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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE SIX BLYTHEVTLLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION per lot Minimum iUnu 12C 9C 1C 5c We TOUT FLUUBINO FIXTURES down FMA. L. C. ROLLISON PHONI Have your old re-silvered BleeU Mirror Shop Phone 8R MO 4 10 2 line day .3 4VM per line per day per line per day vunww per Month per line Count fire arerage words to the line. Ad ordered for three or six times and before expiration will be charged jor the number of times the ad appeared and adjustment of bill made.

Ail classified Advertising copy submitted by persons residing outside ol the city must accompanied by cash, may easily be computed from the above table. Adyertlslng order for Irregular lafcea the one time table, No responsibility will be taken for than, one incorrect Insertion at any classified ad. All ire re.strlct.ed to their proper claaallicatlon style and type. The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any ad. We repair watches and Jewelry of all kinds MOORE'S 30C-308 CAST MAIN ST.

PH. 2660. (Jurtatns laundrlad, atretched. Ph 4.29-pk-Sj2a PLASTERING BOB MALONE Call 4159 Blyllicville or 407 Osccola 5-2 pk-6-2 BEL.TS. BUCKLES, covered buttons outlon "Mae Alma Bass.

fcMnia crowfler i'none 353U 11 no answer. 4632. 606 5th St Apartment for Rent 2-unfurnlshed rooms and bath. Reasonable rent. Elderly couple preferred 705 Clark 01.

5 I4-pfc-21 2-room furnished npl. Private bath. Adulti only. 516 Lake. Phone 2406.

3 room unrurnlshed apartment. No small children. 400 Broadway. Phone 33uy room bath, furnished at. 417 K.

Broadway. Sji: 2-room furnished flpt. Close In. Ulll- llles turnlshed. Ph.

2062. 5.H-11V-18 Modern 4 room and bath rurnlshcd garage apartment. Window Good location. Ph. 24S3.

Make your home pretty ror spring Expert, Rug Cleaning Service Is youri PEERLESS CLEANERS Phone 2433. Blythevllle 2.22-ck-tl Rent sanders. Refinish your own floors. Rent an electric sunder from Wards. Econom iciil! Free instructions, Mont gomory Ward 4-7 ck apartment.

1916 West Vine. Unfurnished 3 room apartment. Prl- imte bath. Phone 3483 or 404 Easl Davis Modem 2 room furnished Couple only. Phone 565.

iJS-ck-tf Lawnmowers Sharpened Henry Westbrook's Shop Machinists. Welders. 225 Nnrlh 1st Slniet Day Phone 41CI Nlslil 4132 4 23-cfc-t Typewriter ana oath furnished (Jas ana eleculo relrlgerator Ffa. f. Simon, 3-rooms: thare bath.

343 8. Division; Month Key at next door north. 517-clc-U Business Service Directory Auto Supplies and TYPEWRITERS tloyai, Smith. Corona and Reining ton Portable DON EDWARDS The Man 110 Second St Phone 33B2 9'16-ck- For Sole, Misc. Baby Buggf.

Good condition. 308 6th. St. Jeep parts now available at MOTOR CO. can nil all your from GUI corn- Uaa.

ELLIS POOLK. OWNER 8t OPERATOR South Highway 61 at Steele, Mo Phoct Steel. 40 11112-ck-ti CHAPMAN SERVICE STATION oiTision Phone 2563 Don't endanger yaur fnmlly LKi TTKFfl. NEW 700 GALLON STREAM-LIN TRUCK TANK. 4 conipuriniuiUB, vc sturdy.

Ideal lor light trucks or roug roads. In. shell. 10 gauge double bu neads, quick opening caps piped wll header and four valves, Double trai sition sheet on bottom of lank enclosed bmrel racks. This lank IB on 6 It.

tall alter mounted on truck U. hose reel, 75 It. hose wl Loans ACTO AHD FtmNITTTHS LOANS -'Prompt- Personal Serrice Owicril Contract Corp 106 South 9th- Phrmr-M3 A malt, unfed for 12 hours, to death. Money to Loan Do you a loan to repair or re- Baodel? No down payment, no no tape. FHA APPROVED HATZ ASK FOR DETAILS Max Logan, Realtor Lynch Building BljthevlLU.

