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The Cincinnati Daily Star from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 3

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY STAK mini INK i IN ORDKKTO ACCOMMODATE KA3TE11N ADVEMTSEKS1N THIS ST Alt, Ml. E. DUN-CAN HN1FFEN, NO. 72 ASTOR HOUSE, NEW ToltK CITY, has been appointed our general and paclal Agent for the Eastern States. This will hs a branch offioe ot the St ab, Mr.

sulireti being authorized to make adTertiBlntr contraction our be half, and receipt all collections therefor In our name COVINGTON. Eighteen onsen ot small-pox in the city. 'Squire J. 13. Kwan is confined to his bed with smail-pox.

H. V. Whittaker, is at Maysvllle, owing to the fatal illness of his brother, Mr. Ezra Whittuker. Select reading at Shinkle Chapel, Tuesday night, under the ausploes ot the Ladies' Aid Society.

Sixty-six signers to the pledge were obtained last night at the temperance meeting at Career's liall. Mrs. Caleb Matlick had tbree fingers of her right band mashed yesterday by a window-sash tailing on them. Base-ball at the Star grcmds to-morrow albstnoon, and Tlboalte' Minstrels at Odd-rtfcilows' Hall to-morrow night. Alius Lizzie Uravus, twelve years old, had her tmgh broken last evening by bi-iog thrown out ot a bu-gy on Eleventh street.

A reward of $300 has been offered for the arrest ol Lee Morton, the man who is accused ol murderiug Martin Brand, ol this city, aud who escaped from Falmouth Jail a few weeks ago. Police Court. Tbos. Garvin, drunk, fi; Usury Hiiiuuek, disorderly, Unas. Btowe, alias "Kid," same charge, 13; Henry Rbluock, drunk and disorderly, continued; (Jhas.

Stowe, same, $lt) aud costs. Jesse "Wlllet, a colored boy, escaped from the Falmouth jail Wednesday evening and was caught last evening at bis tinole's residence, about tbree miles Iroiu Falmouth. Jesse makes the fourth man that has escaped iu the past lour weeks. The damage suit of "William Lambert ugaiust Pat. Douually was dismissed by 'squire Mauson yesterday.

Douually's dug bit Lambert's wife, and Lambert tued lor $00 damages aud to compe. Donnelly to kill the dog. The result ol the suit was, Dounally killed the dog aud paid the uosts. Joe Hernies, the hot-beaded individual from the Filth, Ward, ought to dine on ice during the suuimur mouths aud have a reli'igerator placed around him ami bis seat in Council. When his fiery and melodious voice floats out on the evening breezj it reminds one ol a prompter at a lunatic dance.

CITY COUNCIL Mr. Vincent Shinkle -was elected to serve as Director ol the Covington Bridge. Salaries to the amount ol 1,511 63 were allowed, also claims amounting to $4,603 13. tsla.uis from the (Jhiof and Sergeant ol Police of Loudon, Canada, lor a share of the six-hundred- lollar reward lor the arrest of Smith N. Dawes, were referred to the Committee on Law.

A petition from too hucksters and buluhei asking that peddlers ot meats and vegetables no subjected to a special license, to be tixod by the Committee ou Markets, was relerred to lhat Committee. Adjourned. NEWPORT. The First National Hunk has Increased its capital stock 160,000. The Post-office was removed last night to the other sloe ot tbe street.

In the City Court this morning Win. Coffin was fined $10 aud costs lor being drunk and disorderly. Tbe entertainment at the Stadt Theater Sunday night will be tor the benefit ol Robert Ku si. An election for tbree Directors of tbe Newport Coviugton Bridge will be held in the couucil Chamber on Monday next. Mayor Berry and the members of the City Council have accepted an invitation to attend the races at Chester Park juu June 'J.

The case ol 'Squire Doff, charged with being drunk auu disorderly, came up in the City Court this morning and was again postponed, this time Indefinitely. The morning session of tbe Chancery Court was occupied iu arguing a motion to have the suit ot the Cincinnati Bridge Company against tbe Louisville Cincinnati Short-line Railroad Company transferred to the Court of Chancery at Louisville. No deoislon bad been rendered up to the time of closing our report. Mr. Moses Dart says he lays no claim to a tract ol land iu Missouri, as be disposed of it many years age; that be never lound the neighborhood in which be lived so hot ou account of his sympathy with the South; that he was obliged to leave for the reason, as be says, that he never sympathized with the Southern cause, but ou tbe contrary was always a strong Union man.

