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Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 18

Altoona Mirrori
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

18 THE ALTOOKAMIRRO R-WEONfiSPAy, MARCH 36. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM SUBURBAN AND SURROUNDING TOWNS HOLLIDAYSBURG DUNCANSVILLE Rev. D. G. Felker returned from Harrisburg where he attended the an- Irwin of fllfi Allegheny nunl Central Pennsylvania Methodist Heinbuugh, a student at obetpreston.

of Ur. God's Bible school in Cincinnati, Is spending UK- spring vn cation at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Hclnbaugh, 312 Hickory street.

The March meeting of the Holll- daysbiirg Mlnislprhiin will lickl on Monday morning, March 31, at 10.30 o'clock' in the Young Men's Christian association parlors. Rev. Burnett parents for the past two weeks Huffer- ing from a severe attack of sinus trouble, is improving. At St. Paul's church, Loop station, on Thursday evening, March 27, at 7.30, there will be young people's meeting The topic in "Does Science Deny nn Hart paaoro the rsi' Method Cnmpbnl.

is the leader At 8.30 there ar paaoro PW IH have charge of the pro- will bo a stereopticon Servo the Present Ago given gram Lewis Burgoon of 111 Union street, by the pastor, Rev. Charles W. Camp- who has been a patient In the Mercy bell. A largo crowd is anticipated, hospital, Altoona, for the past several Miss Jennie Mountain of West Loop weeks, where he had his right leg am- I delightfully entertained a number of putated, has recovered to such an ex- her friends at a dinner party at her lent that he was able to be removed home on Monday evenng at 6 cock to his home on Mr. Burgoon had his right foot frozen last winter, which resulted In gangrene, and It.

was necessary to amputate the limb, in order to save his life. Attorney William I. Woodcock, of Philadelphia, spent the week end at the residence of his parents, Attorney and Mrs. W. I.

Woodcock of 703 Lingenfelter Henry, WE Preston of'710 Ponn street, who I.year wns confidently expected atfer a. bus been conllnt-d to the home of his very successful pastorate of four 'y ea Rev. Lorenzo Dow Ott has been appointed to the local church to succeed Rev. Felker as its pastor. The exchange of pastorates and parsonages will occur early next weeli, according to present plans.

James E. Grain, well known Duncansville tonworial artist quietly observed another birthday anniversary yesterday by being about his place of business during the usual hours. No special celebration to mark the passing of the day, but Mrs. Grain prepared a nice birthday dinner for him. He acknowledged many greetings and the felicitations of numerous relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Galbraith and or Reveal God?" and Mrs. Charles TYRONE In honor of Mr. and Mrs.

John Kallenberg of Loop station, who were re- am Huntingdon were pleasantly Walnut street. Mrs. Paulino wife of J. Murray Henry, of 528 Walnut street, who has been a patient In the Altoona hospital for the past few weeks, where she underwent a major surgical operation will be brought to her home in Hoilldaysbiirg this week. Mrs.

Henry's condition is favorable to a speedy restoration to health. Miss Helen Louise Stine, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.

Stlne of 010 Jones street, delightfully entertained a number of her young friends on Monday afternoon at the home of her parents in honor of her eleventh birthday anniversary. Ten guests were present and the afternoon was enjoyably spent In juvenile games. The honor guest was the recipient of a Choice collection of beautiful and usc- cently married. A delicious menu, with roast turkey as the central dish, was served. Following the banquet, social diversions were enjoyed until a late hour.

Miss Marjory Juno McKclvey, a student at the Birmingham School for Girls, Is the annual spring vacation nt the residence of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKelvey of 900 Perm street. fill gifts, served. Miss Ida A delicious luncheon was M.

Johnston, formerly house secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association of Hollidaysburg has taken her departure for Laytona Beach, where she will Sojourn Indellnitely. Miss Johnston's many friends will be glad to note that he has made a permanent recovery rom sleeping sickness, from which she was confined to the Altoona hospital for several wceVs. She Is now a student at for Girls, at good health. Miss Anna Newbold, tho Pcnn Hulk School Chambersburg, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. C.

T. Witherow, superintendent of the Presbyterian home. Following the vacation, Miss Newbold will go to Atlantic City with a number of Penn Hall students, Where she will spend the month of April in study und recreation. Miss Dorothy E. Moore, daughter of Mr.

und Mrs. Joseph J. Moore of lane, a student at Hood col- PORT MATILDA Joseph Goss of Hannah, a membol of the school board of Taylor township, was painfully hurt, while working in tho woods cutting props. A tree which they were cutting accldently fell on him and injured his leg and back quite painfully. Although conlined to his home he is resting fairly comfortable.

Mrs. D. F. Funk was admitted to the Phllipsburg hospital last Sunday, where she underwent a minor operation and she is getting' along very nicely. Rev.

R. W. Faus, student pastor at the University of Pittsburgh, called among some former parishioners last week. Kenneth Ross of Lewistown spent Sunday at the home of his parents. and Mrs.

M. H. Crawford and daughter Lorraine of Milcsburg spent Saturday afternoon and evening at the Methodist parsonage, the dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. J.

F. Wlnkelblech. Mrs. William Carson and daughter Helen of Alloona called at the Methodist parsonage lost Sunday. Rev.

J. F. Winkelblech left on Tuesday for Bellefonte where he met Rev. Crawford of Mllesburg ttJid together they motored to Harrisburg to attend the sixty-second session of tho annual conference of the Methodist church. Rev.

W. H. will conduct a revival meeting in the Pilgrim Holiness church at Port Matilda from March 20-30. Meetings every night during entertained hero on Sunday in the homo of Mr. and Mrs.

