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The Planters' Banner from Franklin, Louisiana • Page 3

Franklin, Louisiana
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SN.O. $ar a n-Dee. -Inoferle' to common, 3, to 31; Fair, j8 to Prime, 4) to 4J; Choice, 41 to 5. nolsa-es-16 to 174 seats. TAxrrAox AeSD taxes I in this city have been steadily increasing year after year, till now they have beoope exceed.

ingly onernsm to propery dwners. For the current year the assessment is something a 4125 on every hundred dollars of property. If this constantly accumulating load of taxation were rendered necessary by a series of grand improvements, such as the Croton works, or -ay I thing else which would, after a while, begin to pay back the outlay, it might be cheerfully borne. But such is not the case. The expeno lt diture is chiefly for the admsinistration of justice t1 the trial and punishment of offenders against the laws, the protection of the city, and the ti maintenance of paupers, and no portion of what a is thus expended ever comes back in any shape.

Itis all money thrown away. It is like water spilled upon the earth which cannot be gathered again. Property holders complain loudly that so large a portion of their means must be yielded annu. lly to the tax gatherer, nor do we wonder that they feel sore on the subject. But we do won.

der exceedingly that, shrewd men as most them do not perceive the grand came d-heavy taxes and apply the remedy in the right tc-. It has been shown over and over again, that bsh balk efumnicipal expenditure is attributable our drinking habits. Three4uurths of the i -mes which cost such an enormous sian, and the same proportion of the pauperism which quarters itself on the public treasury are con-. easedly produced by intemperance. And I only way to stop this expense is to dry up the fnastains at intemperance.

These are nat the assertions of enthusiastic temperance thea, but judges, grand jurors, legislators, and statesmen are unanimously of the same opinion Yet notwithstanding all this, the men ofpro. perty here and, elsewhere, are gnoerally the most indiferent towards the temnpesence rformn. With few exceptions, they-take go sealous part in Aempearnce societies, and too often throw cold water on the efforts of those who do.They see vice and iniquity growing and spread. ingaroesul them-they see the, great cane of estd of those evils which consume tbe.sumtaace ofdte ceammuif, and yet to a fearful extent, they not only withhold their inflenctarom all slempts to reform the nation, but by their esample give respectability to the drinking usages et society, and to the traffic in intoxicating liThere is no point in regird to which we are Uses rlear than this, that the abolition of in. temperance would at once lesson taxation more thmn all the moral Iad social advantages which would be realised.

The data upon which this estimate is based are unimpea. dable, and manifest to all. When, we bear men complain of their heavy taxes, whils ey refuse their co-operatisn with the temperance reform, we confess our inabilily to sympat.dbawith them. Every man who doeby hisi a splfand infioees assist is the ateoli. lion of in must be considered as sup it 4l entitledl to comof his own M1aried, oa ThuuaaBy eening hat, in Fmakle, by the e.

R. M. Sewyer, BIL I.wLs to Jrw.c3UL LoKOW.GEPII buOth ohis uormiapeg rotIlwing the event am et Md, re a nice 1 4 cue. which hows y. everybody whefine, i .1 Jake's "heart is in the right I Tb Judge on bin way Canaan Swwih.

rqo be jujued the Ses armacs he his now got uraied, and we eM ure gahat bhodI4nd bhesiaga a-waithim. What nsmetitdII hl kw tut lre il toguess. "kiln Ise Ceml SAWYER. MR be' She7jhi isminrry. REuny stabe wig't by abs k'TA A 1t.

s. h. sea rre i do- e' wom with Lu I 4 7 Granu Palcy Dress san. There wille give on Wedeasday evening, Dec. 28h, a tthe BallRoom in the new Odd Fellows' building, in Franklin, A GRAND FANCY DRESS BALL, to which the Ladies and Gentlemen generally of the town and parish are respectfully invited to atend.

The Ball is not a masquerade ball, yet it is at the option of persons attending, to come with or without masks, as they choose.It is, however, desired that all should attend in costume of some kind. The pulic may be assured that good order and decorum will be strict ly maintained by the managers and proprietors throughout the evening. Tickets of admission will issued on and after the 18th at the Post Office. Tickets of admission, Gentlemen, 82,00 St. Mary Blues.

ATTENTION Attend special parade at Franklin, on Tuesday 25th at 9 o'clock, A. M. in full winter uniMrm. The members are requested be puncteal in attendance at the hour and prepared for a thorough inspection. By order of the Captain.

