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Herald and Tribune from Jonesborough, Tennessee • Page 3

Jonesborough, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tUa icrvice proposed for in tic Acceptod their legal liabilitic Jwill enforced against Sf 4. 'Present and persons, known ni tho Department must, equally with others procure guarantor and cor-tificatcs of their sufficiency substantially in the forms sbovn prcsoribed. The ccr tificato of sufficiency most be signed by a postmaster. 23. In all cases whore the routes nro not fully supplied with the 'necessary locks and pouches is the duty of the postmaster at hctvJ of tho route to.

make requisition en the Contract Office of. this jlopartment fof uttth locks and pouches before 1st July next, provided tHe Outer bo let. (,, JNO, A. Jr. Postmaster General.

C. Wheeler, M. S. Mahoney, Editoiis. THURSDAY, 4, 1873 OUR SPAM5U RELATIONS.

Spain is a marvel of degeneracy. At one time he wielded the sceptre universal supremacy. The oiviluationa of (ireecO and Rome acknowledged her na tinnal magnificence, and to her own grand achievements, she added tho glory of the one and the splendor of other.) plo-mde unchallenged power at home, based on a wise administration of Government and the prosperity anil contentment of the people, her uunuuierable dependencies wore the richost and fairest portions of tho universe. Tina was when the pure and noble Castilian; raee, Tor their fervid patriotism and generous impulses managed Spanish affairs -and guidiid Spanish destiny. Tli'u nobility, under tho corrupting influences of unrestricted power and a continuously plethoric treasury, hssJegeneratol into the ignominious treachery and brutality of the modern Spaniard.

During the last oentory, Spain has com- iniiiOii a series oi u-ivragus, wim uwui uu- funce and aadioity challenging the high, ost admiration of tho heathen nnd savage, I .1.. il IVI HIT Lilian .11 -HIiaiTlB II 1111 an overwhelming remorse ef conieienco to a nation less unserupulous, blood-thirsty and inhuman. the Tresiuoncy of franklin Tierce, she attacked the-com-imrcial niir'nii of tin United States, but that Democratic ruled by a party in the. iuterost system Blavery akin to Spanish vassalage, was too cowardly and impotent to require the reparation which the enortnUjLof the out-fig demanded. s.c Tbe "oeonl intuit to one, flag, whioh is of recont ooenrrence, was the seinuro of Virgimuf In English off the t'uban coast, sailing under American col-ors and with an Amoncih bringing the vessel into port un-j der eondemnation 'of.

filibustering, ex- cuting her captain, crew, and a portion of1 Tier pjssongors were Ainoiican and British subjects, and perpetrating these blood-stirring acts without evn the un-Jikllowed sanction of a farcical court mar- til trial. The maore of Sautiago, for can be called nothing olse, wrought up the bellicose" nature of our people to the highest pitch of excitement and patriotic fervor, Tho acrimonies and bitterness of! -seqtional foaling wero Immediately forgot-ton, and thousands of prfvo men fr6m all fferodT their seiviccs' to the States In response to the 'universal shout and sentiiuonVpf "Ereo Cuba and Revenge," The warsjloud lowered; black and dense with tho, righteous j'Wath and indignation of an outraged people, Cas. felar, and lis heard of preparation ringingln tho" American Navy and knew they had no menM)fswar that eould Successfully jBoniW tiie iron monsters of that would scourge and lay their, seaboatd cities io: xnins, Tbey aaw tlut tleir armies would be drivon from and a free Ropublio bo esUblished, in the "Queen of tfie Antilles" under tho protection of the American The authori'tieo at Washington have regarded tho Yirgiaius, affair with calm consideration, calculating discretion, but with a delay which in the prosoQtgitated and infuriated condition of the public mind, Las provoked a universal censure and indignation Uut finally tho alternative of war or a peaceful reparation was submitted to Spain in tho following mand -First The roloose of tho officers and crew of thei Seoond The retura of 4ho Thirdrvi-litir tho Catulliesof Hho slaughtered Foutth A oatu'to-'rt ho American flag. The only reservation on tie Jar of pain is iu regard to firing a salute; To enable a future investigatiJa Jo ha made the date for this, tbe baluie rhas teon fixed on the 25th of this month i -Christmas." lue American people msy win inquire wny me surrender or me Woody JJurriel, the Spanish officer Jrho directed tho wsaere; and lade-' mandc Cwtelar, and cVuet have aeeedei to throqiuremenU in defiance of the oh that assassinated King Prim rataex tha bward the epnqueoa of a Spain, in her present degradatioa, 1 ihrinxs from bo horror nor docs she calcu- late the enormitf of any wrong flxat will give her Fighting tho Carlists in tho. Federalist H.

