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The Indiana Gazette from Indiana, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Indiana, Pennsylvania
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WEATHER Hnmv tonight and Tuesday. Slitfhfly warmer fonighl. Better Than Money Because They Earn Money; Buy a WAR SAVINGS STAMP TO-DAY! TEDDY SAYS5 Iry clasw- iliod ad. They mire bring rn- stilts. Ask ust VOLUME 90.

INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1918. TWO CENTS Rev. -Zeteler Receives 11 Lall 1 Lama Eight Hundred Pupils Marched to Safety The Morning When Structure War Loss Reaches $50,000. BARRACKS FIRE I I dred pupils wen- man-he school street il The live Hue on the second lloi-r, i -lill burning at noon and it believed the structure uould be<'ly destroyed. The loss esl imalrd a.

ijioOjOOO, insurance h'-iny; on about 80 per cent of that, amount. The High School 1'inldin'j. 1 whirl: j. about 7') fee! i'lom (ho s'l-iir ture is not to daiu-er. T'le eleni lary was eivtod in IHXo'.

WASHING LOCAL SCHOOL NOTICE OF INTEREST Principa Work Tells of Change of Hours in Or der to Increase r.iency of Pupils. Weather 1 akes a Hand. PAYS TO BE GOOD liov.s Bloody Massacre Oi Russian Officers By Bolsheviki Sailors At 60, 1'our of Them Admirals, Slain During Sebaslopol Orgie. Streets Littered with Corp ses of Officers --Imposition of Militaristic Peace 1 erms on Russia 1 hreatens Lntl of Brest-Li- tovsk Conlc-rence Turkey Breaks Armistice aird Lands 20000 Troops at Irebizond; Sink I ransport. HOW STATE CAN SAVE ON HER WAR DEBT With Tremendous Motor Energy, Highway Commission Says Resi dents Can Decrease the Costs of Transportation.

-me REV. JESSE R. ZEIGLER. At the annual meeting of (he slock holders of the Edwards A. Woods Company of the Equitable Life S.

W. Gulhric of our town was. elected a Director in the Company. i G'uthrie has been con-wied, with the organization as its represo.n-i lalive in this County for over twenty years and has established a hrgo clienlel in this county. honor of being a Director in the Company is conferred in recognition of his services, and is well earned.

The Edwards A. Woods Company is, the largest Life Agency i.n the Un-itod Slates, 'having paid for over new insurance during the year 1017. Out of line companies doing business United States only paid much business as this siii'rlo I 10 close of the Morning Service, Committees have visited Indiana i-i-day, ij v. Dr. I cs Rcinhart time to lime since the middle of b-r announced in- Session of Ihe Hl Smrml( was invited I that he bad sl to 0rto11 in with view to receiving, a call, but declined.

ived a to become Pastor of rf a nas ron by th of congi egatiou of the Hyde. Park Church i( 1 upon recommendation of the Session, founded upon the unanimous recom- .1 Ses.iion has call- inundation of successive committees, Meeting winch have visited Indiana. at p. irk Church is one of "JW gallon will be. (he inHuential Churches of Chicago.

in Pivsby- tho ial section, ud- i Keln- joining tho University of Chicago, and ing very active in benevolent and mis- sionarv sr Cannot Be Mailed Cm ov Port rnent, A and WASHINGTON, aJn (A. Banks throughout, the country tomorrow will collect (ho final per cent installment on the second Liberty loan, although payments are not due at federal reserve banks and other treasury agencies until Tuesday. overpayment on previous collection dates have- led. only OflO to be paid in tomorrow day. Total collections from Liberty Loan have been 000.

Tuesday also the final day for receipt of payments on the latest issue of treasury certificates of indebtedness arranged in anticipalion of big tax collections next June. This issue is still open for subscription. second Oi (' LnVoar-: i rT" rosl- Ufne Income Expert Tells of What ihe Exemptions Consist. Department. INSPECTION to I'oi ward par.