This knocks the sensation out of that item in the Commercial and Gazette of this morning, higher than a kite. 1A VTOS. Y. Next Tuesday evening a strawberry festival and entertainment will be given 'by and lor the Presbyterian Church. Arrangements have been made for a pleasant occasion.

Capt. Pete MoArthur is home on a Tlsil irom the Black R.ver, where he is doing a good business with his boat. Tne captain looks as though the lower country agrees with bim. To-night at Moeller's Hall the Excel sior Club gives a first-class entertain ment, tor the benefit of Councilman Jas. Darris, who, by the way, is getting along aumirauiy unuer tne treatment oi nr.

B. Scboolfield. Tbe cast in "Meg's Diversion" is a strong one, auu tueir kind efforts lu behalf ot a disabled aud worthy man should meet with the compliment of an ove flowing house. Everybody go and enjoy a pleasant evening, aud at tbe same time manifest your ap preciation of the Club and the gentle man lor wuom too entertainment given. LEXINGTON, KY.

Nothing but ridiug tuese afternoons Nicholasville is organizing a brass baud. Mr. Joseph Garrison, ol St. Louis, is in me city. Mr.

Fuller's case was dismissed on Wednesday. Rev. Robert Christie is on his way borne irom iowa. Tbe Phoenix and St. Nicholas have raised their rates to 60.

Tbe editor of tbe Press has become a Judge Judge of a boat race. Brown Prlnoe only ran filth for the Derby on Wednesday in England. Mies Rose Sbryook, of this olty, has gour) la vbit menus in ueorgetowu, There have been nine additions to tbe Christian Church in Nicholasville the last few days. Mr. Robert P.

Pepper, of Frankfort, sold on We inesday sixteen bead oi flne stock St $3 OBJ. Mr. Bam. clay lei for Now York on Thursday on business, and Will be gouflf several months. Gilbert H.

King bas gottsn borne front the South, where be has beeu sojourning tor some mouths. Tbe horse that ran away down Broadway Wednesday did not hurt any one, but did play hob with the buvgy. A special train will run from hero to Louisville on Sunday morning for those who wish to attend the cerebration of the Pope's Jubilee. Many of oar boys, they sty, were left standing on the platform at Louisville on Tuesday. Tbsy were coming from i he races, but could not get farther.

Tuey were dead broke LUDLOW. KY. The school tax is 22 cents on the $100, previous reports being incorrect. We understand that Mr. Ferry, the present efficient Master Mechanic of the Railroad, Is the same that assisted in building and took the lamous silver-mounted locomotive to the Vienna Exposition, where, after taking the first premium lor locomotives, he had the uonor of running tbe beautiful engine to Paris, France, where she was sold.

Suoh mechanical skill is a specimen ol that which the Trustees only engage on the road. No wonder the new Directors and those favored with a ride over the greatrail way say it's the finest new road in the oountry. The festival at the Presbyterian Church last evening was a delightful affair, as well as a financial suocess. How oould it be otherwise, when given under the immediate supervision of the following named lady members of the congregation: Mrs. Heury Barr, Mrs.

James Nixon, Mrs. A. B. Clausen, Mrs. John Bogart, Mrs.

Prof. Sterns and the amiable wile of tbe Pastor Rev. Steires, all vieing to make their guests happy; a task which thev performed to the satis-taction of all! Mr. William Rlgou proved turn. ell a capital auctioueer.

Tbe refreshments were abundant, and of the mot palatable kind, tne ice cream of Boro Bros, deserving special mention. Regular meeting of Council last evening, Mr. Urace iu the chair. Mr. Plummet- arraigned tbe Law Committee lor uelayiug to lorce the City Collector to settle up his arrears with the oity.

Mr. Nixon pleaded lenity, and was in favor ol giving the "old. man a chance." The committee appointed to investigate the conduct or Marshal Turner presented an ordinance reducing that officer's salary to tbe sum of $1 per month, which was read aud referred to the Law Com mittee. Mr. Plummer offered a resolu tion that the incnmlug taxes be collected lu two- Installments, aslullows: One-half when due, and the remainder three months tberealter Mr.

Plummer spoke strongly in favor ol his resolution as being a necessity these ii aid times, while Mr. Nixon denied any sucn ueo oitv, and the chair nut a twp to any lurlher discussion on tne subject oy declaring the resolution outot order. EATON. Q. The second uuveut'ol J.