Murcia, the insurgents' in Cnba; conroatod'by England and Vndafigernd jtho Casino Espinol, would havn taken'! uj i'the gauntlet and welcomed our aoldkS'ry to the peiiloua e'dgo of tittle, were she not hampared by these ombarrawmenti. We should begraloful to Spaia for the equipment of the expedition that' lod to the discovery of America, that obligation is pot of such a character al to allow her to insult our flag and 'murder our oit-hens with impneity. wllAT TUB PKOrLE SAV Sullivan Spcnks-Jadgcaiilen. the Editura Herald und Tri'jvnt: About seven hundred jtUpuhliCans; asfmany sensible Democrats, over hero in Sullivan. would like to take you by tho hand, and givd it the rhake of a hearty since writing the article in regard to our next candidate for Congress in tho.

First District We wnoerely hope the day of mock conventions' has gene' "where the woodbine and when Republicans of our District, again 'meet in connoilt that the ji'cut and dried" nominations will bo left severely alone. We liko to see jou, geutlomen, of the press speak out it encourages ns to action, and in tbe belief that hereafter there will bo more freodom of thought and expression (ban has teon our'1 wont in our district elections heretofore. We believe, that, to the successful ftVe right to say who k'-all the office-holders belong but ue. don't telieve the office -holders ought to have the full control of saying who shall be. the peoplo's representative.

Sullivan county Republicans do not doserve anything for being Republicans! for like being honest, I think, its every man's duty to he a of Republican 'principles without having anybody thank him for it, but it uuoh'oasior to be a'. Republican in any county 'fn the District than Sullivan fir here there is' a Demooratie 'majority of something like twelve "or thirteen huudred, and then our rebels, despite the tales told4by other folksaro the pr'mcclicst, cleverest fellows in ail the world. Still with our hopetesi minority and Republican fidelity we have not baen highly fa-voied by our loaders, aud of poor cousq-quence in conventions, managed by Sullivan Las out a small figure. Heretofore 'we have had bur chice, but the gag pf party boforq wo hud. hrcathoJ en we foil.

into ranks a straggling mummy but this time we predict the bridle will' not be worn by a band of as true and determinod Republicans as ersr. li'e, uulcis at wilt, that for several elections- passod have in yeal surrpw sec tho ballot box made tho vehicle of arrogant, insolent ambition. Judge Gillcnwatcrs is at this timo the most p'op alar and available man for Congress in the "FirH District." Ho can carry this county by the largest liisjoi ity of any Republicanjin the We intend ho shall. Hal, I Blountville. Dee.

1. 1878. "'h lie lias Friciidly Clilt-tiiat Willi Hie WAsnuiaTfJ, 1 Nov. John S. Mosby, to-day "called on the President, for" the first time since 'the Virginia gubernatorial canvas.

-Ha was received most Cordially by tho President and '-sevl erat merobors of tho cablnot. Ho offered bis korviccSj-in caso of a war with Spain, and the President promised him a coin wand, and said that thero was no Immediate danger, of war but. in ease there should, had porfect conCdonce in the into, Conftidorato soldiers, and intcn ded to give the commissions equally to the soldiers of the tedcral and, Confeder-afearmlosj lie sfoke of the Hoti; Alot: aoder 1L, Stephens most kindly, and Vaa clad that had been Teturned 1o i-i VVjU The pd that in his forth-comiDgJdessage ho ateaed. Jojreoom-mend universal amnesty. olonel jMosby told the President that the was hot Vcondema-tioi of his (Crant's) administration," and that ho was stronger thai ever in that State.

