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The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia • Page 1

Wheeling, West Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ifh I'. Iglll Jjf; tjjV-n) ESTAJ3LISUED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, WEST WEDNESDAY AfOItXIXG, JANUAItY 2, lS8-i. VOLUME i I 1 ithi (illicit 23 mill 'i? l'otirlcoiilli Slrcrt. Wk shall dco presently what good reso- 1 lutions the Democratic Uoubo made terday.

In tlio matter of 1883 dealt gently by West Vliginlo. The (act ia, wo can't atfordto fall in West Virginia. Mh. will not beborueonthe Mexican war pension roll, llehaaalready I Haid that he would dcclino. There other reasons.

Mju IIbnuy B. I'aynk ia also a cratie preuideatlfil possibility. In thin early Hash of the new year Mr. Payno ia a good man to keep your oye ou. Gksuhal Louan'h help did not nominate General Urant in 18S0, and perhaps Gen- eral Grant's help would not nominate Genoral Logau in 1834.

It ia ao far off that you tell. i That ia right, Mr. Morrison, give uayour old tarilF bill. That will do as well as any other to jump on. And be euro you retain the duty on tea and noor man's break f8Bt free.

Mu. Hewitt's Mexican pension bill ex- eludes soldiers drawing pensions on aceouat of disabilities received the Union army, but there is nothing said about ex- a chiding soldiers who served in another fci army at game I Fkom Clarksburg comes the cheering 1 news that the railroad from there to the jj Pennsylvania lino will be built within eighteen inootls. A splendid territory awaits the coming of that road. West ginia offers a wide Held for development, and capital is beginning to find it out. i A cokiiKsi'osdust sends an interesting pxge of war history, showing how, amid the smoke of buttle, bo to speak, certain eminent gentlemen hereabouts were "read out of the party." 15ut that is all over, aud ihese things are worth remembering only jl as matters of history.

At this day the.reto- lutions of the secession convention cut a 1 droll figure. A This monumental cheek of Mr. G. P. IB Huutington is something wonderlul.

The i H5 publication of hi3 recent letters concerning Senators and members of Congress appears Iimuei iu mm man otnerwise, anil now-he baa llie audacity to camp in Wash- iugton for tlie winter campaign to pursue tiia Kchemea by the aame old methodB. Mr. Huntington ought to aub3ide, but only i force will make bim do ao. Whene'er Mr. Holuian lakea his walka abroad and Beea Government clerka prom- enadicg the avenue in coacbmen'a coats and toothpick c.inea he "objects." And i now he is bound to begin at the bottom and 'reform upwards.

Mr. Ilolinan wes until recently the Presidential candi- of the New York Sun. He is a nice roan, but he doean'c weigh two hundred and iiity pounds. 'Ilmt waa Hancock, The Cuatoma Agent who thinka that in the event of the duty being removed from I sugar on this eide Cuba would make up for it on the other aide, baa been reading hiatory. That ia just what Urazil did in the matter of.

the colTeuduty. The con- i Burner did not get the bemfiL If, however, 1 we were to reatore the duty on coffee the consumer would feel that. It is a rule that doesn't work both waya. Wo have seen liow it works na applied to cigars. I In teu mouths of 1SSIJ, ending Novcm- 1 ber 1, Bteel raila to the value of $1,029,257 imported.

In the corresponding period of 1SS2 the value wna more thau four times His great. In the inonth of October, the value of ira- 8 ported Bteel rails waB against 1 227 in October of 18S2, or seven times the A'rtlue. This will account in part for the deprcfision in tlie Euglieh Bteel rail indua- try, and for the evident desire on the other Bide for a further reduction of the tariff a that atauds in the way of an American f' market for English raila. With American raila selliuv: at $31(2i'J4 50 English rails at prices have not much chance. In the Anglo-American Times of London, date'of December 14, is a lengthy article entitled "West Virginia, and Combined Action to Secure Credit" In this pro- Auction we detect the flue Italian hand of Tax Commissioner Mason.

The article reads liko a leaf out of an opera boutle libretto. We read far example, that "West Virginia desires a Special Coinmuaion to j( settle between her and the old parent It is true her case needs 1- special investigation; but what we couteud (or a General Commission; having in hand the adjustment of all out- standing obligations." West Virginians kaow that West Virginia dovsn't desire t) anything of the kind. In fact "West Virginia ia not bothering herself about 0 Virginia's West Virginia certificates. It isn't our debt and her ure not creditors. Wotriod mat- 8 tor to a settlement when it was much newer, but Virgmia wanted no then and wants nouo now.

Ab soon as there shall have beon a settlement the lifteen millions with interest which she 0 waa good enough to apportion to'us be- come duo. Sho knows that we will pay any tuchsum, and sho would in ior the diJIereneo between any suii might pay and Uie face value of tilt cer- titicateB. Except the Wall street syndicate, of 1 which Mr. Mason is the agent, nobody is 8 exercised about tho so-called West jj giuia certificates. Tho Anglo-Americin 5 Timet is iu error when it supposes that otr 8 credit ta hurt by thoso certificates.

State is not iu tho market asking credit, ami-will not be. Neither is it truo thit our inter-State debtquestiou has evor been a bar to our capitalist holds this Stato "liable, bonds dealt in" know that the (h'shonored are not oura. West Virginia is willing to pay her i ablo proportion;" whatever that may be, of the debt of tho old Virginia doesn't desire that proportion determined, i Mr. Mason seems to be going a long way i from home to work his Wall atreet scheme. The pressure of English opinion will not pry open tho pockets our Ux-payere.

pi A IWUSED (illAB. rHE flag and an appropriation, Ion the Month rropoici to Get iloni for liibil A Hcbttne to Delete th? the il trill Attend to If. ti Wasiiinotom, j'- tJ-t January Solid South having oblained a virtual con- rol of the committee organisation of the louse, ita Ileprt bentativea are caotlng bout for plana so lo distribute the surplus evenue that thu Southern States can get iveu. With Soutlieru men at the head of he Committees of Education, ItiverB and Iarbora aud IVubionu, the prospecta of uccesa eeem at least fair. To the latter ji ommittee is assigned tho duty of wiping (J ut tho legal distinction which now exists 1 pension claimants who were loyal 01 the Union aiiJ those who were disloyal, nd which prevents the payment of pen- jV ions to the latter.

