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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • 5

Richmond, Virginia
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THE TIMES-DISPATCII RICHMOND VA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5 1913 5 mother Mra Worth are visiting Mr and Mrs Crawford In Reliable Silk IIosc Diamond Rings Of perfect quality and elegant set tings Our Diamond Department is th most sstenslvo In tho South SrilWAHSPCTIILD BROS SOCIAL and PERSONAL GAD AND Fifth 5TS ''J? k- Specials for To-Day It Insists that Dm Menus! Is not I he nsphew of guesn Alexandra although the letter la always addressed as (sunt 1 by the Dukes of Orleans ef Montpender ef Guise Ven-dome snd Alencnii by the Duke and Duchess of Anuta and even the Count ef Turin snd the Duke ef the Abruxsl whose relationship to her Ir very remote Indeed In ths seme way the late King Christian uf Denmark was always addressed ae uncle by the present Emperor of Germany who in turn signs his private communications to Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria as affectionate iu lieu of It was the refusal of Cxsr Nicholas I to accord the title of brother to Napoleon III owing to the sanguinary coup d'etat by means of which he obtained the throne ef Prance that contributed In no small measure to the Crimean War It also furnished tho opportunity to Napoleon to make a witty reeponee For when he received an official communication from Csar Nicholas in which ths latter styled him not brother but friend the French monarch addressing himself to the Muscovite ambassador at a reception of tha diplomatic corps exclaimed In the hearing of all present: "You may tell your master and sovereign that I am exceedingly flattered by hla form of address nine onn chooses one's friends whereas on cannot select one's Presidents of republics are not addressed sa hut as snd good (Copyright 1913 by tha Brentwood Company) A lot of Corset several models worth 9150 aa site 18 to 26 choice $JLUU A lot of 50e Corsets In batiste snd net sixes 18 to 80 QCa choice 09 Several styles of Brasslers that are soiled from dlsplsy sixes 34 to 46 the slsrsys 50c ones op for tJtJv Nainsook snd Long-cloth Slipover Gowns ths ones for UaC 50c Muslin Drawers plain tuck ed lace and embroidery trimmed some extra sixes among the QQ lot for 'i iJGv CANADIAN MINEOWNER 'i rV -'5 i -if- rs SfJ i ROYALLY Colonel Sir Augustus Fitzgeorge Is Now on Visit to This Country BY LA MARQUISE DE FONTENOT COLONEL MR AUGUSTUS FITZGEORGE' who has Just arrived in New York on board tha Cu-nard liner Carmanla en route to the Cobalt mines district of Canada owned by the company ef which ho Is president 'and who will afterwarde pay a Donunli eries of visits In the the United States hae royal blood In his veins as a great-grandson of King George 1IL He le the youngest of tha three sons of the late Duke of Cambridge by the marriage with Miss Farebrother a popular Irish actress whose acquaintance he had made at Dublin The marriage was celebrated 6n January 147 In the Church of St at Clerkenwell London the name of the royal bridegroom appearing on the parish register as George Frederick Cambridge of the Parish of Bt Paul Deptford But inasmuch as the duke had failed to obtain the sanction of the crown In accordance with the statutory requirements of tho royal mar-risge act the union was invalid-In the eyes of the law and the duke's bride was never officially recognised ae hie wife not permitted to share his honors and dignities She waa known as Mrs Fitxgeorge and whereas he ostensibly resided at Gloucester House on Park Lane In Piccadilly she lived In a house near-by where her children 'were brought up 8he never appeared at any of tho dinners or entertainments that tha duke gava at Gloucestar House was nevar received at court and remained wholly in the background Colonel Sir Augustus Fitsgeorge was the youngest of tha sons whom she bare to ths duke Ha was educated st Sandhurst served In the Rifle Brigade In Canada for five years from 1SC5 to 1870 waa on the staff of Lord Napier In India was transferred from the Rifles to the Eleventh Hussar and for the last ten or fifteen years of his life acted as hla private secretary and equerry It was for the services which he thus rendered to the Duke of Cambridge ea a member of hla royal household and not because he happened to be the son that on his death he was knighted by King Edward and decoratsq ith the Star of the Order of St Michael