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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 5

Alton, Illinois
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PAGE wootf program Jor Seventh Union First Baptist gram o'clock a. MK The rail to The be pastor The con "PraWe Erwln Church Orvllle Evangelical Scripturd Baptist Church them, the le'rvlce In' the lamatio'n will V. Pheljii Church sink i Bre Rev John's ad the of the an an- lmmons of Sl LIICtlit i the Methodist Church will Offer prayer preceedlftg the offering, A prayer hymn will be sung by the congregation. The Rev. E.

E. Delong, pastor oJ the First Presbyterian Church, wll' deliver the Thanksgiving sermon. A second anthem win be sung by holr of the host church, Rev. C. P.

Plate, -pastor 01 Assembly of God Church, Wil the benediction. The congregation will sing the doxology. The Rev. Ray Johnson pastor of the Baptist Church will be In charge of the service. The program will continue for one hour The offering will be utilized in tho united work of the churches.

Christian Science Society WOOD Christian Science Society, 980 Whitelaw avenue, will hold its regular Thanksgiving services Thursday morning Nov. 24, at 11. The public is invited to attend, Chill Supper WOOD men of the First Baptist ChurjBir'served a chili and oyster supper to public in the church dining room Tuesday night. A bazaar was held' by the Ladies Aid Society of tfce church connection with the event Quilts, needlework and confections were sold. Nominating Committee the Evan gelical Church the nominating committee for the annual electior In the congregation has been named as follows: Robert Balster, Walter Hubbarfd, Everett Doddj Mrs.

R6y Bartlow Mrs. Omer Helm kamp. This committee will meet to con sider nominations Monday evening i 5, at the church, at-TsSO p. WSfi ilj' v- dinner has been served in basement of the church. The annual elections jthe Evangelical Church school'will be held on Tuesday, Nov- 29, at 7:30 p.

m. after a supper-at-cost at 6 p. m. Wood River Notes WOOD Mr. and Mrs Earl Thierry spent the weekend with their parents in the southern part of the stater Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Thompson Whitelaw avenue spent Tuesday night in St. Louis. Don Brenz of, St. Louis visited Tuesday with Mr.

and Mrs. Stetson. Mr. and Mrs. Ganner have movec from Beach street to a home on Halloran avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. George Draft wll spend Thanksgiving day In Belle ville with relatives. Miss Mary Angleroth will spend Thanksgiving day and the week end with her parents in Oak Park Mr. and Mrs.

R. G. Ball, of Rose wood Heights will spend Thanks giving day with Mr. arid Mrs. Jessi Campbell in Kampsvllle.

Mrs. Rueben Yohler of Indianap olis, will spend ThanKsglvlng holl days with her, brother, J. Bar: on Seventh Edna Howerton iot Whitelaw avenue, who -has been ill of ty for the past five weeks Memorial Hospital, is re covering. Mr. and 'Mrs.

Russell Bell an children and Mr, and Mrs. A. V. Bell and daughter, Margaret, wll be dinner guests of the men's par ents, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bell in Jerseyville Thanksglvln; oay. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Anderson will entertain with a family din ner Thanksgiving day. Miss Ruth Belver will spend thi Thanksgiving holidays at Cape GIr ardeau and Charleston with lives. Mr.

and Mrs, Charles Amburg will entertain with a family, dinner at their home on Whlteiaw avenm Thanksgiving day. Wesley Koenneker, local fire loan, who has been a patient a WHO WANTS NOSE to the drip, drip; miioua trickling down your throat (ifA 1 liter nhnlJn. mlltlnr ,1,1, "I hope you had a good time last sicker than a dog today North Alton News What They Are Thankful For George (Jiggs) Wendle is thankful he has only one house. Says since he purchased a home on Chouteau avenue he has not enough time for pinochle. Too much rebuilding.

While the older-folks are thank- tul that tho snow is no the kiddies are glad, and are looking forward to a happy Thanksgiving. Mrs, Mary Ohley of 2400 State street is tha'nkful that son Emile (Peck) only broke one rocking chair last summer while listening to the ball games. Says she will get him a stool next summer. Bert Elfgen of the Rain 4V Rain force, is thankful that Thanksgiving is. tomorrow.

He says he never realized Haw many fowl he picked until tabulated on an adding machine. The Rev. John N. Morrison, pas tor Street Presbyterian ch.urch, is thankful that his loyalty campaign, now in progress at the church, is meeting with such satis' factory results, Frank Stanka of Logan street, an automobile mechanic, says he is thankful not rhash a cotfple' of 'Hngejfr-jthe, other day While at woTrk when he only mashed one. "Bake" says no matter how bad things are, they could be worse, he gazed at'a mashed "finger.

