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The Yale Expositor from Yale, Michigan • Page 5

Yale, Michigan
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ll I Ull WHIIIUUjlAmittU'JJLJWJiigJUHnBl 1 1 i (make ogoodjpj impression fe2 ThA hAf aVirtaa f.M- men, women, and "'m children, i look for each shoo t. B. LEWIS jr are made jrc. '-i wear let, ft i best. Look i -Jr "Uwli" on.v.

LEWIS "WEAR RESISTERS" Agents' name, E. B. FULLER 0 BARRELS I havo opened a Cooper Shop in Tho Old Foundry Building, Yalo, and will mamuacturo Pork, Apple and Cider Barrels in 1, 1 and i KAKUKL SIZES. I invite all who will want l.arrels this fall to call and see nie and get prices J. C.

HART, Prop. A WHEN fis van uroim 1UU 1 1DH nnnm ruinnii runi numni Pat Up at the Union Hotel PHIL. EICHHORN. Prop. This house is furnished throughout with Electric Call Uells, Electric Fans and every other convenience for the comfort of guests.

Flrst-Class Tables. First-Class Rooms. Rates: $1.00 and $1.25 Per Day. RNIT Call on (Johet and Co. for your Tine Furniture.

Their stock consists of everything in the Furniture Line ami their prices are right. Agents for- E. II. StolTord Co. Church and School Supplies.

GOBEEN CO. COLLEGE, SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND, Typewriting and English Training School, Rioore Poock, Fort Huron, Midi. Complete In alldepartments. For Circulars Riving full 1 ormat Ion, add ress J. U.UOOMEn.

President A Critical Time During the Battle of Santiago. Sick or Well, a Rush and Day. Tiik r.vcKi:i:s at thk JUttm: or AOO DK CritA AVE HK ALL 1 1 PKOK. Thehi Jliiitoif EirortTs i.v (Jettiso Ammunition and Kationis to the Fhont Saved the Day. 1.

F. of pack-train No. 3, writing from Santiago, Do Cuba, on July 23d, says: "We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form, and when we landed wo had no time to see a doctor, for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with ammunition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were ab'e to keep at work and keep our health; in fact, I sincerely believe that at one critical time this medicine was the indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work thero would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads thata wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a good suppl? of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this medicine, tho Chamberlain Medicine Des Moines, low.

For tale by Will Lennon. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. SERVICES at 10.30 a. m. and 7.00 p.

m. Rev. J. A. Kowe.

pastor. Sabbath school at 12 m. C. It. lloldcu, hupt.

CHURCH OF CHRIST. AT A. 0. CHAPEL. Services at 11 a.m.

Prayer meetings every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Elder J. II. Patou. Pastor.

METHODIST PROTESTANT. SERVICES every Sunday at 7:00 p. and alternately at 10 a. m. Rev.

M. K. Sal-geon, pastor. Sunday School at p. Asa Sharp, Supt.

Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:3. Endeavor meeting Monday at 7:30 p. m. Nellie UolcomO, Pres. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST.

CHAPEL on Mechanic street. 1. McCall, Minister. Preaching every Sunday at 11a. m.

And 7 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at p.

in. Junior Endeavor at 3 :30 p. in. Prayer Meeting at 7 :30 every Thursday evening. FREE METHODIST.

CHURCH on Mary street. Services every Sunday evening at o'clock. Kev. b. Ciipuen, pastor.

Sabbath school at 11 a. in. F. A. Parks, Sunt.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. church. Rev. Win, Coulter pastor. Regular services at Ihockway every Sunday at 10:30 a.

m. At Yale every Sunday at p. unless otherwise announced, and every Sunday evening. Meetings iu Prick Chapel. SOCIETY ZDIXIXZCXOXSTT.


Regular communications fori $93 will be held on the following Thursday eve- nlngs of each month at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. Main street, Yale. Jan'y Feh'y 3, Mar. 3 and 31, Mav ft, June 24 anil 3d, July 28, Aug. '-'J, Sept.

