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The Pickens sentinel from Pickens, South Carolina • Page 2

Pickens, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

N'WENTINEL. 31ADI litr Tropriets T.rans vah itf on3. go 60 76 Adveriasing'Rates. Advertisements Inserted at Ihe rate of $1 00 pe equare, of (9) nine lines, Ol LRR, for the Se Insertion, and 60 cents for each subse40411C Inset tion. ie for THILI, six or TWzLVZ vtho fjvorable terms.

A4X4Wewe-nts no.t having. the-- aumber of Iseertions mvrked on them, will be published oeti forbid and charged rctord-itgly. These termus arv so. sbile any child may pagersta.4 taess, Nine lines is a ijeb. In every instance we chairge, by Wbe space occup1ed, as eight or ten lines can 1W is t6 ocupy four or fie squares, as the peilier way wish, 'and is charged Advertisers will rlease state the uumIllt squares they wish their advertisements smake.

'j Busineas men who advertise to be leeA11ed, 'will bear in mind that the fENTINEL has a IaXqe and increasing ciropation, and is takea by the very class -of tetions whose trade they desire. PI -ENS 0. 11., S. 'Dee. 21, 1876.

COLUMBIA, Dec. 13, Dear Smntinel: I apprehend that my itrter are becoming monotonous to your readers, as I am obliged to any qach that tiop is no chanige in our political complicatiol. How long this StAtc of affAirs will I am not able to imy. Some are of the that we will not see the end until after the 4th of March, iwhen they hope the inlatuguration of Tilden will seecc to us the rights we are entitled to tnder the Constitutin and laws of tMe State. But in this we may be doomed to disapp6intment as we were organizution of oulr Legislature.

In out ase, the bayonet set bAide the ballot, and the lawfully elected Representatives of the pole wvere not p.a~.vted to assemble anid exercise the.deties devolving on themn under' the lawa and oif the St.ate. Frqm present ajpearances the same authority is to be in the matter of the Presidency. T1ilden is, elected by over thire' hundred thousand majority on the popular vote, but by the aigencies of' corrupt, UOlrluingi Jiards, by Federal ba uots, this verdicet of the peop jle is to be set aside and Hayes declated the President of tho Untited States. This is the programme of Grant and atud he has very unmistakably indicated a much in his asertion that Fe a wnd to) peaace if we have 4 they havoe A.t for it. Whethier the Norierna petople will submit to this usurpation or not, rentains to be een.

The Southern people have done and it now remains with theNotth to say wrhether they will subMhat to Empire or maintanin the Jtepublic. It, is evident that Grant is for opp)ortutnity to himself Dictator. That op, pIbrtuity lhe thiniks will arise abont t(se 4ti of March in the ap)prehentded disagyeemenit of Ab wo heuses of in cqunting the electoral The Lower tbia-evenit Wilgexercise its conlstitutional right and elecut Mr. Tilden. Then Grant.

whii seize the reins of gov'ernmnent antd d.och ro that theo Demoucrata. haive rebilled against, the Uniion, and it is hlis duty to suppress them. The conicen t'ton of troops at Washington, 1 tiflik, point very plainly to this even t. love of power avnd pillage by thle party will not be given uip wthout, bloodahed. This is the view 14dke ofuaffairs tat this time, though there mnay be a peaceable and quiet solutioi of' all our diffleulties.

Radical 'Rump, to day went thoigh the farce of electing D. TV. CorbIn, United States Senator. I sav faen which it is necrording to law. bltidh.

probabtilities ate that aRacat'9nate will Meat him. Thlis is what, hopedi, at anty rate, and a msore 60. representive of the'ir malicious amid inveteratet htatred o'f thle geodppdopio of the state could not hetiteser selected. Senaitor Robert-. so.n very digni6edly declined to allow his neame used TUr -eleotion ont thrteIds tlikt the Rump was not a 'body, anid could not Staw Board of Cainvassuera lhas found IlL Duirefl in 'Judge Bond.

