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The Herald Republican from Dowagiac, Michigan • Page 3

Dowagiac, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tke Ctoestead LawATko are its Eaemieat Hon. Q. A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, made one of the best speeches ever de Hrered ia Congress, or out of it, in de fense of the policy of "Free Homes for Free men," on Wednesday of last vreek. It is a subject that he has carefully ex amined and one in which he has taken a deep interest for many years.

As an introduction to the discussion of the main proposition, he gives an historical sketch of our Public Land system, which shows a good deal of research, aud is at once interesting and valuable. From this sketch it appears that the Federal Government, by cessions from the original States, and by the purchase of Louisiana, Florida, California, New Mexico, and Utah, has acquired, exclu sive of water, 1,450,000,000 acres of public land. Of these, there have been sold 147,088,274 acres; while there have been granted and donated to individ nals, companies, corporations, and States, 241,770,052 acres. -This leaves undisposed of, and now in the possession of the National Government, one thousand and sixty-one one hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and seventy-five acres, (1,061,141,675.) Mr. Grow then proceeds to show, which he does with a heartiness that shows that his whole soul is absorbed in it, that their vast domain could be dedicated to no more worthy object than in furnishing homes for the honest, rthard-working yeomanry of the country.

-And then states why this wise and hu mane policy has not long since become law. He says "Three times, within seven years, a bill has passed this House, and been defeated each time by the uemocrauc majority in me senate. On the vote on the homestead bill in the House, last Congress, out of" one hundred and thirty Democrats, but thirty-one voted for it; and in the Sen ate, on the test vote between taking up the homestead bill, after it had passed the House, and only required the vote of the Senate to make it a law, so far a Congress was concerned, or to take up the bill for the purchase of Cuba, but one Democrat voted lor the home stead, and only six at any time; while every Republican in the Senate, and every one in the House, with a single exception, was for the homestead. Of all the Representatives of the Slave States, but three in the House voted for it; and but two, at any time, in the So the Democratic party, as ra party, arrayed itself in opposition to this beneficient policy. The Republican party, on the other hand, is com mitted to this measure by its votes in Congress, by its resolves in State Con ventions, and by its devotion to the great central idea of its existence the rights and interests of free labor." Let the people, and especially the laboring masses, whose support the Sham.

Democracy wont to covet, contemplate this calm but most potent statement of the case! La Grange Caucus The La Grange Republican Cancus met pursuant to previous notice and organized by choosing C. Shanahan, Chairman and W. W. Peck, Secretary. On motion, the following gentlemen were chosen Delegates to the County Convention on the 19th inst: Gideon S.

Wilbur, Wm Seares, J. J. Van Riper, Geo. Harter, J. Harper, J.

O. Beeson, C. W. Clisbee, W. W.

JewelL A. Earl, James S. I. A. Shingledecker, H.

Spaulding, A. Garwood, as. Kelsey, S. F. Anderson, Z.

Jarvis, V. VVhiteman, J. Lofland, W. Shanafelt, Fenn. On motion, a Republican Club was organized by choosing the following oflicers President.

J. Harper. 1st Vice President. A. Garwood.

2d G. S. Wilbur. 3d I. A.

Shingle- decker. Secretary. O. W. Clisbee.

Treasurer. W. W. Peck. Executive Committee.

J. J. Van iRiper, E. H. Spaulding, J.

G. Beeson, W. Sears, Jas. Kelsey, J. Lofland, John flain, Jr.

motion, Resolved, that the pro- -ceedings of this meeting be published iin the Cass County Republican. C. SHANAHANt Chairman. W. Peck, Secretary.

Cassapolis, March 10th, 1860. The LnttE Dodger. Douglas has liit upon a new plan, whereby to make friends at the South. Some time since Mr. Lincoln'made a speech in Cincin nati, proving that the "small giant" was An enemy to the North.

The speech was a powerful one, and created serious apprehension in the minds of Mr. Douglas1 friends. But he, nothing 'daunted, set to work and had a large "number of copies, of the speech printed, which he franked to voters in the Southern States. content with ihis, he has followed them with 300,000 copies of bis Sedition Law Speech, in which the allegations of Lincoln are Admitted by Douglas himself. This is certainly a epth to which no other modern politician has stooped.

Statk Prisox at Michigan City. The Chicago Journal learns on good authority that the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of Indiana 4 1 VS VI 1 1 JJUJV Vl new State Prison in the Northern part of the State, have determined to locate the institution at Michigan City, and the Governor hasapproVed the selection A pite comprising one hundred situated, has been.offered to the Cotrrjiooers for Douglas' Reply to No sooner had Gov. Seward pronounced the last word of his great and masterly speech in the Senate than the little demagogue from Illinois, smarting under the crushing and overwhelming exposure which the great orator had made of the acts and purposes of the pro-slavery Democracy, and especially of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, popped up and commenced one of his characteristic harangues in reply. It must have" been rude shock to the solemn stillness and emotion of that greit audience after such an effort as that to which they had just listened. But it was a time for Douglas to show his zeal to do service for the South by rudely and coarsly attacking the great champion of the North and of Freedom.

