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Arkansas Democrat from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 4

Arkansas Democrati
Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

5 WEDNESDAY EVENING. THE ARKANSAS JANUARY 26, 1SU. tiou uf uu executive committed of the Film Is Strong TDD JONES if BE I'uiou for Arkansas, and the enroll II. P. DECEMBER EUSSGS INCREASED 51.068,377 How Two Men Cured LaGrippe -ASS FOR and GET E-aORLICK'G THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK ment of 35 new members, was in charge of Mias Alice I'aul of W'ashing-ton, chairman of the uuion, and Miss HEAD COACH FOR YALE Argument For Preparedness Those favored few who saw the pre Mabel Vernon, also of Washington.

More than $350 was subscribed toward New Haven, ''Tad" Cheat substitutes coat TOU aame price. More Than $350 Subscribed To Jones, former Yale quarterback and member of the all-American football run, oi a i ward National Work in Or New York, Jan. 15. Union Pacific railroad earnings for December, made public today, show a gross Increase of l.88S.8TT. with the net Inor.aee, after payment of taxes, of 11,021,434.

For the first alx months of the fiscal year the gross lnoreasa amounts to and net lnoreasa ganization Meeting Miss the national work. The executive committee for Arkansas, is ut follows: Mrs, M. Jarrett, chairman; Miss Julia Houston, Pine Bluff, secretary; Mrs. 8. 1.

8-'ott, treasurer; Mrs. John B. Almond, Pine Bluff; Mrs. D. H.

Russell, Pine Bluff; Miss Adele Johnson, Hot Springs, and Mrs. D. Henderson and Mrs. Frank Gibb. team, has 'been deeidod tipoa as head coach for the eleven, it is understood here, although official information is lacking pending formal action by the committee having the matter in charge.

Do Something for your Cold. Alice Paul Conducts Session. Glory," the "spectacular army and navy film, at the Kempner theatre Tuesday afternoon as guests of Alias Daisy DeLoney, through whose efforts the film has been brought to Little Bock for a three-day run Thursday, WOMAN BADLY INJURED As the result of meetings held Tues "Last winter I suffered with a terrible cold and a case of la grippe," writes E. C. Rhodes of Mlddlelon, Ga.

"When getting; well o( la grippe I still 4 had a hacking cough and (or soveral months could get no relief. Finally I began taking Foley's Honey and Tar and soon was well of both cough and cold and It never re-turned." F. a. Prevo, Bedford, writes: "After having an attack of la grippe It left me with a severe cough and I tried everything. I lost In weight and got so thin it looked as though I would never get well.

I tried Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and two bottles cured me, I am now well and back to normal weight," Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is A healing family remedy and seldom faVJs to relieve coughs, colda, croup, whooping cough, raw and Inflamed throat, tight artd sore chest, Irritated throat and bronchial coughs, Tor Salt by Snodgrasa ft Braoy. irs. David Terry was appointed Do not let it wear you out day afternoon and night at the Hotel Arkansas suffragists will join WHEN HORSE BUNS AWAY. Mountain Home, Jan. 26.

(Special.) Mrs. J. N. Eubank was painfully friuay and Saturday, left with a njw idea of tlnele Sam's fighting -machine and the need for increasing its size and effectiveness. a of the Congressional Union for a national suffrage amend hurt Monday afternoon, when the horse CASTOR I A 1 For Infants and Children ment, supporting the movement by con she? was driving became frightened and ran away, upsetting the 'buggy and As efficient for its size as any in member of the uutional advisory board of tho union aud ex officio member of the executive committee.

According to present plans Miss Julia Houston will be sent to Washington to study the national situation, with a view to returning to carry on the active campaign, in the State, M. E. Dunaway, prosecuting attorney, made the address of welcome Tuesday afternoon to the the world, the machine as 'revealed in In Use For Over 30 Years throwing her to the ground. Her face was badly lacerated, and she was se tribution or lumls and by personal work in impressing Arkansas'- senators and congressmen1 the desirability of the amendment. i verely bruised about the shoulders and these interesting pictures seems pitiably small when compared with those revealed in the pictures of the Euro-fan war wbichv have flooded the Always beara the fQfnature of back.

The accident on one of the main streets in the south part of Organization, consisting of the selec- Washington women. At the close of the town. country siscq August, 1914. No stronger argument for President Wilson's program of preparedness oould be IN NOSE PUT CREAM LOOKING FOR WORK conference a telegram was sent to Congressman T. II.