''ranee "i an- of ominand- 1, Port of Kmba rkai ail them din-ct, according SEPCIAL SERVICES FOR LUTHERANS' Senders vs in I but lo a rcroni I ii'part monl, the follows: That addressed lo the care of Ihe Commanding d-noral. Port, of Embarkal ion, whatever their weight, can nol be nccepli'd. Thai parcels nol exceeding' seven pound-; in weight may be sent direct through the mails as heretofore, if to a member of (lit ionary Forces, must be i-i'e no specific II-'' of wooden This evening will open the week of Prayer at the Lutheran Church. The pastor will deliver an illustrated sermon on "Jesus the Unique The discourse will be illustrated with 28 beautiful pictures from "Tirol's Life of Christ." The public is invifed and will he welcome. You will appreciate ibis service.

An offering will be lifted, ih' "What deductions are allowed a farmer for 'business expenses' in making our his income tax return?" is one of the many questions which revenue officers who will visit every county in the United States during January and February will answer in detail. Briefly, they include the amount expended for labor in prepa- ion of land for crops and in the i-ullivation, harvesting and marketing if crops. of Seed and Fort Deductions may be made for the MS! of seed and the amount 'xiu'iided for labor in caring for live n-k, cost of feed, repairs to farm ind other farm buildings, but not the ost of repairs to tho dwelling. The osi of repairs to farm fences and ma- hinery is deductible, as well as the of small tools and material which is used up in ihe course of a year or such as binding twine, pitchforks pades, etc, (Continued on Page 3, Col. Money in the AVar 1 )o your bit, join our Christmas Saving Club, be prepared, you cannot tell what is going to happen this year.

Club closes Saturday. HANK, of Indiana. Phillips If Sc Grand In "The Flashlight Girl" Wednes- day, the Chas. Frohman Production, "The Runaway" tVaturins'- (he Hroad- Th Ai way favorite, Julia Sanderson. Com- M-i'-k in ing Thursday, Ann Pennington in "The If yeu Little Soldier.

Saturday, Douglas gnat serial, conn Fairbanks in "The Lamb." I it is not too ate. i IPI! tin- I ton tb" '(in elciv" Hula ll-'li Oi" tllii- u'h'. and xlart New Strand Theatre Tonight Anna Wilson in "Her Tomorrow tiu- attraction at the New Strand will be the popular beauty, Kthe 1 Clayton in "The Woman If you are looking for a pho- uidratna that is thoroughly pleasing from the start to the finish, soe this; you'll not be disappointed, for this production is the most charming attraction of the year. See it tomorrow. a good comedy.

r- on rage Town- Native of Green ship Died at Her Leech burg Home on Last Friday. Interment Made in Greenwood VAN LEER DEATH Tho body of Mrs. Jane Rol-o-, ts, aged years and two days, widow of John Roberts, whose death occurred at her home in Loechburg on Friday, January 11, at in, p. m. from a complication of diseases, was brought to Indiana on the train this morning and taken to Greenwood eenrif-ry wlu-ro.

after service? ir'nmfnt was The daugh! of Evan Sarah Griffith the deceased was born and reared in Grismore, Green township. She was one of twelve children, reven boys and five girls, and 'lu- one surviving member of the family was a sister of the deceased, Mrs. John Thomas of North Seventh street, Indiana, Pa. The deceased leaves these children: R. (J.

Roberts and J. G. Rob- (Continued on Page 3, On account of the exceeding cold day the Communion service to have been held in the Second United Presbyterian Church yesterday was postponed until next Sabbath. There will be no prayer meeting hold on Wednesday evening but there will be services held Saturday afternoon at '2 o'clock. The pastor will be in DuHois until Friday of this week, assisting Rev.

E. L. Ralston in meetings. WILSON NAMED FOR EXPLOSIVE JOB Owing to the inability of Clerk of Courts Walter Ayers to visit different parts of the county in the performance of his duvies. ,1.

Willis Wilson of Indiana, has IK-CM imo I as Explosive Licensor of Indiana County. Mr. Wilson will publish shortly list of towns and tho dates upon which lie will visit them in tho interest of tlio work. CROWN COUNCIL TAKES BIG ACTION THE CAPITOL NEWS ('Ori'XHAGKN. Jan.

