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Ukiah Republican Press from Ukiah, California • Page 6

Ukiah, California
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I'AGE SIX TKIAir REPUBLICAN FEBKUAIIV 21, IIVIS 'A Newspaper with a Conscience and a Hcarl POWER LINES TO GO NORTH BELiff SEEMS Pacific Gas Electric Company Buys SmallPlant LITTLE BOYS MISFORTUNES ARE NOT OVER "Billy" Stutsman Is Pursued By String Of Bad Luck Tense Drama On State Screen BETTER SERVICE SUREjCAME NEAR DROWNING Laytonville Power Co. Is Now Limited In Capacity Carried from page 1 wiMO here fi'iun Valli-jo I week This Time, Playing, An Arm Broken By Brother Page 3 ise Sierek, Herbert Duwe. Joslc visiting ill the Homer Ferguson I Rem.sletll Zaiioliiie, Em- Mrs. Thelma Uver.s ac- jiy shiitiiiiiii. Lucille Stutsman, them.

She i a claugh- MiUlrecl Sierck, Dorothy Sim- tpr of the Feriiu.sons and liad mon.s. Jack Lcc, Emma Harpc, Ijcen visiting in Sacraiiientu. 11(0 Jlncy MeNulty. Marvel Coles. El- hu is in the Navy.

izabeth Kay. M. Bullet Ki'iuovcd. Marjory Catenaccl and Staff Serut. Elmer Brown is Among those who homo on a HO-day from Kift.s were unable to at- Hammond General Hospilal.

Mo- Ruby Ol- dc where he recently had a Browijp George Toor, 'Tninn bullet removed from his liaroliea Kcwley. Ijack a 'ld now has a war souve- flarpqp and He wa.s a paratrooper Rosetti. as.sortment^ the mvasion in anfl t'licious home bacHy wounded. Hrown wilfc ccrflee. a hospital in faKe and then brought hour.

Mr.s. Wo.sMq^^ Brth Came Home. KUC.S I ff'. faiie I kotue home a. has been, ai.

for Wr. Mrs. V. l)ri niiT of war in iWaW i a Itiriiit; the rr.sent he watched liis they yicled oiHton. ftis they niothtr, former ftrtn liini fPie uhllt Mk.

olit.Hs anfl hoiwt State aiyh- tme son. 1 rtcenfly in liart of Mry I i Vncle to I 1 of ihi i and his tttr ai witO Pht 0tate Bighvay in (lau-h atrian. fr.uii -s. tf. Isiutiine iai dem vl.s- Willi ijss tilt cuMiitxat recmitly.

was ii.irn Wi' and Jml Stafford atf rovuleiice Oakland, liCiU- mothtr is bctlri- ttnodn hf htr maiden nauu: of Virginia Bc- ca and was Imrn in Xlic is a of ouriiiyh iicuT, faul Klafhird. is luiw in the South t'acific. Mr and Wrs. raiii and dan.iiliii'r. Nitialfi.

here last wi'ck visitIm; at the WiUiaiti Silina now lives at Klamath Jails. Oreuoii. and her uirlhuod days in Hhe is a daimhter of John ftiiinliven. Willits Uoy Kcoul.s will CI.lire! waste pa))er in a hou-e-to-hoiise cauva-s slarlinn They have set tiieir noal enough iKi- till car and have even asked people livins; in Ihe couniry to briiifi in Iheir 'casle stock. The boy.s are determined in this drive a Mob Camp, Scout- n)asler.

attended the annual dinner of The S.iiu.'ma-Meiidjcina area in Santa Hosa and .1 Drpuly Scant will a to the iiorlhern part of Mendoriiii) c.iunty for fiir- tlicrance of ScinU aclivilies. To Aallits. AiKitlier conference will be held at Cirammar louiiiiTow under ihc di- of Dr. J. B.

Keasler and County Nurse Mal.iel ytv. (1 Mrs weri- here from Naiia la I weel; visit- KIR To SDninus. Oi-liu Male Wn.idrurr. of Dos Wio.s, was married lo Hoefel at I.iviiU'.stoii last wtek. They will make thi-ir home near Dos hieki has bclonfU'd in the Aanuly uiany year Demand For Piling Rapidly Increases (The IMcndocino Beacon) Martin Vander Laan, of the Vander Lann Piling Lumber Company, Is on the at the present time with headquarters at Fort Bragg.

