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Spirit Of Jefferson from Charles Town, West Virginia • Page 2

Charles Town, West Virginia
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Jsjnril i)f Jefferson. Cliarlestown, Jefferson County, West Ym. TresDAT MOR.viyg. jamakt 20. isso.

OHABLES O'COKOB. Whan Mr. Charles O'Conor was nominated for President some eight years ago, it was oo the basis of the reeolutionsof 1798. Ho represented, therefore, at that time the eztremest sort of State's rights doctrine. A few days since a long letter was published, which Mr.

O'Conor inflicted on certain Democrats of Newark N. beeause they invited him to celobratc with them the anniversary of tho battle of New Orleans. Mr. O'Conor was not in a -frame of mind to celcbrate anything. Stato "gilts are no longer anything more to him tao potsherds.

Tho sunset of life gives him ystical lore, and be sees, or imagines ho that tb? whole country politically is on the down grade, and that it must oitber surrender itself to anarchy or the man on horseffback. Of these two evils he counsels a preference of the latter, it is easier to deal with one man than with a mob. He predicts that tho Democratic parly, of which 1 or many years ho was a shining light, but which he now turns his back upon, will be defeated in the presidential contest, and as a choice of the evils which he thicks must ensue would prefer to vote for Grant. He attributes the loss of New York to John Kelly, whom he styles factionist," and Kelly has retorted that Mr. O'Conor is "a conceited old man." Others liken him to an aged Cassandra in pantaloons; while a Newark paper sarcastically remarks that "it would have been better for Mr.

O'Conor's fame bad he not lived to read his own obituaries." If Mr. O'Conor wero not so wrapped up in the cloak of his own virtue such pointed remarks would give him Beriou3 annoyance. San. A New York merchant, says the Baltimore Sun, who has just returned from a three weeks' business tour of observation through Maryland, Western Pennsylvania, Southern Ohio and West Virginia, gives a glowing account of the revival of industry in all that region. The leather manufacturers, he says, re refusing to take further orders, and have as much business on hand just now as they can take care of until midsummer.

The furniture manufacturers are all running full time; and likewise havo orders far As for tho iron and steel establishments, he says many are at work night and day, and some of them experience moro or less diffi culty in obtaining a supply of the right kind of labor. The farmers, too, aro jubilant, and are expecting to incrcaso their hog crops and grain acreage this year under the stimulus of good prices, and their improved financial condition, resulting from last year's harvests Saw few or no tramps in fact, almost everybody was at work. Fruitless efforts have beon made for years to recover a lost treasure, said to be 84,800,000, lying in the British ship was sunk in tho vicinity of LI oil Gate, East Itiver, New York, during the American Kevolationary War. The chief difficulty of recovering the treasure heretofore has been that the vessel haa beon covered with a considerable depth of mad It 13 now proposed, we understand, by Mr. llenry liohrcr, of this county, who is enlisted with other parties in the matter, to construct a pump that will draw the mud from the vessel and allow the divers to reoover tho treasure.

If successful, Mr. Kohrer will receive a per centage which will amount to S120.000. lie is now in Now York engaged in tho enterprise, and it will be very gratifying to bis friends here should ho bo so fortunate as to triumph in this which has baffled tho efforts of cumbers of parties for many Tears. A Richmond dispatch to the Baltimore Sun, under date of the 15th says It has transpired to-day that Senator Rid. dleberger, of Shenandoah county, one of the leading Readjustee, retired from the caucus of his party last night and refused to ho bound by its dictates in the nomination of a judge ol Louisa county, who is charged with incompetency.

This matter elicited heated discussions in the Senate to day, and resulted in Mr. Riddieberger's oarryinj; his point to postpone the election of the Louisa judgeship until the 19th in order to allow time for the competency of the Readj asters' nominee to be investigated. This Senator, as well as others of his party, insists that none but men anainst whom nothing can be charged shall bo chosen for the judiciary. It is understood that Mr. Riddleberner will not reBume relations with the Readjustee' caucus again until the debt question shall come up.

IIis temporary severance of his connection with his party caucus causes considerable talk in political circlcs. The conflicting elements in Maine appear to be getting along swimmingly, each in its own way, but together they have managed to make a worso muddle than ever. The best days of the Louisiana row are rivaled. Tha fusion Legislature on Friday formally electcd the greenback candidate, J. L.

Smith, Governor, and an executive council. Mr. Smith was sworn in and sent a message to the Legislatare, and a proclamation of the election was made by the secretary of State. On tho other hand the judges of tho Supreme Judioiai Court, in their reply to the questions eubmittcd by tho Republican Legislature, decided against the fusionitts on every The only issue now, it would seem, is "a fight or a foot race." Mexican War are requested to state that there will be a meeting of the Mexican War Veterans of tho lower Valley of Virginia in Winchester, on Thursday, January 22d, for the purposa of appointing delegates to attend tho General Convention of the survivors of tha Mexican War, which will be held in Norfolk, on the 22d of February next. A full meeting is desired, as matters of importance will be discussed.

The Kansas City Times lottery scheme is now conveyed through tho mails by being euoToaed in boot a. PEH, INK AND SCISSOBS. Mr. Frank Leslie, tbo well known puV lister, is dead. The trouble with the miners at Hawk's Nest, VV.

Va is ended. Senator Lamar, of Mississippi, was stricken with Paralysis Sunday night week, at Jackson, Miss. Gen. Garfield has been elected United States Senator by the Ohio Legislature, to succeed Mr. Tliurman.

letter from Mt. in the Culpeper Times, says, "The scarlet fever seems to be raging over a great portion of this oounty. A good many of the sehools have been compelled to close on account of it." The assessment of land damages along the South lliver line of the Shenandoah Aralley R. II is nearly completed. The oitis zoos, through whose land the road will pass, are showing a very liberal spirit.