Tho President agreed with him, and was not at all diai(isfiod with the result; Ho expressed himself gratfied at, the 'tone of General Kemper's speeches, and favored Mosbj's policy of reconciliation hotween the adniHnrtration "and; tho white of the The President Vail that as long as he was in office bi holders of ip-olntraenta1 'made 1 throiijh Iosh'V Jn fluenco, should Out he turned out, ho matter who tried lo out" them that intended to appoint to office from tile South eioBf.nvf n'fptthe positions, and that he WjMitOty.lJiuoh gratified at the food reering'm4nifesfb4 by JhoTL'uin ia oonserfatives tpwar'd' acTmiuistra- tion, and was ready respond to it. i ilt ff.r, A QT at a'T' i TENNESSEE, CT" fcl n. tY fhccr -Owirti of K.iwV"fis. Oreene ana cacrai "ai'riistr. Personal.

-J r. liov. J. L. Mann, the Presiding Elder or tbis eirouit has been viMUng his many friends in Jonpsboro, this Mr.

Cheater Allison, formerly tills county, arrived here from Mexico, Moi, on MondnyloTebing's train; bringing with him his three little youngest of whom is only Jven juonths old. In some respects, Mr. Allison has had a sad experience in his new home, much "siok-ness in his fam'ly hut his crowning oois is the loss of his wife who died on the' fth' of Ootohor thro helpless children, on aq Infant, to be oared for. Ha has placed them in the kind hands of his motherland will retura" to Missouri, about tho 1st of N.B, rht-U The person who borrowed myAnthon's Classical Dictionary, two. or throe years ago, if bo does, not thiuVtho tlra of.

possession establishes a legal title to the same, will please return to me, at Herald and Tribune offioo.s 1 1 A. Masi Meeting. The Farmers end Mechanics Clubs will hold, as previously announceda mass meeting at the Soceder's Church, near Leeshurs; on Saturday noxt. large turnout is expp'cted, 0." W. Charlton, of Knoxville, Col Lloyd Bullen, of Greene county, E.

N. Griffith, 'and 8. A. Bovell, of Jonesboro', are expected to make addresses. Washington HLuse Due thing is beyond contradiction, Capt.

Sevier "knows how to keep a Beside his unvarying courtesy and' kindness, the table, ha magnet of at Action and the soaret'lof hotel i bountifully supplied; with every variety of, pro-' visions' that'oau he obtuincd iu our market, aud is prepared in' the uioi-t palat-. able manner. The Washington House is one of the best bostelrics in the country surpassed nowhere, i' 4, ti- Our Scrap Book. 5 We have been favored with the Daveiu-bcr number of this neat aud readable publication. The rcpriut is well selected' etulraomg a variety, of subjects, whilst the original arijolos -ovinco depth and brilliancy of thought 1 Each departuient is worth the subscription price, $1,00 a year.

Address Ilayos ft Mark wood, Jonesboro. Goinj for Rani's Pocket Captain 1 S. United Stales Marshall for the 'Eastern Division of Teni ncssee, has paid out the sum of for witnesses alone, for the term of Court recently closed at Knoxville. About ono-tfrird at leant' ol this amount wat paid to tho witnesses in famous Tho enso-and other pitnaioB fraud trials, The whole expense of the Court amounts lo about $20,000. l-J, i Poet Office Matters.

i In'thO month of Nove'mbor past, olo hundred and- aevonty-nino' Postal Orders were purchased at the'JonOshero' office, covering tho sum of Pcrsous patrouizing the Post Office will do well to obseve the following notice posted onf" the post office" door jjlfter this' date, the office will be open, on Sunday, for delivery of pinil, from to 8 A. ITien positively closod. NoV. 23, 1878. A Rtinawap day didn't pay our friend, Dr.

Eugene Hunter, very He had his huggj smashed into giblets and splinters. doing op to Dr. Gibsou's, on. Lees-burg Weet, he'alighted with his family, and tho horse being very gentle he did not Jake tho precaution of tying up. Tht atiimal bccamV frightened and tore down the street to.

Main, to the Court House, at a furious rate and running shattered the hoggy into eon fused mass of 'epokes, hobs, tied and dnsh-hoard Tlie horse was oninjurod. in People cannot learn. the fact too "Veil that the "noble steed' is vain thing" for Llnt. H. A.

