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Memphis Daily Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee • Page 8

Memphis, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JMPJJNLeillB DA1L. AiPKiUWEDXESD AYT FEBRUARY "13 8 07 IMILP.OADjrniE TABLE. Loalarlllf Orleaiw aad Texaa K'j laalKnirPI VALLET BOITK, in Effect Nnrembar C. WS. Aal MAIL.

8ouia. I North. Memph Leland 4riin 11 a.m p. ml :4 a.m a. a.

hj a. Virkibarx amaon a. a a.m a.m P. in 0:21 a.m 8:42 p.m p.m p.m fcth.l..,.. Jlaloa houre.

lew Orleans South. I Korth Memphu :40 a.m 6:00 a 2: p.m 3: p.m 7:15 p.m li a.m 7:30 a.m Yicksbnri CONNECTIONS. A With all linei enlerina Memnhli. U'iih M. A N.

W. K. K. tor lialena. i'or UreaoTille and Huntington, and all Arkansas point.

1-With V. A M. and S. A P. K-With J.

A C. H. fur ftalcnei and Jackson. I For Fomu on tba Branch. HU'itli lor liavou 8ara.

IJ With raiiroada diraraing (or florid and Uuaal poinu. Pullman flurl.t Rleapltif Canon all train! AS HI. KUWaKKS, V. f.aodU M. Ill KICK, Uanaral Suu'L A.

XklSi AVP.U. P. A. HlaalMlppI ana) Traaraaaa. Fait wail train learei daily at 4:4 p.m.i arrive! at :46 a.m.

Local freiaat leavei at a.m. I a nrai at Malllv.MDrlaia-a1llaDdafD fthlav rraioe leate M. and T. dapot ai fol-owi No. 4, mall and irii leaiei daily at 11 a.m.

No. mail and axpreii arrlt at 8.30 p.m. I No. tfl, it Lvmi eijr.ii leave! dally at p.m.l SO. 0), 61.

liouM axpreei arrlrat at 8:45 a.m. Maraa He aad Utile Hack Tralai mora ai folic (cantral itaadard time)! No. 1 mril dill p.m.i erriT.i at 9:55 p.m.' no. lei.ei at i.b.iii-ri.ei at 1:50 a.m. No.

6 Ureirtii) leaei HopaAald daily. "pt undi at 6i00 a.m. i arrlTM atTilOp.m. OheeaaMa. Obi aad Honlhwci I.

ra train a mora aifnllown No. I (faat Una daily) I level at 11 :30 a.m. No. I leavei at 11:40 ally.

1. Luuil faat lina laaTM daily at 6:30 a.m. No. 7 Hut line daily) errv.s at 1 ::) p.m. Mail and Jreu arrlraa laily at 6t.

Louil at Una arrlrat dally 8:06 a m. aphis aad Oharleataa Train norai foiowii Through tipreii leave uaily at ip.m. and aipram leavea daily at 9:10 Fonteiv'll aeeonuodr-tion leave, dally, a capi Kent ay, at 4 So p.m. Throunb aiprari de'ly at 6:25 a. m.

Mall ami eipren a-rtr-i daily al 4 55 p.m. Nomervlll aioomirodatioa erm.i daily. aicaia t'undar. ai 8 lalll ami Naahvlllo Tralm novel I Mri fait mail arrlrai daily at 4:35 a.m. I lear 111:10 p.m i mall laari daily at S.oua n.

aceom nidation laavaa uaily, axitrt SjnHur. at B.m.t miil tai'y at r.m. rownavlllc auecmnic iatio i airlrai laily. Bandar, at tiiinjard tiit), at.ii,h RlriiiliiKhnm mill Allan-tl Hol Si' im HmilB Traini mora aa followai No.

I Iitm Mniiii'hia dally at p.m.. arrival at lln Snrlnri at 6:30 p.m I No. i laavai ilnlly Srrinra daily at a.m., arrival at Mamnhia at a.m. No. Mcayaa Mami'hii lUily at at Holly Hirinr at 11 f.rn.

No. 0 Icavea Jlolly hprlnri daily at a.m., arrlvti at Mampbif at TIIK WISATIIER. Wabhinoton, I). O.i Feiirniry 3, lRHfi. 1 o'clock a in.

Indications lor Mcmphia and vicinity: Light local snows this morninp, followed by fair, sMghfy colder weather, and Main followed during Thurs-ly by (lowly rising temperature. Indira) loua, of Tennfute and the Ohio Valley; Cloudy vtnOitr and locnl $nnri irt'm -gtMnBt MortWy; tatUrn portion Marly tlatlonaryJM1 by tiowly riling temperature in 0a wtttern portion. cteoroloarioul Baport. Mimprii, February 3, lWfi. I Tima.