The committoe is also xpected to report favorably, at an early r' lay, a bill to pension all survivors of the var with Mexico and the Florida, Creek nd Black Hawk Indian ware, who served Durteen days or more, and tiie surviving ridowaof aoldieraof those wars, and tore- tore to the pension rolls all living ioners of the war of 1812 whose namea JJ' fere stricken therefrom because they took arms against the Government. Mil, W. IIKWITr's 111LL. Half a dozen bills on the subject have Iready been offered, five of them by iouthern men. One of them is by Mr.

fG lewitt, of AUbama, who is chairman of he Pene'ions Committee. It Rives $8 a aonth to all surviving officers and enlisted nen, including militia and volunteers, of he military aud naval service, who served ixly days in tiie Mexican war or thirty ti lays in theCreek, Florida or Black Hawk bi rar. The same amount is to be given to he widowi of soldiers of those wars who lave not remarried. But il a man who J1 erved in toe Mexican war was afterward a 11 oldier in the army, and in receipt J1 if a pension on that account, he cannot injoy the benefits of the proposed act. ej Service in the rebel army, however, does al lot bar hU claim.

The bill repeals section 1,710 of tie revised etatutes, forbids tie payment of pensions who C1 vefe disloyal, but it contains a provision yj vhicb excludes from its benefits all per- CI ona who are under the disabilities 01 id bjr the fourteenth amendment to the yonatitution. This ie, of course, designed cut eil'Jttftrdon Davis, and it will affect tobody OTIIER AND SIMILAR BILLS. Another bill, by Mr. Reagan, of Texas, lontaina identical provisions, except the me last mentioned.

It was hardly to be ixpected that the ex-Poatmaster General if the Southern Confederacy would be wiling to exclude hia former chief from the of the proposed measure. The pi clTcred by Mr. Dibble, of South Caro- ii aa iw IUU uuitJ if service and applies only to soldiers of be Mexican war and docs not exclude al 'elferaon Davis. The one introduced by ylr. Throckmorton, of Texas, requires sixty gi lays of service in tbe Mexican, Florida or ol JIack Hawk war, and excludes persons di mder political disabilities.

The bill offer- sr id by Mr. Lamb, of Indiana, requires four- een days' service and applies to the Mexi- tl war. It also provided for' tbe restora- ion to the rolls of all pensioners of the whose names were stricken herefrom on account of disloyalty, but ex- si from its benefits persons under li lolitical disabilities. In ISTy a Democratic Pension Commit- di ee in tlio House loaded down a bill for the ieatnloi disabled veterans of the Union irmy with provisions like tnese contained A3 thebillfl described, and stubbornly re? tl used to allow the propositions to ba sepaated. It required a two-thirds vote to oJ I ink tie committee.

Afterward.the Mex- is can pension was attached by a Senate a3 a "rider" to a bill 8pproiriaticg money to pay Union pensioners, jut a timely motion to reconsider, made Senator'Windom, was carried by a ma- ority of one vote, and after a bitter and ixcitinjr debate tbe "rider" was linally de- eated. P' WHAT IT WII.L COST. Several estimates have been made ol the unouut which would be drawn frsm the tt if these bills were to become laws, tl )ne of these puts tho amount required on CI ccountof the Mexican war alone at $47,00,000. This estimate, however, came rom the same authority which figured the robible demands of the arrearages of pen- ions act at $30,000,000, or less than one- ourtli oi the amount which will actually ie required, even should the privileges of hat act not be extended, aa now proposed. Vhai the act to pension all survivors of lie war-of 1S12 whb passed in 1871anesti ate that 10,000 persons would Bhare its JJ lenitils was considered wild; thirteen ears have passed and 84,000 names are tho pension rolls under that act, albough etventy years have passed since the udof the war of 1812.

Tho bills now ropoeed would add at least 50,000 pen- 18 loners to the rolls, and cost the Treasury 100,000,000 in the end, according to careil estimates by Representative Browne nd who have investigated the sub- ai 1 ilK FEHHIOS 1AHT. lie IHVct or (bn Hubllrntlou on tlic Feublou Illiniums. Washington, January Con- rifs ordered that a list of pensioners on be rolls should be printed, it waa said the result would be the diecovory of mnerous frauds, and a consequent saving fQ I thousands of dollais annually. The list raa printed at a ccst of about $55,000, and j' be roll Iirb been printed in installments tho newspapers generally. It ie now tj.

everal months since that publication. Commissioner asked how the ftl publication affected business in his office, tl aid that up to date upwards of ton thou- and applications for increase had been re- eived, and about two hundred letters are lile from people who claim that other cupiw uro uu iud iuiid nuu uut iu 13. Of the1 twa hundred: complaints mly one baa rt salted in the discovery iriiud. Tliat one was the case of a pjnan who baa bsen drawing odo pfn- ion in Ohio "as a widow and another in 1 Kentucky as a dependent mother. Both iwe bsen stopped and when a sufficient ai iuie hail expired for her withheld ion to reimburse overpayment ol be will bo again allowed to raw one pension of per month.

lost of tho alleged that pen- ioueTfl whoso names pre cited have been cad some time. In no hpp n-poqaion een paid for any of the deceased since neir death. The list was hurriedly pre- ared, with no time to iavtor, hence the amea ot those dead still appear. Tll? rnrlll uu Nutfftr, Washington, January special cus- oms who has spent much time in 1 expretsea tho opinion that if the u'riited State3 ahould abolish the duty on Ujgar tho Spanish Government would itnjiwiiatejy impose an equivalent export tax 1 md the result would be that the price of mgar would not bo reduced in tho United and the connumera, consequently, 1 rvov.ui not be'benefitted, aa was the case ivbfci the dutiee upon coffee were removed. i 'I'll I'llKNI IIJKN IVI ItlX'EI'TION.

