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The Oklahoma City Times from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • Page 6

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SIX OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1919. Persistency Didn't Get Its Reward Oh, Just Listen to This Tale of a Sailor's Hardship on Dry Land! W. i. ljrliro I'MbaMy won't be Me I look at snow again for the rest of bii natural life without laying something between ctenched teeth Darbro it part of the local navy recruiting party.

On December 2J he was Riven a furlough until January 2 in onlrr that be might viMt bn parent, who live on a farm twenty-two mile from lluffali in nnrthwrst-ein OMatimna. Oh. fine! itarted for home blithely II- iailn't teen hii arentl for six ni' 'i'hv Oh, the dickens I Marooned in Snow. The Santa I train mi which Dar-In i was riding 't suit a snow-l: It near (or Uo ami ore day, ilwuitf which he tufirred hardships than any "kU" who rcr nailed the sea Finally the trftin broiiKht him back In Oklahoma it noon on Christmas day, and on the asm rvtning he ttarted out again. Oh, but be ii periMent rusa! This time he took the main line of the Santa I to Wichita.

Oh. lovely. But when he got to Woodward be found the trains weren't running. Snow again, darn it H-iwcrrr, a really peritent Buy is bard to heat, and Darbro finally made it to Supply, one more step rirarrr Itupir. Hut the -trains were rumriiK wrst of sni'l'ly.

So altrr ra jolinn a work train erew, Darbro finally managed to get a ride on to I Mm Up. another step toward Huflalo Oh, I-'inr. so far I Overland in Wagon. Thtn fimii Dtml.ip he wrnt to Iiuf -falo in a freight aion The Miortdnfu between'1 ami his father farm were high Darbro, however, wasn't daunted, and in an atitnmolule he set out to bmk the bankrd snow. After working ten hours and tiroreeding six miles he live tin the job.

This ounlit to be the end of the Itorv, but it isn't. Oh. listen! When H.itKro le.iched Dunlap again be f'i'ind trjms weren't lunnint; to Woodward, anl be was forced tj wnlk throunh the snow the entire tits-tutu twi-r'v -one nvles. Sunday Invited Her. The Ministerial Alliance, at its meeting seslerday in the Y.

M. C. A. buildng. voted to ask Sunday to come to the rty to hold a revival.

Another meeting of the Alliance will be held next Monday to "perfect the call to Sunday" In a letter received from t' evangelist he stated that he would probably hold the meeting here from April U) to June 1, and that he had frequently thought of Oklahoma Ci'y as a place for holding a meeting. 1 their fare to over the edge Golden Days. IT became a play with the Ferroti to go to all the placet where hon- eyinooneri are expecteo to visit They went to Washington, but found it too busy with the activities of war and left it speedily. Old Point Com- for gave them several happy days. In New Orleans, however, for the first lime in the lives of either of Ihem they felt as though they bad leil their native land.

They found at An- toiue's, i the old French quarter. huge rooms that delighted them with their continental a'peit. A tnaitinMh four-poster bedstead with a canopy towering over their heads: a white porcelain bathtub in the same room, which afforded theni no end of ex cited amusement; a vista from their windows of gables and sum' stacks of steamersthe berrolj cntiM not be lieve they were not in some qua ml city in Frame with peace ingoing over the world '1 hey look some if their meals in the restaurant down stairs, where Monsier Jules, artist and mellow hu man bring that he as, made litem a wonderiul omelette loullre histonen, wilh their tames wonderfully en-scrolled on one side of the pyramidal concoction and the date of tiuir mar riage on the nll'-r, with sugar turtle doves billing and cooing on Us crest. Mow be got the historical data for the inscription he utterly rein ed lo explain. broui vi Oilcans by easy stages the I crrols traveled to the lirand Canyon am thrilled with awe at the special le and went away impressed but not attracted.

Fur two days and nights they trav eled through dust and heat of desert and plain. Then on the evening of the third day after dark through the Imt dusty Pullman there came to them a wonderful greeting to their tiled senses the strong, tweet perfumes of orange blo-frms. "California" Edith whispered, her fingers clasped. "California!" John whi'pered back, his eyes wide with anticipation. Like most easterners who had never been west of the Knckies the b'rr-rols had dreamed of seeing some dav the land where flowers bloomed the year round, where nature pours ill riches into man's tap wilh (he opulence one meets only in dreams.

Now they knew they had come to the land of their heart's desire A month later ihey entered the heart of California's beauly Yosemili valley. The only concession they made lo the difference between the blow-erlnns' honeymoon anil their own was that instead of camping in rough where Ruth ami Ned had pitched their lent, the I'errnls established thei iselvrs in a comfoitahle lent in Camp Curry. thrilied at tne majesty and unutterable leaiitv of the panorama from Inspiration l'oint. They counted sun rainbows a' the foot of Vernal balls and marveled at the rainbow the moon spun of the spray of the Yo-semite Falls. They climbed lo the top of Glacier l'oint on the backs of little plodding burros and saw a sea iif innwrappei' Sierras ab ml them.