This pretended reply of Douglas to Gov. Seward is entirely characteristic of the man and recalls the occasion when in times past he has played the same part for Slavery by barking at Gov. Seward, Gov. Chase and Charles Sumner. He has now fully returned to his first works.

Gov. Seward never, in all his speech, spoke his name or alluded to him personally in any manner; but Douglas must needs his expec torate his vile slang upon him. It would be gross nonsense to dignify what he said by calling it an argument. Gov. Seward did wisely to pay no at tention to it, although Mr.

Trumbull could not resist the temptation to impale the little juggler alive on the hooks of his own logic, which he did most admirably. Nothing more is needed to show that Douglas is a traitor to the North and to liberty than his almost findish chuckle which he cast into Gov. Seward's face over the fact, as he claimed it, that the shoemakers of New England were starving in consequence of the withdrawal of Southern orders. He in this way fairly leered out his contempt for Northern labor and his sympathy for bouthern blavery. National Horse Association.

We learn from the Kalamazoo Telegraph, that the annual meeting of the aiocKiioiaers ot this association was held at the Court House, in Kalamazoo on thursday last. The following officers were elected President. Hon. Chas. E.

Stuart. Secretary. Geo." F. Kidder. Treasurer.

Wm. G. Pattison. Directors. G.H.

Gale, John Parker, B. M. Austin, J. K. Ward, E.

O. Hum phrey, E. L. Goodndge, Jas. Henry.

The officers were authorized to offer five thousaad dollars in Premiums for the Third Exhibition, which is to take place Sept. 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th. New Advertisements. LOST! -N Saturday, March 9th, 1860, between 1 vUlaee of" Dowatnac aud Kinerkade's the Saw Mill, A WENTY-FIVE DOLLAR NOTE, dated March 11th. 1560.

in favor of William Jenkins and drawn by JoLn Curtiss. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at T. J. Martin's uaruer rnop. uiiuji

Dowagiac, March lith, 1S60. GUMMII1S. SFaMAK A GO. HAVING become proprietors of the Stock of Goods recently owuey by Wm. wiu continue to sen gooas at me oia siana, lor CASH OR READY PAY, As cheap as they can be bought at anv store in Dowagiac.

The stock comprises everything usually kept in a first Class RETAIL STORE. WILLIAM CARLLV, Agent. Dowagiac, March 10th, 1860. 1ST I All persons indebted to me, either by Note or Book account, are hereby requested to call and settle the same immediately, and thereby save cost. ILLIAM CAKLIN.

Dowagiac, March 10th, 1860. IVIORTCrAGI? SALE. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain indenture of Mortgage, made, executed, acknowledged and delivered by Alanson S. Bacon to Noah Gould, bearing date November 19, 1857 and recorded the 9th day of April, 1859, in the office ot the Register of Deeds for the County of Cass, in the State of Michigan, in Book II of Mortirases. on Daees 45ft and 457 and which.

said Mortgage was duly assigned on the 9th day of npi ii, icwj, ui iu uuum iuuuncey Crippin. for a valuable consideration, which ini'd assignment was duly recorded on the 9th day of siuu apwi, looa in saia uioer or xook oi on pages 457 and 453. and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted for the recovery of mc ucu sccurcu oy saia or any part thereof, or on the note executed therewith, and there being claimed as due on said Mortgage at this date, the sum of 012.50. Therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a nower of sale contained in said mortgage, and in pursuance of oi tne statute in such case made and provided, said mortgage will be by sale at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder of the premises therein described, (or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of this notice, with interest, and the costs and expenses allowed by law,) which sale will take place on Tuesday, the 7th day of June next, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, at the front door of the Cass County Court House, in Michigan, the said mortgaged premises intended to be sold as above, and to be affected by this foreclosure, being 'that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Cass and State of Michigan, and known and described as follows, to wit Village lot number one hundred and ninety-seven (197), in Patrick Hamilton's Addition to the village of Dowagiac," in said County and State. CHACNCEY CRIPPIN, Assignee.

S. X. Gaxtt, Attorney. Dated, Dowagiac, March 15, 1860. marl5-47wl3 PROBATE ORDER.

STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Cass. ss. At a session of the Prohat Conrt for the County of Cass, holden at the Probate Office, in Cassapolis, on Monday the twellth day of March, in the rear one thousand eight hundred and sixty. Present Clifford Shanahan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of Patrick O'Callahan.

deceased. On reading and filling the petition duly verified, of Svlvador T. Read, pravinr for nroof of will of said deceased. Thereuoon it is ordered, that Saturday, the seventh day of April next, at ten o'clock 'in the forenoon, be assigned for the bearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested ia said estate, are reauired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in Cassapolis, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estate, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof; by causing a copy of this order to be put lished in the Cass County Republican, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Cass, for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing.