He Is Interested In getting out piling and has placed contracts on Navarro Ridge and at Albion. He states there is an unlimited demand at the present time for all length.s. The piling gotten out on this coast will be trucked to Fort Bragg and will go forward from there by train to Wilmington, where It is crcosoied and then shipped to the South Seas area. Children of Brind (left) look.s on as Bonita Granville comforts the wounded Lawrence Tierncy in a scene from RKO Radio's current morals drama, "Youth Runs Wild," at The suite Theatre Saturday only. The production ouilines the tj ic situation of these who, because of parental neglect, arc foMU to depend on their own inimatire judgment.

YOUTHS WILL tmentA BE TAUGHT A FISHING IffE Vtrs. Aorfolft 'niell (kkugltttr. 9Si's. frank Willitnis anA to tlkiah last wrrfe. tlnidi Ihc (lit Carles H'tttI flomt on the ranch is bcini; in reafliness for oe- ctivAiicy bf ttie erm of evpfn- lers who wrc tinisJi- iiu; tlitir itotll.

tttiit? formtr known painting conlractoi Jenuit tf.iyvs, letl. last week nlhtrt she visit friends and months. timbn iBaa Whitney Kcynolds two nuire timbrr in SWr- secfion. recent arrivftl from KuKcne, Fleet Men To uct Boys In Industry CREWS NEED RECRUITS l-ack Of Men To Operate The Boats fast Growing Carried from page 1 merly of l-'orl.

is prisoner at Jap camp. Me was captured at the fall of Bataan and recently moved lo a prison camp in Ja))an. fc ll Coryural James Cleary has writttn his parents. Mr. and Wrs.

Cleary. of Roekport, and ihrm he was in hospital sufferiivj; shraimel wounds ill lliigh. rluhl arm and left shoulder anfl that he was temporarily a concussion. Mr. Cleary said he rapidly and will soon Recover.Tie has been awarded Hiryle Heart.

tli-s. Melburn Culver came up from franeisco lo visit her husbanfl's relatives. Ciklver is in the Wavy. Wtmriaf the Son Wragu' Chapter of Kon, 2()B of Kin redvitid timlBcr on HillT hasbten given a (juota liul then re -sola il to and associates. This tract Now tm ttitmt.

M. aiasToii, li mi Jaised in Villits and teJ Unown by ficr niaiilen ii.iiiie of Nellie ha; tias bci'ii sent Bmlth Ui Jler hiiibaiid, I'vl, H.i i-, a clerk- with liir ))e; oilnrl I a of our Kcho 1 and Icf: here a few ago lor Naiia where she been wilh lier fatlici', formerly owned ipy western but, on account of its location, the timber not. cut f.U'e the company went of Crocker of Willits, 100 acTts of rcdwidl and limber lanfl west of Sherwood start stuff operations mivn tht weathe'r ixn'miks. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry of l.aytDiiville. were called h) Angeles last by the strious illness of Mr. Kirk's la Bf4 Pvt. Tommy Scott, lils high school studenb, writes his mother. Mrs.

Clara Langston, frsm ijelgium and states he is well and contented, (fe is in the 4rniy Engineer Di .411 Sons ScpTinir. R. C. Smith has returned Iriiiii San* where she passed three frieiuLs. son, I'rank, joined the Seabees and i.s now in Sjiith pacific.

Smith has tiiree in flie This is a percent recorA 4S il'ii' is she has. of and committees for this area have been liUte I Vita. Judd, son of Wrs. Judd, died at his home in Mendocino, Monday. Brom birth he liad been affliel- cA with ailment and had to llr Tcry careful in his movements against over-esertion.

The was held at the Mendocino T'resbyterian church. A ftob Hinard. of Point Arena, returned home following his by the Army on account. a back injury. When received his Induction call he soin his cows and gave up ranching, as ho exixcted lo be in the armefl seryicc.

I 'ollowing his re- he returned to Point na and is now emi)loyed at a garage. Xo Live Here. Louis and Betty Dahl, both of Ca.spar. were married at the Fort Bragg Presbyterian church by Rev. L.