I Unit Hit)', but a llilllliint Allrtlr-Oiln-r IlecriilluiiN. Ixclai Dl'patch to the Intclttyatccr, D. 0., January fears ia the big day for Waahlngtou, for allows everybody to call on any ofllclal nd open up an acquaintance or renew old nea. This privilege ia freely taken advanige of, and of coureo the turn-out in good 'eatlier is simply immense. To day, howver, a cold drizzling rain hna made it bo iaagreeable that but a stuall proportion of je great army of callers could get carriages, ad it in not considered the thing to go on This can be done without notice nly in dry weather, ho to-day waa a failure i numbers.

Hut the President and all te Gdbitwt utiuistem ktpC open iiouae. peakpr Carlisle, the Supreme Courtj idges, General Sheridan and halfahunred Senatora and members all made their welcome. There waa very little wino offered at the (licial residences, but my of the elQer Midenta had the flawing bowl set out. he President's recaption "was a very billautone, while the Diplomatic Supreme) ourt, and Army and isavy wore coming ad Koitnr in their imiforinw nml tnouaru ho crush of former when the uoors ero open to all not witnessed idny, aa tho inasitB have no carriages ad outside of the three at Govnment expense fur the are' ardly as many more to bo hired or owned citizeuB. I TMK FAR lit; K.N' 110011.

he Agricultural Kcjuirt to Appear' Manner iliitu I Washington, D. 0., January re it hag been a mutter of serioua coinlalut among farmers and their ttepresentaves in Cougress that tho annual report of te Department of Agriculture has never sen published in time to be of any pracsal value. Tho reports- have geuerally 3en delayed from six months to a year id a half. This year a new system has sen adopted. Each branch of the report as been put in type as fast as prepared, id within two weeks the last pages will i in preps.

The result will bo that the itire edition will bo ready for distribution iout February 1. Among other valuable ages will be sjme twenty pages of figures ving tho cereal product of. all the prinpal countries of Europe for a period of ars. These figures'are based upon ollial returns where such are available, and pon careful estimates by competent men here no official figureB are kept. liko character has been.printed aince $76, and it is believed that this part of le report will be of practical value to aiu boards and grain dealers as well as to le agricultural population.

A l.KAH lie PttRitittfiter-UciterHl Kcfcxcs to I'ay 31 to Ix-utMicuils. "Washington, D. January PoEtmaslcr General Gresham refused to ay tne charges of anoflicial who. residing i Biltimore, charged the regular daily lilengo between the two citiee, tho importit point being that the official a deadend and the mileage was just bo much ained to him. It was intimated that the resided in Baltimore to render the avice practicable for supplementing his tlary.

lie is still an-officer. It probably id not occur to the Tost master General lat the public service would sutler up loss om the dismissal of such an officer. A nited States Marshal in a Southern State latfllv fr? flia f-- mjr inilar otleuee. Recent inquiry has estabBhed the fact that tho custom of charging lileage toy public olllciala riding as deadeadB is common. Though morally coninced of this, auditing officers have not 2t determined to disallow such items.

Lany thousands of dollars go annually into io pockets of dead-head cllicere, besides District Attorneys and Poatotiice in this way. It -is the law that lacking it should be supplied. Why 3Ir. Kntou In tluhniipy, "Washington, January new isea of radical discontent with Speaker arlisle'a committees have been discovered, iaton, of Connecticut, for instance, is retried to be very much diasatisfied with is assignment as chairman of the commitie on tho Election of President. This comlittee, properly considered, ought to be 10 most important in the Housa.

It waa eated immediately after the presidential implication of 1S7G, ond it was hoped that afore another presidential election it ould have devised some plan which ould prevent the recurrence of the dauira of that period. But the committeo is not been abls to accomplish anything, id it is regarded as a minor committee. Mr. 12iton, having been a U. Senair, expected a much mere important poaion; but he waa a very earnest advocate of andall, and in tho campaign declared tat Carlisle's policy wouid ruin the rospects of the Democratic party.

JLt is Eatou that the statement is attributed, We have elected a Speaker, and lost the residency," This assignment of luton therefore regarded as a punishment. The IVlililiy l.olil>y. Wasuisoton, D. 0., January ro judications that the whisky people aro ling to bo beaten again iu Ibuir efforts to it an extension of the bonded bey are going'at it iu tbeold a the siuie tactics that sounded le war cry against thorn in the Senate last ongKBS-will probably defeat tbein this me. They are, to be employing a ttle higher talent as lobbyists tlmu last ear, but tin fact that they are lobbying ir their bill with experienced men will robably beat it.

11 they coulu be content i let the bill go before Cuugress on iu lerits, with a fow judicious irieiidn froiu le whisky producing States on the lijor of le llouao aud Senate to explain its merits ad engineer it-over the dangerous shoaie, ehauccs uro that it would puas. But ve the prohibitionists aud other enemies the bill a Qbnupfl to raise tho cry of lobby," and ohargo the nee of money iu favor aud it id dead past resurrection, Cull urea for 1SS3. tccinl to the Tntdlloenccr, Pitt8uuuuu, January 1 ittsburgh otfice reports the number ol ilurea in 1SS3 in tho district of that office follows: Western Peunsylvauia, ISO; iftstera Ohio, 7S; West Virginia, total, )5. 0i the ISO in Western Pennsylvania, 2 occurred in Pittsburgh aud Allegheny, he report for was as follows: Westrn Pennsylvania, 121; Kaatern Ohio, 77; yTest Virginia, 41; total, 231). Pittsburgh nd Allegheny furnished 40 of the AVcsterri.

'ennaylvanis failures dijring tljat year, 'he increase of city failures is accouuted ar in pjirt by the number of small traders fho succumbed, of wjiich there were 40. reports tho failures in the Jnited States and Canada during 18S3 at 1,047, against 8,210 for 1882. Dentil In ibe Kettle. Wilmington, iusler, Husler, MeBride coppermitbe, had his skull fractured to-day by he explosion of a copper'kvftie, formerly, ised to hold nitroglycerine, -some of vhich remained in the hollow handle, and vhicli exploded when held over the fire. DiYS THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION.

An InltrMtlBK or Anclint H'llory-How the Faithful stood Up tbe and lit nil tit nu an ConMilraturK-Nino Very t'olntcd ttttofaWaor, i(o. To the Editor qf tlx 1 Siu: The Convention at Richmond in 18G1 after itpnaaod thu ordinance Jf Secession iu April, adjourned to meet iL'ain in June. About the time the Convention met ut Wheeling tho Secession Convention met iu Richmond. Aa Governor 1'ierpont has given ua a short review of what went on, on tfua side, il maylbe interesting to many your readers to know something thut was done on the otbtr aide about tho wime time, How do bhnp. Stewart, Cheater 1).