Fred Radcliff, the barber, says he has something to be thankful Barnes Hospital in St. Louis for the past week, is Improving. Mr. and Mrtf. William Bacheldor of Ninth street will have their twin sons and their wives, Mr.

and Mrs. William Bacheldor, and Mr. and Mrs. John' Bacheldor and son, John, as their dinner guests Thanksgiving day. Mr.

and Mrs. William Athey of Ninth street will and Mrs. Ralph and children, Miss Nancy, Harold and at dinner Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs.

A. F. Andrews of Whitelaw avenue will entertain members of their family Thanksgiving day. Lynn Baughman has returned to Lor Angeles, having been summoned-here-by the death of his mother, Mrs, Vlctqr Baughman, His aunt, Mrs. Stella Shpbe of Charleston, his father's sister, will remain at the Baughman home until Friday.

Bell of Penning avenue will be hostess to a group of relatives Thanksgiving day. Miss Hildreth Ethridge, revivalist, who has conducted a successful revival at the, Assembly of God Church for the past tfiree weeks, has departed Wichita Falls, where she will attend a meeting of the'Assembly of God Church council. Services at the Assembly of God church on Jennings avenue will be conducted Thursday night instead of Friday night, by the Rev. C. P.

Plake, pastor. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Lutheran churph will omit its regular weekly meeting Thursday. The Walther League of the Lutheran yhurch served a chill supper in the church dining hall Tuesday night. Dr. Knowles Dliwiei Men, Women Will Be at SAVOf UMSL, ALTON m.

to P. Nov. 26 Who till entire time to tht treatment of nwn and women, Stomach. Liver, Uoweli, Gtll Bladder. CoiullBaUon, Anemia, Abdominal hheumstlm Feirwlo TrouWw, NeuriUgla, Cutsrrh of Hmd and Throat.

Leg Ulceri, Debility, Run urei, Bedy, Heart Troublei, Goi uettlng. iter. PI ES Without Uu ol Knlfr. "oiMWNIO A SJ-JSUIALTV NBBVODS DVHII4TY narvoui, deipaadant, weak, tired iltlon, memory poor, la and irritable, Mick ol (UinflrilUIBAf IIHJwi lo well undtr praviqua treatment, ate we may be uf Service to you. the cwwi we want OK.

KKOWUES, rKOBIA, IUU I for. That his eyesight la belter than last year, when he went hunting with Clarence Spillman, and shol at objects, much to the disgust of Spillman and even himself. Members of the Booster Club and Ladles' Auxiliary of North Side Playground Association are thankful for the generous patronage at their card parties in the shelter house on West Mather street. Newt Glllham of Jefferson avenue says he Is just thankful that everything is all right, and that a Jot of people worry about things that never happen. George Winger of West Delmar avenue, transfer man, says he can see good, has a good appetite, can hear and has hot one bad tooth in his all of which he is thankful.

Ralph Ballard of Upper Belle street is thankful he has rid the neighborhood of no-account cats, This writer is thankful, too That he can bring this news to you. But satisfied you've had enough We must conclude this thankfa stuff. Leave for Chicago Special State License Automobile Investigator'. Walter Crajg and Mrs. Craig of 2018 State street lef Tuesday for Thanksglv 5ng Day they will attend the wed ding Of their Son, Andrew Craig.

Off Again, On Again, Back Agaii Ernest Kolb, North Side mai carrier, after having part of hi: annual vacation, called back to work, then a couple of more day off, has again been pressed into service because of sickness among the Kelp at the postoffice, together with the heavy run of mall. Ernie says that he will finish his vacation next summer. Bouquet of Roses Here's a record: Frank Miller, 234 Delmar avenue was displaying this morning a bouquet of roses picked from the garden at the home of Louis Bright on Donald avenue, Upper Alton, Nov. 32. Notes Miss Mary Fletcher Ford of Lit- HELP KIDNEYS PASS 3 IBS.

A DAY Dooton aay your contain 1C of tiny tubee or flIUn which help to purify thi Good and keep you healthy. Moat people paai 8 plnta a day or about 8 pounds ol waste. Frequent or aoanty paaaages'with and burning ahowa there may be wrong with your kldreyi or bladder. An axoeu ol acida or poliona in your blood, when due to functional Jddney diaorden, may ba the cause of nagging backache, rheumatic naina, lag Ion ofnep and getting up nlghU, Bwelling, under the aytt, beadaohea and dlnioeu. Don't wait! Aak your druuiat for Doan'a Filli, BUOoewfuBy by miUloni for over 40 man.