Heck of Seventh street. Rlehard L. A meeting of the Duncansville Athletic association stockholders is to be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the office of the Shoenfelt Webb company on Thirteenth street for the annual election of directors and the transaction of other business. It is desired to have all in attendance at this meeting. The monthly meeting of the Duncansville board of health is to be held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock in tho council chamber at tho municipal building on Fourteenth street.

Reports of health conditions in the borough will be heard and the annual spring clean-up drive. planned. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W.

Tate and family were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bretz at Burns Subway. Rev. G.

B. Harman, pastor of Evangelical A service of unusual interest to all citizens of Tjrone will be held in the United Brethren church this evening at 7.30 o'clock when Dr. H. W. Widdoes, superintendent of mission work in the Philippine islands will speak and illustrate the mission work in the islands with slides." While Dr.

Widdoes is on furlough in the United States, his home at San Fernando, in the province of Bagnio, is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Eschbach, Tyrone missionaries in the Philippines. A cordial invitation is extended to all people of Tyrone to hear Dr.

Widdoes this evening. A teachers' institute will be held in the Tyrone High school Friday after-' noon and Saturday morning. The High school Spokesman staff held a very interesting meeting in the High school Monday evening, at which time the delegates to the recent Scholastic Press convention in New YorH city gave most interesting -and helpful reports. Superintendent W. W.

Eisenhart and Professor T. Clark Skelly both attended this meeting of the staff and were well pleased with the splendid reports and the keen interest manifested by the students as the various reports were given. Many very helpful suggestions were brought home by the representatives, all of whom were members of the Spokesman staff. The March meeting of the Garden club will be held in the community room of the Municipal building Thursday evening, March 27, at 7.30 o'clock. The president, Harry Kling, will continue his series of addresses on gardening.

This second of the series will' be a continuation of the discussion of matters of particular interest and benefit to the gardeners of the early spring months. Members are asked to submit slogans at this meeting designed to create an interest in the club and in the work of beautifying the town. A dahlia tuber, valued at $2, is being offered as a prize for the most apt slogan. Members of the club and all interested friends of gardening are-invited to attend this meeting. The Boys' and Girls' Glee cliibs of the Tyrone High school will present an operetta during the month of May, the date not having been definitely decided as yet.

The members of the club have been trying out for this operetta for the past few weeks for the leading roles and as yet, no person has been acclaimed the chosen vocalists. Miss Margaret Nash, supervisor of music of the school, with Miss Flo Bressler and Miss Rosa Zeigler, faculty members, are serving as the judges for the try outs. CURRYVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Sollenberger and family of Clover Creek spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Christ Roudabush. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sollenberger and children Parke, Jay, Rex and Marietta of Williamsburg were entertained at dinner on Sunday by Mr.

and Mrs. Lev! Sollenberger and family. Mr. and' Mrs. William Miller and nhnrrh hrts an- son Kenneth of Altoona colled on Mr.

se rvices lege, who Is spending the Easter vacation at the home of her pareits, Is acting as substitute teacher In thu science department at Highland Hall, owing to the fact that the science teacher at that institution is off duty by Illness. Henry K. GarrigucH, of Harrisburg la visiting this week at the residence of his grandparents, Postmaster and Mrs. Frank J. Over.

Tho semi-monthly luncheon-business meeting- of the Hollidaysburg Booster Association, will bo held on Wednesday, April 2, at 12 o'clock noon, at the flewlt cafe on Allegheny street. Tho president, Robert R. Potter, will prc- jlde, and plans for the summer curn- paign will be outlined. The monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary society of St. John's formed church will be held this evening at 8.30 o'clock In tho entertainment I'oom of the church.

Assistant Secretary Edg Grain and Mrs. Ira that time. Mrs. Harrison Duughenbaugh of Port Matilda are both confined to their respective homes recuperating from tonsil operations. Both are improving nicely.

Mrs. E. T. Spoils is confined to her home suffering from a severe attack of sciatic rheumatism. Tho regular meeting of the Julian W.

C. T. U. was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Harry Winslow, with a full attendance.

It was deckled to sponsor an essay contest in the seventh and eighth grades of the Julian schools. The subject of the essay shall bo "Why Should Aviators and 'Automobile Drivers Abstain From Intoxlcallng Drink?" The flrsl prize is second, Ihlrd, $1. After the busineis meeting the hostess served delicious refreshments which were, enjoyed by all. Porter Lorrah of Julian is confined in the Wllliamsport hospital suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Being pf the HollldayHburg Y.

M. C. A. an pounces that a hike for Y. M.

C. A. boys will bo staged on Saturday afternoon, March 20. All Y. M.

C. A. boys who wish to take part are requested to muet ut the Y. M. C.

A. at 1 p. equipped with hiking paraphernalia. A hike will be made to tho Beaver dtims, which Is' ono of the favorite trips of tho Y. M.

C. A. boys. Assistant Secretary Levis will be in charge of tho outing. Inquire J.

II. Levis a Hc nior In tho Bollefonte High school Apartment for rent. BAKE SALE i SATURDAY, MARCH 29 Saturday March 1(1 a. m. LiiNurdl Store room, Allegheny Holy Trinity church guild.

Adv. -I'prlffht pliinii In 510 Walnut St. J'hone SAl.K- comlltioii. his schoolmates and friends hope he may have a speedy recovery. Mrs.

P. B. Woodring entertained a number of her friends Thursday, March 20, ut quilting purty. All reported having a very pleusunt time and also enjoyed (i delicious dinner. Tho following pupils of the Hannah school had a perfect attendance record for thn month of February: Paul Ur- hnn, Johnnie Walk, Howard Walk, Grace Walk, Marguerite Kcrln, Gladys Malts, Helen Urban and Marjorie Walk.

to be held during Holy week. A service will be held each evening during the week, expect Saturday, with a sermon by the pastor. The service of confession and absolution preparatory to the communion observance at three Hervicdfl on Easter Sunday will be held at the service on Good Friday evening. Special Wednesday evening services are being held in the Lutheran church during Lent. This evening's service will bo followed by the monthly session of tho church council.