He yqpgr 4sedehis 6pinion discharging thank- his i Jyu se saide al power ot the Supreme Uourt of the ft p')er' st I iush f4eoite.ter enerep1ts nean0 fialteI The "ion of alfiponsibl' Lavefra is th14 ho had to the Ith ii't privad citiz4rZ Of ev4rsou n1o IuI egtslation can be transaeted now, and everythini in that direction to n-ut-i rig. If Chuamberilain is sustained at Washington by placing bayonets at hin back, we consolation of knowing that they lmte' no power.of eores 4ollecion of taxes. an4 tiere is not a Court in the State that would declare any, actioln tiken 'any legislation of' the vlamp, lega or binding. Thim they know, and to remedy this decet in their programme of robbery, thoy have underituken to get rid of all the present Judge4 so as to bo enabled to elect such tools to the Bench as will recognizo them and undertake to inforce their''laws. The firsi step towards this was in the action to day, in the wo-called House, in declaring the officO of Chief Justitg of the Stat0 vacant They will probubiy the farce of electing Chief Justice, and thei if Willard and Wright do not su-cumb to thor demands they will pr)Fer artivles of impachment; and although they know they liv'nt the requisito number in the Senato to impeach, yet they think that they Canl adjourn wiLhiout Actionl and leave the Judges suspelded, wiic) would iabsei.

their pilposes. They-now propose to have a great veneration for the Constitution, hich they have so mhitimefilly traimpled under toot, and havo discovered that aeCOrdiig to that in-trumenlt, the Judges must be elected by ballot, aid not viva voce. as hats been the case inl the election of aill the Judges since the war. To remedy this defect, atid to carry out the Constitution iaccoidig to its letter and spirit, they lopose to declare the last election void, pr'oced to elect by ballot. By this they hope) to place their tools on the Bench, and force the peopl to yield obedience to their behests.

This is evidently tihe pr'ogrammou now laid "lut on their slate, aind whether they will Iro to such aun ext.remie or not, r'eremitii to he developed ini thec future. Another difliculty will ev'idently con, frlont hem, will not aleu to finid meni in he diifferentt ties t.o appoinlt Auditors antd Traeas-. uirers 'w ho enni give ihe required bond1(. Baut, they aire proliffic in expedienices, sand I presumie they' will find ai remedy for this. 13.

COrUMnIA, S. Dec. 14, am1) at last enalbled MZay that ai chang.i in our pol iticaul zuafir' has takeii place. ists boon iian imp jortaVt day3 in the history of South Carohina, and, in my op)iion, martks the beginning of thle regenersation ai pearhrmaenlt redemption of' the State. On yoster'day the House of adopted a resolution to eunt and paibh the vote for Governor and ieut.

Go-voirnor, at 2 o'clock; and a message was sent to the Senate inf'orming that body of' the fant end inviting their attendance in our Hall. To the Radicals, of course, paid no attens tion, but alhl the Democrautic member's of that body responded. Precisely at the hour appointed Speaker allace arose aund etated that, the hour for the order' had arried, wvhich specital order' was the counting of the voles for' Governor and Lieut Gov, ernor. He stiated that, in as much as thie returns could not be secured frm the Secretary of Stat.o, he would coed to make the count from secondairy evidence, lie also road ai cate from of State, llaynow, giving the whole vote in every of the Srauto, as on file ini his office, wvhiich corresponded with the st.ate* ment in his possession. .11.

then p- otied to declare the voto in ezach Couniity, tor' and1 Lieu tenanlt Governor, whlich) footed nfl for Ilaimpton for' Chamberlapi Hiampt.on 's majority, 1,134. Fotr Lieu tenan Governor, Simpn, 91 689; Gleaves, Sim pson's majority, 139. A fter the ainniount.e, ment of the vote, a comnmittee of three Was app)joinlted to wait upon0i Gov. ernor anid Lieutenant, Governor elect, and iinformu them of their election and( asacer'taain when it suit their conveniento to be inaugurated. The committee, aflter' a short, absence, reported that they land performed the dauties assigned1 jhom, 'and thlat Governor hiad alppointedl 8 o'clock for the innaugnral ceremonies.