C. SHANAHAN; -tA cpy.l Judge of probate. March 13,185 ov. rasrrhl5-47w8 Dowagiac Prices Current. COKRXCTKD TOUT.

RirUBiiCAf Offick, 1 March 15, 1860. Flour $5.00 $6.00 per bbl. for Red for White. Coax 85c. Oats 30c per bushel.

Potatoes 30 35c per bushel. Be ass $1.75 per bushel. Hams 10 12c. per pound. Butter 15 16c.

per pound. Chickens 7c per lb. Tcbkets 8c. per fi. Chebsb 10.

11c. per pound. Lard 12Jc. per pound. Ixdiax per" cwt Hides green, 5c.

5c. per lb. Hides dry, 11c. 12c. per fi.

Pelts 75c $1.00 each'. Apples Dried, 7 8c per lb. Eggs 9c per dozen. Salt fine, $2.00 per coarse, 20c per sack. NOTICE.

The Township Board, for Wayne Township will meet at the Town Clerk's Office in said Township, on the 27th for the purpose of auditing accounts. A. HUNTINGTON, Clerk. VOTERS TAKE NOTICE. The Board of Registration for the Township of Wayne, will meet at the Wiggins School House, in said Township, on Saturday, the 31st day of March, inst, at 9 o'clock A.

for the purpose of completing the Registration cf electors in and for said Township. A. HUNTINGTON, Clerk. Dated, March NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Registration for the Township of Silver Creek, will meet at the American Hotel, in said Township, on Saturday the 31st day of March, A.

1860, for the purpose of completing the list of Registration of Electors for and in said Township. HENRY MICHAEL, Township Clerk. Dated at the Clerk's Office, this 7th day of March A. 1860. 2H1A.SONIC.

The regular meetings of Dowagiac Lodge, No. 10, F. and A. are held at their Hall on the first Saturday before full moon of every month. P.

D. BECKWITH, W. M. S. Bowmca, Sec'y.

I. O. O. The regular meetings of Dowagiac Lodge No. 57, 1.

O. O. are held at 'AKi' their Hall on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Transient brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. R.

WATSON, N. G. It. F. Vaxvleab, Sec'T.

Jlichiran Central Railroad. PASSENGER TRAINS on the Michigan Central Railroad, on and after Monday, November 14th, will leave Dowagiac as follows 1 RAINS EASTWARD. Day Express, 10:20 A. M. Night Express, 11:20 P.

M. TRAINS WESTWARD. Day Express, -Night Express, -Sunday, Night Express, 5:40 P. M. 5:40 A.

M. 2:25 A. M. There will be a Passenger Car attached to the Wuy Freight between Marshall and Niks every other day going east Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs west Tuesdays, Thufsda and Saturdays. ft.

N. RICE. Gen'l. Siiyt. THE BEXEFA UTOR OF HIS RA CE.QZ THE GREAT UEALER OF MANKIND! Ilerrick's Sugar Coated Pills THE WHOLE WORLD UNITED! Sick People, Thi.vk! After Which, Act.

You'd scarce expect, at this late day, With startling cures a book to fill; "This is the case, the million say, With the cures of Herrick's PilL They come from East, and North, and West, Aud with glad tidings the papers fill. Because they are the cheapest, safest, best, And superior to others is Uerrick's PilL From Root, and Plants, and Flowers they're made; They always cure they never kill; Thousands now in their graves were laid, Were it not for Uerrick's Pill. Each Pill with sugar is coated o'er A rare discovery of matchless skill; Their like was never seen before. Until it appeared in Uerrick's PilL For years he's worked to heal the With joy elate his bosom fills For tens of thousands now rejoice At the magic Powers of Herrick's Tills. t3T- HERRICK'S MATCHLESS VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS have inundated the world with their popularity.

Over five million boxes are used annually, giving employment to eighty-five men and women to put them up. Their cures are numbered by thousands. their praises on the tongues of alL "Citizens of Dowagiac and elsewhere, have you ever used them? Put np in English, Spanish, German and French directioos. Large family boxes, 25 cents. Five boxes for $1.

Sold everywhere. bee advertisement on 3d page. Palmer Brother's, Traveling Agt's. Ia Press and will be Published March 17. NEW WORK By the Distinguished American Authoress, Mrs.


With an Autobiography-of the Author. MRS. EMMA D. E. N.

SOUTHWORTH. Author of "The Lost Heiress," "Deserted Wife," "Missing linde," "India," ire Victory," "Retribution." "Curse of Clifton," "Yivia," "The Three Beauties," "Lady of the Isle," etc Complete in one large duodecimo volume, neatly bound in clotn, tor Uue Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents or in two volumes, paper cover, for One Dollar. The Publishers take great pleasure in being able to present to the American public another new and cnarming work by tne popular American Autno- resss, Mrs. tmraa v. b.