Waynesboro Item in Staunton Spectator. The terminus of the second division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has been removed from Piedmont to Keyser, and all freight engines on the division now run to tho latter point, the passenger locomotives running to Piedmont as heretofore. It is reported, through privato advices from Richmond, that Governor Ilolliday will probably net isauo commissions to the newly elected judges until their terms of office are about to commence, which, under the constitution, it is believed the Governor holds, will be January 1, 1S81. I'a.) Gazette. Harper's Weekly has at last come to the point of attacking Grant's nomination, as unwise, because many independent Republicans will voto nsainst Editor Curtis emphatically say whether ho will support Grant or not if the nomination is mado.

"Wo shall not," says Weekly, "cross the river till we come to it." A letter from Capt. J. II. at the hospital in Washington Wedne-day afternoon, says lJud Miller's leg, injured in tho railroad accident of September 17th, has been amputated a little abovo the The patient was doing fioely, though suffering, as is the case in many amputations, from pains in that part of the leg which had been taken Staunton Vindicator. An exchange says that the claimants for the Hyde estate in England, whioh was represented to consist in part of many millions of pounds in tho Rank of regret to learn that on application at that bank by Hon.

Seolt Lord, who was sent to England to investigate, there was found to be no such deposit, no amount over 82,000 belonging to any unclaimed estate, and not a dollar to tho credit of any Ilyde estate. United States Senator-elect Ohio, was given a reception in tho capitol at Columbus Wednesday Ho mado a speech, in which, after referring to the late civil war and the prompt response of Ohio troops to the call to arms, he paid a warm tribute to Senator Thurman, "than whom," he said, "Ohio has few larger-minded, broader-minded men in the record of its tory." The Wheeling nail men, at a meeting vestorday, agreed to put nails up to S5 a keg. l'rolty good raise from SI few takers e'X months ago. Six months ago stock in the Bellaire Nail Works sold slowly at 50 cents on the dollar. The board of directors dociartd.

yesterday, a sixteen per cent dividend on the earnings of less than six months. None of the stock, it is needless to say, is cow on tho market. Wheeling Register, January 13rh. At Beallsville, Montgomery county, Saturday morning week, Geo W. Peck, colored, attempted au outrage on tho person of a littlo white girl, eleven years of ago, but the screams of tho child brought relief before the wrctch had accomplished his purpose.

Peck was arrested and taken to Poolesvillc, whero, in the evening, he was forcibly taken from an officer and hanged A jury of inquest rendered a verdict that Peck "came to his death from strangulation by the hands of parties unknown to tho jurors." Peck admitted tho attempted outrage. List of Advertised Letters remaining in tho Post Offica at Charle.stown, Jefferson oounty, W. January 10, 1S80. Miss Fannie Butt, Miss Cornelia Jones, Miss Martha Wesktr, Rosa W. Holland, Miss Beula Merton, Susan Wilson, James E.

Brown, C. W. Dorscy, Molvin llawley, Burr Jones, L. Robberts, J. G.

Staunton, William Crosf, S. U. Becker, Thomas Jones, J. F. Ruslin.

Miles Ranson, Tharmen, George R. Thomas. Tho above letters, if not called for within thirty days, will bo sonttotho dead letter office. Persons calling for them will pleaso say that they are advertised. Bknj F.

Lf.isenriko, P. M. Soma days since a young negro man named Arthur Jordan eloped with the daughtor of Nathan Corder, a respectable citizen of Fauquier county, residing near Markham station. It appears that the couple made their way to Clearspring, and a party of Mr. friends followed them to that place, and arresting the negro arrived with him in Winchester last Thursday about noon, on the way to Fauquier.

It is said that the people about Markham ore very much cxcited over this affair. Miss Corder, tho young woman who eloped, is represented as being a very attractive young woman, Tho Des-demoua in tho affair was left in Maryland, to be sent homo by rail. Winchester News. A report, we understand, was cuTrcnt at Millwood on Saturday night that the negro mentioned abovo had been lynched somewhere on tho east side of the Blue Ridge. You read this, and don't forget that I keep on hand Jewelry of all kinds.

Call and see lor yourself. Shot guns for sale from to SI2. They aro new guns. Pistols from SI'-5 to S2 50 Cartridges, Caps, Vusicall Instruments, Violins, Accordeons, Banjos. All kinds of work dono here at low prices Call and see mo and bring your work to me, and I will give you satisfaction.

Remember mo, X'oucg Burton. Watch and Spccts. I offer many thanks to my friends and customers for their large patronage during the past year. Tho success of my low prices during'December has induced mo to follow the same plan during this year. I can assure tho public that my goods will be marked at the very lowest margin, hoping thereby to gain a larger trado and give my customers from ten to twenty per cent, on their chases.

Respectfully, Geo FI. Uaolet. SriOTtT-HiKD John J. Stenographer to the Senate of Vircinia. odigt General Conference, will tical instruction in Short Hand bv letter, ex" plaining difficulties, corrective the exercises, and advising ns to study.

Correspondence will ba opened with each student, answering questions and dirsetine the learner. Short-Hand is an accomplishment. As a callins, it comariands large fees. A Congressional renorter receives from 8S0 tn 840 per day. Tirmi: Five Dollars for entjro oeurse of instruction, in advance.

Address J. J.AtrvKTr, Va, KABLETOWN ITEMS. Thieves made a raid upon the premises of Mr. Wm. Myers, on the east side of the Shenandoah river, one night about a week ago, and stolo fifty or sixty chickens and a lot of clothes off of the line.