1 Bar. IThar.lWInd. I aathar. rrOOa.m.. an 21.0 N.K.

CIoudy. MUM JO 3 N.K. l.tHm.w. StOOp.m.. 81 0 N.

Lt Sloat. 7:00 p.m.. M.O E. I.tblact. 10:00 p.m..

30 34 8 N. l.tHnc.g. Halntall, 1 41. All obaarvatloni ara taken on 75 meridian tima, which li one boar (alter than local time. CITY NEWS.

Aimee In Mam'xtk at matinee today. The of Aimee closes tc-niglit with Mitt or Aire, Mam'trUt at the matinee this even-ion, and Divorconi, by spocial request, to-nliiht. The rioneer Cotton Mill will be fold to-morrow at noon, at the earner of Main and Madison streets, The Central Committee of the charity ball will hold a flnul meeting at the Prnbody nt 4 o'clock to-morrow evening. Owing to the inclement woather, the lecture on "Antipyrlne" has been postponed nntil Thursday, the 4th instant, at 10 a.m. The Rev.

R. II. Motion. D. will preach to-niht at 7:30 o'clock at the union ineetiiiir, on Court street.

(Services also nt 10 a. m. Licenses to marry were fanned venterday to Charlns Rice and Klim Williams, Harry May and Margaret Dunnvant. II. T.

Arnold and Nellie Riley. Young Ashton of Memphis and Hike Cleary of New Orleans will have nother glove fight at Vicksburg tonight. Jack Gallagher has telegraphed that he will not return for two weeks. A cutting scrape occurred yesterday morning at Romeo Lucarini'a lodging-house, 184 Front street. Bill Mareen drew his knife and cut Joe Tanda about the heal, fare and log, nd he was sent to the cilice of Dr.

Graves to have his wounds dressed. The would-be murderer attempted to acape, but was raptured necr the (Jourt-Housa by Ollicer Mike Garvin. Memphie Illurirattd ia the title of a new work just issued by the Kntor-prise Publishing Company. It is without doabt one of the handsomest a well aa the most complete histories of the city ever published, and shows the great growth and progrws of the city as no other work of a similar char-ucter has done. The illustrations are very good, and the work, in its entirety, highly creditable to the publishers.

In the Criminal Court yesterday A. M. Rogers, a.deputy eheriR, was iound guilty of extortion, lt was chown that he had collected Jj 25 in the taw of Kmma found ptiiltv of a falony by Justice Hpelman. The justice said he was cf the impression that he had taxed the woman with the cottJ, lint even in that case the amount noald cot have reached $5 25. At a meeting of tho colored pastors at 4 o'clock p.m.

yesterday it was finally as reed that Mr. Moody meeting for the colored people at 11 o'clock neat Sunday would be held at Avery Chanel. Pastors will arrange with their churches about the tickets at the weekly prayer meetings. It is reported that certain parties are offur-tog for ale on the streets tickets br this meeting. Let no one be imposed opon by this fraud.

Tickets will be free to ai many as can obtain thetn tae various pastors, and the number will be limited by the capacity cf tho building. committee in cliarga of the Woman's Exchange yesterday were: Mrs. f. Msrsford. Mrs.

W. A. Gag, Mrs. W. li.

fc.i.rd and Mrs. Al Burke. A iron the visitors were Mai. J. J.

Murphy. T. D. Kldridge, J. B.

iiinkel), John Overton, Dr. J. li. Dunn, VY. A.

Gago. Ca-t Jeseis For rewt, K. V. Graves, W. u.

1. I. Latham. Mrs. R.

R. Freeman, Dr. Waiwon, A. W. Newnom, A.

J. Martin, M. Donelson, C. Mason, Charles K. IV, J.

8bfpherd, Martin Mitchell, J. W. Falls, Judge Calvin Vance, YV. A. header, JautM Gallagher, James H.

Pmitb, Robert Cash, George Fox, F. II. Heifkell, A. F. Robinson, George E.

Rudisill, R. J. Morgan, W. A. Collier and W.

D. Beard. Always ready to recognize real merit, the A rriAL gives space for the lol lowing brilliant literary ellort by the celebrated "Tack-Hammer1' Wells: "Know-balling ia going on at 3:20 o'clock p.m. There is aa much mud thrown as there is beautiful scow. Kids are on top of Waldran block peppering the passers-by who notice them.