and 8L George He received the bulk of the fortune left by the duke for hie elder brother Admiral Sir Adolphus Flts-George Royal Navy Is very rich through hie marriage with the daughter of the late Thomas Holden while the eldest brother the late Colonel George Fitsgeorge was disinherited by the duke owing to tho amount already spent by his father In extricating him from one financial difficulty after the other It le the widow of Colonel George Fitxgeorge who flourished for a time In New York and elsewhere In the United States as Fitsgeorge She courted publicity vouchsafed many interviews to the newspapers -on the subject of the reigning family of England and repeatedly expressed In print her hope and expectation that her two daughters Iris and Daphnei Fitsgeorge who were under the guardianship of their uncle Admiral Sir Adolphus Flts-geotge and her eon George now an officer In the British navy should marry Americana She le by birth-a member of the houee of Baring and before marrying George Fitsgeorge wti the wife of Colonel Frank IV Arkwright of the Coldstream Guards this Mra XI Catos and her two children Henrietta and Neltla of this city have been the recent guests of relntlvoo In Frederick aburg Mrs II Bin ford who hss boon at tha Htunrt Circle Honpltul for treatment is now Improving' snd will return to hw home 140 West Grnca Street vary shortly Mr and Mra John Epps havo left for llugunnot Springs whrra they will apand some lima visiting Mra Alfred Henderson McDowell Ml as Avia Brown has arrived from Cincinnati on a visit to relatlvss In thla city Miss Brown was a former Richmond girl but has recently made her home In Cincinnati IWora returning aha will visit her sister Mrs Alfred Henderson McDowell who Is spending ths summer at Huguenot Springs Rev John Wicker and son John Wicker Jr who have been traveling In Europe and Palestine have returned to tho city If armor Special to The frmes-Dtspstch Alexandria Vs September Harry A Bales chief clerk for the Southern Railway Company here and hla stenographer Mies Henrietta Horner also of this city were quietly married yesterday afternoon at the home of Frank llibbn IS! South 81 Aaaph Street where Mlaa Horner resides The ceremony was performed by Rev A Luttrell pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church and only a few friends of the couple attended Mr and Mra Bales left for a Southern trip by water They will reside In this city Francis Bpecial to The Tlmcs-Dispatch Alexandrls Vs September Mlaa Elisabeth Francis daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Francis and Robert Lusby the latter of Fredericksburg were married last night at the home of the parents 1115 Prince Street The ceremony was performed by Rev Watson pastor of the First Baptist Church Invitations leaned Special to Tha Tlmea-Dlspatch Lynchbuir Va September Mr and Mra Jacob Crist have issued lnvitationa to thn marriage of their daughter Miss Mary Regina to Edward Hannon which la to lake place' at Holy Cross Catholic Church September 5 at 51 In the riornlng PROBLEMS FOR FARMERS Debate of Plaaa for Greater Parcel Poet Facilities Selina Kan Septpembtr 4r-Consid-eration of plans to bring about an extension of the parcel post system Including the raising of the weight limit and the lowering of Tates was one of the problems to which delegates to the annual convention of the National Educational and Co-operative Association here turned their attention at the second session The principal address In ths day's program was that of Rhoades ef Tannessee secretary or the aeeoelatlon Appointment of commltteee to further various lines of work proposed was the chief buslneia before the convention ThU Will Soon Banish All Objectionable Hairs (Modes of To-day) Beauty specialists have discovered a new and simple method for ridding the akin of obnoxious hair or fuss and Invariably but one application la required to obtain tho desired results A paste la made with powdered dela-tone and water and applied for two minutes to tha hairy surface then rubbed off and tha akin washed and dried This treatment removes every trace of hair end leaves ths skin firm and smooth Disappointment will be averted If you buy the delatune In an original package AuvertleemenL irrcpt a st'KITY ICE I REAJ am Quality Every Day Mnaroe 1MI MADE FROM GOLD MEDAL KLOIR RAISED FROM FLEISHMANNI YEAST Rountree-Sutherland-Cherry Corporation WE MAKE A SPECIALTY ef packing household gooda and china for shipment Mosby Co New Fall Suits