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The True Northerner from Paw Paw, Michigan • Page 6

Paw Paw, Michigan
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9 "WAS OFFERED MONEY. Legislator Claima to Havo Boon Tondorod $25 for Ills Vote. 'Thorouuli luveMlcatlon to He of tho C'linrue Antl-Clirarrtte Alrunure rnetl Other Interesting Legislative Proceeding. Special Correspondence. Lansing, April 20.

Although the kg "islaturc has been In session nearly four months, there has been no hint of corruption until now, when a charge has been made by a member that he hai been offered a bribe of $23 to secure his aid in passing a bill which is now before the public health committee. The member has made an ailidavit to this effect, and steps will be taken at once to investigate the matter. In his aflidavit he allirms that he was approached by a lobbyist, whose name is withheld from the public, and was offered the sum named above if he would promise to support and vote for the bill in lie refused to consider the proposition and proceeded at once to inform the public health committee of the fact. It is said that hen the name of the alleged bribe giver is made known it will cause a sensation. The house agreed to the bill prescribing a severe penalty for the sale of cigarettes to persons under 21 years of tige, or of tobacco in any form to persons less than 17 years of age, and also providing for the punishment of persons of these classes who purchase the prohibited articles.

The long light over bills permitting townships on the east shore to grant franchises for a railroad and permitting suburban electric lines to transport farm produce and other light freight ended Thursday with the pas-agc of all the bills, which have been Jieid up in the senate for the past week, all having already passed the house. The bills were amended so as to give the railroad commissioner supervision over these roads, but the proposition to substitute specific for local taxation was abandoned. A movement on the part of surety companies to engage at wholesale in the business of furnishing bonds for liquor -dealers who will be required to furnish new bonds May 1 was nipped in the bud by the passage by both houses of a bill rendering such bonds illegal for this purpose. If a bill which the h6usc agreed to Triday becomes a law the practice of paying employes in store orders, check which has obtained to a great extent, will cease in Michigan. The bill makes it unlawful to pay employes in this manner unless they so request.

The house received a remonstrance -extensively signed by railroad employes against the passage of the bill providing a Hat two-cent railroad fare. The -petitioners said that the passage of the h'i would mean reduced wages for them. The house has been considering appropriation bills for several days, and action thus far taken indicates that all bills appropriating money for whatever purpose will be cut to the quick. The indications are now that before the legislature adjourns it will have made arrangements to furnish the cap-itol, also all the state institutions ia Lansing, with heat, light and power without patronizing the city or any private corporation. Early in the ses-ion bills were introduced for appropriations for the construction of electric light plants at the various institutions and the capitol.

Now there is talk of one large plant. In the future the house will have a session every morning, commencing at ten o'clock, instead of two o'clock in the afternoon. There will also be a session in the afternoon, and committee meetings must be held during the evening. This' was a necessary move, if the members expect to get half through before time comes to adjourn. The house liquor traflic committee has reported a bill providing a stamp tax of 04 cents upon barrels of beer, cents upon half barrels, 10 cents upon quarters and 8 cents upon eighths, 1 cent upon quarts and one-half cent upon pints of ale or porter manufactured or sold in the state.

It is estimated that the bill will yield an additional revenue in excess of $1,000,000. The Iluskirk bill has been finally agreed to by the committee and reported out. It provides that the local option feature shall be submitted at every state election when petitioned by 3 per cent, of the electors. This is the only liquor measure that has received any consideration during the session, and the amendment to compel petitions is considered as a victory by the saloon men. The house passed several appropriation bills Thursday.

The state soldiers Lome was given the home for the feeble-minded nt Lapeer, $70,788. The bill appropriating $3,000 for a park at Mackinaw Uland was killed. The next bill to come up was one appropriating $2,500 to allow the state board of health to do the work of educating school children as to dangerous diseases. The amount was allowed with but little discussion. There was no appropriation for this purpose two years ago.