Kellv. We know the many warm and devoted fricftdsiof thiiWbJejoung will rejoice tc learn that his merits, "qualifications and humoess shrewdness hate boen re WPfnaed by the GQvernmetVin marked ana eubstanUat IU uaderwept twq examination? one in the War and the other in the Post OXce Department, tho result of which was so satisfactory as td entitle him to the first vacancy that occurred in either; It occurred in tho Post Office, fetid he was given a first chs clerkship is the Treasury Departmeut of the tuinia, at Washington. Ilenry'is the Very soul o(hcnorI generous to TauU and poa ttfcee to yreMegreehpjoferiiDg qual-Kiel of head and hcajl thaf inako rfie a. If all oni.offioials and employees; ba4 the same scrupulous pp'rcmtion'of the -value and hoaestj.the people of rthe coantry miht deep soundly tpon. their pillows, knowing that thei? affairr were oorrectlj administered: merit as young fr'wad Henry's is always jure to nia tbegfide prii Considerably; Whilst "Uncle" James WhiU, the comedian- of Hawkins, was eating his breakfast the other morning at the Washington House preparatory to leaving on the the honey wag Landed him After helping himselft he banded the dish to tb next man who refused when "these few ljnos" became considerably ruffled and said, "Hav'ut yer rot manners enough to' set down the dish fdr a man who is eat ing against time and the train He was relieved of his troubles at onoe.

A Judicial Fulmination. Judge Smith aunounced last week from the bench that during the time be ha3 been Chancellor, be has had one hundred and sixty-five petitions before him for divorce and has granted one hundred, aud fifty-three of the Ho said thatj ho intended to stop this Chtcngo way of dealing with the marital relation, and no-j tified the members of the bar, that, ia future all divorco jcascs.putsido.T of tho Statute, in which he bad discretionary power, would have to lo made mighty strong before he would thd Gordian tie by his official fiat. A care of this kind was undnrthe consideration of tbo Court, and he remarked "that he would grant (he divorce, a vinculo matfimoni to tho wo-man OBvthe ground as appeared, plainly from the proof that her husband was too trifling and worthless for atiy- woman to love or marry, much less livo with And the decree was entered of record thusly. Carriage Licens v- The lollowing list embraces the lumber and names of persons to whom marriage license were issued by the County Court Clerk during last mouth: William Ililtjn and Angelinff Morgan James W. II.

Smith and Roena Brown Joseph Ilammet and Nancy Armstrong Lsudon Oliver and llen II. Head David Gillis and Margaret Murray, Reuben Drown andlachel Willis Chas; K. Dosser and Catharine E. Neill; William Edwjrds and Emaline Foster, Jacob F. Copp and Mary H.

Walter John J. Ford nd Catharine A. Houston Alfred Jenkins and Elizabeth Pritchett S. A. Rail and Tennessee Keplinger.

A "Jail Delivery.rt -v Last Thursday, Cap. Ho wreOiJil looking through the prison rooms found a a state it I affairs which satUfied him at 0H6 that ono pf female inmates had given birth to a child. Knowing that such a thing wai on the tapis, he called up a colored woman and wanted to know where the child was! Sba stoutly denied the aocusation, when the Captain had the sewer opened and found the placenta Tho jail, creek, and all places where the child would likely bo hid, were thoroughly searchod, but no discovery was made." 'How the child was disposed of remains a mystery up to this time, but ail tue circumstances point out a well grounded suspfctbnTbe' woman jjs'coti-i fined in jail on the-charge of assaulting Mr. A Dill worth with intenC 5 to "rob which occurred last summer; I- -n The Good Work Still Going On. Last Tuesday twd Vecks ago traoted meeting began at the old Baptist Cluirch, on abd is still in pro- gress, Under the tnrelaxing energy of Rev.

NViljan Baxter's the interest i deepening and 'spreading every 3Iany penitents are crowding the "anxfons scat," and the preaching' night jLVj.L'-'' 1: anu uay is aimuuou uy iargo crowua, commodious edifice often "crowded to r- plCtton. rj 4:, J'OId Cherokei Mecting-housc," as it is familiarly known, is one of tho oldest churches west of i tho Alleghanies, being uuiu somciiuio iu me latter pan oi last century. i- A revival of religion, we understand, is now progressing at Pleasmt Hill, M. Church, on Horse Creok, llovs. E.'d J. Ttagcr are conduct ing the meeting. On last Saturday night wero ten professions and twenty persons at tho al'ar of prayer, 'We have recently noticed numerous accounts of revivals in different parts of the Brevities. tiamt vourt next week. 1 The oorn crop is Tnuoh larger than the farmer expected.

