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Randolph Journal from Winchester, Indiana • Page 4

Randolph Journali
Winchester, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iricuHural. lVotn thc (Imici-c Farmtr. Attrml to the- Manure5 llraj. Take cue: of llic manures and the crops will tako cite of tk'nvelrs i-- as trim aril as well wortliv of Leinir itriate! aii reiterate I as Poor familiar roverl, "Take of tin j'Miuios atil tli .3 ponn-ls will take taie of thcm-elvcs." More manure and Utter, sliouM be tin; watchword of every farmer. There is a very tliat fo-I ihronrli tlie L'xly of peas, rc.atn ami rcnl-clovcr arc among the best fools that can tc cl, not only for their nutritious qnatitie.s, but as also furnishing rich tnannre Another point not l-o overlooked.

It be our aim to grow those plants an food frr tock which impoTciih the toil but little, and clover, peas, Itoans ai! tuini are, on this account, among the Having got tin; manure, our next object mut be to prevent its valuable element from being washed away, or from being dissipated by too rajdd fermentation. On most farms more loss is sustained from the former than from th'j latter. On this account, the water from the building should never be allowed to run into the manure-yard. All that falls on the heap it- pact, by allowing bheep, hogs and cat-tlo to trample it. It must aUo be kept moist, but not too wet.

To provide the moiature at all times it is of great advantage to have a good tank for thi drainage. The li'juid in the tank should bo kept saturated with plaster (sulphate of lime), which, when in solution, will conveit the volatile caibonatc of ammonia into the lived salt, sulphate of ammo- DENTISTRY: H. W. FOSD1CK, an animal increases its value as Xow, if we are to understand self, can be absorbed by the judicious I i wtj nan dii'i niiu in it. I s.

nui as more water falls at some seasons of the year than is required by the ma nure, and nut enough ut other times are derived. Hut it mut be remembered that one hundred pounds of dry too eaten by an animal fuinih only forty pound of dry matter in the li.j-nid and nolH excrements. In other words, there is a loss in fee ling, of sixty Mr cent. This loss conits principally of carbon an element of little value as manure. This forty pounds of dry matter is worth as much lor manure, or nearly so, (there being a little loss of nitrogen, phosphates, as the one hundred pounds of dry food; and of course one hundred pound.s of such manure would be worth much more than one hundred pounds of the food from which it is derived.

It is this fact that has led to the im-pre-siun that feeding food to animals increases its value as manure. The liquid and solid excrements of animals living on clover, for instance, i i .1. i u.a. ai.i somcuwug to 11 jt W(mM lc a gnat to iave that it did not possess U-forc, it is tank iut whit.h drainage could mistake. A given weight of the liquid rnn thc is in cxctv.s ny excrrmeiits is worth more a from it c0lllll be pumpe-l hack manure than thc same v.

eight of the it defieient. IVw people have iocxl, at e.mal degrees of dryness, con-! 0f tl. vaiuo all, convenience sfim-1 by the animals fiom which thev i ,.,.,1 h.v the power of retaining a large cjuantity of ammonia, and the judicious use of thc drainage in thc tank will prevent much loss of this valuable in irre dient of manure. Siini' good farmers in ibis vicinity arc abandoning the practice of plowing in clover for wheat. They break up the sod ground for corn; clean tne land as much as possible with this crop; then sow barley, followed by wheat the same fall And they find, of course, much benefit from manuring the wheat, either by plowing in the manure before sowing, or applying it as a top-dressing.

Such a practice allows thc manure to remain in thc Lam-yard during thc summer, and, by proper management, it can be reduced to "spit manure," with little or no loss of ammonia. Such manure, so fermented tluft it can be cut with a KSIUXTITLLY announce to the die and (it -title -tum of Winchester and vicinity, that he has Iocated in the place and ofn-ned an Ofiice in Monk' aloic Hint's Store, on Franklin strut, Iure he may be consulted fur all nitration on the Teeth, Mich as Clramnj, Filling ajiI ltractnip'. Al-o, inr rtin Ar-titiciil Tt-ttli (Icltl, Silver, Flatini or (iutta lNnha, in any umher rt-juirel fpun to an rjilirc ninijilito, in the stvle. C'rr-etin2 irrf'ularitics in nia, and thus prevent loss, 'lliis ellect Chillren's tnth. Particular attention will 1 i. to all tli-at of thc mouth. All will le joonrcl not only the tank, oj rations warrautnl. Lhlorolorm almmis- but, hen the sulphate liquid is ptnnp-J rel when necis-ary. Kxamin ition- ami 1 1 i i -el vice i irie oi narr. nimk ou io inu ueaji, me raruoiiaie oi ammonia in the heap also will be converted into a sulphate, and retained.

On every farm there is much refuse: matter, which, when deeompoed, will not only make a good manure, but will also help to absorb the liquid which would otherwise drain otV and be lost. Kvery thing of this kind shoubl be added to the heap. BOOT SHOE MAHUrACTORYi croncr Kri.i.r.R. ciirist. RiVsr.E.

make BOOTS and 4 IIOKS in a ooil substantial man tier, an vi short notice. All kinls of Leatht on hanl. Prieis rtaonah'p. Ji;" Shoj nc iloor uili rirt! Hrug St(rc. ft bl 7 ('ni iii(tyc? IlniirrreolypcM, IliotorapIi? (I.

W. COBKELIUS will call at private rcsMcnces by Having il -ome tin yearV practice in Den- ti-trv, he conhunt in the pul.Iie that he is tnaMeil to pivp entire sat r-faction in all respect. fib N. I5.Onice hours from 8 o'clock A. to I o'clock P.

