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Jamestown Weekly Alert from Jamestown, North Dakota • Page 7

Jamestown, North Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mf AMESTOWN AND VICINITY. From Thursday's Dally. R. R. Wise of Brainerd is in tbe oity.

Miss M. Aiken returned to Oarrington today. Canada geeee are appearing near Dawson. Col. Lamont is elected president of tbe Northern Paciiio Express oompany.

An election for commissioner in tbe Second district will be held Nov. 2nd. Mrs. O. Bsssett, en route to ton state, is visiting friends in the oity.

S. R. MoAninob of Snoqualmie, is registered at the Capital hotel. Mrs. Cbas.

McCully and Mrs. A. Angevine are visiting Mrs. Wm. Spenoer in Oberon.

Tbe county commissioners completed business and adjourned yesterday to November 1. Mr. Winter, ei-presidentof the era Paoiflo, may be president of the Union Paoiflo. Jss. E.

Herbert and M. Binolair are members of tbe United States grand jury now in session in Fargo. Veterinarian Ferrier was called to Sterling yesterday to treat a number of horses burned by a recent prairie fire. Frank Miller's little ohild found a oup of kerosene and drank a portion to the oonsternation of its mother. No serious results followed.

Mrs. Oatherine Klotzbaoh of pendence, arrived today to visit Miss M. Klotzbaoh and Mrs. O. C.

Wonnenberg, her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. F. Maries of St.

Paul arrived today. Mrs. Maries will spend a month with her parents, J. U. LaFollette and wife, at the lake.

Thera is a surplus of nearly half a lion dollars in the Northern Paoiflo treasury as a reeult of ten month's ations since the reorganization. The Atlantio mail consisted of 17 cars, the Paoiflo mail of 15 oars, pulled by a double header. The care were well filled with passengers. Mrs. H.

Sleight is reported getting along as well as could be extected from a recent accident. She fell from the door step and broke her collar bone. The Adelia A. Lovell estate was closed today aDd final decree issued, Attorney McHarg for the estate. An inventory has been filed in the A.

Klaus estate, J. A. Murphy, attorney. The editor of the Washburn Leader has been interviewing the beavers and concludes that there will be along plenty of time yet before cold but a severe, though short, winter. It is reported that a music firm sold over 813,000 worth of musical ments during tbe Mandan fair.

Most of it was cash. Organs were mostly sold and the buyers Russian settlers. Several high prioed pianos were also sold. Messrs. Daily and Hamilton, the banjo virtuosos and character comedians who have been doing a little hotel office work, left for the west yesterday.

The boys produce good musio. The profeeeional address is "The Clipper." The McQueen hotel in Miles City, Montana, burned at 3 a. yesterday and Postal Clerk Shipley is ehort $10 be left in the room in bis haste. Chas. Rattinger was man surer of this hotel for three years previous to coming 0 to this city.

Isaiah Cunningham, who lives a mile west of this oity, purobased last fall 160 aoree of land near his reeidenoe, and sold from this year's crop of wheat three times tbe cost of the land. In many oases tbe crop this year is worth much more than the value of tbe land upon whioh tbe crop grew. A band" of 11,000 Montana sheep waa unloaded yesterday at Crystal Springs to feed some aix weeks or two montbB before shipping east. Montana men are being foroed to North Dakota for finishing their bsef and mutton. The western part of tbe state will soon be the most prosperous if the increase of stock keeps up.

Oeneral Superintendent Kimberly, of tbe Northern Paoiflo, aooompanied by Division Engineer L. Darling of St. Panl, was in the oity today en route to tbe coast on a tour of inspection. His objeot iB to note tbe points at whioh provements are neceesary or desirable and report to President Mellen with his recommendations. Superintendent son aooompanied him across the Dakota division.

Tbe report hau been in circulation that the Northern Pacific company was to remove shops sdcI discharge men located at this point because Statsman county refused to rebate the company's taxes. Tbe absurdity of such a reason affecting tbe economy or the operation of the line is apparent, and it oan be stated on good authority that no suoh evidence of spite or bluff work on the part of the management exists. who suffer from ooughs and colds should heed the ings of danger and save themselves fering and fata) results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is ao infallible remedy for coughs, colds, oropp and all throat and lung troubles. D.Baldwin.