Kent. The couple will make their heme in Fori, Bragg. Had Short Two of (uir flying officers, icul. John Lewis and Lieut, Ned Arthur's headquarters in the South Pacific two years, Is home on furlough and will be stationed at Hamilton Field. ITnexpcctert Meetinif.

Anthony J. Cnrlne Is back fol- lowing two years service in the I Army. On his way home, when he entered the Greyhound bus In San Francisco, he was surprised to meet his sister, who was cn- routc from her home in Oregon for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cnrlne, of Fort Bragg.

Saw Real Fighting. First Lieut. Elden 'V. Ingram, of Fort Bragg, ha.s arrived in this country from Italy on furlough. He Is a -25 pilot and has been on 17 missions and has CO combat hours to his credit.

On Buying Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Morley, accompanied by Mr. Morley's mother, Mrs.

Alice Morley, have returned from a week in San Francisco where he vias buying furniture for the Union Lumber Company store. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson, of Bloomer, Wisconsin, and daughter, Dorothy, of San Diego, visited at the home of Mrs. E.

A. Borneman last week. Facing Operation. Mrs. Ruby leaves today for San Francisco, where she will enter U.

C. Ho-spital to undergo major surgery. Mrs. Georgia Phelps, employe at Home at Yountville, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Fereira.

Mrs. Frances Pedrotti will leave for San Francisco this week to receive treatment for a ailment at U. C. Hospital. Were Alarrlfcd Jlere.

Melba Lorraine Smith and Staff Sergt. James L. Pritchard were married at the Presbyterian church by Rev. J. Kent in the presence of their' relatives and a few close friends.

The bride i.s a daughter of Mf. and Mrs. J. Fred Smith, of Fort Bragg, and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Pritchard, of Little Kivor. Following the ceremony the wedding party went to the home of the bride's parents -where a delicious luncheon was served. After their honeymoon the couple will make their home in San Francl.sco, where the groom is employed by the Fleet Postoffice and tiie bride with the Federal government. Join The Legion. candidates were ed into the Legion Auxiliary at the meeting Friday night niter which they had a social evening Served As Nurse.

Mrs. Sam Kopekin has returned from San Francisco where she was taking care of Mrs. Sllvana Daullng, who was Injured In an auto accident. The latter is a former resident of Fort Bragg and for the past year has been employed at a shipyard. Glad To See Them.

Mrs. Cha.s. Buck, of Caspar Camp, has received a letter from her son, T'Scrgt. Walter Storts, who was in the Philippine invasion. Among other things he jaid: "We have finally reached the Philippines, and were FU- ipino.s glad to see us! From what they have to say, I guess the Japs treated them pretty rough.

The kidi climb trees and get us cocoanuts for cigarettes and food. Fortunately there are lots of chickens here and we can get an egg once in a while. As a whole, the operation was a huge success, and what splendid teamwork between the Army, Navy and Air Force! Tlncsc doughboys iure go at their work in great spirit and it's remarkable liow they function in the field. What a great bunch of boys! ES USED AND RECAPPED For Sale No Priority NKEDHI) TO 15UY USED OH UI'X'AIM'ED TIRES -GOOftl (i i 4 nio- i 25- -TOOxKi 5 1- -TfiOxK) 4 1- i T- -700x18 T- 5 10- -000x2(1 1- -()50x20 -700x15 10- -()50xl5 BUD DEMPSEY "TIRE SHOP Phone 72S 022 Stintii Ko.sii Avt. SANTA ROSA NEVADA CASE IS REVERSED IN AJIVORCE Judge W.

D. L. Held's Decision Set Aside Last Week NEW TRiTliRANTED Frank Bello Legally Separated From His Wife, Court Held Carried from page 1043, and to continue each and every month thereafter during the life of Rose Agnes Bello, unless she should remarry, in which event said monthly payment would cease and be terminated. This divorce has never been changed or modified and the defendant, Frank Joseph Bello, continued to make payments as long as he -was able, but he became sick and vmable to make one or two payments, -Whereupon Rose Agnes Bello filed the present action through her attorney, Henry C. Spurr, claiming the Nevada divorce decree was invalid.