JN. Soutnworth. rne is excelled by no living female writer in the world. Her style is free from insiniditv on the one hand and bombast on the other; and though we meet wim lurciDie, we are never startiea win mnaiea language. Her characters are rarely under, but never overdrawn.

Her scenes are life pictures, her incidents founded on facts, and her sentiments are characterized by a singular purity both of conception and expression. She has the rare faculty of saying what she means, and of saving it in such a manner as that her meaning- cannot be misinterpreted. In short, she possesses in an eminent degree those qualifications which are the peculiar prerogatives of a good writer; while she delights the reader's imagination with her descriptive beauty, she applies home truths to their understanding with the foree of rniinnal The "Haunted Homestead" has been pronounced by those who have read the proof-sheets, to be her best work. This is sufficient to commend it to perusal, and we anticipate for it great popularity. For sale by all Booksellers.

Copies of either of th work, will be sent to any nart of the United States, fret of vostaae. on remitting the price of the edition they may wish, to the publishers, in a letter. Published and for Sale at the Publishing Estab lishment of T. B. PETERSON 4 BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut Philadelphia.

FAEII FOB SALE. I NOW offer for sale, that valuable Farm, formerly owned by Justus Gage, containing ninety-tire acres, fifty acres of which is in a good state of cultivation, and a large bearing Orchard of various kinds of Fruit, good House and Barn with other out buildings. The above will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. For further particulars, inquire of the proprietor on the premises in Wayne. instil Hveb 8th, 1660.

r.mareb9-45m r. HAIHtlBWAJHtlE -'FOR .0 ASH. GRAVES BENEDICTS CASH CIRCULAR. Subject to Changes In the Market. TO BUILDERS: Cut Nails, made from Iron Mountain Lake Superior Iron, 39 keg 3 60 Cut Nails, -Glass, 8 10, box, -Glass, 9 12, 9 13, 9 14, 9 15, 10 12, 10 16, box, Eave Trough, made from heavy Charcoal Tin, foot, Rim and Mortice Locks, com plete with knob, screws and escutcheons, from 25c to Wrot Barn Door Hinges, Orders taken for Lime.

TO FARMERS: Single Shovel Plows, (Steel) Double Three Uaker Plow, 4 25 2 50 00 00 50 50 50 (Mishwaka Pattern) 6 00 Curtiss (Adjusting Beam) 6 00 Curtiss Iron Beam Plow, complete with clevis, wheel fc colter 9 00 Cradles, Morgan Rattler, with C. S. Scythe, 3 25 Turkey Wing Cradles, with cast steel Scythes, 3 00 Revolving Horse Rakes, 4 50 Harrow teeth, ft, 6 Cast Steel IJoes, 25 Cast Steel Hay Knives, best quality 1 00 Grind Stones, ft, Cast Iron Sugar Kettles, (6 pail) 1 75 (I barrel) 3 00 Cutting Boxes, 4 50 Manilla Rope, warranted pure, ft, 12 Corn Sheller, with Separator, best in use, 12 00 Steel Cultivator Teeth, with bolts and washer, 50 Best Silver Steel Scythes, 1 00 TO BLACKSMITHS: Best American Tin Iron ft, 3 Round and Square Iron, ft, 4 Band and Stake Iron, ft, 4 Round Iron, ft, 4 Oval and Oval Iron, ft, 4 Peru Horse Shoe Iron, ft, 4 Best Quality Nail Rods, ft, 7 weed's ft, 5 Plow Steel, ft, 1 Double and Single Shovel Plow Moulds, cut to pattern, 8 Naylor's Sanderson's Cast Steel, ft, .18 Steel Seat Springs, heavy, I inch per pair, 2 12 Steel -Seat Springs, heavy, 1 inch per pair, 2 25 Best Quality Wagon Springs, per ft, Best Quality Sulkey Springs, per pair, Co wing's Thimble Skeins, 2 6k, sett, Best Quality Thimble Skeins, 3 11, weighing 100 fts to the sett, English Vices, c) ft, American Solid Box Vices ft, 10 1 90 00 10 13 Peter Wright's Best Quality Wrought Iron English Anvils, 3p ft, American Anvils, ft, Butcher's Horse Rasps, TO HOUSEKEEPERS: 8 inch Elevated Oven Stoves, Larsje Oven, burning 25 12 8 CO inch wood, Complete with Furniture, 8 inch Square Stove with Extended Oven, burning 25 inch wood, Complete with Furniture, 15 00 15 00 16 6 Quart Milk Pans, made from Heavy Charcoal Tin, Window Cornaces from 50c to 4 TO SAW MILL MEN: 00 Cast Steel Muley Saws, 7 feet, by 12 inches, Cast Steel alley Saws, 7 feet by 12 inches, Newmeyer Graff's Axes, warranted, Newmeyer Graff's Axes, warranted box, Cast Steel Hook Tooth Cross Cut Saws, per foot, Butcher's Mill Files, 14 inches, 12 00 13 00 1 00 10 50 65 50 18 Hemp Packing, ft, TO CARPENTERS: Spear Jackson's Hand Panel Saws, 26 inch, 1 75 Greenfield Tool Company's Planes, sett, 3 50 Wrot Iron Bench Screws, in. 1 00 TO COOPERS: Cooper's Jointers, per pair, 2 00 Tress Hoops, best quality, sett, 2 50 Hoop Knives, 75 Hollowing, Backing Stave Knives, 87 SUNDRIES: Shot, bag, 1 90 Bird Cages, from 62 Jc to 4 00 Revolving Pitcher Spout Pumps, warranted the'best in use, 3 00 Best Oak Well Buckets, 62 Shaved Pine Shingles, warranted, per White Wood Shingles, warranted, per Pine Sash, all sizes. Our entire Stock of Hard Ware and Cutlery, Stoves and Tin, Iron and Steel which we intend to keep lull and complets we will sell proportionately low for t'aA or Ready Pay.