They give happy relief and will help the 16 milea o( Mdney tubea fluih out poUonoui tnm TOUT Wood, PtawreA ol Farm Instiftite Vcwly-Elected Directors of Group Organizes at Ednttfdftilfe EDWARDSVILtE, ib 3, Eaton of Edwardsville was named of the Madlnon County 'PRfnuMf' Institute for the' at a meeting of directors ol tute fuesday afternoon, Other elected at the meeting, held in the offlcta of County Superintendent of Schools Scott, were Joseph Ixjntf, vice- president, and Alfred Rautv Ed wardsvllle, secretary-treasurer. Directors for the ctiwfyt ywt were elected at the roceftt litt" tute, held Oct. 27 an'd Delegates to sessions of thc.State Farmers' Institute, to "be held Feb. 22-24. were also named day as follows: Delegates-Mrs.

George Rlnkle, Frank Scnlwner, Mrs. Alfred Rautj 3. Eaton, Howard Morrison and, Mrs. Oscar Ottweln. Awards were also voted the first three winners for exhibits In the school section of the recent institute.

The winnenr, in order, were: St. Paul's Lutheran School, Ollead School and Sylvan Hall, all Of Troy, Copies of a booklet, "The Constitution," will be sent to each pf the 13 schools In the county sending exhibits to the: Institute. Mutual Insurance Officers Elected MORO, Nov. C- Bardeimeier of Edwardsville was re-elected president of the association of Madison county mutual insurance companies at a meeting in the Presbyterian church here Tuesday afternoon. J.

C. Wetzel, also of Edwardsville, was re-elected secretary. The officers were elected by 70 delegates from seven mutual insurance companies in the county. Problems confronting -local insurance companies were discussed at the meeting. tie Rock, Is visiting at the Paur home, 2510 State street.

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lauer ol Edwardsville guests today at the home Of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

James A. Blunk, of 2621 State street J. J. Bezdek of 2503 Hardy street, accompanied by her daugh- 'ter-in-law, 'Mrs. Cliftbtf ited relatives and frieiidS in SI Louis Tuesday.

Chris Rain, who has been visiting his brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hand of 3345 Belle street, hasleft for Mt. Pleasant, Mich. He will arrive here about Dec.

1 with his annual stock of Christmas trees. Mrs. Rain and twin sons have remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Jenkins of Hawthorne Place were St. Louis visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby of West Delmar avenue have returned from a visit with relatives and friends in Frankfort and Cartervllle.

Fat Girl Laughs and Grows Slim SUmtira DieU, Bradlif tid Rollfaf Exercuei. Here's wny that hind In hand with Nature In getting rid of ugly fat due to an Internal deficiency. Jiut eat (cnnlbly and take 4 Marmola Freicriptlon a day, according to the until you have lost enough fat "top. Marmola Prescription Tablet! have bees to the public for more than thirty yeara, More than twenty million boxei have beea dtitrlbutad during that peilod. Marmolm Ii not intended a wire-all for Thin tdvertiiement la only for fat peraom who are Kormil healthy and tiAose fatneai la eauied by hypo-thyroldlim with accompanying aubnormal metabollo No other repreaentation made aa to thlt treatment except under thete condition! and according to the doiage recommended.

We do' not make any diaenoiU that Ii function of your phyilctan. who muit be eoniulted for thatpurpoie. The complete formula ii Included In every package. Get bos of Marmola today from jrour droggiit NOTICE ALL SERVICE STATIONS In Alton, East Alton, Wood River and Close Thanksgiving Day At 12 Noon Have Your Gat Tank Filled Early Alton Petroleum Retailers Ass'n. Wood River Petroleum Retailers Service Station Local 972 COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION SERVICE Factory Trained Mechanics Service All Makes of Mechanical Refrigeration Unite AM.

WORK GUARANTEED Wood River Chief Identifies who dlM nheltef, Identlflfld day a. Earl Blnaltf. ot Throbgh who Knew rtlan road" for at least IB through Inter-city munlcfttlon, Uu body WW llfled by Chief of PoJfcft Dick Nusc of wood Rfvor. told Coroner Jr RuiWll here that allrjWed the aged rrtan to ta ment of the Wood RlVer City Hall last winter because "ho hated to turn htm out In the cold." The bwly waa scheduled to be burfed tdday. Welfare Group at Wood River Meets WOOD RIVER, Nov.

W. H. Morgan of Edwardsville, district welfare, chairman of Madison county Wdrnen's clubs, addressed a meeting of Welfare Section of the Wood River Woman's Club in the auditorium ot the Wood River School Tuesday night. She spoke on Mrs. M.

F. Manning, chairman of the local group, was in charge of the meeting. The Singer's Club of Alton sang several numbers. It was the first public appearance of the group this' year. Mrs.

Glenn DeAUey announced that the 'club would have a rummage sale in the near future, the proceeds to be used to buy Christmas food for needy residents." William KesI, died Qif Causes EDWARDSVILLfi, Nov. 23, of death from natural causes was returned by a coroner's Jury yesterday in the case of William KesI, 39, found dead in bed at, his home here Sunday morning. Deputy Coroner B. H. Weber conducted the inquest.