Mrs. Albert S. Webb of 929 Second avenue, has returned from a pleasant sojourn at Philadelphia. She accompanied Mrs. Albert H.

Helsel and Mrs. Earl Moore, both of this place on a sightseeing trip to the Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E.

Wallace and daughter Sara Jane of Fifteenth street wero delightfully entertained over Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mackey and family at Roar- Ing Spring. Mrs. D.

G. Felker entertained relatives from State College at the Hicks Memorial Methodist manse on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A.

B. Keller and daughter Polly Elda of Twelfth street, this place and Mr, and Mrs. David L. Stiffler and daughter Madlyn of Altoona were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Stiffler at.Cross Keys. Samuel Smith and family have moved from tho property near the Tannery bridge at the west end of the borough, which they have occupied for tho past several years, to their farm at Maplo Hollow, north of town, which was recently vacated by Mr. Smith's brother, Andrew Smith and family who moved to the Lang farm southeast of here. Mrs. Cora Miller of Altoona was a recent visitor at Cross Keys at the home of her sister, Mrs.

Jeannette Stiffler and other relatives. Mrs. Celia Grove and Miss Deliliah Bowser both of West Fourteenth street have returned home from Phllipsburg where they wero numbered among the guests at tho golden wedding celebra- Jon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritten- of that place, which was a delightful event of last Sunday.

Mrs. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Grove and Miss Bowser aro sisters. on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.

John Smith and son Charles of Woodbuury were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith.

Andrew Smith of Woodbury and Miss Grace Stoudnour of Martinsburg were Sunday afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. John Sorrick -and daughter Miss Ella attended services at the Clover Creek Lutheran church, their old home congregation, following which they visited Mr. and Mrs.

Wilmer Allison and family, who reside in the vicinity of the church. Recent visitors-at the home of Mrs. Nancy Mock were: Ora Stonerook, of Martinsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bingham of Duncansville, Mrs.

H. B. Rhodes and son Willard of Martins- Durg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mock, daughter Evelyn and son Robert of Altoona and Mrs.

Martin Brumbaugh of Williamsburg, R. D. Rev. J. W.

Albertson preached at the Reformed church at Everett Wednesday evening of last week, filling the pulpit for Rev. J. E. Scheetz, the pastor. Prior to the service, Rev.

and Mrs. Albertson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bush and daughter Thelma were entertained at supper at the home of Rev. Scheetz.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kauffman and son Bobby were entertained at dinner CLAYSBURG A very delightful birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Myers on Monday evening, March 17, in honor of their daughter Ida's 17th birthday.

The evening was spent in playing games and music. Miss Myers received many useful gifts. Luncheon was served to the following- Dorothy Shoemaker, Pauline Feathers, Margaret McCarty, Gladys and Ruth Black, Maud Helsel, Ethelyn Cooper, Louise Croyle, Josephine Walter, James Yingling, Merle Weyandt, Russel Flckes, Joe Augle, Ralph Black, Merle Diehl, Edmond Moore, Earl Herncane and Walter Davis, Mrs NEWRY JUNIATA Services win be held at Gospel hall on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. J. N.

Landis of Duncansville will be the speaker. This evening cottage prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Duganne. Mrs.

John Shaffer, who has been a patient at the Mercy hospital for several weeks following a mastoid operation was able to be brought t6 her home on Sunday. An all day sewing meet was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Grace Diehl. The ladies of the sewing circle met and enjoyed a day of sewing and sociability. A sauer kraut dinner was a big feature at the noon hour.

Those present were Mesdames Joseph Conrad, Lloyd Leighty, Nelson Conrad, William Moyer, C. A. Shaw, W. J. Shaw, Edna Smith, Kenneth Berkey, John Spidle, Elmer Long, Misses Audora Shaw, Phyllis Berkey, Wyone Conrad of Newry, Miss Minnie Berkheimer of Altoona.

and Mrs. Grover Diehl and daughter Brookes Mills. Mrs. Sadie Stormer received an announcement of the birth of a daughter to her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs.

Regis Stormer at the Mercy hospital on Monday. The Stormer family now consists of a boy and a girl. At the church service in the Lutheran church next Sunday, a quartet from Henry Baker Bible class of the First Lutheran church of Altoona will render several selections. Mr. and Mrs.

John Beegle, spent Sunday at Williamsburg visiting Mrs. Beegle's aunt Miss Elizabeth Lantzer. Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin Martin and Mrs. Daniel Moses and Mrs. Eliza Thompson of town and Mrs. Henry Moyer of Poplar Run were late guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Eger, who live west of town. The Eger family just moved into theii? recently built home and these ladies were assisting in the work of moving. ELDORADO Miss Lydia Conrad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Conrad of 5400 Col- ilJEll 1 JT1GI IUJtlllC tllllA a-itiii i i juiu JVLl CJi AJUU1CJ Earl Herncane, Mrs.

L. P. Myers and sser avenue, a student nurse at the Hahneman hospital, Philadelphia, is The Wesley Methodist church at Sixth avenue and Fifteenth street is being redecorated at the present time with the congregation vacating the structure temporarily during the operations. Painting work is being done on both the interior and exterior sections and will be completed about Easter Sunday. In the meantime, tKte congregation is holding its Sunday services in St.

John's Lutheran church in East Juniata. Rev. M. S. Q.

Mellott, Wesley Memorial pastor, who returned yesterday from Harrisburg where he attended the Central Pennsylvania conference, has announced that on the coming Sunday services will be held in St. John's Lutheran church as follows: Sunday school at 2 p. preaching at 3 p. m. Otterbein United Brethren church is in the Joy of a flne spiritual meeting.

