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The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois • Page 5

Rock Island, Illinois
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TJT55 AH6US HUHSDAT, MAY 10. 1,901 A Trumpet Call To Bargain Seekers Sounds every day at SHIELDS' CASH GROCERY. If you have not heeded it in the past it is time for you to listen to the story of the Low Price Grocery Merchandising. Come Where Your Big Do Double Fears per can JOc Peaches per can JOc Fgg plums per can JOc Green gage plums per can JOC Blackberries, 3 ponnd can JOC Bine berries, 2 cans 5c Apple butter? 8 cans 25C Quince butter, 3 cans 25C Peach butter, 3 cans 25C Plum butter, 3 cans 25C Bock Island or Davenport corn, 2 cans 5C (85c per dozen.) String beans, 2 cans 5c Peas per can, 5c and up Good red salmon per can 12C Dried apricots, per lb WC 25 lbs. California prunes 00 i'vaporated apples, 3 lbs 25c Dried peaches, 3 lbs 25c Cal.

figs, per package Sc Leader coffee, per lb 2SC lannra The Best Line MEN'S Ever shown in Rock Island. See what we offer at $10.00 $12. THE VOU KNOW US Round Dollar Will Duty. Pure maple sugar, per lb 12C Japan tea, per lb 35C Pint bottle catsup, 3 for 2SC Shredded cocoanut, per 17c Jam in glass, 3 for 25C Pancake dour. 3 packages 25c Rio coffee, per lb 15c Corn starch, per package.

SC Ricena, 2 packages J5C Hoffman pkg starch, 2 for. 5c Sack salt. 10c size 5C Package raisins, per pkg tOc 15 bars Fairbanks soap 25C Toilet soap, 2 bars for 5c Toilet soap, 25c kind 5c 2 pace Washing powder. 5c Chewing tobacco, per lb 25c Smoking tobacco per lb 23C Dry yeast, per package 3C Large pickles, per gal 17 Sauer Kraut, per gal 17 Santos coffee, per lb 20 titaxo -naae Filth Ale Selected of SUIT, 00 15.00 LOIDOI, THE SITE IS SELECTED George H. Johnston Buys Warren Lot for the Illinois Theatre.

TWO STEIP3 INCLUDED IN DUAL Ground Brings $200 a Front Foot Two Buildings Likely. The Illinois theatre will le located at the corner of Sixteenth street and Second avenue. All arrangements as to site hare been disposed of. The building, I can assure the people of this city, will be one that they may be proud of, and none who has been identified with the success of the enterprise will feel occasion to go arouud to the back way to get in. George II.

Johnston. The new. theatre site question wai thus disposed of by Promoter George II. Johnston this morning, when, through Phil Mitchell, he purohacd a strip of the Warren lot with GO feet on Second avenue and 150 feet on Sixteenth street outright and secured a option on the adjoining 20 feet to the east. The for the entire property is 200 per front foot, so that the .1 ILLINOIS money involved in the transaction aggregates $16,000.

Mr. Johnston's plan in getting both pieces is to improve his theatre by widening the arditorium and stage and to control the adjoining building fronting on Second avenue. The 20-foot atrip he will either dispose of or erect on it a structure running back 100 feet that will be. like the theatro proper, three stories high and designed for store and office and 11 -it purposes. By expanding his original plans in this way, Mr.

Johnston is not onlv to give Rock Island a larger theatre" than he is bound to, but ho has shown his conlidence in real es tate values. Site Good One. President Medill, of the Rock Is land Club, and President Kingsbury, of the Retail Merchants' association, chairman and lecretary respectively, of the general committee, have cooperated with Mr. Johnston in -the selection of an advantageous location for the new Illinois theatre, and the selection, it is needless to say, is in every respect an admirable one. The around, valuable as it is, nas oeen for years an eyesore in the business section of the city, and while the people of the city are to be congratulated on the fact that it is to be adorned by an at tractive building in which all will have an interest, will congratulate Mr.

Johnston on the acquisition of the property. 10 rus uruaQU jnuauij. Mr. Johnston left the city this after noon, but will return as soon as the deeds and abstracts are completed and other formalities disposed of. Air.

Johnston stated before his departure that bis superintendent of construc tion, H. II. Button, of St. Lnlp, would be in Rock Island next Monday to break ground. The bill boards vwero ordered removed from the property todav.

The advertising for excava tions, brick and stone work will be made as soon as Mr. Button gets here. The moment Mr. Johnston ia invested with the title to the property he will file his bond for (20.000 for the satisfactory construction of the building according to the plans accepted by the .1 i '5 i 5- V- .1 S-. 1-1 a.