E. Lessley, the artist, of your city- was hailed with delight yesterday, as it settles the ques tion oi rsmouuuz iue uuy asm r. L. was introduced to Mr. Clayton by Major Van Ausdall, member ot Council as the party who was to do the carpenter work under Mr.

Lessley's super vision. A verv successful surgical operation was performed here ou Thursday last by Proiessors uawson anu urr, oi your city, assisted by the entire proieSBlou Katun, bv taking a tumor Irom the wile of our fellow-citizen, Mr. Morris Sturm. Tbe solid substanoe weighed seven pouuds aud three-quarters, wulch tbe Michael Brothers uuve at their drug store. This, togetner with the liquid portion, weighed over loriy pouuus.

Miss Ella Huston's rendition of "Lady Audlev" at the Ball last week was capital Hue is a chaiming young lady, and bas a fine conception oi the character; and, none the less so, Miss i.oia Alexander or Miss Lou. Freeman, tne former as "Alicia Audrey," aud the latter as 'Phoebe Marks," in their uu divided efforts more than their many friends and admirers. Miss Mat- tie Eson as "Betsy Baker," alid Miss Sue Stephens as "Mrs. Anastatia Houser," inure than brought down tbe bouse. HAMILTON.

The oity Is unusually dull and dusty at present. Mr. James Gilmore, o( Eaton, was in the city yesterday. High School commencement exercises will be held Juno i. An election for two Justices of the Peaoe for Hamilton township comes oft to-day.

Col. Campbell severely injured his riitbt wrist yesterday while at work with a chisel. Quite a number of Hamiltonians were in attendance at iue musical estivai a Monroe yesterday. Yesterday the jury heard the evidence and testimony in tbe case ol Chas. Kiei Iv against the city, in which $1,500 is claimed as damages lor injuries sus taiued by the upsetting of a carriage caused by a gravel pile in one of tbe public streets.

CAMP DENNISON. Old Camp Dennison or the New Grand Valley, Is about to be Indefinitely ex tended by the sale of lots in tbe Mun son's subdivision, on Monday next Nelson Walton Invite mechanics to spend a gala-day with them on nex Mondav. but the invitation is lor all who have money to invest in a rapidly rising settlement. A conjurer recently ordered an En glisb tailor to make bim a dress coat but when It was sent home It did not suit bim. Tbe tailor offered to make any alterations that might be suggested but could not obtain tbe coat, aud final ly was loroed to sue the oonjurer.

The defense urged that the cloth bad been furnished by the conjurer and spoiled by tne tatior; mat tue coat would not meet in iront, aud that it was beyond be power of any mortal tailor to effect this frontal union; and that in order to perform his proiessioual du ties as a conjurer it was necessary that bis coal should button in front. The conjurer put on tbe ooat in court, and lot it din uot button in irom. iue tailor in rebuttal, maintained lhat a dress coat for evening wear should not button iu Iront. I-' cried the Judge udgment tor the detendaut. The tailor shall bare his ooat and the conjurer his bill ol damages on the materials." St.

the tailor, who sued for $6, had to pay tue conjurer 10 a very neat trick ior Justice to play. Tugboat Burned. National Associated Press to the Star. Nkw June 1. The tugboat Uainiil was burned iu Long is.

aud Sound Wednesday night. The crew took to tbe small bouts and were nicked up, L0M SPORTING NEWS. Base-bull. The Crncimsatis ile.eited the St. Louis Brown Stockings yesterday alter-noon by a score of l'J to 7.

Nichols, Tricky V'ok," was baited lor seven earned runs, ten single base-hits, two doubles aud a bome-ru 11, Jones was A 1I in I I no nei 01 iue uay lie iu i ii runs and made tbree more himself. Iu tbe sixth inning Jones knocked the ball down to the-tsuoe, among Ike hacks, aud made a home-run. Double plays were made by Hallinau and Gould in tbe second inning, aud Manning aud the above two another in tbe seventh. Tbe following will give an Insight Into tbe game: Innings 14 5 4 18 0. 4 0 8 3 St.

Louis. 0 0 2 0 o-i 0 1 Umpire Robert Crsudull. Time of game 2 hours and 35 minutes. Jtn ii earned Clncmuaiis St. Louts 2.

Fust base oa errors of opponents Cineln- natis tit. Louis 6. called halls On Matthews 16, on Nichols 22. Strikes culled Off Mathews 24, off Nichols 23. Wild pitches-Mathews 1.