Duiring this time an immenco crowd of pie, estimated at from 2,500 to 8,000 niad congretated ot thb in fron litthe Hall (whereb -'s isl4ture meet 0 anxiously a aiiu Io4r, in to witnes tio aO res. hPlouse tops in I Tif ity, aich could occO lhteraH3covered wit many ladies being among the numbo waring their han kerchief, whilp. th tneI gave lco'r'aft'er'dier. A Na4 hnd been erected on the square, neat ly and A corated ikh esl 81tes a th6 erhbfthi A-band was on, ynadso hiehm interrials struck up, and m1uic jor the occasion As a tile prepai'atons' had been corn pletec the officers of liouse, followed, Generil Hiampton ar.d Simpso, tie hiembers (f the and 'Di ooratio 'the sieli of the Hall to the" piatrorrfih Governor HuImpton iliverd hiW Ai aagorat uddreon in the'rsenee i th mdltitudo. asendid.

platform, aheers from the air. At the Monclunion of the.ud drass, the cons1titutiolik oati wos ad minisLered to Judge Make) Uo1. Sil)psUn Lhe r01FAtQume forward aUU took tile oath. Ap the (oiluqoP the c0erIQnies, a rush, b.y the w4Qj multitude, was for thie Stalk and lampton and Simpson Were con1 pelled to remain on the edge a siak hands with ull w4 ho could reac amlogst whom I noticed sever al colored mon. Thiisco'iclindod th The House retui-ned its Hall aind nninediately adjourned I have never aeon in ail 'my life -bue wild enthusiasm.

Every store in ti, Lity was closed, aid a battery i Sydney Park peeled forth the gli tidings of Lte redemption of Soutl Calulina. Now the coljection ip what, is going to be the I my opinion we are bound to wil thiough bayoneLs Iay countinue to holt us at bay a while longer; b0L we hav thie people, the Const.itution and law At the Stte 01n our side, and no mil i Lary intervention enzn keep us out a )1) popumlar G.zoverna ment thibls un td we go luder a ie'spjotisml. Clkhmberilnin's bogus gov haas no stret.ngth, e.Acept, tha afforded it, by bayonets, people ar set asquare it. Hie cannfot (eet taxes and it is, boun-l to inil fror its own weakness. All our peopai have to do is to be patient and all wi be well in the end.

B. Cotout S. D)ec. 16 1876 -A quiet along the lines, since the i na guration of Governor IIampton. citement has suibsided in agreat meu ure.

It, wasI rumored on the stree yesterdaZy morning that Chamnberlaili b)y assistanuce of LUnited 8u.tes troop initenads to our Hlouse, as illegal body. Whether' o. not he wi undrtiake snch ai dJangerouas the face of the decision of the-Suprerr of the State, remaina to be seci It hardly seems probable-but he plzaying a desper'ate game anid mu' throw his cards fast, for it i4 nlot hike ly that bayonets wvill be tr'umps afte the 4th ot March. The concern has pas.sedJ -a concurrent lntion to adjourn sine die' on next Fr' daty. They are not likely to rhin the resohition, for they aire awf'ull scared and Want tn got away as so as5 possible.

T1heir. pr'ograman is levy a tax andi and wvait aind see if can1 be collected before they to do anything else. They will nevc meet again in their Bobstaliled" ca palcIty, for our peopleo wil' not pay-an taixes levied by them; they' will' has' no money and their bogus' Govern ment will go to pieces. This is an evitable with them, if our lieople wi only remain firm, Whlat course wi be adopted by the legitimate Govers mennt has, not y'et beeon published; tha the proper course will be taken or pleI nseeds have no fears. Of cours can be no legal legidation nn dler exi1st ing circaumntanaces, and wbag lhas been done amcunts to nothing.

B. To Our Reader. accordlance our custom giving the Devil and others of ou offlee, together with out own swee self, the p)rivIlege of enjoying Christ mais aknd the holidays, there will he na paper issuied from this nem week. wish our vai iaus r'eaders a "merry an happy goiod cheer. To the little folk wa wish ana abiundiance of' gifts fro: Santa Claus.

Koeep, children; a shar lookout, on ChIritmlas Eve night fc the coming of Nicholas, In hi fairy chariot. Chief JuMtico Moses was betar, br niil anite ill t- To Our Ptrons ia arr4rs tota Co. fbr a seVLt1Ok or; ill eras Aheir nanies s. Iny qut 9b, ribe Va aoit uf thei rijtion- we fWUed pay us for several years. We can 0 not afrord to furnisl the paper any longer, unles' they pay however.

much we may regret to Atsikelte1r nawnTs frpn our ligtr.hdljy Alfka to burMtv6s trnd pay empol us to, dwd We have beken paying uted it farnishing gany Qut for several cept in rqtt-n. Thie we aro detormined to do no longer, and unless they settle before te first day of next, their paper will certainly be Mt'op'ped. We' hive ilso not to Senter- any thtfe names on oir book withdiu thii cali hi advarice. This wi4 be the 'tmeble l'ue of thisI officein.the futare "Preident Grant's t(tal. ignorance of law and his cotm fo legal and obstacles conplicates difficulties very sertiously.

