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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 15

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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i I IS MW SHOWS IN CITY THEATRES i 111 i "Tn rf" T7 ff it? rn'r; r-f iff hrULADLU'iilA l.NyUlliLH, VfcDNLSlMX jMjui.u, IVA liiule Tiurbarossa, outward bound from New York to Berlin. I The iilut concerns ereat scientist MnH II IN llll lUl iili is mile or FAST IB IS fl THRILLER i COMEDY lio has invented a formula for war which in to horrible thnt when it be-cornea known he believes it will be the tiicau of eodinit all wars. He Ihih Invited ill of the (rent scientists of the world to meet him In Herlin in order to diaeloae hla wonderful dis- nml in irluu tttum tit t.ttuii Store Houri Daily 9 to 5 Phone Rittenrtou 1000 The JOHN WANAMAKER Down Stairs Store A complete store of moderately -priced merchandise, of Wanamaker quality and dependability, all on one floor MvSterV Mfilndrama flf thp t0 'urever prevent armed warfare be- Excellent Dancing Aggregation Shuffles Way Into knowledge that be la currying thin e- the Ly- First Local Appearance at Broad 'Street Theatre in "Much Ado About Nothing" Air Produced at He Theatre t'li-t wilh him on the dirigible is known to several persons, and most of the tiL-tion revolves iiround their attempt ti ltd the precious piece of paper. Ho-lure it is over aro three mur I Favor at Forrest ders, the discovery of a leper who has Ann One More Proof That rranif Mclntvre and Star and Her Company Give a Presentation That Is One of Finest Seen Here There Is Really Something New Under the Sun TODAY Mipprii uiioartl as a stowaway, and finally the wreck of the dirigible. Tulil in this buld way it may not kciiihI convincing, hut an unusually ef-licieul ciist played go well that even the most impossible situations became plausible.

Charles Abbe. In the role ANHDAL Seymour Starred in Piece Giving Swift Entertainment SALE DRESSES of of I'nifessor Keene, gave an air of "One Mile IV a undo- rinlit.v to the funntieallv minded aci- drama, by McBlbart Moore, EnrU enlist who hoped to end all war by bis lirentano. whs "Much Ado About Nolhiiiff," a com Iy iu (our hch by Hhuki'Hpearo, wan MfHt'iitt'd Ht tliH It road Sirei't Tln'a-tre Inwt ninht by Mm. aiul Iht foaipuny. The CKHt: Itm IVtlro I'eilro tie Conlt.tia ('rooker and Lowell pioduced for the firxt 'floottl rori! a nA twfl of Bvf wa produced for tha first time th.

New Forrest The-atrt last iilsbl. Thf book la by aim, Todd Mitchell, lyric by Mann Hnllner. mimic bv Werner Janaarn. The enat: for Women and Young Women Hew Fashions at Uotabfo Low Prices! time ln niu'lit at the Theatre, iih the following cast; Hun! John fli'tlviiwiilil Chief Mwb. Jlolnrlili KupJkfiI awful formula.

Wnllis (lark played the captain of the airship and dominated the action In more than one scene, Edward Woods, as Oeliincey Hodman, a reporter, who was In love wilh the professor's niece, was tnaiily mid coiivin-'ing in a difficult part, dean May made a charming impression in the role of Wynne Madison. Paul (iuil-luyle was dramatic, wilh an aniaaingly good make-up aa the leper. Comedy fitrwnrd Lt. flobfi 4lfXRTlr1r 600 New Afternoon Alfr.i Mif Kdwnft I'mwcII Ma'Knilp. Son W.

