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The Daily Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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--rT i I 1 66 LIXJEIfcTY JL'Niy TJIVIOIV, NOW VJVT FOREVER; ONE AND EP Webster. fj -i in, ty ii A Vol. II. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 18(i7. TrrT7 i'.

77 TTTT I 1 i i W. W-. HOLDER. J. W.

HOLDEX. W. W. HOLDEN SON, EDITORS or THK STANDARD, Authorized publishers of the Laws of the United States, and of government advertisements. Rates of Subscription.

TEKMS Cash in Advasck. Tri-Weekly paper, 1 year 6 mouths. 3 Weekly paper, 44 6 months 44 8 44 li. 5 copies 1 year 44 44 10 44 1 44 i0 ii i ii 50 00 3 50 2 00 3 00 1 50 1 00 12 05 22 0i 40 00 To those who get up clubs of five or more subscribers, one copygratis, will be famished. A cross iuarfe oa the paper indicates the expiration of the subscription.

Rates of AdTertising. Tea Uhes or one inch 6pace to constitute a square. One square, one Insertion $1 00 Each subsequent insertion 50 Liberal deduction made, by special contract, to large advertisers. Court advertisements will be charged 35 per cent, higher than the regular rates. Special Notices charged 50 per cent, higher than ordinary advertisements.

For advertisements inserted irregularly, 25 per cent, higher than usual rates will be charged. No paper in the South has advertising facilities superior to the Standard. Letters must be addressed to-W. W. Holdes, W.

W. HOLDEN SON, J. W. Holden. 1 Raleitfh, N.

C. Book-Stores, TO THE PUBLIC. rpHE SUBSCRIBER DESIRE3 TO AN-JL to the lublic, that he has purchased the Stock of Books, Stationery, Fanry Irtiflcs, Jtc, formerly belonging to the N. C. PUBLISHING COMPANY.

That be has succeeded to the old stand. No. 1, Faytttevillc Stteet, so long and so favorably known throughout the State as 44 The North-Carolina Book Store," conducted by Henry D. Turner, deceased; and that henceforth he will conduct the Book Business in all its branches at The Aarth-Carelina Book Store, No. 1 Fatetteville St.

He would also state that he brings to the man-agi-iueut of the business the uxperieuce of uiauy years as a Book Buyer and Seller, and a devotion to this particular branch of trade, He will endeavor to merit the reputation of the Old Stand. The Stock of Books, Stationery, which he now offers to the public, has beeu well selected, and embraces a large supply of Sunday and Common School Book, Miscellaneous Works of almost every kind and variety. The North-Carolina Supreme Court Reports. English Law Reports, and other Law Buoks. A very large supply of Blank Books, Stationery, New Music, Fancy Articles, comprising the largest assortment to be found in the State, and will be sold npon the most reasonable terms.

Orders from all parts of the State, accompanied bv the Cash or City reference, will be promptly attended to, by addressing JAS. U. ENNISS, Book Seller, No. 1, Favettevillefitreet, Raleigh, N. C.

July 23d, 117. 51 tf. MEMOIR OP REV. JOHN PRITCHARD, late Pastor of the JTirst Baptist Church, WILMINGTON, N. REV.

J. D. HUFHAM, FOR SALE BT WILLIAMS LAMBETH, Booksellers and Stationers. Raleigh, May 30, 1867. 29 U.

RICE'S MANUAL OF THE U. S. BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1868, WITH THE RULES, ORDERS FORMS of Proceedings thereunder conveniently Annotated, Classified and Arranged. Bound in Law Sheep Price 5. Also, the Baskkupt Law, with all the Rules, Forms, in Pamphlet.

Price 25 cents. For sale by WILLIAMS LAMBETH. Raleigh, July 27, lt7. 53 tf 'gOMETItING NEW I PHOTOGRAPH BIBLES. Stnart's Freemason's Manual.

Is Davis a Traitor? Dr. Livingstone's Tiavels and Expeditions in South Africa Illustrated. Dictionary of the Bible Illustrated. Ac All just to hand at Fentress' corner, our new Store. BRANSON, FARRAR CO.

Raleigh, June 4, 18b7. 31 tf. 'NOTE BOOKS rpHE MUSIC. TEACHER, (A NEW BOOK,) each, cts. Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, 1 25 Presbyterian Psalmodist, (7 shopeal notes,) 1 5ft The Jubilee, 1 50 Happy Voices, (for Sabbath Schools,) 40 Devotional Hymn and Tune Book, (Baptist,) 1 00 BRANSON, FARRAR fc Raleigh, N.