At night they sat about the great pine fire in the camp and listened to the glee club of college boys singing from the shadow of tl dining ball porch From over their beads they heard a faint hahwv It came from (ilacier Point, feet above their heads. "All right, everybody! The fire is going over!" a man announced. ith one accord the guests raised THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Llks Plain Bltro-Phosphata to Put cn Firm, Healthy Flesh and to StrtriQth, Vigor and Nerve Force. Try Making Your Own Cough Htmody Tm a a assar aia tattiasmir- Soldier Houm Officer. George Thomas, recently returned from overseas duty, was elected ser-geat at-arms yesterday in the caucus of the democratic house members.

J. W. Ilrrrv. former Oklahoma City police sergeant, who was defeated for the position two years ago by Frank Carter, new state, auditor, seemed to have the place won until Thomas appeared a few days ago in hi uniform and overseas cap, and announced his candidacy for the position. Th Chicago socialist party at a big rna.M tncelmg recently expressed a determination to promote Bolshevism in the Tinted States.

Its speakers used the German language freely, one of them Victor Herger, congiess-man-elect trom Milwaukee. Berger laid the ted flag was bigger than the Stars and Stripes. Jml.ln (rum tha rountlaaa preparn-Inn nnl trfiitments tuni art) fnnn- Willy In lux nclvrt lit'rt lw tti p.u of making thin peoplo fltshy, davi'lnu- irox neck ami luiat, nml replitrlnf ttxlv hollow unci anglfla ly tno toll lurvtil line of health and ln-auty. theft are evidently tliounnrl of men and wnmen who keenly Irel their racaaslve thlnnma Tliuinvaa and tveaknex ate usually (lua lo atnrved nrivea. Our lollra nerd mora phnaphate than la continued In modern (no-la IMiyali'lnna claim Ciara la nothing tlc.t will aupply this deMrlenry to well aa th nreinlc rhca-phatt known annum iImikkiix ax loiio-(hnnpfiuie, which la Inctiii-tiMivi' and la bo hy YVmtrjill In Oklahoma City and mint all (IruiKlata under a guirun.ea ci anlafartlnn nr money hick Hv fandlnn tha tirrsea dlieetly hint ty iiipplylnn the ImhIv rellii with tha iiereswiry proaphnrlr tuon clemtnln, hltro-phnaphata quirk ly producea a welrome transformation It, lha appnaianea; th Inrreuaa In weight (reniiently helna; aMonlahlnii.

1'hlx In weight a tun rarrlea tslth It a general Improvement In the hfiilth Nor vnusnriM, alfepls-'caiieaa and lack of enerKy, which nearly alwaya ai'comniiny vxceiiiiva thlnneaa. noun cll.iipi-ar. dull eyea heenrnu hrlfht, and pain cheeka glow with th hlouni of per-lei health. CAUTION' Although hltrn-phnaphata Ix unsiirp.iiiai'd for relieving nervrma-nesa, alaeplemneaa and general wexk-ni ca, Ii aluMild nut, owing lo lit renmrk-ahl flenh-growlng propertlea, hn used lev anvona who don nut di-slra to inr on fleeh. (Adv Stop Your Coughing No lutd to let l)it roiifh neriltt.

Sto ll-erriuiuin, and remore ncklini tnd hoan naaa by aoothlng tha IntiunaJ throat wit PDS' If you combined th eurativ proper-tlta of every known "readr-mada" cough remade, you probably eould not get a much real curative power aa ther i in thi simple home-made rough avrup, wliich la easily prepared in a lew minuut. l.ei trom any dnipgltt S'O eiineea of I'inei, pour it into a pint bottle and lill lha bottle with avrup, using either plain granulated sugar ayrup, clarified molasses, honey, or corn tvrup, aa oValri-d. The result ia a full pint of really belter enugb syrup than you eould bur readr-mada for thre time the money, lattei pleasant and never spoilt. This Pines and Svrnp preparation get right at the cause of a eouuh and gives almoai Immediate relief. It loo ena th phlegm, stop the naatr throat tnkle and heal ilie wire, irritated mrmhranc ao gentle and easily that it i really asioaiaiilnjr.

A day'a nae will usually overcome the ordinary cough and for brunrhiti. ernnp, whooping cough and bronchial asthma, thtr la nothing better. I'inrt ia a moat valuahle concentrated compound of genuine Morwav pine eitract, and hat hem used for grrnratmna to break up (ever eougha. To avoid disappointment, ak Tour druggist for "2'j oiinrci I'lnn1' with full direction, ami don't accept anything else Guaranteed tu viva absolute aatlalac-tion nr in met promptly fefundecl. Th l'lnex Wayne, nd.