Ark Services 19-17 Ford Super Fordor, has a beautiful black finish. An ideal family car. 1946 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan, a 2-lone blue color, equipped with radio, heater, and '49 Arkansas license. Ford Super DeLuxe Tudor, maroon, has heater and white side wall tires. A real buy at $1145.

1 )) Station Wagon, equipped with radio, heater, and overdrive. Only $1075. 1917 Ford 2-Ton Tractor, has 825x20 dual rear tires, 750x20 front tires. A good buy at $795. 1917 Ford Long Wheelbase Truck, red color, has 750x20 tires front and rear.

In excellent shape 19-17 Ford Stake Pickup in prime condition SI 11 5. 1916 Chevrolet Pickup just 5895. only jou un lot tumiaa jou build ita Kolllaon Lumber Co. Nortb-10- Camp Uoujtru Ph Cotton patch, Weigh from 160 to '2M 2Uc per Ib. J.

Blackwell. Uo 10JJ. G1VK the old llvlhK room aulta a ew leaae on life, clean wltb Floa DEAL'S PAINT STORE. Insurance ompany 5th at Walnut Phone 4453 For Complete Insurance Protection Call 3545 W. J.

Pollard Agency Planned Protection 124 Alb St. HOTEL BUILDING Female Help Wanted WOMEN to MV at home: buelneaa. good ea nlngi. Write Hollywood Ueiroie Hollywood Calll. Will give home to middle aged woman.

Board, room, small salary, to do general housework ror couple. Call 6220 or write Box MS, filythevllle. Personal I'rurty U'ttTMEtTH BTUU1O For Kent Store building and living quarters. Good location. Near Air Base- Possession 1st of June call 732.

J. P. Kocott i-H-pk-18 Private Koomi Bedroom, Private bath, phone 3557. Nice furnished bedroom, adiolna bath. Small utilities furnished.

Ph. KJUO. Uodern cabins by week or month. Cafe service. Lost Boy Courta, fn m.

Light housekeeping room, Phone warehouse 30' i 40' on railroad aiding Mldweat Dairy Ph 4447 4 19-ck-U front bedroom. Lady or couple. 128 £ast Ash. Phone 4180. Bedroom, conrenlent to bath.

Ph. 611 Main. Large front bedroom, private entrance 02i Mam 513-clc-tf Hash cameias lor STUDIO. Salesman Wanted First Class Automobile Salesman. Write Box CHI, Bed-room private batb Ph M43 Bedroom 1109 Ohlckaxawba Pb mi front bedroom for' lady.

Ph 4180 Comfortable room. Call 2675' SPECIAL RATES tlie week Fur Permanent Guests NEW GLENCOE HOTEL Conditioned tor Bummei Phone 4464 Blytheville Hotel Ph. 953 Courier News. 4-22-ck-t If you're 25-50. fair educmlon, car, bome sales experience, waul to be your own boss in exclusive territory.

earning per week to start, working up to S8 seeing business lirnis. and gooa chance for pro- niotlon to MaiiRger. wrUe to us about yourself. We are AAA-i 66 year old highly successful: have only one racAncy and many esiabluhed customers. constantly instruct and you.

I equip you and stari you xi The Compaay. Ohio. Box S. S.H-pV-15 For Sale, Cars A Trucks '40 OJdsmobUe. GocJ ccndillon Red Body SHop.

Phone 5 Comfortable, cool bedrooms In Men only 310 Walnut for Sale. Misc. Electric wnshcr for sale, good condl- i I toil. Ph. 6523.