As Messrs. John Kablo and El alt Wilson wore coming from Cbarlestown one day daring the holidays, when about a mile from this horse became frightened and ran off, upset the buggy, and demolishing it somewhat, but tha occupants escaped injury. A Union Bible Class was organized at Kabletown Church last Sunday afternoon, with 22 and the prospect of a very large membership at a very early day. Mr. Hall Wilson was elected leader, and Charles Kable assistant.

Time of meeting, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. George C. Schamel, of Washington county, who rnado so many friends during his visit to our village last summer, favored us last week by another vipit. This limo he was acoompanicd by his bride, a most estimable lady.

A very warm reoaption was given them by his friends. May joy and gladness attend thorn through the changing sccnes of lifo. Miss Rose Lancdon, one of the most popular young ladies of our village, is spending some time with her sistor, Mrs. Backus, at Ripoo. Mrs.

George Rissler visited her friends in Berkeley oounty last week. Miss Emma Shaw and Miss May Johnston were visiting their friends in Frederick county, last week. Willie Rissler, son of our worthy citizen, Samuel Rissler, who went to Missouri sis years ago, is here on a visit to his parents and relatives. Ho spoaks very favorably of Missouri, and is well pleased with his Western homo. Mr.

Smith Rissler, son of Mr. John Riss of Johnson county, is here visiting his relatives. Mrs. Ann Eagle and Mr. Frank Engle, of Unionville, recently paid a visit to Mrs.

I)r. Brown, at Myerstown. Tho growing wheat is looking remarkably well. Tho winter has been unusually mild, and the ice crop a failure so far. Mr.

Frank Morrow, of Berkeley county, was here last week seeing to his large flock of sheep on his farm near this place. Mr. Lee Phillips, the courteous and gentlemanly clerk of Horace Beall of Cbarlestown, was in this vicinity last week. Kabletown, Jan. 1, 18S0.

Dixie. maeuikd. On the 29tli of October, 1879, in Butler county. Iowa, the residence of Hon. R- B.

Lock wood, the bride's stepfather, by Rev. Hale Townsend, of diaries city, Iowa, W.CRAlG, of BnMor Center. Iowa, to Mi6s NELLIE CH APLINE. daughter of tho late Chas- J.Cbapline, ot Dubuque, formerly of this county. On the ISth of December, 1879, in Alexsndiia, I by Rev.

W. Bovle. Rev. A. A.

NEAL, of the Baltimoro Conference, and formerly pas- tor of the Church South, of Shepherdstown, to Miss IDA C. PaYNE, of Loudoun county, formerly of Baltimore. On the the 23d of December. 1579, at the residence of the bruleV by Rov. J.

Amos. JACOH S. BITTING Kit to KATE S. SI'RAILMAN, all of Mavtinsburg. On the 25Mi of December.

1579, at the parsor.azf of the M. S. Church, bv tho Rev. J. Edwin Anion.

SIMEON B. 8ILJCKKY to HARRIET WOOD, of Berkeley county. December 24tb. 1S79, at the Lutheran parsonage, Rev L. M.

Culler. Mr. SAMUEL r. FRANKINBKRKYaml Miss MART J. YONTZ, both cf Boikeloy county.

Near Borkelev Springs, Mortran county. Doc -mlier 2of 1879. by Rev. Mr. Cook.

Mr JOHN Y. CAN FIELD, of Martinsburg, to Miss ALICE E. AFFLICK. of Bellair, Ohio." In Mart insbury. January 1st.

1S30, tho residence of the bride's pnrnnts. by Rev. M. Cn1ler, Mr. SAMUEL WAYS and Miss MARY LIZZIE EIOOGE, both of Martiiisburg.

On the 12th of November, 1879, at tho residence of mother, br Rev. P. Hnll, MA(iNUS L. COCKRELL to KA'l IE of Hai )ter's Feu At Hediresville. Berkeley conntv.

IS, 18sn. by Rev. W. T. IKVINO 1) CHANEY to Miss NELLIE, daughter of Mrs.

S. J. and the late Dr. F. Smith.

On the 6tb instant, at tho residonco of tho bribe's father, bv Rev Mr. RORER McVICAR to Miss JENNIE HUNTSBEKRY, both of Frederick county, Va. DIED. Io this place, on Sundav last. Mr.

THOMAS U- SPINKS, need about SS years. Funeral services at tne late residence- of tho deceasod, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock al the Methodist buiial ground. Iu Miami conntv, Ohio, on the 22 of December, 1879, suddenly. Mr. HENRY CROW, formerly of this ci'onty, at an advanced ave; and the same Dlace.

in December, 1573. MARY CROW, wife of Henry Crow. Near Shepherdsiown. on the 14th instant, of Pneumonia, Mr. JOFIN M.

MYERS, aged about 55 years. In Maitinsburg, December 22d, 1879. of cancer. Mrs- ANN A. PAINTER, aged 40 years, 1 month and 6 days.

Near Oerardstown Berkeley- conntv, December 29ih. 1879. Mrs. NANCY 8HRODES. wife of Richard Shrodes, in ibe 48th year of her ago.

In Murtinsburg, on the 5t instant, CLA A VIRGiNIA, beloved wile of Ferdinand Rossmarck, aged 23 years, 5 months and 14 days. In on Christmas morning. MORRIS A CKSON, foiirt child of Charles W. and M. E.

