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East Saginaw Courier from East Saginaw, Michigan • Page 1

East Saginaw, Michigan
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LITTLE Bankers and Exchange Brokers, BUY SELL EXCHANGES, I3ank Notes, (i AND SliVISlt, Will git prompt atttntion to Collection, and REMIT D1UFTS AT CURRENT RATES. WK. Wf.BlirR. IRTISH M. SMITH.

WEBBER BMITII, Attorneys, Councillors and Solicitors. Office, No's 7 A 8, Crouse Block. T. E. DOUQIITY, Dealer in Watrhes.

Jewelry, Books, Stationery, Wll Paper, Ac Ac. Irving Block, Gonosoe Street. EAST SAGINAW FOUNDERY, Water street, 3d Ward, East All kinds of canting ia brass and iron, and requiring and fitting of machinery of all descriptions, done promptly and reliably at the above institution. GEORGE W. MERRILL, Proprietor.

IIOUOII FOX, Dealers In Grooories. Provision, Family Supplies, Confoetionarics Fruits, etc. Genesee street. O. FRED IIOBBS.

Druggist and Chemist, has a line assortment of Drags, Medicines, Chotnlcals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, etc. Crouse Block. DRS. FARRAND, ROSS OSBOR3V, I'hysicians and Operative Surgeons, Residence on Warren street, directly east of former residence. OlUce over new Tost Office, on Washington street.

Office opon at all hours. SCIIMITZ MORLEYS, Dealersin Hardware. Iron, Nails, Ulass.Croekery Agricultural Irapioments, Ac corner Genesee and Cass streets. 01IAUNCEY1I. GAGE.

Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor. Office in Exbango Block FRIZELLE BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Chemists, huve full assortment of Drugs; Medicines, Paints, Oils, Liquors, Dye Stuffs, eto. Genesee Street, opposite Euncroft House, MF.R3HON BROS, viil attend to the Purchase, Shipment and Inspection of Lumber on Saginaw River Vnut "ITioo Address, East Saginaw. BYRON B. BUCKHOUT.

Wholesale and Retail dcnlor in English and American Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Ac Brick Block, North Water street. C. K. ROBINSON, Attorney and Counsellor ot Law. Will give prompt attontion to collections.

Taxes paid fornon residents, and all business connected with Land Agency promptly attended to. LIVERY STABLE. A. W. OaUs A Stables, corner Washington and Tusnola streots, are fully stocked with Horses, Carriages, and everything required in the line.

Terms reasonable. II. MARKS, Dealor in Hats, Caps. Furs and Skins, Ready Made Clothing, Gloves, Ao. Opposite Bun-croft Ifotise.

P. McEACIIRON, Shop south of Schmidts A Morleys Hurdwnrd Store, Cas Street, SHAW, REYNOLDS SPENCER, Doalors In Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc. Buena Vista Block. WILLIAM G. DIETZ, Carpenter and Builder.

Water stroet, between Oene-soe and German streets, LIVINGSTON TOMS. Dealers In Dry Goods. Crockery, etc. Corner Storo, Buena Vista Block, GEORGE O. SANBORN, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Family Supplies, Country Produoe, etc Coiner Store, Exchange Block, FRED A.

KCEIILER, Blacksmith, and general operator in iron and stnnl, Tusnola street, LEIDLEIN BURGER, Manufneturcrsof and doalersin Boots, Shoes. Leather, Findings, Ac Ac. 2d door cot of Everette House WM. n. SOUTHWICK, United Statet Assistant Assessor.

rOHSAGISAW, VIDUNH AND ISHADELI.A Oly'-e at ist Saginaw, Allardt A Tobacco Store. C. II. WILKIN Merchant Tailors, and doalers In Cloths, Clothing, an I Uontomen'a Furnishing Goods 3d storefront corner, Exchangt Block, C. W.

WISNER, Attornoy, Counselor and Solicitor OfTi'io in Crouse Block, East Saginaw. II. C. SILSBEE, Wholesale and retail dealer In and mannfactu-rerol Furniture of all kinds. Sales Rooms Commercial Block.

BLISS, JANKS Pealenin Dry Goods, Groceries. Provision! Boots A S.hoos, otc. Commercial Block. O. E.

ROSENBURY A Dealers in Grooorios, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables Produce, Family Supplies, Stone and Woolen Ware, Crockery, Glass, Paints, Oils. CarhoaOil, Flour, Feed, etc. Commercial E. J. MERSIION.

Will attend promptly the Purchase, Inspecting and Shipment bf Lumbor from any point on Saginaw river; Post oflire address EAST SAGINAW. LATHROP ft HALL. PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS. Office Buena Vista Block Cor. Genesee A Water Street.

H. R. PROCTOR. Dealer in Fino Watehes and Jewelry, Silver and Platod Ware. for Burt's Ground pgl-ble and Pcriso.pic Glasses.