'Oct. Nov. 24, liee. 22 27. Visiting brethren will receive a fraternal welcome.

A. W. I'crugson, W. M. It.

11. Menerev.Tieas. K. O. T.

M. VAI.E 1KM o. j. 1 Regular review every 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings o'clock sharp.ln their hall, Lutz block. Visiting Knights will be loyally received.

Members requested to attenn regu larly c.Knii'i- Cimi Ed Andrea, R. K. A. Cavanagh. F.

K. PEERLESS HIVE, 123 L. O.T. Meets the first and third Friday -'ii3r evening oi eacu nioiiui in xuacca iil'ee Hall, at 8 o'clock. Mcnutf, It.

K. Carrie Rapley.Coin. I. O. O.

F. A DVANCK I.ODdE, Xo. 110. vfC Meets every Friday evening at Yale. of the order are cordiallv invited.

A. Mcnies, N.O. E. F. Fead, See'y.

It. W. Menerey, Trcas. AETNA COUNCIL NO. 679, R.

A. I) ECU EAR MEETINGS first and third Wed 1 nesdays of each month. Visiting brethren invited. Lodge Kooui, Eallciiluie Hall. 2s.

15 Herbert, Rcueiit. WASHINGTON L. O. NO. 386.

11ECULAR MEETINGS ON WEDNESDAY IV EVENING on or before the lull of the moon each mouth in Forester Hall, Union Yale. Visiting brethren ill receive a fraternal welcome. wiuiaui strong, w. William MclA'au, Sec. DR.

BENJ. CLYNE. IJIIYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. 1 Othceon Main street, llrst doorsouth of Harris' Carriage Works, Vale. Olllce hours from 12 to 2:30.

lues.lays ami Saturdays alUiav. WILLIAM WIGHT. A 1). M. Trinity University.

M. I). C. M. jjI Victoria University, Toronto, Out.

Oflice and residence Main street in house formerly occupied bv Dr. J. Wells. Olllce hours: 7 to 9 a to :30 in, and alter 0 m. DRS.

YUILL MCGUIRE. OFFICE OVER KALLENTINE'S STORE. Specialty, Surgery, ami Diseases of Women and Cliildien. otlice hours: a. in.

to 2 p. in. Wednesday and Saturday. H. A.

LOUNSBURY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SI' EG EON, F.rockway, 1. Mich. Calls promptly attended day or night.

Diseases of women mid children a specialty. Residence in the Dr. house. F. ALLEN, M.

D. IJIIYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Calls niht or day promptly attended. Successor to Dr. Pollock, Famo, Mich. DR.

P. G. LATHROP. DENTIST, hits hal years exeriencc In Mechanical Dentistry. Uses the latest methods of extracting teeth.

Olllce In building lately vacated by Dr. W. M. Armstrong. GEO.

H. BROWN, D. D. S. DENTAL ROOMS, Stewart Ulick.

Port Huron. Latest modes of operating, including bridge work or artificial teeth without plates. GEO. W. BELL.

VICTIONEER, Yale. Real estate, personal property or any kind of sales uromptly attended to. orders left at the Exrosnoit oflice will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solicited. W.

W. LORD. AUCTIONEER. Peck. Is prepared to attend all kinds of sales on short notice and at reasonable rates.

Correspondence solicited. Orders Kent either by mail or telephone to Dr. Toal at Peck will be promptly attended to. RAPLEY HOUSE. A GENERAL INVITATION Is extended to nlltn.ill.l.wl..,i iiitnu't, i'nnH accommodations for commercial travelers and armers.

a cnoice seiecuon oi wines, mpiors and cigars always on hand. Jerry 11. Paisley, proprietor, Yale. AARON WINDSOR, rpONRORIAL ARTIST, Yale. If you want a 1 flrst class haircut, shave, shampoo or sea foam, don't fall to give him a call.

Charges mouerate J. B. STEVENS. VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Veterinary College.

Member State Veterinary Association. Calls iromntly attend ed day or nieht. Otlice In building opposite Commercial House, Yale, Mich. W. J.HAKNA, H.D..C.

M. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, Ont. ROSEBURG, MICH. BARGAINS! FOR- THE NEXT 60 DAYS. In Groceries.

Provisions, Coffees, Teas, Candies, Fruits. Nuts, Pork, Lard, (ilassware. Crockery, Fruit Cans. Tinware, Notions, etc. Tobacco and Cigars.

Best Brands of Spring Wheat Flour Putter and Eggs taken At the Highest Market Price lor Cash or Trade. M. A. SARGENT, THE K0RTJJ END GR0CBR. Elliott.

Win. II oilman made a business trip to Yale last Saturday. A number from this vicinity intend taking in the Capao Fair this week. Walter Kilburn and daughter Nettie of Fargo, visited with Mr. and Mrs (Jzias Dudley and family last Sunday Wynet Maudeville, and daughter Ivy of Logansport, Ind.

arrived in town latt Sunday afternoon to visit a few days with relatives and friends of this place. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W.

Mandeville left for Canada, last Friday for a few weekB visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Mandeville intends to bring with him a few thouroughbred sheep which are needed in this part of the country. Brockway. Dr.

Howell, of Yale, was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. J. G. Class ford is at present vis iting Capac.

Many of our townsmen wsited the Capac fair this week. Andrew Cowie. of Saginaw, is at present visiting his brother, the Dr. (Jeo. Shannon has purchased Arthur Vanorman's general store and will take chargo Oct.

1st. Private Dennis Carney, 32nd late of Tampa, is at present visiting his mother and other friends in this place. John Martin, who departed this life at the residence of his son-in-law, Xathan Uussell in this place on Saturday evening, was one of our old settlers, settling in Kenockeo township at an early age and his experience was tho lot of all our old pioneers. To those rugged men we can not render too much respect while living or revere their memory too much when dead. The funeral was held on Monday at 2 o'clock p.

ni. from the Presbyterian church, Kev. Coulter, olliciating. The reverend gentlemen delivered an instructive address. Michigan a Resort State.

An official Directory, showing briefly but strikingly the advantages ot the numerous summer and health resorts, the mineral springs and the excellent sanitaria in Michigan, is soon to be distributed by the State Jloard of Health" In accordance with a resolution of tho legislature, the Hoard has caused to be made a tnorougu inquiry into me subiect of Michigan's retorts, and has collected information that will be of great interest and value to luture tourists to this State, including increasing numbers of persons resident in other states who in every hot summer seek healthful and pleasant surroundings further north; and the publication presents the Lake State's immense resort capacity in a very favorable light. Ueginning at the southeastern corner of the State, making Detroit the initial point, in a series of short descriptive articles, the text of the pamph let follows the lake shore up to Mackinac Island, treats of the Upper Peninsula, and then deals with the resorts on the Lake Michigan shore, following southward to the southwestern corner of the State. The inland resorts are next taken up, then the mineral springs, and then the sanitaria. 1 he pretty Indian Ieecnds and traditional history of each locality has been brielly and interestingly chronicled, the information is accurately, tersely and impartially stated, and facts are presented in such a readable manner as to make the work worthy of great commendation. Among the prominent features of the directory are the numerous pictures of beautiful localities, pretty or historic spots, marine views, and many of tho beautiful places so plentiful in this State, making an attractive and very interesting publication.

Hefore the next hot season, the "Directory" will be distributed among sanitarians and prominent public-health men throughout the United States and neighboring provinces, authorities in their several States and Provinces, on conditions of healthful existence, also to public libraries, and wherever it is likely to do the most good in spreading Michigan's fame as a health resort abroad in the land. The typographical work on this "Summer Resort Directory" is commendable: and, altogether, the State Hoard of Health is to be congratulated upon such a satisfactory effort to place Michigan at the head of the States as a health and summer resort. A limited number of copies can be had by citizens of Michigan interested in tho subject by sending the stamps with which to prepay the postage, which is six cents on each copy. School Notes. Editors Ina Palmer and Andreae.

