The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 15
- Publication:
- The Philadelphia Inquireri
- Location:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 15
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1930 a 15 PHILA. PASTOR RESIGNS In his resignation, which will ht considered l.y the Philadelphia Presbr- SLAYER DIES BY GAS OXE PLAY AND PICT URES SHOWN riety to suit all types of tastes. Comedy and action are the keynotes of bi It offerings, and Iix baa a most congenial role, one well suited to his type of personality in the new us an electrician who tries to break into the smart set, with some amusing and laughable results. With lix in the pic- chamber, and bade hiiu a smiling "goodbye." While aided in the construction of the death chamber while awaiting the outcome of an appeal from his conviction. When the warden infuriui-il the gambler the Supreme Court had rulcl be must die he asked White whether be had a Inst wish.
"You might get me a gas mask," I he gambler replied, laughing. 11 FAC Rev. Roy T. Brumbaugh Receives 'iWZZl had From Tacoma Church Imviwd a mil to the First A f( less tlum a year's service iih Icriau (. Iiiiivh of Tncoinn, Wash.
Pievi-pnstor of tho Jlelliany Preshj I erinu Ions to Ins coming to the Hetliauy Prcs- ii 1 1 mil and ltn in- jlo teroin Church Mr. ISnimhnitgh served bridge streets, the lieveicnd Koy six vears us piMnr of the Coates-mauge ItruiulmutU has tendered Insiville Presbyterian Church. His tirst icsigiiatioii. 'charge as at At Inula, tura aiioenr Lois i son as eaoiiic lady, in addition to Alien Kenrns in a iElOl FATHER' STRIKING FILM II I GARR1CK DBS AT GHESTHUTj comedy role, Hita Iioy, Hctcc Maercady, Anthony IlushiU'll. "Iutermifiona! ithythm" on the stage 1 1 "JZ- Occupant of Nevada Lethal Chamber Declared Dead in Nine and a Half Minutes ly and horribly Afraid as tlifv powered in dug-out or ihell holes.
Uere is no false glamour nor brittle, unreal story. War is described by Paul, who was the lirst person in whose words the book wa written, and "dirt and mud and death." The German school bojg who enlist after a fiery and iuiflauiuiutory speech by their schoolmaster, go out at first in youthful high spirits and vigor and one by one they are twisted and broken by the vast, inexorable machine of whose purposes they know and understand nothing, but which has set them and the youth of other nations at each other' throats, until Paul, one day when "all is ouiet on the Western is a most mirthful and melodious song und dance production, with Htuld Mar-cellus, Lew and Madeline Wilson. ihere is also "The Pirate (Jiiecn. with Ctcilc Uronson in "A tinrdcu of Song." Rfioeats Her no viairw "All Quiet on the Western Front" Is Powerful and Poignant Human Document Her Part in an Laughingly Demands Gas Success Mask as Warden Asks His Last Wish ft rru. lit'" front, in a groping after beauty as he 1 T-t UtSIIIIttll OlUIJf Via I lUllj WUUU poised upon an exploded shell, meets Aft- Original Play arcfchilds Carpenter's Unique Conception Wins Hearty Laughter.
ji iieato at the hands of a French sniper. IS PrOTOUndly MOVing and I There are many moving ami powerful scenes, the painful ones in a shell hole between Paul and the French soldier CAKSOX CITV, June 2 (A With a smile on his face, It. I Huh) White, convicted of the mur- Packed House Votes Paris Superb in Artistry ruler if Louis l.avell, a tellow gam-OTlhler at Elko. in was execut Riviera Edition Full Bang and Beauty ed today in the new lethal gas cham vthef." a comedy in ber tit the Nevada State Prison. Richard Child Carpenter acts b.v l''01 Theatre the Garnck ineaire lie kills, those in the hospital with the dying boy whose fine lwots became a sort of grisly inheritance for his comrades anil those in still another hospital.
The battle scenes are finer thau anything of the sort that has ever been made with their emphasis upon wholesale slaughter, and the sound effects of some early dug-out scenes are almost unlH'arnlile with rlw.ii. I'll "All Quiet on the Western Front" is unquestionably the greatest screen document 'of war and its bitter, terrifying futility that has yet been presented. A deeply moved audience left, the Chestnut Street Opera House last night after the first showing of this Heath came ipiickly and apparently without pain, nlthough the 'JtKi-poiind stockily built man of forty strained on I ho straps which bound his hands and enfit night, gnwllM Oliver nigl Ices to the straight backed chair, at Junior Lectiupd Cflff (). r. Huntlev.
Jr. ter he had taken two deep breaths of a-ries of the new recruits sounding like I nrkin (W Koait" AalilW fate Trent picture in a hushed silence, si ill Bt ill the death-dealing hydrocyanic acid gas. haunted ny tne reproacniui. gnostiy faces that had brought the film to a close, marching off into a misty the trapped, desperate cries of wdil animals. That minds once shocked and broken by war are unlit to go hack to so-called civilization is another Olive Keevei-smitn Alan Wsrd Aline MHIermott ilnrrlet B.