Opposite Bancroft Hon.e, East Saginaw. CROUSE, WICKLEIN ft Wholesale and Bctail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Yankoe Notions, etc. Crouse Block, Vast Storo, East Saginaw. WM. A.

CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, No. 2, Hess nbek, EAST SAGINAW. T. 0. Address, Snpinaw City.

LUTHER BECKWITH ft JAS. It. COOK. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and Solictors in Chancery, Office over Wilkin A Store Water Street, BAY CITY, MICH. A.

II. MERSIION, lfannfactnrer of pump logs, faucets, Ao. Salt Blocks furnished to any extent desired, on fair terms. Office at Now Planing Mill, Water street, BARCLAY A TYLER, Gtoco Dos Icrs in Groceries, Fruits, Fur plies, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Ac. Opposite Bancroft House, Washington street.

JACKGON ft SMITH, Dealers in Groi-erics, Provisions, I smily Supplies, Fionr, Feed, Grain, VetrctabK-s, Keroseno Oil and Lamps, A Ae Washing, ton Stiect, East side, East Sagikaw. F. W. CARLISLE ft Tenners, Wholesale aod Retail- dalersin Hides, Leather and Findings, corner Water and Tuscola. Streets, East Saginaw, Michigan.

Cash fr Hides and Pelfi 1 1ST RECEH I 1ST RECEIVED. A fine assortment of Vi- p. r. air.rmo .1 ct. EVEHETT HOUSE.

Comer qf Cent and Franklin trtt, East Saginaw, Mich. Ojned March 8, 1804. The above Hotel is eligibly situated for business, elegantly fluivhed, furnished and appointed, and it will be the endeavor of the undersigned ta make it at all time and la all respects a first olasa house. Q. W.

WESLEY. Eust Saginaw, April 5, 1864. 243-y A. W. EGGERT.

Attorufy, Counselor and East Saginaw, Michigan. Collections and Land Agency Business promptly attended "to. GOODING FORWARDING, COMMISSION, AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS. East Saginaw, Michigan. D.


P. WHIPPLE, TYtoZTi Dental Surgeon, Office, Hess New Brick Block, No. 10, over Friselle Erethers Drug Store, on Washington streot. Artillcial teeth inserted, from one to an entire set, on the most approved plan, and in a style combining in the highest degree usefulness, natural expression, comfort and durability. Teeth extracted without pain if desired.

Pur-ticolarjattention paid to the preservation of the Natural Teeth. Reference given if required. n258-ly-p. YAWKEY CO, Commission Agent and Dealer in Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Office, No. 12 1 13 3d Floor, txchabge Bl'k, EAST SAGINAW, MICH.

Order filled promptly and at Market Rates. DRS. FARNS WORTH SPINNEY HOMCEPATHIO Pliyslcinns and Surgeons, OFFICE in JIUUXA VISTA BLOCK EAST SAG IXAWt. MIC WE wonld say that we are prepared to attend to all calls, both at home and abroad, and to patients suffering from any forms of dis-easo, either Acute, Chronic or Surgical. In addition to practice we keep constantly on hnnd.

110MO3PATIIIC MEDICINES. Tinctures, Dilutions, Triturations, Ac Sugar of Milk Globules, Family Medicines, Cases and Chests, worth from 41 1,50 to Hoinucpathio Books, Syringes. SupiHr, Trum, VUls, Corks, Surgical Instruments, Ao. Pure Wine and Liquors, and everything needed by Jlouice-pal hie Physicians and Families. Saginaw, May 19, 16C1.

251tf Insuranco Agency. JEtna Insurance Co. of Hartford, rire and Inland. Assets, $2,500,000 Security Fire, N. Assets, 650,000 Home Ins.

Co. of New Haven, Conn. Assets, 250,000 Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co.

As'ts 5,000,000 JOIIN J. WHEELER, Agont For above Companies, Exchange Block, East Saginnw, Michigan. '2Q'Jj SAGIWAW CITY- W. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Proctor in Admiralty.

SAGINAW CITY. MOORE ft OAYLORD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Ac. SA'JINAW CITY. WM. ZIMMERMAN Co.

Wholesale Dealer in Foreign Wines and Liquors. Domestic 15 rami Ohio Kcctiaed Whisky, Ac. South Store, Union Block, Water East Saginaw, MichigSj). Hvo facilities for rectifying whisky of all kinds, at their stund. W.

7.. A CO. East Saginaw, July 21, 1PC3. 220-3mp 18(M. 1864:.

BUFFALO, G0DEMCH ginXnv line. CONNECTING AT G0DERIC1I with the BUFFALO AND LAKE HURON RAILWAY forming the thorlest, but and thcap-tt Rout fur BUFFALO, NE3V YORK. BOS TON, WASHINGTON and intermediate places; also, with a Line of Propellers from GODKRIC1I to CHICAGO and lutermediate Ports. fcThe new larorito Iaiw 1'rcssure Meamer KCUR.OKT. CAPT.