R. N. McMILLAN, Ist 8gt. Do yen ir the 'Plante' Baner any11 you do, please at the Franklin Post and settle the same with Mr. Whittemore, who will hereafter be prepared at any time to present accounts in favor ofthe office.

D. DENNETT. Franklin Dec. 1849. Pay Year Postae.e All persons idelted to the Post Office In this place will please pay up immediately.

There are so ma noW the office, and that have not pU up for neatly sir months, that it will be to give any farther indulgence.rT Ia6ect, on the part of those who owe to pay up, has been so great that the wust he corrected. ali, LD. DENNET P. M. Franklin, Dec.

1849. ShetriW Vale. STATE OF LOUISIANA. 14A Judicial Diirid, Court, Parish of 'er asilhios Robert'Ca-d f4oaeph Slater. SBy irtue an order of sitre and'salo, ta me directed, ie)ued in the above qntiti suit, al by tl ihon.

the District Cosrt afbresaii and the State soa P.arih are eits- In ed and will publie sale to the figbhet and last bidder day of aJanlary, 1650, ton the plarlartiota the'derfemnd)slt, on the Bayou Vermiltlho, between the nourtls of 11 A. M. and 4 o'cluck P. all and the pro(trrty hereinafter described, as of "brlugang to the delefedant J1nseph flater, viz: A -C TRACT OF LAND lying and situated in tihe Pari.h Vermillion, I measuring tyrelve arpenis and a front on 'he rigtat bakt of the bayou Vermillion, with in depr. bounded abovt and beliw by the lead of tI late SaUa4el Rice, together with the ianprovemerle thereon ereeted sca ubteo beloaging.

The alwve drmcribed Iract is a.i wood land a 2. head rpeot cearad and ueder eslsiuatom, ItbaE is now sud. lacnit sed caeam sEice to pieat as iue tlad ias seer oouid plasted shm eca year. There is.eeet4 om it a good and ttrblhe dl.wdng boee, negro ca. SUGAR HOUSE and which wll aspie to maa up of (2 'bugmheads), aguiulngad, lanckamita at of which hadRStbe Wa NaOWss ad bwar e.

tobTu I nte: as. gi Al 2 lt. Fr fa iii VA an. itt. UNION HALL STORE.

We have received at our new store in Odd Fellows' Hall, a large supply of Goods, select- Ste ed with care in the Northern Markets, comprisj.wrc log the following, with many other articles out Spa enumerated: A large stock of Oil FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 0008D, 'ra a great vatiety of Dress Goods, Gentlemen's dls Clothing Hats and Caps; Boots, Shoes and kin Leather; Trunks; Books and Stationery; China, Glass and Earthen Ware-Hardware and Cutlery, Tin and Hollow ware; Drugs of and Medicines, Paints and Oils; Groceries; Ilol Carpetings and India Mattings; Paper Hang. inei ings and Window Shades; Saddlery, Hames frot and Collars Tobacco and Seuars Matrasses; lecd Willow and Wooden Ware, Powder and Shot, Window Glass. Grave Stones, Tombs, The undersigned having opened a shop in Franklin for the manufacturing of TOMBS, GRAVE STONES and MARBLE WORK 1 of almost all descrnptions, beg leave to inform anc the citizens of St. Mary and vicminity that they oft are prepared to furnish work in their line of bus. the iness as cheap, and of as good quality as that 18I obtained from New Orleans.

Mr. Guy has exl had long experience as a sculptor in Italy and hig in parts of Europe, and has been employed Jat Girard College at Philadelphia, and he pat red to execute any work in his line of bua ess in a style not to be excelled in the tin Amy person wishing marble work for purpo. ish set above noticed, or for C.rTrau Tanazs, se MAN.rr a Plxcus, or Pt.arU MaaL.s SLaBs of ai any shape or size, are invited to to call at our a opposite the Court House, and examine b. nor and enquire personally in regard to prices, e. GUY GRAOUILLA.

ag Franklie, Nov. 29, 1849. Plantation for A VALUABLE SUGAR PLANTATION os lower. Verullion for sale, containing up. Ia wards of arpents, all arable land sad heavy timtwred, improved and under cultiva.

tlon; new completed, with other requisite buildmigs. Other lands adjoining te could he purchased. This plantation will be sold at a bargain, delivered on theAst of Jaaury next; or a eo-partnership will Wuit as well.I. For apply to, A. J.

NOnS. TZ. a1MsELL, 0 "sso.arvicesr ia. the eiti. from yers; exiperl in the d1sseae in Seast and West, and strict auesice his Sdes.o Merit He aaay befMild at Drp 18 3 Aa ltiemernilleg Note 15,14.

