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The Calumet News from Calumet, Michigan • Page 8

The Calumet Newsi
Calumet, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE EIGHT THE CALUMET NEWS TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 19,4. Do Your Own Shoe Repairing A I fiBJ 1 T' 7 -rf ITHE PLYMOUTH MALLEABLE I OUTFITS FROM 50c UP CARLTON HARDWARE CO. IS 1,1 IN OBSERVANCE OF CENTENNIAL Norwegians Plan Visit to Fatherland This Summer WEDDING ANNIVERSARY DLAVER BOARD No Cracks eve teen in walls and ceilings of BEAVER BOARD. Durable, beautiful, tan.tary. Forty-one advan-.

s. Call and see How it looks. Armstrong-Thielman Lumber Co. PR pure wood pre Wtmu loiM'uuo to ItC.iSJ MoT we-ffaUII in hi United States pit par-tUfj to participate tri tli' Norw iau centenary celebratioa at Chrlettanhi June 1" to Oct, 14. Of tl)l Rttinher the country probably win Mud delegation of at ist titty KPTW WfjH, .1 imii smaller timber than would huve represented this region but i tiu recent strike, steamers aic now itvelnu t-hurtered for these excuralona land eoesggittess ate in-auitl In nr- I ranging tor specie ratee in mum ntnmiinitii eluhs arc Ih Iiik organize! and mi rial i named to di- rm tea pr liminarv 1 1 1 aimeinents this trip to Norsa.

and it is poestbh tint such a committee 'ii be formed i'i I'aKniH soon, it is known a MVTgJS number of local sleV ntg are coatees plating this trip. Several slHtox in the MNTthWMti among tin in inncsot.n. North Dakota and Whaconatn nave mailt apectal up-proprlations fur representation in this centennial celebration. Ctttseas North Dakota will Nrvay with a tiiif lift- statin- of Abraham Lincoln, the monay for this tres relaadl through public aubecrlption, Tin- pre vt in. will in- made b) Qajiranmf Hanna, who accompanied by his staif will i MM Norwav Jet) 4 Tin- ggposltlon at 'hnst iania will bg strictly national eharai tor.

and with only Nora -products: of he admit tad. h- "i ver-which will pavllloa it photograph. L' CALUMET HANCOCK tjtfM9vt seen ee oeds6ed)egeee) State Savings Bank LAUR1UM, MICHIGAN Statement of Condition, 4, 1914 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 646.028 84 Boms, Mortjacjts tad 192,612 34 Baokmg House and Fixtures 37.ei00 00 Other Real Estate 8,236 Overdrafts 1.124 03 Due Banks and Binksi 193.659 23 Cash or Hard 59.632 17 LITIES. Capital Stock Su'nlus Fund Undivideo Promts, Dw-e to Banks Commercial Decosi Savings Deros ts 81 100.000 00 100,000 00 33.739 10 4.369 81 90 433.614 CJ 9C0.684 .133,793 3 4 eensnnsngegagsgnaaeecooosgegHsgjesa 40 YKARS IN BUSINESS Merchants Miners Bank CALUMET, MICHIGAN.

Mid $150,000.00 2 50,000. OS Liability of teekhelders 150,000.00 Interest on Time Deposits, JLUS of this BANK and the LONG EXPf CONDUCTING the BUSINESS of BANKING rr-e SAFE DEPOSITORY for part of your F.ARNINia. Peter Charles Briggs, Prasidant. Visa Prss't. Stephen Paull, Cashiar.

