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The Daily Ardmoreite from Ardmore, Oklahoma • Page 1

Ardmore, Oklahoma
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WEATHER I ARDMOREITE Patronize Ardmore Merchants and you help your town. AIT Today, unsettled; colder; probably local rains. Southern. O-1-1- test Newspaper. i ii ii i- .1.

FULL IEASED WIRE ASSOCIATED PRESS AKD.MOR1 0 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1922 VOL. 29 No. 233 SIXTEEN FACES 1 ir 1 Home Coming Sooners WatchO.U. Win First Big Game of the Year -o ARMISTICE DAY Flowers and Fruit Sent to Slilphur Hospital By the Ardmore Legion Post After Luncheon. SILENT TRIBUTE IS PAID TO THE FALLEN Taps Blown at 11 o'clock; Fitz-patrick Speaker at Lunch; Offices Closed.

The dead were remembered. The disabled wore nut forgotten. The nbl paid respect. Thus, the fourth anniversary of the signing of the armistico thut brought to a close the most disastrous war of hltsory was observoed in Ardmore! SuturcUiy morning many of the business! houses displayed flans and buntings over their doors. In residences of patriotic riti7.en the colors were shown in the windows and on front porches, l'ulilii' buildings were closed and nt 11 o'clock business came to a standstill In the stores, factories and

At the appointed time the tin siren, sounded a note of wurning for traffic neat IiiimIiiu ti, li'tti ir.tmitpa kit buglers souuccd "t.ip i fruin tops of bitsines l.oins, uud leisons paused, Mood tit with hones uticfVcrvd and fa red llii cast. During that moment many prayers vent up fir thine who paid the supreme fciirrlflee, those who are now paying the price, and for everlasting peace. The ceremony wan simple, yet ef fi ctive. Legion Hon Luncheon When seventy-five member of tho George It. Anderson ikisi of tho American Legion, and the Woman's Auxll-W lary met at Hotel Aidm-i fur regular luncheon, the disabled v.

are nt the Sulphur lioHpitiil were not forgotten. Steps Were taken to send fruits, anil delicacies to the patients there and later In the afternoon Ford Whilchurst carried an auto load. KTliy Kit rick, veteran of two wars, but still going strong, wus the principal speaker and commended the work of the legion in earing for their disabled brothers and extending American Ideals and Ideas to all peoples. l'rii were awarded to those legion-nah'fs who brought in "A- W. O.

ninl a special table was prepared for T.uildy" Moorehend, but "Muddy" never showed up. The table was loaded down with edibles. Tin' Legion (Cootie) quartette ren-di red several selections, and each le-Klonnalre told where he was and what he was doing on the day when firing ceased four years ago. o. W.

King was chairman of the lesion him lieoii. Made in Ardmore Exhibits Placed In Store Windows Cuing a sep further In the "Ruy in Ardinoie" campaign, manufacturers will have an exhibition In the windows of the Ardmore Hbnnnucy, Tuesday, Wednesday tind Thursday of this week It was plunned Saturday. A score of manufacturer will be represented, according to M. K. Anderson, who Is til charge of the campaign.

Kaeh or lb exhibits will be designated by sinull run! paired onthe plate glass front with ribbons letting to the display In the window. Adoption of the "Iluy In Ardmore" slogan by al manufacturers followed a campaign started by the Uyonls club several weeks ago. That It will be cupl-talUed and worked to Its fullest the itliu of the promoters. DISABLED VETS IT FORGOTTEN DEPUTY ONE DAY KILLED IN RAID Dewey Officers Surprised Burglars in Store When Pistol Duel Started; Slayer Gets Away. llAHTl.R8VH.t-rc.

Okln. After ob-tulnltig commission ns deputy officer Kriduy afternoon, Herbert Muriow of liewey wns shot and Instantly killed early Saturday morning when he and two officer surprised four men In the set of robbing a Hewey clothing store. officer Marlow was passing by the store, according to officers, when- lie noticed A tight In the place. He summoned two other officers nml the trio surrounded tho place, Marlow stationing himself at Ihe front. The robber became suspicious and started out ths front of the building firing as they ran.