1 I ik 7 I I 1 li rommittee. The roof will on that building in "JO days." lie said thli afternoon. Best Attraction Inmrad. Mr. Johnston stated that, as heretofore announced in The he had several offers for the theatre from reliable theatrical people, but he said he proposed to retain possession of it, regardless of what he might eventually do, until after theopening.

In the meantime he will have a man in New York booking the best attractions that go on the road. lie reiterated today that even should he decide to dispose of the building he would retain the right to book the house for two years. "There is going to be no cheap trash get into the Illinois theatre, I can tell you that." he paid. "The people of Uock I and will see the very best shows that travel, and only the best." BROADWAY CHURCH HAS ITS ANNUAL MEETING Last evening the annual congregational meeting of the Broadway Presbyterian church was held. The year's business was closed up and the institution shown to be in a very satisfactory condition.

Reports were read by the pastor for the session. Dr. J. V. Stewart for the Sunday school.

S. D- Cleland for the South Park chapel, Mrs. Frank Mister for the Women's Missionary society. Miss Carrie Gregg for Ruth's band. Miss Fannie Cleland fjr the Busy Bees, Miss Daisy Weigand for the South Park band, Mrs.

trod Titterington for tha Ladies' Aid Miss Mary Willis for the Junior association, Mrs. B. Sudlow for the Diacon-ness committee. Dr. A.

II. McCandless for the Mutual Aid fund. Miss Lottie Arndt for the Broadway Building circle, and S. McCabe for the Inard of trustees. Report were also read by I'll 4 3 1 THEATRE.

Cramer, treasurer of the church Capt. A. M. Blkesley, treasurer the building fund, and Paul llaruil-tin, of the pew committee In the election of officers. Cleland and Dr.

A. II. MoCandless were reelected elders for three years Maj C. W. Hawes.

S. J. Keator and II B'akemore were chosen trustees for three years and II. M. Roaaiter, J.

C. Thompson and Will Stewart were chosen as additional members of tie session. S. McCabe was chairman and II D. Blakemore secretary of tbe bnsineis meeting, which was followid by refreshment, served by the Ladie Aid society, and a period of sociability.

MOTHERS' CLUB MEETING LutolVtirtoll II eli! at Liner In School Tomorrow Afternoon. The Mothers' club of Lincoln school holds its last meeting for the year tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tbe ladies in charge have endeavored to make this a social as well as a profitable meeting and hope all who are interested in the children and schools of tbe city will cooperate with them by attending. Snpt. II.

B. Harden will give a f-hort address on the Possib lities of Mothers' Clubs." All who have availed themselves of the privilege of attending any of the meetings during the years of Its existence know of its valued and helpful work. A musical program will be carried out. after which cake and ico cream will be served, for which a charge of 10 cents will bo made. No Loan of Time.

I have sold Chimberlain'a Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yenterday to threshers that could go no farther, atd they are at work this morning II R-The'ps, Plymouth. Oklahoma. As will bo sten by the abovo the threashers were able" to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time.

You should keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. For sale by all drngguts. 1 VETS HERE 11 1902 Illinois Encampment of Grand Army Voted to Rock Island Unanimously. GOOD W0BK OF LOCAL COMMITTEE City Popular With the Delegates From the Start-Big Gathering. Peoria.

111., May 16. To Tue Rock Island State G. A. It. encampment of 1902 voted to Rock Island unanimously.

B. F. Knox. II. HUBBAliD, ClIARI.KS M'lIl'OH.

It was conceded last night by tbe other towns that were seeking the encampment that Rock Island would win. The local committeemen put ia the licks that turned the trick yesterday, having a Rock Uland badge pinned on nearly eveiy delegate on the ground. Invitations from the Rock Island city couucil, Rock Island Club and Retail Merchants' association, assuring the old soldiers a reception that they would long remember, were read to the convention in connection with the presentation of the name of tl cities that were candidates for the meeting of 1902. City Favorite With Soldiers. Rock Island was a favorite frctu the first day of th convention, as tl veterans here said it would he, th.

Grand Army meu of the state haviog lor years cherished a desire to come to this city, where ihere are attractions of peculiar interest to them, particularly Rock Island arsenal. The Army encampment cf will ia all likelihood be one of ibe largest gatherings that it has ever bHen Kock Island's good fortune to entertain. It is promised that at lcaf-t 10.000 visitors will be in the city fir three days. These will include tbe delegates of the Grand Army and its auxiliary organizations the Woman's Relief cjrps, the Sons of Veterans and tbe Ladies' Aid society which meet at the came time. MR.

SEEBOECK TO GIVE A PIANO RECITAL HERE W. C. K. Seeboeck, Chicago's famed pianist, is to gie a rtcltal at the Rock Island Club the evening of Mar 22. tbe entei tuinmcnt tomniitlec of the club engging him to stop off here on that date wh le enroute for the west.