C. September 14, 1867. 73 tf. BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG TSOP'S FABLES, (sent per mail,) at $1 00 J.XU (Ju liver Travels. 44 44 44 1 00 Robinson Crusoe, Tne Dog Crusoe, Mechanic's Text Book." tt it 1 ii 1 75 1 1 75 ti Text Book of Modem Carpentry.

1 75 UAKKAK Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 14, 1867. 73 tf.


48 FayetteTille Street. ALSO, A FULL STOCK OF Shoes and Boots, Hats and Caps, Ladies' Dress Silks. Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, and Fancy Goods. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING. All these goods will be sold at a very small advance on first cost.

There will nothing be charged for showing them. AH we ask is a call, before you buy elsewhere. Remember ISAAC OETTINGER, At 43 Fayetteville doors North of Market Square. IN THE MILLINEEY LINE. MRS.

OETTINGER IS AGAIN READY TO serve l-er friends and patrons. She has just returned from the Northern Markets, well posted, and with one of the nicest aud largest 6tocks of MILLINERY, that ever was brought to this town. She has somcthiua: to suit all classes. Trimmed Hats from 50 cents up. Bonnet made of silks, velvets, straw and gimp.

Velvets, Silks and Satins of every color and sbade. In Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments, her stock cannot be excelled. It is useless to speak of her rood taste in tnm-nir Bonnetts and Hats. She is too well kno vn that anions' the Ladies, far and near. So just 1 before you bur elsewhere, at MitS.

OETTINGERS. (Yon all know where sh. lives.) p. s. She will have an opening on Thursday, th of October.

Oct. 5, ISoT. 83 om. September 17 th, 1867. QUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! LARGEST BEST CHEAPEST Since the war.

LADIES DRESS COODS IX EYF.ST STYLE. PRINTS! PRINTS PRINTS from 10 cts. a yard and upwards. Sheetimrs and Shirtings from 10 ana upwards. 60 CASES OP SHOES, for Men, Women and Boys, in origint.1 packages.

HATS! all the late styles and qualities. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, SATCHELLS, GLOVES GL IVES GLOVES I HANDKERCHIEFS HANDKERCHIEFS A.LX. HOW ARUIVrSO AT Ollt OLD STAND. Will move in three weeks to New Store. W.

H. R. S. TUCKER CO. Sept.

19, 1S67. CHOICE GROCERIES. CHEAP FOR CASH! Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, Breasts, and Hams. Pure Ketined Leaf Lard. Prime Factory English Dairy and Pine Apple Cheese.

Family Roe Herring. Mackerel i Kits. Suirar of all grades. Molasses and Syrups. Family.

Extra and Fine Flour. Prime" White Meal. Rio, Laguiraand Java Coffee, Delicious Green and Black Tea, Soda Butter aud Cream Crackers. Rice, Salt, Soap, Candles, Starch, Snuff, Soda, which I will sell by wholesale or retail, at lowest market price. DOUGLAS BELL.

CORN. FIVE HUNDRED BUSHELS Roanoke White Corn now on hand CHOICE To close out lot I will sell at reduced price. DOUGLAS BELL. Oct. 8, 1S67.

S3 tf. IRON IRON A LARGE LOT OF SWEEDES AND EN Clish Refined Iron, of all sizes, for sale by UPCHURCH DODD. Oct. 5, 1867. 82-tf.


10 44 Chemical Olive Soap. 1 10 44 American Honey Just arrived at UPCHURCH DODD'S, nrrTTun bitttfii 30 KEGS PRIME GOSHEN BUTTER, JUST arrived at TTPfnUTRCH DODD'S. Raleigh, Sept. 26, ltH7. 78 tf.


20 Bags Rio Coffee, prime arid cheap. ine and see for youtseif, i-nd you will gnrelv find Sugar and Coffee selling by the ptckae as Cheap as in Northern cities. DOUGLAS BELL, Raleigh, Oct. 12, 85 tf. Market Square.

FISH FISH "VT ORTH-CAROLINA MACKEREL, SHAD JJi and Mullets, now arriving at HT TvArtmn Oct. 5, 1867. 83-tf. CORN CORN I CONSTANTLY ARRIVING, AND FOR SALE by B. P.

WILLIAMSON CO. Sept. 17, 1807. 74 tf. FIRST OF THE SEASON.

1 Family JUaT RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY DOUGLAS BELL, Market October 8 1. ht-r. 81 tf bacox AjfD ipD. A NEW SUPPDY OF BACON AND LARD Xi. just received aud for sale, wholesale and re tail, by UPCHURCH DoDD.


