furnish 1 mm fViilns-, rrortgsor. to 1-ewls Thorn- as, A shove. For Your Ttirst music grsAis or not Members of the L. committee hoped that when tbe bands' If MflPv HI or Your Tired Feeling- JIFP AT nosPITAti ia demon. a.

wuuv a demon- understood the purpose of the Mrs. Abbey Key. fed 87 years. of NOT SUSPICIOUS rtrat'on and that It wo not. for the sole object of having a parade but more in tbe form of an escort.

It would he 1 iU WeKes this city, dbd In the CCtr HosnlUI thW tnornlgn foi. possiDie ror them to participate with- the! lowing a 4srlif Illness of complications. PERFECTION. BEER Tbe Beer With the Good Tut tJon. ThJ 2i tw wJi New fork esry yard Investigating the She was admitted to tihe hospital on Zf.T!jfULdjr area on th.

bkltleahtps Main, and Oala-' Auguf- J. "'12je White CUeck Nainsook, at 25e Fancy Kepp Cloths, now-vi; iir.v 29c Fancy Toilet; now 12j 20e Ica Stripo White Goods, iww 35e Floral Lawns, at 45c Printed Voiles, at mnuui m.iuuun fcotna today nperted te the Xsvy Depart. I 1 this tvenlns- and report the fenral1n.nt gounn "nothing eu- 'mn' committee as early as possible after lP(cjoW In lbs Was on the Maine. They MATtKCT STEADV m. conference had been held.

wera still unable, however, to tell Just It wa thn decided that adpjourn- what au4 the flre- The report was for- Xew Tork, Aug. 7. The stock HOWELL KING FivrsTron, vtu Iiiiiin imi rn hi nit i-jnuuaion earaea in cummmnuim mi ysLro. mnraei cuing aieao iviirnmeut the afternoon's business until thls'Nm report en the OkJahoma firs has been bonds unchanged; railway and other w'pj o'clock. 1'reclvedJ I bonds Irreulxir..

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