arriving daily The beautiful furniture shown In tho window display la attracting the careful attention of men and women who pass the store of SYDN0R HUNDLEY SEVENTH AND GRAPE STREETS BIRTHDAY RINGS BRACELETS CA31EO BROOCHES Smith Webster 80S Ernst Main Hopkins Furmtare Co 7 Wet Broad St Cash or Credit Tan Rubber Sole Oxfords $225 ALBERT STEIN KINS OF SHOES Corner Sth and Broad at 79c The price means vory little unlaan you know tho quality offered You need not ho told If regular patron Never tried Kaufmann'a made Bilk IloeeT Will you Invcatlgato to-day? Wo offer regular $100 valuta at 79e for Ihla day's selling Mala Fluor Corner Fcarlh and II rood gfrrrtn Byrd Franklin Mannen of Dovor wore a handauma gown of pink crepe chine with shadow Inca pearl trimmings and green girdle her flowers wers I Ilarnry roses snd smllax Miss Glaydas Daum of Port Clinton Ohla tho bride's maid was gownsd in shadow lace over green mossallne trimmed with pink rosea She also tarried bouquet of Klllarney rosea snd smllax The path was strewn with roses by little Mlaa Ethel Groppen-baeher dressed In white embroidered mull with a pink sash Tha little ribbon bearers were Mlusea Thelma Btahl and Nan Chenault whoae frocks were similar to that of tho flower girl Tho boat man was A Colton Wllllama of Richmond Dr Winn Herd of Mason County George Fltxgsrald and Douglas Newell acted as ushers Mlaa Ahna Holmes of Augusta played tho wedding music The was played while the guests were assembling and tho bridal chorus from "Lohengrin'' ae tho bridal party entered If All My Dreams Wsrs Ms do of Gold" was played softly during the ceremony followed by Mendelssohn's wedding march as ths bridal party departeo The church was decorated with palms farns and Southern amllax and a color scheme of pink and green was carried out at tho recoptlon which followed at thd homo or tho bride's parents ths bride's tabla being decorated with a large basket of pink roses and lighted with pink candles while the chandeliers wers festooned with vines of clematis flowers and ferns added beauty to all tha rooms Among the out-of-town guests present were: Mrs Lydia Victor Mrs Rodney Withers of Cynthiana Mrs Marla Victor Mrs Ida Foster Mrs Mary Foster of Covington Mies Ruth Winslow Gordon of Georgetown Ohio Mrs Thomas Gllmors Miss Gary Gilmore of Richmond James Mannen of Dover Mias Irene Blackerry of Brookavtlle Ky Lloyd Scott of Har-rlman Tens and Mlaa Margaret Hunter of Huptlngton' VS Mr and Mrs Coro lett tho 'same evening for Washington and s' tour of two weeks visiting prominent cities In the East and will be at borne In their new residence on Park Avenue In this city September IS Return to Vlrknbarg Mian Mary Brooko and Mrs Jennie Brooke James who havo been visiting Mra 8 Love at her apartment at the Cheaterfleld have returned to their home In Vicksburg Mias Tbs Brooke family is on of thr oldest and moat distinguished In the State and Walker Brooke represented Mississippi in thn United States 8enate before the late War Between the States and waa also a member of the Confederate Congress In this city marrying Mlaa Jane Eskridge of Charlottesville Motored In Rlrhsnoad Captain and Mra Clarsne Wyatt and their daughter Mlaa Ida Wade Wyatt have returned to Richmond after a visit to Captain Wyatfs slater Ufa Herbert Coffman In Harrisonburg The trip wee made In an automoblls and the party stopped en route to visit friends In Staunton and Charlottesville Mlaa Nancy Wyatt who has been In Harrisonburg for eonie time will not return to Richmond until late' In the falL la aed Oat of Tawn Mrs Beverley Randolph and her children who have been at the Orkney Springe all summer have returned to the city Mr and Mrs Minor are guests of the Mieses Yaden at In Che 1 ter field County Major Taylor McCue has returned from the White Mountains of New Hampshire where he has been for some time Mies Nancy Patton who has been visiting friends In Gloucester for ten days has returned to the city Mrs George Cola Beott Is In town having been at the Virginia Hot Springe for most of tha summer Mra Johnson and Mies Tiffey who have been absent from Richmond for several months have returned to their home Mr and Mra James Pace have returned to the city after spending a month at the White Sulphur Mine Jessie Young of Atleo la visiting Mias Lucille Flournoy at her home In this city Mlaa Katherlna Taylor who has been spending tho summer with relatives In Chesterfield la leaving to-day for Rad ford Mra Philip Pryor Llpecomb of