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The Newberry Weekly Herald from Newberry, South Carolina • Page 6

Newberry, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MYSTERIOUS AUTO RIDE ENDS IN DIVER'S DEATH XACHINE RUNS INTO DITCH Tt1ILE SPEEDING. Women Refuse to Reveal Identity to Coroner or Sheriff, But Names are Later Ascertained. Greenville, Aug. A. Pruitt, of Hendersonville, is dead, and three women and one man, who refused to give their names to the coroner or sheriff, are iore or less injured as the result; of an automobile wreck en route from Asheville, N.

to Spartanburg, S. the 'car turning turtle 17 miles from Creenville at 8 o'clock this niorning. The party laft Asheville sometime Monday and spent a portion of the night at Hendersonville. Here they changed automobiles and continued their journey toward Spartanburg this, morning. While speeding along a country road at a rapid pace the driver, Pruitt, ran the machine into a ditch.

One of the women suffered two fingers broken and her spine injured. She and one of the other women in the party are confined to their room in a farmhouse near the scene of the The other woman and the -m an departed hastily. Give Fictitious Names. It is understood that two of the wo-men are married. Nothing could be learned of the man.

It is said that the people are tourists and went out for a "joy ride." One of the women was forced by the coroner to make an affidavit, in which she gave the name of Mrs. M. A. Harriman, of Georgia, the names of the others as Mrs. C.

Adams, Miss Millie Wing and Mr. C. Burnett, all of Florida. That all these names are fictitious is the statement made tonight by one of -e attending phy-sicians, -who said that one of the wo-1 -men revealed in confidence, the tity of the partT. Names Ascertained.

Asheville, N. Aug. correct names of the parties -in the fatal automobile accident which occurred near Greenville, S. this morning are: S. A.

Pruitt, Hendersonville, N. killed; Mrs Rotgers, Macon, Mrsr Hagaman, Black 'Mountain, N. Mrs. Meanly, Richmoiid, and P'. Barnette, Lake City, Fla.

It is stated that Mrs. Hagaman Meanly escaped with slight injuries, while Mr. Barnette was not at all. Mrs. Rodgers is now at Greer, suffering from sprained back, but her injuries are not regarded as serious.

Pruett, the deceased, was the owner and driver of the public service automobile whic i the party engaged for the trip to Greenville, S. after the driver of the public machine they had previously been using declined to make the run to Spartanburg. Wealthy Widow. Macon, Aug. here' stated tonight that Mrs.

Marshall Rodgers, a wealthy widow of leading social prominence, is, at present summering in North Carolina, near Hendersonville. Mrs. Rodgers' daughter, Minnie, 18 years old, is with her. One son, Marshall, 21 years of age, is here and has received word that his moth-1 er is 'injured. He will go to Hendersonville at once.

"MONA LISA" STOLEN. Disappears Mysteriously From Thea Louvre Clue Left b)y the Taker. Tar'is, Aug. art world was thrown into consternation today by the announcement that Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Mona Lisa," or las it is popularly known, "La Joconde," had mysteriously disappeared from the Louvre. The famous painting hung in the1 place of honor in the Salon arre and1 not a vestige of a clue was left byj the person or persons who took it to aid the detectives and police in trying to trace it.

A search of every nook 1 and cranny of the Louvre from roof to cellar only brought to light the val'uable frame in which the picture hung; -and the glass that covered it. Those were intact on a back staircase. persons believe that a practi-! -cal joke has been played but nevertheless the government has set to work its entire force of detectives in an effort to recover the paintl8gi A Great Treasure. "Mona Lisa" is one of France's greatest art treasures, ranking with the scuIptures "Venus de Milo" and "The Victory of Samothrace" and Murillo's painting, "The Immaculate Conception." The painting was not missed until noon today when visitors to the museum, among whom were hundreds of Americans, were quietly informed that -s he.11ller wa about to be closed for the day and requested to leave. After that time no one was admitted.

M. Caillaux, minister of justice, was I immediately apprised of the disappearance of the painting and, after a hurried conference with M. Lepine, the prefect of Paris, M. Lepine set off for the Louvre, accompanied by M. Hamard, chief of detectives.

Reinforced by the entire staff o' they remained until night industriously searching the Louvre for the missing masterpiece. A White Elephant. The most remarkable feature of the case is that the picture appears to have been taken early yesterday morning without its absence being remarked until noon today. George Benedite, acting curator of the Louvre, is inclined to believe the removal of the painting the work of a practical joker, pointing out that such a world famous art treasure would be a white elephant in the hands of a thief, as it would be utterly imposAible to dispose of it. At the same time, however, M.