20 WALL STEEET, Corner of Street, REIT YORK. "We buy and sell at the most liberal current prices, and keep on hand a lull supply of GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, AND COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. CONVERSIONS. "We convert the several issues of Seven-Thib-ties at the most favorable market rates iuto Five-Twenties, which, at present price of gold, yield the holder about one per cent, more interest per annum. Circulars with full particulars furnished upon application.

JAY COOKE CO. May 9, 1807. 20 HIE RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF IVOliTl I-C AROLINA. directobs: Robt. W.PUM.I-VM, Pretidnd W.

H. Willari, Geo. W. Swepson, C. P.

Mendenhaix W. click, Cashier. (1 OLD AND SILVER COIN, EXCHANGE, JT United States, State and Railroad securities, bontcht and sold. Also, uucurrent money. Alrent for the sale of Revenue Stamps.

Raleigh, May 13, 1867. 23 ly BANK OF LEXINGTON. OFFICE OF RECEIVER, Gkeensboi N. Si'pt. 14th, 18i7.

IN OBEDIENCE TO INSTRUCTIONS, coutaii ed in Special Orders No. 121, issued by Major-Goneral D. E. Sickles, at Headquarters, Second Militarv District, Charleston, S. the undersigned, bavins: been therein appointed Receiver of" tlie Bank of Lexiiurton, do liercby give notice to all indebted to said Bank, that they must come forward and make payment within twelve mouths from this date.

All who do not comply with this notice will And their papers, without discrimination, placed immediately in a course ot collection. All who hold claims of any character njrainst said Bank are hereby notiiied to present them, properly authenticated, within twelve months from this date, otherwise they will be excluded from all benefit in the distribution of the assets then to be made. Address JESSE n. LINDSAY, Iteeeiver, Greensboro', Guilford eounty, N. C.

Sept. 10, ISO 7. 75-3m. EXCHANGE HOTEL, RALEIGH, N. C.

THIS HOTEL HAVING BEEN REBUILT, in part, twenty rooms having completed and neatly furnished, will be re-opened lor the reception of the TRAVELING PUBLIC ON THIS DAY, SEPTEMBER THIRD. The old friends of the former Exchange, aid the public renerally, are cordially invited to call and see, aud be entertained with Good Accommodations aud Good Fare on Moderate Terms. W. H. CUNNINGGIM, Proprietor.

Sept. 5th, 1807. 70 tf. R. W.

YORK, ATTOKXEY AM) COl'SSELLOR AT LAW, OFFICE, 40 FATETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. Practices in the Courts of Wake, Chatham and Orantfe, in the Supreme Court, and the United States Circuit Court lor NortU Carolina. attention given to eases in Bankruptcy. Collections made anywhere in the State, if the claim (principle and interest) amounts to $500. Refers to Hon.

W. II Battle and Hon. E. G. Reade, Judges of the Supreme Court of North Carolina.

Sept. 3, 1867. 70 tf. 7 TO SHIPPERS. rffORTaC-OAROXjIKTA ALL STATE RAILWAY LI2JES (that used to be The Old Kaleigh Gaston Rail Road, The Shortest, Quickest, and Best Line, North and South, to be left oat in tne Cold, unless Shippers Specially say Via.

Ii. G. R. XTE INAUGURATED AND ARE THE Great Through Inland Air Line Route to all the Northern Markets, and have successfully worked the Line to the entire satisfaction of Shippers, North and South, fr the last ten years, as the ten Thousand Shippers in North and Sonth Carolina will testily. We paid the State near Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars for her Inter est in this Road thereby savin? the people lroin Taxation for all time to come 40,000 per year; and we unhesitatingly declare that we can and will give more dispatch to all points, North and South, than any other NOTICE I Tbe Great Inland Air Line Freight Route, Via THE RAI.EIGH GASTON RAIL ROAD, is the Short Line for Shippers, and you are re- quired xo to direct your rrctyhts, or they will be taken by another Route To insure your Freight beinsr carried over this Great Inland Air Line sately, direct your consign ers to mark your Freight.

Care of Rail Road Agent, Portsmouth, or City Point, via Faieigii ilu nation muu xiuuu, aim to snip as 101 lows: FROM BOSTON: Meretauts' Miner's Line, end of Central Wharf, E. Sampson, Agent FROM NEW YORK: Old Dominion Steamship Shipping Point, Pier 37, North River Foot Beach Office 187, Greenwich Corner Dey; N. L. McCrcady, President. FROM PHILADELPHIA: Via Annamcssic,) "Wilmington and Baltimore Depot, or Clyde's Lino of Steamers, 14 H.