Van ViMirliln Marion Rnvnioofi Wu'htirn rant (liillfuT FrHU-rli-li ICiiilfn 4 Slnrf Miirrn; a I'rinril'n KiidwIch Ivlwurtl Wofitls Ut.lHTt Hrtnti'i (ton CiHtiillo llpiit-dlt tHJiialo Autonio Hovarlilo Ooiiradp A I'Htf Frlor Vrancii Oochtrry Vrea HhkI' Odd like 1 8-xtuo Hen llt'iitrk'e Mtiryrirt't Wartmriou Wunlw-'! Jnn Mm-a rf CliirifM Dm Hop i. Owen lft'h Frank Wfhtcr iUrrv Uhhd Klilf Kvvnv rollix-a Ui'i'cnslrcft Wulfurd Harrow Kvun Man!) )rirt I. Moir Frank rt)ti-r Mr, k'ltkv VlrRtnlu IMiilhi.H Dresses 25 Duiulfl Vnll fonniw Villi Bil Tntlen Joiit riavton Karl UIm Rnrtel Mr tturtthnni I)' li'Hlmnn Uotfvr Hntvx Wvune Inillnnn Irf Pliiiip Ket'iie Cii.t Kill OKo imith Oeorte nil-e Tom wniu uinpi nrr 1' ln, Wort)itt amltb Frank Mr ntrr. Uuretta Arisms mm M.vf-ll. llwd Wlr WnWi i KvWn rnnid of Till Mrlbert Krlrod of rilly Mntulre.

Tlnlie STOotmH- Prolou On Pfk of Art 1-fene 1-Jtnof aarAea WortMnitoo Smith" PentanM on Park whs furnished in good measure by Pris-cilla Kiiuwles and Kiiytnond Wnlhurn. Each of the other members of tbe cast helped to round out a very clever performance. The scenic effects are worth a ape-fiiil word of mention. The first set showed the cabins along the cnt walk inside the bag of the dirigible, and the other was in tbe observation, gon-dulu under the bun. The final scene, ti.a Iphu Mn rimk Kriinfi I rHulu alb Radio Oiiemtor SSI0.75 to $16.50 Qrades Bright colored silk crepes and new printed crepes in dozens of styles.

Transparent velvet blouses with satin skirts sleeveless. Sizes 14 to 4G in the group. Also ll.wtls.rne I "a i After Christmas, almost every woman wants new dresses, and many a "gift" check is turned into wearing apparel. Here's the opportunity to select from smart new dresses (not mussed and reduced ones) at gratifying savings in this Sale beginning this morning. 50 Brocade Velvet Dresses $1f) $16.50 Cjade Combined with Georgette.

In black, wine, cocoa, Independence blue, peach, powder. For afternoon or informal evening wear. Also some chiffons combined with lace-detached sleeves. Speciall New Silk Crepe Dresses 5 Those who. love real thrills, Inter i nthiisiuHni of the first nlirht amlienee.

'l S-Worthlnaton Bmllh'i twins Boom. Act rirnj od the Button Poi Bond, acnt -The Cotrt Boune TtnkoriTllH. Kfrnt lHiw f.rlor Wortttlaeton Smith'! swift- speraed with mystery, adventure mid Probably few of those who were pres-good entertainment, can make no mis- K1" auy, Pcrsonil knowledge of take if they go to the Lyric during 'his kind of an air-k "A it ship, but nil must have felt thnt they the run of One Mile Pp. Uiik werp mkinK at a raithful repratluction clever production proves that there is I of the real thing. In short, the il- Were there any doubt that Shake speare, thut risiug young playwright ol the Elizabethan era, has a firm griiHp on twentieth century taste, such an one entertaining that misconception would bave bad it wiped out at last night's production of this very amusing comedy.

The bard wrought well when he dueled out this bit of dramatic (livers.oii with its two-fold plot, one of knavery, the other beuignnnlly tricky, and an audience thut tilled the Uroad Street Theatre followed the development of the two projections with aomething new under the sun. in spite fusion was well nigb perfect and four Fast and furious stepping that reaches tbe stage of dancing 25 .1 oi pessimistic views to tlie contrary. I curtain calls at tlie close of the show The entire action of the play takes1 were proof of the enjoyment of the au-place on board tbe transatlantic diri- dience. conieay mat is raiwuinwi, Ut hfAAjt nnA liberal! Moire Evcring Frocks $16.50 Grades 8 AtfAn sumrwiini. m.vm..