Mr. Steboeck has been in llock Island before and many of tto lovtrs of artistio music know bis extraordinary talents, and will doubt less tee that he is given a reception such a3 one of his standing in the musical world deserves. ABOUT THE BROWNIES: MAYOR'S FIRST CLAIM O. mamma, buy me that," ex-c aimed tbe ambitious child, as the utest of the new brownies strutted ttloi the avenue. '1 cannot, my child, much as 1 would like to," was tbe indulgent parent's reply.

"And whv not, queried tbe eger little one. Because, my dear, Mayor Knox wants that for his watch charm when he gets bick homo, and Mayor Knox has lirst claim, vou know, to all the little ornaments cf his administra tion." Ktver Rlpleta. Old river men are looking for an other serious steamboat accident somewhere on tbe Mississippi or its tributaries in the near future. Two fatal mishaps, the linking of the City of Paducah at Grand Tower, and ibe burning of the Citv of Owensborouch at Calhoun, have occurred within the past few days, and it is said such disasters go in groups of three lhe stage of water at the Rock Island bridge was 6.2. at 6 a.

and stationary. The temperature at noon was VS. The Winona wss in and out Boats up were the Ravenna, Gypsy, C. W. Cowles and Horace H.

Travel over tbe Rock Island bridee yesterday: Foot, south 1S37, north 129a; teams, south 959. north 9G0; street cars, south 163, north 162. It ttevwl Hla Leg. P. A.

Danforth, of LaGrange, suffered for eix months with a fright ful running sore on his leg; but writes that Buckien's Arnica balve wholly cured it in five days. For ulceis, wounds, piles, it is the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 Sold by llartz Ullemeyt r. li'a the (, Most eOicacious antiseptic healing powder made.

Apply 1-o-do to a fresh wcuuu, Lara or tore and its cooling, soothing, pain-quieting and healing qualities are felt immedlatelv. It pre veu ts festering or tne entrance of poison into any wound. It is anti septic, kills all poison and germs as soon as they come into contact witn I-o-do. Druggists, 25 cents a box. Skin affttCLiuua will ieadilv disai- pear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel halve.

Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good re-1 1 suits, it is tne juick anu pusiure cure for piles. B. H. Bieber and Uartz Ullemeyer.

Davenport Furniture and Carpet Company, 125-127 West Third You will Never Find Bet-ter Furniture! You will never get lower prices than are quoted at the Big Store. Our Furniture is all good Furniture. Our prices are all low prices. Satisfaction Always guaranteed. THIS is THE Carpet Center Because Qualities are better.

Because Patterns are better. Because Prices are lo ver. Beautiful Line of HAMMOCKS PORCH AN LAWN FURNITURE. We can tell you "What Men of fashion Will Veer" this Spring and Summer us. OUR SPECIAL TROUSERS DEPARTMENT Contains this Mason a far larger assortment than we have ever shown.

There are splendid Worsteds in the Newest Stripe Kffects, to be worn with Cutaway or Frock Coats and Vests; soft linished Cassimeres, rough Scotch Cheviots and Tweeds, in plain colors, mixtures and beautiful fancy patterns. f3.50 to $8.00. The Young Men will find in this department, patterns that will especially appeal to them and that were selected with a view to their wants. $2.50 to $5.00. The Little Fellows will be fitted out with the most serviceable wear-resisting trousers in plain colors and fancy patterns; most of them have Double Knees and Seats and will stand the hardest use that young America will give them.

50c to $1.50. Summers lavelle. 1S04 Second Avenue, Rock 207 West Second A CRITICAL MAN DORN, THE TAILOR. 1812 Second Avenue Fetching That the ladies of this vicinity appreciate Millir.ery that is correct is proven by the splendtd volume of business transacted at this store this season. Our Millinery has an artistic style not to be found anywhere else, and you don't pay as much for exclusive decorations as you are asked to pay elsewhere for Millinery that lacks the chic aad finiih secured by our designers and trimmers.

As In Ladies' headwear, our children's department presents the most complete assortment to be found In any store in the three cities, inclnding French Caps and Children's Shirred Mall Hats. Brandenburg Millinery Store, Corner Twentieth street and Fourth Avenue. Eock Island, 111. Street, Davenport. We Sell the Best Refrigerator made THE "SUPERIOR" Best iu every respect.

Best in cabinet work, best in scientific construction. Most Economical in Use of Ice. Island. Oae Price. Street, Davenport.

Is exacting as to his attire Its cat. pattern, fit and finish. We beg to advise that we cater to the man critical as to his tailoring. Certain of gratifying hs taste fcr things sartorial, his praise will redound to our credit. We take equal pains with all and will suit you, not counting the trouble of successive "try ons" wnen necessary.


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