Delaware Avenue, vv. r. jiyae, agent. FROM BALTIMORE: Baltimore Steam Packet Co, Bay Line Steam or ers. Foot Union dock, Ij.

a. Powhatan Steam 90 Light Street Wharf. j. a., Freight Agent, Raleigh, N.

C. Aug. 6, 1SG7. 57 tf. To my Friends and Customers.

IHAVJT JUST RECEIVED, AND OFFER for Cash, the following articles GROCERIES, of all kinds, and a good supply of DRY GOODS. No'orders will be filled, and no goods taken away unless the cash is paid. -I hope my fricuds not ask credit, as lam compelled to pay cash for every thing I buy. Custom respectfully solicited. R.

K. FERKELL. August 31, 1867. 68 tf. CHEESE I CHEESE 1 1 A LOT OF CHEESE, NOW ARRIVING AT UPCHURCH Sept 28, 1867., CHEESE? CHEESE! CHEESE! Just' received a lot of 'English Dairy and Factory Cheese.

For ealc by B. F. WILLIAMSON CO. Sept. awrv v.

-f 7 jid 4 J.J.!kl OFFICIAL. IMTED STATES Oc AMERICA District of North-Caucus a. United 8tatM iV US. 'i 16 boxes manufactured of Information. an Jt 700 lbs (, Leaf Tfbco, -'J fi To William S.

Fallen jam! all whom it may concerDGreeting 1 IV tJ lO limkuu. JX or about the rW day-of July 1S67, rixtepn boxes of manufartored tbaci nd seven hundred pounds of Itat-tobacco were in the county of RocViDghaw, the property Wf S. Fallen, by Ja. Crane, Collector of Internal n- for the 6th Collection Di triet ot Jo t'r asioneueu to tie usi fftvinvien itna-u lib. lied by D.

II Starbuck, Attm n-y of the United States, and prosecuted in thCircuit art of the Uuited Stitesfor condeiiiutWB for the causes in the tai'l Libel set forth asd that said causes will etand for trial at the Cu of said Court, at Raleib, on the last Mandarin November, 1867, at no'', if that be a day, a if not, at fie next dav of jurisdfetion thereafter wheu and where all perti warned to appear to show cause why condemnation thould sot be decreed, and to intervene tor their iutereata. Givm ide- iov hand, at oflice, in Raleigh, on 12th dav of October, 107. 'r D. R. S.

Marshal. Oct. pith, 18ti7. 5-Ud. ITotices in NOTICE I BANKRUPTCY.

District Court of the United States In Bankruptcy. For tLe District of Pamlico. tico. Ia the matter of JOSEPH CT: BROMEI.L, a Bankrupt XTOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the 20th day ot Sv'uiber, A. 1807, a warm in ynkruptcy u-a- issued the estate of J'iS-vh G.

of in the County nt" Wake at.d Srate of irelina, who is been arlj de i a upt oo ins men petit on tha: th-; payment ot any dert, ind delir-erv of any p'operiy bi-lo'iff'iiff to uca ban rupt, tn or fur use. ad the transfer iTaay piup-ertv bv him are forbidden' by Fw that ii m'et-ins? ot the crtditors of th-aid Htukrnpt to1 prove th -ir and to choose one or more hs ignees ofhin will held at a of Bankrupt-cy. to be h- ldeii ut Raleigh, b. re John T. Dew-eese.

Register. the 2S-h day of Ootober, A. at DANIEL GOODLOE, U. ti. Maraud C.

L. Hakhis. Ikyaty. Oct. 14th, lt07.

80 5t. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the 1 Uxited States In Bankruptcy. For the District ot Pamlico. In the matter of WILLIAM H.

Bankrupt. nUGnES, a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the oOth day of September, A. 1S07, a warrant in Bankruptcy was' issued against the estate of William H. Hughes, of Henderson, in the County of Granville and State ot North-Carolina, wh" has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition that tne payment of any debt, and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting ot the creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debt, aud to ebpoge one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, before John T. Deweeae, Register, on the 1st day of November, A.

107, at Raleigh, N. C. DANIEL GOODI.OE, U. H. Marshal.

C. L., Deputy. Oct. 14.1SG7.

86 5t. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District CorRT op the 1 United States fin Bankruptcy. For the District of Pamlico. In the matter ci THOMAS E.

SKINNER, a Bankrupt. us. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON the 21st day of September, A. 1S57, a war-raut in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Thomas E. Skinner, in the County of Wake and State of North-Carolina, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition that the payment of any debt, aud delivery ol any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Baunruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, before John T.