Benedite does not altogether abandon the hypothesis of theft. The first searches for the painting having proved fruitless, under secretary of Statie for fine arts has lodged a charge of theft against a person or persons unknown with the minister of justice, who has appointed a magistrate to immediately open an investigation. Is Priceless. "Mona Lisa" is one of the world's famous paintings and is held priceless. At one time it had been stated the British gover3iment offered $5,000,000 for the work, which was reused.

It is the most celebrated painting of a female in the world. Its striking characteristic is the smile. Da Vinci's model was the wife of Francesco De L. Giocodo, a Florentine the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries. When Da Vinci painted her she was about 30 years old.

Tie subject is shown seated in a low chair, on the left arm of which she is leaning. The gown is simple. Dark hair, hanging loosely drapes an oval face with ex-I pressive eyes and aquiline nose. A-bout the mouth is seen the sweet smile which has been the chief characteristic in making the painting famous. is said that Da Vinci, in order to obtain this 'effect, had musicians, singers, and jesters near his subject to amuse her as he painted.

EXTRA SESSIONi QUIETLY CLOSES. Adjournment Brings Belief to'Weary Excitment -tends Last Hours. Washington, Aug. first session of the 62d congress ended today and immediately the exodus of members began. President Taft joined with i several hundred tired legislators i Ihe hegira, and tonight official Washington, comparatively, was deserted.

E2very outgoing train bore senators1 and representatives on their homevard journey, after an extraordinary session, that stretched over 121 days md set the liveliest pace of any legslative session in years.The adjournment was lespite the strenuous activity that had before. The president vetoed the tariff revision bill, just as he iad vetoed its two revision predecesors, the wool and free list bills. The; eto went only to the house, in with custom, and there its -eception was marked by Democratic aughter and republican applause. Tortured for 15 Years. iy a cure-defying stomacn trouble that iaffied doctors, and resisted all remelies he tried, John W.

Modders, of foddersville, seemed doomed. le had to sell his farm and give up vork. His neighbors said, "he can't ive much longer." "Whatever I ate istressed me," he wrote, "till I tried llectric Bitters, which worked such voners for me that I can now eat hings I could not take for years. Its urely a grand remedy for stomach' rouble." Just as good for the liver' Lnd kidneys. Every bottle )nly 50c.

at W. E. Pelham's Drug store. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF By Frank M. Schumpert, Esquire, Probate Judge.

WHEREAS, Robert Y. Kibler made suit to me, to grant him letters of ad- a inistration of the estate of and ef- 5 lects of Th4odore N. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite Itl and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the Theodore N. Kibler, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Newberry, S. on the fourth day of September next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted.

under my hand, this 16th day of August, Anno Domini, 1911. Frank M. Schumpert, J. P. NC.

1I Tbi Con Every mar that he cai he ca to sel or cc out a it wil This same shoe in our "Autograph'" brand, $2 Goodyear Welt sewed; in our College Woman'sWalking Shoe, It equals the best custom make. Soul its rep to the fine comfort and You neve snappier shi greater com Shoe will gil you'll say wearing qua your town a Loot for the RedBe DeliE on the bZ E2XCII. To COLUM VIA Tuesday, BASEBALL-COLUM Leave Jalapa Newberry Prosperity Little Hilton White Rock Arrive good and including Train 54, due to leax Wednesday, August 3oth, 5.00 p. Ask Agents, 'Phor W. J.

CRAIG, P. T. J. Wilmington, N. TO DRAW JURY.

ed Ntice is hereby given that we the ser ersigned, Jury Commhissioners, will 'clock A. September 1st, 1911, office of the Clerk of the Court, eny and publicly draw the names of irt-six men who shall serve as petit os at the Common Pleas Court, hc will convene at Newberry, S. September 18th, 1911.Co Jno. L. Eug.

S. Werts, Co Jno. C. Goggans, reg uy Commissioners for Newberry of outy S. C.

be: Agust 21. WANTED. wil Tacher for New Hope school, for a onths' term, at a salary of $40 er month 4 teahe hle elect- 8-2 te Right, ibination tufacturer of shoes knows i play up any one feature res to in producing a shoe L. He can make it stylish mfortable, or he can turn shoe so heavy and stocky wear out. He also that a nicely balanced of these three hoe virtues is about the iardest problem in shoe naking.

The hern Girl utation and its many friends sense of proportion of style, durability, each to each. saw better style-a neater, Your foot never knew fort than The Southern Girl re. Once you've worn a pair ou never got better value in ity. Look up our dealer in ad let him show you the line. OCK-TERRY CO.

mchburg, Va. LSION A Aug. 29 BI VS. S. A.L Round Trip Rate 8.20oa.m-...,.......-50 8.44a.m...........