Tor the state industrial school for girls there was allowed which in $3,231.40 less than two years ago. Gov. Pingree has signed the osteopathy bill and it is now a law. He hart spoken favorably of such a bill before the legislature convened. A senate caucus has decided thai "there shall be no increase in the present Jiniform liquor tax of In senate committee of the whole the apple blossom state.fiower resolution as agreed to.

KMMIITT. Will Itnlnc IllooilliountU. Adrian, April Stimulated by the existing epidemic of crime in this city, the Page Wire Fence company has decided to import a pack of man-tracking bloodhounds, and to make a business of breeding them nt the firm's animal park. CYCLONE AT OMER. II ii tld Intra Demolished and Severnl I'friont Injured.

Saginaw, April 25. A special to the Courier-Herald from Omer, Aranac county, says that a cyclone struck that town at 5:30 Saturday evening, completely demolishing the geneml store of W. K. Clouston, whose residence was also torn down and his shingle mill wrecked. Mr.

and Mrs. Hag-ley were blown CO feet into the air and both were fatally hurt. Mr. Clous-ton received a serious scalp wound and i.i thought to be fatally Injured. Mrs.

John T. Ualkie and her brother, John Cannally, of Tort Huron, were in the upper portion of the store building when it collapsed. They were buried under the debris, but escaped serious injury. John Campbell's building, under course of construction, was blown down and completely wrecked. Tha Hagley residence was blown to pieces and not a board can be found within 200 feet of its former location.

Mr. Clouston's loss is $1,200 on building3 and $3,000 on stock. The Presbyterian church was damaged to the extent of $300. Tha cyclone lasted but a moment and was followed by a terrific rain. The cloud was funnel-shaped and took a northeasterly direction.

When it reached the woods trees were uprooted and carried into the air. FRUIT LOOKS WELL. Excellent Pronpect fur Lnrser Crop Th ISver. St. Joseph, April 2G.

The present in dications are that there ill be a larger crop of all kinds of fruit in this section of country than last season, which was the largest crop of fruit ever gathered in the fruit belt. It was reported that the entire crop of peaches was killed last winter, but many farmers have ex amined their trees and find that two- thirds of the buds are alive and this is more than the trees can hold. Many farmers are glad that part of the crop was killed because last season many trees broke down with the weight of the crop and the farmers had to hire help to pick off the peaches when they were green and small. Another reason why the crop will be laiger than last year is because many acres of young orchards will bear for the first time. The lerry crop will, ac cording to present indications, be larger than last year, as many acres were de stroyed by the dry weather of last sea son.

Last season the pear crop was short in this locality, but this year the yield will be greater than any other year in the history of the fruit belt. DIRECTORS MUST SETTLE. Held IleKionnllle for lnrt of i.omnem Cu tincd hy llnnk Prenldent. Grand Kapids, April 23. Judge Sev- erns in the United States court held that Henry Anderson and John Foster, directors of the defunct bank of Green ville, are liable for all losses sustained by the bank through President Moore between July, 1S92, and 1S93, the date of susienion.

The amount they will have to pay is not yet determined, though Moore's total indebtedness ex ceeds $172,000. The court scored the directors for negligence while the man aging officers plundered it of all it owned and much that belonged to others. A ItrmnrknMe Couple. Klkton, April 20. Mr.

and Mrs. Jacob Hillcr, living near here, the oldest married couple in the United States, cele brated their eighty-seventh wedding anniversary Saturday. Hiller is aged 107 and his wife 103. The latter is totally blind and helpless. Hiller is as spry as a man half his age.

He reads a newspaper well and ithout the aid of spectacles. The couple are from Canada and were married at the ages of 20 and 18 years respectively. They niovd to Michigan and have leen residents of the state for over SO years. The family consists of 11 children, the oldest 82 and the youngest 37, all of whom are in good average health ami bid fair to make an age record similar to that of their parents. Convletn lMulit.

Jackson, April 23. Thomas Cleary, a convict in the Michigan state prison, fatally stabbed Thomas Campbell, another convict, cutting two gashes through the abdominal wall. Xo cause is known for the act. Cleary came from Detroit on a sentence of seven years for robbery, and Campbell came from Grand Kapids on a ten years' sentence for burglary. Swept by Fire.

Kalamazoo, April 22. Fire broke out in Charles K. Gibson's bakery at llloomingdale on the South Haven rail-rond, leaving but two business places standing. There was no fire protection except buckets and it was with great effort that any of the business places were left standing. The loss is alxut $20,000 with small insurance.

Died In the Street. Ionia, April 22. Mrs. II. M.

Lewis, wife of a prominent grocer, was found dead on Kich street. She was subject to attacks of heart disease and had evidently gone out to walk the attack off. She had become bewildered and had fainted. She took her shawl off, made a pillow, loosened her dress and lay down to die. Heir to $000,000.

Saline, April 22. Herbert Wheeler, who recently went to Host on on ac-couut of his father's illness, and then immediately came bad: cm account of his wife being ill, has again returned to Hoston, his father dying last Sunday. Dr. Wheeler left an estate valued at about $000,000, and his son Hcrlert the only heir. C'nrrled I ruler a I.ok Jnni, Menominee, April Charles Nevers, employed by the Ludington Wells Van Schaick company, on the Pike river drive, was drowned by In'ing carried under log jam.

His body was shipped 1o Ilradford, where his parents live, for interment. Deceased was 22 year old and unmarried. STATE NEWS. Interesting Information from Many Alleliltran Loeulltlea. Kscauaba city council has cut its salaries, saving $2,700 to the city.

Fruit growers at Shelby will go into the sugar beet raising business. A basket factory will be established at Portland by aKochester (N. man. An independent telephone line has been completed between Cassopolls and Dowagiac. Volinia township, Cass county, will pay a bounty the coming year of 20 cents for dead owls.

As a result of the advance in the price of wheat, 2,000 bushels ers purchased from farmers' wagons at Galesburg. Nels Nelson, of Pentwater, was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun while returning from duck hunting. Prominent fruit growers of Oceana county say they will go into the sugar beet industry very' extensively this season. Ground was broken at Holland for the new pickle factory which is to furnish an important addition to the industries of that city. Fishermen are reminded that the law.

forbids the spearing of fish in inland lakes during the months of March, April, May and June. Allegan county, especiallj through the sandy part of it, has splendid gravel roads, made so by the road work of the farmers along the line. Albion is to have a grand musical festival during the month of May. It was so decided at a mass meeting of the representative business men. Puds in the fruit belt in Oceana county were not far enough advanced to bo injured by the recent frosts.

Prospects are good for a large crop. The farmers of Portsmouth township. Kay county, have their granaries full of wheat, and say they are going to keep it there until the dollar mark is touched. The annual session of the Michigan district of the Missouri synod of the German Lutheran church will be held in Saginaw beginning Wednesday, April 28, and continuing until May 4. James Krooks has been appointed receiver of the St.

Joseph Lake Shore Street railway upon application of the Koyal Trust company of Chicago, which holds a mortgage of $30,000 on the road. Maj. Arthur P. Loomis, formerly private secretary to ex-Gov. Kich, ill become deputy land commissioner, when Kurton Parker, the present deputy, secures his appointment as special treasury agent.

The Chicago police have arrested Arthur Mullen on suspicion of being one of the men who robbed the Agricultural college vault of $2,000. Mullen has done five years in Illinois for robbing a Chicago bank cashier. BEHEADS HER VICTIM. MlchlKnn Woman While lnnnne Kills the Mother of Her Himhnnd. Lansing, April 24.

When Alfred Haney, a young laborer residing in the vjhage of Williamston, 10 miles east of this city, went home to dinner Friday he was horrified to find the bloody head of his aged mother, Maria Haney, on a platter on the dining table, while her mutilated body lay on the iloor. while he was summoning help neighbors detected lire in the house and found that the body had been saturated with kerosene oil and set on fire. The Haines were extinguished before the body was burned to any extent. Investigation established the fact that the deed was committed by young Mrs. Haney, who has given evidence of a deranged mind for some time.