5 3Dd mimical momenta tiiat are rawer tt, ordinary 1 are the three PROBLEMS LI CIRCiS LIFE IE fiomontAlu that form the basis of intense interest, 't rue, It was a presentation that would undoubtedly have made the immortal Will rub bis eyes in amazed wonder. No eucli settings, no such costuming, no such elegance graced his playa in bis day. Hut there is nothing sugKestive of the bizarre iu dressing It as Mrs. Fiske has, and cihakespenre himself would probably have been tbe lirst to approve of the Perfectly lovely 1 Different from anything we've ever had anywhere near this low price! Moire in pastel tints with "wheels" of tiny ruffles, distinctive necklines, scallopings, shirrings. Chiffon velvets with lace, and lustrous satins also at $8.25.

Sizes in the group 14 to 36. this new music play that proved hilarious entertainment last night. Frank Melntyre, the fullblown cornelian lat seen hera In "Qneen High," dnd Ann Seymour with her punctured nririiralns" and other mncerntlons OF MM LIFE IV AT FOX-LOCUST Half In navy, black and light colors. Dozens of styles, sizes 164 to 24 and regular sizes. the KiiiK'a English are the chief Wanamaher'a Down StaireFashiuns.

Market i hnmnkers with Harry nlch bringing Ernest Pascal's Play Interesting Story Given by a Good Company! in Showing of at the Adelphi 1 "Pour Devils" up a Snra rtcrnatd type ot nenowniier iust when the piece begins to need new Wood and sand. These three bear the brunt of the burden of jocularity, und they get a lot of laughs out of their foolish tritlinr. Some of the mualc furniabed by Mr. Mnnn Is above tbe avernae of musical lavisii pictures tuat were presented, i The play, with its slxtenth cenliirj settings in Messina, is una that leuda Itself naturally to the picturesque, and that objective wus atluined in the line trappings of a centuries-old principality and (be delightful backgrounds I against which they were shown. In addition, the direction of the piece I hud evidently been pointed to obtain a robust presentation of the comedy! and this end was also aecoinolisbeii.

Janet Gaynor Again Has a The Author Is Successful oomcdy effort, rtkularly a couple of New Opportunities in this Sale! Www Coats Hedmcedl Role in longa that are reniteret in ai mnnir hv Eddie Nelson. Two out Bed' From start to finish the cast had thut Most Appealing Murnau Film With 'The Marriage In Dramatic Form standing hits of the piece as indicnted spirit of the corps that was bound to produce envinnlu results. It kc dmii given to the Shakespeare fan to enjoy! suca evenness or casting, such combined' effort all directed toward one end, that It may be said without fear of con To join this Sale of Fur Coats we have reduced from our own stocks the following groups: tradiction that "Four Devils," the by the applause were "What Ijould 1 Do," and "Shake High, bhnke and the dance numbers have a aest and aip achieved by few writers who attempt such diversified score. Home peculiar jasty stuff baa ulso been put in the capable care of tbe Four Night-iniales, a quartette of young women who sing In the modern fashion, Tbe niece opens in rather novel fash Fox-Locusts Christmas present to its patrons this week, is the finest of the "The Marriage Bed," a piny by Ernest Pascal from his novel of the same name, was presented by Sum II. Harris, in association with Felix Voting, at the Adelphi Theatre last evening for tbe first time.

This was the cat: Group No. 3 Caracul Coats Group No. 1 Price several film stories of circua life shown in this city. Yet, somehow or another, it doesn't seem to be all that one baa ciimr to expect from F. W.

Murnau. 1 Hudion Seal (dyed muakrat) Coat of fitting each part perfectly into its own groove to make for a liuished product of such satisfying completeness, This intelligent unity of effort made it impossible to look upon any one individual as enjoying stellar honors. Hy right of long service and accomplishment, Mrs. Fiske is, of course, nulurul-ly conceded such titular honors, but it must be said that last night they were I5.JS ntch shawl collar and cult a ion. Instead of a full chorus ot the its director.