M. of each day. MARBLE DR. G. W.

PHiLLIPS' COUCH SYRUP iirir cRTrit. i .1. Wcwtorii EYE CARRIAGE HAXU FACTORY. J9 QUAKER CITY WORKS! IIRADY SOX, Xxxcl. i wcKAcrinr.Rs or Improved Portable w-nib! be a more apj.ronriate food of spade, will not weigh more than half wheat rcnd other cereals thc clover as much as if it had been used in thc itstdf; and if carefully preserved, f1Csh, unformatted state, and, of woum lurniMli very nearly as creat an course, thc coet of hauling, snreadin- AGRICULTURAL EXCISES, QTAT10XAUV KNC INKS.

Mill Work, Iron anil thince Suar Mills idi and Mulcv Stw Iron Fen- inir, kc. Mvrrv lcscri ptiou of aiil Ucjtairin hmv promptly. Wv arc A-ciitrt for Machinists Tools anl Material-, Ventilator and Jic'ji-tcrs, Hall's Patent Fire l'roof Safes, IJmk, Jail ami Vault llurzl ir Ti-oof Near thc 1 1 a i 1 1 1 Peyxtt. W.M. T.

DKNMS.h'ale Aeent. fVhinCm Li very stable In Winchester, Ind. rf II BtPThc unlcrsi''nel hav-V in-'lidio'ht nut flu. Sfi. Ji-AV llc i'ornurlv occupied would be reduced one-half.

Such manure, too, acts quicker, and would amount of those clement moit required bv the whfat. It can not be too often repeated that! afford the wheat plants abundance of the value of the manure depends, pi i- nourishment in thc fall, and give them inarily, on the composition of thc food a good start, which is a very impor-eateu by the animals. "You can not mnvi.lerntinn. make a whittle out of a pig's tail," Manure applied to spring crops ly II. L.

(ireen, hopes, hy attention to business, to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to the HtaMe. I am jirepared at all times to accommodate the trjvelnjr community with a speedy, and conveyance to almost any place except California, ami ujion as reason-aide terms as any otahlishmcnt of the kind this t-'ule of an vw here. LAF. STF.KLLK, tire 31, i7. lVoprietor.

AKfii: OVA It NFvrx ii.ati: ith Sheet Iron DRUMS, the articles for Church School-Houses, Halls, kt.t for Felo at a small ad- vance upon wholesale prices, hv TH. JAM KS ctvrroM. neither can you make -rood manure slionl.l dfconitomo.l or I out of an obi straw stack. You may it has little immediate elect; and if rot it down, or feed it to animals; but the weather proves dry ami hot, unit is Mrnw tili. "Hut can not you fermented manure is as often injurious make it valuable by mixing otlo ma-j as-nscful.

Vc are well aware that mires with it? Certainly. If yon um- there is among practical farmers, as it for absorbing the liquid of animal-, well as among scientific writers! much Jtvmg on Letter food, you make the diversity of opinion on this point. Jf heap of manure mure valuable, and I we plow in fresh manure, all thc food the practice i a good one, and much of plants it contain is retained in thc to be commended. Jut the straw is 1 h0il, and will ultimately exeit its max-straw still. If you have a purse of imum cftett.

On the other hand, as pi-nnies, and you mix with them a manure is usually treated, there is quantity of gold dollars, you make the great loss from rapid and injurious purc.more valuable; bufth- gold dol- fermentation, and more especially do not a Id to the intiinie value from leaching. But this loss can lc of thc pennies. It may be more eon- avoided. He fore manure can he useful enient to carry them mixed together; to any crop, it must be thoroughly hut if the gold dollars were in one (leeompoed either in the heap or in po -ket and th pennies in another, you the soil. J'lants can not live on or-woidd have just as much money as ganized, or partially organized, matter, though you had them all in one po -k- is their function to conveit the et.

So it may be more convenient tojcrude, inorganic matter of earth and mix the good manure with the poor. 1 air into organized matter, capable of The latter may absorb and retain those supj.oi ting animal life. Plants can Mltanecs which would othnwie no more live vii organized matter, drain away or lly off; but the mixture than animals can live on the crude contain no more fertilizing elements, 1 alkalies, acids and gases of which and would 1 Ii- more valuable as ma- plants are composed, nure, than if the goo. I and th? poor Manures, to act immediately, there-manure hid been carefully preserved fore, must be well rotted and in this and applied separately. Unless the substances from which the manures are de.ived contain thc necessary elements, it is in vain to expect to make a valuable manure from them by any TO KALK KS BOOKS AND' STATIONERY.

Itidiaiuipolis AYIioloulf HOOK AM) lAlEIt HOIST. Wli would call attention to our stock of looks and Stationen, and to say to those wi.hins to huv to sell aain, that we will duplicate any bills of Hooks purcharcd the est. STKWAUT KOWKN, dr HI, Indianapolis, lud Will nr. sol der at public STAFFORD fc in-Amcricaii and Italian marble! Winchester, AVK jut, received a lare and well assorted stock of MAKliLL, and are prepared to famish II kinds of (traits tones and Monuments, on -short notice. Also, Marble Ilureau.

Counter and Table Tops. Work done in the latest and neatest stile, by experienced workmen. N. 1. Kmblems of all secret orders neatly executed.


Tomroy. BUY YOUR THE ES at none. I Ml is imucrsijrne'i ui oe aoic I i. 1.,... ri.iini.ini vuiuee 010 vner- ry Trees of the best kinds of fruit the coming Spring; also various kinds of Kvergreens, Currants, Raspberries, itlackherries (new kinds), and drapes, at his nurseries near thc depot.

Also Sweet otato Sprouts. lec Ml, A. STONK, LIGHT! LIGHT! eae, as in all others, "time is money." The relative a-lvantages of applying manure to wheat in the fall, or to spring crops, involve points which wc can not now consider. Durimr the Known process of fee lin or formen- summer, fermentation proceeds rapid-tation. ly, and it is easy to et manure well The mar lire from poultry is ntorc rottcd for fall use; hut it is ditTtcult to valuable than that front hogs, while manure made in winter sufficiently tlie latter is generally more valuable decomposed for immediate application Winchester, on the Hhh day of March, A.