Application had been made for her commitment to an asylum and her case wa-j to be acted upon by the authorities today. She admits the killing, but give no reason for it. She killed the old woman, who was SO years of age, with an ax and chopped her head off. The murderess is 32 years old. CiritNMhopper Appear.

Highland Station, April 24. With the coming of spring the grasshopper pest has made its appearance, in some places literally covering the ground. In the thick woods under the old leaves they can be seen in great quantities. Farmers are at a loss to know whether to sow more clover seed this year, fearing that will be all eaten up by the pest. (ieorste Gillette Killed.

Menominee, April 24. George Gillette, manager of the Gillette Curtain Poller Manufacturing company, fell a distance of 20 feet and diel from internal injuries one hour later. Deceased was 31 years of age, and came here from Oswego, X. with his wifi about a year and a half ago. The remains will be sent to his former home for interment.

Furniture I'lant Sold. Hastings, April 20. Th' furniture factory in this city, which has long stood idle and which cost has been sold to the Cedarine Manufacturing company, an incorporated concern in the east, and will immediately start up with a force of 100 men. Ilroke Ilia Neck. Kay City, April 22.

The afternoon express train on the Flint fc Pere Marquette railroad struck Frank Karau-owski, aged 14, a few yards south of lie Twenty-third street crossing, tossing him to the side of the track and breaking his neck. Many Cnndldnten. Lansing, April 24. The politicians here say Col. A.

T. Kliss, Lieut. Gov. Dunstan, "Pop" Wheeler, representative K. D.Graham and Attorney General Maynard ill all be candidates for governor a year from next summer.

etr Hotel for Lansing, April 21. Frank Went-worth, a well-known hotel man of this city, has broken ground for the construction of a handsome hotel building upon one of the most sightly corners in the WILSON'S WOOL TALK. (Jnsoond Tremlaea of the Lovr Tariff I'rofeanor. For a man who Is not the author of the tariff law of 1804 Mr. Wilson is unnecessarily disturbed over the radical departure from his policy as embodied in the wool schedule of the Dingley bill.

It is true that Mr. Wilson generally enjoys the distinction of having constructed the worst tariff bill in the history of our government, but this is not entirely fair to Mr. Wilson, for no oue can predict with absolute and unerring certainly just what would have been the result If Mr. Wilson's tariff bill had been adopted as he framed it. Xo one can accurately calculate just how many years it would have taken to recover from the panic If Mr.

Wilson's bill had 'becomo a law without the 403 wmendments which the senate, under the- ndvico of Jones and Gorman, tacked onto it. Put as the author of a tariff bill which never became a law, Mr. Wilson's opinion of the Dingley bill is of course entitled to some attention, although it must be borne in mind that Mr. Wilson was never engaged in any productive industry and never sold a pound of wool in his life. In criticising the wool schedule of the Dingley bill Mr.

Wilson says that if it becomes a law it will "immediately increase the cost and degrade the quality of the woolen goods consumed. In support of this contention Mr. Wil-fcon exhibits the results of his fine mathematical training by doing some reckless juggling with figures. Mr. Wilson estimates that the Dingley schedule will add $2.50 to the cost of each inhabitant's clothing each year, or $180,000,000 in increased cost of clothing.

If Mr. Wilson's figures were borne out by facts, who would get this $180,000,000 increase in the cost of clothing? It is tho evident purpose of Mr. Wilson to make it appear that the wool growers and makers of the cloth would divide this sum between them. Nothing could be more absurdly fallacious. Men cannot wear the cloth as it comes from the loom.