Passed balls-Booth 1, Clapp 1. Fl ics caught- inuatis til, tit. Louis 13-( Flies missed Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 1.

Bases ou called balls Pike 1, Jones It Mc- Qeary 1, Deblman 1. struct out rune i Wild throws-Manning 1. Booth Doigan Clapp 1. Two-Dane nits liootn Mauuiug aicuois Duhluian 1. Home runs Jones 1.

Three-base bits Dorran 1. Total bases on clean hits Cincinnati is. St. Louis 18. Heachsd nrst base Cincinnatis 19, bL Louis Lofton bases- Cincinnatis 4.

St. Louis 5 Douinc niavs-llallinan and Uould Man ning, llalimau and Oould 1. rue same clubs will play to-morrow afternoon. There will be a same on toe Cincin nati's grounds Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, between tbe amateur ciuos, tne Mohawk Brown Stockings and tue White Stocklugs. At Other Ppints.

National Associated Press to tne Star. Boiton Bostons 8, Stars of Syracuse Hartford, Cone Hartforus 5, Athlet ics 2. Manchester, N. H. TeoumsehB 3, Mau Chester 0.

Cambridge City, Ind. Cambridge City i'J, llagerstowu a. Rochester, N.Y. Buckeyes of Colum bus, liooheeters 11. Louisville.

Ky. The Louievillea won the game with the Chioagos 3 to 1 Pittsburg Allegheuys 2, Indianapolis o. uauie called at tue euu oi tue tun thirteenth inning to enable the Indian apolis men to catch tbe train. The Turf. Toronto, Juue At Woodbine Park, yesterday, tbe first race was for the 2:40 class, and was well contested the first heat was won by Caraotacus; Eddie, second Boyle, third.

The second heat was won oy uray iduie AvenUe Boy. second: Boyle, third. Tbe third neat was won by Boyie: uray rsa die. seoond: Aveuue Boy. third.

Tue lourtu beat was won oy uray Boyle, second; Sir Harry, third. The Huh heat aad race was won. by Urray Kdnie. Time: 2:41, 2:40, 2:40. The three-minute trot was won by Palmer in turee straight heats, rime 2:47 lu Ltie ruuiiiuu race tor uominion-Drea horses, one and a quarter mile dash, four horses started, auu tne raoe was won by OolcBnch; Mara tune, second; May c.

third. Time: 2:14. The hurdle race, two miles, over eight huruies, was won oy uray ciouu; uaus man, second. It. New Tore, June 1 The match for the Billiard Championship of America the Delaoey gold modal and stake of between Joseph uion, champion.

anu wiuiani oexum, uotu oi this oity was played last evening at Tammany Hall. There was a large attendance. It was tne 3 bail oarom name. 60U Doints Tne score stood Dion 441, Sexton 000. Number of inni ngs 49.

Time of game 2 hours ana ou minutes, sexton's high est run, 24T. Dion's highest run, 84. Sex ion's average, 12. Dion's average, 9. In the forty-ninth inning Sexton made bio run oi 247, carrying him out amidst great excitement.

i. The Tomb Dcspoilers. National Associated Tress to the Star. String field, 111., June 1. In the Lincoln Tomb robbery case the jury yes terday returned a verdiot, and sen tenoed Hughes and Mullins to imprison ment in the penitentiary lor one year.

Beal Estate Transfers. The following real estate transfers were filed up to noon to-day: Tlmotay Burzatt to Ollie Burzntt, warranty deed, tract OI 8 98-100 acres, in 12 and IN. TOWDtnip 4, enure tiaujre i David A. and wife to Anna R. Brad bury, southwest comer of Liberty and Mans field streets, tt by 148 feet II and other oun sideratioBs.

The Lockland Wyomine Tmm-nvement Com Danv to UeorireF. WacheBdoif. warranty deed Lots and in subdivision by said Company at Wyoming Station, on the H. D. K.

each lot fronting 100 fset on the west side ol VV avne avenue by no feet deep. Robert Cieaves to A. J. Jessnp, warranty deed, Lot 85, Hall's subdivision, oa East side of observatory street and south side ot Pavilion street, 2j by 10J feet $1 and other considerations. A.