Funeral services in honor of A. Haight were held in the Lloyd bank block at 5:30 p. m. oonduoted by Rev. Nazarene.

The Episoopal service was used, B. S. Russell assisting. "Lead, Kindly Light" and Paradise" were tbe musioal selections rendered by a special choir. Members of Wm.

H. Seward post, O. A. attended in a body and acted as esoort to the depot where tbe body will remain until morning. Reward, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn there is at least one dreaded disease that soienee baa been able to oure in all its stages and that ia catarrh.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only poeitive oure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a stitutional disease, requires a tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system, thereby destroying tbe tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to oure. Send for list of testimonials.

Address, F. J. CHENEY Co, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the best.

From Friday's Dully. Jno. H. Reid of Courtenay was in the oity yssterday. Tom Poole and wife left for a New York visit of several weeks.

Auditor Vennum will oall for bids to supply tbe oounty with 40 tons of coal. Mrs. O. E. Storms gave a largely tended and very pleasant At Home this afternoon.

Mrs. Amelia Orupe of this city is now housekeeper for Father Henizeman in Valley City. Miss Bessie Holoom of CarnRftfw at the oity hospital for treatment and doing quite well. C. Shurlock has moved coal eheds near to the lumber office and is ing for the winter trade.

W. M. Bartholomew of Pingree is in the Twin Cities. It is reported he will spend the winter in Illinois. Among the guests of tbe Gladstone are D.

S. Miller, St. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Hathaway, Duluth. Among those registered at the Capital hotel are F. A. Sobwor, St. Paul J.

A. Hoiking and wife, Lietowel, Ont. C. J. Maddux of New Rockford turned todad from Bismarck where he was admitted to parctice before the suprem court.

Ed Riley, a tramp, while attempting to crawl from tbe trucks of a passenger train at Catbay, was run over and badly mangled. He was taken to Feesenden and died four hours later. Mrs. C. A.

Klaus left last evening for an extended visit. She will spend a short time in St. Paul and then visit in Chicago, Milwaukee and Qreen Bay, tbe last named her former home. Steele Ozone: The editor had to build bis own granary this carpenter to be had. Typo Hiland went out a oouple of days and rendered cient aid on tbe building and pitching oats to stack.

The Fargo Forum has an interview in which it is stated that "a man by tbe name of Montgomery from Jamestown" was there recently looking up I. O. O. F. it is not this "Monty" in Jamestown.

The only one known here says he has not been there for months. Teetimoney in the suit of the state against James Hunt, charged with tbe theft of W. Phillip's horse at Ypeilanti, is being taken in Justice Pearson's court today. Attorney E. E.

Cassels of El lendale, assisted by O.McHarg, is ing the prisoner and States Attorney Baldwin is prosecuting. Tbe oase of the state against John Stock will have a bearing Monday ing in justice court. It is alleged that Sept. and at divers times before and after that date for a period of three Stock has taken tiee and other timber from the Northern Pacific's snow fenoe in the vicinity of Parkhurst. H.

F. Tutbill of Ypsilanti, in tbe oity today, reports a oouple of threshing fits have come into that vicinity and threshing generally there will be pleted in two weeks, with fair weather. He got tired waiting for machines and secured an old tread power and wens at bis crop with that. The prairiee have been burned off and some who lost their feed will have to look about for fresh supplies for the winter. For Orer Fifty Years.

An Old and Well-Tried Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while ing, with perfect success. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, oures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taete Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.

Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. before purchasing Reports from tbe country are that very little plowing has been done so far. Tbe ground is dry and hard and prosecuting tbe work is severe on horse-flesh and generally expensive. Some farmers state that they will not attempt to do very much this fall unless rain comes, leaving the work to be done in tbe spring. Some believe little benefit will ensue from plowing done under such adverse this fall.

Wm. H. Seward poet bae prepared plana and made arrangements for the mounting of the eight inoh howitzer cured from the war department reoently. Tbe government sent plans for a ing for cemetery purposes, but the veterans want to smell powdsr and have a little fun with the gun. Accordingly it will be mounted on trucks and on tbe Fourth of July and aimilar occasions they oan give vent to their enthusiasm in sundry exploeions of gunpowder.

Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Troubles. Any of tbe above complaints, bed ting by children, too frequent or scanty urine (a trouble often found with old men) oan be cured by Dr. Fenner'e ney and Backache Cure." Teetimonials are disregarded, many people doubting tbe honeety or sincerity of them we therefore avoid giving any here, but will furnish tbem on application to Dr. win of Jameetown, who will refund your money if not satisfied after using one bottle. Dyspepsia or Indigestion.

Dr. Fenner's Dyspepsia Cure, as the name implies, is simply for dyspepsia or indigeetion, and should be superior to the general run of preparations or scriptions because it is prepared by a physician of many years study and perience, whose writings on medical ff uestions are aooepted as authorities. not satisfied after using one bottle Dr. Baldwin of Jameetown will refund your money. From Saturday's Daily E.

G. Stanley of New York is in the oity. Rev. S. E.

Ryan preaches in LaMoure Sunday. Owen Martin spent last night in ley City. G. G. Lyman has been quite sick but now is improved.

Larry MoLain and Eugene Bigelow attended tbe Valley City ball last night. C. E. Perkins and J. E.

Friel have purobased the Palace restaurant of James Eagle. Northern Pacific carpenters have gun tbe ereotion cf the new ioe house near tbe river. J. S. Taylor arrived home today to find a girl baby bad arrived at his home in his absence and that all was well.

Rev. John Maile arrived today from Fargo and drove out to Pingree where he will dedicate the church Sunday. Engineer Robt. H. Reed and family have returned from Cooperstown to again take up a residence in the oity.

(j. E. Powers of LaMoure returned today from Fargo where he has been for a year. He UBed to be clerk in the ital hotel. T.

C. Stevens returned to Toledo last night. Mr. Sinclair remains with a camping party in the hills where they are having great shooting. Mrs.

R. O. Thorold and Mrs. M. Welddon have returned from Jonesville, where they were called reoently by the death of their father.

Fred Iutze, who resides on 160 aores of land three miles east of Melville, in this oounty, will make final proof in support of his tree claim before Judge Knauf Nov 20. Brakman Rice Wilbur lost his watch 14 miles this side of Bismarok, being lieved of it dexterously by a hobo whom he put off the train. The man was rested in Bismarok yesterday. Jens Fredriok Rasmussen today made final proof before Clerk of Court ter on bis homestead located five miles south of Cleveland. Messrs.

Kalleson and Corbett of Windsor were his wit- A prairie fire in the southern part of part of the oounty got over into Moure oounty and destroyed a setting of grain for C. H. Porter, 15 acres of shocked grain for ex-State Auditor ter and a setting of grain for Albert Green. Edward Cunningham today made proof before Judge Knauf for the southwest quarter of 24-137-62, seven aiiles east of Montpelier. His witnesses to prove his residence and cultivation of tbe land were Jesse Dougherty and Louis Nelson of Dickey, LaMoure oounty.

The oold weather was sufficient to start the geese down from the north and the threshers and 'bos eastward to more congenial Last night's train pulled out with one ooach crowded with men and oderiferous rolls of blankets. Some of the Wenry Willies manage to pull through in box cars, others on tbe bumpers and tbe most desperate on tbe rods or truckB where the sand and dust blinds them and gravel pelts them. When bilious or costive, eat a Casoaret oandy guaranteed. i0o'25c. Two little boya in south west Barnes oounty built afire to roast out a gopher and roasted mumerous farmers to the extent of 215 tones of hay, 205 aores of wheat, 10 aores of flax, 12 aoreB of oats, a barn and the entire grain crop of three farmers in that oounty and, orossing to this oounty, caused tbe east of Montpelier and Ipsilanti reported in The Alert reoently, whioh amounted to 1055 aores and 4,200 bushels of grain, 310 tons of hay, three barns, two houses and two horses.

The gopher got Farmer William Stuff's team was hot stuff yesterday and they the stuffing out of J. W. See's carpenter shop in their exuberance. The horses thought of all the bard plowing they were escaping this fall and gave vent to their feelings by running They oollided with the corner of Mr. See's shop, baok of the Congregational churob, and split the shop open from door sill to peak of roof.

The team broke awtty from the wagon, but were caught few feet away. One of tbe wagon wheels was so tightly wedged into the side of the ing that it required considerable effort to release it. Mr. and Mrs. H.