Sunday night the entire seating capacity of the auditorium and Bible school room was taken up. Harry Ashburn sang two beautiful solos and led In congregational singing. Mrs. Daisy Keith and her daughter Anna favored the congregation with a fitting duet. Evangelist 'Dean gave a most illuminating Bible study at 7 p.

and a great message with Bible pictures. Following the message the invitation was given and nine bowed at the altar to receive the new birth. Services every night except Monday. Children's meetings on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 p. m.

AJ1 boys and girls are welcome. If you are a member of this church and not attending these services you are missing a great opportunity and hiding your light under a bushel. A-Lenten service will held in the First Methodist church this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The service will be held in the auditorium and will include a sermon by the pastor, Rev W. W.

Banks, and special music by the choir. The public is cordially in vited. The Woman's Missionary society 01 St. Paul's Reformed church will mee this evening at 7.45 o'clock in the church. This will be the annual meet ing and all members are requested to be present.

Mrs. E. P. Croft of Pittsburgh. A birthday surprise party was held at the home -of Miss Molly Eichelberger on Tuesday night, when her friends and neighbors came to help her celebrate her birthday.

Miss Eichelberger spent the evening visiting and when she returned to her home to find her home filled with friends she received many beautiful and useful gifts. A very pleasant evening was spent and enjoyed by all. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Grace Baker, Mrs. James Irwin, Mrs.

John Coder, Mrs. John Fries, Mrs. Warren Swales and daughter LAKEMONT Adv. Genuine Frigidaire Service WOLF FURNITURE CO. t'rlgldalre Dealers" I50I-OH llth Ave.

IMul 5113 Mr. and Mrs. John Mickel and children Robert and Emma were Saturday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stonebrukor of Altoona.

Mrs. V. F. Lauffcr of North Pine street a few days last week visiting at tho home of her sister Mrs. Stoner, of Llyswen.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Royer and family of Sixth street and Mrs. Margaret Royor of Leslie street were Sunday guests ut the homo of Mr.

and Mrs. Will Royer at Canoe Creek. Miss Vuru Gesser of avenue and Miss Kathleen Parks of Logan uvenuo were Sunday guests at tho home of Miss Gladys Walters of Dun- GEESEYTOWN CEMENT BLOCK CO. BLOCKS, LENTILS, blLLS "Coping and Ornamental Work. State Highway Approved Reinforced Cement Pipe.

Bell Phone Hollidaysburg 908R5 l''OX presents MOVIKTONK'S to the Alr-mlmlcd Ago In tins ALL TALKING, ALL II I I li Driinm of During Itlrtl- "The Sky Hawk" With John (i a 1 Helen ChuuUler ami (iil- bert Kniery. All talking comedy, Toned" aud Vitauhoue at the GRAND Comiiig Friday uuil Saturday, "CJ It A CUACK." Alauy other attractions coming, including "Happy Uujb," "Men Without Women," on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoudnour and family of Martinsburg. Guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Ritchey orf Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. William Keller and children, Junior, Herbert, Bobbie, Homer and Mrs. Esther Rhoades and children, Sara, Gerald and Wilbur; Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Sayer and daughter, all of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver and son William, and Albright of Roaring Spring; Mr. arid Mrs.

Elvin Smith and children of Curryville, Louis Glunt of Altoona and Miss Marie E. Smouse of Henrietta. Owing to the special anniversary service which will be held at the Martinsburg Church of the Brethren next Sunday morning, tho morning preaching service scheduled for the Cross Roads church has been recalled. It will be held in the evening instead. Rev.

F. R. Zook of Martinsburg will preach, recuperating at her home from a recent illness. Mrs. George Grubb and son Bruce of Clearfleld spent the week-end with The Willing Workers class of the Church of the Brethren Sunday school will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mrs.

C. C. Walters, 206 Seventh avenue. A good attendance is urged. A "500" and bingo party will be held this evening in Maeder's hall, Fourth avenue.

The United Social club will 36 in charge of the party and the public is invited. Play will begin at 8.30. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will enjoy the annual covered dish luncheon Thursday evening at 6 o'clock in the Y. M. C.

A. rooms. A flne program has been announced with Rev. E. C.

Bowser, pastor of the Juniata Church of the Brethren, as the speaker. Every member is urged to come and bring a friend and a covered dish. Juniata encampment, No. 276, I. O.

O. will meet Thursday evening, March 27. The session will include the installation of the recently elected officers and other Important business. The members are urged to be present. The Wild Rose club will be entertained Friday evening at the home of Mrs.

Mary Suckling, 513 Third street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Grace Evangelical church will sell vegetable soup tomorrow from 11.30 a. m. until 1 p. m.

at the church. The ladies will appreciate a liberal patronage. The Ladies' guild of St. Peter's Episcopal church will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Joshua Webster, 616 Tenth street.

All members are urged to be present. The Probationers class of the First Methodist church will meet Friday evening at 7 o'clock in the church. The pastor, Rev. Banks, assisted by Mrs. Banks, will have charge of the class.

Juniata Theatre "Nix on Dames" All Star Cast Comedy and Fox Movietone News. WOODBURY Miss Amanda Byers of Hollidaya- Mr and Mrs. R. Hayes Wilson of 530 I burg visited her parents, Funeral Di- Fiftieth street. rector and Mrs.

J. N. Byers," over the Mr. and Mrs. Louise Conrad of 5400 i week-end Colclesser avenue on Friday evening and Mrs.

William Carper were entertained at dinner in honor of their Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Miss Lydia Conrad. Those and jjrs. Victor Replogle. present were Misses Anna Behm, Marie Haas, and Mary Kelly of Altoona, and Miss Dorothy Line and Mrs.