Muriow emptied hi gun at the bandit tut! none of hi shuts took effect. The return fire from the bandit hit hi tn and he fell, aliuo.t Inslaiiily 1 d. Eddie Johnson Was Star of the Melee, Making Spectacular Plays Throughout Game That Was Witnessed by Thousands NORMAN, OKLA. Staging a reversal of form before her home coming thousands, the sooners swept tho Missouri Tigers off their feet Saturday afternoon with a varied offensive attack which won Oklahoma her first' conference football victory this season, by a score of lg to 14 The Tigers contested bitterly ur.d doggedly every Inch of ground the Sooners gained and In the final quarter after it looked like a Sooner walkaway, the Missourians put up -i supreme effort through sheer and put over thler first touchdown af ter carrying the ball down the field in line smashes and followed a few seconds later with a hrillni forty yard forward pass for their second meltdown. This rally threw a scare Into the Sooners who braced and started a touch down rush to be stopped on Missouri' liree yard line witli the final whistle.

Johston Was Star Eddie Johnson, plucky sooner quarterback was the uothtanding star of tlie offense work shown by either side. Johnson started tho Sooners off in the first second period by receiving a punt and tearing down the field through tn entire Tiger eleven for a brilliant 75 yard run for touchdown. Brlstow fol-Jowed In the same period with a tackle brriash for the Sooners' second touch down and Johnson again starred In the third period when a ten yard pass to Johnson was stretched Into a touch down with a. broken field run of 23 yards. A strong south wind gave the defend rs of the south goal a decided advan tage on punting and Missouri chose to defend that goal when she won the loss.

liristow Some Punter Bristow's wonderful punting was the surprise of the game from the Sooner standpoint. When it was announced that the star, Morrison would not play, a groan went through the Sooner stand but the first year hulfback who went in pulled out by kicking on an evarge of 41 yards to the put thereby beating his opponent and everage of two yards. Bleacher Fell The largest crowd In his tory watched the Sooners win. The bIx persons Injured when the north bleachers collapsed were all discharged from the hospital before larkness with no serious results. Fully 10,000 people were Jammed and packed into Oklahoma's make-shift stadium.

Alleged Slayer of Rev. Keeth Agrees To Surrender, Claim RHHEVKORT. La. Letters from V. J.

Sherman, alelged slayer of the Rev. John Calhoun Keeth, at Plain Ridffe, are reKrted to have received by Sam Nuckols, of the same vicinity and Joseph Sherman, 14 year old son of the fugitive. The letters were postmarked At Lit. tie Rock, but, according to the reports, they were written at llowe. the letter to Nuckols, who owned the farm where Sherman was a renter, the writer said that he would give up to Sheriff Adair or Deputy liollnger, but to no one else.

It was also reported that Sherman said he was going to Mississippi and would return later. SUES CANDY MAN FOR ALIENATING HIS WIFE NEW YORK Oscar liunto, wealtli ramly manufacturer, wus sudu toil for $100,000 by Nichulos Cliaefer. who charged that the affections of his wife, Marlbel Hchaefer, were alienated by the candy man. When she was arrested by federal narcotic agents several week ago, and taken to tho psychopathic hospital but later released, Mr. Hchaefer said she was an English heiress and Kuute's warm friend.

In his suit, Schaefer charged that the statement wa used simply to rover up liuute's real motives. Mr. Nell IHyle of Kort Worth, Texa. I visiting In the home of her brother, Mr. M.

tl. McKlnney, 314 Wheeler 8t This Is Not the Sky Line, But the Thl I the first exclusive view ef Muln Ktreet earlv last wek. Ai tb" Anlttiore Lln hi irnl yet (alle 00 IRE Emits In Tornado's Path Near Drumright a Week Ago li I If Miracles that usually come with heavy storms, saved the lives of many persons when, a tornado struck tho oil fields south of Drumright, Oklahoma, recently, although five were killed. One family, shown above, saw its home Loan of Half Billion Marks Would Be Wasted in Few Months, Financier Says in Paper. Oermuny must work two more hours duily for ten or fifteen yeurs in order to be able to even exist, the Imperial economic council was told by Hugo Stinnes, the industrial magnet, In a speech published Saturday by the Deutsche Allgemelne Zeltung.