Funeral Services for KesI, for 24 years employed as a metal polisher in the N. O. Nelson plant here, were conducted yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Straube funeral home, with interment 'in Valley View cemetery. The F. C.

Stelzriede officiated: Surviving are his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. William KeSl, the widow, Mrs. Myrtle KesI, three daughters and two sisters. Churches Plan Union Services 'At Courthouse bffices And Business Houses to Close NOV.

23, (Special) tftical churchOi will hold customary services Thursday In annual observance of'Thanks- giving Day, while other Turkey Day features are also scheduled tor. the holiday. Protestant churches will have union services at tho First Baptist church at 10 a. m. In charge o.

the Rev. E. Lowe of the First Christian church, while other religious services will also be offered. Both Catholic churches will hold Thanksgiving Day services, with mass at 8 o'clock at St. Mary's, to bt celebrated by the pastor, the Rev.

'Father Charles A. Meagher, and a 9 o'clock mass in St, Church, with the Rev. Father J. Eckhard as celebrant. Courthouse offices and most local business houses will be closed for day and mail service wWl be impended.

Schools were also scheduled to dismiss this afternoon for a two-day holiday. An annual feature will be the Turkey Day football game-between Edwardsville and Granite City high schools on the latter's field in the afternoon; South Louisiana farmers grow a vegetable of the cucumber family, called the vegetable pear, or mirliton. Read Telegraph Want Ads Dally. SINUS MASAL'CATARRM HatADJCOLDS It jrour base ttapfwd you fotna blowing 1 inlffllnr, TcmrheiidfeeUitoffed.pmiMnl to rani eomttttM Flush Hint Mucous from Ntsil Praps THIS EASY WAY Md Brarii Free Ajitt BINASIPTEC. flood! cloned puuga end wuhw oat thick via iltcky Mention! It ipplln soothing 1 coolinit mediation bornlnz.

IrriUUd. titiue. Np muttn what elu yon tried without by ill mem! ttrt BINASIPTEC. ItmnitrelleTunMtlconnitioB delight jm or monty buck. At good drag- SlNASlPTEC Announce a New Service- GOLD MONOGRAMS Gifts of Leather Personalized with His or Her name or monogram in gold it carries.a more generous "From-Me-to-You" true feeling of friendship.

Leather Hand Bags Bill Folds Travel Cases Over-night Bags Key and Cigarette Cases Belts Suspenders Men's, Hats All Gifts. $1.50 or More, Monogrammed FREE! On Pi'asa At Third Always Ahead in Style, Quality and SERVICE! Phone 2277 We Also Repair Electric Appliances and Motors 548-550 HLTOn REFRIGERHTIDn BRILLIANT BRONZE REGULAR LEADED AND ETHYL GASOLENE SAVE gal Ion at all BRILLIANT BRONZE STATIONS OPEN ALL THANKSGIVING SRB US FOtt PLUMP, TURKEYS DUCKS EESE CHICKENS "Alton's Largest Electrical Store" A SSCKRA STANDARD FANCY 46c CRANBERRIES 17ft nment Inspected 92 SCORE 41o BUTTER 32o i i i We Carry a Full Line of MfATS- VEGETABLES FRUITS NOTTOLI Corner Highland and Gold St. PHONES 8689-2899 iflhfi i vi I The season when all home owners rejoice in their good fortune Regular monthly savings deposited with us will assure you and your family this same good fortune I A HOME OF YOUR OWN Building Loan Assn. 617 BAST BROADWAY Vf. i.

JENKINS, President E. F. HORN, Secretary How Times Do Change! One of the strict rules of Vassar college in its early days was that of requiring each girl student to take two tub baths a week, and to report the following Monday just when she had taken them. Today's American girl needs no such influence to govern her Beauty- wise, she realizes that the daily bath in many ways is a modern "fountain of A clean body is more apt to be healthy! Alton Water Go. COUPON and 5 ofhert, together with 44 cents entitles the holder to this week's offer.

Can at any station listed on page or at the office ofjhjs gaper. NAME ADDRESS CITY Nitsehe Drug Stort 039 K. Broadway, Alton News Stand Broadway at Alton Williamson Pharmacy College it Upper Alton Yungok's Stort State and Kim, North Alton Red White Food Mart 116 W. Main Eaot Alton Fulps Drug Stort 63 K. Ferguson W.

K. Leonard Schwartz Drug Stort EdwurtKvllle Cottage QrOwtry Cottage Him H. H. Koster Grocery BUlred Allen Inman Gen, Store Jerspyvllle Alfeld's Market Carrolllon Miller's Confectionery Grnfton Triangle Pharmacy Curllnvlllo Red White Store Gruciifield Behrens Drug Store Bunker Hill ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH OFFICE 111 E. Broaxlwuy This Week's Salad Plates.

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