I rest and Mgr. J. E. Shepard, Ass't Cashier. inn oik- nutable exception gian commodities ami Norwegian Industry will Thai sinub- exception is Mean Norway" exhibit, h- davotad an attractive in conatel aatlraly of drawinaa model a plataa and xtattatl raportx daalamod to throw liKht on lift and actlvltlaa of rfnrwaglMi abroad.

l-'or local Norwosriaai who am ua pbhl to makr this trip, it i.s planned i arniruia a proirrani much mora oiaii- orato than usual in connection with the obaervanca of Uaj it. Noraray'a lad iniiilciHo day, wliich for yean has bean celebrated by tin- local Nona Plana far thta obaarvaaca will ba taken up at an rally data by taa (for in rramad aad otaar Net aafjlttii oclettaa of Calumet, it has baaa aaaj Heated thai a county oalehratian be held hera tiii. year ami an effort be in oil- to secure outeida talent for the i oaakm. HOCKEY SEVEN DISBANDS. The t'aionirt hockey lavaa has dis-bnadad for tin- season, it is annouac 1 1 1 thara aMl he no more liis Kames tit the Cdloaaaum this year, Jack afaaan, i il witt of loeals has pone Duluth, where he played a sensa- tioaal Rama asalnat Wlnftlpag Batar iia nlcht, Ro) Raynokla of Laurlum hai been Invited to p0 to the Woo, a'hare ih Michigan Boo team is to meet Cleveland for tie championship of tin- central and western divisions nf the Ameriean hockey Maxielatloa ibis wee It.

The Unexpected Always Happens Don't wait for your oropei ty to be destr oyed by fire before taking 0 nawranaa Be on toe tste side. Our policies covsr any and all iosses from damage by fire. Call on us and wa will explain. S. C.

CHYNOWETH INSURANCE AGENCY SUCCESSOR TO SCHNELLER LAWRENCE CALUMET, MICHIGAN FIRE DESTROYS CLUB. Reports reached hen- today to the affect the nmall dubhoUM situated on the tOf of the t'lifl bluff known as "Cliff View." was destroyed hy a lire of unkn wn origin Sunday evening Tin- butldlni was owaed by tin- ctlff company, was unlnaurad and is i total loss. Including itt I'urnishinKs valued h( Tl lubhouae waa He popular i 1 1 1 Calunnjt i iroiini men. BRITISH AMERICAN CLUB A number of applications were re yesterday ami today from those aho desire to join the cIsm setni or sanlsad in the Brltlah American dub, winch will lourney to Houahton some tT enmaj the latter pail of the week to apply for llrst and SSCOad CltlSSB ship pa para Appllcatlona may be preaeatsd to Charlea Muaford, Uriah Penberthy or Martin Prlsa BOUND OVER FOR TRIAL. Badie Adams, char led with bains; a llaorderly parson, third offaase, aas eatl Pday bOVBd over for trial nt the seal term of eircull oourt, after a bearlnB Hi coart of Justice C.

lackola. Dondl in tin- amount m' led were demanded anil up to toda) had lot been PffVCUrad, 1 ar EER a food product, a cheap healthful stimulant, for millions of working men. Nothing injurious. Have a cars of i TO THE Merchants of Calumet i Mr. J.

H. Will and R. R. Lee. system experts, representing the National Cash Register compare, will be in Calumet this weak, with the latest mechanical devices ever averted to handle a mercbant'a business.

We can stop the mistakes and losses which eat up the profits of Our but nn. Call up 1 17 and ask for demonstration. ADERTISEIvS GET RESULTS IN THE CALUMET NEWS BOSCH'S BEER Delivered to your home and small bottles. In large BOSCH BREWING COMPANY Lake Linden, Hancock, Calumet. South Range.

Mr. and Mrs. CnartSS NorUnn of OaJedkajiia street irate very pleasantly surprised at their- home Saturday eveedeB on the eecaatoa of their iwaa i-lifth weddinx am i i IVlends presented them with a i best of silver as token of the sie in in which they are held. The svspiaj was spent very pleasantly. Mr and Mrs Notbem were married in Calumet in Inv The are the par-ents of six thildrcu.

three sons and three iluuKhUrs. VILLAGE ELECTIONS ARE STUBBORNLY CONTESTED DR. JOHN MILLER REELECTED MEMBER OF THE RED JACKET COUNCIL. The annual election in the vdlaKc of Red 'ket was ci stiiblternly contested yesterday. TttSfff waeaj two nontsated oSBeaa, ir Joan Mltleffi running on an indep lent ticket, wa re-elected to the council ever Caarad BTeider, Who defeated Milbr for the nOSSl nation at the annual VillaSJS rattens ten ilayn apo.