DAVID SCeihslor and Attorney at Lw wRillad prlnpnly to-all buinoss cGafied to his OIBas opposite the tseideom of Masell on willow str Weace. Cass Auersess i be amad e0 eya i84gS -ntKu io Meu l' i IlA A Per4lbeduC We also keep in store at our Warehouse, steel, Bar, Hoop and Band IRON; cut and 3 wrougbht Nails, Horse Nails and Shoes; whale a 3pnrm, Lard, Castor, Linseed and Neatsfoot )ILS; Pitch and Rosin; Manilla, Cottoo and rarred Rope, Packing Yarn; Soap and Cnoo. lIes; Choice Wines and Liquors and all finds of heavy PLANTATION GOODS. are expecting soon to receive a variety I )f Stoves and Parlor Grates, and Fenders; llollpw Ware, Ploughs, Stone Coal, Hay, Cab- rr net Furniture, Orders attended to 3 rom a distance, and great care taken in the se- A ection of goods ordered. J.

W. R. E. TALBOT. a Frankln, Oct.

18, Probate Sale. 8 Estate of Aspasle Olivier. By virtue of the power in me vested by law and an order ofthe honorable the District Court of the 14th judicial distnct, holding is and for the Parish of St. Mary, dated December 10th 1849 and to me addressed sad directed, 1 will expose for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder, on Saturday the 20th day January next 1850, at my reaidence, in this parish, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.

all the community property which essisted between me and my deceased wife, Aspasie Olivier, consis. ting of a certain tract of land situated in this par. ish, on the East of the Bayou Teche contaiing I seven andone fourth arpes front, by the ordinary depth of forty arpeas with all the buidiags and improvements thereon, bounded above and below by land of Dubreinl Olivier f. L'Eveill, negro aged about yeers Onezime, negro 24 years, and William, mulatto, aged 26 years, a number of horses, about 20 heads horned cattle, 15 beads mshp, 200 bisbl corn and other articles too tedious to eanmerate. Terr amnd moveable effolts ash.

All immoveable property, that is, land and slaves, at one, two, and three yeas' credit, from the day of sale. Purchansers to their notes with good persomal security in solf condition tobetr eight cent 'pir anmmt terest from maturity till paid, payable to Frilot or order, and all property to waged in favor of said lentire payment of the nmt St. Mary December, 'mr-- En wsude pu ubdo10 ss i.Oi et bek i wu bew. oerb Apm oT 104 Iem dm lq lhWU boom MiiE Je baser bis "awlL asa ubumh. im sh 0u foiimus puisiar so barn md whuma i Si i dld i lM Mlr i 0 rrlkaiiw is rru pa: otL oo r.

to his co a 0 si OW bsss th will burner a wea is it i Tba ssId bq a sho as st niup iubop. b.s sayp cok bm Iii. is St sort A C. WOUMEL FwabriU, Aug. 1-049-b A aR' ad bait hblu.

aimo Pick sa uhaik)for wk WAKU)(D. Marshall Sale. Robert WickliteI vs. Walter Brashrar. In the Circuit Court of the United tates for the Westcrn District of Loeisiana.

No, 1309. By virtue of a writ of I'luriu, Fieri Facia. issued in the above entitled suit, the following property hasbeen seized, and will on the first Saturday in February, 1850, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. on the premijses in the Parish of St. Mary, all the rights.

title and interest of Walter Brashear, in and to the following described property, to wit A certain tract of land situated in the Parish of St. Mary on the West side of Berwiek's Bay called the Goldea Farm and known as the resi. deuce of the defendant, containing about Are hundred superflcial Arpeats mtore less, with all the improvements thereon, consisting of a and machinery, a dwelling hote and out houses, negro cabins, situated and bounded below by lands of Joseph Berwick and above by lands of Mrs. Renthorpe; also all the farming utensils, fourteen head of bones and mules, fifteen head of horned cattle, more or less; and about twenty or twenty libhead of sheep the following named negro slaves attached to and belonging on said plantation, to wit Abel aged 50 years, Ely 50, Joe and Harriet his wife 40 years, Flora 30 and her three children, Denis 5 years, Frederick 3 years Abel 1 year, Sam 35 years. John Tollier 35 years, Bill Broprn40 years, Ellen 35 years, and her six children, Elias 12 years, Caroline 10 years, Sorephine 8 years, Simon 6 years, Patrick 4 years, and Godfrey one year and sit months, Sterling 40 years, Mary 40 years, Ned 35 years, Edy 30 years and her five childrean.