One big, fat aunty got into regular battle with another dark-skinned female, which canted much merriment, but now believed to be a drawn battle. Bleighs may look for a good, 1 of a time before the return from charity ball in the morning. Ccajting may break somebody's neck going down Lindon street from Main to Christian church." In view of his recent personal experience in that line, the following remarks of President IJadden in the Police Court yetUrday have some weight: "There is one thing that I want to make a few remarks aboot. and it entirely slipped my memory until thia moment. I notice In the papers every few days articles aboot ma'chea being made for this slugging business.

I think these peopleaad btt'er stop that. If they want ti do any fighting let them go over to Hope- id, west Memphis; the sandbar or, in fact, any other place on the other aide of the river. These slugging matches amount to nothing more than assault aad battery. I think it is very poor amusement, and it has got to be stopped in this city." The last issue of the Bullttin. the oflicint ornan the Ltaiue of American Wheelmen, contains Uie following under New York date of January zolo, ana signed w.walon jieckwitb, president cf the L'uguo of American Wheelmen: "Upon the recommen dation if a number of the meat prominent and active members of the League of American Wheelmen in Tennessee, whose sentiments were voiced at a called meeting cf said member January 18th, I take pleasure in appointing as chief coneul League of American Wheelmen far Tennessee, Mr.

W. L-. Hiirprlse cf Meuir his, whose terra tf oilice shall extend to the regular election1 in March next." On account of the inclemency of the weather the 'Cycle Club failed to get a quorum at its annual meeting held hit night. Home anxiety is felt in certain quarters as to tho whereabout) cf a young man named Crow, who came this city some months ago and attempted to establish himself as a bill- collector. He was turned oaf, of sov-eral boarding-houes for not paying his bills, and finally wound np at a well-known boarding-house on rjocond B'reet, where he met a voung lady, and by gorgeous tutea of boundless weanu enptureu ner affections.

After paying her court as long as his credit lasted he t)ld her that, aa he had not seen his parents for several years, he was going to pay them a visit, but would return in a couple of days. That was two weeks ago, and he baa not been heard from. A small trunk (empty) wni left behind aa a reminder, but Mr. Crow has disappeared as mysteriously as if the earth had swallowed him up. Hhl your eoltoa brent at 'o.

TEIISONALS. R. O. McNamib and wife of Holly Springs are in the city. Ma.

Joskpb Bbooks, manager rf Leubrle's Theater, arrived la the city yesterdao. John Multord, a well-known Mem-phlan, who left this city several years ago, is now a bond and stock broker at 200 North Third street, bt. Louis. Jouit R. DuitKr of Louisville, a former citizen of Memphis, is a candidate for the position of division superintendent of the Poetolllce Department, located at Cincinnati, with bood prospects cf success.

Mr. Durff htti many friends in this city, who will be glad to hear cf his good fortune. His Democracy is unquestioned, and he is a square man all round. II. F.

Arnold and Miss Nellie Kiley were married at the Catholic Church yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. They are both well-known rocitty people of the city. Mr. Arnold was formerly a member of the firm of J. J.

Arnold the well-known merchants of this city. The bride is a young lady reared in this city, and waa much admired for her graceful manner and amiable disposition, at well as beautiful person. The happy couple left immediately on a bridal tour to the Floridas. Yistkroay afternoon Mr. Harry May waa married to Miss Marguerite Dunavant at the Central Baptist church, the Rev.

A. W. Lamar ctliciat-ing. The bride was rooBt elegantly attired In white, and never looked more lovely. Mr.

May is a well-known young business man, with a bright future, and tho bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. W. P. Dunavant. The ushers on the occasion were Dr.

W. W. Taylor, Lewis titvk, Ed Cooper, Jack Protidfit, Sim Bpeers, Fiank Far ruber, Charlea Churchill and Robert Tray lor. The bridal couple left on the 6 o'clock train for Hi. Louis.

Ship yonr calton. to breath at W. H. Ual- FllOM THE PEOPLE. llra for the I'owt, llorara aad! Mnlra Bnaula at Large.

To th Editori of the Appeal The humane man is always considerate of his dumb creatures, and without dictating I would suggest to Mr. Lane that there is one crying sin in Memphis, namely, cows, horses, running loose in the streets aad alleys with nothing to shelter them from the rude blasts oM winter. Men and women who won care for their should not be allowed to own them. humane. Fire frire Fire I We have bought from the lata fire of Henry Peres 200 majolica pitchers, 20 sets knives and forks, spoons, and all kinds of hard and queensware, furniture, chairs, that will be sold at very low figures.

Also a'l kinds heating and cooking stoves for ante BAM OA1UY, Agent and Commininn Merobaht, 0t) to 413 thai by ilrirtt. Monogram Bangles at Mulford's. AMUSEMEXTS. Alan la Jgaia'ai lie." The beet house of the swafoi. con sidering the weather, areetrd Mil a.