Yesterday Miller reeatved Iff votes for fyeeaer. Jacab Kaiser. candidate of the Nomination ticket for the office of ir. surer. Sfoej easily ever l'rank Johnson, who ran on an Independeal ticket the vote beig- BJ for Kaise; to 1 for Johnson There were votes the election.

John J. Kills, candi date for clerk rscel trine the largest vote. The results ivci'i1 as foll.iws i'resident Frank BchumakSC, ltd. Turstees Kdw.i'd P. Cttddlhy, Oacar Keikonen.

"77: Dr. John Miller, Conrad Welder. Iff, 'lerk John J. Kills, lit, Treasurer J. P.

Kaiser. Iff; Frank Johnaon, 'i nVaasaaxr-laaaBh Wllmsra, The council will hob a special sta tutory xaeettaaj Thuraday aveataB is ratify the result of the election. Tax payers who rocentlv petitioned tn council to refrtiin from entering lonu form contract wdh the IfoUBbton County niectric Light company hav-i eea Inlvted to be prsseal at this satb- srtaaj and express iu if reasons for opposing this plan at jrreater length. S(imn definite decision will be reached as to what course will be followed, Ahmeek Election. In the Ahmeek Village election ves-tertfay tin- Nomination ticket, endorsed by the Federation, made a clean sv gap of all the offices contested by the Taxpayer's ticket, beaded b) Maurice Ken- to ii.

Tios result aai rather eapected In lew of the fact Ahmeek has alwaV.s bees regarded as a Federation etrong- hold. The results are as follows, the tirst aansed candidate fur each oinoe befaoaj of the Nomination ticket and the last named of the Taxpayers" ticket: 1'ivsident Alfred Haddy. Maurice Kennelt, II, Trustee (two ears) John TAunnl-gafl H7; John 'Ids. Ceorjre Hridi Jan, lis loaeph Salassa. H.

(one year) John Sandretta. Clerk J. A. Hamilton, Tony Sterk, IS, Treasurer Joseph lesi-h. John Petlaja, IL ssi-ssor i-red Dsaueaaggp, 17; wtl II mi BfiiUama 30.

AHMEEK MINER MEETS DEATH Charles Chegwidden, Old Employe Struck by Skip Today otroppmg bafetv Raz0r MB ONLY SAXON AND AUTOMATIC gyraoeec comiinso in onk Ujgjjtta a-arhlai in the No. shaft rd the Vlmieek mine i.kUi. Charles an old illlplioe of thul company met almost instant death when he waa stnu bj a skip and 1 beUveaa It and tin- side of the shaft. The i-x i. etn nmstances of the acci- buit.

which occurred ahortly after the r.oon Hour, have not seaa a scs rtalnad ns rat, The deiedent was abottl 47 years ol am- anil Is survived by a wife una several other relations in copper country. Ht had resided bare for a number df ais havinK i.v. employed by he Ahmeek company both before ami sun the s'rike Acting; Coroner Ifedljm "as notified of the accldenl ami impannslsd a jury whirl: likely will i omluct the InqUSSt this evening1. Later aaaoaacemenl will be made of the fum ral arrangements. PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED.

Rcncwt sharp edge viihV! and mak TUU, without previout experience, at expert as a good Barber Not unscrewed or taken apart to or clean. You shave with, sharpen and clean it so quickly that sharing becomes a pleasure instead of a tai The Complete Outfit, $5 (Worth at lean double) Stropping Safety Razor Twelve Certified Blhdas One First Quality Horsehide Strop All in Handsome Leather Case MSakA AND UNIQUat NOTE One AutoStrop old 'u kept propeily dlsrp and outlaats dornt of the "no stropping" Lad that you atua duj awajr waoa dull, KECKONEN HARDWARE COMPANY Gliss Block Clerks to Entertain at Col ossum Thursday. Final arraiiKcments hae bSSB mad for the skating and dancing party to i gjducted Thuradaj svenlnft gfareh 12 in the Colosseum under the aus picea nf the clerks of the Qlasa Block mora shore ta prai irg linns hav been ule for this occaalon and it la expected the part win 1m fully up the Standard Sf preVlOUS social entertainments by the (Jlass Hlock clerks Music will be rendered hy the ('. hand. Following is the proajram; Exhibition of fancy skating by Ml' and Mrs.