MartMlibon June Walknr Jt was nine and one-half minutes from the lime ten one-ounce "eggs" of oblivion. iw Maria CretUW Liuilnftt Perhaps it is because the artistic; point made in llerr ltomn nine's lsok cyanide of potassium, in a screen con tainer, were dropped into a jar of sul lliarlei Conrad. Jr, that the film has not, failed to nuik which have combined to produce iii, JierneT i i Father" was originally lllf WDflur phuric acid nnd ater by the cutting of a string outside the cell until White's heart stopped beating, said Dr. r. E.
Ilamer, Nevada State Henlth Officer, who kout a specially built stethoscope on the condemned man There can be nothing but praise for every member of the cast from the sensitive Paul of Lewis A.vres'and lli grimly humorous Katczinsky of Louis Wolheim to the mean-spirited Iliniinid-stoss of John Wrny, the amusing Tjnden of George "Slim" Sumniervillc and the gentle, plump little mother of Beryl Others who deserve special mention are Walter rone Kogers. William lllakewell, ltusseli Glcason and Ben Alexander. throughout the proceedings and record ed the actions of the heart. flprrtot to The Inquirer. ATLANTIC CITY.
June 1-Tho hot spell ushered in the P.l.'ll) Paris-Itiviera edition of "Artists nnd Models," tonight, before an audience that packed the Apollo Theatre from pit to gallery. The 1930 edition contains Phil Baker, with his trusty accordion and some brand new gags; George Ilnssell, as grout a comic as ever, Dorothy Drum, Aileen Stanley, If. Alfred I'oting, Harry Walsh and other capable principals. Also an ensemble that, was very easy on I ho eyes, and bewildering scenic effects. Several dance numbers tmd; the house by storm, there was plenty of catchy music, and snappy lines, a gorgeous displny of gowns and near gowns, and a love story that has a happy ending.
The shew goes with a bang from start to finish, Aileen Stanley sang two or three pretty ballads, and was given a big ovation, surpassed only by that accorded the inimitable Phil linker himself. The music was by lliidyn Wood, Jack Waller and Joseph Tun-bridge, the Messrs. Sluibert were of course, the producers. Fifty-three spectators, including two women. Miss Mao E.
Kennev. trained UT Kr and n. a the vehicle for the -IMay of the Week aided by tint clever and inttbtir must be fair- b' i said to concern a much titled ilo of Mlher loose morals, who '1'. nW t0 Hther ubout ee cbildren of different n- a if for whose existence he is oa Hi th'ory is that they fl. Imt ill way that he bad not 1, nurse, of t'arson Cily, and Miss Mar this enormously important picture are so strange that it has achieved the greatness that undoubtedly belongs to it.
Erich Marin Itemnrque's own experiences nnd thoughts were poured into the book, "Alt Quiet on the Western Front," and have made it the outstanding book from any nation to have been born of the war. find these experiences have been intelligently and masterfully conveyed to the screen by Maxwell Anderson, rising above his somewhat shrill "What Price Glory days when he co-operated with Law-renc'o Stallings, and the astute George Abbott of Broadway fame. This strange trin nnd Lewis Milestone, who has contributed superb direction, have achieved something which stands alone for truth, restraint, lack of hysterical and for a stark, bitter honesty, llere is no young, palpitating fear of admitting that one Is afraid mid that, most were sickening- garet Skeeter, a nurse, of Itcno, who recently came bete from the State of Virginia, peered through the windows of the execution chamber. As he entered the stone chamber, Bceoniiuinied by Warden Matt Penrose. White's step was firm and he smiled at, the crowd at the two windows, lie RICHARD DIX AT TOWER "Lovln tha Ladies" Is Film; "International Rhythm" Seen Between "Lovin' the Ladies" as (he photoplay feature at the Tower Theatre, starring Itichnrd Dix, and "International Ithythm'' as the sprightly stage offering, the early week programme is full of brightness and va- ci rated The theme is rather indeli- but the Playwright has handl.d with such skill that we see the funny slier than the immoral side of the aided the guards in adjusting the She wondered why lie lost interest so quickly she never suspected "li.
0. "until (HimIij Udur) strnps and gave each guard a hearty fiinnnta IDA handshake when their work was com pleted. lie also shook the hand of liation. in a wmu inal transgressions of the titled peril in the numerous situations brought Lt by this novel coming together Warden Penrose, the last to leave the I his children. 'in the end Sir Basil formally adopts be children and thereby gives them his aijie and his fortune, but in the they somehow manage to twine krmselves about his heart.