Vie would call especial attention to our Tin Roofing. -We are prepared to make Contracts at the lowe st price, we employ none but the most experienced workmen. wouki can me aneminn oi wooa unopners to our MLSUAWAKA PATTERN of AXES, these I Axes are manufactured expressly for ns by one of the oldest Manufacturers in the United, States. We warrant them in every respect, at $1.00 or $10.50 box. None genuine unless stamped Graves enedict.

We would also invite the attention of Saw Mill owners, to our CAST STEEL MULLEY SAWS, which are manufactured expressly for us after our own patternout of the best refined Cast Steel, and warranted in every respect, (7 feet bv $12. Job Work of ail kinds done on snort notice. IW Particular attention paid to changing Fluid and other Lamps to burn Kerosene OiL tnighest Market Price paid for Old Iron, Rags, Copper, Brass, Brittania, Beeswax, kc, The Citizens of Northern Indiana Cass, Van Buren, and Berrien Counties are respectfully invited to call and examine onr Stock, and mark the difference between Cask and Time Prices. GRAVES BENEDICT Corner Front and Main Street, Beeson's Block, Nilea, Michigan. Jfilesj February lt 1850.

B6pl5-21vJ GREAT BARGAINS F1 SH At the IVew Srick tore of G. C. JONES DOWAGIAO. THE undersigned want to sell leading styles ol Goods as folllows: 100 pieces Madder Prints, from Ho 9 cts" ner yard 100 9 toilets 10 bales heavy Sheetings from 8 to 9 cts. per yard 4 bales Denims from 12 to 15 cts.

per yard. Bleached and Brown Sneetings, at almost Manufactures prices. Fifty Pieces Lawns, Fast colors, and in beautiful pattern's; from 10 to 15 cents per yard. BERAGES, GINGHAMS, CHALLEES, 7 C1IAMBERGES, White and Colored Brilliants, Black and Figured Silks, And other Dress Goods at astonishingly low Prices. The ladies will do well to examine these Goods before purchasing.

"White Gdoas In almost every variety, style and pattern. Ready Hade Clothing, in larger stock und at Lower Prices than ever before. FORTY ROLLS OF CARPETS, Including a great variety of paiterns Ingrain, three Ply and Tapestry Brussels. Also, Stair Carpets- of both wool and cotton. We are also Agents for the sale of Oil Cloth Carpets, at manufacturers' prices 1 Ve are confident we can sell to all who want goods in this line.

SUGARS, TEAS, AND SYRUPS, Ten hhds. of Brown Sugar, from 8 to 9 cents per pound. Twenty bbls. White Sugar from 10 to 12) cents. Twenty Sacks Rio Coffee, at 12) cents.

Ten sacks extra Rio Coffee, at 15 cents. 25 Chests of Tea, From 3 to 6 shillings per pound. We will engage to save every one who buy Teas of us from FIVE TO TEN CEStS per pound. 10 Tierces of the Best Syrup Ever offered in this County, for only 65 cents per gallon. We solicit close cash buyers to price our Groceries.

Finally, we have almost everything belonging to our line of Trade, which we must sell at all hazards to make room for our FALL We commenced selling Goods for Cash on the 4th day of last September. Quite a large number of our friends told ns we could not sell enough to earn our salt. Well let us see In Ausrust, 1853, we bought in New York, $15,000. The last of October we bought in Boston, 5,000. Durin the winter, in Detroit and Chicago, to fill up, 1,000.

March, 1859, we purchased in Boston, (ordered,) 2,000. April 1S59, in Xew York and Boston, 12,000. Total purchase for eight months. Does this look as though anything can be done with CAS U. I We mean by the 4th day of next September our sales snail reacn Forty Thousand Dollars.