xi vj, i Ihe weather for the past Tow days has been mild and summer like. -j Whoat is remarkably odvanded ia growth for the' time dt the Luttrell Boyd have a splendid line of Cigars, Smoking and Chewing cos, t. i Back-bones, spare-ribs and sailsaga are all thel'go'- aowIhc market is glutted i The dogs In this town are an intolerable nuisaneoT' us have a little monicipal legislation" to snpprees. the canine sere -UuDtrr folk! to Luttrell Boyd's for something good io'satcfy'' tho Churches noldinir Uniou Prayi i tbiweesvtwour pie auspices of the Evangelical-'Alliance The hoyaengaged in the "grand os) Thursday last submitted iheir as good boy a small sum, ti our fiaiO-ii Several 'wagousp lotulcdl Vith 'applcji, from NorthCaroliua appeared" on our streets 9 (he laet. few days.

They were of excellent, quality and readily commanded JO perh v'shel. The Spauish war woitement has "played but this had no effect on tho largo lot of 8taple and Fancy Groceries kept by Lnttrell Boyd and sold cheap for cash and produce. Cards are out for tbe marriage of. Mr. A.Shlplby and Uts Jda'nie R.

Shipley, which will bo solemnised this ereninj at the residsnoe of the bride's father. Card wore also distributed ynsterday for the reception to-morrow evening, at Nathan Shipley's, Esq. A largo number sre in? vited and gy times may be anticipated. Thankpglvlng was 'generally observed. Business generally suspended, and the services at tho various churches were attended by food congregation, a Wo hear of no "big'dinners nor indignation meetings among the Gobler tribo over the slaughter of their brethren.

The arrangements; iu the Circuit Court room, Jiave.been considerably of late, and for the better. A cago has boen built for the Cltrk, which gives the 'old hall somewhat the appearance of a small sited menagorie. This information is for the bonefit of the small boys who may be called in to to draw the juries. Boys, when you look into this strange enclosuie remember tho gorilla is 11 a humbng. Another insufferable buisanoe, which wo hope soon to see abated, is the large number of juveniles, white and black, that throng the railroad platform "on the arrival of every train, and by their yelling and scuffling," annoy and 'Incommode persons getting off and 'on' tl cars, There is a positive ordinanco cgainstit, and wb hope.

tie Town -Marshal will restrict the operations ef these street Modocs to "the narrow compass of the calaboose, and keep tbsm there until (heir paronls pay the fine and take them but. This ill stop Cpunty Court We are indebted to our urbane and obliging County, J. F. Grisboiri for the following report of the proceedings of his court on last Monday, 'a 'L Daniel Crcwhy, Chairman presented a bill of $41.00 for -grave ditrging during tho cholera; Rejeoted by hiusuce Committee, Tb 0 of E. riflith 'Sheriff, and I.

A. Branscom, Revenue Colleotor, were accepted by the County Court of being amjjly sufficient, $30,00 jail fees allowed Capt. J. J. Howron.

-V. 7,00 allowed to A. J. Klepper, aud to; George Copp, as' Itiver fj om-uiissioners. 7 a -i $20.00 allowed to Chairman C.

W. Meek, and fSjOfrv to Telford for attendingMO county" businesr at Knoxville. Delilah T. Keplinger, S. A.

Ball, case parties procured marriage license at midnight of Monday and we guess tho' case is continued iu-definitely by this time. 1 William M. Bayleav was appointed Administrator of -the estate of John JI. Stevens, doe'd aud gave the required bond. xr Catharine Hunt; give bond as the Gunrdiiin' of the tninor hoirj of Ueorire deed.C- Joshua Boreing, gave loud us Guardian of.

minor heirs of mid deceased II. II. Ruble, was appointed Administer of the estate of John West, doe'd, with the privilege of giving bond out of Chancery Court "Besidq hUmerdus orders, continuances, ka tho following business was transacted by this Court, last, week: McBurnoy I). Taylor, jijdgiiijut $2,503 58 for Alexander," et- al." Vs. Joslali Alexander.

Report iu'oanablo of confirma tion. U. Ii, llluir appointed spoc'ul; cenimtssioner to make roport. Sarah Cay wood vs. Kiohnrd Cay wood.

Complainant dismisses bill and pays- the II; Huffmn; et." al, vs," Payne. Death of A. P. Huffman suggested and admitted. Commissioners reappointed to partition tho Alford Wyatt vs.