Hubbard and jollier ivi'i iuvy rvuitttwec ii? Tbe following document is authentic. PieBSO publish. lUNDOLWI. DOC. NO.

XXVII." Rqmt of the Committee of Election8 Upon the Jiaotulion of Mr. Jl'ysor in the Absent Members. Tbe Committee on Electionp, to whom was referred the resolution iuthelollowiug words, to-wit: 1 "limbed, That the Committee of Elections iuquire and make report io this Convention of Iho number and names of members wboeo Beats aru vacant, the cause lor causes of such vacauees, and of the actiln which it may be proper fur this bodyio take in relation to said vacauciej andto the several absentees. The said comcni I the is authorized to send for persons anl papers, and to report by resolution otherwise," beg leave to report that they entered upon the performance of the duties imposed upon them, and considered thi evidence adduced before Ibem, and carai 0 the following conclusions and resold ttoiiH, to-wit: Fnat, as to the members of the con-1 veution are absent: Caleb Bogged, George AV. Brent, Sherrard Clemens, John Campbell, John E'jholp, Garland, Sauiuel L.

Graham, Robert K. Grant, Algernon S. Gray, James W. Hcge, Robert 0. Kent, Jamo3 I Lawson, James Marshall, Thomas Muslin, Spicer' Patrick, Edmund Pendleton, Burwell Spurlcek, Xrrauklin P.

Turner and iSeDjainin Wilson. These members have not aa yet attended the convention during its present Some of them are in the tield serving the some detained on account of sickness, and others absent from causes unknown to the committee. The committee been able to ascertain that any of these members are absent from their seals by reason cf disloyalty to Vir1 ginia or sympathy with the enemy. I ocuuuuiy. oi committee as to certain other absent members.

it appears to the satisfaction of the comj mittee that William G. Brown, James Bur! S. Burdett, John S. Carlisle, Marshall M. Dent, Kphriam B.

Hall, Chteier 11). Hubbard, John J. Jackson, James 0. McGrew, George McC. Porter, Chapman J.

Stuart, Campbell Tarr, aud Waitman T. VVilley, elected members of this Convention, have been engaged in conspiracy 'against the integrity of the Commonwealth joi Virginia, anil are now engaged in aiding I and abetting the open enemies of Virginia; therefore i lieiolied, That the eaid Wm, G. Brown, James Burley, John S. Burdett, John S. Carlisle, Marshall M.

Dent, Ephram B. Hall, Chester D. Hubbard, John J. JackI son, James C. McGrew, George McC.

Porl ter, Chapman J. Stuart, Campbell Tarr and Waitinan T. Willey be, and are hereby exI pelled from this Convention, aud that their seats as members of this Convention be, and are hereby, declared vacant; and it appearing that certain of the parties last above named are eeeking to obtain pay for that period of time elapsing between the dates when the said persons left the i Convention and the day when the Contention adjourned, Jtesohxd, That the Clerk of the ConvenI tion be, and is hereby directed, aot to grant certificates for said pay. The committee further report that Jas. II.

Couch, of the county of Marion, has 1 resigned his seat, and an election to fill the vacancy been had, but official information I has not been received us to who has been elected. Geo. W.Summers, one of egatea from Kanawha, also resigned and an election has been had to fill tho vacaiij cy, but official information has not been received as to who is elected. John Marr, one of the delegates from the county oi rauquier, was icined Dattle at Fairfax Court B.OU8.', and hie neat is vacant. All of which is respectfully submitted, A.

F., Chairman of Committee of Elections. hy nig iiroihor. Chakdon, 0., January excitement exists at Thompson, this county, over a case of an assault which occurred on Friday last. A young man by the name of liisy has been teaching school at that place, nud on Friday morning ono of hio pupils, by the name of Gritlin, committed some for which Hiss punished him.

The boy, upon going home, informed his older brother of what bad transpired. The brother went immediately to school house, where he found Hiss, and pounded and kicked him so that he was compelled, to'discontinue the school till he should be able to got about. A warrant has been issued for Grifliu's arrcst'and placed in the hands of officers, who are now after him, he having skipped the country. Tlx; 1. Keitiibuko, lt.L, January horrible a flair occurred hero last night.

Isaac Pan it a peddler, was showing a revolver in the office of the Commercial House, and when the proprietor suggested to him that it might bo loaded Panilis eauUtUerfTwas not money onough in the town to induce him to carry a loaded revolver and to convince thoso present of the harnfl Banees of the weapon pointed It to his breast and pulled the trigger, when the pistol went off. Panliz dropped the revolver, put his hand to his side and said: "0 my, I'm bhot! Somebody has been fooling with thty tiling." lie stood up for a moment when one ol the byetanders caught hold of him and laid hitn down, and he died moat instantly. The ball had entered tho heart. The Homl Trial Cloned. January arguments in the Bond case will be concluded and the case given to the jury to-morrow, l'ublic opinion inclines to a verdict pf guilty.

It is underatood that a vast num. ber of people from Christian county will I be on hand, and if the defendants are acquitted, or there is a disagreement of the jury, bloody york anticipated. Threatening are received by yrituesses on both'nides. and a general feeling of inaefqrity l'nulclu VeKKel. I New York, January panic was cauBed Saturday night among the steerage passengers of the steamship which arrived hore yesterday, by a boy shouting "am" in sleep.

There was a terrible excitement and struggle, and the officers had much diflieultv in preventing many from being crushed in their efforts to get on deck. 1. to a child, which was named Lena Edam Robenheimi The mother and child are both doing well. J.ICUIMJ One or I he IIoh 1)1(1 II. Cincinnati, 0., Jauuary dozen muscular fellows in chains were waiting to-day at the Grand Central Passenger Station for the train for the North.

They had been convicted of Ku-Klux outrages in Georgiu, and were bound for the Auburn (N. Y.J Tho principal one of the group, J. M. Yarbrough, was approachand asked if ho had any objections to talking to newapaper man. Not a bit," Haiti he.