D.COLE, Will run during the season of navigation, leaving ns follows SAGINAW every Monday and Thursday ut eight o'clock A.M. GODEltlCH every Tuesday and Friday at seven o'clock P. M. The II i no has been entirely rebuilt and refurnished during the last winter, having ample accommodations for Passengers and Freight, and prprd to transport cither, with promptness and dispatch. Tassenger leaving Buffalo at 12:10 P.

will reach Saginaw by this Boute in time to do business the following morning. Returning leave Saginaw in the forenoon, and will reach Buffalo in timo for dinner tho following dny. The Proprietors of tho Line Lope, by close attention to the want and comfort of their Passengers, to receive a liberal amount of patronage. AGENTS: GOODING A Fait Saginaw. WILLIAM BINDER, Sarinaw City.

J. B. HART, Hay City. II. A L.

H. RAILWAY CO Goderich, (C.W) (For Through Freight and Vasitnptr) VAN KVERY A Goderich, C. W-(For Way Frtight and 247 sea. VMi KODEllTS' PHOTOGRAPH Washington opposite Tost Office, Fas Saginaw, Mich. 2)f 1864.

L. COTTON CO. SHIP BROKERS AltO VESSEL AGENTS Foot of Main Street. Buffalo, N.Y. Particular attention given to th Charter, Sale, and Purchase of Vessels, Procuring Freight, Ballast, Ao.

Marine Collections made and proceed promptly remitted L. II. COTTON Wm. T. BRYAN.

CIGARS CIGAIISI A large lot of cheap and high-priced cigar just received, and for sale wholesale and retail by M. II. ALLABDT A Irting Block, one door west of Little' Bank. ryUE LABGF.STstotk of Sheet Mmio in the flat, cut if Y. A Co 'U, G.


Ac, Ac, Ac. MY STOCK OF Drugs Medicines, And Chemicals, IS PURE AND FRESH, HAVING been selected! with great care, and from the most reliable house. In this particular I have uo fear of criticism or competition. In this line I offer a cholco select ion of Extracts, Cologne, Oils, Confections, Ac, for various uses, of most delicate flavor, pure and reliable quality Fancy Goods. Cosmetics, a rare assortment, Lilly White, Perunied Chalk, Puff Balls, eto.

An excellout variety of articles in this line. Prescriptions. English and German prescription accurately put bp at all hours. G.FRED HOBBS. Eat Saginaw.

October 21. ISri'J SLOAN'S Family Ointment I Pure, Mild, Kafir, Thorough, and universally ackuowlodged to be an infaliable remedy in every caso where it has been faithfully applied on the human system, for promoting In sensiblo Perspiration, and is luvuluuLle in all Disease of the Flesh. It has never failed to cure Pile or Broken Breasts. HORSE OJNTMENT. For Mlldnra, Safety, Certainty, and Thoroughness, Monn's llorse Ointment excels, end is rapid'y superseding all other Ointment and Liuiments lor the cure of Frefch Wounds, Follovil, Cracked Heels, Foundered Feet, Sand Cracks, Scratches and Mange.

The Con till Ion Powder Is composed principally of herbs and roots, and may be given at all times and under all circumstances with perfect safety. It has been found, by long experience, to be highly useful in the cure of the various disease to which horses and cattle are solject, vis Distemper, lllde Hound, Loss of Appetite, liivvjird Htralns Yellow Water, Inllaniallon oi the Kjes, Fatigue from Hard lixrrclse; a I ho Rheumatism, (commonly called the Miff Com plaint.) It 1 also a safo and certain remedy for Cough and Cold. It carries off all gross humor, and will remove all inflamation end fever, purify the blood, loosen th skin, clounse the water and, and strengthen every part of the body. FOR HORSESAMD CATTLE. Sloas'h Isstast Rkhkt is truly a great remedy.

Half a 25 cent bottle of Sloan' Instant Relief, given in a pint of warm water, seldom fails to cure a Horse of common Colic in a few minutes; in extreme case repeat the dose in fifteen minute. Prepared by Walter II. Sloan, Chicago, Illinois. Sold by all the Druggist in Bay City, East Saginaw, Saginaw City, and all dealer in medicines in the United States and Canada, IE C5IES T. DAILY MOWER, Huccewor to E.

SAGINAW ICE COMPANY, Will deliver Ice during the comlig seoson at the following rate i 10 lbs. per day 11 00 per month. 15 1 f)0 20 '2 00 Twenty-five cent per cwt when delivered In quantities of one hundred weight or over. The season for delivering Ice will begin June 1st, and closs October 1st. To those who take Ice for the season, it will tre delivered earlier than June lit, and later than October 1st at the same rate per month a during the season.

No deduction made for less than half mon th. Person changipg tholr residence will please notify the driver. 234. T. DAILY MOWER.