If Mr. Wilson's contention were true, at least two-thirds of this increase would go to tailors and merchantr. Will any patriotic American grumble over the distribution of such a sum among the people who make men's clothing and women's dresses? But Mr. Wilson's premises are not sound. No honest student of the markets will contend that tho price of clothing was decreased 20 per cent under the Gorman, tariff.

If the price of clothing was not decreased 20 per cent, under tho Gorman law how can the restoration of the McKinley duties increase it 25 per cent, under the proposed Dingley measure? No man who is conscious of man's fallibility on economic questions will contend that the Dingley wool schedule i absolutely perfect. But it must always be borne in mind that this country cannot protect its wool growers without incurring some additional expense for woolen cloth. It lias been demonstrated, however, that the per capita increase is so slight and so inconsequential compared to the incalculable benefits that accrue to tho great wool-growing industry that lo genuine American will grumble at it for a moment. Chicago Times-Herald. THE FARMER'S RIGHTS.

Producer Should Have Ample Protect Ion. Senator Warren, of Wyoming, voiced a common sentiment iu the west when he said that the tariff bill must recognize agricultural, mining and lumber interests, as well as those of eastern manufacturers. He had observed a tendency, in respect of wool, coal, BUgar and other natural products, to yield every joint to the middleman, subtracting from the duties proposed by the producer at his demand for cheaper raw material. This policy would, ho said, bo fatal if adopted. It certainly ought to be.

As the chief sufferers from the Gorman-Wilson tariff, the farmers were the stanchest advocates in. the late cam paign of republican success. They carried New York, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota and Oregon and all but a few of the remaining McKinley states. did no for their own relief under tho pledgeof tho St. Louis platform to make the new tariff equitablens between the producer and manufacturer.

To break faith with them now would be to do violence to principle and policy alike, and the net political result would bo damaging to every great interest in the country. No tariff bill, as Senator Warren rays, could pass, and the defeat of the measure, as we may add, would, under tho circumstances, load to a profound reaction against the republican party. Wool must bo protected as well as it was in the McKinley bill. The farm products in which there is Canadian competition should have ample safeguards, including, of course, the staple product of lumber. California, which went republican on the tariff issue, would be difficult to held within party limits if the rateon wines, raisin, nuts, sugar and citrus fruits should bo cut to suit the foreign market.

We arc well aware that Germany demands fre or next to free entrance for her sugar, but if she gets it what will Income of our own beet sugar industry a thing of far more imirtancc to this country than our German export trade? The beet and cane growers demand either protection or bounty for sugar. Is relief to be denied them because of the interests of Germany in the welfare of a sugar industry of her own, which she protects at the rate of 3.9 to 4.75 cents per pound Senator Warren is right. The farmer must have his fair share of protection. When it is question of turkey he is not to be put off with buzzard. San Francisco Chronicle.

ET'There Is as yet no new tariff law, and this one of several reasons why It is absurd 1o talk about the recent municipal elections ns tariff contest. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, DEMOCRATIC SPLIT AGAIN. The rartr of Discord la Novr fn Had Way. Onceanoro the democracy has achieved the.

apparently imjosslblc. It has managed to spilt itself again, and thua broken tlie precedents in another place. A party outof power is ordinarily forced into asemblanco of harmony with itself. Its function is to piwo tho majority, and this, when the majority is an active, aggressive organization, as th repub-lican is, keeps the minority so busy that it has neither the incentive nor tho opportunity to quarrel with itself. In general this has been the order of things with every great party from the begin ning of the government.

Hut the democracy is not hampered by examples or traditions, and while so far in the minority in the house of representatives that it is powerless to materially affect the course of legislation it has shattered itself on the question of the sort of opposition it will offer to tho dominant republican party. One faction wants to coincide in the republican programme of doing nothing further in the house in the way of practical legislation until the senate passes the tariff bill, while the other clement would fight this programme, and try to force tho republicans in the hous to go ahead with the business of legislation just tho same ns if this were a regular session. The first-named faction is under the direction so far as any segment of the democracy can be, said to be under the direction of anybody or anything of Bailey, of Texas, while the more prominent spirits in the other section are Bland and McMillin. The latter faction has the abler men, but is the smaller in number. This absence of harmony which tho democracy reveals even hen in the minority calls attention to a Kerious constitutional defect in that organization.