Deweese, Register, on the 5th day of November, A. 1S7, at Kalegh, A. DANIEL R. GOODLOE, U.S. Marshal.

C. L. Harris, Deputy. Oct. 14, 187.

86 5t. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the 1 United States In Bankruptcy. For the District of Pamlico. In the matter of WILLIFORD UPCHURCH, a Bankrupt.

ss. -VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON 1.1 the 23d day ot September, A. D. 1 87. a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the es-state of Willilord Upchurch, of Raleigh, in the county of ake and State of North-Carolina, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hid own petition: that the payment of any debts aud delivery of any property belonging'to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use; and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law that a meeting ot the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcv to be holden at Raleigh, North-Car olina, belore John T.

Deweese, Register, on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1867, at 10 o'clock, A. at Raleigh, N. C.

DANIEL R. GOODLOE, U.S. Marshal. C. L.

Harris, Deptdy. Oct. 14, 18C7. 86 5t. PrOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.

District Court of the ,1 Ukitei States Vln Bankruptcy. For the District i Pamlico. In the matter of JOHN T. WILLIAMSON, a -TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON JJN the oth day of October. A 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy wi.s is-ued gainst tbe estate of John T.

Williamson of il-igh. ia the Count- of Wuke and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his Ojfo petition that the payment of any debt, and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or fur bis use, and the tiansfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; 'hat meeting of the creditors of tbe siid Bankrupt to proye their debts, and to chnose one mure assignet of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, before Joha T. Deweese, -sister, on the 29h day of Oetober, A'. 1867, at Ralefgb, N. C.

1 DANIEL E- GOODLOE, U. S. Marshal. C. L.

Deptdy. Oct. 14, 1867. 1 S6 5t. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.

District Cocbt of thb ') United States Vln Bankruptcy. For the District ol Pamlico. In the matter of WILLIAM F. SNIPES, a Bmk- rnnt. sx.

NOT1CK IS HEREBY 0TVEN, THAT ON the 3rd day of Sept, At; D. 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued agaiust the estate of W. F. Snipes of Chatham, in th County of Chatham and State of North-Carolina, "who has been ad judged a bankrupt, on his own' petition that the payment of any debts ana aenvery oi any prop erty, belonging to auch bankrupt, to him, or tor bis use, and he transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law that a' meeting of the cred itors of the said baiikrupCtO prove their debts. and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be! held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, rth-Carolina, before John T.

Deweese, Register, on the 30lU day of Oct, A. D. 1867. at Raleigh, C. DANIEL-K.

lkU. Marshal, i L. Harris, DeptUyjft-: -f Oct. 14,1867. ITotices in NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.

District Court of tuu, 1 For the Pamlico District of Bankruptcy. North-Carolina. ,1 In the matter of REDDIN BRIDGERS, a THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON THE 8th day of Oetober, 1867, a warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court ol the Uuited Stales for the Pamlico District of North-Carolina, against the estate of Reddin Bridgfrs, of Wilson, in the Comity of Wilson in said District, who was adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition: That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or lor his and the transfer of any property by him are torbiden by law; and that a meetiug ol the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose oue or more assignees ot his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank-ruptevto be holden on the 13tli day of November, 1887, "ut 10 o'clock, A. at Wilson, in the County of Wilson, State of North-Carolina, before F. Lehman, Register in Bankru tcy ot said District.

DANIEL R. GOODLOE, 77. S. Jlarnhidfor said District. By Robert C.

Kehoe, Deputy U. S. Marthilas Mesnenyer. I Oct -1 1867. 86 5t.

NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the HN Bankruptcy. For the Pamlico District of v. North-Carolina. l-i the matter of THOMAS H.

BRIOGERS, a Bankrupt ss. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON THE 8th day day of October, 1867, a warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United Slates for the Pamlico District t' North-Carolina against the estate ot Thomas Bridgers, of Wilson, in the County of Wilt-oii, in said District, wiio vas adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; That the payment of any debts, aud the diivei of any property bclongiug to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of oropcity' by hiiu are forbidden UY Jltt ii ilt 1 IJil inn ii iipi nil V.HOUUU- ft emu bankrupt to pr.ive tiieir debts, mid to choose ol tins en cmors ol saiu one or more oi uio estate, t.viii oc held at a Court Bankruptcy, to be holden on I the loth day of November, lbOT, at 10 o'clock, A. at Wilson, in the County of ilson. State of North-Candiaa. before K.

Lehman, isterin Bankruptcy ot said District. DANIEL It. GOODf.OE. Xr. S.