1 i i y. ls.VJ. between the hours of 10 o'clock, than that from horses or from cattle tu Sprtn- crops. A all(l r. thc and sheep; and many persons seem to The four principal agents in formen- real estate, belonging to the heirs of Miles SOfd) to the hi'-hest bid- outcrv at the court house door, in the town of Winchester, on Satckihy the day of next, be-J twcrii the hours of 1(1 o'clock, A.

M. and 1 o'elock, 1. on said day, the following tracts of land situate in Randolph county, to wit: The iv tjr of the of cc 2, township rJI of range 1 T) acres: mortgaged bv Willi un Stookesberrv. Loan o. forfeited to the State for failure to pay interest lue thereon.

Debt, intcacst, damages and costs, 1 15 Also, the (r of the qr of sec 12, of township 1, of I -10 acres: mortgaged by James Ferrel. Loan No. forfeited to the State lor failure to nay interest due thereon. Debt, interest, damages and costs, jiTi Also, of of the of and ii iv qr of the qr ol sec 1, town-sdiip 21, of acres: tnrtgagtl lv Silas Cliandler and Sarah Chandltr. Loan No.

1. forfi ited to thc State for failure to pay interest due thereof. Debt, interest, damages and costs, 1' 1'h Also, of the qr of the iv qr of sec township 21, of range 1-t 2 acres: oft gaped by Richard West mid Jane West. Loan No. 122 forfeited to the State for failure to pay interest due thereon.

Debt, interest, damages and costs due thereon, 1. Abo, the qr of iv qr of sec township 21, of range 1.1 ID am. Loan No. rM: mortgaged by Kbencer Still. Forfeited to the State for failure to pay interest due thereon.

Debt, iutcrot, damages and costs. 01. So much of each tract of land herein described -will be sold as will satisfy the debt, interest, dam ages and costs due thereon respectively. The terms of pale, cash in hand; where lue attention will be given bv ATI I A A I OTT, Auditor R. C.

joiin w. jar.a;in, 1M. 10, ls-H. Treasurer R. C.

Sale OF RK KSTATK. IN pursuance an order of the Randolph Court of Common l'leas, I will hell at i public auction, at the court hou-e door, in II. riKRCK has just received a assortment ol thc New Conl Oil Lamps, entirely different from those first introduced, hich are warranted not to smoke or Hare up when carried about. Also, the new Coal Oil alwavs on hand bv wholesale or retail, decidedly the cheap st, cleanest and safest light cut dis covered. Cost while burning not to exceed Half a Cent per hour.

Just the thing fr thc sick room, a they can be turned down so as to burn with a faint light all night. Call and sec them burn at inv store. Dec. IT'OULD respectfully inform the citi-f 7eiis of Winchester and licinitv that he is on haii li s'ni the same old in ii hich .1 vcars ago in this place, he ttok OVERGO 0 PICTURES acknowledged by one and nil to be Superior to any taken before or since in the place. Hai ing the advantage of a large SKY LIGHT! his Fictures are unsurpassed in brilliancy of tone, accuracy of expi essiou, and clearness of the I've.

Ily the aid of a Quick Worker, the only in-trunicnt of the kind this side of Cincin- nati, he NKVKR FAILS to secure the Likeness of a Child however mall. Dec 2, sal El retail ST Ml! rpilOMAS KKARNS has received the largest stock Hoods ever brought to tlii.s market, which he offers at extra low prices, either at wholesale or retail. Country iiHTchunts would do well to call and recruit their stocks. nov T8.1 For a Friere Cough, take riiiLLirs' cough syrup. For a take riniiiirs' cough sYitur.

i For a Drv, Harking Cough, taVe PHILLIPS' COUGH SY11UP. For Sore Throat, take PHILLIPS COUGH SYRUP. For Tickling in the Tliroat, take PHILLIPS COUGH SYRUP. For lluarsene-'', take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For Chronic Cough in aged person, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP.

For Croup, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For Hooping Con nil, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. Fur Asthma or Phthisic, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For nroncliitis, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For Laryngitis, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP.

Minister, Public Speaker. and Singers, tak PniLLIPS' COUGH SYRUP Fur Influenra, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For Weeding at the take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For Incipient Consumption, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. For Relief in settled Consumption, take PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP.

For all diseases of Throat and Lungs, takf PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP. I)nf ir.t Total or Fartial, Kntirtlv Itc- lMVCCl. OH. II. r.mvii r.

to tan rd tlio-e -nHi ripg und urli ii or of the ne to the 1 tut-; lie ttat ti-rst of the luiil'ilr ati.1 itli tiiil'if-s CAUTEK 6c 1 1 1 JLL, 5 tUr. iu i.i ni ii it ini-'t, ii loirg; and lately l.v m-t distitiguisbl ln l'u Aurist, with the orelrful iu -j ind it i the metho! that ha- Ufiii i r- illy urri- h. Tlx ht pro. I of the thi i.t ill be a rt in to n- irlv iiin hlMidl-d IiltlH', r'-idIlt tW I i I Statt-, Canada, Nw Ih nie" wh.1 Noa wlio h.e n-strsl tv in let a single l.tary eae, to T1 MI i our know ledre, fail to fCt 1 1 itl. ork.

arrai.teil for tw i .1 1 months. tie r.t.l, ir I 1 of the ar.i.g it'Ui, "Vl' Ih.guies, eich anged lor horses, at the Mar- I to. Mny ket pric-s. cuild tjot hear the rt jrt of a Jistol at J.uniarT 1st, arm's can iio In ar a att 1m at a the iljsiance of lour feet. In rae iuc'li" r.

ncciMuulatioit to the F.ustu hiatui. Tub 1 John uio.j 1 III'! a lltlttil'M i. I 1J1U" rr. I orr, r.rriou nfjectmim, nien itl. A.