That defect is lack of leadership. It is a defect which has clung to that party ever since the war days. Not for a third of a century has the democratic party In congress had a leader who was capable, and who, at the same time, had the confidence of the party. This accounts for the lack of discipline and cohesive-ness in that party, and its failure to accomplish anything when it has got into power. In this respect the democracy has been distinctively weaker than the republican party.

In tho ante-bellum days the brains of the democracy were furnished by the south, but since the war and the overthrow of the old order in that section the south lost its primacy in that party, and in a certain direction the party has suffered as a consequence. An alert, intelligent and resolute opposition party can always make its influence, felt in congress in many ways, but there will be no such opposition in the next two years. Seldom in the long and diversified history of the democratic party has thatorganization been feebler in leadership, spirit and influence than it. is at this moment. St.

Louis Globe-Democrat. NOT YET A LAW. The Dtngjey I1I1I ot Ilennoniitble for Hard Times. No tariff, however wisely planned, can be expected to regenerator business be-foTo it is put in force. In many quarters there is a tendency to blame the Dingley bill, and, incidentally, the whole republican part' because the good times and abundant cash of 1S92 have not come in with McKin-ley's inauguration.

The best plow turns no furrow till it is taken to the field. The new tariff cannot accomplish much until it gets to work. As it still has the senate to face, it does not even know what its pattern and capabilities may be after passing through that ordeal. If the Dingley bill, after six months of trial, cannot show substantial results in way of revived business activity and confidence, then it may fairly be blamed for disappointing the hopes of the nation. The mere expectation of a stiff protective tariff has already had a strengthening effect upon business.

On every side, under the influence of new hopes, trado and industries are slowly but surely advancing. Many mills and factories, closed under an administration of theorists, have resumed work. Thousands of operatives, long idle, are back at their forges and their looms. But anticipation of demand, though it may stir the wholesale trade, has lit-t effect upon the retailers. These de-pr ad upon the free cash in the pockets of the people.

And no very large increase in this direction can reasonably bo expected until the new tariff gets down to its daily work. Illustrated American. DRIFT OF OPINION. CT'IIave you noticed there is no trouble over maintaining the gold re-servo since McKinley's inauguration? Toledo Blade. Then the bill had better pass.

Three years of an annual surplus of $90,000,000 won't be long enough to wipe out the increase in tho public debt left over from the deficit administration of Cleveland. N. Y. Sun Coresident McKinley fvaid his own way while on his little vacation trip on that government steamer. Even in his-capacity of ndvanco agent of prosperity he did not feel at liberty to charge his expenses up to the house.

Chicago Tribune. latest estimate of senators cure to vote for tho new tariff is 43, without counting on any assistance from Kentucky. It is enough, and the senate should not allow the question to drag along until dog days. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

E7Thc demand for prompt action by the senate on the tariff bill grows apace. Members of that body ore receiving communications from republicans and democrats alike, urging prompt action. The finance committee, which expected to put a coup of months on the bill, will finish it within this month, and the plans for elaloruto discussion In the senate are being ma4 teriallv reduced, Toledo Dlnde. MANY MEIICIIAPITS SU12D. Uaera and Selling Aft-enta of Imperial CaaU Ileslatera Urongbt Into Court.

Chicago, April 27. Suit has been filed in the United States Circuit Court here, against John 1. Murphy, a grocer at Joliet. by The National Cash llegister Company, of Dayton, Ohio, asking for an injunction and damages. Mr.