Heughena during lirat twg numbers. Harbor of va Qood NUjhl Nurse. To Have and to Hold. 1 own New MjtSS ns. fou're a BtB'Maa Bfred Bsby Daialss Won Tell.

Intermission. Oraad march duriag the ninth and tenth numbers. Wedding of the Winds. I'hicaxo flelkag dd Black Joe. Too Much Mustard.

Peggy Neul. 'FtOUnd the Hall. Dollar Priaeesa Bareel Remembi sneea silver Bella SMOKER MUCH ENJOYED. Ira Psnberthy, formerly a lieutenant of Co, a. Engineer and Qeui'g Kemp entertained a party of sdseers memberg of the Calumel Bnnlnsers at an Informal smoker Sutnrdny evening St I be home nf Mi and Mrs.

Heu- ry McDttff, The gathertagi wag timr-oughly sgvjoyed by all present. aje aje eje aje eja Jt Je ego 4 LOCAL BREVITIES. dj VTT'l'T TTTTT'H'T Mrs Peter Levlth has gone to lu-luth and she will isit for tWO Wgakg and where sin will attend the marriage of Robert LSVlth, formerly nf this cdy. The funeral of the late Alex Pintar. who died snddenlv gf his home in Ahmeek Saturday niKht.

was In Id this morning vflth aarvlcei in st. John'g froatlan church. Mr, and Mrs. Clyde IVnhall of u-irott, formerly of Calumet are with friends and relatives in Calumet. The seven months' child of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Ambrson of High way died last evening. serv- ieos win be held tontorroa and win in eharga Rev, Rautaaen, A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. William Lenten of No I Tamarack Junior Ideation.

Mrs Herman Arnstam is expected home ahortly Brum an extended visit to 'hlcagO and Canton, III. Mlai Ogflg Brian has returned from Detroit i a'hare sh- hag been em ployed in a railroad adnce for the past six months ami will resume her raai denos In Oaceola. Alex Matson. who suffered a broken haj while workinir in the rjSCeola mine a few weeks ggo, has sutlleiently recovered to lie removed from the hospital to his began The success winch attended the pre- eatatiott df "The Little Heroine nf the Revolution'' hy the tiaceola S. inits Friday ami atonday aveniaga led to being repeated this gjtegnvug befoeg the pupils df the OgSjeats grdiool.

Mrs. Frank Osborne has left fn Detroit, here she win visit for riser! time with frlendg and relatives. Miss Mary Herder has arrived note from Per ham, and will spend ease time with CgJJeajael friends ami ela 1 1 VPS. Mr gad Mrs WlWam Tripp l'aim sdale. whd have been Vtgttlllg artth friends and relatives in Calumet, "ill leatt I Ml afternoon fgff DstfOll they will make their future heme.

FRED LANTZ RESIGNS. Rcessenl is made reaterday nf the realgngtlen nf pngd Lenta wh.i has Keen manager df Itaer 'ni" i' maikf't in i mi. 1 ee. rears Mr. Hunts Is hat pre-Pated anneMBVa his future plans NEWS VS.

KEWEENAW MINER The Catttgael News ltd. key team will lourney to Mohawk tins evening meet tni Keweenaw Miner team in III" (lle.Ciadom. Until teams have l.een Working hard to prepare for the eggH lest and it is expected it will proe a CerV illtet est .) i Vcrtin Bros. Co. Grocery Specials MARCH 9TH TO MARCH 16TH INCLUSIVE.