Aimee in Mam'trlk st the theater last night. While Mam'ielU, from a dra matic stanipomt, will bear no fuu-parison with Dirorcont, still it it pieas- ikk auu aiwaya ueuKuia ao auaience. The play has been presented in Memphis before, and is fsmiliar lo theater goers, hence no extended criticism is necewary. wile. Aimee is always charming, and last nigbt did her belt, which was appreciated by the audience, as evidenced by the generous applanss and numerous encores.

The song "Pretty as a Picture" was the gem ol the evening, the lit le lady having to it three times before the audience wan satisfied. The support, including the inimitable Cbea- nill aa the "Manager." and Mr. Bas- sett aa "Tnpper," was very good. At the matinee Mam' telle will be repeated, and to-night 'Aimee'a engagement closes with Divorconi, it having been substituted, by special request, for her new piay, aims or Mrs. roe by 'a Dime naetam.

There never waa a week aince thia house wasopened when tbe attractions presented were so decidedly meritorious. The inflationist, James Wilson, has many admirers who are never tired of ceejng him burst etrong webbed bracea by filling his lunge, whilo the handsome bearded' July, Mme. Meyerr, has woa a host of friends of both sexes by her bland and lady-like demeanor. Miss Eva Perry, the bird trainer, gives a pleas ing perlormnnce with her educatsd canaries. In the upper ball the huge akeleton Ferralto, his queer companion, the "What'f-Its-Name" (the latest issue cf the "No Name" series), are fully as strange and curious as the lectnrer'a florid description of them.

The gem of the programme upstairs is batzums, the Japanese jnggier, and he holds a crowd from first to lait with his olever work. The theatorlnm programme is a can, ttl one: the fasci nating bird warbler, Prof. Wallace, must lie heard to be thoroughly appreciated. He is tui gtnerie a star of the first magnitude. The Powers twins.

Miss Lena Fuley, the Whitings and the sinuous Lorraine are the con comitants of "a ftajt tf reason and flow cl soul." Ford's Opera Company. The management cf the Memphis Theater is to be congratulated upon having secured Ford's Opera Company for next week. Their delightful performance of the Mikado here earlier in the season will be sure to commend them t) the Memphis public upon their return, when they will give, in the ccmrfe of their engagement, The J'rinetu Ida, Piratt of I'enianee, Three Black Cloake and Nthudo. The Ford combination is admirably to Ihoir work. The prominent actors are good elocutionists, their voices are well placed, and the grace ot uotlon they bring iutj fieir peculiar language of gesture Is perfect.

Not the vocal score or the vocal execution alone call for criticism in opera boufle the acting and the libretto must equally stand the test of legitimate analysis. An may sing divinely and ait like a stick she won't do for comic operi, however the devotees of jj.and opera may applaud. She mny aing and act well, but if she mumbles her part and toys stupid nolhlngf, neither she nor tbd opera will pleuio. The sals opens Friday, Solid Silverware at Mulford'e. LOCAL NOTICES.

Bbirts, all styles, made to order. Memphis Steam Shirt Factory and Laundry, 224 becond street M(mpois8tainid Glass Works, 266 Third street. Call and see. Th finest and best selected stock of gas fixtures in the oity, at bottom prices. J.

a. bailbt a co. Miss Carri M. Kiatino can be found every day at E. Witzmann 223 Becond street, from 4 to 6 o'clock p.m.

A. Rknkbrt No. 215 Main street, cornor Adams, and 120 corner Market and Main streets, keep constantly on hand a supply of Dr. Har-ter'a celebrated WildCherry Bitters. Thb Herbal Chill Cure, the best tonioand antl-pertodio known.

A certain and lure oare for chilli, frice II por bottle. Bend itainii for oiroulari. Any reference itinon. Addreii John 0. Kucker, iiynobbers, Va.

Most of the so-called incurable diseases are successfully treated by Dr. E. Henderson, M.D., No. 220 Becond street. The doctor can refor to some of the best citiiens of Memphis.

Consultations free. Tub colored pas'ors have united and agreed tbat Messrs. D. L. Moody and Ira D.

8ankey'a services, so kindly proffered for the benefit of their people, shall be held at Avery Chapel, on Sunday, February 7th, at 11 o'clock a.m. All colored pastors are requested and urged to call ut the oilice of the Rev. T. Nightingale between the hours cf 12 and 3 o'clock, on Thursday, February 4th, where the undersigned committee will be in waiting to deliver each his pro rata of tirkf tt. T.