D. party last evening in honor of Frank Carr, who intends to leave shortly for San Diego, to spend the winter. Some twenty guests were present and the evening very pleasantly spent, in singing, and a cake guessing test. Mrs. H.

E. Blood "took the eake" in the ladiea contest and Tboe. Matttson in the gentlemen's. Delightful freshments were served. Mr.

Carr has been employed in Tbe Alert office for 14 consecutive years and this is the first time that be baa taken an extended cation. Close application and poor health neoeesitate a respite and he leaves tbe latter part of tbe month for tbe sunny skies of southern California. The state supreme court has banded down a decision that will be far reaching in effect. It is in the oase of Birkbolz vs. Dinnie, appealed from Grand Forks county.

Fifteen years ago the oity of Grand Forks issued bonds to the amount of $45,000 and the same were payable Oct. 1,1897. The oity council passed a resolution calling for the issuance of bonds to refund those soon to come due, the oity having already reached the 4 per cent debt limit. The supreme court holds that tbe issuance of the bonds was illegal, as there must be an interim tween the time of their issue and the payment of the other bonds which the debt limit would be exceeded and which excess might be permanent in case of loss or diversion of the proceeds of sale of bonds. The lower court is sustained.

Opinion by Judge Corliss. Liver Complaints null Nervousness Cured No complaints are more common than the above. You are dull and muggy, your bowels move irregularly and you have a clumsy feeling about tbe liver. As this condition develops you are apt to grow despondant. Try a bottle of Dr.

Fenner's Blood end Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic: it will brighten the Rpirts and give an exceptional vigor to the body. The Baldwin drug store of Jameetown guarantees the first bottle to give satisfaction. Consumption White Wine of Tar Syrup, the best cough remedy on earth, cures a oold in one day if taken in time. 25 and 50 ceLts. All druggists.

To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Warner's White Wine of Tar Syrup, the best oougb remedy on earth. 25 and 50 cents. All druggists. Wm. Glitschka brought into Bismarck a load of oabbage and potatoes from his Apple Creek farm that astonished the natives even, who have knowledge of tbe wonderful productiveness of the soil of the Missouri slope.

Some of the bages weighed twenty-five to thirty pounds and tbe potatoes ran thirty-five and thirty-six to tbe bushel. Terrific fires in the Turtle monntains drove wolves and coyotes to within a hundred yards of settlers. Timber wolves, that were not known to be in the mountain, were seen in bowles were large flocks of duoks and geeee flew over. Tbe water in Lake Metigoehe, along the edge near the fire, was almost boiling hot. It is supposed the fire was set by campers.

Some of the finest and tree the mountains oontained were burned, the swath line between tne United Slates and Manitoba completly ated. Farm and Farm Lands For Sale. The O'Brien farm and all remaining land belonging to O'Brien estate, and all land belonging to estate of Arthur Spear, situated in Barnes conuty, N.D.' tnidway between the N. P. and Soo, is now offered for sale at reasonably low prices and on easy terms of payment.

The farm has good buildings, plenty of good aores under cultivation, tine hay meadows which afford 200 tons yearly. A good for stock raising in connection with grain. Also two other improved quarter sections ing farms. Address. V.

L. Craig, Administrator, Spiritwood, North Dakota. 7 Are Headquarters for the Best Threshers, Binders, All Kinds of Plows the best Wagons, Buggies, Cultivators, Harrows, Fanning Mills, and Millet Seeds, all BEST to come and see BALDWIN KURTZ, Jamestown. GUARD THE BABY. Many a Little Life Has Been ficed That Might Have Been Saved With Care.

Why The Indian Babies Thrived. The Indian Woman's Knowledge of ness and Her Power to Interpret Disease. There Is probably nothing that tissue If gives your baby is ailing, so much trouble to mothers as far as their children's health is concerned, as their liability to be flicted with worms. Many and many a time these troublesome pests become so bad that the baby is thrown into convulsions, appears sickly, its little face becomes like wax. ing seems to do it any good, its nerves become weakened, and the little one suffers the most intense pain, and all this time the Doctor is trying to find out the cause of the child's illness, and the cause is that the poor little one is being literally eaten up by the worms.