J. Jessnp to Mary Greaves, warranty deed, same as tbe above 1 and other considerations. Robert Greaves and wife to A. J. Jessnp.

warranty deed. Lot fronting on west side of observatory street, between Pavilion and Hatch so by 10 feet tl aud other considerations. A. J. Jessup to Robert Great es, warranty deed, same as ilie above tl and otbor considerations.

Hoi atio B. Turrlll and wife to Thalia Tur-rill, warranty deed, lot on west side of latug-laud street, produced 3.5 (eetnorth from 1'bii'd street, 80 by 115 (eot John Hoffman and wife to Jaoob Zlnsmeis-ter, warranty deed, undivided half of Lot 14, Square I), Wade. Dudley A Lu ilow's subdi-yisiou, on west side of John street, SH by 107 leet 80t. Assignees of J. F.

Forbes to August Voe, deed, Lots 70, 100, 101, 103, 108, 110, 111, subdivision by saiu assignees ifSS U7. Ifixeoutorsof J. D. Wheeler to Wm. Kirkup, executor's deed, Lots Ulaud32, J.

D. Wheeler's subdivision, north ot CiuMnuali 800. Henrietta Sanders et al. to J. B.

Maenlng, warranty deed, lot with imuroyeinsuts on l'io peot Hilt, on the south side of Milion street, 1 10 lest west ox i uuug streei. oy iou leei tz.uuu-Samuel Lewis and wife to f. Kitxgeraid, warranty deed, Lot 4, subdivision of 1'. Fm-gerald of au additiou'to Morwood, in Sections 29 and 85, Townshiu4, Fractional ttaugo 2 $4 u. V.

FiiEireraid and wife to Harriot Lewis, warranty deed, same property as the above. Beujamiu C. Bouuel to Anna M. Hunt, warranty deed, Lot 41, caldweli's addition to cartilage, ou the corner of Jacksou and Fourtu streets, by 160 TAX DKKUS. Auditor of Hamilton County to L.

S. Brown, in the name of Daniel Lawrence: Lot MN'2! leet, in ifeadinu Division ami Corporation in nyoumore Township fa, Lot 161. and norm ball of 18, U2 tect, same parties-- -8. Lot OSxWl feet, same parlies 4. L6t 18x82 'i feet, saniif panics-.

65. Lot nxKi'. feet, same parties- tie i. same parties as above, iu tne name of Sarah H. Stick nuy: v.

1'urtof Lot 44x7 I'art of Lot 45x72 4 feet Auditor of Ha.uilton Count to L. 8. Brewn, in the name oi Daniel Lawrence: Lt S4x82u feet in lieadiou Division aud Corporation in Sycamore Township $4 0'. im 154, and r.n naif ol lot l8xlU2 icet, samo panic 18 if. Ijoi ssxwfeet.

same parties '4 uu. i lftxH: feet, same parties til 6 Let 11 KtlJi. feet, same paillos-M Same parties as above, iu the name of Sarah II. Sticliuey run oi i reet IV a. Lot 45x7Ui feet -a.

Same to J. L. Woodward ct at. in tbe name ol Ambrose Dudley: ini uv zjiei-i, uu ru ii, wane a liuoiey subUi vi jioij -l 03. cot 11 by 1 1 reet, Square L-12 03.

Lot 10 by I7 feet, quare M-18 ib. Lot 10 by teet, tKjuare L-ill 88. Lot a by it feet. Square D-S12 08. Lot 12 by 25 loet, square SI 4ML County Clerk's Office.

The followiug new suits were mod np to noon to-day: COHMOM PLEAS COUBT. 63,829. Herman Goepper, assignee of George Klotter, vs. John Gcorec Sohn. Executor.

et at i'artitiou of lteal instate. HiSSB. A. 8. Lanirlev.

Kcceiver of the Cincin nati Mutual Heal i Assurance Cumuauv vs. Samuel Beis Appeal. us. s.1 1. saute vs.

Auranam itcis Appeal. 52.831 F. XucMarber A Co. vs. J.

J. ilurvin. et al. -Injunction. 52,833.

John Schlehuber vs. John Henn Ap peal. 5K.H34. James U. Kidwell vs.

D. H. MeAlota Co. Appeal. 62.h8j.

TUti Newuian l.ilaihAr ComnAliT vs. Win. G. McCoy AccouutUig. oacou jauson vs.

Martin uamDs, et an i set aside couveyauce, Ac mm, 2.1 u. iuuuuu Oi XJIOS. VS. lia Appeal. Anton Enuinir.

et al. vs. Bernard Weis Appeal. 52.8.9. Iu Matter of the Petition of J.