NIOUTINil ALE, (1KO. liAHUlS. 0. 11. l'lllIiUll'S, Committee.

Order Medals at MulfbrdV. ADDITIONAL IlIYEll NEWS. Vicbsbdro, February 2. Departed C. P.

Chouteau, Memphis. Pittsburo, February 2. Night-River 5 feet 10 inches on the gauge and fU Weather clear and cold. Cincinnati, February 2 Night-River rising, with 24 feet 7 inches on the gauge. Weather cloudy and cold.

Wnaw.iNa, W. February 2. Night River 10 feet on the gaupe and falling. Weather cloudy aad cold. Ice getting heavy.

Cairo, February 2. Night River 20 feet inches on the gauge and rising. Weather now fell all day. No arrivals or departures. The Buckeye State is due from Memphis to-night.

Louisvillb, Ftbmary 2. Night-River stationary, with 9 feet 5) inches in the canal and 7 fet 7 inches on the falls. Business fair. Weather cloudy a steady snow has been falling since morning. Arrived: Granite Slate, Memphis.

IWansvillb, February 2. Night-River fallina, with 10 feet 6 inches on the gang. Weather enow all day and st 11 snowing; thermometer 18 to 23. Arrived Charles Morgan, 1 a.m. she will leave at daylight.

Departed Ja. W. Gatf. 12 Thomas Sherlock, 1 p.m. The S.

L. Woad went to Green river with her tow to get out of the ice. Three other towboata will arrive and ga there this evening. Old gold aad silver taken as cask at Mulford's. Go (o a Ijaffomaralao for yoar riaiablas aoel Oaa-FltUna.

XOTICEI To ill Whom It Say Concern. TLie day Cornelia R- Menken has ceaed to have any inreratt in the buiineas heretofore carried on in the city of Memphis, lenn nnder the rami of Menken Bio'hers, Agents; and on this day Julea A. Menken his ceased to be agent in the conduct of said business. The business will be conducted at the old stand by the undersigned and his associatsr, as MENKEN Aobnw. J.

S. MENKEN. MiuriiiR, January 9, IIOTEL AUKIVALS. rwaoexly Hotel. C.

B. GALLOWAY A CO Katea and $3 per day, according to lie and location of room Sveeial ratea made. OMCu'tli, Mo Applebanm, Paine. Mai Drerlaa Aw, Mn Porter, Tnn lir MeUlvndon, Ark Danieie, Ark Ilaptim, Tann Hwanmn, Tenn II Aubrey, Ark II Kocbe, Me 8 RTimberlake, Ark I) Lawn, Ky llinruond, fa Comptno, Ky II Beach. NY MM Ill Smuplo, Ky Frankenhciwer.fl Muufer, NY OA Chapman, Mo Uaaiinf, Ky A Williamion.Ienn A Chamber! Aw, Ark Jllnwnr.

Ohio A Archibald, 111 Ilrookf, Kriiinmoni, Mo Cox, Niki 11 Hoffman, La Laoey Aw, Mill Mandnvilla. til I. Cocke. Tenn Clarke, Tenn A Plane, T.nn Mre A Trimble, Tenn Mm Walton, Ky ZliOoes Ohio () Walker, III II Hlln.o. U' Or.

,11 T.n. linddie, ky A 51 MoCreieht, Tenn Wendol Aw.Tenn llunby, Tenn A Tipton, Tenu I bhelton. Mo Will Levy, city A Urief, oily Thorupion, Ky II Furtenheim, Tenn K. Minor, NY (loodiuan, Mill Caldwell, Mill Petera. Mo Dnbion.

Mo Ilcker. Ark Suiter. Ark 11 Keei, Tenn Welden, Mo Neely, Tonn liarrett, Miai Haiti, MiM Smitbo, WillUini, NY 11 MnntKoiunry, L'aM hcott, Mana 11 IIIkuiI, Mug li Smiler, Tonn Junes, Trim brown, TV. Wliriny, 'fox liraaen, lex CMon, lenn Minn, Tenn. Unstou'a Hotel.

W. H. BtNQFIABI MaHatfaa. European plnn. Knlurzed and refarnnhed.

I'ricol aoooraimt to rue ana ligation of A Archibftld, Ark Oorman, Ark A Kflruupon. Ark ,1 A AlcCormack. Mill llnvy, Miie l'iiebui, Tonn 11 Trimble. Tenu 0 nnklin, Tenn Kloi Ind Kiley, III Hi due. Mill Kirlirt, Ind II Wheeler, Tenn II Scale, Tenn Conway, Ind I) Mitchell.