All common things each day's events. That witli the hour begin and end, Our pleasures and our discontents, Are rounds by which wc may ascend. Shakespeare. Two weeks is the limited time for keeping library books. Hattie Secor i3 tho new pupil in the 2nd, Primary Department.

New pupils of Grammar Koom are Claud Keith and Genevieve Hell. Kdwin Smith is the new scholar in tho 1st. Intermediate Department. Ethel Sweet was tho champion speller of the 2nd, Primary Department last 1 riday. There are quite a number absent from the 2nd Intermediate Department this week.

Minnie Dunn, Ethel Heard and Kate Shehy were visitors in tho Grammar Room last week. Mr. Smith and Miss Roberts were visitors in tho High Koom, the latter part of last week. Some new United States and State maps have been purchased for the 1st, Intermediate Department. The Literary Society In the Grammar Koom was organized last Monday night with Lulu Michaels as President, Zella Heard Vice President, Julia Wallace Secretary and Alice McDuff as Treasurer.

Two weeks ago last Monday, little Alison Menzies started out to begin her school life. Hut another Power deemed it otherwise, and after eight happy school-days she left her little playmates to join a happier school where the cruise is never broken. MARVELOUS CURE BY- DR. W. C.

WALKER The Eminent Physician and Surgeon, of Detroit, Formerly of New York, Will Make the following Regular Monthly Visits: EAFLEY HOUSE let. 11 Office Hours!) a. m. to p. in, BROWN CITY.

Yednesday, Oct. 12 Harrington House, Olllce Hours 9 a. m. in. The Most Successful Methods In the Treatment of all Diseases and Deformities Known to the Latest Medical and Surgical Skill.

oesdI tatiens and Examinations FREE TO ALL. Dr. Walker will not Treat anv unless there is a possibility of a Cure, ami will so inform you Examination By Reflection By the latest scientific researches both by Improved Instruments and methods, the Doctor is enabled to discover the true nature of the disease and locate tho organ or parts ulfected and many diseases and complications which have heretofore proven most obstinate to the medical profession, yield like magic under his skill ami systemic treatment. The Doctor Is endowed with the wonderful gift of being able to diagnose without question'ng, and will describe with the greatest accuracy your aches and pains wherever located, tells better how a person leels than they can tell it themselves. There Is no need to live In constant misery.

It costs nothing to see him. The fullest examinations are free, and his prices for treatment are within the reach of all. He Is a friend to the atilictcd and will turn none away unaided. The merchant mingles with the artisan while seeking relief at his hands, and huudicds are cured every year. READ WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY.

One of the most respected ladies in this vicinity, alter being treated by all the best physicians and pronounced incurable, was advised by a former patient of Dr. Walker's to call and consult him. She says: "For the past 13 years I have been a great sufferer with heart trouble ami nervous prostration; the hast exertion would cause my heart to Hatter and become very Irregular and so weak, causing complete exhaustion. 1 lelt as though each day would be my last, and were it not lor my little ones death would have been a relief. Alter three mouths treatment ith the Doctor 1 felt as well as 1 ever did.

My heart beats regular! and strong, and that tired feeling has entirely left me. What joy and sunshine with health restored." ES. E. J. 11.

Mrs. S. W. Itosc. also relolccs being cured of catarrh of the stomach of 15 years standing.

Mrs. A. (J. Stahlake. a well known and re spected ladv who has lived In Pontiac for the past 10 years, makes the follow ing remarkable statement, she says: "For long years 1 had been a constant sullerer, havo been treated by several noted physicians, each one dillering iii opinion as to what ailed me.

I took their med icines faithfully but received no permanent benefit. I was completely discouraged and thought many times that I must die. Iu reading tho Pontiac papers I saw that Dr. nf 1 1 I 1 1 I ges. 1 decided to call ami sett him.

The doctor made a thorouuh examination and told me I could be cured, and 1 am most happy to say inai sucn proven 10 no ine case, lor in one month time under Dr. Walkers care 1 was completely cured and have been well ever since. 1 reel that I cannot thank the doctor ruoiiuh lor this remarkable restoration to heaitli." Signed, Mrs. A (, staulakc. Remember Date of Visit.