F. P. al. Partition. SCPEBIOR COtTBT.

,207. Walter uixou vs. James McDonald- Equitable Belief. Married, 8TE WABT-RST ABROOK-In narrisburir, May 17, 1877, Edward Stewart, Paymaster u. navy, aud miss ausan uauguter oi Mr.

Edward Estabrook. 31-2t mm Died. METZ-Mav at 6 o'clock P. Charles MeU, of Little Rock, Arkansas. 31-zt SILVER In St.

Louis, May 29, Susie wife ot Captain D. H. Silver, in the 88th year of her age. iil-2t CIVVIX ATI DAILY 31 AUK. HT, Cincinnati, June 1-2 P.

M. FLOPR The local demand was fair to-day and the market is stesdv. We quote: Fancy 18 73al0 per brl, as to quality. Family selling at ttt 25as 50, Extra is uuoted 17 75a3, and sales at the latter price. Superfine fta'eu.

aud low grades ooat Ml per on. ityo nour sold up to i5 40 per brl to-day for cboiae, and raugiug down to tl SO for inferior. Spring wlieat flour sold at $8 75 per brl. CORN The receipts are somewhat heavlor to-day, bat the market is stesdv, with moder ate demand, it is quoted nui-io; per ou lor mixed ear on arrival, as to location, and sales al Hie in sacksou Landing. Shelled is quoted 47it48c on track, aud held at 49a50c per bu for Xo.

2 in elevator. BARLEY is about nominal. There is hardly enough doing to establish quotations, are iu consequence oiniueu. OATS The market is rather dull, the de mand being merely local. Good to prime mixed are- quoted 4eac anu wime i.i.iine nor nu with moderate though ample olfcrmtcs.

KI1S xne aemnna continues iignt, out mere is not much offering. Cood to prime sample on track is quoted 7aa77c per bu, and Ho. 2 78c in elevator. WHEAT There is a tinner reeling and tbe offerings continue light, but with moderate de mand, tied is uuoteu i osai Ul ior goou to cbice, aud tl 25al 40 per bu for inferior. Whits Is nuotei) SI 6Ual 70 per bu lor fair to good, aud full 89 for prime to cnolce, and 2a3c more nsked.

UESS PORK The demand is light, but prime city is held steady at $14 -5aH 50 per brl. LARD Tne market remains quiet hut with a firm feeling. Prime steam is quoted and current 9a9Ko par lb, and the outside per 10. HI7LK MEATS Demand moderate: mar ket steady. Shoulders are held at 4ja5c per lu.

Clear rib slues are quoted 7c, aud clear sides 7c per in, au loose. BACON Steady and quiet market. Shoul Hers wear rib sides ealo, and clear sides H)ia per lb for packed, hams rauirinif 9iiallc ucr lu. as to nveraice. COI'TON There i a steady market to-day.

and prices hnchanged. Sales, iM bales; stock, 10,855 bales, i The official quotati ins are as follows: Ordinary Kc good ordinary 9Jc, low middlina ln't c. maiuling love, good mid dling lio, middling fair 12.c, fair per lb. WHISKY la steady and demand moderate, and ltw brls sold on 'Change to-day at tl U7 per gallon. BRANS The offerings are light and there is not much demand, but the market continues steady at St 75a8 00 for choice navies, 25a2 for prims white, Si 75al 90 for fair to good, and down to SI per bu for common.

BROOM CORK There is a moderate demand, aad tbe market Is well snuplied and steady. Common red brush is quoted 2u3c, green stalk braid 3tta4c, good to prime hurl 4ia5c. ami choice green hurl 5ac. per lb. BUTTER Tbe receipts are not heavy, but are more than sufficient to meet tue demand.

There is only a moderate amount of tie bast grades wanted for local consumption, and beyond this the market is dull and nominal. We quote siaSDc per lb for extra creamery, and 13a 15c for prime to cholco dairy, and these figures obtained generally for single tubs, selected. Inferior grades held at7al0c, as to quality. CUKEsE Tho market is quiet and steady. Tbe offerings are ample aud the demand is only moderate.

Prime to choice factory is quoted 11 alSc per lb. COFFEE The demand is fair, but ohlefly consumptive, and the market remains steady, with ns material cbsngj. Rio is selling at 18a 19c for common, for medium quality, 21a28o for good to prime, and 23ia21o for choice per lb, and Java n8a32c per lb. COAL Tbe demand is moderate, but the market is steady with light though ample offer-ings. The rates afloat arc: Ohio River 5a5xc, Ashland native, and Yotighiogheny per bu.