NY JJtJiiney.NO It I. una, Ky Popejoy, Miri (1 VV Nnrrii, Tonn Dowdy, Tenn i I'oaiiitt, Tenn Riiiney. Min A Mnirrett, A MrLeiuore. Tenn Low. Tann Monro, Tonn Puce, Mm II Mnlone, Alia Ptnton, Tonn Vol, Tenn II Tenn II Arnold A.

Tenn 0 ChrUtian, Tenn II 1 bun Mill II Wilbnn. Mi.11 hick Tonn I Murtin, Mo Uoene, Touq A 1 a Her, mini 11 lbite, Tenn Pariuer. Mill Avrciok. Tonn Payne, Mii Mill 1) Wort. Oliio It Cameron, Mo IV JS iiodi, 1- 0 VTetherford, Teon The Mew UHfoaO.

FARRINGTON, STfnVART WHITE, PlIICP I RTltUft. Ratel, 12 50 to 1 per day, according to loca tion 01 rooini. II Foote. Mo Mr Key, Mo Wullia, Chai Whitinir, Kui Win Brady, Ohio Buck, Ark I. Kotohier, Roiaer.

Mini A Hart, lenn rrrHtridie, Ark Mini Fowlki, Va A Levy, Tenn Houafall, Ark Cheatham, Mill Hot Cohn. Mikb Va RPVun Vleet.Tenn Miri McKay. Tenn Min II Rico. Tenn Woodi. Ky II llrwin.

Kr TR Jordan, Ark 8 Moore, Mica Mn Kilii.Ky II Kchmldt, Mo Carter. Ky Jame Carter, Ky I) Manhall, Pa Uwinn, Ark Campbell, Mill Mii Hliia, Ky Burger, Mo Mm Curfr, Ky Neil. Tenn Boyd, Ky Uear. Mail Kd Jni Frreman.Tenn A Lune, Mn iV Vii. tiollowmon, Tonn II Powell.

Mo I uampheil, Mill Unyward, Mo Harris, Mill Mn I eimueli. Mo llrKK Franoia, oity Lnmb, oity hd Campbell, city 11 Uounlai. city Meriwether, Mo Ilr HOrr, city ai iuis. i.i un, Cot lluninla. Ark liuchei.

Ark MoUlinden, Ark Hargui, Miu. Dolly's European Hotel. Corner ot Adarai and Main itreeti. Rootni DOo, 75o and II perday AmerioanPlan, 12 par day. Firxt-claai Railuurant in the Hotel.

J.H. Ub'FFYtlOyra with Peabody Uutol), Paor'a. ies Henley, Ark c. Hull. 8n Ki Co Mitohum.

Tonn Swanaon, city II Arimiea, civt Martins. Ohio II Lang, 111 Wicks, Ark CP Williumi. Mini Jotnnh hchillv. oitrv A Hunt, lenn l'nlmer, Tenn Woat, Ark Henry Uenrg, Tex llerxel, Minn PM Mnrrii, So Fx Co 11 1 'envoi, Ara Juliui lluth, Ark Heinricb, oity Uulei, Tenn Tlmborluke, Ark Mn Harris i 2c, Tenn A A Martin, 80 Kx Co F1I KoKxCo A Campbell, Miai II Murrerf 60 KxCo 11 Bpnulding, Tenn tlW rJF.O McClaincr, I.AXR Baatett, Ark Olenn At, Mill 11 Reinhait, Y. Onrenrtoil Tlatel.

Ratel, t2 per day. Centrally looated, oppo Ita Maionio Templa. MoCall, Tenn McClintock, Ark II Howe, NY HO Mo.Munnil, Miu (1 Uurrunt, Tenn A Laniger, Ark A Davia. Ind 11 uravts.oit eity Keller, city FM Whitney, Mo Baldwin, Ky Aditaad Aw, Kai Nobles. Miu Rivei, Mo 11 Anderson, Col A Crosse, ind John Fyfe, Miai tiilmore.

Ark Nobios, Mill Robert, Tenn Multord, Jeweler, 291 Main, ao loclts orders from the country. Get Balleda A LKOiiiHralao to do yoar Plnmblna. Fine Watch Mulford's. R. KUPFERSCHMIDT, IMl'OKTEK AND DEALER IS Huns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Sportsmen's Supplies, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

BK4 Mala Nlreet, Memphis, Tea Manufacturing and Repairing of Ouni a Kpeola'ty. aarTe'ei-hnne No. Mo. Frank Schumann, Importer and Daaler in Gnn. FNhlnar iarhle aad Rporta-snt-u'B Snplle pa-Speciul attenti.

given to MAN AC KIN and KB-PAIRING. iia rHnlii Tpiki 11I. V. KOUUEIIS, Late or New York. Ortlee 8S Mala Mt CURES Coniumptian, Heart Diaeaae.