Albert Shew of Eldorado. Miss Ruth Mock of 537 Twenty-first Miss Florence Clouse of Altoona enjoyed the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Clouse. Mr.

and Mrs. A. C. Byers and son Esther, Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Mrs, avenue, Altoona, was a Sunday visitor Clyde visited the latter's parents Mr 1 of Miss Kathryn Baird of 505 Fifty-: and Mrs.

Harvey Metzgar of Roaring Robert Weyandt, Mrs. Harmon Eichelberger, Mrs. Jacob Cam, Mrs. Myrtle Burket, Mrs. Fannie Klevans, Mrs.

Martha Hoover and son Eugene, Mrs. Vera Treese, Mrs. Charles Burket, Mrs. William Diehl, Mrs. William Hoenstine, Mrs.

Lewis Kurtz, Mrs. George Leslie, Mrs. Lewis Ritchey, Mrs. Merle Blackburn, Mrs. John Tipton, Mrs.

Jennie Kurtz, Mrs. Ollie Berkheimer, Mrs. Kirk Walter, Mrs. Thomas Lingenfelter, Mrs. Mary Dibert, Mrs.

Harry Dibert, Mrs. Charles Flaugh, Mrs. Lucinda Lingenfelter, Mrs. Amanda Smith, Mrs. Earl Dively, Mrs.

Ella Weyandt, Mrs. Alton Ebersole, Mrs. Ruth Heidler and son Vernon, Mrs. Molly Weyandt, Mrs. John Cam, Misses Maud, Minnie and Florence Lingenfelter, Jennie Brumbaugh, Mary Walter, Dorothy Cam, Harriet and Violet Smith, Mary Eichelberger, I class.

Jennie and Henrietta Mauk, Margaret Carn, Mildred Burket, Martha Fries, Dorothy and Zeda Flaugh, Kathryn, Thelma and Vera Weyandt, Erma Ritchey, Margaret Lingenfelter, Charles Thomas and Robert Weyandt, Paul Eichelberger and Molly Eichelberger. all of Claysburg; Mrs. Rath and son Mrs. Joseph Douglass and daughter Betty Jane of Altoona. Francis Dodson of Catfish was a Following is the program which will caller hero yesterday afternoon at the be given at the April meeting of the homo of Mr.

and Mrs. Irvln W. 1 rlv th cansvllle. Miss Elizabeth Beahm, Miss Gertrude Gardner, Paul Spotz, Balzer Bcuhm and Paul Beahm, all of Harrisburg, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

F. H. Lampe of Flrnt avenue. S. K.

Royer and sons Howard and Fruncia Royer of Leslie street were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's brother Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Royer of Sinking Valley. The ladies of the Methodist church had announced they would hold their hot beef supper on Thursday, April 10, but due to the fact that Rev. Glasseo had arranged to atari revival service In tho church on April li, the ladies have decided to hold their supper Thursday, April 3, In the church dining hull.

Everybody Is invited. OSTERBURG Sunday visitors ut the home of George Riddle wure Misses Carrie and Suru Blackburn of Bedford, Harry HengHt und Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oster und Franklin Kuuffman und ulster Mrs. Jennie Clouse.

Mr. und Mrs. Ruddy Crissey spent Sunday ut Rainsburg ut the home of Mrs. Crissey's mother Mrs. Mary Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Whetstone und son Ned und daughter Anita spent Sunday at Cresson ut the home of Mrs.

Whetstone's sister Mrs. Herbert Smeltzer. Sunday visitors Focht at 1223 Fourth avenue. Mr. and Mrs.

A. Blair Piper and family of Cros? Keys, Eldred McCall of Hollldaysburg and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mathes and daughters of Altoona were members of a motor party to Homestead on Sunday, where they spent the day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ray M. Piper and family. Alex Wilt of Carson Valley spent Tuesday here visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Lafferty and other relatives. Mr.

and Mrs. John Fry and Abraham Kline all of East Wuterford, Pa. have returned homo after spending the past week-end here visiting at the home of tho former's son, Cloyd Fry and wife of Fourteenth street, this place. A. C.

Anderson, Samuel Smith and Ralph Yon, all of this place, enjoyed a Sunday motor trip to Mont Alto, Pu. to visit tho lutter'H son. Mrs. Albert Helsel of 1128 Third uve- nuo and Mrs. Earl Moore und son Elwood of 1132 Third uvenue were week-end visitors at Philadelphia.

Harry L. Boone of 850 Third uve- nuo spent Monday visiting among ut Piney Creek. sixth street. Spring on Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Christian Hauser of jjrs. Elmira Lamborn and daughter 55z Fifty-eighth street left for Phila- Rebecca of New Enterprise spent day afternoon with her daughter Mrs. delphia where they will attend tho funeral of Mr. Hauser's sister, Mrs.

Marie Miller, who was the widow of the late Joseph Miller of Altoona. Other brothers and sisters are Mrs. George Beech of 402 Second avenue, Mrs. W. B.

Dietze of 606 Crawford J. N. Byers. Mr. and Mrs.

Benjamin Frederick of Lakemoht visited the latter's father C. H. Sell, on Saturday. Robert Replogle, who at Pittsburgh, have re- Martin and employed ew ''an 1 61 a their parents Mr. and Mrs.

David Rep- Mrs. logle. Miss Sara Replogle of Middlebrook her friend Miss Margaret McAlevy on Sunday. Visitors at the home of C. B.

Hetrick on Friday were Mrs. John Rinard and Mrs. Chester Karns of Everett. Mr. and Mrs.

Oren Carper and son Robert spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. Carper's father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carper of Roaring Spring. Carmack and son Bob- Mr and Mrs.

Morris Clouse, of Wa- Kathryn Hauser of Cleveland, O. A musical will be held Friday evening, march 28, at 8 o'clock in the Fifty-eighth street Methodist church by the Bethel African Methodist Jubilee chorus. Tickets are being sold by the members of the Men's Bible PHILIPSBURG PETERSBURG visit of several months in City, N. J. Mrs.