Wisner. need 4 years.S inont hs and 4 davs. NEW ADVEETISEMKNTa COAL AND SALT. AM now offering for sale 300 Tons George's Creek Valley Coal at S3 00 per Ton 50 Ton9 Blacksmith or Limcburning Coal at 82.00 per Ton 100 Tons Nut Coal at 86 50 per Ton 50 Tons Stove Coal at S6 50 per Ton and lOO SACKS G. A.

SALT, $1.25 PEE SK. 1 will lake CORN at Market Price in exchange for anj of the above. JAMBS McGRAW, Jan. 20, 1SS0. Harper's Kerry, W.

Va. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Virginia WILLIAM WATSON'S Adm'r of W. J. Giaotbam,) Plaintiff, vs.

I THOS. WATSON'S Ex'rs, Defendant. IN CHANCERY. from Dccrce of Nov. 1S79.) canse is referred to a Commissioner of I tins Court, instructions 1st.

To settle tho accouutof tbe Plaintiff, ward Tearney as Administi ater of Wm- sou, deceased. 2d. To oonrene the creditorsof Wm. Watsnn. deceased, and apportion among them the amounts of tbe estate of Wui Watson.

A F. LYNCH. Clerk of the Circuit Court. NOTICE. Notice is hereby ciren to the creditors of William Watson to present their claims to the undersigned, att liis office, for proof, on or before the 17th da? of February, 1SS0.

CLEON MOORE. January 20. Commissioner. CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. 1.WRMERS, not buy dirtr Seed.

It is 1 ebeaper to bu the cteanest which I liavo a iarjre quantity for sale. JAMES H. CONKLYN. January CORN "WANTED, IN exchange for STOVES. TIN APE.

JOSEPH II. KA.STERDAY. January 20, 1SS0. MINCE MEAT, Macaroni and Cheese for sale by P4IJJARN. ac liar 10, 1SS0, HEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

PUBLIC SALE OF alualDle Land. BY virtue of decrecs of the Circuit Couit of Jefferson County. West Virgiuia. entered on the 23 day of April. 1S78, and 011 October 6th, 157d, in the suit ia Chancery.

therein peuding, of the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia (use of Baker) vs- Bnshrod W. Herbert, ot. the undersigned Special Commissiouers, will offer for sale at Pub'ic to the highest bidder, in front of the Court-HuUSE in on Friday, the 20th clay of February. 1SS0, at 12 o'clock, so much of tho land on which said Herbert resides, near Charlestown, to be from 240 to 250 Acres, and embracing the eastern portion of the tract) as shall be necessary to raise the sum of with interest on part thereof March 1st, 187S, and lue expenses of sale and costs of salt, (estimated to amount iu the aggregate to 7,250 The part of tho tract thus offered, embraces all tho land lying east of the S. V.

R- R. and all that portion lying between she Railroad and Dalgarn's lot, on the old Winchester road, (excepting a wood lot of about ten acres adjoining Baid Dalgarn.) together with so much of land lying west of the Railroad as be necessary to raise the (S7.250A right of way for the use and benefit of tho land still retained by said B. W. Herbert, to be reserved over the parcel offered for sale, to tho pnblic road and to said wood lot: either as at present used or by a route not less diiect; the purchaser to havo the right, subject to said conditions, to locate said way over his laud. Anrl a riirht of wav for the use of tho parcel so to be sold, is also icserved, across said wood lot, as at present used.

ffcfr- A Plat of the land may be seen at the law efflen of White in Charlestown. and will be exhibited on day of Kale, and a survey and plat of the portion sold will be uiadc when Paid sale has been confirmed bv the Court. This land is Limestone of fine quality, a large proportion of it is LIST TIMBER, and it lies only about miles S. W. of Charlestown, where arc stations of the Valley Branch B.

O. R-. and the S. V. R.

R. Tub Tenant's share (Miree-lifths) of tho Gtowirg Wheat is reserved. TERMS OF third Cash, the residue in one and two years, equal payments, with interest from the day of sale; the deferred payments to be by the bonds of the purchaser and secured by a deed of trust on Ibo premises. AS. LAW.

TTOOFF. JOSEPH TRAPNKLL. Commissioners. January 20, Every Farmer 1880. Will find it to his interest and to tlie advantage I of tho community in which lie resides to subscribe for, read and en largo the circulation of THE AMERICAN FARM Eli, So long recognized as tho exponent of agricul" tural interests and the promoter of agricultural improve men I iu the.

Middle and Southern Established in 1319. and for more than a third of a century in tho hands of" its present management. it understands the requirements of our farming class, and knows how to cater to them. It is for The Fa tin and Fireside Able aid practical writers departments for Live the Duirv, the Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Gardens Pleasure Grounds and Greenhouse, Por.ltiy-Yaid and Veterinary inquiries.

Many correspondents, distinguished for oxpoiiottce success in their special branches, contribute to every issue of the Farmer. Reports of the advanced farmers' clubs aro a regular feature. Especial attention is paid to Fertilizers? ITome-Made and Composition, Application, lhe Home Departmentnlwavs contains something bright, practical and useful, from accomplished and experienced ladies, and is enlarged and improved. 0150a Year. To Clubs of five or more.

81.00. SAMUEL SANDS SON. Publishers. No. 12S W.

Baltimore (Sign of the Golden Plow.) Baltimore, Md. QCf- Sample copies sent on application. January 13, COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. hi the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, 1 Vest Virgin in A. W.

McCLARY, Agai hat? DA LUCAS, Truster, Joslali Watson, John G. Sinrlov, William Grantham and Ephraim Watson. Defendants. W. J.GRANTHAM, Plaintiff, Against DANIEL B.