Last fall we advised the people to stop making debts. We know a great many took our advice. How do you like it? We shall be glad to see at our Counter all our old Friends and the rest of mankind," especially if they want any thing in our line. G. C.

JONES CO. Dowagiac. May. 12. 1S53.

mvli-Syl FRESH ARRIVAL. The Last and Greatest HUMBUG! BOOTS SHOES, Bought for Cash in New York, and sold in Dowagiac for LESS THAN COST. J. H. SMITH, At the old stand of 51.

S. Cobb, sign of the Big Boot is now opening one of tne largest and best stocks of Boots, shoes Leather Findings Erer brought into this market embracing an endless variety of every thing in the Boot and Shoe line, and which, he wishes it distinctly understood, will be sold for less than the same cost in New York. Call and see. The Manufacturing Department will continue under the direction of M. S.

OB B. J. II. SMITH. sep29-23tf Dowagiac, Sept.

29th. 1859. MATTER FOR 1QSQ. I SHALL keep for sale for the coming year, the following popular and interesting periodicals: WEEKLIES. MONTHLIES.

New York Ledger, New York Mercury, Harper's Wttlhf, Flag our I ion. JIarper't Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Godey'g Lady' Boot, Lelie Family Mmjuzine JUwtrattd I Rallou's lXtllar Monthly jyew jorjc wtuy, Gleanon's Pictorial, Waetrlv Magazine. mom lay jovtteue, Knickerbocker, 1 Yankee Xotiont, Xbk JTojs, I ISudget of Fun. Xew lork tribune, Police Gazette. New York Picayune, Porter' Spirit, Scientific American, LesiW Illustrated News, Ihe Home Journal.

To persons payinz a year in advance. I will make a liberal deduction from the usual rates. I would suggest to mv friends the propriety of their taking Papers and Magazines at my store instead of sending to distant points for them. For in buying of me you are sure to get all the Numbers complete. You do not run the risk of sending money by mail.

You save your postage. Aud last but not least, December 23d, 1S59. BEIO'VAL J. H. SMITH HAS REMOVED HIS Boot and Shoe Store To his New Building, adjoining WM.

CARLI5S STOKE. Dowagiac. February 2. 1S00. Sewing Machines.

CORNELL New Improved two i thread $35 40 SEWING MACHINES are kept for sale by the Subscriber. Euquire at the Stora of Tuthill Stunris. MRS. W. R.

STURGIS. I)0agiae, Jan. 26, 1860. jan25-40tf NOW READY. The Prince of the House of David The Prince of the House of David 'The Prince of the House of David I Bj the Rey.

3. H. ISGRAttAM, LL.D. A new and revised edition, with the author's latest corrections. One volume, cloth, 472 pages.

Price 1.25. Published by GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. DER FURST AUSDAVID'S IIAUSE A literal translation In German of the PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID.

One volume, 12mol, cloth, 475 pages. Price $1.00. Verlag von GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.


D. One volume, 12mo.f cloth, 600 pages Price $1.23. Published by GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

RECORDS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Containing THE MILITARY AND FINANCIAL CORRES PONDENCE OF DISTINGUISHED OFFICERS: General Orders or Wasuungtos, Leb Names of the Officers and Privates, with the Dates of their Commissions and Enlistments, with a list of Distinguished Prisoners of War; the time of their Captures, Exchange, to which is added the Half-pay Acts of the Continental Congress the Revolutionary Pension Laws and a list of the Officers of the Continental Army, who acquired the right to Half-pay, Commutation, Land Warrants, etc. By W. T. R. SAFFEtL, Counsellor Agent for Revolution by Claims.

One volume, cloth, 554 pages. Price $1.25. T. S. Arthur's Popular Books.

True Riches. Home Scenes. Golden Grains. The Martyr Wife. Sparing to Spend.

Tales of Real Life. The Old Man's Bride. The Way to Prosper. The Withered Heart. Tales of Married Life.

Steps Toward Heaven. What can Woman do? Tales of Domestic Life. Good Time Coming. Anzel and the Demon. Three Eras in Womau's Life.

Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Anzel of the Household The Hand but not the Heart. Heart Histories and Life Pictures. The Trials of a House keeper. Leaves from the Book of Human Life.

"In the union of thrillinff dramatic incidents. with moral lessons of the highest importance, these works of Arthur stand forth pre-eminent amongst modern authors." "They have been introduced into the District. Sabbath School, and various other Libraries throughout the country." Each of the above Books contain nearly 500 paires. and are illustrated with finely executed Mezzotint engravings, and handsomely bound in one 12mo. volume.