SjM-pk- nd Town Jump. Brody Pow Rite off for any make trucfc. READ 'O GO. Will paint to Riiy dcslrnd color nd letter no extra cost. Small In- ulailon charges.

See thlA today WILSON WELDING FABRICATING CO. OSCEOLA, ARK. 5 U-clc-15 5 Hor.sti-power outboard motor 10 rout plywood boul I'll. SL10-ek-tf Wnlniit Lumber. 1" to 5" thick Rol- Lson Lumber tOth and Cnrnp Moult rle DrlTe.

328 (J, Hawfca SI Ph 3292 5.3 pk I haTe HUEYS RELIABLE HYBRIDS stock Evenly graded, well treated id germination ot Call or write lor your seed corn needs Raymond Sirmger, nt a Box 518. 2 ml South 61 HlghWay. Phone 11888. 429-plc-5i23 For sale or rent. 1 5-room house, tmttt.

hulH In calihietR. I 3-room house, bath, built In cabinets. 6'J3 Park, Bob While. 5jl4-pk-13 For Safe. Real Estate 5 motor Ph.

3170 One piano In good condition. At a arKaln. Call 3608. Model Arery Tractor with 2 row Cultivator. 2 row Planter.

2 row Busier and 2 row Breaking Plow PRICED K1UHT1 ALL-IS-CHALMERS Model Tractor with Busier and 2 row cultVvalor ONLY S650. 61 Implement HiRhwny 61 North, Phone 2H2. 5i7-ck-14 Dortchsoy No. 2 Seed Soybeans The highest yielding bean in the Bounty Contest last fall. Reclf-aned and sacked.

Only $2.75 Per Bu 61 Implement Co. North Highway 61 Phone 2142 4-15-ck-tf Wanted to Buy for prices bring your to Grncery 125 Lilly St 428-pk-Si30 buy used furniture 2660 Notice Bookcase. Good Condition. Has two long glass doors. C.

A. Hunton, phone 3857. 5-10-pk-17 Two a ply with Uilies and extra heavy duly Flntahlng. 34 hour nerrlce thru 47 Ford pickup. OSTEENS STUDIO.

for 3112 A GOOD CAR A BETTER PRICE IS HERE AT LANGSTON-WROTEN Soybeans State-certified, Grade A (Blue Tag) Ogden soybeans, per bu. Slate-certified, Commercial Grade (Red tag) Ogden soybeans, S3.25 per bu. Non certified (from certified seed) Ogden soybeans, $3 per Du. State-certified, Commercial Grade (Red tag) Dortchsoy No. 2 soybeans, per bu.

Phone 702 HALE SEED FARMS Burdette, Ark. 4-13-ck-tf G. I. LOAN MR. G.

1. YOU CAN OWN THIS NICE LITTLE HOME FOR CLOSING COST. $161.34. Modern 6-room home bath, 3 bedrooms. I 1 story, nice kitchen bath.

Extra large closets storage space. This house is well built and less than 2 years old. North West part of city 1 block off bus line. Price See or call JOHNNY MARR Phone 4111 or 2596 112 South Second St. 5-4-ck-tf ATTENTION FARMERS LIVE STOCK MEN Used car 19A1 Chevrolet.

5 pissengei coupe, radio i- heater. New tires. Ph Z. 5.10-ck-U Dead, animals fallen and picked up crippled free of charged in sterilized trucks. Call collect, Blytheville, Ai-k.

ARKANSAS DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL CO. 4-21-ck-5-21 Help Wonted, Male Experienced crane operator Good pay, steady work. Taylor Sand Gravel Co. Caruth- eraville, ph. 753.

5-6-ck-tf See These Cars Chrysler Sedan, driven nnly 19.000 actual miles, fully equipped, a one owner car. Now offered al a very low price. 1940 Ruick 4-door Super Sedan, molor, (ires, and body in top condition. Has radio, heater, and seat covers. 5 room and and 4 room in rear.