There are times when 'merry, merry, a moonlight Scene giving Oiltrt Held Mar? Boyd Cecily Ki-ld Andrew Trunk Csiollne KHd Mollis SaiiiuttTS Clyde BniitidiTfl Gears Buyd i a suggestion of the promenade deck ot aa ocean liner is shown with just two 'persons in the foregruund. Ann Hey Euuird Eaiery Ann Mlldn-d MeCoj Waiter (lllbeit Fllwihptli I'altfrfon Uarrlpt Mac(ill)ln Knti-Ht Wood Allan lllni'hnrt Helen Flint what really should be situations tense with pathos, become rather ludicrous and certainly beyond the bounds of reason. However, "Four Devils'' Is a merely nominal. And sue Herself is fmour an Jean, and George Baxter hh Original fnc. NOW 1 Gray Caracul Coat sucde-trimmed $S5 65 1 Gray Caraful Coat self -trimmed.

'110 1 Brown Caracul Cont at med $195 105 1 Gray Caracul Cont kit fox tine ahawl collnr $295 'ISO 1 Cocoa Caracul Coat fitch (fisher- 11 OC dyed) collar and cuff a $265 )D picture no one should miss. Despite probably more pleased than anyone clc a dilucult role, Janet Uaynora refresh Chrlitlnt Kennedy to know thnt, instead of play plane above her associates, th to know thnt nstead of playing associates, on a these com iony nmim. me miter is going to 'South America to win fame and for-'tune, and the two lovers, for such they are, are shown plighting everlasting nig personality and clever artistry, The three tU'tH xre iHid In the llburuul home of Ueorite und Murv Kvil. rades rose to her level. She looked Act I An eviTilna In Act It -Four more than make up for any dehci ncy the picture might otherwise possess.

With her one ascends and descends the iramiit of emotions. month, later. Act 111 A m-ik later. The name problem play bus been soiled with so much ignoble use that If fealty. Rut alas' Owing to a minim-demanding Jean married, all unknowingly, the young chap's father, and iwhen Ixx-binvnr returns from tbe South the fun begins.

1 There are a number of specialties that ars worked into the warp and woof of the nlnt hut it would be hardly tair to ami it to The locale of "Four Devils" Is In the vicinity of Paris and vividly por-traya the glamour and the heart-aches The Marriage Bed. thoiiirh this closely lovely aa Beatrice, and after slowing down considerably from her furious lingual puce in the first scene, ever a fault with uer, she gave a delightfully smooth and enjoyable reading of tbe role. Equal in performance wiib the fruity part of Benedick, as played by Ian Maclaren, the Don Pedro of Pedro De Cordoba, the Claudio of Geoffrey Wardwell and the I.eonato of Charles Daiton. Delightfully ingratiating aln knit and well-written drama deals with arave emblems of married life. The of that rather exotic world ot the tan NOW '275 165 195 '275 '110 '165 '195 '165 NOW '110 '110 '110 '110 '165 method of fiction and the method of bark ring and canvas-top of a continental circus.

Miss Gaynor, Nancy Drexcl, Charles Morton and Barry Norton are the "Four As drama are 10 diverse that a novel can 1 King Broadtail Coat platinum wolf shawl collar fl 1 Leopard Cat Coat rucoon "Johnny" shawl collar tH3 1 Natural Krimmer Coat self-trim-med 'M 1 White Erminette (coney) Coat (for evening wear) (105 1 White Erminette (coney) cliincliil-lette collar 1 Civet Cat Coat self-trimmed 1 Blue-Rack Seal $195 Group No. 2Sealine (dyed coney) Coats fff 6 Beatlne (dyed coney) Coats bcltfe squirrel shawl collar and cuffs 1 Sealine (dyed coney) Coat dyed litch shawl collar $115 2 Sealine (dyed coney) Coats fitch (flsher-dyed) collar $US 1 Sealine (dyed coney) Coat fitch (marten-dyed) shawl wllar fliS 2 Sealine (dyed coney) Coats natural squirrel shawj collar and $195 2 Sealine (dyed coney) Coats collar seldom' be made into a good play Willi out much straining for effect: but Mr. Pascal aa the author of the uovel knows the story opens they, as children, are was the appearance and speech of Bet the outstanding feature of the production, in addition to the farce, is the dancing that dazzlea the eyea. The xjliporting company la excellent and the settings are a visual treat. In addition to those already named mention jpotild be made of Frances Uewey Al jold, Laurette Mclntvre, Marcella tiWanSOn.