Price $1.00 each. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN PRESTIDIGITEUR, Author. Magician, Artist, Sobckher, Wizard, Necbomaxcer. coxjcrer.

e.vchaxter, Ambassador, Escamotecr, Professor of Sleight of Haxd, etc. Written by Himself, Edited by DR. R. SUELTON MACKENZIE, With a Copious Index, carefully arran'je. Bound in one vol.

cloth, 4lti pages. Price $1. NATIONAL LIBRARY. lives" OF Heroes, Hunters and Patriots. Life of Col.

Crockett. Life of Lewis Wetzf.l. Life of Coloxel Daxiel Booxe. Lives of Gexerals Lee axd scmpter. Life of Gex'l Savcel Hocstox.

Lives of Southern Heroes axd Patriots. Public Private Life of Daniel Webster. Each of the above books are illustrated with fine engravings, and bound iu one volume, cloth: Price $1.00. LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND NATIONS, Including the Empress Joseph iue. Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc, Anne Boleyn, Charlotte Corday, Semiramis, Zeuobia, Boadicse, etc.

Edited by MART E. HEWITT, Embellished with finely engraved Portraits on Steel One vol. cloth, S3 pages. Price $1.25. LECTURES forlhe PEOPLE, By the Rev.

HCGn STOWELL BROWN, of the Myrtle Street Baptist Chapel. Liverpool, England. Firct Serits. With a Biographical Introduction by Dr. R.

SUELTON MACKENZIE. Published under a special arrangement with the author. One vol. cloth. 414 pages.

Price $1.00: Upon remittance of the price of the Book and 21 cents additional for postage, copies of either of the above books accompanied with a handsome present, worth from 50 cents to 100 dollars will be mailed to any person in the United States. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Containing the most complete list of books in every department of Literature ever published, and which will be sent gratis to any person. sending their address! To insure vrotriptne and honorable dtalina. send all your orders for books to GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, Originator of the Gift Book Business, No.

439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. And you will be satisfied that it is Vie hext place in i ne country to purcnase JSoOks. fS" SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENTS. G. G.

EVANS, having purchased the stereotype plates, copyrights, of the Prixce of the IIocsk of Davih," "Pillar or Fire," would call the attention of agents to these truly valuable Works. THE "PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID," is one of the most popular and best selling books ever published. Over 180.000 copies have been sold, and it bids fair to out-rival the Pilgrim's Progress," or any other similar work. THE PILLAR OF FIRE." by the same author. Is now meeting with a ranid sah ov -r copies hare been sold siiice its publication, and as a companion to the "Prince of the Horse of David," everv reader of that bonk should rurchnse a copv.

"THE RECORDS OF TnE REVOLUTIONARY WAR," is a book of great Interest, and gives a vast amount of information relative to the Soldiers of the Revolution, and is an inviihtHble bdok of reference for the desceiidents of its lleres and all who are interested in Pension Claims, Land Warrants, etc The most Liberal Ixuccexknts are offered to Acexts, and unou addressing the publisher every information will be given. SEND. FOR A CATALOGUE. Address GEORGE G. EVANS, PUBLISHER, No.

439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EXCHANGE HOTEL bv a. bake, Jr. SlI th! DTrrr 1 VOWAGIAC, MICH. Baggage carried to and from the cars free of charge.

General Stage Office at this Hoilse. Board, per day. Meals, 25 cents. Cheaper Than Ever; AM anxious to close out the balance of mr JL present Stock of WALL PAPER, WINDOW Sill A lPi J- in. mul.u 1 wviu lur a large and varieu iKuruiieiit ui me game Class of goods which will be on early next sprins.

And for this purpose I have put my paper down to prices just A. N. ALWABD- I Dowapac, November Fd, 1859. 1 AJLBAKTf -WMLsb'bi Ml IB mm ESTABLISHED HERRICK'S SUGAR COATED TILLS. dfeTCHILDREN CRY FOR rrHIS remarkable American remedy is carrying JL tne world by storm.

Over five miliionsoi ih-es are sold annually. pntirelv of Flow ers, Roots, Balsams and extracts; their cdTec-1 on tha human system is pleasant, satisfactory and suc-aessful. directly on the blood, glands. olids and fluids of the body, their use is attended witu the app.est eflect. in sudden attacts oi urease one or two scs always cures.

In old standing cuw a of skkness, a nail doses repeated frequently so cleai se the system, that good health is the result. No change iu employment or diet ia necessary. They never cause sore mouths swelled joints, aching limbs, as do many other kinds, fhey are warranted to give satisfaction, or the price will be refunded. They are considered cheaper, safer, prettier, and in ail respects superior to any purgative pill in the world j3fThe discovery of coating a pill with sugar emanated with Or. Hcrrick.

All others are counterfeits, and ii used, will do harm, and disappoint the sick. Uerrick's pills are elegantly put up, 30 in a box, with large sheet of directions, and sell for 23 cents per box; 5 boxes for 1. Uerrick's Kid Strengthening Plasters. THE GREAT STRENGTHENER ANV PAIN VLSI ROY ER. Tr Best axd Cheapest HorsEHOLO Remxdt a the world.