(Advertisement.) the night sky, Fiom of Glacier Point ap peared a bright light. Then like a maiestic waterfall flowing down the side ni the dark wall of the mountain came a golden cascade of (ire. Il spread like a noble plume and tiraved the Inrges below It with a million sparks and embers and stars and cornels. It was the touch of a poet's fancy in a land wintti nature nail art apart as the lit abode lor the poet in man. Lalrr, hen thev sat in the moon lit darkness outside their tenl, with all the camp asleep Minn mew a (piivering breath.

Norn I ran lake anything life has in store me. sue whisperer i have lived and loved and seen beauty and (oy. I have you the child: en and everything rhe a woman w-nts So many poor women have none of these. John, dear, I want to help them," she said simply. Her husband leaned toward her an I drew her to him.

"Help them. dearest, an let Hie help you do it, too." Then I'dith knew that with ihem (bey had the finest fruit of love. lilt fcNU, Fttdsluffa Hither. Thai the prices of feedstuffi, which have in tome cases advanced percent lo Ihe consumer, have been advanced to as to keep the price of flour down, was tha reason given yes 1 lerday by local mitleri for high prices the price of flour kVpt down, it was that the high price of feed It work of feedstuffs, The millers tay that necessary to raise the price of oilier considerable hardship on them, 1 wheat hat advanced in price lo them, wheat products. Complaints from and that aince lha government wanted iairymen ami stock raisers indicate Use Fgg-O Instead of eggt.

(A( The elements comprking the body ere cotutantly wearing out nd inuat be renewed daily, eUe the outgo of etrengtb eiceed the income, SCOTTS ErMSDN will help the tired burineei nun ot woman keep pace with the treat and tear of life. 5coff 4. nourish tha body, blood antl BA nnrva. and klpa maintain van balance a) Mratigtb anst lfJl neigy. Smfi-frJ ytmr in- Jyiji rem milk Scwtt't.

asA arott a btsi. Hooswaafct. M. j. It-It United States Food Administration License G-12603 CRESCENT Service Grocery and Market Fanrv riwf Shou tier Koast.

Iter lb Short Kibs of Bcof, jht lb 17 (Iround Beef for Ixaf, per lb Veal Liver, per lb. 20c Veal Tongue, per lb 25c Majestic Bacon, 5 to C-lb. average, icr lb 5Sc Spare Bibs, per lb i'ure Pvk Sausage, per 33c Morris Supreme Sausage, pvr II). I ox BriskeHsacon. per lb 38c New York Baldwin Apples, per pock 63c Choice Winesap Apples, tloz.

30c and 10c; box $3.00 Fancy Florida Crape Fruit 10r and 15c Fancy Malaga drapes, por lb 40c K.xtra Uirge Prunes, 2 lbs. for 45c Fancy Comb Honey, jxt sectirn 40c No. 2 cans Fancy Sliced Pineapple, 0 whole slices 30c Per dozen $3-30 Lu ge Tins Libby's Fancy Spinach, per can 25c; doz. $2.73 Club House Little Kernel Coi per doz $2.90 Charm Corn, per $2.25 Van Camp's Pumpkin, per can 20c; per doz $2.25 Club House Pumpkin, per can 13c; per doz $1.75 Lyndon Asparagus, per can 35c; per doz $4.00 Bed Dart Asparagus, per can 25c; per doz $2.73 Special Demonstration Thursday and Friday Squnb Soup and Oystero You will be glad to know these two excellent soups. RUCKS THOMAS PHONE PBX-114.

323 WEST MAIN Announcement We take special pleasure in announcing to the Housekeepers of the city that our combination Market And For the Multitude- To rich and poor, to laborer and CI Vi iV biilna man, to houaawtl and JB office worker, ta man and womea and chlldrtn jJ nffr HOUiUM BREAD a th -Tk Staff of Ufa. jrv Ptranrth for th hodjr, ylfor foi It th mind and at th urn tlm If II trt for lha appatlt. I 'I ''''J Fnr hraakfaat, lunch and dlnnar I tutM'' Claan. pur and nourlahlnf-a A lilVWv world of good catlnf. 11 ys Buy of your wocr.

r4V mfe FIGHTHASTER BAKING yl 1 HOLSOH Si Grocery Store Will be open to the public this afternoon. The Market All fixtures new; everything spick and span sanitation our first consideration. 'Years of experience has taught Mr. Boynton that tender; Juicy meats get and hold customers. Therefore, for the sake of good business and honest dealings, only the best quality will be sold.

Hotel and restaurant business a specialty. ROASTS STEAKS CHOPS BACON HAMS SAUSAGES The Grocery A new stock of fancy and Btaple groceries priced with the idea of piving our customers a chance to lower their living expenses. Standard brands because we know they are the best Visit our store look over the stock both quality and price will please you. Packing House Market W. II.