Tins tee, Josmli Watson, Ephraim Watsou and Juo. G.Shirley, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. (Extract from Decree of Nov 1870.) is ordered and decreed that 1 Comiusssionei Clenn Moore, to whom this was recommitted by the decree of November 16th, do proceed to execute said decree according to the terms thereof, and do also ascertain the ani'mnt duo to the Petitioners J.din M. Nicely and Martin Swimlcv, on account of tan Judgements and Executions in their favor rvspectfullv against John G.

Shirley, and to that extent and in proportion to the amounts so found due said Petitioners severally, it is ordered that tho debt audited in these onuses in favor of John G. (Commissioner Moore's Report, Class 3) be endorsed for the use of said Petitioners by virtue of tho lions of the executions aforesaid." A F. P. LYNCH, Cleric of the Cirouit Court. (Extract from Dccrcc of Nov.

1 Gth, 1S75.) (Referred to above.) ksrflHESE causes are recommitted to Commis1 bioaer Moi-rc, with instructions to retorm his report by giving Defendant. Wro. J. Grantham, credit on the debt of the National Hank of ilartinsburn, (use ot' Walter SMi lev's Adm'rs) for $333.22, of date July lltn, and also bv crediting said Gianthxm with the claim reported in fayor of Ephraim Watson, it having beau paid, aud the Commissioner shall receive any proof as to said claimed on the of Burknart Son and H. H.

Blackburn, of any otlior credit? theroon which exist, and said Commissioner shall receive tf ail shown to exist on of the claims against said Win. Grantham. And said Commissioner is further directed io ascertain and report whether partition of the Kime tract has been heretofore made, and if so, report the same lo the Court. And the Commissioner hall audit and report as to any other dobts properly chargeable upon said real estate. A F.

P. LYNCH, Clerk of tho Circuit Court. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I will execute the foregoing Decrees at my office in Charlestown, West Virginia, the 16rh dav of Februai v. C'LEON MOORE.

Januarv 20, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. In the Circuit Court, of Jefferson County, West Virginia, In Term, November 2 l.sY, 1879 GEORGE W. FOX, nnd others, i A san-st JACOB W. STALEY'S Adm'rs.

Defendants. IN CHANCERY. from Decree of Nov 21 st, 1879.) beine suggested by a memorandum at- 1 tached to ihe answer of said Administrators. that they have made some navmonts to some of said heirs sine? the date of the aeconnt made up bv tiie Arbitrators. (May 1st.

1877.) this cause is referred to William linfnett. Commissioner, with instructions to ascertain report what if any, ha ve been made to each I or anv of Fox heirs since the 1st of May, 1S77, and also to distribute the said amount of 8705.49 (subject to any payments since Mav 1st. as aforesaid) among the several heirs and distributees of Mary Anne Fox, and return his report to the next term and he is authorised to give notice by publication prcvided in Chap- 129, See. 4, of tho Code of West Virginia. A F.

P. LYNCH. Clerk of the Circuit Court. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all parties interested, that I shall proceed to execute the foreroing decree at my office in Charlcstown, on Wednesday, February 11.

1SS0. WILLIAM BURNETT. Janusrj 20, ISfiO- HEAL ESTATE. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Jefferson County Land. BY virtue of two iccrecs nf the Circmt Court of Jefferson Count, v.

West Virginia, rendered respectively Hie 17rb day of April, 1S79, and the 10th day of November. 1S79. in a certain suit in Equity therein depending in. which Jere Harris is Plaintiff and Cleou Moore. Trustee, are Defendants.

the undersigned. Special Commissioners, will offer for sale at Publie Auction, in fiout of the Court-House in Charlostown, Jefferson County, West Virgiuia, on Wednesday, February 11th, 1SS0, that Valuable FARM, known as the HIGHLAND FARM," on which the said Jere Harris now resides, and containing 52 JO Acrrs Land, mora or less, of which about Thirty Acres is VALUABLE TIMBER. Tlio is of Fiast Quality Jefferson County is situated near the Shenandoah river, and directly on the Chorlwstown and Blooinery Turnpike, about three miles from the County; adjoins the Blooinery Mills property, and is convenient to Market, Depots. Schools auu The Improvements consist of a Large Dwelling-House, beautifully situated, a pood Barn, and all necessary Out-Buildings- Turrets upon the farm an abundance of Choice Fruit, consisting of Pears, Apricots. Cherries, and a large Apple Orchard.

Tne farm is finely watered, Evitt'e run. a er tailing stream, flowing through the farm and within two hundred yaiusof the barnyard. The above is one of the most Desirable Productive Farms in Jefferson County, aud is in a good state of cultivation. TERMS OF ie Fourth of the purchase money Cash, and the residue in Three equal anuual payments, the deferred payments to be secured bv the of the purchaser, bearintr Interest- from the day of sale, and a Deed of Trust upon the premises pold. OCJ-Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A.

M. It desired bv tee purchaser a survey of tbo land will he made. sale will be started at the price of per Acre for said Laud, heinsr the advance bid offered by Mrs. Susan M. Harris at the October term of said Court.

WM 11 TR AVERS, N. S. WH1 I K. AXK liECKWITH. Commissioners.


yirtue of Deed of Trust on the I 35tu day of July, 187S, hy Catherine Macau. Jonn P. Ilagau, aud Coiue.itis J. Hacan. and recorded the C.ork's of Cour.ty.

Deed Hoc A. page C42, ai by the reI quest of Ed ward Taaruev, the cestuiquett it: said deed, in order to sr.cnre pavment of I seven Notes executed bv Patrick Hagan to Edj ward Tearney, amounting to $2,200. with interi est from dates mentioned sa'm Deed of Trust. I (on two of the Notes, one of dated I September 1st. 1S71, and one dated Anj trust Cornelius J.