Lncinda Complainant's hill dismissed for failure to prosecute with judgment tfor.eost8 against him," C. J. Gilliam' R.X' Gilliam. Caso stricken froui the docket" and judgment against complainant aud Sureties for COSt, 'j Ti VAArBrojles, adm'r. Cox, et.

Special commissioner to make re- port to the next terra." "i Catharine Brock well ts." John Brock-welL Complainant's bill dismissod and jndgroent for costs' against her and 'sure- ties- Cornelius Pate vs. Nancy Pate. Stricken from tho docket and complainant pay the v- KaUiff i Howard vs. Jx. A.

ah Judgment for agaiust John Uflfchcs, in faror of. B.r. Swingle, Clerk Master. v. David Profit, et.

al vs. Coli Rhea. Codeolidated -oases. Judrment against 9, lUiao lor one-ouru 01 ttis oosts and sgfcuwt DaViaProffitToj1 W.K Blair, etral. va.

Samuel Ai IJIA-Mtn fef Plamlifj agalnsl W.3Jradley it i John T. King, executor: ts JH, M. Rose, et 1. --A- -real of land or-dore -r" r-'s-? Ships. Chud 4 Shannon.

Bill ditmissed and aempLiRaDt pays costs. Calvin Hossr eteeutar 4-3 re. H. et. al.

Pt.ire rivd. John Bayless vs. Barteo Tayla5s, et al. Deeree revived.

Melviua Humphreys vs. N. P. Chedis-tcf, ct. al.

auao revived. Love vs. D. A. Bigg, et." al.

Sale confirmed and defendant pay tha cost. Bjwen Overlmngh v.v A. Eawes. Sato of land dooreod for the benefit of G. Ford i.

J. G. Wilder, ct. al. Cross bill dismissed and complainant pays Coo.

P. Faw, ct. at. vs. E.

Cox, et. uJguient against M. Shipley and W. B. Bowman.

Lctitia liarding vs. Natlian Shipley, adm'r, Recovery for 00. Sarah J. Ingle vs. Joel Inglo.

Divorce granted and complainant pays costs. John Allison, jr. Guardian, vs. W. J.

S. Denton, Appeal to Supremo Bird Brown vs. H. Campbell, et, al. Report ordered.

Mary C. Jenkins vj! "Alfred Jenkins. Suit abated and defendant pays the cost. Jjawrenfe Bowers yn, Mark Penny Geo. Faw pointed receiver.

''j Jesse Xtont'vs. Hunt. Commissioner appointed aud report, ordered. v- i aL Appealed to the Supromo Gideon, et. ol, v.

J. 'Jauie, a'-miniktratora. Distribution (idored. The Clerk and Master reported $15 00 State Revenuo and $712.71) costs in his hands. 1)1 On Sunday night last, Ictweon iho hours of 12 and 1, of 'pelvic abcess, LnU'WittUMs, daughter f' Joseph WiHiims aud sistor of Mrs, Dr.

E. L. Deaderick. The deceased was interred in the town cemetery on, Tuesday evening.1 On Saturday morning, November 22d, Mr. Joun WtST.

if this lounty, died of congestion of tho brain, iu tho Insane Asylum, at ashvilhv His remains reached home en the evening of last Saturday sod VfOro 'interred in tLnj old Salem Washington College cemetery r. For ioiiia time the deceased labored uudei great mental derangement and excitement, aud he was reoontly placed in the' Hospital for the Insane that ho 'might recover tr im his unfortunate ailment.1 Bit; death' won freed his from tha that weighed it dowu and finally oiushed His friends and relatives have our sinceio condolence. a )-y -LOUAL, It has long been the study of mnilical mru Jo prepare a remedy vhiuh. would act directly upon 1 the liver and Li )od and at tho Mine time tint ileinnjre the stMaeh wftli large doses of neaulwus compouiids'nr poisonous niinerals." Such a tncdeeiiic has at been discovered in Dr. Harts Vegctahjo, Blood and Liver causciiio pain.y They 'contain 110 They act directly upon the liver with wonderful offoct.