Caraway, asking his support for the suffrage amendment. Miss Paul Tuesday night went to Mem imagined. OP CATARRH AND FOR CHILDREN'S COUGH You cannot jso anything better for your child's cough and cold than Dr. King's New Discovery. It is prepared from Pine Tar mixed with healing and The five-reel film, bearing the 'RE Everywhere men complain about work; even boys and girls in school or business find work tedious and irk Telia How TojDpen Clogged Nw phis, where she will enlist Tennessee women in the movement.

Miss Vernon went to Jonesboro Wednesday for a stamp of official approval, which guarantees their accuracy, is intense in' interest, full of action and excitement. All the various branches of the trua ana rata ueaa-uoidtv una encourage sicicness. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. You will get instant relief.

Most of us negleoi coughs and colda, We brash suggestions aside with the remark '111 be better con," and oftentimes we do get better. However, when that cough or cold gets a hold, it usually means annoyance, interference with our work and often a spell of sickness follows. Isn't it better mmedUMy to check that cold and ease the cough? Dr. King's New Discovery does it I Search as you will, tou will not find a better remedy. Dr.

King's New Discovery is made of Pine Tar mixed with soothing balsams and laxatives. It's antiseptic and kills the germs, allays the cold-fever and soothes the irritated, inflamed throat. The very first dose gives yon relief. You cough with less strain. And if yon have a hacking or dry" night cough, grateful relief follows and you soon drop into a restful and refreshing sleep.

Get a bottle to-day and let Dr. King's New Discovery be your cold and cough doctor, Vt all druggists. some, but it isn't the work half so much sootning it aoes not contain anything hjtvmfnl find in MliarhMw canvass of Congressman Caraway 's dis trict. as their own lack of physical strength Tou feel fine in a few moments. army ere shown, from cadet drills at CLEAH LIVER AND BOWELS TONIGHT tive, just enough to expel the poisons that makes it hard.

Rich blood, strong lungs and health from the system. Dr. King's New, Dis Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe reely.

No West Point to the operation of the greab coast defense guns on the" Pacific coast. Cavalry, infantry and artillery, are shown in action, all ful digestion make work pleasurable eovery is antiseptic kills the cold in business, in school or even house germs raises the phlegm loosen the more dullness headache; no hawking, evidencing spUiidid training and skill. Don't stay headachy, sick, or ENTER ALMA OIL FIELD work, and if those who are easily tired snuffling, mufcous discharges or dry When it is realized that only 40 per cent of the ammunition needed by tho. cough- and soothes the irritation. Don't put off treatment.

Cough and Colds who are not sick.but weak and ner struggling for breath at night. have bad breath and sour stomach. leu your druggist you want a small Vous would just take Scott's Emul Alma, Jan. 26. (Special.) New often lead to serious lung troubles.

It sion for one month, and let its pure little of this fragrant antiseptic cream little of this frarant, antiseptic cream oil companies enter daily the already ii also aaoft tor adult and tha jnH ertillery for a single extended engagement is available, it is seen how hopeless would be a struggle with a power as 'Well equipped as any of those in the" present European war. As is big list of companies now operating i a ah Wake up feeling fine! Best lax in the Alma field. There are already in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head: soothe and heal the inflamed concentrated food create" richer blood to pulsate through every artery and veinlet it build a structure of healthy tissue and give you vigorous strength you would find work easy and would seven drills in operation and contracts let for eight 'more. These wells are ative for men, women and children. mucous membrane, and relief comet in pointed out, men may be never so brave and skillful, but without the tools of modern warfare they are pow all within a radius of five miles of stantiy.

Alma and "every indication points to It is. just what every cold and ca erless against well-equipped forces. look tor more. Insist on Scott a. production.

Alma is growing rapidly tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay Scott Bownc, Bloomfield, K.J. 15-15 Aviation work is pictured graphi since the biff passer was brought in, stuffed-up and miserable. Good Eating Real estate js changing hands daily, cally. Incidentally, Uncle Sam's army and navv have less than 100 aero there are several new residences and planes 'when theyi should have more DOMES business houses under construction, with contracts to be let for more at once, among them a hotel of fifty than 1,000.

The navy is shown in action and Plus Low rooms. The present hotels are crowd there are intimate pictures of marines Pino dluff ed with people coining from all parts Prices of the country with a view of invest ing in the new field. $8.00 yBir $8.00 England, Fordyoe, Camden, Stuttgart, De-Wit an OUlett. There are submarines, torpedoes and mines; in fact, everything known to the art of war on land, on sea and in the air. All the are clear and 'clean cut, splendid examples of the way in which the cinematograph may be used for TO END CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND -HEAD NOISES.