"I ain't ashamed of what I've done, and 1 would like to tell it bo you people up here may uuderaland the case. You eee the bill aRainet us said but it was nothing of the kind. One night my brother and some neighbors' boyB were out on the road going home wftii the girls. They met a young mulatto named Cad Bush', who brushed against the girl. Neil was with Neil asked what ho did that for.

The' nigger got sasay.eaid ho whb a taxpayer, worked on the roads, and had a right to walk on 'em. Tho boys went that night with their hickories and dressed him up rigut ugni ureeam-, dul one he could all on account of the girl, aud not on account ol politics, as they tried to make out. "After that an old nigger, a relative of Bush, Bftid he was going to kill me on sight, and the night of July 24 we started out to hunt him, and went tint to the cabin of a man named Cook, whar we kuevr ho hung out moat of the time. We knocked on thedoor, and Cook says, 'Who's 1 told him we had nothin' agaiuijt him, but we just wanted to sue if so and so war in thar, and he said, We said, 'That's all right, but just open tho door anu lot us il? wouldn do it, so we opened up for him and him nine licks. Then we went over to Barry SandeiHon's, who refused to open the door.

Wo pried oil' the fastening and Barry rushed out with an ax. We, didn't know it was him, and one of our boys shot at him several timee, and fiually hit him, and that's what we call Ku Kluxin', aud that's all we're here for." "What would you havo done if you had found your man "Well, I reckon we'd a thrashed him good. We wouldn't a killed him. We never kill anybody, but wa do lick a nigger once in a while unless they walk the line stiaight. I don't think I'll lick another one if I ever get out.

It's expensive, fcee what I've got for it now." piKiLHot' rut: llie Story ol'I tit; Crow of 1 llie Utiiuehf. INkw Yohk, January Galileo brought to port yesterday the rescued crew ol the ehipwreiked brfgantiue, TVe Blanche was a veesel of 147 tons, and bailed from St- John's, New Foundland. SlL left St. John's about the 19lli, bound Oporto, with a cargo of dry salt cod. Tiree days out from St.

John's, she encointered a terrific northwest gale which vessel on her beam ends. The forem-it was cut, and falling carried away nearly everthirgon deck. The water broke ovt'r tho decko, brofce through the hatchea, stole. the boats to pieces, and filled the calm. They clung desperately to the wreck, and'aucceedcd in getting into the forward purl! They bpgau at once to throw out the cargb and worked night and day to keep the old hulk afloat.

All hands were driven into the forecastle, whi'iv they drifted with tho wind and tide, hoping that aome vessel would take them off. 1'he gale continued with unabated fury until Sunday and threatened every moment to bury the disabled vessel beneath the waves. Once a steamer passed within four or five miles, but apparently took no notice of the wrecked Blanche. The men bt'gan to fear tbat the wreck would go down, carrying all on board, when, on Christmas tho Galileo came along, put out its boat and rescued them. The eutire party was very much exhausted, tho vessel was fast tilling with water, and in a few horns would have plunged beneath the surface with ita enfeebled crew.

The crew of the Blanche were all from St. John's. The owners and shippers were Peter ami Louie Tsssen. KK.UAKliAULt: MFKIthTIIIO.V. A Ufr.ll L(i(ly Kept Two lu Hope of Kemirrcctloo.

New YottK, January most remarkable case of superstition has just come to light in New L-ote, a Bub'urb of Brooklyn, where the authorities have discovered a religiouB society that has kept tbedead body of its leader for fourteen dayB, in the expectation that life will be restored to it. Five years ago seven men and two women, came from Chicago and settled in New LotB. They occupied one house, did no work, believing that they were under the especial care of God, who would provide thein with all things needful. How they liave managed to live iB a Their leader was Robert J. Haynes, aped about years, au intelligent, educated man, but a monomaniac on the subject of religion.

It ia eaid he was a proaperoua biHineaa man in the West, and gave up. a $3,500 posHion, turned over his money to the society, and with his wife joined the society. Fourteen days ago he died of consumption. His wiie went to Chicago, paying that her hujjband would join her there. Sisoentren the body bao laid on a cot in the joom where the others sleep, diesaed in ministerial black, with hat and shoes on.

One of the members said: "Brother Waynes issliU with us. He is only dead tor a pnnjsbineJrt, and in a few days will return to liie. You see, he never wanted to die, and made up his mind he would not. God, to puniah him, caused the death, but he will restore him to life to work more earnestly for liis glory." They will not allow hie body to be buried, and say that they will send it to Chicago, The health olftcera will see that the lawB are complied with. hi in vlik mountains.

Fifty LIvch KfttU 10 imve Been Lout lu Colorado. Dknyee, January specials from toe mountainous regions of Colorado indicate that the unprecedented buow storm of the pa6t week is abating. It is estimated that tifty me? liave lcgt their lives in tht enow in that Over thirty dead bodies have bo far been reported recovered and in nearly every district there are searching nurtino nnt V-JJ- iui uio uuuiea oi men who are supposed lo be lost A sprcial from Bilverton say a that Breet Walla, a miner, was carried down a mountain by a slide, and that a searching party ia now looking for him. Ho ia supposed to be dead, hut there ia a chance tnat' ho ia living and may be rescued from a terrible fate. The eame special says that two miners, whose names were not given, were caught in a slide near fronton and carried 1,500 feet down the aide of a extricated from the nines of ice and snow, jn thoy were imprisoned for tweuly-four hours they were frozen from the waist flesh opening in eeanafl.

either can recover. report from Lead-1 ville envs that Bis men while going op MU i Miequito were caught in a storm. Four of them were rescued, just as they had lain down to die, but the other two perished. They gave up in despair before the others did. Their whereabouts are not known and it is probable the finding of their skeletons when the snow has melted will only reveal the spot where thoy miserably'died.

The weather in the mouutains to the north and weatol Lead ville is extremely cold and when miners get lost or caught In a slide their death ia almost DROMORKMEETINGS. ORANGEMEN AND The Meeting Held la Spite of Urnolotlonn-A CollUloa In Which Two Ben were Prevent a General Blot. Area Excitement 1 hronnkout the lHj. Dublin, January 1 excitement today in Dromore, county Dawn, la intense, aud grave jars are entertained of a serious i outbreak. A large number of Orangemen i are congregated there, many having ar- i rivod during tho night and this morning with tho avowed purnoao of preventing tho meeting of Nationalists announced for (hie aUeraoaa.