Dorothy McBath, student of George school, Philadelphia, is visit- of L. B. Furry. Mr. and Mrs.

Ira Keagy and children of Martinsburg spent Sunday evening with his mother and sister ing Relatives here for a few days, Mrs. Abram Keagy and Miss Carrie i 1I1K iciuuiveo iicic iut Miss Genevieve Rhodes is confined com i especally at this time to see' Keagy to her home with quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. George Leslie and "The Greeii Greta tiarbo t'brittc." of Mr.

und Mrs. RIGGLES GAP Georgo Lyburger, who resides near Antis station and employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad company, is now engaged in erecting on his property a substuntlul seven-room Cross Roads Church of the Brethren, Sunday evening, April 6: Opennig song, No. 243; devotional service, Rev. A. L.

Simmons; minutes, song 197; roll call; recitation George Shuman, select reading, May Podwils; recitation, Madge Beach; mixed chorus; recitation, Elinore Kensinger; reading, Naomi Smith; vocal solo, Pearle Detwiler; address, Rev. C. O. Berry; song No. 191; offering, song, No.

230; benediction. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of the community at attend. The attention of the members of the Sunday school of the Church fo the Brethren throughout the cove is called to the forthcoming young people's rally which will be held in the Woodbury Church of the Brethren, Sunday, April 13. A large representation from each Sunday school is urged. The program: Theme, "Christian devotions, Waterside Sunday school; discussion, ''Chrsitiun Training in the Home," Professor John Ake reading, Ruth Rhodes; special music, Fredericksburg Sunday school; discussion, "Christian Training in the Church," Rev.

D. O. Cottrell; offering, benediction. The foregoing is the program for tho afternoon. It will commence at 2.30 and will be followed by a fellowship supper, with Miss Irene Brumbaugh in the role of toa'stmlstress vespers, 6.30, leader, John Howe.

Professor R. R. Baugher will serve as song leader throughout the sessions. Program for evening session, to begin at 7.30. Theme, "I Will Be a devotions, Gertrude Dilling; special music, Young People's depart- son William Leslie attended the funeral of John M.

Peters, which was held in Altoona Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoenstine, daughter Laura and sons Fred and Oliver attended a birthday dlltner at home of their daughter and hus- jand Mr. and Mrs.

William Claycomb at Osterburg on Sunday In honor of Mrs. Claycomb. I her father BTw. McBath of Kyler- Visitors at the home of Mr. rfnd.

Mrs. town who is recovering at Philips- Harry Miller on Sunday were Mr. and burir' State hospital following a goitre Mrs. Samuel Sare and daughter Freda of Juniata and Lloyd Bridenbaugh of were called to the home Altoona. William Butterworth and Mr.

and Mrs. Elaine Butler of Roar- Riddle were Calvin Cluyrumb und Mr. und Mrs. William Claycomb and two Sunday guests of Mrs. Hattie Moses were Mrs.

Anna K. lloses, Mrs. Whittaker, Mr. und Mrs. Walker and Mr.

und Mrs. Morrow und Mrs. Hefner, ull of Altoona. Mrs. Sue Kuiiffmun spent Sunday with her sister Miss Tillie Weimer of Catfish house.

It js Mr. Lyburger's intention to have his cosy house completed till July which Mr. and Mrs. Lyburger und fumily will occupy. Mrs.

Dollie Yohn, accompanied by Mrs. Roy Neurhoof, motored to Sinking vulley on Thursduy und spent the duy with friends. Mrs. D. J.

McCurtney of Altoona, who was admitted on Murch 4 to tho Altoona hospital and pussed through very serious operation, has reguined strength that her friends are admitted. On Friday evening her sister and hus- bund of Ruggles Gup, Mr. und Mrs. Hurry Yohn und son Dillmun, enjoyed a very pleusunt visit with Mrs. lluc- Curtney.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nail und daughter Hilda of Juniatu enjoyed Friday evening in tho gup with friends. It does not often full to tho lot of husband und wife to have their birthdays just ono week apart, but this occurred ut the home of Mr. Mrs.

Hurry Yohn. A birthduy eele- brution wus given in honor of llrs. Hurry Yohn on Wednesduy evening, Murch 19. Mrs. Yohn enjoyed visit to Altoonu in tho afternoon und upon arriving ut her home for the evening I George Steward, Jumes Ritchey, ment the Koontz church; discussion on the theme, Hazel Lutshuw; reading, Nuomi Smith; discussion, "Christians' Duty," Rev.

L. K. Zeigler; offering, special music, Woodbury Sunday school; benediction. The Ever Faithful Bible class of the Mount Pleasant Reformed church was entertained at the home of the pastor Rev. J.

W. Albertson, Thursday evening of last week ut its regular quarterly meeting. Following the business session, a very interesting program wus presented und refreshments of sundwiches, ice cream, cake and coffee were served. It was a season of good fellowship and profitable entertainment to all those present. The officers of the class are: W.

B. Nicodemus, teacher; Homer Shriver, president; Maude Nicodemus, secretary; Elvin Brumbaugh, treasurer. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. I.

H. Benner, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.

Metzker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shriver, Mr. und Mrs. William Smith, Mr.

und Mrs. John Stonerook, Mr. und Mrs. Ray Benner, Mr. und Mrs.

Churles Glass, Mr. und Mrs. David Gruybill, Mrs. Culvin Schyles, Mrs. Carry Endsley, Mrs.

Mary Hugey, Mrs. was taken by surprise and hud thu pleasure of enjoying delicious oyster uupper prepared by Hubert Brower, along with ull other good euta iii- cluuing a beautiful cuke decorated with candles, onu for each year of hrr life. The evening was enjoyed by ull present, ilrs. Yohn the recipient of Drue-ilia und John Shriver, Lizzie Glass, Miriam GJuss, Mary, Ruth Kuthryn and Mildred Schyles, Nuomi und Myron Ritchey, John Guyer and daughters Kutherine, Lois and Mury, Rev. and Mrs.