Fast Saginaw, Feb. 1, NEW STYLES OF- SILE'EAt'S, AT WILKIN MACK'S Gtnttt Latt Hginav, FINE ASSORTMENT OP SOFT WOOL HATS, CAPS, Carpet Bago, Valicca, Patronage is Solicited-East Sfr.h "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN." IT THOMAS OAU5. Any proposition which embrace the restore tlon of peace, the Integrity of the whole Union, and the ABANDONMENT OF SLAVERY, Ao. (Lincoln. We Are taxed for oar clothing, our meat aod our bread, On our carpets and dishes, our table and bed I On our tea and oar coffee, our fuel and lighlt We are taxed ao lererely, we cannot sleep night.

And it all forth nigger Great God I can it be Tho home of tho brave and the land of the free! We are stamped on our mortgages, checks, note and bills, On our deeds, on our contract, and on our last will And the Star Spangled Banner in meurnlng doth wave O'er the wealth of the nation turned into the grave. And it' all for th nigger, Ao. are taxed on our offices, our stores and onr shops, On oar store and our tinware, our broom and our nioj, On our horse and cattle, and if we should die, We are taxed for ourcuflios in which wo must lie! And it all for the niggor, Ao. We are taxed on all good by kind FrorMno given We are taxed for the Bible that point ua to Heaven And when we ascend to the heavenly goal, They would if they could, stick a sUmp to oar out And H'l all for the nigger, Ao. An Educated Housekeeper's View.

"What are you studying aslcod a young man of a friend who was taking her last, year's Rchooling at the academy. "Tho common branches, philosophy, chomisty, rhetoric and natural philosophy," was the reply. "What on. earth will you do with ao much learning in farmer' 's kitchen, exclaimed ho, naming a worthy man to whom eho wasbothroth-ed. "I'm afraid that you'll find yourself so well fitted for some other sphere, that your education will bo a discomfort rather than, a source of happiness." Tho answor given to this provod that tho young lady possessed an -Educated mind as well as book learning.

ISbo said, "How littlo you know nbout Louokveplng. You talk as though it was like turning a grindstone or walking on a treadmill, needing only plenty of muscle, and the loss brains to make ono easy, the hotter. Why, my mistaken young friend, there's morouim for scienco and thought andsJli in managing a houshold properly, than you'll ever find in your dry goods storo, with a bank and grist mill thrown in. It requires philosophy to properly build a lire, wash clothes, sweep a room, Tcutillato an apartment, regulate a clock, and a hundred other matters you nevor dreamed of. Cooking is tho cvery-day application of chemistry.

A woman can boat and mix up provisions without knowing anything about it but art but sho can make better broad, broil or boil more nicely, put this and that together in her puddings, pies, and cakes, with great success, if sho knew tho uhj as well as tho how. Then, what is a poor, broken down wife good for Philosophy teaches us how to keep health in tho fnmily and then when wo havo finished tho day's work, having applied science all the way through, we shall want to look over tho papers and books which toll us what the re6t of the world is thinking about; and then don't you seo how nicely somo little knowledge of lel'ci letters and tho law of mind will como in A higher sphere, indoed If those who are so anxious to fill a largo place would only take pains to make tho place they are now in what it might bo, depend upon it, there would bo moro comfort and loss'eomplaints, both from themselves and those depending upon them. I intend to elevate my work to my own level" A Boar lory. The Sacramento L'nion gives this account of a recent advonturo with JJruin Ilarkness, and Frank Simms while on a short hunting excursia near their hay ranch, fourteen ratios wast of Lako Tahoe, on June 30th, camo in contact with a largo grizzly bear. IIo was first seen by Ilarkness, and was about forty yards distant.

This proximity to so largo a boast was a littlo startling, and provented tho huntor shooting with his usual accuracy. lie had a few days beforo put a ball through the heart of a boar at tho distance of1 ono hundred and fifty yards but this timo tho ball struck a little above tho heart and only enraged the animal instead of killing him. The brute in his agony mado rapid time toward his Assailant, who stood his ground, considering what was bott to be done under tho peculiar and unpleasant circumstances. When within striking distanco tho bear reared upon his foet and seomed to oftcr a fair stand-up fisticuff, in accordance with tho rules of tho ring. This chivalrous challenge was met by tho hunter, thrusting tho barrol of his riUo a foot or moro down tho bear's throaty While Uruin was in the act of resenting this insult by smashing the stock of the riflo and marking the barrel with his teeth, tho huntor after a little reflection thought it prudent to retreat.