O.H...I II Ir.l HIT II I it Md II ll'llll, V.IIIOI tOU UlUlil, M.u.ufactnit rs and Dealers in AM. Till: 1 HI' '( MU 1 Kit', spring rlc, rlc. Mariuf.ietori Franklin Street, brtwr rid uiii ai.d, Vineh-ster. Indiana. and RiTMlrin to on Nr.

r.roRi.i: hi i.m. HELMS DIGGS, 'r or Uiioi th- dias can be trac-'! to tl, tlVcU of ff-vf the u-e of quinin V- 'jl -yy i imnuiial jratlu ring in the ar s-y-fj Ul tn atiiMlit stand pre ljP einiio-iit. I.i 11 the a canal i lry' T.tS )'IV'' VA Wi't tu heil' ithe 1 atio is net oin'ian'o ill n.JTOOT, K. n. DRAKK.

J. B. ROOT. C. H.

ROOT. ROOT, DRAKE CO. Manufacturer. of GRATES, Holl ov IVa it Ti XV vv KII.S IS ALL KIM; OF IliOX, SAILS, GLASS, Tin riate, Tinurr' Stock and Carriage Trinunings, Warehouse No CS Last Washington St.

LNJ A NAI'OLIS. PEORIA MARINE A Fire Tiisiirnnce Co. Made in compliance ivith Law, lY.oiUA, Illinois, Jancarv 1st, JCilit at iloine. 0 ON Washington stret east of Main, in now opened, and the traveling puldic are solicited to give it their patronage. No lains trouble will he spa nil to those who nnv favor it with a call to ike them com-foriahle, and satisfied with Hoard and Lodgings.

County custom particularly desired. A Free 'Ibis will be run to and from the Depot for the especial accommodation ever; body. Dec. Cooking Stoves, Without Furniture or Ware, (when desired) at and upwards. Also, Russia, Iron and other Parlor Stoves, Sheet Zinc, Tea Shret Iren Ihu i ts, superior Move Iliacking, tor saic cheap bv JAM KS S.

COTTOM, At the nnek Uuilding, one door South of uouth's Store. tliink tliat ditlcrcnt animal Iiave tlif-' tation, arc lilit, heat, air, and mois ture. Other things being djual, tho-e fcront which, in sonn. my ste-lious way.atTcct the quality of th; tna-nun. This is not tlr ca-.

at Ieat to any appreciable extent. The droppings of poultry are the most valuable from the, fact that fowls live on richer substances which contain the most nitrogen ferment the easiest. On this account, good manure will rot sooner than poor. Compression, by excluding the air, retards fermentation; an food, an I the lhiuMs and solids arc excess of water, from the same cause, voided to-ether. So of hgs and oth-1 has the same effect.

If the heap was er animals. If the food were the! ercctly dry, no fermentation would same, there would be little if any place. This, however, never fjrer in the value of th-? manure, happens in practice; but the heap is One hundred pound of buy, eaten by often too dry, and then thc manure a hore, an ox, or a sheep, would fur-j "lire fangs," with great loss of am-nish manure, differing perhaps injnionia. The reason heat is evolved iptantitv, bi of precisely the same during fermentation, is owing to the ul-olutc value. Tu have good ma-: oxygen of the air uniting with the deceased, to wit: The south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section twenty-three, township nineteen, of ranee fourteen east, in the county of Randolph.

State of Indiana. The same to be fold subject to the right of the widow therein. Terms or Sali: One third to be paid on the day of sale, one third in nine months, and one third in eighteen months from said day of sale; the purchaser giving his with approved jecurity, for the deferred pavmcnts. Cpon the confirmation of the sale by said court, the purchaser will receive a good and su'lif ient convevance of the same, bv ex ecuting a mortgage upon said land to secure the detirred payments; the costs of making and recording thc same to be paid by said purchaser. JACOR FCDC.L, feb.

10, Administrator. State of Indiana, lCamtolph Count) In the Randolph Court of Common Pleai, April Term, nure. then, mut feed the animals carbon and hydrogen of thc mar.nrc, John B. ILivciiridge on food containing a sufficient amount forming carbonic acid and water a of fertilising ingredients. We are given quantity of carbon and hydrogen anxious, at the ri-k of being tedious, giving out just as much heat as though to impress this fa jt on the minds of burned in a stove.

This nascent ear-our readers. bonio acid has a beneficial effect on In feeding animals, wc should not many of the ingrcd'euts, rendering onlv consider what will produce the them more soluble. Rill for SpeciGc rcrl'oruuncc. r. James Kale.

Liizibeth Kale, John L. Addington, Jaine A. Addington, William lb Addington, and ethers, heirs of Francis Stephens, dte'd. "MIF. Slid James Kale, F.liiabcth Kale.

John L. Addington, Janus A. Ad dington, and William R. Addinirton, will C. F.

HALL, SEAL EHGRAVEH, No. 11 Wvsl Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, O. LUMBER! LUMBER! riIIF undersigned keeps constantly on hand and will saw to order All Kind of mhcr. which he will deliver in Winchester and licinitv on as reasonable terms as smv Mill in the couittv. Friends, on vour orders, I hai'e a large lot ol Poplar logs on hand.

dec .11. If. ISU.M'Y. SIIKIUIT'S SALE. )Y virtue of three executions to me di- I rccted from the Raiiddrh Common Pleas court, 1 will expose to sale at the court house door, in Winchester, Randolph county, Indiana, on the 1st day of March, hetwecn the hours oi ten clock, A.