It exposes hiiii to: the influienceof reekless aidvioetsw twlwdo not fear that any scipies willIwork against the ideas they inlsinunte' intw'his mind. In' his)rem ent tenspIr he does not see that lie in being used by men who do not cave a his reputaticn, or buture, bnt who seo in him a powerful tool hiuh they mean to. apply to further their own it away whei it has lone" -Tho truth it Gen. Grant, who in with his West Point trailling and his imbibition of' the supremucy of the military over the civil iauthority doubtless honestly believes that the civil authority should in ill cases yield to tho military, and that ill qinestionti in politics slwild be solved at the point of the bayonet, is himselt, perhap) the way for the downfall of American i liberty. If' the great pecople ol the orth and West do nmot in their prow as by onio consent, to) crush this mionstrous hydra and common enemy, we ay then pronounce mnly a hast inrewvell to liberty.

The Squth can justly ssay that it is no l'uner'al of hers, thereby leaving the responstibilit3y whsere it justly belongs. We cannot believe, however, that, the American people are so inifatusated that they will silently nequiesce in ihe IdepJrivaltion of' their libeFty by this "one-man" power. The New York Observer isont with its prospectus for fifty fifth yeasr. 'It is ai large paper of the first class, 'and should be in every famnily ins the land. Thoseo who do not taske it send for a specimen copy alt once, ors, better y'et, shoujd send the price for' a eyear.

Any desirling ai comnpre 'e henwis-o week ly'newspaper, tilled with aS the ews hat ev'er'y famiily 'wnnte, tand fre'e friom clap-trap or objection. 'able matter of' wvill sard rdo better thumn 3. I. Prim 87 Row, New and receive thie the aupproachs of Chrietmas, whose coming amohg all.elVilized natibns lasever 'hailed with 6 to.thae young is always an df fondeet hnticipautions; tyet, on accounit, of' the searcity (of the sine qus non and the asnd unsett.led politial state of affairs, busi ness in every sanl t.he merchainte interest specially see.m uniuseially dull sand langui-shing. II Wr'y is change so scarce? Is it be.

cause the fractional currency has beets Ireplaced by silver coins, and this has' hidden aiway the private coffers? rLet. it cieuehate, freely f'r the good of everybody; it iz no0 better' "greenbacks'' and in our' in peaceful times, so co1svesientt.Circu.lation is financhd.lly wsiell as physiologiepily. If' the g-esatssa of men is to "beoestimasted by the unionaut of piopuhua ap'. lause bestowed upon them. Gov.

Hlatmpton is confessedly the gretatest smnan-sin South if' tho amont of' popular aplaIuse rests uipont 'intripsic. and genusine and tegity and hos)0sty of l'prpOe, hie is the greatest mei in legal Hlooso of Reresentatives la reoOlved to memorialize tongress about thse politienI'complications hereo. If there is any tr'uth in phlrenology, Qhamnberlzain moral'ly is a faihu-e; for his bead is too dat on top to be honest. t4 Wo become con mne'd the irwrt tima we ever saw him, COLUMU A S. De0.

En ,1 upi'itedOnust of the Liniti 'l Oay gtvO notice to 'th( rg he be coln ed dimharge till the patients it it inWtut ion u0jess stepi a'e yta6ii. for ther" fur-ther mai1044 runce. He states that $29,000 ol lus, year's appropriAtion, and $5,000 of thA aPpriation of 1874 airo now duo, whiel lie is unnble to collect. Ie ha litthut $1,000 rrom1 the Stato since Ias tind ha's sustaitied the intiti titn on his personnI.caedit,.andipas supplies aidtvanced by Northern tner chun 11 and, the Cal'olini Iatip111 Bavik months. Vithout, immediato fr-ojin State.or ch iret tblIe contrabi6tis, h4 will be Cnyelled.

Io Clotie tl oAsyh; Fiorence v1. IM? visited Uby a dim s4trous firo 14th se.vera St.ores ai res'i Ces coiltfmed; sCIns covere'd by inwst 1aice; 131npliosed (o I tho of ilneel (lia ry, ne gro( ruffignls forcibiky'3ntvred. thle h10.1.4 ofa Mr. II. Isilton, who liCs i fivo miles fiolom Florence.