U-r- riitic ma-sal-re of Russian naval ofli- ei TS of I In- Hhtck Sea tlee! by Hol- sailors a reported from iopol At officers i'our of (hem Admirals, were said to have In en slain during a two-days' orgic nl (1 shcd. A general taken from (lie gar- risoa and when lie al tempt- to have a troops inter fere. All of the officers of one ship were taken 'o Malted 1 ofiicers tight ing. The Tov, er and shot. The i'ttered with eorp oi shot dnrir-r th" Peace Situation.

DON, Jan. 1 by the envoys at Brest-Litovsk to militaristic upon loflay to brimr t'-e to an end. term-; rejected by Ihe H'tlsjhi'viki delegates roportc'I to havr- broken the on the Arrnetiian front and fo have resumed fighting. A dispatch from Kuban said that the Turks had landed 20,000 troop? from Black Sea transports near Trebi- xond and that a which was with the transport had sunk a big Russian transport. Both acts were in direct violation of the terms of the armistice.

A report was in circulation at Petrograd (hat the parley will be removed from Brest-Litovsk to Warsaw, but there nas no official confirmation from either the Bolsheviki or German governments at. the time this dispatch was written. The Petrograd coirespondent of Daily Ihe th the negotiations be broken olT. The Crown Council. THE HAGUE.

Jan. The policy of announcing a frank' program of annexations by Germany was discus-oil at Crown Courcil held in Merlin on Sunday, ii in a dispatch the- German capit-i 1 today. The Gorman Socialist thai Military ty prohybly uill be snrcessl ui tiio anil 'hat will i.f up-iii govr-ri concei-ning annexation and Canadians in LONDON, Jan. i rei out -3-inan norl oi' ihe -i the War Otl'ice announc neon. T'le Canadians returned HARIUSP.URC;, Jan.

)iossesses one-tenth of i the men and resources of the United I' S'. will bo able to save much of her proportionate share of the war il'-b 1 of the United States if hor citizens utili.v the State's natural in the transportation of food- Ht'ilt's and other and put into practical the hundreds of thous- of motor vehicles owner! by 'i'his idea was advanced today by Highway Commissioner J. Denny 0'- i said tho com- in neighborhood i of motor vehicles. Of this 1 tlvr- majority arc. pneumatic, tired b'ii not so-called pleasure cars iy rnruns.

I presume there aro 1 'of ID.OOO trucks in the State. cars arc of the "The iiumbor automobiles owned iy of Pemviylvania will to.tho 80,000 mark. the tremondous motor enortry a their lines Lavin single casualty. Von IFertling's AMSTERDAM, Jan. suere a Action M--Conf using reports were received from Berlin today as to when Chancellor Von Hertling would address the Reichstag main committee, giving his reply to the war aims speeches of President Wilson and Premier Lloyd George.

The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger was quoted as saying that the meeting would bo hold tomorrow, while Vorwacrta said it had learned on good authority that it would not take place until Wednesday. (Continued on Page 3, Col. 6.) TING VICTIM TILE SOB, IS SiOHT! Guards Have Been Stationed at All Coast Artillery Batteries. GALVESTON, Jan. Guards have been stationed at al! Coast Artillery batteries hero today and a close watch is being kept on all shipping, following wireless reports that a submarine had been sighted two American patrol boats about 100 miles south of the Galveston Bar.

Military authorities do.clined to discuss the report further than to admit that such a report had 'been received. All Coast Artillery troops absent on leave were immediately summoned to man the batteries. The report received paid that the submarine mounted two guns and that it submerged and was not seen again the patrol boats gave, chase. WASHINGTON, Jan. Navy department was without information of the.

hostile submarine, report-d seen in the Gulf of Mexico. Fears Entertained for Safety of 43 Members of Texan Crew. O. Calls Tell of Accident and That Was Sinking. Ship AID RUSHED TO HER The funeral services over the re- mains of Arthur Schrecongost, the Indiana young man sustained a broken back in a coasting accident Thursday evening and who died in the i Indiana Hospital, Saturday, will' ha conducted at the Schrecongost home on Third si reel, Tuesday afternoon at o'clock, by the Rev.

