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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Kress and Company, a Texas corporation oiieratlng an extensive chain of 10-eenf stores has compleled negotiations for fne purchase of the old Blythevllte Hotel building, two story brick structure at 212 West Main street, and the building occupied the K. barber shop, which adjoins tlie hotel building on the west. No definite information as to the Kress company's plans was available here tod ay'but It Is assumed that the -old buildings will be razed to make way for a modern home for the concern's local store, which for a number of has occupied rented quarters in the 400-block on West Main. About $20,000 Involved By the purchase the Kress Drouth-Then Grasshoppers M'-Vv One Killed, Seven Hurt When Automobile Upsets ROGERS, July 25. One person was killed nnd seven Injured early today when Iliclr car (limed over on a highway I IHMI- Bella VLsln.

'The dead Is Curl Ash, 17 of Tlie more seriously Injured are Candidates- for Governof 'A I'uitiinac me tt.rc.5s Row low 8 au nt. parched stalks, every of leaf and ear Cn irc rr of TO snipped from them by voracious grasshopjjers-thls wan Ui, dismal mid Railroad streets. The consideration was not revealed but from reliable sources it was learned thai, about $20.000 cash Is involved. The estate of the late W. E.

Glenn, of Asiievillc, and J. T. Alford, of this city are the sellers. Negotiations for the property extending over a period of several months, were completed with the signing of purchase contracts recently. Actual delivery' of the deeds and payment of the purchase price will probably take within 48 hours.

Plans Not Known Information'as 'to tlie company's plans was' 'available neither, from attorneys who negotiated the purchase erty nor at' the company's local store. 'A telegraphic inquiry, dispatched by the Courier News this morning to tlie Kress company's executive offices in New York City, had not been answered late tills afternoon. D. B. Bowen, the company's local manager, Is out of town on his vacation and could not be reached.

W. B. Tolliver, of acting as manager In Bowen's absence, said he had no information as to tlie company's, plans. One of City's Oldest Buildings The two 1 story structure is one of (he oldest brick buildings in having been erected abcut 34 years ago. The barber shop building, only about a 20 foot frontage, was constructed 25 years ago, walls of adjoining buildings forming the SsldjB of Both bindings have deteriorated in considerable repair at this time, particularly the "hotel, Building.

of the hotel pioneer Oklahoma Will Enter Closmg Dhve csM Gibraltar Between Two Fires Next Week. I'TTLB ROCK, July 25 (UP) Candidates for (he Democrat! nomination for Governor August II primaiy were expected lo return lo their here over the weekend for fUrnl conferences before "entering Into the last two vceks of the cam- l-'nlgn, i Ally. Gen. Carl Bailey steak In Fort Smith tonight He will return -here tomorrow. Bailey's henduilarleis said the di rltig the next two weeks, will be In tlie more thickly poiiulatcd areas of the southern and southwestern parts of the state.

Slate Senator John Ashley," "administration candidate, will speak The group was returning: after having attended a dance at a' resort when the car struck loose' gravel, at high sliced and ovc turned. saia Katllesnake Murder Case Defendant Expresses Surprise at Decision. will T.OS'-'ANGFIjKS. Julv '25 (Opl at Arkadeliiliia tonight and re- S. James calmly smoked linn here tomorrow to rest.

Next Pll'e In his spcclnl jail cell io- week he will be In Pine Bluil, Balesillle Hiissellvilie. Secretary of State Ed Moto return i-iiijii-i, ecreary State when, as. shown above, he visited his -bottomland cornfield near I Donald plannir reurn Blackwell, Okla. With the ravages of 'hoppers and drouth combin- llere after speaking at ing to destroy forage and feed crops for winter use, Gelger nclmlttc nn 1 he had never seen anything like it'in all his 71 years. Five Others Injured in Following Holly: HOLLY SPRINGS, Miss July 25 Tucker revealed -woman was shot and killed from ambush and tit least five others were injured in a "free-for-all" fight us they were returning home from a revival meeting near here last night.

Sheriff who has been directing an investigation since 'the shooting, told the' United Press he was holding a person for questioning and planned lo question others. He refused to 150 -Enrolled For Play Project Ai. Municipal-Park Tlie playground project at the Walker park, started Monday, July 20, is now in full swing witli Miss Mae Poster in charge. project, conducted as a'joint-city und progri Co His schedule next week will Include stops in Phillips, si' Francis, Monroe and Cross" coun tics. Judge R.