this city Is tha guest of her mother Mra Watklna In Halifax Holt Page has returned to the city after spending several days with rela tlves In Norfolk Mieses Elisabeth and Virginia Bass of this city are guests of their grand-parenta Mr and Mra Horner In Houston Mlaa Nellie Lewta Wingfield has re turned to Richmond after spending some time with friends at Willoughby Beach Carrington Jordan- of this city Is tho gueat of relatives In Houston this week Mr and Mra George Armlstead Scott who have been visiting here have turned to their home In Fredericksburg Miss Lizile Grattan has returned the city after a visit to relatives Harrisonburg and at Masaanetta Bpring Mra John Tucker who has been visiting In Richmond has returned to her horns In Norfolk Mra Richersop who has been the guest of her brother Georg Bur' rasa in Caroline has returned to Rich mond Mlee Helen Rogera of Norfolk ar rived here yeeterday to spend several weeks In this city Mra Evelyn GarnelL of Frederlcks-burg Is the guest of relatives In thla city Mrs Henry Rountree and her fllehmeud'n Leading Jeweler i- gerund end Brand Streets FRIENDLY FIGHTS Retail Merchants "Conspiring1 to Make the Faihion Show Biggest Thing Ever Bchwarsschlld ef the Jewelry house of Bchwarsschlld Broa and chairman of the publicity commlttsa of the Retail Association speaking yesterday ef the bright prospects of carrying to a successful conclusion the plans for tho fashion week's display and united openings said: could not pull off anything great In Richmond without the help of tha newspapers and that Is a help wa can always count on if tho thing to be pulled off Is worthy of Richmond and to the Interest of the city and tha bualneaa of the city When thla united opening scheme for the four days beginning Heptember 21 and continuing to and through September 2S was first agitated we felt that we could count on the assistance snd the boosting ability of the pres and wa have not bean disappointed Just as soon as tha newspaper men looked far enough Into the plane to be sure it waa a schema for the advancement of Richmond's Interest thsy came right In with enthusiasm and they are with us heart and soul That Is enough of itself to guarantee success if we merchants db our part and wt Mr Bchwarsschlld says it is gratifying to observe the good team work that all of the merchants are putting In He thinks the fashion show la going to be one of the biggest things Richmond has ever pulled off and that It will be indeed a show that will be worth going miles to see for every retail merchant seems determined to make a better display and make his house more attractive than his neighbor with every man trying to roach the top rung of the ladder In the matter of making a fine and profitable show It may be set down as a fact that all of the other rungs will be something truly great Go where you may on Broad Street or on Main Street or any of the other streets where a retail bualneaa is done and you will not be able to get the merchants to talk of much else but tha fashion show and the great things that are being done to mqke It the most attractive thing of Its Richmond ever took a hand In To give an idea of how effectively team work Is being brought to bear there Is really a contest among the merchants of one claes to outdo those of other classes for Instance the dry goods men are putting their heads together and actually among themselves to outdo tha millinery people and the Jewelry people and the furniture people and the ether classes whit each of these classes are against other classes each putting forth efforts to make his class the leader 'And all of this Is being done In the friendliest kind of spirit and Incidentally the merchants are having a good deal of fun out of the Truly the Richmond fashion show beginning -Heptember 21 Is going to be a big thing Turkish Battleship Launched Barrow-in-Furness England- September One of the moat formidable battleships In the world the Raebad-i-Hamla was launched here to-day ae the flrst unit In the rejuvenated Turkish navy She displaces over 21000 tons and possesses an' armament of ten 121-lnch-gun thus exceeding in gun power any vessel In commission In the British navy Her contract calls for a speed of twenty-on knot and her turbine engines develop 21000 horsepower Dahlia Strike Mere Scrtaao Dublin September The strike situation here was rendered more acute to-day by a lock-out In the coal trade The merchanta at a meeting decided that they would bo longer employ men belonging to the Transport WorksrsT Union which will not permit Us members to deliver tha coal of certain Arm Tha feeling between workmen nnd employers Is very bitter Prominent Hibernian Dead Philadelphia September Nicholas Redmond president of th Philadelphia County Board of the Ancient Order of Hibernian and long prominent in Irlsh-American organisation died of pneumonia to-day On many occasions ha acted as delegata to tha Hibernian County Btate and national convention For twenty-live years ha was president of th Parnell Club of Philadelphia Mr Redmond was sixty-eight years old SYSTEMS HOT WATER Estimates Free Mrs William lid ward Leak and her aaughter M1m Beverly Leake or Birmingham Ala will arrive In lUchmond oh Saturday to bo tha guests of thb former's aiatar Mrs It psytun Jr at her bona HIT Park Avsiyi Mr a Leaks and bar daughter will epend aotna time with ralatlvaa In Richmond before leaving for Sweat lirlar Col lege where Mlaa Leuke baa bean on terod aa a atudani for tha coming year iMtleg for Xertk Carolina Mlaa Oetavia Arrington of Green villa who baa boon apendtng tha aummar witn relativae here Mian Car tar Icgrain'and John 1 Ingram of ihla city laft town yesterday oven lug for Itandoraonvllle wharo they will attend tha wedding of Mlaa Cornelia Graham Crittenden daughter of Mr and Mra Stanley Crittenden of Montgomery Ala to John White Ar rlngton jr of Oreanvllle ft Tha wadding la to bo celebrated at I o'clock Tuesday evening September and the caramony will bo performed on the lawn aurroundlng the country home of th parentb at lien deraonvlllo and will be an event of much aoclal Importance Mr Arrington la a aon of lfr and Mra John Arrington and formerly reaidad in thta city Rif Dr and Mra Herbert Mann have returned to their apartment at 111 Park Avenue after upending eome time In the North They were on tho eoaet of Massachusetts and at Atlantlo City for ten da) a an! Mra Mann hae been tho gueat of her parenta Mr apd Mra rranklin Howard Agnow at their homo la Beavor Pa She aleo visited Mra Marcua Hanna XH- in Ohla for several waeka baforo golrg to pennayl vanla ark From tho North Mra Thomas Adkins and her daughter Mlaa Maria Adklna returned to tholr homo on Park Avenue Tuesday after a stay of several months In the North Mia Adklna and Mloo Adklna havo boon in Now York City tor some tlma and have also vloitod Mr and Mra John Luca at tholr country place at Pelham Frederick Adklna loft ooveral daye ago forjLcslrgtoa where ho hoa been entered as a student at the Virginia Military Inotltuta for tho session Mantas Announced Thn marring of Mln Holon Dornoy White of this city and Robert Willie Bobbitt of North Carolina' -was celebrated In Richmond on Tuesday September 2 After a wedding Journey Mr and Mra Bobbitt will bo at homo to tholr friends September It In WUkeeboro Married In Kentucky Thn marring of Mine Edna Webater daughter of Mr and Mra Gordon Gll-mora to Bovee Coro a prominent young business man of Richmond waa celebrated Hnlurdiy evening August 10 at In the Christian Church Maysvllle Ky Rev A Stahl officiating The brldee gown was a creation of white erepe da chine and shadow lace with pearl trimmings She wore a lavallerre of dlamonde and pearls the gift of the groom and her veil waa draped with white for-get-me-nota and on her slippers were the gold bucklca which her grandmother wore on her wedding dey Her bouquet wee a phower of rosea smllax and lilies Of the valley 'The maid of honor her cousin Mlaa MADE IN RICHMOND lltotBrmitrililBIluEikail sr HAVE YOU SEEN THE New Metlud Gas Ranges AT PETTIT PlANOa ana the flneat mads at witwf prices Dirmorr oak raxgii ALASKA REFRIGERATORS pill HICKORY vrvxm'HR OLD ONLY BY JURGENS SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYD AND GIRLS PlJie to HM Every Pair Guaranteed Third pad Bi HAMMOND "Flowers of Guaranteed Tel Madison 63a Gas Ranges Reduced Wo 4 brCRTSts ERjfgrCOl E5S RICHMOND DREYFUS CO 201 East Broad Wanted a Saleslady aa assistant In the Corset and Mnslln Underwear Sections Apply to A Hoover A lot of 8300 and $400 Gowns and Skirts that (g-f jjq are soiled from display $10 50c Nainsook Corset QQ Cover for OiJv Ladles' Union Suita 50e ouea several styles Including extra sixes closing out price qr only Gtv Porosknlt and Balbriggau Shirts and Drawers the usual 35c ones closing lot price 1 eeteeeeseeeasesss only Ladies' No-Button High Neck Long Sleeve Vests Just the correct weight for early fall wear the 35c one for 101p esseeeseeeeeee only 'c