Catarrh, Rheumutiiin. Female Liver, Kidney, Spinal. Nervoui, Blood and bkin Diaearai, bio. Conialtatica and pra-icriptivoi. free.

tsor The firm of GOODBiR CO. and bhoi Uoyineac, in connection Callicott. of Coldaaxr. In the past aad hope for a continuance A. B.

DIXtnBAIt, Lata of Ooodbar A Mamphii. 3. Lata of 3G7 3G9 Main xjwaiuw We are ior receiving a larsre and Eairely St-lto! Eatrn and Custom-Mad Spring Trade of 18S6, vshich we offer at ktock Hot I out Pricea, on aa liberal Wa hvn TvVPT.TTQT V17 An.t.1 tn va wi au mm uiai auii ilia lJim lowing lines -of CUSTOM-MADE Goo is, all of whish we warrant to give perfect satisfaction George Hocker's celebrated Mtn'a Calf Boats. Brady Sbortell'e toys', Youths', Misses' and Children's Solar Tip Bfcois. T.

M. Harris A Co. 's Philadlphis made Children's Shoes. Alan T. Nnl.

Jtr Vn mnA Til--. Ck the beet Brogans made in the Utited States heretofore l. 1 1 I ubiiuicu vy uuuuoar a IO. We are tbe onlv hnnaa in thia Marknf. liandlinn, tno nl brated Krippendorf, Dittmann fc Co.

line of Lidina'and Missee' Kid, Goat and Calf CUSIOM Goods EXCLU-SIVELY. nnder tha Factory Brands. Battle of the Petticoats. Fierce Factional Fight Follow ing Foolish Female Frolic. Wild War Wlioops Women Wage.

Exasperated, Excited Endeavors Each Eagerly Embraced. Mrs. Testy Yes, I'm glad to say that my husband is very good oaturcd. Mrs. Crusty And so is mine.

Mrs. Testy But my husband never kicked over the stove. Mrs. Crusty Arc you sure of that? Mrs. Testy Yes, I'm sure of it but I heard your husband did.

Mrs. Crusty Well, whoever told you that told p. falsehood besides, I'd rather my husband would kick over tho stove than to kick me, like I heard a certain woman's husband did. Mrs. Testy Oh! you mean thing! My husband nevor gavo mo as much as a cross word in his life Mrs.

Crusty No, and I suppose he never came homo intoxicated. Mrs. Testy Yes, I'll admit that; but then he doesn't squander all his money and leave his family suffering for bread. Mrs. Crusty I Carl prove that my husband is not a spendthrift.

Mrs. Testy Prove it, please. Mrs. Crusty Why, he buys his clothes at tho Misfit Parlors, 262 Second street. Mrs.

Testy And so does mine, lie says he can save money enough there on a suit and overcoat tobuy coal for the entire winter. Mrs. Crusty That's just the remark my husband made. He said tho overcoat he got there for $22 was worth 140, and the suit he paid $20 for could not have been made to sell for less than $35. Mrs.

Testy I'm sorry, dear, that I said anything about your husband. Mrs. Crusty Never mind, it was all my fault; but I guess we'd been quarreling yet if it hadn't been for tho Misfit Parlors. Gracious! what happiness they do bring to Memphis. Mrs.

Testy Yes, the Misfit Par-lors'are a real blessing. There aro bargains there for rich and poor, for it sells the finest of custom-made clothing at prices which do not often represent the cost price of clothing. You get Suits, Overcoats and Pants there lor half price. N.B. Our present stock of fine merchant tailors misfits in elegant Ovorooats and Suits that we sold originally for one-half of their actual value, we are now bellino below cost to enable us to make room for the largo and handsome stock of custom-made GARMENTS whiohiVO will reoeiveifrom our agents at the opening of the spring season.

If you desire to seoure a genuine bargain in a suit or overcoat it will pay you to give us a call. MISFIT Clothing Parlors, 272 Second Memphis, Opp. Conrt Square. JteSy llcmcmbcr, all alterations to insure a perfect fit cheerfully and promptly mado, without additional charge, by a first-class tailor. asr open Evening aatll o'clock, Ratnrdaje uatll U.

J. G. SCHMIDT SON, Importer! and aValon tn fJnan. Ammn-nlllon and A'latoln Tarkl, llillur' llarlwar, Hwlrle Holla aail Aa-annalatara lor Hotels and Main Mrrrt, Meuipnla, I enn. eetrio apiiliai alwaji on hand.