Not only do they absorb all that should go to make bone and flesh for the body, but these parasites actually sap up the child's life, often burrowing in and living on the flesh if he does notgrow as he shonld, and is nervous and peevish, Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer. in its action, safe requires no physic. One instance of gratitude by these lozenges months old. We tried three different physicians and none of them Seemed to try It is prompt to take, it never fails, and it for a baby saved comes to and reads as have a granddaughter, from the time she was do her anygood. At lastwe gave her JiicKapoo dian Worm Killer.

It cured her, and it proved to us tnat the ness from which she had been suffering and the whole trouble was due to worms. J. W. Fox, Fuma, Ia." We believe that this advice, if will save many a child's life, and as Kickapoo Indian Remedies are so well known as being effective and harmless, composed as they are of purely vegetable ingredients, we hope that parents will never fail to keep this Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer constantly on hand. member that all Kickapoo Indian Remedies can be had at any druggists.

NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 2nl, day of November, next, at the several voting precincts in the Second Commissioner District, in and l'or Stutsman county, North Dakota, an election will he held for the election of 0: county commissioner which precincts ale as follows: Second Ward city council rooms. Woodbury. Woodbury seliool'house. school house.

Windsor, Windsor school house. Medina, Medina school house. Jit. Pleasant. Cussador school house.

Stil ton, Stil ton school house. Melvin, Mclvin school bouse. Shallow. White school House. Which election will be opened at eight o'clock in the morning: and will continue open until five o'clock in the afternoon of that day.

Dated this 3th day of October, A. 1897. JOHN F. YEN'XUM, (Seal.) County Auditor. First Pub.

Oct. 7,1897. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Fargo, N. D.

sept, and, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before John Knauf, countv judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota, at-his office iu Jamestown, N. IX, on November 6th, 135)7, vi7: WILLIAM MCILONIE, tor H. K. No.

11KH11 tor the of Section 10. in Townsip 144. N. Range 65, W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of.

said land, viz: Frank K. Wescom. Ivan Carrack. Willie C. Wescom, Frank Dodge, all of Edmunds, N.

D. A. K. SUNDERHAUF. State of North Dakota, I woo mis sick six taken in time, Register.

First Pub. Sept. 0, 1897. NOTICE. U.

Land Office, Fargo, N. I). I Sept. 20. 1S97.

Complaint having been entered at this office by Ellen Claflin against John A. Thompson, for abandoning his homestead entry No. 20753 dated October IS. 1893. upon the north half, northwest quarter section 8.

Twp. 144 N. range in Stutsman county, state of North Dako-a, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the contestant alleging, that the said John A. Thompson lias wholly abandoned said tract, that he has failed to erect a building or a house upon said tract and that he has failed to reside upon said land, and has wholly failed to break, cultivate or improve said tract. The said parties are hereby summoned to pear before J.

S. Tulford, notary public, at his office at Kensal, N. on the 5th day of vember, 1897. at 10o'clock a. m.

to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment Said testimony so taken to be reported to this office at a hearing to be had on the 9tli dav of November. 1897, at it o'clock a. m. A. K.

SUA'DEISHAUF. Register. N. Davis, attorney for contestant, Fargo, N.D. First Pul).

Sept 30,1897. Grain Commission Merchants Indemnity Bond tiled with Secretary of State to Protect Shippers. WHEAT, BARLEY, FLAX, RYE CURRENCY EXPRESSED. NO SPECULATION. Dulntli.

Minneapolis. A. STEIN-BACH, Solicitor, Jamestown. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OfHce, Fargo.

N. I Sept. 2nd, 1897. Notice ID hereby Riven that the following named settler has nlea notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim and that' said proof will be made before John Knauf, county judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota, at his onice in Jamestown, N. on November 6th, 1897, viz: IVAN CARRACK, for H.

E. No. 18883, for the SwX of Section 84, in Township 144, Katue W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Frank E. Wescom, Charles Thompson, Willie C.

Wescom, William Mcllonie, all of Edmunds, N. 1). SHERIFF'S SAiE. State of North Dakota, County of Stutsman. Mary Appleyard.