Several companies of troops have been sent there to preserve order. The Nationalists present a bold front, and seem determined to hold tHfe meeting in spite of tho hostile demonstra- tlons mado against it by tho Orauge fac- tions. The Orango meeting was held in a field v.iuDc iu auoiu UU.UUU were present. Col. Knox He accused the governmentol endeavoring to obtain the Parnellite voto by prohibiting the loyalist meeting nut! allowing the Par- neilifcea to hold their meeting.

Resolutions were passed opposing the exteneion of franchise in Ireland, and condemning the action of the government in allowing Bedi- tioue meetings in II s'er, opposing liome rule in Ireland and endorsing Lord Uo3S' more's action. Among the speakers waB Lord George Hamilton. The Nationalist meeting was held in a field at the opposite end of the town. The rival parties were kept apart by large bodies of cavalry, infantry and police. Even this force was hardly able to prevent a collision.

The Nationalist meeting was attended by about 2,000. The usual speeches supporting the objects of the League were delivered. When tho meetings were breaking up in the evening Beveral attempts 11 were made to attack each other, but the lancers, htiesajs, infantry and police prevented serious dieorders. In au attempt 8i of the troopB to disperao the crowds a young man named MiGiven waa wouuded "in tho abdomen with a bayonet. It ia expected 81 he will die.

Another man was etrioualy ai wouuded. Gnat confusion prevailed at the railway station while tho various dele- a Sationswere boarding the trains to return ome. The Orangemen Save 0 the ieen," "Kufe and other ti patriotic so: end cheered the ieen and troops. After tho close of the meeting, despite the efforts of the the Oranao- men by a detour acrcBS tho fields fa came within a short distance of the Nationalists. setious fight was waged between the two parties for eome time uuring which the cavalry and infantry charged several times.

Kavolver thole were tx 0 changed, atones thrown and sticks freely a uacd. The ended only after a the buesars and lancers charged across the ti fields and wounded a number of Orange- jj men. The infantry with fixed bayonets escorted the Nationalists beyond the reach of the Orangemen. aj unjAl. lie In IucIiiieJ lo be Friendly to CnutlidRry.

New York, January of General 81 Grant's friends eaya the will probably be confined to bis bed Home time, bis fall having caused a lesion of a muecle in the hip. The friend Eaya the General is ti doing much better financially ttian the public reports give him credit for. He has not been a speculator upon the stieet for over a year. He is now one of the largest stockholders in the banking and brokerage house of Ward, Grant Co. Ho ha3 had no intimate relations with Gould for over a year, and some people go 60 far as to say he and Gould are not bo friendly ag before the General met with the severe reverses he encountired a year or more ego.

At one time the ex-l'rrsident was seriously I embarrassed financially. His friends rallied about him, however, and extricated I him from the embarrassment, bo that be I had enough left to invest with the firm mentioned above. This establishment is doing well, and the General is now in easy circumstances, and will probably continue J1 so, as he has foresworn general 6pecula- lion. political matters. He is very much interested in the political canvces next year, and it is probable will take quite an active pari.

It can be eaid officially that he will not in any sense be a candidate, and will under no circumstances permit his name to be used In the convention. He will not rapport Presj- dent Arthur. He is strongly to hia renomination. and does not Jbink he tl could be elected if nominated, fljp is at present inclined to be very to jj Logan. Their difference on the Ftrz John Porter question never retuited in any per- eonal feeling between them.

Grant is very grateful for the gallant fight Logan made for him at the Chicago Convention, and will do what he can to repay him. gl A UAUY NllOKKK. How a Little UelM With Twenty flours 1)hj, Cl SlMtiSGrfELD, 0., January German B1 boy 3 years of age lives with his father who jjj keeps a saloon on Ewt Main street. Yes- terday the little fellow was Been pulling tl away at a huge black cigar, with all the 11 nonchalance cf the rnoet habitual smoker. The little boy's father, John Spang onberger, seemed proud of hia Eon's accomplishment, and stated the following story "When the boy was an infant 14 months old, a was given him in fun by one of the customers in the naloon.

Instead oi ei growing flick and dropping it, the little fellow seemed to enjoy it, Bmoking it to the very end. From that first cigar bis taste for smoking commenced. The taele seem- ed to take such a hold on his baby's appe- tite, that he was soon smoking ono cigar after another until bo reached the appall- ing number of twenty per day. Though we couiu eee no evu tueci irom me ub-i ot the weed, we grew alarmed end called a physician, who made a minute examina- 1 and, ftuding no evil rtsultB Irom the J' iiBe of the tobacoo, told ub that the habit would do the child no harm. Refund P1 by this statement, we allowed free rein to H' our child's appetite, and he has benu a C( habitual amoker from tiat day to The boy iB now in kilt suits and will be 4 years old oh the 27th of next Fobruary.

His habit attracta unbounded amusement and admiration from the patrons of bis father's saloon, and many are the cigars which fall to his aharo from customers, who desire to see him smoke. For the paat few months he has only averaged from ten to twelve cigars per day, qnd smokea slower, and seems to enjoy it hugely. Ilia broth- era and fiiflteys show not the least dispoai- tion toward tobacco. tl (, A Unnufronn Walter. New Yobs, January physicians in the inaano asylum on Ward's Island I' dine together and are served bysuppoEably harmless patients.

That even experts in insanity may mistake the disposition of a lunatic, however, was shown to-day 1 when one of the waiters picked up a carving-knife from the table and proceeded to prod Dr. Walsh with it in a most indiflar- cnt hut unpleasant way. He was at once 1 eeir.ed and confined in a cell. Dr. Walsh i was stabbed three times, two thrusts reach- ing only to the skin, but the other making i an ugly wound tive inches long, which.i^ not, however, serious ftdiwble 3 the i MAUHIKI) IN J'UN, Hut tlio He quel MIiown hut 1 tiry nro l.c KHlly PiULADULPiiiAj January Ib a proBpect that one of tho most hutnoroui bits of scandal ever known to an Auicri can court will attain publicity bo in.