Mr. Charles J. Preston cured of catarrh of the stomach and blood says he would not no in ins loriuer condition again lor Mrs. W. after being barren for ten vears.

Savs II rureil ine. Vt iimv tun little children, Sutllce to say our home is a happy one." Epilepsy (for fits) positively cured by a recent scientific discovery. One of the most respected voung men. Mr. H.

Hanks, has doctored with all tne best physicians he could hear of and Dually given two wccKsionve. oiisiuieti nr. walker, took nis treatment and is now a well men. Ho had chronic stomach trouble, weak lungs and a con stant cough, rheumatism and Plight disease. lie nns gained a.i pounds and works every day.

lie advises all who are sick to see Dr. Walker. Mrs. M. Stutuiaii cured of blood and skin disease of twelve jcars standing.

Mrs. L. Lambert cured of various ulcers on llml). Miss Ella Crane tuicd of bronchial trouble and lung disease. Miss 15.

H. cured of female weakness after he- ing treated by many noted physicians. Troublesome skin diseases, such ns Eczema. Salt Kheum. Erysipelas, also Chronic Ul cers of the limbs.

Fever Sores. Cancers and Tu mors successfully rented. Special treatment for weak men and women and all diseases of the nervous system. All curable cases guaran teed. Dr.

Walker successfully treats all diseases of the Eve. Ear. Throat. Lungs, and all chronic. private and nervous diseases nnd deformities, Msuriinuiaieu i.nis, neniness, i ross r.yes, ins-charge of the Ears, Pronchitls, Chronic Cough, Ooitre (big neck).

Fever Sores and Ulcers, Hrlght's Disease, liheumatlsin. all diseases of the Kidneys and liladdcr. Heart, Stomach and jservous Diseases; Chorea (St. Uus Dance),'iy luusi, I'emiiij, orroiuia, OKlll Diseases, ami all diseases due to bad blood: also rectal diseases. irri will give special attention to dlfneult cases, and to cases other physicians have failed to cure.

Hank references. Persons applying for treatment will please bring from two to four ounces of urine, first passed in the morning preferred, for analysis. Question blanks sent on application. Enclose stamp for reply. Those nnahle to see the Doctor can address, W.

C. WALK EH, M. uox 78. Detroit, Mien. Tho Only Daily Woman's Page.

Not only ALL. tho NETTS, concisely and decently told, but there Is more lu The Detroit Journal. Advertisers) Aim to reach the homes hence they tiso The Journal. There is a dally WOMAN'S PAQI3. SOCIETY NOTES, FASHIONS Illustrated and many other matters intended to entertain, uplift and cheer our daily lives.

Tho JOKES from Tho JOURNAL'S "Dexter and Sinister" Column are copied the world over. AN AGENT IN EVERT TOWN-Tou may havo The Journal served to you for only 10 cents per week. By Mall $1.25 for 3 months. Fire Sale! Everything must so Regardless of Cost, Saturday Oct. And will last until Tuesday, Oct.

4, 1898. We have to raise money and the goods must be sold at once in order to do so. GOODS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY FIRE. PAUL'S BAZA A YALE, MICH. Our Fu HAS JUST ARRIVED.

ock WE HANDLE Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes, CHILDRENS' SCHOOL SHOES, RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, Our Stock is the very best in finality. We invite yon to call and inspect our goods before buying. All kinds of Ilepairing Neatly and Cheaply Done. WM. FITZGERALD'S SHOE STOI3E.

MAIN STREET. YALE, MICH Grand Trunk R'y System Condensed Schedule of all Passenger Trains and from Port Huron. DETROIT AND PORT HURON DIVISION. I) Means Daily. Except Sunday.