Did it ever strike you to invastiqjte our grocery REGULARS and SPECIALS. Take advantage of the SPECIALS, but don't overlook our REGULAR orices. Fill your pantry with yood things to eat. We are headquarters for everything in general merchandise. REGULAR $2.25.

10c can 10c can 10c Ci'n 25c an 1 5c can 10c sen 10c SI 20c lb. box. 37c lb. 3 for 25c. 9c pkg.

17 lb. for $1.00. 7c lb. $3.40 45c lb. 45r.

lb. 32c lb. 22c lb 100 lb. sack Globe Feed The Celebrated Luncheon Brand To matoes. No.

2' tins Campbe'i Pork and Beans No. 2 tins Campbell's Variety Soups No. 1 tins. K. C.

Baking Powder, 25 oz King Oscar Sardines Gold Label Spiced Herring, in cans. Cuddihy Rex Brand Tomato Bouillon George6 Boneless Codsh, Fautless Brand Clear Brook, 'xtra Creamery Butter Com Starch, Atwood dl Steele Kellogg Corn Flakes Imported Japan Rice Hand-picked Navy Beans Queen Ann Soap, case English Breakfast tea Gunpowder tea or mixed Vertin's Special Blend Coffee Long St-reddecl Coco.mut, bulk, SPECIAL $2.00 9c. 9c, 9c, 3 for 3 for 3 for 19 can 13c, 2 for. 9c. 3 for 9:, 3 for.

25c 25c 25c 35c 4 tor lb. 25c 3 for 2V' 20 lbs. 4 lbs. 1 .00 f0-- 25c 30c lb' 30c lb' 30c lb 1 7c I REMEMBER Quality and price is our motto. The guarantee on the back of our Club House Brand of fruits and vegetables is "'enough scd." In fact we guarantee all of our ooods.

Vcrtin Bros. Co. GROrfRY DEPARTMfNT ER Grandmother could buy nothing better at four times the pneo. Here's a dainty Watch for your daughter small, but perfectly reliable. The works are American; the case is strong, beautifully decorated in the latest style.

The price is only $11.00 open face, and $15.00 Hunting. Her Grandmother never saw Filled Case, and she paid four times as much for a Watch neither so good nor so beautiful. WARREN JEWELRY GO. 321 Fifth Calumet. THE 4, 1914.

CLOSE OF BUSINESS STATEMENT OF CONDITION A MARCH Condensed from Statement to Co niptrober of the Currency RESOURCES. LOAN! AND DISCOUNTS UN IT 101 BTATBB AND OTHEJtek NDfl Hc.VHs Tn BBCU1UD POSTAL BA VINOS DBPOWTfl BJJCAL ROTATE and nXTURBfl OTHKR RBAL BSTAT1 OWNED OVIRDRAFTfl Due from U. S. Treasurer Cash on hand and in banks $28? 879.3? 144.SC: 00 2,000.00 80.280.82 2,609.54 286.42 5,000.00 122,415.66 CAPITAL BCRPLVR UNDIVIDED CIRCfJXATII DEPOSITS LIABILITIES. 127,415.66 $639,971.76 $100,000 00 25,000.00 PROPITB 17,691 .30 100,000.00 $397,280.46 $639,971.76 The First National Bank of Laurium IV.

THURTELL The OPTOMETRIST His returned to Calumel his otthe in HERMAN BLOCK, Fifth Street. Honrs i to I gad 7 thoroughly ami gcientlfl all ed, and glSSSBI made to lit. U'lia ra teed Telephone ind has 1 1. in. eaniin aii work CLOSING OUT SALE WARE AT OF HARD N.

K. BIANCHI WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER Our specialty Coppi- Queen high grade whisk. y. CALUMET, MICH. Phone 549 612 Oak St.


0. H. SORSEN DENTIST. Calumet Over Metropolitan Pharmacy Oak Phon 553-M Offic. hours 9-12: p.

it Will Pay You to buy a Fur Coat, Set, Muff, or Neck Piece. Now we have reduced the prices of our Furs to such low figures that it will pay you to buy lor next winter. Pi (Tj as. orenstein wja mo 9 rjavm-k.

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