Plaintiff, vs. Walter W. Ford and Almira Ford, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution to me directed and delivered, and now in my hands, issued out of the clerk's office of the Fifth judicial district, State of North kota, in and for the county of Stutsman, upon a judgment rendered in said court in favor of Alary Appleyard and against Walter W. Ford and Almira Ford.

I have levied upon the following described personal property of said defendants, towit: One black team, one cream team, one brown team, one gray mare, one buggy horse, one bay mare, two wagons, two plows, two McCormick binders, one buggy, one mowing machine, one hay rake, three sets harness, 900 bushels of wheat. 1000 bushels of onts and barley. 80 tons of hay in stack, two cows and two yearlings, one drill, clothing and jewelry, one colt, one calf, six pigs, 80 chickens, household goods. And that I shall, on Monday, the 18th day of October. A.

D. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. of said day, at the southwest corner of tion 25, township 140. range 65, in said county and state, proceed to sell all the riglu, title ana interest of the above named Walter W. Ford and Almira Foru.

in and to the above described property to satisfy said judgment and costs amounting to five thousand live hundred eightyseven dollars together with all accruing costs of sale and interest on the same from the 1st day of October, 1897, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. 'it '1 A. E. SUNDERHAUF, Kegister. First Pub.

Sept. 9, 1897. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Fargo, N. I Sept.

2nd, 1897. I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before John Knauf, county judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota, at his office in Jamestown, N. on November 6th, 1897, viz: FRANK E. WESCOM, for H. E.

No. 18720, for the NeV4 of Section 9, in Township 148. Range 65. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Ivan Carrack, Edward McCleary, John Roach, William Mcllonie, all of Edmunds, N.

D. A. E. SUNDEBHAUF, Register. First Pub.

Sept. 9, 1897. SHERIFF'S SALE. BC County of Stutsman. Mary Appleyard, plaintiff, vs.

Walter W. Ford and Almiru Ford, defendants. Notice is hereby given, that bv virtue of an execution to me directed and delivered, and now in my hands, issued out of the office of the cleric of tbe district court in and for the county of Stutsman, state of North Dakota, upon a ment rendered in said court In favor of the plaintiff, Mary Appleyard, and against the defendants, Walter W. Ford and Almira Ford, 1 have levied upon the following described real property belonging to said defendants, towit: All of section twenty-live (25). township one hundred and forty (140).

range sixty-five v65.) And that I will on Monday, the 8th day of November, 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock in tne forenoon of saia day, at the front door of the court bouse in the city of Jamestown, in said county and state, proceed to sell all the right, title and interest of the above named Walter W. Ford and Almira Ford in and to the above scribed property to satisfy said judgment and costs, amounting to five thousand seven hundred and fifteen dollars and two dollars costs, together with all accruing costs of sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. J. H. Severn, Sheriff Stutsman County, North Dakota.

Ormsby McHarg, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Jamestown, N. 1897. First Pub. Oct.

7 '97. J. H. Severn, Sheriff Stutsman County, N. D.

Ormsby McHarg, Plaintiff's Attornej Dated Jamestown, X. Oct. 7,1897. First Pub. Oct.

7, 1897. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Fargo, N. D. September 28th, 1897.

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that satd proof will be made before John Knauf. county judge, at his office in Jamestown. X. on November 16th, 1897, viz: MICHAEL J. BARRETT.

for the Swii section 14, Twp. 140 range 64 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Peter Gaffnev. John Malionev, Charles Malioney, John Mcliinnis all of Jamestown, N. Di A. E.

SUNDERHAUF, Sur New Factory. is ilMsf Hffllli Register. First Pub. Oct. 7, 1897.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Fargo, N. I Sept. 15.1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will oe made before John Knauf, county judge of Stutsman county, North Dakota at his office in Jamestown, N.

on November 13th, 1897. viz: FRIEDERICK PETERSON, for H. E. No. 18481 for the of Section 4, in Township 140, Range 62.

W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Frank Weise. Andrew Fleutsch, John A el a of pi it A. E. SUNDERHAUF, Register.

First Pub. Sept. 1897. Woolen Yarns, Flan.iels iP Blankets Send your wool to us for Custom Work or change. The best wool market in the west.

Our 1S96 year book with samples, price list and shipping instruct ions free to any address. GRAND FORKS WOOLEN MILLS GRAND FORKS. N. D..

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