M. and four o'clock P. of said day, the fallowing Real Lstate, situated in Raiidolj.h county, Indiana, to wit: The south-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section thirty-three, in township twentv-one, range twelve east; the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section thirtv-three, in township twentv- one, range twelve east; also lot No. 4 in block No. -1, in the town of Mornstown.

Lxecutcd as the property of Andrew De-voss, at thc suit of Napoleon Darst and Chrbtiar. llerchelrode, William S. Watt, and Dickenson K. Feiiner, John R. Arthur, Henry E.

Brown, and Freeman 1J. Wood- buv. WM. M. CAMPRL'LL, Shcrilf R.

C. feh. 10, rr' fee 3. State of Indiana, Randolph County. In the Randolph Court of Gimmon Vlcas, April Term, A.D.

LrO'J. ilenrv Jacobs, Complaint in Attachment. mo-st meat, but also what will furnish The principal object in preserving Ul notiCe that the paid John 11. Hai en tire richet manure. For instance, Indian corn may fatten an animal a rapidly as Oil -cake, but the manure from oil-eake-fed animal is much more valuable than from thoc fed on i-orn.

Ordinary meadow luiy may fatten hep as well as closer hfy(tlujgh we Sotuewhat doubt it), but the tu manures, should be to let thc heap ferment slowly not so rapidly as to drive off the ammonia. To accomplish this, the hog and cow manure, which ferment with diilicultv, should be mixe I with the hore and sheej manure, which have, when unmixe in a loo-O heap, a tendency ridge has filed his bill for Specific Perform ance in this Court against them and the other htirs of Francis Stephen, deceased; also, an affidavit of non-residence of the above rurtie. Said caue will be heard at vs. Joel Green and Thornton Jones. TIIK defendants in the alove entitled I cause will take notice that the above named plaintitF has filed his complaint aud a Hi davit for attachment in this court, to gether -with an affidavit of non-residence and that said cause will le heard at the next term of said Randolph Court of Common Pleas, to he holden melierter, 5 ii county of Randolph, on the 4th Monday in April, A.

D. And that unless said de fendants appear and answer thereto on the dav of said term of said court, the same will be heard and determined iu their absence. HENRY IL NF.FF, Jon R. CooDRicif, Clerk R. C.

C. Att'y for pFtff. fehlT lob Ucnartmciit. the next trm of said Court, to be in facilities ermal to anv establishment Winchester, en the -1th Monday April, -n of tlie country, are pre A. I).

and unless the said ry, i fare.1 to execute all kinds of hcep aforesaid aproar on the second day of the ixed lfrm and answer or demur to the I tut ivui from thc former i um Ii inft ricr into rapid and injuiioits fermentation, to that from thc latter. Ui! caLcjTlia heap, slumld bo kept cora- utn and vim, it will be heard and dctermiucd in to enter their 1 HENRY IL NLFF, Clocks Clerk R.C.C. P. ilhll Ihsds, Joim R. GooLRicti, Att'y.

fib. 'bO. Name and locality of the Company, Peoria and I'ire 1 11 mi ranee CompaiiVf Peoria, Illinois. Hie amount id' its eaj.ital stock, I'he aiiKoint of capital paid up, JfOtUKHU'O The assestsof Company arc Cah on hand '2. Real estate unencumbered Ronds 11 ned by the Company drawing 10 per cent 1.

Del its of the comvanv secured bv mortgage drawing 12 per rent 1.1,7'JO.OO All other debts as er no. Debts lor premiums due and not lue 1.1,07,10 7. All other securities consisting ol discounted bills, notes, drafts and acceptances maturing daily, have from sight to DO dais to run from date 27.1,12,3" Amount of liabilities due or not due to banks or other creditors of the company None. Losses adjusted and due None. Losses adjusted and not due None.

iosscs unacjusted Losses in suspense, waiting further proof. Ml other claims against the company, None. The greatest amount insured bv thc eonipanv in any one risk 10,000,00 The greatest amount allowed hv the rules of the company in any one city, town or village. No rules concerning the same I'he largest amount to be insured in any one b'ock. Not exceeding $10,000 cxpoed to am one fire.

The act of thc incorporation here with closed. C. HOLLAND, Sec'ty State of Illinois, Peoria County, Personally appear before me, the under- sijrned Notary Public in and for the city of Peoria, county of Peoria, and State ufore- said; Charles Holland Secretary of the Peoria Marine and Fire Insurance Company, who after being duly sworn, deises and says that the annexed statement of the condition of the said company is correct accord ing to his knowledge and hebet, divon under mv hand and official seal this 1st dav of January A. D. BERN A II BAII.V, X.

P. S.J Insurance Agent's Certificate of Authority. STATU OF INDIANA, Acoitor. of State's Office. Imuanapolis, Jan.

Whereas, the Peoria Marine and Fire In surance Company of Peoria, 111, has tiled in this Ih ee a statement ot its condition on the 1st of January If the act of its incnrjiora-tion and amendments properly certified to, its written instrument, nominating its agents and authorizing them fully and unreservedly to acknowledge services, of process in the event of suits. Now, Therefore, in pursuance of the rc-fpuiremtnts of 'An act to amend an act entitled an act for thc incorporation of Insurance Companies, defining their powers and prescribing their duties," approved March 2, having presented satisfactory evidence to me of the full compliance to the requirements and specifications ofthat act, I John Dodd, Auditor of the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that Knos L. Watson F.s.jr, of Winchester, as the Agent of said Company is authorized to transact the business of Insurance the Agent of the said Peoria Marine Fire Insurance Company in this Statg.un to July 1st to the extent that he may be commissioned and appointed bv thc said Company. Ii Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused seal. the Seal of my Office to be affixed, tliij ltl ilir nf Idniiiri' I4U AWfcU VI .1 Ult UUI sv JOHN W.