fienetin TiirV, fin. Atmill learning their profession under a cruel ty I.jnley hm Hero, and nothing could be precisely what he wants to say in the circus master, who submits them to more convincingly amusing tlinn tin play, and bis narrative in its new Group No. 4Rus8ian Pony Coats Original Prif NOW 1 Black Russian Pony Coat separate tent pointed fox scarf $S50 iy5 1 Black Russian Pony Cont dyed Si in skunk shawl collar $155 11U 1 Boitre Russian Tony Coat dyed skunk collar $155 11U 1 Brown Russian Pony Coat dyed (41n skunk collar $155 11U 1 Black Russian Pony Coat fox shawl collnr $155 110 comedy of Sydney Greenstreet and Dal orm work. Really and ncbisi vely emiVbrtV'lold of las Welford us constable and head- to the end. There may be a trace clown, feelingly portrayed by J.

Farrell bornugli. Mention might be made 111- od Walter Donahue, together with the McDonald, to take them away froro dividually of tlie cast, and It would be their taskmaster. a pleasure to do so, for even those wsiieni dancing aggregation, the Donahue-Royle Girls. Under the kiudly tutelage of the cir- who were given but one talent to de velop returned two talents for their ciis-numic, they quickly develop into clever aerialista labor. In fact, to sum up, this produc Its origin In the clarity of (lie chiirac-l ter drawing.

Mr. Pascal's people had become real to bis imagination before he began to give them visible form. The skill of the company in making every stroke tell is in part responsible for this happy effect. It is a truism that love may cxii-t apart from marriage and marriage may exist apart from love. But Mr.

Pascal's thesis is not quite so simple as It is in these sequences that Murnau tion of "Much Ado About Milling' is approaches his real genius, producing scenes which for depth of emotion sel one of those things In the theatre that make for the thosaurus of tradition. dom has been surpassed on the silver Group No. 5ftIuskrat Coals screen. Tlie simple unaffectedneBS of the '125 '165 SEES "VERMONT." 5 Muskrat Coats self-trimmed $155 and cuffs inlaid with beige $1H5 that. Mary Boyd does not wear hci heart Utwu her sleeve; and she will WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS FUR SALONS, MARKET not divorce her husband after he has children-the charm of tbe two young girls and the whole hearted devotion of the youths, fills the heart of the old clown with gladness.

The quintette, 3ig Revue Elicits Giggles and liviuir solelv within their own littl" world, aro enwrapped in a veil of I Gasps In Return Visit at had a liaison with another woman, not from obstinacy or vindictiveness. as sometimes happen, but because she does not admit he is less her husband for this divagation from the strait and narrow path. Iu vain be ami his inamorata appeal to her on the ground that a child is routing. It is only when she discovers that her own ethereal happiness. Homance develops among the youngsters and then their little world suddenly is Invaded by the Chestnut "Th Lady, a role enacted by Mary Phyllis Povah and Allyn Joslyn Star in Cohan TODAY The Annual Sale of 9 9 ert I luncnn.

Coincident with the Introduction of Of the hilaritv has evanornted sister is determined to let nothing The a character obviously gwa "The Greenwich Village Follies" stand In the way of her love for a married man that she consents. But overdrawn, the story soems to lose its and jBMQTWQBW hypnotic influence and one begins to meanwhile the affair between George realize that situations evidently in Boyd and Christine comes to its pre tended to be tnkeu seriously, are little destined end: Mary refuses to go on "I being funny. with the divorce and marry her taith wis riotoua and often rough feen hcre taat season. In essential, was the sumo show returned to town and began a tb Chestnut wiet Opera House last night. Since sLE J'T Pntntion here at the baa enjoyed lenathv "The Ladv focuses her vampire fill friend; and Christine of her own upon Morton, who loves and if volition drees her weird alone.