Marstut fot'Kuiil District, By Robert C. Messenger. Oct, 15 1S07. KlUlOE, Deputy ii S. Marshal as 80 ot.

NOTICE IX BAXREIPTCY. District Cotrt of the United Stte. Bankruptcy. For the Pamlico District '-J North-Caroliua. Iu the matter of Joseph Ilildcsheimer, Bankrupt.

PAMLICO DISTKiCT OF NOiiTH CAHOLIXA SS. rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON the 8th day of October, 18i, a warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Lnited States for the Pamlico District ot North-Carolina, against the estate of Joseph Hil-dcsiieimer, of Greensboro', the County of Guilloid, in stud District, who has been adjudjred a Bankrupt, on own petition: That the payment of ativ debts, and the delivery ot any property bclonVmg to such Bankrupts to him, or lor his use, aud'the transfer of aud property by liiip are forbidden by law and that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the otiiee of the Hegistcr in Bankruptcy, on North Elm Street, Greensboro', N. before Thomas B. Keotfii, Register in Bankruptcy ior said District, on the 26th day of October, A. 1S7, at 10 o'clock, A.

M. DANIEL R. GOODLOE, U. S. Marshal for said District, as Messenger.

P. F. Dcffv, Deputy. October 10. 1807.

84 ottw NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Coi kt of the i United States In Bankruptcy. For the Dis rict of Pamlico. In the matter of WILLIAM B. SMITH, Bank- T'lIisTsTO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON THE 7th day of September, 1S07, a warrant of bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court ot the United States for the Pamlico District of North Carolina ajrainst the estate ot" William B.

Smith, ot Raleijrli, iu the county of Wake, in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition that the payment of any debt, and delivery or any property belonging: to such bankrupt, to him, "or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden bylaw; thata meeting ot the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose oue or more Rssiirnees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, -i i i XT I Reirister in Baukrnntcv for said District, on the i IStii day of October, A. D. 1807, at 10 o'clock A. D. R.

GOODLOE, U. S. Marshal for said District. C. L.

Harris, Depidy S. Marshal as Messenger. Oct. 8, 1862. S3 ot.

NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court op the 1 STrt.T?3- tf i In Bankruptcy. For the Pamlico District of 1 North-Carolina. In the matter of SAMUEL CORSON, a Bank- rupt-ss. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT ON the 9th day of October, 1867, a warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Pamlico District ol North Carolina, against the estate of Samuel Cousox, of Washington, in the County of Beaufort, in said District, wio was adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition: That the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to liim, or tor his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; and that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden al Newbern, in the County ot Craven, North-Carolina, before R.

F. Lehman, Register in Bankruptcy for 6aid District, on the 5th day of November, A. 1867, at 10 o'clock, A.M. DANIEL R. GOODLOE, U.

S. Marshal for said District. Bt Robert C. Keiioe, Deputy U. S.

Marshal as Messenger. Oct. .5, 86 5t. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Cocut of thb United States I For the Pamlico District of fIn Bankruptcy.

North-Carolina. In the matter ot WM. G. JORDAN, a Bankrupt ss. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, TnAT ON THE 7th day of Oetober, 1867, a warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of tbe District Court of the United States for the Pamlico District of North-Carolina against the estate of Wm.

G. Job das, of Wilson in the County of Wilson, in said District, who was adjudged a bankrupt, on his own Petition. That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, "are forbidden by law; and that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to provo their debts aud to choose one or more assignees, of his be held ut a Court of Bankruptcv to be holdeii on the 13th day of November, 1867, at 10 o'clock, A. at Wilson, in the County of ilson. State of North-Carolina, before K.

F. Lehman, Register in Bankruptcy, for said District. D. R. GOODLOE, U.

8. Marshal fvr said District. By Robert C. Keuoe, Deputy U. S.

Marshal a Messenger. Oct. 15. 1867. So-St blanks tit BLANKS, IN, BANKRUPTCY, MAT BE Obtained at the Standard oflice Bt as cheap rates1 as'they 'can-be procured from- the North.