DESCENDED marriage being sundered by the divorce court The name fitsgeorge may be translated ae non of and in this connection It may be mentioned that the natural children of royal personages in England usually bear ths name of their royal father prefixed by the word Thus the large tribe of Illegitimate children of King William IV by the actress Mra Jordan widely known 1a her day as Dolly Bland bore the name of Flta-clarencc owing to the fact that at the time of their birth their father was the Duke of Clarence The patronymic of the nonagenarian Duke of Grafton and also of Lord Southampton Is FItsroy which together with the bend sinister serose the royal arms of England accorded to them ae their heraldic device servos to indicate that the first Duke of Grafton was the illegitimate son of Charles II ths or King by Barbara VUller Duchess of Cleveland Emperor Nicholas last spring bestowed upon his two eldest daughters the colonelcies of a regiment of the Third Husaara and of the Third Lancers rrypcctlvely and during ths course of the summer their photographs garbed in tha uniform of these two crock corps havo been widely published on this side of the Atlantic A fortnight ago tho Csar held a big review at Kraenoe-Hele near St Petersbuig dirlng the course of which Grand Duchess Olga who la not quite eighteen and Grand Duehees Tatiana who is a little ever sixteen led their respective regiments past the Emperor first at a trot and then at a gallop As they are both very wholesome attractive girls splendid eauestriennes and look particularly fnclnatlng In their uniform thla military debut of theirs was the feature of the pageant For those women and young girls In this country who insist on riding astrfde I iray add' that the two grand duchesses at the review used side saddles and skirts the latter being of the same hue as the gold-laced tunic of their uniform and Just showing the top of the boot They saluted not with their swords but with their riding whips and whlla Olga wore the busby of the Hueears Tatland's head waa coifed with the exapka of the Lancers Sovereigns are theoretically brothers and slstere and In official communications address one another ae such Privately when they are the same age they address each other as couelna This la only natural since they are all more or less nearly allied to one another by ties of klnemanshlp Where the difference of the age is great the seniors are addressed ae uncle and aunt even when these titles are not warranted by the degree ef relationship Thus Queen Victoria during the latter part of her life was addressed as by all the younger generation of sovereigns and princes and princesses of the blood George and Queen Mary are therefore perfectly Justified In having caused the centrepiece of the magnificent silver service which tfiey have presented to King Manuel on the occasion of his wedding to be Inscribed from affectionate while Queen Alexandra le equally warranted by practice and etiquette In describing herself In sending him hla wadding present nn hlu London which In Its latest Issus takes exception to thla Is manifestly unaware of this custom since Better clip that picture from this paper Then you will have thn flrst thirty-five pictures free with the catalogue and you will havo secura only pictures IS 7 SS 19 40 and 41 in order to have all the 'pictures published thus far The flys last-named pictures you can secura at 2 cents each Or get an Answer Book and with It these pictures free! And with all the pictures to data in your possession simply secure the balance of the seventy-seven pictures from The Tlmea-Dlspatch each morning and when you have all the seventy-seven pictures sand or bring them all in with your answers You can solve such picture If you tse your Ingenuity by reference to the catalogue A knowledge of books la not needed at alL If a picture showing a group of people being shown through ruluad building and a guide saying: la one of tha Meccas of tourists in waa drawn to represent the book title In you do not have to have any book knowledge to find that outl Ask yourself what sort of a book titlq that picture must have been drawn to represent Figure out several possible titles that the picture might represent and than look through tho catalogue to see If any auch title as one of them Is listed there The correct title to each picture la guaranteed to bo in tho catalogue Look at tho Booklovers Contest announcement In to-day's paper What book title do you think picture