The dialogue arises so naturally out at Average HALF Price Special lots and broken lines depleted by holiday selling. The substantial savings suggest laying in an extra supply. Some "Seconds," but plainly so markedand the imperfections of weave scarcely impair the wear. loved by Miss Gaynor. And Morton, despite his hitherto unceasing devotion of the situations thnt the narrative spfrldl to Tli9 Inquirer.

ATLANTIC CITY. Dec. "Vermont" could easily add to the popularity of the prohibition law, presuming that law Is unpopular. This play by A. E.

Thomas, which George M. Cohan brought to tbe Apollo Theatre tonight for a week's engagement, lioasts a splendid rast, notably Phyllio Povah and Allyn Miss Povah Is a determined New Englander. who will tolerate no luw-breaking, and Mr. an to his beloved, and flespite tne tact. has a substantial quality not always nttained by those who deal wi-i I luil his jaw is squure and bis muscles of Iron, seems unable to resist the subject of this sort.

The action and reaction of human passion is finely de lincated, with no emphasis beyond that amourous advances of Miss Duncan. ho.e performance, by the way, is be- low the high quality that consistently marked her Work on the stage. of truth, As has heeu said. as cal owes much to his company for the HlLSk yrk an(f Chicago, am) iJ Kldltiona have been 'i1 but tne Principale sftUMrnent aat February, were greet-by and V'Keles last uight thi, Mi''" mood, and 'Z t0 Ch.ri.tmai m. unrefined.

Rockwell found 4m. hi disburse on ana-room his school. I en ually determined New Englander, Eventually. Miss Gaynor, In a last uiet realism of their impersonation. "prtri desperat effort to save her beloved sees no real harm In running look Into their lives through the miss- rmu certain oestrucu on.

oeuoera e.y nor er. j. nn ni fourth wa of the theatre. There mo" iron, uie beyond bis ability to resist when rum 'leap of death is nlentv of wit and humor in the nlay'ring as she makes tlie When consciousness returns to the but there is no conscious air ot smart 1 r. k.

louo-st leaiurea ith. means tu for quite tn.J:L,'"1 were three utterly trniiE Utile woman she is in the arms of her repentant lover. "The lady" has been spurned and has retired in defeat, while the doctor tells everybody thut everything is all right and that tbe unhappy pair will henceforth be happy "until death do them part." Preceding the showing of the feature, there were interesting Fox Movie-lime subjects, including Charles (Chiel 7 "nings. These were tbe v.TJ o' Carlos ness in it. Much more is implied than la said, and the ending is only apparently left up in the air.

Where all do so well lt is invidious to particularise. If there is a single outstanding impersonation It is that of Miss Ann Davis, although her mother and sisters, her father. Trask and Wood are all vivid In their respective ways, and Miss Flint's Christine has. i.t tliu Inut lovitiow runners offer him a fabulous rent for an abandoned barn, Is another outstanding character, and Kale Mayhew. as the gossipy aunt of the Vermont household, also lu convincing.

Trouble piles up thick ami fast for the old farmer and his family, (luce be touches bootleg it spells bis eventual doom. This in spite of the determined fight of tlie dnnghter to snve her father and brother from the toils of the A holiday audience applauded the how. thtip a.iJ i remain supreme iq 'd: Bn r)o' wl'osi contor-i5l. a. MEN'S HALF-HOSE 122c C25c and 35c Grades).

Firsts and "Seconds." Broken lines of cotton half-hose. Sues to lO'i. 25c (35c and 50c Grades). Broken lines. Heather mixtures in wool-and-cotton fancy effects in rayon-and cotton.

35c (3 for $)(50c Grades) First quality Rayon-and-wool in fancy effects and various color combinations. S(aiw Gallery. Market CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS 35c (3 for $1) (50c Grades) Broken lines. Three-quarter sport? hose with fancy legs. $1 ($2 Grades).

KnHXt A wool spats. Small jacquard patterns Turn-over tops and elastic to go undet shoe. Doicit Sfairs Cenfraf WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR 50c (75c and 85c Grades). Fine-ribbed cotton combination suits, bodice or built-up shoulder style. Sizes 36 and 38.