J. W. Albertson, Mr. and Mrs. Churles Bush und daughter Thelmu.

CiodUehs," ID "Amie I useful gilts which wero up- Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Kauftniun were ests lust Tuesday evening at a mosl Osterburn Lutheran chureh services I predated very highly.

One wus a gu i. March 30, at 2 o'clock by I wrist watch. All join in wishing Mrs. unique celebration which was held a operation. Firemen owned by occupied by John Richey at Chester: ing Spring were Sunday visitors at the Mill, Monday about noon.

Sparks home of Miss Vina and Harry Lecrone. from the flue had set fire to the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carper spent roof, damage to the amount of $10 be- Sunday at the home of Mrs. Carper's ing done.

parents Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Sipe of COVE HIGH SCHOOL The junior class held an enjoyable party at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Dilling of Piney Creek Thursday evening, March 20. Their son Frederick is a member of the junior class. The evening was spent in playing james and music. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served.

The following were present: George Ayers, Mae Amick, Helen Brumbaugh, Dean Brumbaugh, Fred Brumbaugh, Harold Blattenberger, Charles Clapper, Gladys Carper, Clifford Corle, George Davis, Frederick Dilling, Ira Dilling, Sophia AIumn i Dilling, Helen Ebersole, lone Freer, Gerald Fouse, Ethel Glass, George Guyer, Mabel Honsacker, Irene Hoi- singer, Leonard Holsinger, Helen Lehman, Bertha Nicodemus, Dorothy Ormsby, Grace Ormsby, May Over, Mae Podwils, Ruth Rhodes, Ruth Ritchey, Minnie Settle, Gladys Shiftier, Charles Shoemaker, Helen Shoenfelt, BELLWOOD Charles Ronan, who has not been able to work for months on account of neuritis, is much improved now and hopes to return his place in the Knoehel, pastor elect of Grace Lutheran church, has arrived in Bellwood to assume his duties as pastor. His wife and family are with him and were entertained at the' home of Mr. und Mrs. ijamuel Mundorf until their household Affects arrived. There will be a meeting of the Juniata shops soon.

Rev. Russell P. of Antis Township Martinsburg. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Miller, Mrs. Luelle Shriner, Smouse, Allen Marion Smith, Mary Sollenberger, Grace Stoudnour, Ruth Anna Wineland, Esther Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartges, Miss Judith McMullen, Miss Ellu Sorrick, Mrs. Mary Mc- Kerihan and Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Dilling. E. C. Ramsey, who serves as a newspaper correspondent for Europe but who is now on furlough, visited the school last Wednesday und apoke to tho student body upon "Europe Today." Mr.

Ramsey is a very able and intelligent speaker and gave many interesting fuels concerning present day situations in the different countries of Europe. the Antls is askefl to be present and also to bring along a member. Mrs. Lillian Marling of Philadelphia arrived in Bellwood yesterday, called here by the death of her sister-in-law Mrs. James Bell whose funeral occurred this afternoon at 2,30 with interment in Logan Valley cemetery.

The monthly meeting of the Loyalty of Martinsburg in honor of triple birth held in the church Thursday evening at 7.30. I The Sunshine Bible class of the United Brethren church will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Barr on Fourth street on Thursday evening. The senior class of the Bellwood High school will hold a baked ham supper, Saturday, March 29, from 5 to 7 o'clock at Y. M.

C. A. Your patronage will be appreciated by Ihe class. Tonight Rev. H.

G. Dooley will give the final talk of the series on the "musts" of the Bible, the subject be- Mary Kauffman, Miss Verna Kauffman and William McMahon were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carper on Sunday. Miss Viola Kephart, a teacher in the Woodbury High school, spent the week-end with her parents at Juniata.

Dewey Replogle of Pittsburgh is home visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Replogle.

Robert Replogle is home for a short visit with his parents. He is now employed in Pittsburgh. His brother Martin also is hofne for a few days. Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Grace and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Carper on Sunday.

W. H. Hoover is at home after spending a week in Texas. Mr. and Ora Mountain of Waterside spent Sunday Mr.

Mountain's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Croyle, daughter Nellie and Mr. Noble of Washington, visited G.

Z. Replogle on Friday. Frank Bechtel of Altoona and Harold Stonerook of Newark, N. sp'ent with Miss Fannie Stonerook. and Mrs.

John Bechtel spent The union mid-week prayer ami praise service will be held In the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, Rev. Boaz O. Smith, pastor. Mr. and Mrs.

George S. Havens arid children Yvonne and Joyce of Williamsburg motored here last Wednesday and visited their home folks Bertha Havens and Mr. and Mrs; E. Swope. Mr.

and Mrs. Grant Piper motored to Mill Creek last Thursday where they were guests of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kline. John Prendergast and son and daughter James and Betty of Huntingdon motored here Friday evening and while Mr.

Prendergast made business call Miss Betty Prendergast made a social call at the home of I. C. Temple and family. Mrs. Paul Hoops and daughter Miss Betty Zane Hoops of Reedsville were guests of Mrs.

Hoops' mother Mrs. Bertha Havens, last week at her home on King street. Mrs. B. O.

Smith of the Presbyterian parsonage spent Thursday in Huntingdon. Tho Civic club's supper served in the Vocational High school building on Saturday evening was well attended. Many people motored here from Huntingdon, enjoyed the delicious chicken and waffles, also taking home a good portion of baked things for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Rhea Little and family of Pittsburgh are guests of Mrs. Little's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. S.

Little at their home King street. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Gregory and twin daughters Martha and Marjorie, und Mrs.