At this critical juncturo Simms, an old and firm nerved hunter who was about seventy-five yards distant lodged another ball in the body of the beast, who immediately turnod and mado a plungo toward the report of his riflo. Simms dodged behind a trca and the bear went forward, evidently without seeing him. Although mortally woundod the animal escaped down the mountain through the thick underwood and granite boulders. An enthusiastic sportsman says that "the most exquisite 6cosation of which this mortal frnmo is susceptible" is caused by the first tug of a 6almon, In Munich, it is tho custom whonftver a gentleman goes into shop to buy anything, for his to take of his nat, and koep it off until his purchases-are corf.plttfd. Lincoln Accused of Preparing for Civil War in tho North.

One of tho most significant paragraphs in the very able protest of Senator Wadk and lion. llEsnr Wixtku Davis, against tho usurpations of Mr. Lincoln, in his establishment, against a law of Congros, of an autocracy over the socedod States is tho following: "The Trosident, by preventing this bill from becoming a law, holds the eloctorial votes of tho rebol States at the dictation of his personal ambition. "If thoso votes turn the balancfl in his favor, is it to bo supposed that his competitor, defeated by such means, will acnuiese "If the rebel majority assorts their supremacy in those Statos, and send votes which will elect an enemy of tho Government, will wo not repel his claims "And is not that civil war for the presidency inaugurated by votes from tho rebel States This is a gravo warning to the country, from two of the President's leading supportors, that ho contemplates electing himself by fraud, or when fairly beaten in the loyal Statos, that he will refuse to abdicate his authority. That there- is justico in this accusation, millions of the people believe for such havo been hia daring usurpations, his contemptuous disregard of all laws and Constitutions, that there is no possible crime that is likely to deter lam from the gratification of his personal ambition.

Tho mock State organizations in tho secoded States wero not allowed to vote even in the convention that nominated him and their votes will bo indignantly rejected at the election, if ho prcsuinos to offer them. If Mr. Lincoln is beaten in the great States that adhero to the Union, out of office lie must go. Tho game and conspiracy of neutralizing their votes by protended elections in the rebel States, will nevor be peacefully submitted to and if persisted in will deluge tho. land in blood, in civil war for the rresldon-cy.

Cincinnati Enquirer. IIow Tho Thing Is To Be Dono. Wo stated a day or two since, as a warning to our Democrats, our belief that Lincoln would prorol out-Ireals among tho people, that they might bo used as pretexts for employing military power, to intimidate voters, and hereby securo tho eloction of the Baltimore nominees. We find in the last dispatch of the Washington correspondent of the New York Herald tho following "A prominent gentleman from your State, conversing this morning with a personage of very exalted official station, expressed his apprehensions that any attempt to enforce the draft in New York City would bo followed by a riot of the most formidable and destructive character a riot to which that of July, 18G3, would bo a tnero child's play. Jla! responded tho official, rubbing his lean hands togcth-and smiling as if tho idea pleased him, 'let them only try it sir, and seo how tho plan will work.

Why, sir, a riot that would lay Now York City in ashes would elect the Republican ticket so easy that no other party would know it had a candidato What can this moan Is an anti-draft riot to bo provoked for New York, for the solo purpose of continuing in office tho present incapable Chief Magistrate Wo do not credit that any plan 60 diabolical can bo in contemplation." The Administration will, in our opinion, 6top at no act, however diabolical, to carry tho November election. Tho poople, thereforo, that hope, by the old American mode of redressing grievances, viz through tho ballot boxes, to produco a chango in tho Administration, (should bo on Iheir guard against being provoked into an outbreak, by anything Lincoln Co. may do previous to the election. Tho only salvation of tho country is in a change of rulors and tho chanco now afforded of making that chango in a legal way, should not bo imperiled by violent action on tho part of the people. You havo sufferod so long, suffer a little whilo longer.

Bo patient, enduring, for a better day wul soon dawn. Cincinnati Enquirer. The Overland TELr.oaArn to lirssi t. Amid the bustlo of war a work of civilization has been steadily growing. Tho telegraphic project to unito tho United Stfttos with Itustia has entered into the stngo of real work tho last impediments havo been ovcrcomo, and and now Mr.

Collins, conjointly with tho Western Union Telegraph Company, has already'jbegun tho work. Four ships havo been chartered and freighted with tho telegraph wiro, implements, provisions, tents, and will soon start for Saii Francisco, sailing round Capo Horn. This fall tho fleet will reach San Francisco. Tho government of tho United States has detailed a man-of-war for the purpose of holping tho company. Four exploring parties will bo left respectively at New Wesminisfer, Frazer river, Point Desolation, on the lino between British and Russian America, Sithka, the capitol of Russian America, and at Cook's Inlet.

Thcso parties are to explore tho coast if possible, obtain all tho tim-bor wanted, and prepare tho ground for next Spring's work, Mr. Colling hopes that in two years from autumn the two continents wil be uuited. Tho capital of ton millions of dollars for this trans-continental lino has been subscribed iu tho Unitod Hates, and tho Russian government builds on its own account tho lino from Petersburg to Nikolaof, on tho Amoor. Tho lino has already reached Chita, a town situated at the confluence of the Shika and Erion, the beginning of tho Amoor. World.