Delivered to consumers as follows: Youghiognony 11c, Kanawha and Muskingum Valley lOallo, Ashland and Campbell Creek 10c, and Ohio River 9c per nu. COKE Is steady and quiet, witb only a mod-crate demand. Citv manufactured is quoted 6a7c at yards andSaltcper bu delivered, (jss-house 7c at yards, and 9c per bu delivered. Crushed 8a8u at yards and lOallc per bu delivered. DRIED FRUITS The market is dnll and nominally unchanged.

We quote 9allc per lb lor peaches and ale for apples. Layer raisins are held 8ta2 per box. Citron is quoted 20a 22c, figs loaltc, prunes 8al0c, and currants 7a8c per lb. EGGS Fresn arrivals are selling at 12al2)jc per dozen, and there is a moderate oonsumpiive demand with liberal offeriugs. GREEN FRUITS-There is a lbzht supply of apples witb moderate demand, and they are held nominally urm at per brl as to quality.

Oranges are firm with moderate offeriugs at I4a8 per box. Lemons sell at 45 50a7 uj per uox, auu tue supply is ugnu HAT There is a moderate local consump tive demand, for wbich the best graues are lequired. interior grades are dun. wequote ilia IS ner tou for No. 1 Timothv.

Mis 111 for d-ikmI mixed hay, and S7as for common, per ton, all iu bales on arrival. About $2 more in store. 11RUP The market is quiet but. steady and nominauv uncuuugen. lucre are nguc oucr-lugs of Rough Keutucxy at -ba, 25 per tou on arrival.

Dressed in store is jobbing at Sage per tb. as to Quality. MILL uEED Bran is quiet with moderate offerings and light demand at S13 50ul4 per tou; shlpstulfs held lit, 115.1 per ton and dull; middlings are quoted S18a23 per tou and quiet, all on arrival. Dealers ask $2 moro iu store. MoLAssEs Tne io is a steuuy market and the demand is fair for New Orleans syrups at 45a55u for fair to prune, aud Wc lor choioc, pur gallon.

ReUned syrups qntot at 45a'JUc per gal-loo, as to quality. OILS 'lucre is a firm market for linseed with fair demand at 74a76c per gallon. Ke-lincd petroleum Is etea iv and selling at i C.i per gallon, extra laid oil Is freelv offered at 8 a82o per gallon, and not much wanted. POl.iTOES There is a fair consumptive leinaud lor new witn mouetuie onerinus, and we auote thein $5a8 per brl for good to choice on arrival. Tue supply of old is light and ouoted si 1 in 4b per bu, in store.

POULTRYThoie is a omet and steady market for chickens, with ample offerings and I'sinaad moderate i 2 for old, and 11 60a 50 for youug per doxeu, actanding to quality. SALT There la a steady market with moderate demaud for Ohio ftiver aud Kauawha at It iu per brl of Ku lbs, 8c per bu. Foreign salt is dull ami qnotod IzanSc per bu for Turk's lsiaiid, and lal 10 for (Liverpool coarse. SKED Clover and tluioiby are dull aud nominal. We quote Cer.uau millet 75a80e, Hungarian grass 7ua75c, and common millet 40ati5c, per uu.

Flax seen sells at it mai per on. i it 1 to- market remains steady with fair ooiisumptiva demaail. Wequote NuwOi-lcans Italic for raw and UwaMo lor dan-lied, per lb. Yellow refilled Is quoted Halite, extra n4aliao, white litaUv, granulated Italic, powdered and crusned and cut loaf UVcperlb. TALLOW Market steady and with ample offerings and fair demand at 8o per lb packed for country, aud for city rendered.

FINANCIAL. Cincinnati, June 11 :90 P. M. Gold is weaker to-day ana we quote it it buying and 108 selling. Gold checks on New York urawu at Eastern exchange steady and quiet at par buying and l-io prem.

selling. Sterling is steady and rates unchanged. We quote itUtmi, for sight and 88 at ttO-days per in gold. Governments are easy to-day, with no ma terial change: Buvtng. 81-Ronds 11 5- 2Us, '85 6- 208.