I50 8.56 a. 1.25 9.o4a. 1.25 9.10 a. 1.25 1.25'-35 950a.m..........1.00. o.o o.22aim......

........65 )30 a.r.........50 )35 a. .41 a.rn............ 50 -53 a. 50 1.15 a mn. i any Regular Train up to Gervais Street, Columbia, m.

or Write F. LIVINGSTON, S. Columbia, S. C. on Sept.

2. Applications can be Lt to either of the undersigned. W. D. Bunderick, J.

C. Leitzsey, R. I. Stuck, Pomaria, S. C.

NOTICE. 3y order of the County Board of nmissioners sealed bids are invited the sale and delivery to Newberry inty at Brazzelman's Ferry, on Enoriver, by Nov. 1, 1911, of 41,164 feet first class post or white oak lum, subject to acceptance by the ard. The right to reject any and all. is reserved.

Fuller information 1 be furnished upon H. C. -Holoway, Clerk. NE WBERR J. HENRY HARM A Standard College.

Thorou4 Scientific, Technical, Laboratorii ment. Safe and Pleasant Auspii Deparcment, fitting for Freshma opens September 2ist. Write the Round Trip Exci VIA Southern I From Newberi Little Rock, and return Account National Negro Business Lea Tickets sold August 14, 15 and. 16, go and return Account of Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. Tickets sold'September 14, 15 and 16, September 28, 1911.

Knoxville, and Account Appalachian Exposition, Sepi Tickets sold September 9 to-October later than midnight of the tenth I sare, except that no ticket will be limiti than October 7, 1911. and Sewanee, a Account Monteagle Sunday School Ins Tickets sold August 11, 12 and 18, Oklahoma City, and returi Account Eighth Annual Encampment, Veterans, August 21-23, 1911. Ticke with final limit returning August 28, I ochester, N. and return Account National Encampment G. A.

Tickets sold August 17', 18, 19 and 20, ing August 31, 1911. Extensions. Black Mountain, N. and returr Account Montreat Chautauqua and 1I September 8, Tickets sold Au 1911, with final limnit returning Septert etr oit, and Supreme Lodge of the World, gust 21-26, 1911. Tickets.

sold Aug final limit returning August 31, 1911olumbia, S. and Account United Confederate Veterans' August 22-23, 1911. Tickets sold At with final limit -returning August 26,: Reduced fares to many other places no er 30, good returning October 31, 1911. onvenient schedules, superb service, Pu: a Railway dining car service on all nformation, Pullman reservations, call icket agent, or address J. L.

MEEK, A. FRAN Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTIC CO Cheap Excursi TO THE Se ashore Resorts of From Newl TEN DAY EXCUlF Tickets on sale each Thursday $7.50 to Wilmington and Wright $5.15 to Isle of Palms and Sullivat turning to 10 days after date of sale. SUMMER EXCURSI Tickets on sale daily until Septem! $9.80 TO Limited returning until October 3 24 page Illustrated Booklets, eaci Wilmington and its environing resor Sullivans Island, Mt. Pleasant and taned from Ticket Agent C.

N. I by addressing W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traffic Manager, Wilmington, COLLE Presicient.

xh Courses. Classical, and Modern Equip-es. Fine Preparatory Class. Next session President. irsion Fares kailwa ry, S.

C. ue, August 16-18, 1911. )d returning August 22, 1911. 0. 0.

Sept. 16-23, 1911. good returning not later than tember 11-October 1911. inclusive, good returning not, )ut not including, from date of ed to starting poiit later ad titte, July 23-Aug- 30, 19 i returning September 5, 191 United States Spanish tssold August 17, 18 an 911. August 21-26, 1911.

1 91, with final limit retu eligious Assemblies, July gust 1, 4, 8,9,12,15 and iber 8,1911. Order of Moose, iist 8, 19 and 21, 1911, Reunion of South Caro igust 20, 21, 22 and 1911.w on sale daily until Sept The Southern Railway man sleeping cars ind So hrough trains. For deta nearest. Southern Rail L. JENKINS, T.

P. A3, Augusta, Gai. AST LIN on Fares the Carolhas until August 24th ville Beach. 1's Island. Limited jreON RATES.

ber 3oth: BEACH. 1st, 1911. Son Wrightsville Beach, ts, and the Isle of Palms, harleston, may be S. T. C.

WHITE, Gen'l Pass. Agent,.

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