A Cook was to 'return here after speaking ut Stuttgart this afternoon. He will i be In the northwest of the state next week. Oov. J. M.

In a press conference today, said hb was rwt ready mibliclj to suptwrl any candidate, though it is known that lie wpports Ashley privately. Tlie governor Is expected lo take the stump in the last pait becomes 150 'enroii suppoit illustration utc iLLMVj IDU cnroneo. Boys and girls from four years up are" accepted. The playground Haytl Man HlITt v-tuoo ivi yumigur KiriS divulge the name, of the person ual for boys. Is open Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 to 11:30 ajiL, and from 1:30 5 p.m.

and on: Saturday morning the swimming -'pool open: from 9 until 11 a.m. An "archery team and a base- bull team are being organized for girls from ten to 10 years of age. Three boys', teams are 'already functioning. There is a sewing class 'for younger girls aiid mail- held. The slain woman was Mrs.

Willie Hooch. 40. wife of a tenant farmer and mother of six children. Those injured were Mrs. Lucile Pesmeyer, 23, who sulfered critical shotgun wounds in her and side, Jesse Fes- meyer, her husband, nnd their two-year-old baby, and two per- Boys and girls desiring to enroll should report to Mrs.

Olive Bunn Monday morning, 8'30 o'clock, at the park. France Profits Little From Sewer Tours PARIS famous sew- T-t nf Pnrln ti.htnV, 1130 MCLtJLIUI ULCU 111 1C- win vuuj-, I.WU I lamyui cent years and are in rieed of solls 'iose names authorities did- rs of Parls which are open to not have. All but Mrs. Fesmcyerl tlle seldom prove a Wprp nnlir drawing I'TIVI were only slightly injured. Sheriff Tucker said that as building has housed a far as he had been able lo 11(1 certain some 30 persons engaged parlor, shoe repair shop unu: lunch counter for some time and the second floor was used, until vacated recently, as a rooming house.

Mr. Glenn, who died in 1925, had a part in the erection of the hotel building 'and the adjoining one-story building. Mr. Alford acquired an undivided In tlie pijopc-'iies fome years laler. Deeds were signed by officials of the Wachovia Bank and Trust company 'of Winston Salem, N.

and Mrs. Minnie L. Glenn, named co-trustees of the Glenn estate under Mr. Glenn's will, and by Mr. Alford.

The Glenn estate also has other business property here. The properties arc actually conveyed to Earl K. Williams of New York city, who was acting as j'pr an undisclosed principal ill Ihe early negotiations. Laler Ihe Kress company was admitled to be the real purchaser. HarrisoiJ.

Smith and local law firm, and Holmes. Wlitt- lock and ScArfT, New York attorneys, represented Williams, the in a free-for-all after the revival services at Laws Hill Methodist church had broken up. Swan's Nest On Raft ROCKAWAY. Ore. (UP)-Wlien high water in Lake Lytte threatened to destroy a nest built by uhltc swans, B.

Dalby, John Tats, S. M. Batterson and Wesley Batterson lifted tlie nest on a built taft. Tlie mother Wbtched, calmly enough, and laid her sixth egg In the nest afttr Its safety was assured. New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, July 25.

(UP) wave of speculative buying boosted cotton prices on tlie market today and at one stage the July option registered an advance ot 135 points or cents a bale. Other positions closed slightly under Hit higlis for the day witli gains ranging from 10 to 10 points. A tight squeeze developed in the July position which expired today on the local market. July o.lmed witV a 14.10 bid "imams, me ouiy o.imea wit'i a 14.10 bid Wachovia Bank and Trust, com- from some short but there was a ham, local attorneys, represented Alford. Chicago WHeat open Ikigh low close Jul 103 3-4 1M J-4 108 103 1-4 Sep 103 3-4 104 1-8 102 3-4 103 1-2 Chicago Corn open high low July 90 5-8 92 1-2 89 5-8 .91 a sale was made at 14 cents even.