With a childhood full or affection, we may endur half a life in the cold '(rUl. Faus A50' 1 FitrraHf. It appears from the following decision of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that vessel owners cannot chargo on thoir freight bills the 12 per cent, tar, although they can collect on faro of passengers "The owners or agenfo of vessels or canal boats do not appear under section 103 authorized to charge in their freight bills the 2 per cent, tax in addition to tho amount agreed upon for freight. Tho word "faro" in tho act cannot properly bo construed to in-includo freight. The same equity which induced the enactment in the provision as to fare, would soern to apply equally to freight, and it may have been by accident that the proviso iu favor of tho transporter was not made to include both objects.

But they cannot undertako to supply by construction omissions in an act of Congress. Faro is an entirely difformt subject from freight, and cannot bo interpreted by any reasonable latitudo of conitruction to include it. The Natchez, (Miss.) Courier of tho 29th relates a queer case-of insanity at the Variola hospital, near that city. A soldier had been for a long time sick with tho small pox, but had nearly recovered when ho was confined again with the erysipolas. A fit of insanity came over the man, and while thus suffering he throw himself into a newly dug grave in the hospital burial ground, which contained a foot and a half of water.

Somo timo after ho was discovered by a Imssor-by and taken out nearly dead. Io was properly cared for and 60on recovored, not only from tho effects of his immersion, but also from his long and tedious sickness. Tho reaction produced by his attempt at suicide proved his salvation. Must Mekt tub -Question's in the End; Just after taking tho oath of offico and becoming President, Lincoln said to the people of the country; "Kuppnaa you go ta Tivr, you C3Unot "fight always and when, after much "loss on both sides, and uo gain en "either, you cease fighting, the question as to terms of intercourse are upon you." What a pity Lincoln did not read his own Inaugural boforo ho sent his Private Secretary to tell the robels that the ulavery question is settled. Fat peoplo may now breatho moro froely.

Dr. Eupurc, of Ijondon, assures tho public that by using his remedy of Fucus Fosiculosus, they may become shapely and get rid of their superfluous flesh. IT is remedy is nothing moro or less than a sea weed, used in the manufacture of kelp, and common on sea coasts strango to say, howevor, that this very Fucus is foil iu the Scottish Islands to hordes cattle and sheep, to keep them in flesh during tho winter months, and so also in Norway. New Stea boat Rocte. Tho steamer "Bonnie Boat" is to commenco her trips, on or about tho 10th of September, between East Saginaw aiid "Alabaster," tho new plaster bods and factories this sido of Tawas city.

Tho enterprising proprietors aro now developing theso plaster beds and putting them into commercial intercourse with tho lako and river towns. The Bonnie Boat is a steamer of 132 tons, (noarly ns largo as tho Ariel.) She is expected to make two trips a week to Alabaster and ono to Alpena. Enterprise. Not So. There is a prevailing impression that the President and Vice President cannot both bo taken from the samo State.

This is an error. It appears by the constitution that the only State that can not voto for it i3 tho one whero both roside. All tho other States can vote and elect. It would be perfectly legal, for instance, to elect Filniore President, and Cochrane Vice President, although both livo in New York. Cincinnati Enquirer.

The Pbesident'h Consistency. "Tho Democratic press is just now busying itself in trying to prove the inconsistency of Mr. Lincoln." St. Louis Ikmocrat. Our co temporary is mistaken.

Tho Democratic press would no moro attempt to provo Lincoln ineonsitent than they would enter into an argument to show that tho Devil is not a saint that the negro is gonerally a blnck mail- that tho Abolitionist? destroyed tho Union, or any other incontrovertible fact. Tho Layfuyette (Indiana) Courier speaks of Ex-President Bucnanau as "a whito livored bastard." Wo think this elegant phrase moro justly applies to the President who entered Washington City in tho disguise of a Scotch plaid cloak, and who left his wife and family to come on a railroad train that ho understood was to be thrown off the track. A. Ward says If I am draftad, I shall resign. Deeply grateful for the unexpected honor thus conferred upon mo, I shall be compelled to resign the position in favor of somo more worthy person.

Modesty what ails mo. That's what keops mo under. There are OSO tenamsnt houses in New York, which contain by actual count, 10,933 fvmalies, or about 05 persons each 71 others which cover 140 each, and finally, 29 mutt bo the most profitable which have a final population of no less than souls, or 187 to each bouse. Not only dovs death beautify our lifeloes forms, but tho thought of it gives a moro beautiful expression evon I in life, as a rosemary is both 'placed ns a chnplet on tho brows of tho dead, and fjives lifo to the fainting by its vivifying essence. It seems strange that death, like crimital courts, cites the apoplectic threo times.

l)c (E otiricr. Wednesday. August 21, 1604. Convention- Sixth District. The Democracy of the Slith Congressional LUtrictof Michigan, will holj a CVnvetttion at the Court House, iu the City of Pilot, on t'riduy, that 2d day of fee pu in Iter next, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, for the purjuxe of putting in nomination candidate for Representative in Congress, and transacting such other business as may properly cone before the Convention.

l'ach county comprising one or more Representative districts, will be entitled to three time a many a there are Representative iu the lower House tf the Legislature from such county and each ootinty which may not be entitled to one Representative in the lower House of the Legislature will I entitled to ono dob-gate. Dated East Saginaw, July 2lJ, 18G4. ENOS M.JKFFERS, A. STBVLN. B.