Here Stlnne dwelt upon th- unproductive) of the country and estimated that It must produce at least 200,000,000 gnat marKS more per monin io uve Then nil that would ensue would be the possibility of having something with which to repay reparations. A loan of DOii.oOO. ouo gold marks now would merely wasted within a few months, ho told the council. The poo-Die. he thought, could ho Induced to work longer hour If the entente with drew the army of occupation from Germany.

RETIRED BOOTLEGGER CANT PAY ALIMONY rKANHSCO Waller testified in the superior court here that be no longer could pay his wife K'iO a month alimony since he bad retired fiom tho bootlegging business. Judge Shortall reduced the alimony liO mouth. Jacobs testified his busi nes was not eotiftucU to mull t)iup and sodu water. Air iido Framed WASIUMiToN. federal legislation to establish traffic regulation for the olr ntaiut the country I being framed by the committee on the air craft safety cb which wa In ses sion today at tho dep.iil- nunt.

the (rent Ardmore Bklrt Line. You STINNES PAINTS GLOOMY PICTURE OF HUN AFFAIRS shunning horde rsme sweeping ilon, the rnmrummi took oni boW-nd i on the averaae. It still nti'sen fitim 1 IMA HnaD Rfei t2 and furniture blown into debris, and yet efcaped untouched. In another case, Mrs. John lllllchrand, at left, owes her life to an upright piano which sustained a wall of her house, under which she had been blown.

THREE MAY BE Ii Only Procedure Is Delaying Presentation of Evidence to Grand Jury, Attorney General Says. NKW imr.VSWICK, X. J. Only tlie question of procedure Is delaying trie presentation of the Hall-Mills murder case to the grand Jury, Deputy Attorney General Wilbur A- Mott, In charge, of the Investigation, has announced. Ho is undecided, he said, whether to await the return of supreme court Justice I'arker or try to have another Justice ai in Judge I'arker's court.

Ilo made It clear that he considered the evidence in hand strong enough to warrant Indictments against two men and a woman, nt least two of them on first degree murder charge, it was considered probable hire today that Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall, widow of tlie slain rector, would be asked to let tho authorities take her finger print for comparison with prints found on the shirt worn by Dr. Hull when he wa kllli-d. Shu Is eTpe nil to consent. Oft'l clal were repotted to have identified all print found on the cuffs of the shirt except thoso thought toliave been msde by a woman.

TUISA HIGH BEATS OKLAHOMA CITY MEN TI'LHA. (iK LA high school took the lead In the central conferoiK'e football hainpioiisblp race by defeating Oklahoma City IS to 0. in one of the baldest games ever staged by these ancient rivals. Oklahoma City's, throw Tulsa, i-'fimlpa. Oklahoma City nml Kind Into tie for conference lead Willi one defeat apiece, but Tulsa has victories over and Oklahoma City while K.liid defeated S.l)lllm on Friday.

have scene vbws of the Sky Mne right to liu he abnve the ground NAMED IN HAL! LAYING A Ftv IralffliiiFA Tl MEN KILLED RESULT! BLAST Vessel Went Into Dry Dock Friday Night After Discharging Cargo of Oil Yvom Texas, HEAVY GAS THOUGHT TO BE THE CAUSE Torches Were Used to Hum Off Kivets Inside Tank; Two Men Injured. CHESTF.SR. Pa. An xplosion. to have been caused by gas in the tanker J.

N. IMv under repair at the Sun ship building yard here, killed two workmen, Injured two others, and wrecked the vessel with a loss estimated nt nearly and threw a part of the city into a state of I i Xiiieinent Saturday. The dead are: CF.OUCI-: IH NTKlt and HARRY SCiil.KV, both of Chester. Torches hich I ho workmen were using to burn off the beads of rivets Inside the cr ide oil tanks are believed to have exploded heavy gas in the tanks, six of which Mew up. Twenty members of tlie crew nt the 1'ew were asleep In their quarters and no one was injured.