1ie being at home, they 4ro64-Ay instilte the lioIpto -4g w4in ai nld vh I hiireI threntovin.i their lives with ktives on pistoli. They carti4: of je welry at other'ViIJ luales atmout. of' 25( Blackville on the uth Carini Raill-olid, On 14th instan wa mihes4. -Over Lt.entyA an08 tol delceq wvro limot It tialn to be the wo' of'n in fcend1iry. MARiRIED, on thp 17th instant no eiq s41ence of the brille's Cither, J.

by R1ev. flugh McLves. It E. B. O'NEA and MSS M.

P. EARLE, all of' Pidkens. On the t7th instant, by C. L. R.

WI LLIAM If. LYLES, of County, to MISS L. LEICYi Pickens County. CRISTA)ORO HAIR DYE. Tiair I)ye is the SA FE.AT an; BEST: it acts inistantaniiouin'y.

producing til aturi lihades of lilc or 1Broiwi; dler NOT IN I he SKIN. is easily applie, It. is a1 sadard preparat)il': Iion, and at1: fvor upon every wiell ainiP0ftedi 'ilet for 0Gentlemnan. Sohil by Drutgvist s. J.

CRLSTaIlORO, P. 0. Box. 1533. New York.

Dec 21, 1886 165 THE SUN. 1877 NEWYURK. 1bi The difTerent editions of TI'l the next. year will be the same as durinig i ear thait hias passel Thiie ed ithm 'i on week days a shIieel of four pa gu. andui.

Sundays a sheet ot e'igh pages. 0r 5A b'ror columins; wihile the weekly edit ion wil1 he shteet of eight pages oft thle ime ansim and1( chara'tcer liat sare already famia'r to fien ds. The Suin will csmnt inue to be the streni advocate of' reform anid retr'euchmrnt. arnd the sbst it ution of andiu integrity fior hollowv pr'et'ee. Jimbiii and fraud( iln tihe aidminstranon5 oft puii fairs.

It. will contend fi or Ithe governmencrt lie people by) he and for. Ihe peopi as opp)osedl to govern mnt. by fast inil iii ballot box aind ins the count inag o.f ei forced by miliitry vi'iolence. It ilil ndeav to supply its 11( readrsa body nlow not I fr om a million of sou s-w ith the mIost car ful comltT upd iiIrust wortiiy iecoun lt of cui rent events, 'nd will employ for his puirpo a itnumerouts and carefully staff of porters a nd coirespondqis Its repiirt (rC Washington, erpeciaully.

wiill be full, asccuat and fearless; and it wvill dotttless conltinue deserve anid e'njny thle. liatred oif thlose 'i thr ii ve by pl udierinig thle T1'reasury or usuvrping what thle lawi do(es niot give thei hile I it. will 0o mieit cont en of tile public by ilefendinag tihe righats of people aigainst tihe encrtoaichmulents' of' unjus fled power. The price of the daily Sun will be 65 cen a month or $6 50 aL yearI, post paid, or ii the Sunday edition $7 70) a The Sunadaiy edition alone, eight page $1 20 a year. pose psaid.

The WVeekly Sun, eight pages of bror columns vgi'l hoeC furnisised duriing ,1877 at ii rate of' S1' a ycar, post paid The bienei'tt of this lairge reduction frm t1 previous rate for The WVeekly can be by in i divial subscribe)urs withsout theii necec sity of tiak ing usp clubs. At lie saime imi it' any of our friends choose to uaid exteni in our ci rcuilit ion, we shalli gra'tful them. and every such person who setnis us or more subhscribeirs from one place wiili1 entitled to onle c'py of thle 11paper for hii 14 wit hout charge. At one0 dollahsr a year'. pos age paid, Iihe expeses of paper and( pri ii i areO ba'rely repaid; anid, ithie si of iihe sheet andl( the of its eotentii we atre contidenst.

thle people wvill conisidier T'. WVeekly s'un1 thle cherapest newsp-tpeir publisi ed ni the wold. andu we Cirust ailso' 01ne of i very best. Addre''s, TH-W SUN, New Y. Is Published Daily.