There are irtioDs of the dialogue where the Lwright does not have the slightest Iitancj in calling a spade a spade, I I fhi. nerfect frankness the hiwest laughs. Leonard rey does very well with the part of bachelor tamer nu umu the strange brood together under rnnf of his splendid mansion. Alan ird made the English son a tine, inly, upstanding chap. Harriet h.
gibbon played the part of the Ital-i daughter with the finish and finesse i have come to expect from this very actress. June Walker as Antoinette, the child the American mother, was the bright rticular star of the evening. She jjr repeated her previous success in part, turning from humor to pathos a a facility all her own. She has are made to smoke not ice. Lifehuoy will safeguard us! l.ifehuoy's wonderfully refreshing, antiseptic lather so copious and almndant even in hardest water purifies pores, removes every trace of odor.
Its pleasant, crtra-ehan that vanishes ns you rinse tells you "Here's safety from No wonder millions of particular men and women declare, "I couldn't do without Lifehuoy." The J'meHl of complexion oop! Lifehuoy is the hlandest and mildest of HMps for the face, yet marvelously cleansing. Its creamy, lather floods tiny pores gently loosens clogged imptiril ics brings hack healthy, glowing radiance to dull, skins. Try Lifebuoy free To try this famed toilet soap without cost, just send us your name and address. Hy return mail you will receive two cakes of Lifebuoy free. Write today to Lever I'rothers Dcpt.L Mass.
SHK HAD to (llit. lmnl to keep Imck the tears. What. the nuttier? He had devotion itself when they ftitrtetl out. "Why was lie so different now? Their rotnnnee nearly went, on the rocks.
If nt fortunately Iter new sister-in-law gave her some helpful advice in lime. Warnetl her aliout "Jl.O.", the polite name for a condition people dislike even to mention hotly odor, a fault that will roh the prettiest girl of her rhartn. Told her the easy way to fresh and dainty even on the hottest, sjultriefit day. And once she adopted a simple safeguard against offending, lu sweetheart fell in love with her all over again. Don't hlame the wvnthcr titanic yourxvlf! Perspire more in Summer? Then lie extra particular aliout, washing and lmtliiiiK often with I.ifclmoy and you'll never offend.
There's no excuse for even a hint of "IJ.O." which others so quickly qualities winch tit tins role, tne i'e that can be so readily tinged with iness, the bright retort, the easy and the deft and confident lulling of the American slang which imds bo funny in an English home. i- appealing personality stood her in I stead last night. II he four scenes in the first act moved Try LIFEBUOY Life uov CREAM HEALTH SOAP itt how the rwor glidti IJ Tour face. No mors MJ on thoit "Tender Spoti." -stops body odor- ai your ingmtri t. -1? L- 'Jx rf' a itzrn 1 i commendable swiftness, partly be-i of the novel scenic devices as planned by David Belusco.
setting of the living room in the i- if home of the titled Englishman is ike impressive. If last night's mliter counts for anything the "JBach-fer Father" should be in for a pros-srous stay In Philadelphia. I CONTINUING FILMS and Old Pictures Which Have Been Previously Reviewed Among the recently introduced which continue here are "True 4 the Navy" with Clara Bow as the the Mastbaum, in conjunction "J1! tage show; "The Bad One" Edmund Lowe and Dolores Del at the Boyd; "Journey's End" in 4 second week at the Erlanger; 'The O4''koos" moved to the Arcadia nptil rfday; "The Flirting Widow" and tlw presentation at the Earle; "Born ti'kkss" with Edmund Lowe, at the i in conjunction with a Fanchon Msrco stage offering; "Xew Ad-f Hires of Dr. Fu Manchn" the fcnley; "This Mad World" at the Intoii, snd "The Devil's Holiday" at he popularity of numerous pic-yim further demonstrated Love Brutes" was Ik," Cto KS- Keystone. 'Jhler, Otonts, Liberty (Equity) and rrrout; "Honey" in the Strand and ghonj; 'The Golden Calf" in the Xnnx, Astor and Sedgwick; i.J'ld Everything" in the Ixignn 1 "Mfftma Moon" in the Irkor and land-It ik GTn Goddess" in the was also a sprightly mb.rtainrn.nt, the Lindy, KEEN and ALERT at FOUR' the days grind demands men ol unusual Vitality fi A i A rAiW Colmbi? v' "l8Ul 01 "eatern stars Kent; "Indies of i i A i y't i '-J i 4 i it wnere there the "Seven Days "I-'-viir the Ladies" in bnZL King" in lii A Headway; "Such 1 ln thi Oxford; i'nis Vrom Wnnkley'a" in the AeC "The O1 7 IT: We n'' fc, "Strict -'i "Sarah nnd Mnd-V.
he Hogue Song" Women" tip rin, from Shanghai" a light" i in fte; 'Oh! fine Pari," mx nn(1 J-f 1,1 'he Northeastern. I "4 rTlE THEATRE REOPENS 'fUll and With a '4 you want to feel the same way Hcmr. Featursd FMtU The atre- wIM' recently back retil P'ture house, new hit: picture which is a 'Client i 11 as called "A J'isc os. empire Otiose ts. I'Pire" and purports ns PHvailir aml con-ide mZu of today.
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