might represenL Maks up the sort ef book tltleo It must represenL Then get a catalogue and teat out each of tha titles yen have figured euL Keep at It and get the correct title: Flood Hay snd Watson All Occupy Speaker's Chair in the House Washington September This was distinctly Day" In ths House not that any spectacular events were pulled off but by reason of the fact that three Virginia members of the House Representatives Flood Hay and Watson presided over lie deliberations during the course of tho day's business When the House met at noon and began consideration of the urgent deficiency hill Congressman Flood was put in charge of and Immediately became speaker tern" as long as the bill shall be under consideration A little later on ha asked Congressman Hay to take the chair and toward! the close of the day Representative Watson wielded the gavel It was remarked here during the day that never before perhaps in the history of Congress had three members from the same State presided over the House on the same day on the same bllL It Is needless to say that each of the three Virginians made an excellent presiding officer and that should it ever become necessary to choose a successor to Speaker Clark from among the Democrats there Is plenty of good material In the Virginia delegation to draw from McG CHAIRMAN CLARK WILL GUARD Washington September Congressman Frank Clark of Florida chairman of tho House Committee on Building and Grounds In a speech on li the floor of the House to-day declared that at chairman of the committee Just referred to he Intended to see that hereafter applications for public buildings are held within reasonable limits He said that whlla he had no objection to the spending of government funds for legitimate purposes be thought that due caution should he given to the authorisation of buildings all over the country when there Is no real need for them It will be bis purposo when his committee brings in a bill thla winter Sir Clark said to see to It that not a penny of government money Is wasted Congress has been criticised considerably in the past for its lavish expenditures snd the public buildings committee has often been denominated a "pork barrel" commute There shall be no need for this hereafter Sir Clark said although every legitimate proposition will have earnest consideration McG MEETS AT ALEXANDRIA By-Cnunty Convention ef 1 tfeaalen Alexandria Va September 4 The by-county convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union composed of delegatee from this city Alexandria and Fairfax Countie convened to-day In the Methodist Frotestant Church with Mr Amy Wtech president presiding Addresses were made by Rev Btrausburg pastor of the Church and Rev Watson pastor of the First Baptist Church Reports wsre made by the various officers of the work accomplished during the year HEATING STEAM OR Consult Us $300 CASH $200 CASH $150 CASH $100 CASH Tfeer In SIAM I ThU Put and Tun Can Sit In the Game! If you are working along for more or less salary in humdrum aort of way getting no plane except to work each morning then you havo missed opportunities! Here fine chance to miss another one! Or you might show little gumption a little spirit a flash of and aelse this opportunity Look it over! The opportunity presented Is a chance to win 5100 In gold coin or one of a host of remarkable gifts totaling $1-209 for playing game This game requires no wofk It hae no subterfuges concealed about It anywhere It le a real game conducted by this newspaper solely to amusn Its readers and to pay them handsomely for being musejL The game consists of a eeries of seventy-seven pictures each ef which represents the title a book Those coming closest to naming the seventy-seven book titles which the seventy-seven pictures represent will receive the awards And that'a all them Is to it These seventy-seven titles represented by th seventy-seven picture Were elected from a list of book titles callsd the contest catalogue This catalogue contains In all SS09 book titles arranged In alphabetical order You can get the catalogue which contains the seventy-seven correct titles for 1 cents or 49 cents by malL With each catalogue The Tlmea-Dlspatch gives free seven certificates redeemable for thn content pictures frora No 1 to No IS Inclusion Tn-day pictur No 41 is published Work Out of the City Promptly Installed Johnson-Longworth Heating Company MONROE 2806 416 MAIN ST.

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