Tri weeki and Weekly, A A GUST A. BY WALSII WIIIOIIT, Full Telegraphsic Dispatchcies from all rPoint t.atest and Most Accurate Market Report Inte'rest ing ando Reliable rom all parts of Georgia, South (Garolit; and Wl.shington City. GEORGIA ANLD CAROLINA NEWS A 8P)1 Qne Year, Six Mouths, 5 TRI -WEEKLT: One'Year, Six Mionths, One Year, $2 14li Months, 0 IsL S4 AT1 s. ti. TIlE UNDERSIGNED FIRM wit.h the vitw of changing their bumb.

nles-propose to sel the AT CO6T FOR CMSiI--CONSMST- L-rgo tot of Rietdy Made clothing; Lad ie'- Dros lm HLsiery Ladie, Mimem- and Ch )Jytb Boots 4nd Shoes Cr. and Eorthonwareella llwar, in giat. ariet.y; Jeans mi 1 Catssimerce. And inuny -ottior tbr We menn what -o say, thio iga uood ()pportunlity- for merchlante.or )onio in iid of anything. lhespectf'ully, RUSS MAITIN CO.

Nov 30, 1866 18 ThIosel know indh lselIs db 16stel0 Wyn for 1874, or T. W. IPisselI. for 1875; either by note will tie.t pliper" ill.the ihnds nt offii-er ufter 10th eceml wi'hou)t, r( spect to p0ioros. I ust se V.

IUSSELL, NOTICE. The Partnership 61 COi has this day expired hy limitation of, term, and wVe offer. our llrge und full Stock DI'Y (OUS, lardware, Shoes, s.t. cost for CA Sl. we our henrty thanks to the cilieno of ie surrounding country for their very Thosce indebted To us must come forward dind ina settlh nenut by Jatnuary 1st.

"LA YTON 00. (e p'ov. '0, 1 76 13 4 EW A I)EUISE MENTS. FINTE G00DS ESTABUSHEG Popular Prices SFREDERICK LOESER Co's I1mit)YIN MIAMNlOTil ENAUlxIt1MENT 1res Goos, Silks, 11 il Bibazon. lt ibbos, SLte nier and ('hiidren's (Out Lia, lii' "ashonLight," a nbidonn by cNhotin rrat(Ier and gives 'ii the latest in formation oni f.s>iaotns.

it will. e'n asppl ic'it ion, be mailed i l'r of chasrge. Orders from ihe country'so, of hited asnd fillied withI great care and desphatch. itrders fross $10 sepwuard forwarded at eour expenecu pr'epakid hy P. 0.

order or daf (, FaIcInERJCK L.OEsKR lyn, New York. 4. P. COATS lnave aiwarded a Aledal and Censtenniasl Expoiion and the Judgesi for "SPERIuOR STRENGTE --AND1. QUALITY (N Speel, Cotton," T.

Gosfl0MN, Director Oen'I. J. 13. IhAWLEY, P'res. Id X.

11. BoTKEL ER, Se'ry pro temn pos pd. Jonas N. a '77 ai week to Agentit. Sampli's yeJL tp4 -FREE.

P. V1GKERY, A mgus ai aine. I' lUNflE0 A MONTh ae ainlty To any person selling eour Let er -No or water s. osed. Sa rsp.le Book wvorth 3.00 sent free Send 'sfathp for circnlar' -17 Tribune' 511 linihing.

Chuiongo A FOJR ONgY, -O(E First Dollar Queetrly Drawing, at. New drleants, Tluesday, January 21877. SL ouisian a StatY Lottery Oonr pany. This Tnatltuntion was regularlylincorpottated by the Legisltaur'e of th biate for Education. nl putrposes in 1868, wit a Caspital of 000.

to whtich it. has since added1 a reserite s. fund of Its Grand 8ingle Number s. lrsawinsgs will ake place monthlyi The sese 1877 opens withs the following scheme: 1 ri ze $10,000. I'rizei $5,00 1898 IPrizes, amountinxg 1,000,000 l'loiets ONLY ONE I)OLLARt EAOUH 0 Write for circuinre or send erders toto IIOWA RD, New Orleans, La.

Or to Mt. 1. FoGA-tir, 167 Main-stree, I4or. 00 Regttlar Quiarterlj Drawing on Februdy 4, '0 1877. Tickele it.

etch. Caaital Prime $89 0. 00 Dee 7.1876 1A 5.

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