"i Cocisuiuttiou rositlvrly Curetl. Gi.onE Fj-nwER Covdji Svitv.ii docs cure iGolds, Cough, Uroilehitls. Asthma, onfnniption. all and Spitting of lMood, irnirMrcngthcns-nnd builds up the svtcm to a healthy cphdi-tio 1. Tho Globlo Flowir Cou-h has been tested iu thrcQ thousand cases of Consumption, in whith it cuied.

ucaily every eaKe. This rare ood dolightful remedy is tho active principle obtained by chsiiiical pi-ocess from the Globo Flower, known alo al "Button Boot." and in Botany us'" Cffhnhtnthus It cures when til other boasted remedies i'- U. has cure! hundreds of. peo ple wun bio Mving to-iiay, wuu oniy. one remaining' lung.

Ouo bottle provq its great efficacy. For Ssile -ty nil drogi gist. Price, cne dolhrr per bottle. 'kj 9 rm. i Atfaclimcni Noticic.

6. Cljildr jss, as Of J. Uai-lirri from in' IJ114 cause, that the defendant A. V. l'ankliii is justly to the olid remofca from this State.

original Attachment having been lovltu on' Ms property; It. Is hereby ordered that publi. hiioii ixHiiHitont lualU'i'itUi nnd I rilinnc. a newspaper published 111 the town jonesjioro', ir mur successive, iiotifyln A. Hanklti to' appear before me nt my nief 1n- tfie a Mvl Dirtrk-t of Washington th Uny; or July 174, artd make defnife to said suit, orlt ij ilt hir with rijwto.

1'lns hr 23lh day of NovvnOier J'' Jas. MJ WiLi.t A'kri, for Washington County, Tcnn' dcclw4if? Attachment Notice. 0. 'ChiUlress, ns Ageiit of C'hedostcri v. -XV appeal ing froiii lir'lhis eouse thut th Uelendant A.

Katikln, Is justly Indebted to, thn pluitilil)', aud has removedfrom the Htnte, an original Attaeliincnt having been levied oil propertyr It Is hereby ordered hsf; pnbll. cation be made In tbr Hembl and Tribune a newspaper "pifbllshed in tho town of Jonesboro' for J'our ueemive vveeksi uotifyliiK siild A. V. lUiikln, to appear before me at my "olBce in (tie Civil Iistriet of Washington, Ooun(y on.tlie 10th day of July make rkfeiisO to snld suit, nrttVlU be with, ejnarte. 20tH day of Xorembrr --it rs -Sii.

M. AvVi.t.iAJis,' J. p. W'acbliigton t'ountr. Tenn.

tlec-lw4pff v' UNITED 8TATB.S INTKBNAL REVEXIE, Collcctor'e OfJlce, IsfJ Iiistriet a.CTCTWTIOJl IT MAY-OXUEKy 11 NOTICE is. ntw'oj' given that thorH Is now ia ban ef the VoUe ctor tin Ulstrkt tbe fiillawlng descrthed for: violation? of ih Internal Kevcmier Lawf of the United states. la: One(l) Copper StUl. (S bags of iial. vtii4 la tscrler Comity on tho Suth day of 'October.

Is73, aa tbe property or Henry C. Smltlu ou ow. therefore. theAboya. uouied party, or c4imant is notilied appear at this office on or bfor iih day Of Jamiry 1SJ4, and enterhia claim htherrro, wtiy the same Miall not be eonflscated and sold, as made scd rreMCed by faid IsHreal Riveni JOHN" K.

MII.LEi?. Collector. To My Customers 1 am rompellell ttihnte all dvbt owing rne, and If not palif, bctoro the Ui ot January 1 will benmhr the, necessity Pf placing ipT accounts lil tHe hand of an oftlcer tor collection, 1 am thankful for your liberal patronago, desire ft lu future but must hsve all that Is vwWJ nic lmiiu-dlntelr. No person eteepted, .0, F. nov204t ManhoouTlPJwTolv f-ffn Jimt PbHled, a.

new 'edition rbrntra tMiy outho rod icoJw St-EhMA TORRita'A or Seminal Weakupas, JivoU uutary Scmlml Losses, mpotkncy. Mental and rhysieal Incapacity. Imp, diluents, to Marriage, etc; also Conhvmp-TtON. KPlLErsr and Fits, Induced by self Indulgence or sexual extravagance! jQr Price, in a Sealed envelope, ouly cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable ssnr, rleariy demonatNites from a thirty yt-ars si.ccessful that tho alarming coiisoqtieucAH ofse)f-tiuf may be radically eilrVd wit hout the dnngeroue use of Internal nledlMne br the application of the knife pointing out A mmle of cure at once simple, certain, and by means 'or which every lulfc reri no matter What his condition iniy (be.inwe-.rura himself cheaply, vaJioeWyv IKST This lectun should be in tho hands ol every youth and every.

man In tho land. r- -1' seal, In a plain envelope to a iy address, pojfpatrf on receipt ct sIk ceuts. or two postiirn stamps; Addrens the Publishers: t'MAS. Js V. KI.I.N'R 12T New Yo-rk, l'ost-Offic Hux, oct23tf.