Louisville, Sept. 29, 1867. Some time ajro we reatl in the papers that an officer' of the army objected to having the rebel rutins at West I'oint marked with'the place of their capture, lest in future years some youth from the South whoVaine there to be't'duca-tetl should see the marks and have his feelings hurt by being reminded of the treason ot his We 'also heard of a gentleman in the late canvass in Kentucky who was so fearful of hurting the feelings of his auditors that he always spoke of the war as our slight differences with each other." The sensitiveness of these gentlemen was nothing, however, lien compared with the deep emotions of Kentuckians. Some one having recently said that a few persons had been deprived of life and liberty in the State of Kentucky without due process of law, there was forthwith a profound agitation, and the mis-chi-vous person was bitterly denounc ed as a hired Abolitionist sent down here to slander the sublime State and the angelic inhabit ants thereof. Ah examination of the official records of.

the Freedmen's Bureau shows that during i in past year nearly nve min dred murders and ontra- es had been i eomnnttea on Irecdirtcn al one, to sav notlinio; Ot as mauv more on white and perhaps another five hundred that had never been reported at all, or taken notice ot ofKctallv. J. I 1 tie paper, a voluminous docu- ment, states that in Kenton County, Amanda Bishop, a daughter of Henry Bishop, a colored Sergeant in the'LTni-tcd States Army, was taken while at work and beaton with a club until she was senseless, because she worked for a Union citizen, and refused to iwrkfor the rebel who beat her. On the 13th of March, 18GG, O. B.

Duke, at Mount Sterling, shot and killed an inoffensive negro named Henry Stone. On the 17th of March, in Montgomery County, a poor black man named George Baity was murdered by some one On the of March, William Thomas, a colored man, was taken from the jail at Paris, and hung by a mob. On the Gth of April, in Montgomery County, Sandy Crook was murdered in cold blood. On the 12th of May, in the same coun ty, Henry Nelson was murdered, and a short time before, Ann Rogers, a colored woman, was killed in Madisou County by William Shaw, a white man living with Mr. Estill.

Ann Rogers was a poor, harmless old creature, known best as the name of "-Antie Rogers." None of the above murderers have been punished. In May, 18(36, a band of men, styling themselves Regulators, went through Boone County, robbing, burning, and killing negroes. In the same month, many negroes were robbed, their houses burnt, and bodies mutilated, in Owen County. In Mason County, Harvey Sharp took a knife and cut to pieces Win. Johnson, a poor black man.

On the 17th of June, three men beat, on the Tate Creek road, a poor colored man, because he would not say he stole a horse found in their possession, and which he said they themselves had stolen. On the 23d of June, 1866, in Mason Vonnty, IVentUCKy, Vwens hllllic out- raged tlie person of Cordelia Turner, a black woman, lhis case, on being re ferred to the County Judge, His honor replied, "This Court does not receive negro testimony." Tillman Dnsen berry, a quiet negro, while returning home from church on Sunday, the 14th day of July, was shot down by Thomas Fullalive, and on the 25th of July, this same Fullalive assaulted with a pistol and attempted to kill a black man named Henderson. The case of Fullalive was referred to Judge Can- of Lexington, who issued a warrant fori Fullalive's arrest after he had left the country. A well-to-do colored man, named Thomas Banks, who bad bought a farm in Scott County, and moved on it, was, in the month of July, 1S66, at the instigation of Dudley Morrison, Fleur Glass, and others, driven his furniture destroyed, and his stock taken. Lewis Sanders, George Sanders, and two other white brutes, on the 17th of July, 1866, w-ent to the house of Louisa Ghent, colored, whipped her cruelly and broke up her furniture.

This happened near Warsaw, Ky. On the 27th of July, in Clarke Coun-tv, an inoffensive black man, named Charles Martin, for no cause whatever, was killed by C. K. Johnston, who is still at large. While sitting in his own house, in Mercer County, on the 12th of August last, Harrison Benton, black was shot and killed by William white.

On the 9th of August, in Gal latin County, T. Bottom, George Summers, and J. Williams, with five white men, went to the house ot AY imam Kane, a thrifty colored man, and robbed him of all he had. including, 200 in silver. -In the same month, in Gallatin County a mob, styling thera selves negro regulators, beat and drove off a great many negroes.

A band of white men, thirty strong, on the night of the-9th of September, robbed, beat, and maltreated a great many.peaceable negroes iu aud about Camp 'Nelson, Ky- In October last, at the Paris -Fair, in Bourbon County, a black man who was on the Fair Grounds had some ords-with a white man. who fired at hinr vith a pistol; 1 'A mob soon suoi me negro lour oi -uve nines, auu-then threw him into a cart, several, fol- lowing, th cart and firing inta, it, jTJie negro, who. was not dead, was taken to. the jail, and the same flight. a ruob broke open the iail, beat thv sicV rand wounded man to.

then cut bis throat, and tlnew him into the Next day he lay nearly nil day expos- ed to the public gaze, a horrible sight, to lpok upon. white fiends, in Marion County cut a negroe's ears oif, and another, near Cornish ville, Ivy. had his ears slit. Some whiU' hung two negroes near Danville, and -one near Lebanon, Ky. Pr.