DODD, Auditor of State Owners of merchant's mechanics and others, can obtain without delay, Insurance against fircor first class risks from the alxn esafc and reliable Company, by ap-plving to K. L. WATSON, Agent. 0 file on Meridian St. st Public Smare, may 1 I Winehettr.

Ind. IV0U01 To Htirt of rttition to Xetl Reel Httate State oT Indiana, Randolph County. NOTICE is hcrtby givn that Jatnr M. Edwards evecutor of the estate of Samuel OiT, deceased, has filed his petition to ell tlie real estatu of the decedent, his Inersonal rror.ertv Leir2 insufficient to rav Ornamental Job WwJc, an 1 tht said petitition will be 51 ctt I heard at the next term of the Court of tora- Prgranirncs Card, mou Pleas, of said COtinty. PHILLIPS' COUGH" SYRUP i an rmlv in nuins tlif n.upli, irevcntinj, iml k-' piti out th ruitin.

PinLLIPS' COUGH SYRUP in 1'iirclr uj.iin mot --ntiini ni r. It in.iv 11 Lr Iii m'1 'le'ii-af niiii(Ct ii.f iut, Hli.iut tlio Rppr li'-nooii of nrra. PHILLIFS' COUGH SYRTJP lia Ikwii prepare. 1 rrnr i'i-iiiiriin? friri vM, mit! it ii imiM.rt:nt th Ok- til lioul I KhuW it a liU' lr that wUl rm i tli. in.

PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP i nn xiwniv r'tniBiiiin, it i ut Btioli j't i. a t- within ti p-h. Ii of nlj. PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP i mill l.v of fli int i iiiT -oi'l ro'wrf nl.ilit in our rottininnity I ho, Iii. 1h.

llw hy fwU .11 ur llirir t- k-rv. fi or uVvptioti. PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP tH.J lilt t''t of J.raoli'n li Ii.ii. huA i now iifr an mnt of uni' jual I any rrtTi n.w ih ulb PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP In iTf.rm-t tiiitiv irkrtl.l. ur-.

y-t it i not l.iim -l tliat it will mirn or r-toi tu r'i-ry yft it ill r-tiv ntnl I. atli.ilo thi nifl-Tin -iiirjiitiv-, ro c-voii'l llo hojw of r.T PHILLIPS'. COUGH SYRUP. til on nnv of mv 1 ircnl.iror J'aniJ''i. h't, in whi li yoti will titol mirh t.tirnonv Mill 'ininiv cvon lh" k'ltial, of thu trulj fciiju-1 i-r irl um i.f PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP rillLLIPS COUGH SYRUP I PHILLIPS' COUGH SYRUP I Dil.

G. W. PHILLIPS', Sole lVoprietor Ni 2 Walnut l-t. KotrtIi A Filth CINCINNATI, oillo. SOU) HY II.

I'. Kizk.u, Winchester, and all Hniisls throughout thc county. nuirust 1 BY virtue of a decree and execution to me directed from the Randolph Common Fleas Court, I will expose to sale at the court house door, in Randolph eountv, Indiana, on the 1 Ith dav of March, IrCiM, hetwecn the hours of ten o'clock, four o'clock, V. M. of said day, the following Ueal F-tate, situated iu Randolph county, Indiana, to wit: Scvent v-fivo acres of land in the north west piartcr of section nine, iu towndiip in A Drain hi i-1 a i tu: ii a i i i i ii i I i.

iijm' on ii.iii'i, aim are cou-t 1 1 m.inulaetunii all and i erv kind of and Chair-, wh'uh are sure will plc.iM- all who will laor us with a call. We have the BEST OF WOKKIUE; in our einj.Toy, ho ill in. ike nothing hut the 1 ry l-et and iiiot wuk. Our stoek i- latere, coiii.tin in part ot Koc ood, llalio.ui v. Klsirk Walnut, lM i i Jlsiplc.

Vr. We keep also II air and Ilu-k M.itra.-e, XiooltiiiR GlnNMCM. A lar-e assortment of Ro-e and framed I.ookimr Classes will he soM eheap. 1. Ready nude Collins, of all kept eotist.mtlv on hand.

april 'J, the tar, like fallin? iter, chirpinr sort, rin-in-r 11. rutlit. of continual ul-ati' n. a dwhatpc of mittir, or win ii in toovintr setiation flt it a of Mood to the head had tuke j'lac win the hearing i- lc" acute in dM" cloudy weather, or when a eold has i taki this nu tlnl of treating the di-cu-c i In deaf and dumb, tn experience warrants me insaiin-r that if the' hearing w.s at any time, unit can 1C a ceo pi i. heil.

In the af and dump In ml at I.iip-ie, out ot a Ia-sof 11, I Futccede.l in 1 1 torin I to acute heat Ir. t.v-' to state in those ei-es he niiilett ike, he guarantees a suecessl'ul rt suit oinj.h te restoration of the selige, or stu .1 tu.irktil ilil't oi etuent as will he perfectly satisfactory, if hii i ino dit" are faithfully arc and direc-lion- adhered to. Applicants will plea-e state thir u'e, duration th- Ii-ease, if matter -s from the external j.a-.ipe, if there are not in the ears, state of peneral CIIIYfl TCI CIIlVl'I TC! CHIVri TCI loiUh, and what thev Mij.j-e to 1iImii OllMllLLiSi 0lll.uLL MIlAuLliM thecau-cofthedt aliM--. When the hearinir riIIII undersioned takes this method of J. the puhlie in emiv.l ami HOUSE BUILDERS in particular, that he has now on hand, and will have all the season, a Iar-can 1 splendid assortment of Walnut and E'oplni' SUING! in i-i restored, it is exjecteil that those in ra-y circuni-taiiccs will eontruhute liherally.

a i.i. Disr.Asns ok tiii: Succts-fully trcateil hy the application of Medicated itor JL.C, nn infallild and ininle' treatment for disea-cs tf the I' a cute and horu'c cataracts, inllaniation, him and weakness of granulation of the lid, ulceration of the I.ichrimal glands, c. c. To the astonish-inland ratilViu etVeets of this treatment, tlie child, the outh, those of mature n'e, as well as those far advanced in life, all l.enr testimony to the ointi rfutly healing and soothiit-r tie ts. Consultation fee five Pollers.