J. W. Richards, pastor of the Evangelical Church. Interment will be. made in Greenwood cemetery.

He leaves a widow and a daughter. The deceased was in the employ of Joseph Weltoroth, Plumber. Thursday night, in company with a number of friends, he was enjoying the delights of coasting- on the East Church street hill. One of the sled's runners became unmanageable and the sled run into a telephone pole. Schrecongost was thrown violently against the pole and sustained a broken back and internal injuries.

He was taken to the Indiana Hospital, but his condition was so serious that nothing could be done for him. GOLDEN STAR 3N SERVICE FLAG The glory of a golden star has been added to the Service Flag of the First Presbyterian Church, in memory of Rev. Dr. Samuel Graham Wilson, who died on July '2, HUG, in Tabriz, Persia where he was engaged in War Relief Work. HOMER H.

S. GIRLS ACTIVE Dui-ing the Homor City High School Red Cross drive-, Christmas Week, two t'irls of the Senior Class, engaged in he canvassing brought in $156.05 and 7- new members. At the end of the week, all the classes had col I PC tori and had secured 20(i members. Hie grade pupils helped out with general contributions, collected in mite hox'es. AN ATLANTIC PORT, Jan.

incoming 1 steamer brought the news here today that the Hawaiian Line steamer. Texan, was sending out wireless reports that it had struck amidships and was sinking. The Texan flashed that it had men aboard and was putting out its starboard boats. The message also stated that oi! was being poured out. The oil was evidently to reduce the high seas.

The incoming steamer picked up the first 0. call from the Texan at 4 o'clock this morning. The same steamer also intercepted a message from the steamer Willamette, as follows: to assistance of Texan and then join convoy." At i) o'clock a second message was picked up from tho Texan of a more alarming nature. Ii read: "Wo were struck amidships and (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2.) Join The Great Army of Men, Women and Children who are saving.

Take out a membership in our Christmas Club and save every week in 1918. Club closes Saturday. RANK, of Indiana. REVIVAL MEETINGS At the Evangelical Church, East Church street, every night this week at 7:30, excepting- Saturday evening. We are expecting good old-fashioned revival meetings, which are blessed of God.

You are invited. J. W. RICHARDS, Minister. RECEPTION FOR REV.

WELHAM The recepMon for the Rev. Frederic Wolham, Pa-stur of the Episcopal Church, arranged for o'clock, in the room of the Church, has been changed to be held at the home of Mrs. Hannah Gesslor on Philadelphia street. All meinbez-s of the Cnurch and interested friends are invited. this evening at Sunday School All industries not essential to tho prosecution of the war are to be tem- orairily curtailed.

Fuel Administrator today is at work drawing up one of the most drastic orders that has yet gone into effect. His official tatoment will he issued tomorrow morning, it was said. DEATH OF A FORMER RESIDENT Dance Tomorrow Nijrht Lessons 7 to 0. Dai'-ing i) to 1 'J. Tho ci dances yu.i like, ard two- step.

Steffy's Dancing Academy. Hull, John L. Stewart, a former resident; of Armstrong township, died at his homo in Kowner, Saturday, at the age of 7)5 years. Ho was SOU of the late Robert H. Stewart and ft nephew of ,1.

Stewart of Mis mother's maiden mum; was be.cca Lewis, a sister of Jamon LovvU for many years a resident of He leaves a brother, Archie Stewart, and these sisters: Mrs. Morrison, Beaumont, and Josephine Anntt) of Phoeriiv, Ariz. He was it of the United Presbyturiun Announcement of tho funeral Will made later. 1 OK EC AST KOR WBBK Beginning Sunday, Jan. Ifa Slowly rising the next two or three ably snow about nesday.

Fair weathf? of week lia ami i'V. i ill.

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