From Port Huron Kead Down. Erom Detroit Kead Up pin 7 4') 8 8 aj 13 pin pin 4 no 4 5 10 0 00 pm p. in l'- 20 i i 1 in 2 (.0 pm am 7 40 8 20 II 41 am am 'to iv. r.J'ar, rs ar, ar, Port Huron I.enox Mt. emt-iis.

nr. iv Iv; lvi i) i hiii pm pin pm I mil i a ti in; ij 20 ill 2 ft lo; 11 JJ i -A) 4'l 2 04, ft II 2.1 i 7 I'J Of. 1 20 4 20 1 10 I pm I pm I pm inn Trains to and From the West IncliMiviR City, (Irarid liapids, Chicago, and all local stations. From Port Huron Eiad Down. 1) pm pm pm am am 8 00....

3 ftO il (1 50 4 4o 9 11.... ft lo 1 22 8 in ft Tm 10 ft 47 1 ftO 8 4 8 20 10 6 no 9 It 47 a 20 am 4 irt fto a 7 oo am 8 ft 07 11 2.1 3j am 3 .15 5 27 12 4.1 Ca.m 11 .11.... 7 r.2 2 5 10 40 7 12 41.... 0 15 4 Oi 12 01 8 41 9 io on) 2 oo am pm pm pm pm Fxcept Sunday. From West-Head Pp.

1 1) 7TrFxnr Port Huron ar I. a per ar 1 lint ar Duiiind ar S.sulna ar P. iv I'itv ar (Jran.l K.ipi.N.... ar Milwaukee (bv Steamer). ar LansliiK ar I'aUle Creek ar C'lilcacn mo am in I- II 24 io 10 11 a a 8 2.1 00, ft no ft 4 40 1 12 1 10 40 10 in 9 pm (iO 8 13 7 Kl Ml 8 27 3 irJl 8 1.1 00 '1)5 15 7 2.1 4 S-3 9 a.m.

I 8 20 1 5 7 00! 3 45 11 41, 9 HQ pm pm I pm I am I) Dally. a Via Flint. 1) Via Durand Read Down. TRAINS TO AND FROM EASTERN POINTS. Central Time West of Tunnel.

Pastern Time Fnst of Tunnel. Kead Up pm 4 3.1 5 55 7 50 pm XXI) pm pm urn i oo 12 15 10 41 3 15 12 05 1 40 4 10 f3 20 7 4.1 7 20 7 20 4 40 2 00 7 00 8 40 10 00 pm pm pm I am 7 Ui 880 10 10 fl 80 I) I) Am nm 12 58 ,12 4 2 05 2 20 4 40 7 50 1 0 00 12 23 1 47 3 00, pm 1 pm 3 40 5 1 00 STATIONS. 8 20 ar am lv Pt.IIuron a Iv Ham la s.div lv Sarnlan dlv ar Stratford lv ar Toronto lv ar Montreal lv ar London lv ar Hamilton lv Falls! Jiunaio lv am 4 20 5 00 fll 1 9 0 3 2 12 4-11 a. 10 0 pm am 8 50 9 35 7 40 pm I) 12 05 12 55 lOOO 7 50 10 30 11 30 9 12 7 50 30 am pm 1 40 "S'm II 55 8 30 pm 3 50 4 30 2 20 pm pm 6 20 "Too 4 30 1 00 pm 2 10 "e'w 3 2 25 1 00 pm aVlaFiiat. Via Durand Via St.

Marys. 1 Via Hamilton Via Stratford, Sleeping and Dining Cars on all tbroucb trains. C. M. HAYS, General Manager.

w. DAVIS. 0. P. ft T.

Montreal. These companies hTe the lowest rates to all points East and West gelling thrcnirti tlcketa orer all eonnectlng lines In the country; also ocean steamship titkets to and from turopo lo connection. Call or write lor partlcvUarj.Ucketacomplo'.eVmeUbles, maps, etc. t. RT'i-ftSXf rasseneetai'd Ticket Kent, Tort Huron.

CIfy Omc, 917 Miiu laryBtrett.Uty Uptr; jioujeBiocVrflCDtH. Uepot nice, Tunnei suuen, 'mono 25l-3r.

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