B. RAYNALE, W.D.WILLIAMS, Deni. Congretgional CouiuilUae, Sixth Distriot. Democratic Senatorial Convention. A Convention of Dclessto from the several Counties comprising thu 27th Senatorial District, will bo hold bt the Court House in f-sginew City on SATURDAY, SEPTlOth, For the purpose of nominating a Candidato for State cuutor, to be supported at tho enduing eleo tlon, and transacting such othor business a may bo considered advisible.

The several Counties will be entitled to the following representation Suginaw, 6 Tuswln, llay, Iosco, 1 Alpena, 1 Chobovgnn, 1 Midland, i Isabella 2. L'y order of DEM. SENATORIAL COM. Saginaw, Aug. 24, JSC4, Democratic County Cor.venticn.

A Convention of Dolegatea from th severs 1 Town and Wards in Saginaw County will be held ut tho Court House in uglnaw City on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER lhh, 1S5I, At cue o'clock P. for the'rurpose of nominating candidates for the several county offices to be supported by the Democracy at the ensuing election, and tho transaction of such other business as may be doemed advoMible. Eiwh Town and Ward will le entitled to thice delegate iu Uie Convention. A. A.

PARSONS. Chairman Deiu. Co. Com Saginaw. Aug.

22, 1SG1. ---r Proceedings of Democratic County Convention. Tho Democratic County Convention called for 19, 1SG1, convened at tho Court llouso, iu the City of Saginaw on that day. Tho convention was organized by tho election of Michael Jeffers," as Chairman and C. II.

(iage, as Secretary. On motion, a Committee on Credentials was appointed, who, after a short session, roportcd tho fallowing persons entitled to seats in the Convention Rirch Run David Sproul, William Mathewsou and Enoch Smith. Rridgeport Noah Reach, Wesley Wellman East Saginaw, 1st Ward William Ii. Webber, Michael Jeffers, Byron B. Buckhout.

2d Ward Aaron W. Eggcrt, Michael II. Freeman, Peter Mumford. 3d Ward Stephen B. Kuapp, John Jefiers, C.

II. Gage, Frankenintith John G. Ilubinger, Willium Pinker'ou, John Goorgo By-ei'loin. Kochville Lewis Loclller. Richland Ijemucl Cone, Kellogg, John McMullin.

Aaron Swan Creek Joseph Egerer, Andrew Papst, Churles Zieroff. Spa Hiding William Gallagher, Myron-W. Quackcnbush, James Sweet. Saginaw City, 1st Ward Aaron A. Pursohs, John W.

Richardson, Andre Fish; 2a Ward Joshua Blackmore, William M. Miller, George Schmidt, St. Charles R. R. Thompson, Jared Freeman, Benjamin Stiff.

Thomnstown L. Ilaineo, John, Henry Wiltse. Tittabawassce Gcorgo Whitman, Thomas Babeock, Danl. P. Foote.

Report of Committee accepted and adopted. On motion, James W. Clark was substituted for Joshua Blackmore in 2d Ward, City of Saginaw. On motion, tho following delegates wero admitted from Taymonth: David D. Hops, Georgo W.

Glover, Hugh Cuthbertsoii. Albco John MeDoncgh. On motion tho Convention proceeded to ballot for delegates to the State Convention, and tho following gentlemen were chosen William Gallagher; Peter C. Andre, William 11. Miller, John G.

Ilubinger, William Ii. Webber uml Michaol Jeffers. On motion, tho Convention proceeded to voto, rim vocrt for delegates to the Congressional and Senatorial Conventions. Tho following gentlemen wero chosen Congressional Convention William L. P.

Little, Danl. P. Foote, George W. Glover, Geoiye Schmidt, Chauncey 11. Gage and Alfred F.

R. P.rnleV. Senatorial Convention Byron I. Buckhout, M. W.

Quockonbush, David Sproul, William J. Bartow Noah Beach, Aaron A. Parsons. Tho Committee appointed to pre-pttro a plan of rgr.nization ma lo a verbal report which was adopted. Tho gentlemen present then formed a County Democratic 'Association of delegates by adopting the following Constitution, was signed by all tho Delegates present.