Size 50 with built-up shoulder, tight-knee. 50c ($1 Grades). Colored rayon bloomers. Broken lines. 75c (Special).

Tinted cotton combination suits, rayon-striped. $2 Grades). Pink, bodice-top glove silk vests. $1.75 $3 Grades). Pink glove silk bloomers.

Dourn Sfeiirs Ctntral MEN'S UNDERWEAR $1.50 ($2.50 to $3.50 Grades). First quality. Wool-and-cotton ribbed combination suits h'gh nerk, long sleeves. Mostly medium and heavyweight. Sizes 38 to 46.

Pmcrt Scairn Men's Gallery, Market WOMEN'S STOCKINGS 10c (3 for 25c) (35o Grades). Cotton stockings in cordovan. Seamed backs. First quality. 35c (3 for $1) of 75c Grades).

Flesh-colored, wool-and-cotton underhose. 50c- Broken lines of rayon-and-silk stockings. Full-fashioned silk, and silk-and-rayon hose in light colors. First quality. 85c Full fashioned Bemberg stockings with mercerized-cotton hems and soles.

$1 (Firxts and "SvcntiW of $1.85 Gradett). Full-fashioned, semi-chiffon silk stockings with mercerized-lisle hems and soles. Down Stain Cenfro! t'jie K. Ull-By out oi V.rite.n tlle comically Sale. who.

as usual, brings one laugh a tear or two In i ye roiling old cab horse lilllJ 111 I Mr m. i. wtn. quisile touches. There Is but a single another and setting, done with excellent taste.

'I he rvurcning nn. Hwwi.1 8 flavor to the ibZ ul. obvious scene I tnen now. performance as a whole rem mis us or thnt of one of the companies when Italy's. Palmer's.

Wallace's and the Sr 'niBu llicr waarii mnriftelTiv Boston Museum flourished. The nu- COLDS MAY DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA the foramine. At the other dlence was large and appreciative. hhinarM lu oeeiey, wno L.J be Consistently nnfiinn S4 Wh.rry team of and Hnrr think Mr "Our Dancing. Daughter," at Regent A atory of modern youth, with its frivolity and gin parties, is revealed In "Our Dancing Daughters" which was shown at the Regent Theatre yes terday.

The cast includes Joan Crawford, Dorothy Sebastian and Anita Page In the conspicuous characters of young women bent on having what they think is a royal good time. :) ik not only from sea- "ui een irom snow to II herHnntl mu'in nd energetic Coughs from colds may lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in bibits germ growth. Of all known drugs creosote is recognized by high medical authorities one of the greatest heeling sgenciea for coughs front colds and bronchial elements which soothe and heal the Inflamed membranes and stop the irritation, while the creosote goes en to the stomach, ia absorbed into the blood, attacks the scat of tbe trouble and checks the growth of the germs.

Creomulsion Is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of coughs from colds, bronchitis and minor forms of bronchial Irritations, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your druggist, (adv.) iff. I Ml n(1 Precision. Helen LS rinM P'rtnees of personality avJiJ11 The several sets iwS8 tl)e iLPHI i sceues won cnthualnsm.

Fifth Dies In Fireworks Blast CAUTEKSV1LLE. Dec. L'ft (A. Hugh Pagett, 11 died today of burns suffered yesterday in an flxplosion of fireworks that now has claimed five lives. William Shaw.

I Frances Shaw, 15, Mary Bell Dodd, lfi, and Mary Kennedy also were burned fatally when a large supply of lire- John Wanamaker Philadelphia Pi -f 72 irritations. CreomuUiotj contains, in addition to creosote, other healing Km woman died In Frank- IK ,1, I Wnm nuntniliru Wll (3 II I I I HI n. ,,11 BBJr I'M fDFfliMlJI giQh! FOR THE COUGH ROM COLDS THAT HAj(4G ON WUn Mile 11 on I alhrntinn ujm Kel nff in tlie store of IM lt rai.n tiaai Tiattse firm tat tathnw c.9 tun tot tlisk I'll-. iliUlii.ili::i:L:.j!i... asp I timi,.

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