Murphy uses an Imperial Cash Itegiater, sometimes known as the Os-born, which is manufactured by The Os-b-jrn Cash Register Company, of Detroit, Michigan, and which The Nationd Com-pany claims infringes cash regist-jtenta owned bv them. Swan "hZ. Nelson, a stationery dealer of this city, E. Lacher, of (ienesco, 111., Fraatz Clark, druggists, of Dubuque, Iowa, K. T.

an Ostrand, a druggist at Allegan, nd more than twenty other individuals and firms, who are either using or selling Imperial Cash Registers, have also been sued. A quart of oysters contains, on the average, about the same quantity of ctive nutritive substance as a quart of nilk, or a pound of very lean beef, or a pound and a half of fresh codfish, or two-thirds of a pound of bread. Fhyalclana Wlac In their Generation. The above class of scientists recognize and have repeatedly borne testimony, to the elii-caey of llostetter's Stomach Bitj4 as a remedy and preventive of fever ague, rheumatism, want of vigor, liver conlaint, ind some other ailments and infirm conditions of the system. Experience and observation have taught them its value.

They ut echo the verdict long since pronounced by the public and the press. Only the benighted now are ignorant of America's tonic and alterative. Dora "lie said there was one thing about me he didn't like." Cora "What was that?" Dora "Another man's arm." Detroit Free I'resa. Fits stopped free and permanently cured. No fits after first day's use of Dr.

Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle treatise. Dr. Kline, 933 Arch Pa. No matter how well you do, there ia always somebody to think you might have done better.

Washington Democrat. You can't tell how little a man knows by his size. Washington Democrat. Look out! Shiver, then soreness and stiffness. Use St.

Jacobs Oil then a cure. Considering how mean men can be, they deserve credit for being as good as they are. Atchison Globe. Misery and rheumatism are foes. St.

Jacobs Oil and cure aTc friends. Try them. Nothing will upbraid you like unused faculties. Ham's Horn. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets candy liver and bowel regulator made.

Imaginary eminence is actual humiliation. Ham's llorm A slip a sprain lame. St. Jacobs Oil cures it all the same. Scrofula Tumors Broko Out and Caused Intonso Suffering Hood's Sarsaparilla Keeps tho Blood Pure.

"Several years ago I had scrofula which appeared In tumors In different parts of my body. It took five weeks for them to develop so they could bo lanced and I suffered intensely. Physicians failed to euro mo. After threo years of great suffering the trouble reached my throat and my tonsils wero consumed. I read of cures of scrofula by Hood's Sarsaparilla and procured six bottles.

After taking a few bottles I felt better. I continued until I was eventually cured. I have never been troubled with scrofula since that time. Hood's Sarsaparilla keeps my blood pure in spring and fall." Mas. Sauah O.

Dales, Rutland, 111. Bo suro to get Hood's because EHiOOtfS barilla Is tho best In fact tho One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. SI; six for So Wwl- Dill? arc the only pills to take A 1WUU iii wlth Hood's fcarsanarilla. WW of II ires Rootbecr on a sweltering hot day is highly essential to comfort and health.

It cools the blood, reduces your temperature, tones the stomach. 15) (5 mis Rootbcer should be in every home, in every office, in every workshop. A temperance drink, more healthful than ice water, more delightful and satisfying than any other beverage produced. Vdoo1t th Oir1 K. Rlrtf Phil.1clfM.

A p--bc wkM A iUou. Bold rjkr. mofl Pi 75 3 SO. RDEA JCR "Wheel Works CfttCA GO hi ao3 CATALPGVE FRFP SECOND OWU HAND FOR SALE. nfll llriniAC nnd other mnkri.

All In MUST HKCLOsUioUT. 3IU 'ANI LIST. Adlri ITU-K ANU ACT I K1NU CX. 105 Wabfcoh CHICAGO, ILL. Uochc Scale Uorh HAY, COAL.

STOCK. OR A11T, nilCCNI II AMD COTTON SCALES. UUrrALUy lit I LUlitS WHtUf All fist- UllR. TVt (imah fcjrup. Tantcs CkMl.

TJC I. mm A "IOC 'A I MAI 'I dJ -O.

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