Constiiuti'vn of the Sogiuaw County IkiA- wain AtVK'wtiox vj JJemgJtrs. AancT.R 1st. This Association thall bo called the Cuginaw County Democratic Association of Delegates. Article 2d. Tho Association shall consist of three delegates, to be appointed by each Ward, Township, Club, or Absocialion, now formed or horeaiter to bo formed in tho County Akiicli: 3d.

Tho Association shall at its first mtvUug appoint a President, Vioe President. Sccrcrary, Treasurer an'i IUor.utivQ CoramUtOj of five mem bers, and shall otherwise complete in organization ia all respects as ebull by tho dclcsritoJ le held wi33 and best. Aitnt'LL 4th. Mettirgs of the Association EhoJl be hold as tho Association or Executive Coxntiiittee shall direct. Akiiclk Cth.

The object of the Saginaw County Demoeratic Association of Delegates, is to promote greater harmony, union, and concert of action and more activity and energy among the Democrats and Conservative men of the County, to maintain the Constitution and JL'nion of our fathers to support pure democralio principles to defend Truth, Justice and Lilcrty, and to combat error, oppression and tyranny to aid to the extent of our ability in putting out of power our present fanatical, weak, malignant and corrupt rulers, and putting into power Democratic principles, aud men, by which alone, wo firmly believe our government can bo saved from entire" subversion, and our suffering country from total ruin. Tho following gautlemen ere appointed officers of the Association President, William L. Webber Vico President, R. R. Thompson Treasurer, B.

B. Buckhout; Secretary, Chauncey II. Gage Executive Committee, Alfred F. R. Braloy, Poter C.

Andre, Georgo Schmidt, Myron W. Quackcnbush and JL Jeffers. On motion, tho proceedings of tho Convention M'ero orderod to bo published in tho East Suginaw Courier aud a copy sent to each delegate On motion, tho Convention adjourned M. JEFFERS, Chairman. C.

II. Gack, CAMPAIGN PAPERS. Two Democratic campaign papers havo already mado their appearanco in Detroit, and both give cvidenco that their efforts in tho good causa will be well timed mivl efloctivo. The 'as its namo Indicates is a pcitincnty pungent, and feartfss fchect, fcuffciciitly to bo at all tinie3 readable, and plain spoken to ari extent which -will render it particularly obnoxiens to th followers oflJncoln and Shoddy. Published by S.

B. McCradon. Addrtsa Drawer 407, P. Detroit. Terms; ono copy, 00 cents five copies, '25 ten copies, 1.00; twenty copies 7.0!) fifty copies, Tur.

Pnrss is hsued In a campaign edition, full size, and every uumber fillod with sound and sei viable political rending, published wwkly, terms same us thoso of the SliWpncl. The New Ea.t is a Fremont campaigner, published at Grand Rapid "under the auspices of the Grand Rapids Fremont club," which battles right manfully for tho "Pathfinder," whilo it gives tho groat "Central Imbecility of tho nation" many a stinging home thrust, thus Wo recognize tho adroitness of Sir. Lincoln's irienda in trying to divert attention from him, no matter upon what. They would kfep the people amused with tiilles on the ono hand, and frightened With "copperhead'' ghost's ou the other, till electiou, and thus seduce them to inflict themselves another four years vt' Executive "Imbecility." Terms, single crpiV COeent. Address New Era, Grand Rapids Mich.

Cocnty Convention -Tho attention of Democrats is respectfully directed to tho call in this paper for a Democratic County Convention to meet at Saginaw City, Wednesday, September 14th, for lite nomination of candidates for soveral County ofliees. This is an important convention, ono which has to do moi-e particularly with local interests, but which, however, must of necessity havo an important bearing of tho goneral result" in tho County. Let the several towns nnd wards seo to' It that they rrprrrrntt-d therein. Stat a Teaj urns' iNSTiutr. A Teachers' Institutes is to bo, held at the Union School House, Saginaw, City, next week, under tbe super vision of Hon.

J. M. GitMonv, Superintend ent of Pnblio IrftructJon, commencing Monday, tho 0ih, at 1 o'clock P. and coutinaing through tho week, during which tho customary prograrumo on Mich oc r.tlon will bo carried out. Prof.

A. S. Wtin of tho Stuto Normal School, and several other distinguished educators will bo present Tho evenings ill bo devoted to tnres on nppropriafo topics. on Matches. On and aft tuo first of September next, lh t.tx on TT'utchts --frielio; ones lacrin will be on cent for c.vK hundred or fraction of a hundred, that i six c.jntfl on au ordinary five- iv nt a hundred and twenty per cent on t'v retail and over tsvo bun lit 'I per cent c.u the wholesale price Whit avails tho iaighl errors when thmr so irrces remain Of vhit avail to cut off a stror run from tl.u oooan when tho clnuds and the bilr sill exist.

On eroty receipt for monj firrt.i or taken now, a two ror.t reven $arvtp must, trTttod,.

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