Close in. Priced $5500. H. C. CAMPBELL Phone 4446 or 2930 5-9-ck-tf 3 lota on Nortb Tenth Street Contact Urovcr PerklQs.

Kuttnwa, Ky l.J pk SOYBEANS State certified Grade A (Blue Tag) Ogden Soybeans. 53.00 per bu. We only have 100 bu of these soybeans for sale. MILLIGAN RIDGE COOPERATIVE Rt. 2 Manila or Ph.

John Caudill at 3148 Blytheville. S.ll-plc-18 Real Estate Farms City Property LOANS in i crested ID Buying or selling Noble Gill Agency REALTORS F. B. Joyne 1940 Nash 4-door priced low. Sedan, exceplionally clean and 1 I 193B Buick Coupe with good tires and good molor.

Equipped with radio and heater. 1939 Buick 4-door Sedan, a well-kept car now offered at a very low price. 1939 1-aSalle 4-door Sedan, clean throughout and priced for exceptional value. 1939 Plymouth 2-door Sedan, in extraordinarily good condition, and priced low. 1940 Chevrolet Special DeLuxe Kordor Sedan, a one- owner car, very clean, has radio, healer, good tires.

Priced low. OTHO STANF1ELD W. J. "BILL" WUNDERL1CH Salesmen When Better Are Built, Buick Will Build Them," Langston-Wroten Co. Broadway Dial 555 foi Mala Black CocKer Spaniel puppies 1LKK) Phone Cecil Earls Glencoe Bldg.

First Class TRUCK MECHANIC usl De a sober, high-class, ftnlfhed mechanic. Top wages- Apply to Steve Moore DELTA IMPLEMENT, Inc. 313 South 2nd. Phone 863 5ilO-ck-tl For Sale or Trade '40 ton Ford truck with '41 motor. Less than 1000 miles, bed.

good Will trade for car or Kll. Ph. 951. W. N.

McDanlela. Store and seven 3 and 4 room houses. Now bringing In $300 p-r mo Will sell or trade. Call 4326. T.

I. SRAY MOTOR CO. USED CAR BARGAINS 1946 Chevrolet 4-door has clean finish, good tires. A bargain price. 1946 Mack Truck 2-ton Long Wheelbase model.

In excellent shape all around Amazingly low-priced. 1946 Chevrolet IV'i-Ton Truck with Army body. Priced to sell. 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door Sedan with Hy lander trim, light grey color, has radio and air-cou- litioning system. A demonstrator with very low mileage.

1947 Chrysler Coupe equipped with radio, leater, and good tires, black color. A bargain at the price. 1941 Plymouth Special DeLuxe 4-doov Sedan, blue color new paint job, motor completely reconditioned, good tires. Guaranteed. xoj'U oe glad you aav Delora you bought T.I.SEAY MOTOR CO.

121 East Main St. Phone 2122 Wanted to Kent Phone 819 8j2U-cX-U Unlumlshed or semlfurnlahed 3-room apartment wanted by wortlng Occupancy not needed until June I. Call A A FredrlcltBon at from 8 to pm 573 after pm SIS dh 3 or 6 room house, furnished or un- Iiirnlshcd. Family of four. Permanent residents.

Ph. 4217. Read Courier News Want Ads. Save Money on These USED CARS FERTILIZER! I have the machine to ap- ily anhydrous ammonia fer- ilizcr to side dress your cotton now. I have 500 acres fertilizer on hand now.

1 can also chop your cotton with a 4-row Eversman cotton chopper. E. WALLACE Ph. 4112 5-ll-pk-18 A room modern house with rental hoiiite on large lot Priced to sell. Will entry LOAN 8 room on pavement Price reduced to 4 room nnd 1 room house on large lot.