It was the highest price since June 1930. July went out, at, 12.83. Unfavorable weather reports, good cables and reports of boll weevil Activity stimulated speculative purchasing. open high low close July 1300 1300 1283 1283 Oct 1240 1250 1240 1246 1233 1240 1233 1238 1229 1245 1229 1235 1231 1238 1231 1237 close May 1232 1239 1232 86 1-2 1-2 88 3-8 88 1-8 15. drawing 1.107 visitors in 1935.

The underground tour from tlie Place de la Concorde lo the Madeleine Church Is taken in small boats In the background passages, made famous by Victor Hugo's "Les Miser- abies." The sewers are open to the public only in summer months, one day a week, and tlie eerie boat trip can be made for 3 francs per Person. Last year's traff about Into the coff French government. Today Parisian sewers extend from 600 to 700 miles in length, uut only a quarter of a mile Is available to curious tourists. In Accidents Friday Twice Injured, in aulomoblle accidents yesterday while two companions escaped. practically unscathed, John B.

Hagenmn, 58, of Haytl, reflected upon ills ill luck wliile recovering at the Bly- thiiville hospital. Hageman another- man were picked lip by a' Mr. Ethrldge, Hayi the hlghwhy bt tween Carutliersvllle and Hri.vti yesterday. While driving towa'rd Haytl Ethrlrtge's car struck a rough place in the pavement, apparently caused when heat made the concrete crack. Hogeman's head struck the top of the car, slightly injuring his bend and neck.

Ethrldge 'and the other man drove with Hajeman to tlie Bly- lheville hospital tor an examination. They started the return journey to Hayti late last night and Ethridge's turned over on Highway 61, about three miles south of Hayli, when he forced to lake to a ditch to avoid a broken ribs and was brought back to the hospital here. To Hold Evangelistic Meeting at Gosnell A two weeks evangelistic mcct- hig at the Gosnell Baptist church will begin tomorrow morning with the Rev. L. P.

Fleming, pastor of tlie Baptist church at Luxora, doing the preachina. Nobli- McCulloiigli. of this city, will lend Ihe singing. The Rev. J.

L. Newsom is pastor of this congregation. New York Cotton NEW YORK, July 25. Collon closed steady. open high low close 1244 1255 1244 1250 1237 1244 1236 12W 1235 1241 1235 1239 1 1237 1245 1237 1241 1236 1243 1236 1237 day surprised, in a delnched sort of way, lhat jury had condemned him to dle.Jor murdering his seventh wife by thrusting'her tool Into a box of live, rattlesnakes and then drowning her.

Ho will before Judge Charles W. Prlcke next Friday and hear the. sentence of death, decreed by the jury, passed. By Ills side will'be Charles his confederate, branded by the court us equally guilty In the fiEiultsh plot analiist. prel ly Mary Uusch to collect $21,000 in insurance.

After: deliberating nine hours and nine minutes the jury returned Its guilty. After' deliberating nine hours and nine minutes'the Jury of ten men and lifey women returned verdjct night at 8:09 o'clock Pacific- 'Up to thaf'tline James, branded by witnesses as a bluebearti, suspected also of murdering his fifth wife, was confident iof acquittal. He even offered' 'a bet that he would-be acquitted. Thera were no -lakers. He said, blinking liis small eyes when Allen read the verdict: "Well, I they gave me the works.

I can't understand I had a hunch, they wouldn't." The British garrison on Impregnable Reck of Glbraltai at the entrance to the Mediterranean found itself situciundcd the Spin isli revolution, with shells from comUlants Ijunllnj ovcrhnacl Rebels forces at Ccuta, to the-south, were being, iittnckcil losalisls while rebel, gunboats bombarded Llnca, to the north 11 10 icck Is' seen towering above pniadiug British III JEIM. OFFlCiS. Jarrett Charges Questionable Conduct 'on Board Steamship. BERLIN, July 25 Eleanor Holm Jarrett today gave up her fight for re-lnslalement on the American Olympic team and denounced conduct of sever- His Rule Periled in Spain Revolt Fighting Rages on All I Sides 'of Madncl. Wash- ington Is Advised.