Elizabeth Myton were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gregory's brother and Mr. and Mrs. Marion A. Bell and family at their home near Cottage.

Dr. and Mrs. R. Bell and daughter Joyce Le June of Mount Union wero recent visitors in town. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church will hold a fopd sale Saturday afternoon, March 29, at the home of Mrs.

Kathryn Bell on King street. All good baked things, cakes, pies, bread, rolls, candy, will be for sale. Come and buy some good food for your Sunday dinner and lunch. Mr. and Mrs.

John G. Porter, Mt. and Mrs. Robert W. Newcombe of Huntingdon, and Rev.

and Mrs. B. 0. Smith of town were Saturday evening guests of Porter brothers and sister Messrs. Jumes and George and Miss Mary, at Willow Brook farm near town.

'T 1 Sunday with Mr. Bechtel's father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bechtel. Bernard Brown of Hollidaysburg spent Sunday with his parents Mr.

and Mrs. H. K. Brown. Visitors at the home of R.

R. Baugher over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. F. E.

Mart2 and family and Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Boone and son Daniel.

PLEASANT Miss Virginia Confer of Pleasant Valley to at home after speding two MARTINSBURG Joseph M. Burket, proprietor of the theatre at Roaring Spring, recently signed a lease to take charge of the D'Ford theatre at this place, April 1. Mr. and Mrs. L.

C. Provins and four children and Mrs. Provins' mother Mrs. Flora Benson, spent Sunday at Huntingdon at the home of Benson's son Jacob Benson. Mrs, Elizabeth Paul, who spent th uj.

ivitiri jiiauurg 111 iiunui tiipic UJJ.LII- i day anniversaries. The honor guests I the text being, God is a Spirit and were Mrs. Susun Kensinger, whose an- they that worship Him must worship niversury falls on March 18, this date Him in spirit and in truth. This will being ulso the anniversary of her be a special lenten meditalion. The daughter Mrs.

Emeigh. Another daugh- i public is invited. ter, Mrs. Aaron Stern, celebrates her The spring meeting of the Woman's natal duy on the following, Murch 19. Baptist Missionary society of Centre Thus the mother und her two daugh- ters observe their birthdays within 6 two days.

A very huppy evening was morning and afternoon sessions. The visited friends and relatives in Har- a -r-. t'luhlll'tr onrt weeks with her sisters in Canton, O. The teachers and pupils of the Zeth Business college, which she attends, as well as her many friends are delighted to have her back. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Hurm, sons ter and Robert and daughter Patty Association will be held at State Col- i spent the week-end with' Mrs. Hurm's lege Baptist church tomorrow with parehts at New Kingston. They also enjoyed. An eluborute supper was served at 7 o'clock.

Songs, games and reminiscenses enlivened the occasion. Everyone who knows these ludies joins speakers will be Mrs. H. G. Dooley, on "Law and Mrs.

G. Hass on "White Mrs. A. Grumbling risburg, Duncannon and Newport. The Ladies' Bible class of the Jaggard Memorial Methodist church will heurtily in wishing them muny happy on Mrs.

R. G. Jones nold a poverty social Thursday. Murch and Mrs. D.

M. Le- Z1 "Kaliker" dresses find "aperns" returns of their several anniversaries. I nore of New Kensington. At 1 o'clock will be in order. It might be well to Those present were: Mrs.

Elizabeth there will be a sight-seeing tour by 'bring lots of pennies for fines. There laughter Ellen Elizabeth, Mr. i auto through the college "grounds and will be a program consisting of vocal rs. A. G.

Kuufl'rnan, Mr. and the adjacent country. solo, Miss Edna Bowser; reading, Miss Durr, and Mrs Mrs. A. H.

Stern, Edward G. Carper und daughter Lois, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.

Kensinger, daughter Susun, Mr. and Rev. P. T. of Mrs fca Emei Brumbaugh.

Mrs. I. B. Kensinger, daughter Ledu, Mr: und Mrs. Ira Elius and son Gerald, Mr.

und Mrs. Jerry Kensinger, son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Emeigh, Mr. and Mrs.

Elvin Kensinger, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bassler, Mr. and Mrs. Levi H.

Brumbaugh and Mrs. Marina BELLH'OOL) STATE THEATRE March "THE FORWARD PASS" Witb Voutltu rtOruanlu, AU Helen Learner of Eldorado; selections by members of the Grace United Brethren Church Glee club; a playlet, "How the Story Grew," by eight ladies of the class. Mrs. Helen Schucker will sing a vocal solo und a playlet, Mother Goose's Goslings, will be presented by 16 pupils of the East End school. Refreshments will served and ice cream and home- mads candy sold.

i winter months at Tyrone at the of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Barr, returned to her home at Martinsburg on Monday.

Duvid Cypher and Howard Simmons of Everett were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. H. Teeter and family. According to former plans and Instructions for the protection and improvement of the Memorial park, the trees for planting have been ordered and secured for shipment in time for planting, excepting the white pine, which cannot be secured this season.

However, between 600 and 700 trees of other varieties have been secured to be here for planting on Arbor day. A sawmill will be moved into the park soon lo saw Ihe condemned trees Into lumber for the building of the kilchen. The grounds will then be cleared of brush and put in shape for the planting of the new trees, hemlock, sugar maple and Norway pine. ROARING SFE'NG to spade. Inquire of liabe Hayes, 015 Cast St.

Adv. For Itoom House. West Maiu Street. Kent Keasoimble. riioite 2-1112 Altoona.

Adv. ROARING SPRING THEATRE "SHOW BOAT" HI tli Laura Utfluute and Josepb ticliUdJcruui und 50 otbtr grcuit ITom £Una t'vrber'it novel. greatest motion picture of all time. Uieouipanible an IcumaaraMe pic- taus. "Crew Counfty.

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