7," Pr li.s work on disease of the t-ye, the nature and treatment of ileafness, lind ti it nn nt of the deaf and dumb illustrated with ste 1 pice $10. Money It ttt must he resist erttl hy the td the very hest liialitv, which will he sohl at the lowest Cash prices. It is ot reat Imjmrtaiu-e to those -reetinir new wildings, that they j.rociii I sliin-h s'i that they may not he at the expense and trouMe of re-shinrjlin tin Ir hou-e ei erv ft years. 1 haie Let i-cil in this luisiness for several years and adding nn CXTu rit lice to 'l care. I think- I i.i safelv that 1 can, and will, ike as -mil only will l.e at my ri-k Shinlesas an ho Uuiht in this nu of the 'rrespou out mu-t jK.stae.

country; and I will spare no pains iie urn NT I AT I I' A CT I Mill is two miles of Ilunts-ville, and one ijuartt of a mile ist of the New Meeting Hoii-e, that stand- on the road that leads from Winchester to Ilunts-ville. Wht nct you ivant Shingles, come or send lour orders. sent. I IIA I A A 1 1 A IS. Medicines, Apparatus, hrnt to anv part at mv expt use and risk.

Address PR. II. r.NWOOD, Ihooklyn, New Yoik. Oct. 7th, A .11 1 II CLOTHlXa MAltCUS SIM HE HAS just returned from thv (jueen 4a City and has opened in this place the i lai et and he st select tl stm of FALLS WINTER CLOTHING i n.

i 1,.. ii: i. twentv-one, north ot ran ire hmrtt east, sistsot ci i tle-sci iption cai in' ar'oarel. ii commencing at the south-west corner of. sail quarter section, thence running lue east seventy-live rods, thence due north one hundred aud sixty rods, thence due west seventy-tii rods, thence lue south one hundred and sixty ro Is to the place of luxetutcd as the property of Thomas Jel-lison, Keheeca Jcllison and James Jellison, at the suit of Samuel J.

Lonp-diorc, Administrator of Thomas M. 1). Longshore, dc- WM. M. ft hl7 rVs fee Shcrilf, R.

C. isiiKiurF's BY virtue of an execution to me directed from the Randolph Common Picas- Court, I ill expose to sale at the Court House tloor, in Winchester, Randolph Indiana, on the 1'Jth day of March, If" between the hours of 1I o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock T. M.

of paid day, the follow in: Real 1'state, situated in Randolph County Indiana, to wit: The south oast quarter of the north west quarter of section fifteen, in township twenty one, north of rane thirteen east. Cxecuted as the rojnrty of Robert Mcr-anda at the suit of Joseph Routh. WM. M. feh 21, lV's fee SV'O Sheriir R.

C. IVoticT To Heirs of Pttition to Sell Real State of Indiana, Kandolph Count) "jyrOTICK is here l.y jriren that Daniel Kerhner, xtcutor of the last will and testament of John Kershncr, deceased, has tiled his petition to sell the Real of said decedent to distribute and pay debts; and that said petition will be heard at the next term of the Court of Common Picas, of said eountv. Attest: II. NT. IT, Clerk.

P. J. Hkaston, Atty feh '21. irtue of a decree and execution to directed from the Randolph Circuit A Miserable Life PREMATURE DEATH. A'OPNC; who, by induliii ii.

se-I tut habits, hive mined lloir health, pros rat tloir nerious sy-tini, and ini-pailcd their luinds, thereby leiiderins the pleasures of m.irrietl life a eary pilrimare Mi-ui earth, are rejM-et fully i.otitied that Pr lAVl.Ntl, by luuth study mid eiperie nee in this braneh of i at t'u i laily etleetin ujes in the most dilHcult eases, ithout the least difficulty or trouble. Patie iitri teil with any kind of private eliseasc, from the mild -t form to the most severe, can consult Dr. with the lull assurance of quick and cure. Pr. warrant a cure v.

ithout the aid of mercury, er hann of business or tlie t. Pr. liwin' announces ladiea in want of a remedy tor obstructions, irre'pularitie, peculiar the dt lic ite oranintioin of tloir systems. Dr. Dicier' IVtuab-Monthly Pills as the remedy.

Tlie nun thousand boxt I haie; mid rove it none; speak ill of them, for II like them. Pr. P.o icr's Pills can only be had at Dr. ofiice No. 1 8 Virginia A i enue, South of P.raneh Ih.nk, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA.

Cii Tlov. Married I.edie-s in rrttaiti il nation should not u-e the in. For reason diret tioii with each box. Price one hdUr. Sent by mail to any part ef the world.

Office hours from a.m. until r. M. Dec 2, IHAAC SAFE, or i.iia.i, flAKCS tliis method of informing hit I I'e'hiw citizen that he is now pre pared to iinnish the to with every tiling that they i-h to ie at a rt nt ral store, lie ha 11.1...... a i.i.ii.

to eiur house. We sliall s- i iu 1 attt n- i IM i 1 I -s i A i I i.tiu in I till kinds and sti It s. Also Mu-lins of the en he-t brand-. Iu tlie A LSO, TKI'MiS, VA KITI' SAUiS, A-. As Cheap a the Clo aj.est.