Ha can is co-oblij gor,) I will t.lfor for sale, at Public Auction, before the Mountain View Hutel at Harper's Ferry, on Saturday, January 31st, 1950, at 12 o'clock noon, the followint? Property: One Lot of -I li amf 120 J'erches One Jjot of Acres One Lot oj Acres it tiff SI Perches; One Lot of 2 Acres ntuf 1) firs One Lot of 2 Acres, 2 li unit 1 retches', One Lot of I Acre, li. amf 10 Perches One Lot of 1 Acre 2 nmf 20 Perches One Lot of 3 Acrcs untf 20 Pert hes AITD OiSTE LOT ITT being lot No. 10 as numbered on p'afc made by Jajocs M. Brown September '20, lV7i. and to Patrick H.i^jsh by Thomas S.

Rockenbannh asid wife, bv d'jcd boariug: date 9, 1S5S. Said lots, except fciio one liolivar, together nto a IleantiinI Ijitllo Fai'm Of 21 A2res, 1 Rood and 13 Porches, which 13 iteproyed bv a TWO-STORY Si ONE BUILDING. nrc- asarr OUI BU1LD1NOS and a Jia UN. with a FIN The Land is of Good laliiv, pioductive and fertile. and in a fiio stole ol The Bolivar Lot wi'l be Bold nepaatelv, snd if nctossary tho others ill be hold separately alco, but will fiibt be flored as one faim.

TERMS ISAAC FOTKE, Tnistfe. PUBLIC RENTING OF A VALUABLE Jefferson County Farm. virtue of a decree of t.l Circuit Courl of Weat Viruinia, rendered on rhc dav of in two Chancery causes therein and heard lege ther. in one; of whie- Joseph is Plainlit) and A V. a 1 ar-' Dofendan is.

and the other Elizabeth ftopir's F.x'r is Plaintiff and said A. Cooper et. al- are l)e enii.n ta the und Special Commissioners, will, oa Fi ij, Fc hi 7ui ry 13, 1SSO, at 11 o'clock, A in fronf of the Court-House lis Cbnrlestown, oflor FOR RENT ar Public Out- i erv, for rise term of One Year the day of i Ayril, 1S80, tbenee nest ciiMiinc, thai Valuable Farm ou the said A V. uow in Jtff.rson County. Va known as lb? Km-iri," and containing about, 250 ACEES OF LAND.

TERMS OF RENTING the Rent payable October lat. 18M), and the residue on the 81st day of ISS1 the lessee j-iving bonds, with security, lor said payments. driven April 1st. Rkskkvation. Tno Mansion House now occupied bv Mrs.

Cooper, and 5 acres of 1 contiguous tiieieto, will bo reserved from lease DaN'I. B. FRANK Special CotnuiiifsioncrE. SnAXXos Gat.laiikk. Auctioneer.

January IG. 1VI9 SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL parties indebted to me will corne torwarfl and settie ihelr accounts, a ihey are now ready. I Pm goine to make a rbanpe in business by the firat of March, and iu order tc, 1 make a clear settlement 1 must have ali accounts paid by that time. I shall also offer my De6itable Stock of DRY GOODS.

NOTIONS, CLOTHING, I500TS AND SHOES, HATS. at COST, for ty Days, bnt positively co Credit for that time. Respectfully, NIMROD TRCSSELL. I January 6. 1SS0.

Free Press copy. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Annual of the Jefferson County -will be held in Charlfatown, on FKIDAY. JANUARY I 30TH. 1SS0.

at 10 o'clock, A. M. Stock must be represented in person or bv proxy, with written I antboritj to vote th? panic. liv order of Board. WM- OPIE NOP INS.

Jan. 13. Treaa- PURE BRED CHICKENS. THE undersiirned has for choice lot of Pare I3red ineludmt: Bufl ehin, and Buff Cochin and Dark Bsahina Mixed singly, and in pairs or SAMUEL MICHAELS. Duffield's Depot, W.

Va. CUMBERLAND COAL. U7E offer first rale lot of Coal for Steam and Smiths' purposes, at greatly reduced rates. Will keep constant supplj. July 10, 1S77.


HAVING rented mv farm. I will sell at Public Sale mv entire Farm and Implements, and some Household Goods, on Tuesday, February To-trit 6 GOOD WORK HORSES, One good Ridinjr and Driving HORSE, Four head MILCH COWS. Twenty five EWES wiib LAMB, (by Kentucky Southdown Buck of Gun. Me in. Futeen head STOCK HOOS Oue 4-horse Wagon ai.d Bed.

Ooo 3-botse Wagon and Bed (new). Wagon and Plow Gears for six horses. One donble action Whoat Oqo Buckeye Mower and Heapei Combined, Oiie Horse Rake. 1 Hand Cider Mill, Ou? Youne A merica Corn and Cob Mill, new: One Hand-Power Corn Sneller, One Cutting-Box, Two pair Hay Shelving. Ouc Ti iple-ireared 5-Horse Power, One Horse Power Circular Wood Saw, One Corn Shelter, One Jack and Strap.

Two 4-Sqnare Harrows. Baishrar Plows, 1 Six Double Shovel Plows, Four Single Shovel One Log Ciiaiii, 2 Mattocks. Lot of Shovels. Hoes. Hakes, Arc.

Fift.v bbls. of Corn, 100 HU5UELS PEERLESS POTATOES Household Goods. One Featcor Bed, One Bolster aud 2 Pillows, Bedding for same 1 pair Bedsteads, One Parlor Stove, Tweutx-fivo yds. Carpet, 1 doz Chaiis. Halt-duz.