At garden party at Cape May last summer, which were the young representatives Bomeof the beat Philadelphia families, ae one of the sports of tho afternoon a mock marriage waa played, and two couples stood up while the pervico waa read irotn the prayer book, A game of croquet that iiad been interrupted waa then resumed, the incideut waa soon forgotten. When, however, tbe accounts ofthereceut trial at FlatbUBh, Long laland, appeared 'n the newspapers, the moat ptofound Jonsternation waa produced among the parties to the Cape May mock marriage, friends acquainted the parenta of the i'oung folka with (lie facta. Oae of the 'young huabandaM called at tho houae of lis plaver wifo, asked tor her and undigQitltd tones demanded recognition hie rights aa aon-in law, The parent moored tho youngster for a whife, but vhen he became oll'eusivohe bouueed him rom tho Ijoubb. lie engaged a lawyer aud hreatens to take tho ease iuto court to atablish his rights. The other couplo lave more diacreetly aubmitted their as3 to the joint arbitration of heir parenta.

Tneeo eago persons have leld Beveral conferences, and are trying to. lecide whether the young folks snail reaarry, or whether application shall be aade for judicial decreo of divorce. It tow transpires that the young man who lerfouned tho ceremony is a notary public New Jersey, and that the marriage is inding, though the form prescribed vivituiiuriitKe was not used. All these ersoua live within a Btone's tbrow of the tittenhouae square. a diamomi thief.

(o A1ihcod((n WUh Jvwi'Im Vnlned at New York, January lirm of Goldsmith Kubn, nportersof jewelry and diamonds, John reet, called on Inspector Byrne to-day, ad reported to him the diBappearaace of is principal salesman, Leon Cronson, with quantity of diamonds and jewels, valued $35,000. Mr. Goldsmith oilers a reward SS.UOO for the apprehension of the fugive. Uronson has been in the employ ol le firm traveling salesman, and when recently sent for $5,000 worth of iamouds they were sent to him at once, lis first stopping place was Albany, when 0 wrote on November 11, saying he had een unusually successful in disposing of is goods, the greater part of which he had 1 ready sold. He then wrote again to lew A letter dated Lincoln, Daember 11, was received from him, and Bother Irom Kaneas City, undated, hut pparently written a few days later.

In aein he reported sales, and said that he oped soon to be able to make some relitlances. The letter from Kansas City as the last tidings ever heard from him. Iron WorfcNNiiNjHMiilfri. St. Lcuis, January absorbing abject of discussion in Carondelet is the uspension of work at the Vulcan Iron The rail mill and tho blooming lill are still in a few days iesowill shutdown, and the works will a scene of idleness.

Tho following noico is over the door of the Superimendnt's cilice: "Owing to tho depressed condition of the ail market, caused entirely by overprofiction, notice is he'reby that this lill will be closed on or about January 1, 8S4, and will remain closed until such me as the condition of the market will istify a resumption of operations. A. Hitchcock." The euspension of work at such a vast atablishment is disEBtrous in many ways, 'he idleness of so many workmen and the Quaequent suffering of those dependent pon them are the first considerations that ppeal to public sympathy, but the result3g paralysis ia local trade and business i also a most seriouB matter. Several uarumg uouseB uaronueiet are preparing to close, and many departments ol retil trade will sutler a serious depression, 'be stoppage of the Vulcan "Works bubends the monthly circulation ol or liO.OOO, and the industrial life in Carondeit receives a heavy blow. The workmen ill not receive their pay for December ntil some time in January.

DnoKorouH Joliet, IMi.j January strange case somnambulism occurred on the Keck jland passenger train just before it readied lis place Saturday night. Mrs. Simmons as traveling from Fairbury, with er two daughters. They were occupying a arth in the sleeping car, when, about midigbt the lady awoke and uiigsed little racie, aged 4 years. Ihe frightened mothr arouBed all the yasiengers, but a can fal failed to reveal the little one.

Tho rief stricken woman was bewailing the ite of the lost child when tho conductor ntered with the waif, the latter crying itifully. lie had found ber in the third ir ahead, in her night-dreae, and when he poke the child did not heed him until he ruchcd her arm. Grade then gazed about i astonishment, a3 if awakening from a eep sleep. She had fotiud her way )rough the coaches while the train was inning at high speed. by Ihe Watfoii JLmxI.

Cleveland, January snake story nil more loundation than is usual in 6uch ises is telegraphed from Sovral (lays ago, near the little town of men named Haas and CJinger ere' opening an abandoned coal mine hich had been closed for-twenty years, lie moulh of the bank for some ten feet ad caved in, completely stopping up the atrance. Alter removing the dirt they une upon a largo and rather deep of in which myriads of Bnfikes and lizrdb were crawling. Ab soon as the open, ig was made the snakes, in wriggling lafBes, commenced crawling into the enance, badly frightening the two illed a large number, but were eoon comBlled to run away. Later they went hick ad hauled away a wagon load before they auld go on with the work in the mine. Now Hold Flelil lit Oregon.

St. Levis, January Cole, editor and proprietor of the Northwett 'ews, Portland, Oregon, ia here, en route to Wellington. He buj'b tlie chief matter of iterest in that region since the completion the Northern Pacific railroad is the ewly diecovered Courier Dolno gold lining district, near Portland, which hps eeu pronounced by experienced miners I most promising mining field ever It is now shut in by enow, but. Beveral ompanicB already formed aud over thousand men are on the spot waiting or spring to open the region. It is estiaated that by midsummer 20,000 prcslectors and miners will be in the lield.

specimena of ore brought out by prcslectorB are exceedingly rioh. No In tli? OlmUpltl HobIoii. PmrsuuEuu, January Dubois, dispatch Bays that the ten per cent, eduction of wages of miuers in the Cleared region went into etfcctto day. There ivaa no strike, and. from present iona.there will bo the miners have lot recovered from the disastrous strike of ji tew weeks A NEW U.