The fire, followed the explosion luid was extinguished after a hard fight. The tanker Pawnee lvlng In the 1'ew were slightly damaged. The 1'ew. owned by the Sun company a refining corporation i iuhik, affiliated with the ship building cor poration. The cscl had Just returned from Texas bringing crude o.l to Marcus HiMik, and went into dry di.k Friday night for repairs.

ARDMORE NEEDS A Fire Station in Every Ward, Fire Chief Asserts. Ardinoie I- a fire sUtli.n in ev- i led within a short di tsticc of the school, av oiding to lire Chief Mi ii- In le-lsons the growth Ai 500,000 IS residential section of the city NOItM AN W.VTtHMW and Ho- nui in which th. i- ek-1 tending on'. "iu-' ihe i ll-, limit. The two OKLA --An unidentified stations now in In'- HlUi.iliil tlui ti'uii w.i -hot and killed rally S.ilur it Is a long I on to aij of ihe nil.i! d.i ihouomc hi ii Its a I department M.

tion. be -aid I sloie by .1 II. lut'lil Wulcbiiiail The i hef is iiinw f. 1 1 1 in: out who ch.n that tin- man was alteliip ntent on (lie of ihe city i tlnn to rob the establishment. Aulbori-a view of placing at b-iist Mie sl.itlo.l ties sa no charge Vill lie filed against either III tlo or section with.

ii enr. These two try lion li.i In buildlinr at sticli a rate that wuhin anoibr year or two the city limits Will lave been teaill-d. be i-ald. Present equipment Is all thai could be askil for Ihe present, but It Is only a matter of lane that Pew equipment Will have to be procured, he said. Skirt Line of gulore.

This picture msde at a rnnl Put he got his picture. It shows lien the wiml I hot blowtngt manes Chinese Roving Band Released Two Being Held SHANd'HAI. Two American mis slonuries, unnamed, are among foreign captives held by bandits in Hunan pro vince, according tn word received here Saturday from Madamu Soderstrom of the l.ufheian who has been released by the brigands ami has arrived at Vang Chow l-'u. She also re- IKirted that she saw II. Iv Ledgard of the China inland mission staff, among the hostages.

l.edgaid was held by a differ, nt band from that which captured artit later freed Madame Hodcrstrom, she reported and the two Americans, together with several other missionaries and two for eign railway men were with Ledgard. He Was warmly clad, she said, but was anvxlous over his wife and child, both of whom she found to be safe elsewhere. "WASHINGTON. --The. two American missionaries reported held by Chinese bandits in Hunan province aro named Forsberg and Lundeen, according to a dispatch received at the department.

American minister has asked the Chinese government to pro cure their release. PLANT IN CITY Leach man Johnson Company Will Erect $23,000 Modern Plant and Double Capacity by January 1. One of the most modern and best equipped Ford sales and service plants in the state will be completed nt the corner of A street and first avenue, soul hw est, by January 1 for Motor company, it announced Saturday. Worl; will start on the location Monday morning, when the Apple and the Cray and Smith building will bo razed to make way for the new structure. The new plant will have a floor space or (i by "10 feet und will cost approximately JUj.OOO, It was stated.

The company is now establish' In Hie Tom Cooper building, corner of I) street and West Main. The Tom Cooper Motor company will move Into that location when it is vacated by Leach-inan-Johnsiiu, it was stated. Double Capacity The new will permit the Ford agents to double the present capacity of their plant, since an ussemb-I'ng plant will be established on right way in a short time. New muipment will be mklcd by which will make this one of the most complete plant In the state, it is slated. Although but one story heV1- foundation will be put In to peri adding second story.

The firm will continue handling the Lincoln, Ford and Fordson rolling stock and pail. The contract has been awanleil to L. S. Snioy. while the pljr-i and sv-ifa'iillons were coinpilid J.