Jerry Donovan went to the cabins- of some inoft'ensive negroes living near Jolm-, sonville, in Mercer County, and beat an old man named David Bergan. Bergan ran away to Johnsonvillc, whtu Donovan followed him, beat him over the head with a pistol until he broke the pistol in pieces, and then, mounting his horse, drove the old creature before him three miles toDreshell's farm. lie' repeatedly rode up to the old man and kicked him in the back, the poor cica- ture beiug too feeble to get out of the way. In March last, a negro man, named Anderson Hackley, was arrested in Mercer County and thrown into jail, when oue Dr. Jolm ATithei spoon bailed i him out on condition that the negro would make a written contract to work for him his lifetime, which the negro did.

In Ma3r, 1867, a. mob broke opeii the jail at Isicholasville, and shot killed a negro prisoner. They tlaa' went out three miles into the country, where a poor, innocent negro, who been shot by a white. "man in. w-as lying wounded, took him out, hung him.

In Boone County, a party of citizens attacked Jordan Finney, a quiet, trious negro, drove him off, and des- troyed him house and furniture. Two daughters of Finney were driven out of the county because their were soldiers in the Union None of the Finney family were allow- ed to remain in the county of Their persecutors were returned soldiers. In Grant County, Wm. Sleet, Eliza Jleet, Jesse Best, Edward Alexander, Mary Alexander, and Carter Rorst, were beaten in a most cruel and inhu- man manner, their property destroyed, and they forbidden to return home, on pain of death. Carter Rorst was most terribly punished, gashes nearly six inches long being cut in his body and filled with salt.

All of the above-named persons are reported as quet, inclu's-' trious black people. i Jacob Rile, a colored soldier who was living with his former master, was taken out of his house by a band, of armed men, who then bnnied the house. While they were burning the he ran away, but was shot through the side iu making his escape. and bis; family, were compelled to leave, the county. Harrison Griggs, a colored man, resi- ding in Boone County, was taken from his bed in the night and beat for nearly an hour with white-thorn sticks, many of the thorns breaking off in bis body, head and face.

He was compelled jto leave the county. A negro man, formerly the slave of Mr. Peter Baily of AVoodford County, was knocked down and savagely beaten because he did not pay over to -his former master all of Lis wages. Reuben Atkins, a' discharged soldier, was robbed of $50 "and beaten', by his former master. Clarissee Burdett, the wife of a ored soldier, was whipped by her for- mer master until she was Charity Smith! the wife of a soldier, was stripped naked by her former owner, who then tied her hards.

and feet as far apart as possible, when-j he took a cow-hide and whipped her until she was insensible; then he, dered her to be washed down! 'water. Joseph humble' and inoffensit-e freedman, and the' owner of forty acres of land, was froni his house by some; white men, -who. so 'mutilated aud abused' him that his't bowels protruded, and he died in L'Veat agony, ihe same gang, after, Ralls, took an old black man by tUe'i name of Macket and roasted the soles of his feet before the fire, after which they put out one of his eyes. Tlie same, night they -went to the. house of a ed preacher named Burns, who was a quiet and good man, and after robbing his house, ravished.

)tis wife in Lis presence-, and then shot him in tlie beatL 'Two other colored persons' were botrl- bly treated, and one shot by these in human fiends. Two of the perpetrat ors of these outrages wefO arrested by an officer of the Freedmen's Bureau, but, while they were being removed trial Judge Apperson of Montgomery; County, took their bodies from ''the officer by a writ of habeas corpus, and set them at liberty. V- Lewis Tandy, a colored man living in Lexington, offered a pistol for sale to a white man, who wanted it.for $5 -but the pistol being worth more double that 'amount, Tandy declined to-. to sell, when the white man had him, arrested for carrying arms in; violation' of the State law, and; brought, him be- fore a who fined Tandy $5, and" gave the pistol present to th white man for having informed, on Tandy. 'Another' white man boiight V-n a pistol in the same way of tj industrious, and well-to-do' colored The son of a wealthy citizen A Fayette County, shot a.

negro dead with a "reVolter, because he wanted to see if he" could hit h)t, The murderer lwas never Vjn the way. ack Sparrow! a poor colored man. was. shot dead while; walkingib th street in if mgyxrr At Dantill'e, KyM teyey Towbridge. 1,5 met poof, lrrie "inegrp strejeS )r 1.

1-1 in if is 3- 1 tri Gil vtr r.J ill I i.

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