Repairing neatly done. Young Brother, Booksellers and Stationers, 2 IS Main Memphis, Tenn Wlehlue; lo Nftirn Irani Baalneaa Offer War fcallre STOCK AT COST. iu. rai tieen rtisnoived, and we rave reorganiisd our interest in the Wholt ection with Mr. W.

E. Love, late of Warren, Love gf. Louis, and under the style of aad firm name given below. We thank our IrSeacU tjt t.irir i Unuance of their favors. qq-J, lai been snolved, and we bave reorganiisd our interest in tbe Wholeiale Boot II COUDB4R, jk.

IOVE, Ooodbar Memphis- whoiiebaijI rui and 18 Gayoso Streets, mAAur mo. S54 Illlill hrv uiauv UT mil IUlAiptJllU UiafaVet msaWA u. B1IIS afe Dieboid OF CAJfTOBf, Omo. OEGLLL BROTHERS CO. 310 and 313 Front Street, IXABXS, cor.

AXIS, I5A.CK XIA73I, IXAMESTI21JSTGS. KIYIO TISACE CHAIN, We have a most complete stock of Cutlery, Gucs, Shelf ni.d I'lantation Jlardware, viliich we otter to the trude nt rock-bit torn prices. DBS JIEDIMB, MILLIE 100T1S 394 Wity STUERT AND TRUST 0 OP liiTi iiirii NAPOLEON HILL, MICHAEL GAVIN, J. G. LOUIS HANaUKR, TllOMAH BOYI.K, DAVID P.


OMBEKG, IMhDVUr L'VTODT OAT nt I L' VI A XI U7 Hflf JAMES S. K0BINSON, WM. AT atpDepositi raoeived in lumi of and upward, and intcreit allowed on aame Bemr- nnnually. air We bur and lei lorul Invoitment Bondi and 8eenritiel centrally, pay taiM, act aa trustees, and, in general, axeeuie any nnanciai Duaineii rojuiring a aalo ana reiponilnie aw We isine drafts, In aaml to mitparcba'era, on all parti of Europe. er We have aoommnd'oua Vanlt for the depoiit ol which li at tbe aertice of our euitomeri, ree oi narKC D.

P. IIADDEK, President. EiTDGOLOvHirH, Tfce-I'reyldent JAMES If ATI! AN. Inhlor. MOTES! 0 I-tVill pay Good Prices for MOTES, OI FALLS and TKASIIY COITOi ol all descriptions.

Send for Circular and Prices Paid. HE3 3E3 E3 JErL tTr. 75 Vance Street, Memphis, Tenn. IV. T.ltOWDKE.

COTTON FACTORS, No. 297 Second Street, SXenipliis, Tenn, P. Mct'ADUKH. W. P.

DDHAVAIT. PaMcOABDElf Go GROCERS COTTON FACTORS, ADJUSTABLE ANKLE- SUPPORTING HI SIM Thel Best Thing in the World for Weak Ankles, 'Athletio Sports and Skating! ZELLHER SOLE AGENTS. HANDSOME BOOTS, SHOES SLIPPERS A SPECIALTY. 300 9XAIHT STREET, MEMPHIS, TENJf Lr i 41 Bail JT And Commission Merchants IVos. 34 ami 36 3Inlison Street, SXemptiis.

EBTAIjIBIIBD 1004. Sternberg Son, (8UCCEM8ORH TO BTKRHBEBO LIIi WXXOXiBBAIjXI TOBACCO, CIGARS PIPES, 336 Front St, Cor. Union, BlempMs, Tenn. Mr.J.O. trsnage- GOODBAR.

J. 11. (iOODBAK. J. MLLtlOTT.

Lata of Warren. Lore A St. Louii. Late of Coldwater. Hiii.

Memphis, Tenn. S1KEET, Made BooU and Shoes for the tenna aa caa Wa also Control tha fallnwinir Rnjaoialltn. own brands, viz: Goodbar, Love Men's Grained Calf CUSTOM-MADE Bala, Button and Congress. Goolbar, Love Co. 'a Men's N.K.

Calf CUSTOM-MADE Bais, Button and Congress. Goidbar, Love A Ladies' Kid and Goat CUS-TO Vt-MADE Flexible Polish and Butt in 3 Shoes. Our Ladies' f.l 00 Shoes are made from tbe best selected Curacsa Kid and Tampico Goat Stock, and have Solid Sole Laatber Counters and Flex ble Inner Soles and we warrant them to fit and give perfect saiufactioa in everv rsnert. AGENCY and hi MKtTIMUM. TFAX.



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