Silver Table Tea One Sot China Ware. 1 Di.ninu Tablo. Sale to commence piomptlv at 10 o'clock. No postponements ou account of weather. TERMS OF SALE 810 and under.

Cash; over 810, Niie; Month's Cred it.pui chaser civnic Ncaoiiabln Note with approved security, with st from date, payable at First National Bauk in Cuarieiown. DANIEL HEFLEBOWEE. Wm. Anp7.kson. Auctioneer.

January 12.1SS0?ts GUST A "BROWN, Baker and Confectioner, undersigned has made provision? on a Jt errand trait: to meet Che seasonable of the people. 1 have in store a great variety of Fancy Goods superior in quality to any ever before offered in Charlcstown, and at astonishingly low prices. have NOVELTIES TOYS, CONFECTIONERY AND FRUiTS. I would rail attention of mjr to a nico of luditu alio Wax and China Dolls, all sizes Wagons, Sleighs, Doll Carriapea. Chiujigo These CarsmMs nKvsyf on hand, fresh; they are co aitleml the heat in the market, always giving satisfactii n.

PLAIN AND FKKXCIt CANDY. I Isifjre supplr Fancy and Fit nth Mixt ures, all ficsh, to satidfy the dsiuand of young aud old. Raisins, Citron, Currants, FIffsf Nuts, of which I have a large stork, and will sell as low us the lowest. supplied with Christmas Cikcs, any kind O.vstci'K Parties and Families supplied with the best Oysters, by the measure uieo sold by p.ate at my caloon. in the best st? Thinkiujr aj? friends for the geuerous ace they extended tome the prist year, 1 hope to merit it in the future.

Dcc. 2. (Jl'STAV 1JROTVN. 'NO CESSATION i OUR and pub'ie hereby iniorrued tlmt rot a I cioM i nation of our main build tug fie will woik no consatiou in our Furniture Eu iness. We have removed onr stock the building-in tear, on C'nncresa street, ar.d will business there, na before tbe ciccfion of oar new building, until further not ice.

A Iai; STOCK OF NEW mtXHTKE will bo this week, fo which wo invite the alte riion of the public. The UNDKRTAKINU BCSLN'KSS, MANUFAC1UKLS aud HK couducteu as usual. SADLER BRO. Septomber 2. -tf.

J. Ran. llodrick, )C AND AUKNT FCIt C1. OLll jTiKKiitArit 1:1 s. And Manufacturer of Paper.

Paper Bags, and Flour Sacks, No. 30 Liberty Oli Orrfen should be left with J. 23 1S79 I 7 M'bir'entuwD, Va AS III ON A BL 1) KKSS-Ti A K1N (i.T would inform lie of vieinit that ti.oy bave commenced business as Fasl imiabli) Druss-Makers. and will bo ylravcrf to execute all work entrusted to them in tbo and most satisfactory manner. Call at tbr itsli Unto ou turtp'ko.


IDA prepared to do Hair Rt moderate and wrll make Braids. Putfa. CurU. Frizsra, ni rsaictsuce of her Idther, near the Baptist Church, in Cbarlt-atow n. A pri! 1.

"EAR CORN! I want New Crop Ear Corn forCath. Vv Not 25. IS79 LIPPJTT A CO. NOTICE. rpHE Tax Bills fot 1870 are now in rav bands I for collection Prompt is exported.

Ail persona fail to pay tuxes 1877-8 within a Tew dava. arc? notified that tbetr property will be levied and mid to pav thr KUGEKE BAKER, December 2.1879. CORN WANTED. I tlj want Corn in any qusntny at 2.00 per barrel io exchange Jur Hard ware, Tinware, Siore? and other Goods in our line, or in Settlement of accounti. DUKE 3c GALLAHER.

December 9. Ih79. bLTZKH WATER mirt br LIGHT MITCHELL. DrnrpiVa. HAVANA CIGARS and Ci-arely Chew Tohfcrro pold by LIGHT PRIDE of Virginia Sm'kmp e.f?cfr.

by LIGHT Ail i CtiELL. ABBITS SOAP and Bali anld by LIGH I' MITCHELL. 1 ODIDE of Sarpaparilla, (the best Blood Purifier 1 Extant.) sold by LIGHT MITCHELL. T70C cau find Gum Bands for Fruit Jars at 1 LIGHT MITCHELL'S. ALSO Corka for Jara.

Jugs and can be found at LIGHT MITCHELL'S. Sept. 9, 1S79 A FINE stock of Sleign Baskets. Sleigh Bella, Lan Robea and TV bipa. tor sate bv Dec.

2 1S79 HORACE BEALL A CO. large atock of American and English Cutlery. Scissors, on hand at Dec. 2.1 HORACE TRIPPLE PLATED Silver Knives. Forks, Spoem and Moicta.

for hv Dec 2. 1S79. HORACE BEALL A CO. Bracket 6awe. and many other Christmas are to be found at Dec.

2, 1570. HORACE BEALL It MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 1S65. 11170. Fall and Winter.

187R J. GOLDSMITH'S DOUBLE Main Street, Cliailcstown. DEALER IN Parisian Velvets, Dress Goods, Mourning Goods, Clonics, Ribbons, Kid Glores. Dress and Cloak Trimmings, White Goods, Ilousefccejyiitg Goods, Underxcear, Corsets, Embroideries, Gents' Ready-Made Clothing, Jlats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Ifotions. Carpets, Trunks, Satchels, take pleasure to inform our customers of the various additions to our numerous Departments, and would respectfully enumerate some of the different sty les of Goods for oor Fall and Winter trade, to which we are receiving- new additions.