-Adeline 13 years, Madison 11 years, Ruben 9 years, George 3 years, and John 1 year ds six moqths, Subina 25 years, Courtney 20 years, ia 25 and her children, Cornelias 5 years, Isaac 4 years and an Infant, Queeney 50 years, St Clair 18 years, Joha Walker 35' years, Jim Hudson 40 years, Alfred 30 years, Henry Whitehouse 30 years, and Augustine aged 25 years. At the samne time and place will be sold mother tract of land belonging to said defendant, situated in said Parish, fronting on the south side of Bayou Bosf and containing eleven Imdred twenty arpents more or less together dwith all the buildings and improvements thereos bounded below by lands claimed by R. J. Wal. ker and above by the land formerly or now owned by Thomas Banks; also the following Snamed and described negro slaves, to wit Jack aged about 39 years, Sam Brown 40 yuears aed SHurrace aged 18 years.

Ala sis bead at' honrses and three head of ozen. S. Term of Sale, Cas FREDRICL 8. 8MTIL. U.

for the Western Dirimuat Isinaa. "i Parish ofSt. Mary Vente lobert Wick ff 15, 'alter Bras la Ciruit des dEuftl Uis pour d'un ordre de Pluri Flsi Pacieu rI''Uire ci-wdee les ciWroat eeudu pie ent 6.6 fistes et seront vendu paeir Samedi du mois de Fevrer, 1850, 11 beuree, A. sur es lieux dans la parism touales droits, itre et uat-. a de Walter Bnrhear au suivante SUse certaine de Terre situat daos la passe 8ie.

Marie, sur le ouu de la Blie Berwiek, coone sous le om de "Goldes et pour tre la residenc de defeadeur, maiaeamt eaviron cinq cea arpenta de surpes. cie, plus icoims, avec brutes, le btisUes at amslimaion qui s'y troovent, ume Sucrerie avec iachine, une maion de mare, cabans et astres, siuna6 et born6 par le bas par les trree de Joseph Ber. wick, et par le aut par ll terres de M'dme. Reotrope; ausi, toue le outils aratoire, qaa. torne ehevoux et salet, quinoe teas de Ies plus ou moie et nvm viOa cinq MeatoM.

Ausi les nigres cit.prè aomads atsch6s et apparteaut la dite habilation, savoir Abll d'eaviron 60 au; Ely 60, Joe et tierriet sa ame4 ans, Flora 80 et sa trois afmiats, Denais ans, Frederiek 3 ane, et Abel 1 a 8Ba 86 aus, JobnTollier 35 Bill wa 40 36 aun et pe sa es. sats, Elius I1 me, Carolim 10 ans, Joepbim Sas, i8moa 6 aes, Palriekl 4ae eta Gcd.aIy se as et dei; liag 40 as, Mary 40 mla Ned 36 ses, Edy 80o et me ion ea. i des, Aeti I su, Madison 11 usa, BRbeo Geor. eamse Jobh u.aner demi; Subie 1 Ms, Courtery 20 ea, Clari 26 aet Mes MtaCorsMliu 6 sa, 4 aNu Ma uuilei Qeaemsy 0 ans, Cla18 au, Jas Walksr 6 ans. Ji.m Mmd.

40 ua, Alfred 30 sau. HeWry Wlltboum ases et ses. Ba tee beus era vende, asm ete de terA eppearta-e au dit drIea. deer, tua daas la peais Marie, aur le mot6 Sud de Bayou Bmwi et naleesat omas seelitagt sapate, pes e. asembt.le tates lma btissueet qi-tiruiBas ai 'y trou.

uteet orah ea bs nar leu terre de Iq M6. ele a Jl aretet hetl par aee sursqui aea sisgt oapperiesset ma. ThM Bamk assi lue esoi-lme a i a- ut ldesrit, avoir, Jack aii d'eiron 3 ans, Sam Brown 40 ars. et Hor. race 18 ase; Aussi six cbevaox et troi boeuf Ce disiasde venot, Compteu.

FREDERICK G. SMITH, Maes-t du Biea iais Pour Dirieti Ouesde l'eat de la a-lm. PaniMate Marie, DeiaO, 18.l -atSe. tow tsadfl AMbsou, ALbru p'Mi-f wohd in b.i dy -t wibesd VfJhw atmt ship. C.

lADE. ra" Cart bd. Tiash, oswefl md Cmq Ylough. amaed us fw by S. SeaTH Nov.

21I 1649. FOBACCO AnD CIGARS the bea a.i Sojg M. WALKBR a C)..

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