P. CUURCU DEDICATED AT BTKUBENVILLE With Iruprmlfe and laUrtntlnir Nor? I vletH YtattrUar-A Large at all I he Namber of Promlatat Slnlittra Take Other Ncm Social ComtpondcHce of the JiiMUjtneer. Stkuiienvillk, January ceromonica attending the dedication of the now United Presbyterian church here to-day were quite intereating, and the morning aervico very largely attended, that iu the eveuing somewhat lees bo, owing to the inclemency of the weather. morning exercises began with the chanting of tho Twenty-fourth l'ealm by the choir. Then followed Bible roadiug by Dr.

Q. Moorehead, professor in tho Theological Seminary, of Xenia, this State; Kinging of Psaltn 101); prayer by Dr. Wm. Waddel), of New Athene, Harrison county, singing of part of 132(1 psalm, At the conclusion of the flinging Dr. Mooreliead delivered the dedicatory sermon, in which ho dev'otod his time chiefly to a presentation oj the analogy of the building op of the New Testament church to the budding of ootoinon Bcrraon very appropriate to the occasion.

Dr. Moorehead, in closing hie discourse, offered the dedicatiou praver. Rev. W. S.

Owens, pastor of the congregation, made an exhibit of the financial conduct aud preseut condition of affaire eutYusted to thu building committee; showing the ocs, oi the new fctruclurj to bfi $21,000, all of which either paid or provided (or. This coverd all outlays on the new edifice, carpetff, gas fixtures, fencing, grading, ate. Ho very highly complimented the architect, Mr. Yolk, of Now York, and the builder, Mr. Brinule, of Carlisle, Pa.

The exercises closed with the baned ctiou. In tho afternoon a fraternal meeting was held, in which the ministers of other denominations joined. From thin time on services will behold in the new buildinjr. otiiku hums. The old well on the corner of South and Sixth streets, into which somo think tlm missing Robert Henry may have fallen, has caved iu since hia disappearance, si? that any attempt to search for him will have to be preceded by considerable excavation.

Chandler Ledge of If.tost nightelected oflicers for the coming year as follows: Dictator, John M. Cook; Vice Dictator, George Moore; Assistant Dictator, "Wra. Weaver; Reporter, R. E. lilinn; Financial ItQpoTtvry W.

C. Forbes; Treasurer, A. E. Dawgherty; Guide, R. Gardner; Chaplain, Rev.

Brown; Guardiau, W. A. Loup; Senti- 1 nel, A. M. Rowe; Medical Examiner, Dr? A.

M. Blackburn. CLiUKNUUlid liKTlEU. Tlie Sew Kutlroml Hlnor nocom Sixcial Corrwoiutaice of the Intelligencer. Clarksuwho, Ya? January all absorbing topic here is the long talked of from the Pennsylvania this place, a distance of sixty bisecting the largest and richest depo3it of bituminous coal, in one stretch, to be found, in the world.

This field has an estimated area of 1,134 square miles, or 725,700 tfcrefi, which will yield not less than O.olU ,840,000 tons of coal, and all of this ia ucccthible to the pronged road. This road will certainly, bo built within eighteen mouths, and will he operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the southwest usmivu vi which toau ii will intersect. South of Clarksburg the route baa not been determined. This ia what wo need in thia part of our little mountain Slate to open up the country, to develop our naturally rich resourcea and to encourage capitalists to come in. For the consummation of this enterprise Col.

Ben. Wilson baa been devoting much of bia time foa the past two years, and it? succeea will crown Him the champion railroad man of West Virginia. The roads built by Camden and Davie dwindfe into inaigniiicance when their efforts are compared to the wealth opened up by his in-, defatigable energy. Could West Virginia boast of a few more spirits as Col. Wilson, Bbe would soon rank in product as Bbe does in rtBDurce with any coal producing State in America.

Harrison county in the paBt year has shipped over the B. it 0. road over, 1,500 car loads of live stockB. General Gotl is spending the holidays at homo with bis family. Geo.

M. Fleming, a lawyer and scholar of Buckhanuon, is in our city on legal business. lion. Lloyd Lowndes, of Cumberland, ia at present a guest of his brother, K. T.

Lowndi of this place, ix youk. Tlie Day Long i.isl Of New Youk, January Year's day wan observed in New York and Brnnlrlvn by a general suspension of business. The weather was very unfavorable. Thomas Williamg was shot and seriously wounded by Dennis Collins at a ball early this morning. William Smith stabbed his wife in the right breabt during a quarrel, a probably fatal wound.

George Strobmyer, a tailor, expostulated with a crowd of young men who were tormenting a drunken man, when one of the young ruffians drew a Ixnifo and stabbed Strobmeyer, dangerously wounding him. During a quarrel between John Regan and his son Conrad, in latter struck his father in the head with a beer bottle and fractured his skull. Duriflg a fight in a lodging houso James Kcllv stabbed Matthew Brennan, probably fatally. V.tii SMm Own Hflirt Ik Two. jSew Youk, Jauuary Frey, the proprietor of a lager beer saloon at No.

174 Ohrystie rose about eight o'clock yesterday morning and went into to read the newspapers. Previous to that he had had a dispute with his wife over Rome trivial family mattfr. When Mrs. l'Vey entered the saloon shortly before nine o'clock to call her husband to breakfast she paw on the floor near the bar, in ft pool of blood, the dead body of her Iiubbaud. Clenched in his right hand was a keen edged knife.

The terror stricken woman called in the police, and it was discovered that Frey had stabbed himself in the breast and that tbw point of the knife had cut his heart in two. Piath must have been instantaneous. Frey was a man of a very jealous nature. Ho had been mar ned twice and war forty-two years old. BKIEP TELEGRAMS.

Frllz Holder, whoiwas wounded in the affray at Vnno City on Ghriatmaa, ia dead. The ways of the employes of Rocbling's wire Trenton, N. have been reduced 10 per cent. Thti lirst regulur meetiug for bufcinees of the Wavs and Mcar.s Committee will be held Tueeday next. Joseph D.

Murphy, late manager of the Lyceum theatre, Philadelphia, and well known in theatrical circlts.died ycaterday. It is Btateil that Mr. Wra. Sample, the dry goods merchant, recently made $250,000 in a dual in Pittsburgh Western atouk. The complimentary oftho Republicans of the Ohio Legislature for U.

Santor will probably be given to either Governor Foster or Judge Foraker,.

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