WASHINGTON, July 25 All luenues of eicape fiom Spain foi the 140 Amei leans bcleaguer- ul in tho American embassy at Mndiid been closed, Wcndelln, third ucrctaiy in charge of the unbassy, Infoimed Secre- taiy of State Cordell Hull today hi personal telephone conversation, Wcndelln said the most practical loutc of evacuation for Am- In Madrid would have bcin through Portugal but that' this nvcnue of escape Ls now clos- cd He Ihe little gioup at tlie must await fhe cutccmc of leulflc righting now going on Between rebels and government supporters some 45 miles fiom Madiid bcfoie they cnn possibly be evacuated Offlclah heie as result weia ilccplj concerned ovei Ihe ultimate safely of those In the embassy. i located 300 miles inland, with fighting on side, there would be little chance of a march to the sea without serious casual- tics. Wcndelln said the moralo of those' In the embassy, comprising practically all the native born Amciluin citizens In Madiid, was high and that they had food' supplies on hand siifficient for at least a couple of Tlie bloody rebellion directed i the Leftist government, 1 which Is sweeping Spain, men- 1 Will Defend Him Bcfqio Pope Churchman in Rome. ROME July 25 (UP)-Blshop Gallagher told the United Press by telephone fiom Naples lhat If the subject of Fathei Oharks comes dm inn my to the Vntlciii I certalnfj shall defend him Bishop Gallagher said "there ha? been a lot of fuss In United Slates became Fallier Coughlin VC ry powerful." 1 Some fear lhat he may be able to determine tlie election Futhoi CoiiRhlin Is being accoid- an immense and fully justified reception'In "view of the fact that 'tiding the principles both Plus XI. 91 Reach MARSEILLES, Prance, July one American lefu- ees i some without belongings, some who had been robbed in the sueets, nnlvccl today hi In HID American Export liner from Barcelona Half ot those who arrived, rescued by the aftei a ladio opiwal by the "state" department, applied at the American 'consulate for funds with which to return home The few who have money intend to embark on the Exeter 1 along the HO passengers the liner landed lime when It i need to turbulent Barcelona to the rescue.

Captain Ransonc, master of the" expects to sail for New Yoik tonight LU IUKC io a uiicn lo avoid llu uunuuci 01 sever- collision. Elhridge and the other al American Olympic committee man were shaken up slightly but officials during Ihe journey aboard Hageman sustained a couple of tlle Manhattan. Mrs. J.irrett. dropped from the swimming team because she at- too many cocktail par- Oct.

Dec. Jan. Mar. May 14. Spots closed steady at 1330, up! 3 francs.per tended too ninny cocktail par- raffle brought In Rome it Is legal to arrest a lles the ship, said that of tlie person on suspicion, and the ar- were managed so on the rested man has to prove bis in- upper deck that athletes received noccnce.

scant attention. She charged that members of the committee themselvfcs took part In questionable affairs. "I refer to a mock marriage and a mock trial," she said In a three page statement Issued simultaneously with her announcement thai she would give up the fight for re-lnslatcment. 'This was given ostensibly as an entertainment feature but was so shocking that many athletes left the entertainment In disgust." she said. "Tlie trial was presided over by GusUice Kirby, treasurer of the Olympic committee, who so handled dialogue that it had nothing to do with the marriage i situation but opened up question-! able Interpretation and was together unsuitable for youthful cars." There was no general rule against drinking aboard Ihe Manhattan, Mrs.

Jarrett charged, and therefore asked how Ihe committee could condemn her for drinking. "The officials had to save their faces. They had lo have a goat and I was chosen," Mrs. Jarrett said. Spot Average Is 13.12 Tlie average price of 7-8 mem middling cotton on the 10 lead- Inch I May 1234 19T) lion Spots closed steadv VMK today was 13.12, closed steady at 1305, up according to the Blylheville Board I of Trade; Closing Stock Prices NEW TORK, July 25.

In the automobile shares, noticeably Chrysler, bolstered up a dull session on the stock exchange today. Chrysler stood out as a result of the report of dividend action announced after the close yesterday. Net Income for tlie first half was 46.83 a share and directors offered a $4.00 dividend In contrast with $1.50 payment in the previous quarter. A. T.

and 170 1-2 Anaconda Copper 38 7-8 Beth, steel 50 1-2 Chrysler 121 5-8 Cities Service 4 3-4 Gen. Am. Tank 53 3-8 Gen. Electric 43 Gen. Motors 21 3-8 Int.