VELVETS. A full line of Lyons and German all shades and qualities. NOVELTIES. Our line of Parisian is complete in every respect, and coaipriifs Satin and Velvet efleets. Brocades.

Stripes. Polka Dot, Faconos, Moires. Pekin Stripe, Black Satin Ducbesse, Black Silk Armurcs and Reps. MOURNING GOODS. Comprising lashmeres, Drap D'Etfl.

ITenrietfa Cloths. Jamrls' Hair. Crepe Cloths. Bombasine, Tamue. Merinos.

Alpacas and Mohairs Cour. tsuld's Crepe, rolled and folded for triinoii ag and purposes. CRESS CCCCS. We have in tbisDdpartment an eleg-ant assorts rnent of PUiu and Fancy Goods to nut ch onr Novelties acd Silks. HANDKERCHIEFS.

end Gents' Hemstitched? TTemmed, Embroidered 3 ordered and Mourning llauderkchicfs. KID GLOVES. Kid loves of the celebrated ma.kcsof Alexander and Malsgram, of which every pair is ted. WRAPS. We nro new designs, and will keep a lull asrortnitnt ol foreign and domn licClt'alii.

and Circulars. Special facilities allorded in our parlors examining and fitting Fine CI aks WHITE GOODS. Our White Goo Is Department comprises fferent fa brier and a re 1 superior fiuisb and at corresponding low TRIMMINGS. This Department consists of Fringes, Ornaments, Buttons.etc. LADIES UNDERWEAR.

In our Underwear par tint we hare Mualin aud Cambric pomis of the beet manufactures only. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Represent a lull lino of Table Daioatke, Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Tiav Coven, Towels, Toweling and ol the best makes. ankets, Comforts, and Flannel in all qualities. CLOTHING.

A full stock of Ueauy a lot hie em bracing Ls irst Irs. a all qua and pr Hats Cats. Boots Smoxs, Kiunifhiko Goons, Notions, Ac in n'tm-st tndjtss variety. A full line of Cahtkts of all kinds. STAMPING done nt ehort notice.

Wo are Agents for the Celebrated Rior. BOO AND Also, for Celluloid Collars and for Ger.tie men. 7. ISin J. shIrley smith.

INVITE mr fr ierds and the pub'ic perersllv to cs 11 at the store room formerly occupied by Mr John L. opposite IVlr. Geo. II. Shoe Store, in Charles town.

where 1 out now rra ty with an iuunestork ol Goods, Sl'GAl'S, COFn.I S. TFAK. TouAct'O, sric syki rs. class. wir.T.n jr a xd WOOHfiY il.t AMI THE FINEST CICAKS MADE.

To my Littik ATincavs I especialfy a I tent ion ol smokers a ho are fund of ftp r. I They are made of the tobacco, enu tell for only Cents. I will trade for all kin Is of Country and for i)ricd CJiorrics in larare lots I will pay one half I hive on czaihttiou in my Show Wiudo? soma of the (ir.cst and I 3VT rv ica now in the marhct. I hop? my fiiende nnrf that I am on tLc rnmt ooIt a portion of (heir custom. I in all me a mil The hisberi market paid for Hwron.

SHI It LEY SMITH. Ortober 1-1. 1K79. Important Notice to RuiUkrs. undersigned la giving his sole attention LEMBER BUSINESS, at Rockingham Comity, Virginia, and has facilities foi titling orders of extent ami Croat ty.

fie forests of timber of very Lest fjiinliiv and millii pacitv to meet the tnus: 6itruvagaut dctuttiidft of this sect.on. Orders lor Lumbor for I exit in siz? and length to meet llio doinanda of JJuilders or filled promptly upon vritb which no other person in the Valley Virginia can compete successfully. The subscriber has in former years poppjt'o very many persons in this section with Lumber, ancf thanks for pant patronage, and in soliciting the ordeiR of old alio new, promises a careful personal that orders may be satisfactorily fill-d. Addieas. H.

MILLER, Roadside. JSockiogliam Nor. 19, 1373-y. FINANCIAL. have a limited amount, of eent.

irold Jefle i sou Count v. West for pale at 90 cents. We recommend tbt oa as a tirst-elava inventinenf. 15. K.

JAMISON 3d and Cheufnut Streets, Philadelphia. J'onnsy 1 S. 1S79? f. THE BEST. MY RAR ia eupplird Ltqaora of every description of the beat quality.

WINES, WniSKIKS, I) HAN DIES, AND Baltimore and Rochester Beer? all of the beat. Will furniab from tfcia snjr place of business, the beat Rochester Deer, at 1 per dozen. FAYETTE B. 60UDKRB, Basement Jefferson Building. Mar 27.

1S79. STOCK SHEEP. HAVE for sale-VX) pood SHEEP, rctnpnied or' Kw? and Wetliers. Tlicy can be till at Flowitit; Springs, and A. B.

Yate? to J. O. YATES. Jun? 24.1?79-tf. NEW PLA3TEB MILL.

HAVING our new Strain PlasterMiSiin fotl operation, we offer a first rate iot of Finely Planter, at tower ratea than haa been sold bere for many years. L1PP1TT CO, IF you to acme of the ture Frtmea you errr saw, caiJ at LIGHT k. MITCHELL'S Drujr Store, Cbarleatowu W. Va. HENEVER jou wart any School Bnoka, call Vt at LIGHT Jc MITCHELL'8 Sept 9,1870.

Drng-Store, Charicstown. EMMA a fine article of Chewing Tobacca; alto fifteau other pood hranda. for by 8 8. DALGJRN. Underwear for eale by July S.


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