These renowned Plasters cure pains, weakness and distress in the back, sides and breast, in five hours. Indeed, so certain are they to do this, that the proprietor warrants them. Spread from resins, balsams and" gums, on beautiful aid leather, ren-lera them peculiarly adapted to the wants of-Fetnales and others. Their application is univcr-sal equally to the strongman, the delicate woman, md the feeble infant. To each and all they will prove a balm and a blessing.

Their use is agreeable and without annoyance or trouble. Each Plaster will wear from one to four months, and in rheumatic complaints, Spraitis and bruises, frequently eff-ct cures when all other remedies fail. Full directions will be found on the back of each, i'ublic speakers, vocalists; ministers of the gospel, aud others, will strengthen their lungs and im-'rive thir voices by wearing them on their breast. Price 18J cents. DR.

CASTLE'S MAGNOLIA CATAUKK SNUFF. This Snuff possesses unsurpassed virtues in the cure of diseases of the Eves, Ears and Head. Persons thus afflicted should lose no time in using this remedy, which experience has proved superior to any reinedy known. In inflammation of the yes, deafness, ringing sounds in the bead, resembling the whizzing of steam, or distant waterfalls, catarrh, discharge of matter from the hose, eats, kc, are cured frequently by the use of a single 25 cent box. Public speakers, singers, will improve their voices by its occasional use, and afterwards become advocates for it.

In ordinary colds in ilie head, attended with irritation of the mucous membrane, a few pinches will afford relief in twenty minutes. Persons afflicted with deafness of years standing, have been cured by its use, and none so situated should neglect trying it. Druggists and merchants, have the snuff for sale, and will supply those who desire it, at 'lb ecnts a box. Full directions will be found on the box. Manufactured from vegetable ingredients, of the most soothing and healing qualities its use aiways gives satisfaction.

NEVER KNOiVN TO FAIL. Owners of Horses and Cattle look to yaor inter ests Used with immense success for ten years at the Union Course Lond Island. Harvell's Condition Powders. Hkrbick Broth bb have Durchased at rvant expense the original receipt for making Dr. liar- veils Condition Powder, wincli nave been identi fied with all the fast and blood homes in the United States.

A cut of two Trotting Horses, will invariably be found on each paper or package of Ilarvcll'a Condition Powders, which have xever bee kxowx to fail. These Powders are put iip in large packages, accompanied with full directions bow to administer them, and sold for 25 cents per pack- e. Warranted under a penalty of to excel in goodness, Cheapness aud utility any other horsa remedy in the world: The above articles are sold by all the dealers Dowairiac and bv Druggists throughout the United States. Canads and South America, at wholesale by all large Uruggists in the principal cities. nERRICK BROTHER, Practical Chevists, Albany, N.

T. Palmer Brother's. Traveling At's. myl2-3yl WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES, PENS, PENS, PENS JEWELRY, JLWELRV, JfcUfcLKY. CLOCKS.

CI)CKS, CLOCKS. RUGG'S. For sale cheaper than the cheapest at CASH, WOOL WHEAT WAITED AT Tan Rilicr's Mills. LA GRANGE (formerly Whitmaarille, CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Wf' unkrigned engaged in the roanufac-f ture of Wodien Goods, For Fanners use, are now prepared with a heuvj stock for the Fall and WjnU-r trade.

We have a large supply orheavy CLOTHS, CASSIMERKS, JEANS FLANNELS, On baud to which we invite the attention of Farmers and all who wish a substantial, article for clothinr. Also, a large lot STOCKING YARN, which for durability and tv of thread can not be surpassed. Our gods will be iold at the very lowest figure for CASH or in exchange for Wbbl br Wheat', For which the hig est market price will be givtn: Farmers who have not left their WkA uh ns to be manufactured, but hate sold it will find it to their advantage to give us a call. G. A J.

J. VAN TilPBR. La Graiiire, Angut lMh. l.V.. auglS-17tf CENTER MARKET SANDERS DICKINSON announce to the citizens of Iowaiac nd, vicinitv.

that thev have become nerma- peuilv located in their KciT Jleat Market, 0n' throat OiHce. wheW their customers can always on finding every thing the ah ape of rnttit. nun ally kept in a first class no pains will ije spared in procuring the bust quality of meats. tT" Cash paid for fat stock aud all kinds of country produce: i SANDERS DiCKlNSOff. Dowairiuc, bee.

Si'tJi, lSjtf. LADIKS! IrOU CSn aU ays find a go. assortment of ft Ittur anil note Curds Ac ALWAKirs MM)K-ST(K fOLU PENS Ilie Luigei BEST aort. vX.cier.t town, at RUGG'S.

1 1 III TP (Th T7TVT rTPi OVr ft.

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