Cushing's IManual- of. KACTICK. Kulosof proceidliigand drhato lu do-liberal ivo assemblies. A liicll-pcuaablo hand-book for ruembVr oT i delt-berntlvu body, and the authority la all 'Tbe most authoritative eJftiO'uider of Anicricau parliamentary C'bas. Trice, 63 cents.

Sent hr-ri on' re-eeipt of price. Address THOMPSON, ItUOVVX y- To-meet the iirjreYit demand h'f tba timeM tlie aKM'iXO Vi havo determined to REDUCE PRICES. and will hereafter i-ir their 7() Machine lor $5'), and other styles in propo.tloii; THE ELOREN0E Is tho OXLv Sowing Machine that feeds the work buck ward nnd forward, or to right autf left, as purchaser limy prefer. It has btteu greatly IMTKOVKD aNI StMrUFtEU; nnd Is far bolter than any other machine in tho market. -lTiH Kovvnii.vcjrFAf'Esr i 1, 73.

Agents 1 6 Rich Farming Lands! FOU HWX VKRY CIIEAPl Tho best Investment I Xo'FlHCtallous" Alwavs Iinprovlns: in Value The Wealth of tho Country Is made b'r the Advance lu Heai Ksfate -NOWTHR TIME Million of artres of the flnest lands on tho Continent, li AWTKRN' NkuhaSKA, now loi sale many of ihvtn never fore in he hiarket-nt prices that DUTY COMFfiTrriOJJ." ti-f Five nml Ten Years Givou, with t-t-. liiUruBt t.i yee Ceiit, r. 1 The Laud Grant liuuds of Mm Coni'p'anv taken al pnr for lauds. They xmujr be purchnsml tit a large discount. feiT 1' nil particulurs given, new Guide vtith nen- mailed tree, by addressing F.

DAVIS. a -r, Land Commissioner, U. P. 5" i I k. OMA UA Ji KD, 4lQiS day gimraiHecd to 10 Address O.

M. SULLIVAN li.1t.,.iJaJtlinori, ifd, e-, EIRESIDE SukseSfok HUN" mmld by ri-L'ilJJ A AT WQOl', pioduces the largest light. Can bo nued on any out oil lamp. For sale by all huup dealers. T)sYci! a yy on 8 t.

CJlAUMINtVi Ho either tx, may fuseinote and gain the love and at' feetloos of any ocrsou the choose. In stantly. This simple nu nta! acquirement all can posuW, free, by mail, for 33 cents; logewicr wirn, a uuiap," Egvp-tiau Oracle. Di-eaniai Mints, to Ladle. A queer btok.

IiHl.OO, lojd.r. Address T. uiViAil Publisher, I'hU'a. TV VlHllill -Koj'swanted towll ourFieneh and Amertean Jewelvi Books. Oitmns, their own" locirlltlcsi lo mapltsl needwf.

Cutaloifne; Terms; sent free. 1. 0. VIUKLKY Augusta, -r Inyigoratqi A purely Vegetable Calliai'tV a'nd'TwIe, for Oou'selpation. Debilitv, SieklleadtieUe, Bilious.

all nerangementi of I.tvee, Stomaah and Ask vour IJj Uggt't for it, i fie-ware. of iiuilailont, H. Guggcnheimeri'Jf. WHOIaAlli DEALER, Slruw Gbottsland Ld A'o. 295 W.

Baltimore Street 1 BAf, J'lMQ tli Jitne'Jfiyl. -i 4 1 I. K.ltEEVEff, 1 -VftM. REEVES DOSSER ho at Genera; 9 ollectors of Jenieabrtf', Tenn. -r IU jU'auttte.

iu All tiic Courts' ojsppcr Last it the Supreme and Federal CouvUoiloioxUle. R. tER ana sueoeon 1 Tr -1'For: 6iBi; in Uv C(rl JOXF.ZBOKCVGII, TEWtfC axgll.

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