Close in. reduced to J32M). Residence with barn and othpr out tmlldlnes on 1 Acre land THIS 13 A BEAUTY The above homw cart be bought on terms We have on better on Main ChlcfcasRTrba, Missouri uxe Street If IB buying or iclltng see vis first We give complete REAL ESTATF SERVICR. LUTHER GRAY REALTY Phone 513 110 EftAt Sycamore St Esut of Armory ARTHUR BOOK RM. 3J8S North USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT Wholesale Prices cars and trucks are In A-l condition and you get written fuariotee! 1946 Ford 4-door, blue a good car.

1946 Ford 4-door, black color very clean. 1941 Oldsmobile 2-door Sedan, a good looker, has new seat covers. 1940 Ford Slake Truck ready to go. 1937 Chevrolet, new paint, new seat covers. 1935 2-door in very good condition.

1947 Dodge 4-Door Sedan. It's clean, good, it'a priced to sell. 1947 Ford Pickup in A-l condition. 1948 International Pickup ready to go, the price is low. 1941 Pickup 1S47 Dodge w-Ton Pickup 1941 Fora Sedan Delivery 1946 Chevrolet 1'A-Ton Long Wheelbaje 1948 International IVt-Ton Long Wheelbase PAY ON EASY TERMS Blytheville Motor Co.

Broadway Chickasawha Phone 4-122 Modernize Your Motoring At Today's Low Prices See Our Late Model Used Car Bargains Today And Save! 3917 Chevrolet Fleetline Club Sedan 1917 Chevrolet Fleeimaster Club Coupe 1912 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1911 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1910 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Town Sedan 193S Chevrolet Town Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1939 Ford Tudor Sedan 1937 Ford Tudor Sedan Most of (lu-se cars have radios, heaters, and many other extriis. Many Others to Choose From EASY GMAC PAYMENT PLAN Romemlwr, You Can Always Make a Good Deal at SULLIVAN-NELSON Chevrolet Company Fiazet car Right rrmui Heater. IHudaoa 1 Ford and Heater 1 Kort Jllr-Prtced Right Ford to aell 1 UCivrolet Low Price 1 Plymouth a Bargain Hudson cuna 40 DtSoto Priced Law. 61 MOTOR CO. North 51 3142 301 Phone 578 News for Car Owners In the spring a car owner's fancy turns to vacations, ball games, fishing, etc.

Here's how you can have all that fun and much more, too, even though youi car will not stand a trip Now. You may have a new motor installed, one overhauled; your car repainted, new tires installed, or any type of repair work for just a small down payment, and easy payments by the month. Here's an example of how convenient it is to use: OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN IF YOUR PURCHASE TOTALS $100 $300 VOV MAS PAY DOWN $20 $60 THEN PAS MONTHLY 12 MO. $7.69 $22.06 Make an appointment today with our Service Manager and look forward to a really pleasant summer. LEE MOTORS ALES, me OLDSiMOBILE GMC 1'RIICKS 311-317 East Main Blylheville, Ark Kippers, Cheese Ruled Out os Food for Infant MARGATE.

England IIP) Judge A. F. ruled here that fried kippers and gorgomoU cheese are no proper breakfast for a baby. The Judicial finding grew out ol suit of a hold proprietor who tried to collect from a man who moved before staying an agreed time. moved, said the ma.n.

because there was nothing but and kippers for the baby, and the court iaid he was well right. For. many years, scientists liavc been trying to fincl tnc C5tin 8 grounds of Ihc almost exllncl cram In Canada. NEED A BETTER USED CAR? Come In and See These 1047 Dodge 4-door Sedan 1946 Plymouth 2-door Sedan 1946 Mercury 4-door Sedan 1939 Pontiac 4-door with new paint 1948 Ford 4-door Sedan 1947 Plymouth 4-door Sedan 1947 Oldsmobile 4-door 1947 Mercury 4-door Sedan 1948 Mercury 4-door 1947 Dodge 94-Ton Truck 1947 GMC 2 -Ton Truck OTHERS TO SELECT FROM STILL YOUNG MOTOR COMPANY First at Walnut Phone 4333.

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