If you have Catarrhal Deafnus or head noises go to your druggist and. get 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength), and add to lt i pint of hot water and 4 euno.s of granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relict from the distressing head noise. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing b.oome ea.y and the mucus stop dropping Into -the throat.

It la easy to prepare, coats little and Is pleasant to take. Any one who his Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription atrial. T3nl Mi-ita tnln. will a Tou can always get good eating if you pay bis prieM for but it la seldom that you get good eating If you pay small prices for It. This and depart from depot at north end of tree Argenta, Ark.

Unruly Children place Is the exceptional place educational purposes as well as for Enjoy life I Kemove the liver and entertainment. Both are combined in because we make, a specialty-of featuring trie best' the market affords, cooking it and Automobile buses leave corner of Mam and Uarkham streets. Little Rook, for Cottaa Belt Depot. Argenta. Fare I cents, THE SCHEDULE.

Going. the five Teels. (Proceeds of the three-day exhibi A truant officer has declared that most such children who come under his observation aTe not properly nourished. Mal-assimilation of food makes bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, "breath offensive, and stomach Don't stay Lv. Arsenta 1:05 am.

tion are to be applied to the fund which is being raised for a silver serv serving it In the beat and most' appetising manner, and charging the lowest prices It la possible for ua to charge. If you want a nice place ro eat clean. Inviting and economical, try the children cross, puny, peevish and un 4:15 p.m. :10 p.m. ruly.

Our local druggists, 6nodgrass sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box ice for the battleship Arkansas, for which Miss DeLoney has done field (Little Ar. England 1:05 a.m. Ar. Pine 10 a.m.

tit. Pine Bluff. 1:10 p.m. Ar. Fordyoe :00 p.m.

Ar. Oamd.n 0 pun. ar. Stuttgart Ar. Do Witt Bracy, Holman Drug and the Ar-mistead-Britton Drug have in "Vinol areliable non-secret remedyf or work.

of Cascarets from the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the Pupils See Court Session. p.m. :10 p.m. p.m. just sucn conditions, because it con tains iron for the blood, and the medic QUICK nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleans Searcy, Jan.

26. (Special.) In to exemplify the workings of civil inal extractives of fresh cod livers. Ar.QIUett Returning Lv. (:t0a.m. ing you ever experienced.

You will aided by the norishing properties of TAXICAD? PHONE government, J. W. Henry of the Ken- wake up feeling fit and fine. Casca beef peptone, and if it-fails to make sett public school and candidate for CAFE rets never gripe or sicken like salts, pills and act so gently Domes, $8.00 Enough Said. nccfrifConstrCoT Phone Main 401.

Louisiana Street. weak, puny, ailing youngsters healthy and eood-natured, they will give back county superintendent oi schools Lv. Do Lr. Stuttgart 1 a.m. Lv.

Camden, rv. Lv. Firdyce Ar. P. Bluff.

Lt. P. Bluff. 7:11 a.m. Lv.

England. a a.m. Ar. Argenta." 10 aid. brought his class in civil government that you hardly realize you have tak your money.

Vinol is sold in Argenta For' and Gentlemen. 10:28 a.m. 11:40 a.m. p.m. p.m.

sill pm. en a cathartic. Mothers should give to this city Monday morning to wit WAIN 344 CITY TAXICAB CO; 401 Main St. by the Hall Drug Co. neas the proceedings In Circuit Court.

DM IV. FIFTH ST. Ope Door West of Main St. sick, bilious or feverish children Jn your own town, wherever you live, there is a Vinol Drug store. Look Mr.

Henry's class consisted of about (Little Roeic.i 15 boys and girls. Tickets at Argenta Station. i or. tne sign. tnorougniy ana cure narmiess.

ftpifai! We have taken over the stock of this Since we don't own the; shoes we don't care, what the loss is the Armstrong Shoe Company has to take that loss -all we want is fifteen thousand dollars. Prospects are tliat we will sell shoes valued to $3 at 69c, $4 at 98c, etc Tomorrow we will tell you all about it. well-known local concern. We are compelled to get fifteen thousand dollars out of this stock at once. To do this we are ready to sacrifice this stock at slaughter prices.

For the next few days we will practically give away shoes in order to get the money outoi the stock. -for uro. SEE RS DAY'S iDlSMO.CM IE? TIlJ.

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