Call at the St roh Imihlin before buying elsewhere. e.ct j. rt'TMiv. It. S.UITH.J SMITH riJTMAN, rrodtice, dSnicral (L01nmi5.5i.0n AXI) HEALERS IX COAL, Ollicc lernt Uiver and front 01110.

formed a partnership as above I. the traiisactioii ol" it proiui-e, utii-eral and coal tt t. would respectfully call the attention of the trade Calicoes, pi la to our house, tion to the sale of FLOUR. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Hardware I Anv, of all kinds, ntl I-Vuit.

IWis- j. Axes, poor I.att hr ions, and all artu-1, Country Produ, mA uin, S. re and and the purch i-e ol the same strictly on 1 Kork, Im.tIi Te nd LommisMon. We solicit roii-i-nment Pocket Knive noh thin- 1 1 in lv Moinist uou ilcale r. irkt also orders for the purchase td such I Tin 11 l.e lias articles and pled-e our best txtftions to nm merit tlie lavor td our patron-, I I I I I und and for sale UUU Ulli i.i Li LI 1 We keep coi-t mtlv on h.

by the ear'o, ear load or single ton varit tics of all th. ISitiEESiinous Coal Stoiry I' ot, Watt rj-oof Roots, and I.ot (and Shots of all kinds to suit almost firry buyer. lie dt-fies enmp tition in the line e.f and Shoes. Hut we must not forret sold in thi market: also, a full iS ''5 Court, I will exivse to sale at the Court salt. Lake I'ish.

Water lame. for w'liii II II I. ICoilIlCtS. House tloor, in inchester, Randolph conn- 1 in ,1 1 1 soik .1 onit is, ni'ii we n.tpc to I. i at 1 or tlie ht -aI must be covered a well a Sti9 tv, Indiana, on the rJthdavot March, ..1, tn-u-t i-t T.i-i.

i W. 1 1 11 i UlllKIl I'l 11 s. t' Hill II" ILC in It'll. I't't ril :i.urtnui.t iilaii'Kiti liitiil sell Coal live rerl at any j-ont on thc Lakes wouhl call ioup aitention tti Iii at stiulated pri'-es. march 13 Voi Lai Rfctipts, etc.

ttc. etc lll.inks. i-Umphletr, HKNRY II. NE FT, CkrkC. C.

Co. Eiow il Uwin, Att'ii. IfchlTJ between the hours of 1 1) o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock I.

M. t)f paid day, the follow ing Real Kstate, situated in Randolph county, to nit: Ten acres of land ofT of the north end of the west half of the south-east epiarter of section twenty-four, in township twenty-one, rane twelve east. Kxecuted ts the property of William Shew, at thc suit of William Rrow n. WM. M.

CAMPHCLL, Sheri.V R. C. fel 10, Itsfl. Prs. Tee I SIIKUIFPS irtue of a decree to me directed nn the Randolph Common Pleas Court, I will expose to at the Courthouse tloor, in Winchester, Randolph county, Indiana, em the ltith day of March, A.

P. lNy, betw een the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M.of said day, the following Real Estate, situated in Randolph Indiana, to-wit: Outlot Number nine (H) in thc est front in the tow oi' Winche stcr.

Executed as thc property of K. fi. Deck with and Mary A. Reek with, at tlie suit of Christopher C. Monks.

W.M. M. CAMTHKLL, fe b. IT. lr-b? IVs fee SI.e ifY C.

or Saddles Harness. Iltiutsvillr, HE keeps constantly cn hand a l.trpre assortment of Saddle Harness, Ih-idles, and in facteveri tl.irj iathnt lineof huines. He warrants the workmanship to be perfect, and the mit tri at His prices aie "low-as the Call and xaiiuie Lis stock. 10, lf.7.

"TVyOTlCK i hereby iven that have 1 taken out le tfers of administration on the l'hili Milbr, tb-ceasnl. faid estate issupjjs-J to be sol, en t. (JLO. W. MONKS, Ib.

Jl, Itbd. 1 J. 1 A PRESENTS! JlelotlroiiH, C. tlilai Violins llunj or, Toys, Vc, (or ami Kt tail, at llic INDIANA MUSIC STORE. AO.

llivs IIouv, I I A A l' 1 I A A WIL'LARD ST0WZLL. Nov. 1 risii KraiR in HIDES, OILS, AND Curntr Meri'lij en i Mcryl' til Streets, Lis, im. arti 1 rt I irin Sr ecial attention pud it-julv 1 (h'iocniv and Pep.irttiM iit, her iy be found Stinr, Co'lee, M'das-es, SaItr.itu.-4 and Spicti of eiery kind. He is paying Cash for 11 kind of produce ari the 1 erv highest price i-i ollercd f'r all Lindi of drain.

(Jive him a eul. 2, 1. A EDMUND WEST, IIcMilin- two tnilr North of Deerfieltl on the road lending to Portland riAKKS this mcthoil of informing thc I p'iblii generally, that he i i ten-ii r-ly nuatil iu the "Tntie ry llus: 11 aiJ u-ualiv i on hand a variety id" A II II Mn ha ole, Upp r. Kip, Calfskin and Harness, II Ahit is to Inner at ic; rt ison.thle rate. He will pay the Very llili! -dU 1'rlrc for 1 er xtd ie: and is auiious to zl thtin and ttioff lavin? Hi-h ile.

ithrr ly the larpe or iti'l I is, mil do et 11 to ciie him a call. Hi loti expeiituce and enable hiia to rrakr tlie best quality of L. Tan IUrk AatrU all the tiir.e. se pt. Aoiict To Heirs of Petition Sell Real F.itate.

State; of Indiana, Kandolph County. "XT TIC: i l.Tfl ifenirt V. 1 'V administrator of the estate of John K. nailer, deceased, a filel his ttl-ti -ell ti real estate of the decedent, his f.r--iI rropertr UhC to hisdtbiS and that sail prtitioa ill be heard at th it ti mi t.f tlie O-urt of Om un a lvas j. h.


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