BOYNTON, Mgr. "The Market Place For All the People" QUALITY SERVICE PRICE PAT PROFFER Fancy and Heavy Groceries New Stock Low Prices Courteous Treatment The Address 19 S. Broadway A great display of Hart Schaffner Marx OVERCOATS Ulsters, big warm fleecy friezes, Shetland, chinchillas; for warm comfort. Raglan and Balmacran types; homespuns, tweeds, fleeces in rich colorings. Military styles; seams at the waist line; military pockets and drape.

Chesterfield models; single and double-breasted Can meltons, kerseys, vicunas. Double-breasted overcoats; In all lengths; cloth, fur or velvet collars; full or body tracing. Prep overcoats for the high school men In special models and sizes. There sires and styles for every taste; all-wool fabrics, satisfaction guaranteed; better get youra tomorrow. Prices from 20 up.

Suits from $20 up. 107 Main Street (tft a Warm Sweater Tomorrow A tiiif selection ot styles suitable (or office and outdoor wear from 14 lo II J.JO, Oklahoma City, Okla. The Home of Mart Schaffner and Man Clothe 23-25-27 Terminal Arcad Walnut 4929 UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION LICENSE NUMBER G-29430 While the end of the year shows that there Is a shortage of a few items the country over which has increased the wholesale cost we avill continue to offer Groceries on a close margin at such prices that the consumer will notice little change even in these items. We are extremely grateful for the very satisfactory business you nave given us and hope to make this year even better. COFFEE Quail Coffee, lb 38c New State Coffee, lb 38c Monarch Coffee, lb.

35c Old Muter 35e Farm House R. B. M. lb. 30c MILK Eagle Brand, per can 23c Eagle Brand, per dozen $2.70 Small Shafer Milk, per can 5c Small Pet or Carnation 7c Large Pet or Carnation Tall Hebe He 2 Small Hebe lie Fancy California Lemons, per dozen 20cJ Fancy White Potatoes per peck 40c Fancy Burbank Potatoes, per peck 45c Cabbage, per pound 3c OLEOMARGARINE Silver Bell Oleo, high grade Ik Marigold Nut Oleo 35c Wilson's Nut Margarine 85c Marigold Margarine 39c Troco Margarine .88 Just Cutting a Large New York Cream Cheese, per lb.

45c CftlSCO Medium 90c Large $1.80 1 lb. Brisket Bacon 40c KARO 6 lbs. Blue 40e 10 lbs. Blu 7le 10 lbs. Red 8Jc BAKING POWDER 1 lb.

R. B. M. Baking Powder 15c 30c Calumet Baking Powder 80c Dr. Price's or Royal 25e 25 oss.

K. C. or Health Club 22c CANNED GOODS Gallon Apricots 55c Gallon Peaches No. 2 Red Cherries 25c Belle Isle Asparagus 19c 2 cans Baby Lima Beans 25c 1 can Empson's Beans 15c large can Pineapple 29c Farm House Peas 18c No. 2 can Tomatoes 15c Large can Tomatoes 19c No.

2 can Peas 15c No. 2 can Corn 15c 2 large cans Hominy 25c 2 large can Kraut 25c Tall can Pink Salmon Tall can Red Salmon (Louis) 30c 2 small cans Pink Salmon 25c 1 small can Red Salmon 20c 20c can Pimentos 15c 2 No. 1 Van Camp Pork and Beans 2 No. 2 Van Camp Pork and Beans 2 tall cans Snyder's Soup 25c, Quail Soups 10c Campbell Soups 12c 12 cans Good Peas $1.80 12 cans Good Tomatoes $1.80 SOAP 3 bars Creme Oil 25c 3 bars Palm Olive 25c 3 lars Scotch Tone 25c 4 bars Crystal White 2 Ivory Soap 2 P. G.

Soap MISCELLANEOUS 8 lbs. Blackeyed Peas Pink Beans, per lb 10c I Pinto Beans, per lb 10c Lima Beans, per lb. 15c 2 lbs. Navy Beans 25c 3 lbs. Grits 25c '3 lbs.

Flake or Cracked Hominy 25c 2 lbs. Best Rice 25c 25c Sanifluih 2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat 25c 2 large Post Toasties 85c 2 small Post Toasties 2 pkgs. Grape-Nuts 25c 2 pkgs. Quaker Ooats tSc 2 nWoro National Out 25c can Walter Baker's Cocoa tzJ 25c bar Walter Baker's Chocolate 25c can Hershey's Cocoa tli Jello-O, any flavor, package IT 2 pkgs.

Knox Gelatine IT 2 pkgs. Arm Hammer Soda 12 cans Hominy 12 cans Kraut (, 12 cans Good Sweet Corn.

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