Whereupon Frank Joseph Bello, the defendant, employed Judge H. L. Prfestoh to represent him, and a- vigorous contest resulted. Case Decided Here. A trial was held in the superior Court before Judge Held, and Judge Held decided in favor of Rose Agnes Bello and against Frank Joseph Bello, holding that the Nevada decree was void and of no effect, and ordered that Frank Joseph Bello pay to his wife $100 per month and costs and made other preliminary orders for support and maintenance.

New Trial Granted. Being dissatisfied with Held 's opinion, Frank Joseijh Bello made a motloa nev trial upon many ground.s. ThW motion was heard by Judge X)oii- ald Geary of Santa Rosa and last week Judge Geary Wlefl an tlafjo- rate opinion holding findings were fffronoous, snA granted a new flecidijig tlie Nevada wfcs Tallfl Judge Mela in tht drcftc illegal, vnA alao that Host Bello, wsks estopjxa it from attacking tht for the reason sht had fccccjtfd fruits of said dlroree if rtctiv- ing the In tht The CouH'n Itcasoft. 7n uaf said in tiia order: iftotlon fot ntw trial should bit, add tht saitit is I hereby granted, tor tht ftstson that, from tactg stettfi, the legal tscepllon hereinaRovt mentioned is slearlir applicant, hence the fleclslon ahd Juiglfttnt against the Ukiah Plumbing Heating Co. Dom.

REPAIR WORK OF All-L KINDS 109 'W. Perkins tr Business Phone 240-J; Res. 240-N Press Want Ads always wy. Hulogard Perry CLOCK REPAIRING LIMITED NUMHER NOW Wi: Use Genuine Parts VALLEY TIME SERVICE 207 S. State Ukiah REDWOOD AND GAS Lewis a brief meeting at a Ulr.

and t)ati' ('r in England, but it wa.s wtMT end-of-thr-wreiv short, for of tlnMO only had 1' I 'lHuityseal. ilconu' and children wcrs Thursday from "Wu 'ir liionic vi.sitinj.',- ri 'lalivt's and allowin.U' ('h 'V ('l a 'e do some tinu' lo rrfui'l his bi-mbor. Jfc. Janii's Poo, now stationed is New rcrcnMy met Berrinncr in I'at-ifii' war zone. ft Al Uaiiiill(hn ''iel master David Oul.sti.


PI FOR SALE STANDISH HICKEY INC. WRITE STANDISH AND HICKEY, INC. 617 Crocker Bldg. Saii Francisco, 4, Caiif. i tiTiitiTiiliTiititiiTiliitiliim 1 The Call Beer 1 I'lciise Return Your Emptys To Your Dealer touf To p.

McCarty, Distributor 219 East rerkins Street DR, P. H. Optometrist tJktah Phone 24 WANTED A 'roperties to sell. Phone or £or details LARKIN YOUNCE Resident Agent Property Sales Company- Preston Bldg. CHARLES ANDERSON Broker associated IN SAN FRANCISCO Superb accommodations, fine cuisihe, and distinctive service await today's travelers at this city's largest, best located hotel.

1000 ROOMS 1000 BATHS FROM $4 SINGLE $6 DOUBLI HOTEJ. ST. FRANCIS: UMlON IQNDON Government tlrges Ton To SAVE GAS AND ALL VITAL FUELS Keep Room Temperatures At 68 Degrees NCLE SAM tias made an urgent peal for fuel saving throughout nation. Here in California, we should coiym serve our gas supply by being Arifty in our use of it in home and industry. Gas in a vital and essential fuel used in the duction of war materials that fill the ships that sail out the Golden Gate to our ing men across the Pacific.

You can contribute to the effort by guarding against wasting heat in your keeping room tempeiH atures at no more than 68 degrees. This company has pledged full suppoKJlU to a requpst of the Office of War Utilities WarProduction Board in its national fuclH program. We urge our customers help through voluntary PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Do not use your gas range for heating the Close bedroom doors at night. Close fireplace damper when gas heater is on. Repair leaky hot-water faucets.

Use as little hot water as possible. Dress warmer in your home and use less heat. UX-W -241i -SP.

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