Harvester 74 5-8 McKesson-Robbins 91-8 Montgomery Ward 45 1-2 N. Y. Central 40 1-4 Packard 11 1-8 Phillips Pet 44 3-4 Radio 12 Simmons Beds 34 1-2 Standard of N. 63 3-8 Texas Co. 39 7-8 U- Smelting 79 1-4 S.

Steel 65 3-4 Warner Bros. ZODite 7 l-g uel Azana, shown above in recent picture. A former premier, Azana was elected to hii present post two, months Mid-South Infantile Paralysis Sufferers Must Take Home Treatment. MEMPHIS, July 25. (UP) Memphis moved today to prevent spread of paralysis here by barring mid-soullr sufferers from Memphis hospitals.

Dr. L. M. Graves, superintendent of the city health department, ex-plained that in addition lo endangering the city, transportation was injurious to patients and that treatment can be carried out In one locality as well AS another. "White we are willing and anxious to be of any reasonable assistance possible we cannot afford to allow our large and congested urban population to be subjected lo Ihls disease," Dr.

Graves said. "Ihe fuss in the United Slates is-: ridiculous. Father Coughlln Is doing nothing more than tcllina the (ruth Bishop Gallagher Indicated his approval of the radio priest's criticism of President Roosevelt's monetary, and Industrial policies He said "Palner Couchlln -is guided by the most nnd clear religious principles." Conjrhlin's Not Fearful July 25 (u! E. Coi SALT LAKE CITY sweltering In 90 and 100 degree weather headed for the mountains) to cool off. on'y to find many of the roads still blocked by snow.

By Uniled Press Alabama's lolal number of cases of Infantile paralysis mounted to 199 today as no now cases were reported In Tennessee or Mississippi. In all three slates there been 265 cases of the dread disease veiwrted In Ihe current epidemic and 17 have died. Alabama counted five new cases today ns the stale' redoubled its efforts to check the malady. green flowers. Billlr Sl.iy Be Uccishe By United Tress Spiins bloody clUI war between Ihe forces of Fascism and Com- munism entered decisive stage as rebel and eminent licops fought a major battle In (he Gtnclariama mountains foi possession of thc gilenay to Madrid The embattled left wing crnmenl, claimed, tlie revolution' uns completely under control but fighting continued on a number ot fronls with both sides claim-- ing victory pj The lojalht fleet, aided bj plines, opened a terrific bom- Charles Innimcnt of strongholds In ld nt rebel forts and Spanish Morocco said today he had no fear of Ihe Vatican "ever doing anything to me without first warning me He ndtlcd that "Rome will not be turned from her century old policy to plenso American iticians.

pol- Wadkins Baby Dies The Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. o. p. Wadkins, at the family home In the Calumet community at 4 o'clock yesterday artcrncon. Funeral services were held thlj afternoon and interment was made at North Sawba cemetery.

The Cobb Undertaking company was In charge of funeral ments. 5 She Is survived by her parents, three brothers and two sisters. Drunks Are Fined Snooks and lssc "eh for Snider rilled com ikon 1C5s court this morning. Andy Barker was fined $10 for public drunkenness. John Wrlsht failed to' appear to answer to a charge of 'drunkenness and his S10 bond was forfeited.

A charge of keeping hogs within the city limits was docketed against, Bill Brlscoe and a charge Some species of cactus have of public drunkenness against Sheridan Ashley. Americans and otliei foreign refugees continued to pour Into Gibraltar and Marseilles by the hundreds, their nerves by the slaughter and carnage British aiithoutics ordered Spanish refugees leave Gibraltar to make room for the Incoming British subjects. Australia to Borrow Hollywood SIDNEY American movie stars are soon to have nn entirely new field and world for the exploitation of their genius. Sturat Australian motion picture director, will visit Hollywood this summer to pick- several complete casts for Australian productions, which'will be turned out entirely hero. Production Is lo begin In September, and Australia; Doyle declares.

Is counting definitely on keeping a large number of Hollywood stars off the idle list. WEATHER tonight. Sunday partly cloudy, continued warm'. Memphis and tonight and Sunday. Little change in temperature.

Tlie Wximuni temperature here yesterday was 82, minimum 74, clear, according to Samuel F. Nor- rls, official weather obstrur.u.

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