1" White anbilect IMDKNTH Ir.D MAN KII.IJ Il nton. Fl't'orts are being made to idell the slain man. Weather OiilliHik WASHINC TON 1 he weather nu: look tor I lie Ii. Monda Cool and generally lair first half. IN Itlg at III i oils del.lble cloudiness and local lain the latter part.

Ardmore great rWk ot life on the mvemnt tif Ihnl despite all decrees of fashion, the FORD DEALERS TO BUILD NEW .11... THOUSANDS ARE HOMELESS AFTER Tidal Wave Extended to Island of Hawaii Where Japs Pack Up and Flee to Hill Tops. suffers heavy loss Smaller Villages Destroyed and Damaged By Shocks That Came at Night. A NTOFAO A STA CHILE. ITpwsrtJs of 100 persons were killed and many seriously injured by the earthquake which overturned many buildings early Saturday morning in Copiapo, capital of the province of Atacama.

Keports from Concepcion und Talr-a-buano, to the south, make no mention of damage or casualties. At Concepcion, a strong earth movement from east to west was fell for about three minute at mid-night. At Takahuano a tidal wave occurred, following the subsidence of which the water level was lower than normal. The movement was steady and caused no damage. Tidal Wave in Hawaii HILO, ISLAND OK HAWAII.

Tidal waves swept Hilo liay from o'clock Friday night until 10:10 Saturday piling the beach with sampans and washing the craft out to sea. No lives are believed to have been lost. Japanese living on the water front packed their belongings and fled inland pun.V-stricken. Thousands Homeless Kl'EXOS AIRKH. Seventy -five persons were killed und thousand uie homeless as a result of the destruction of Coqulmby and several towns nortli onf AutofagnsU Chile, In Haiur-1a earthquake "Ireat' damage is feared In Antofaga-i- ta itself, according to prlvute advict from Valparaiso, giving a summary of the reports received there.

The dispatches from Valparaiso say the wireless station at. Coqulmbo and Antofagasta are not answering call. The cruiser Chacubuco and a destroyer have been ordered to proceed nortli. their officero to repor upon the effects of the eatt hquake. Remark of Briton Causes Revoke of Request to Speak NKW YOKK.

John Fnrtescue, pres. dent of tlie Koul Historical society Great Drltain, whose Invitation to make un armistice day uddress al West Point was revoked by Secretary Weeks because of remarks derogatory to America made In a book written by Mr. For-tescqe, has expressed his regret that he had ever written the passage attacking America. He declared that the remark made In lectures at Oxford in 1910 and later published us "British tSntesmen of the Great War; 1731H" bad been hasty and hud been uttered when two alleged unsportsmanlike act by America had been ficsh In his mind. Ilia al titude toward America and the Americans be adii'-d, had since changed.

Alvl.l ltAMllTS fiKT $1.1100 IN KILLS IX KANSAS il KANSAS CITY, KAN'S. Three masked bandits In a motor cur held up thtre offH lul of the Central State Hunk hcie siiitinday uud obtained a package in bills. The bankers weie raling in un uuioumbile from another bank, where 111 had ihr men- v. Thn bulldlts i Hi a pi J. Oscar Ameringer of Oklahoma City Al-V) Exonerated ot ()ne Sweep lly Judge on May 8.

MILWAl'KEK, Wlil -Three Indict, ment charging Victor I. Berger and four other prominent Hoclalists with cb-structlng the government In the proe-cution of the war were dismissed by Federal Judge F. Uelger, May I ot this year, It became known The other defendants were Oscar Am-erlnger, formerly county rginlxef of ihe Koriallft partv, now connected with the Oklahoma Leader, a socialist hews pnpr In Oklahoma City; F.dmund L. M-Kims, present rounty organiser: X.ea Krxyokl. now general organiser for the National Clothing Workers Union And formerly tromlnent In the Roclatl! tviriv in Milwaukee; I.011 1 A.

Arnold. Soi lalist tax cominlsloner and president nf the Social-Democrat to Publish Ing Company, publisher of tho aflrwou-kee leader. The Indictment had been banging fir l-ecniise Ihe government srae o. tt lug Mr. Merger on thi sane vhage in Chicago.


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