'85 (new) 109X 118 5-ilOs. '68 llotf 10-40s. large 113 10-499, small US New 5s MX Selling. 115 ll'6j 113U 116 118J 1I3X Hi Tbe following is tbs 1 V. M.

report of Hew York Stock Market, as received oy Lea, ster- reti west third street: Sold. Offered at. W. C. Telegraph Pacific Mall S0j Bid 62 Adam express 81 4 Wells, Fargo Express.

American Express U. 8. Express N. Y. Del.

L. Erie Harlem 90 ltoy. 8" 21 48 9J ml Lake snore Clov. Pittsburg 81 western com N. Vf.

ureierreu Rock Island St Paul common st. Paul preferred 49 aoaso 2 s. Ohio ft Mississippi uniou raoinc Fort Wayne Hannibal St IS Miehlstlta Central Del. Hudson Jersey Central 1 ran a i ii a ui 91 25V 41 28 Alautic 4 Pacific TeL ClHclnuatl Live Stock market. Cincinnati, June 12 P.

M. The following are tho receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 24 hours. Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 203 623 Hogs i 1454 18.11 sneep 1238 1515 HOGS The market is firm aud ouiet.

Com mon are selling at 4 25,14 no, medium S4 70a4 85, ana goon to cnorre ni per cental gross. CATTLE Market quiet and held firm at pre vious prices. quote 2 5oaf) fur common, S3 25a4 for medium, and S4 25a5 50 lor good to extra per cental gross. SHEEP There Is a steady market but quiet, and no change in prices. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH.

mobile, jnno 1, cotton wean: middling Wilmington, Jiuio 1. Spirits turpentine quiet at auc. Oswioo. June 1. Wheat nominal.

Com: Western mixed U3ab4c. Cleveland. June 1. Petroleum ouiet: Standard white, 110 test, 13c Charleston, s. c.

June 1 stead icr: Middling low middling 1 oou oramary izc Nashville. June 1. Flour: Fancy S8 Oo choice laniily 57 60, extra family S7 00, family, so au. musny; noounison bounty 41 uns uu; Lincoln County Si 75a3, Bourbon SI 75a5 50. Memphis.

June 1. Flour strong: choice familv. 9 25a 50. Corn soarce and firm at 70 jn73c iu store. Oats firm at 50a55c In store Pork firm at S17 50.

Lard firm: tierce, lie; Kegs, jzc i 111 meats nrmer at Bagging dull and nominal at Boston. June 1. Wheat unsettled anfl notniual. Corn unsettled: Mixed and yellow, Dais firm and higher: No. 1 and extra white, 69a72c; No.

2 white aud No. 1 mixed, 65a 6c; No. 2 white and No. 2 mixed. 58u60c: re jected, 49a53c Hay quiet aud steady; West ern, sisais.

Milwaukee. Juno 1. Flour nniet but firm. Wheat unsettled: Na 1 Milwaukee, II 70; No, Milwaukee. SI 61; May.

SI 66v: June. SI n2w; No. 3 Milwaukee, tl 62i. Corn: No. new, wviaaio.

uara easier: no. a. Rye buoyant ami higher: No. 1. SI.

Barlev stcudy; No. 2 spring, 83c; No. 3 spring, 48a50c. New Orleans, June 1. Hay demand fair at lower rates: superior Six nil, prune 514.

ami choice S16 59. Pork unsettled: held at 15 59, sugar in raiv demand anil nigner: superior to low common, 6a7c; common to good common. HaHLjc: fair to fully fair, prime to choice, centrifugal, 94c; yellow clar ified, 10 nc. Molasses steadyand good demand; common, 4dc; fair, 45aMic; prime, Maooc tiold, 107ialU74i. Sight exchange, premium sterling, $5 25.

Louisville, June 1. Flour dull family, SI 50a8; A No. S8 75a9 25; fancy, MO alb T5. Corn quiet: white, 55c; mixeu 54c Rye dull and lower at 0a95c. Oats dull, weak and lower: white, 4c; mixed 46c.

Hay quiet ana uuennngcu. rors nominally tmensnceo. Hulk meats dull and lower at Bacon dull and tending downward lit bvc. DUaar-cnreu asms quiet at liaixs, i.ard lu fair demand at lower rates: choice lent tierce lOc Whisky quiet at SI 06. Bagging nominally uncnangeu.

Baltimore, June 1. Flour is ouiet. firm aDd unchanged. Wheat quiet and firm, corn Western irregular and higher, and closed dull Western mixed, spot fSSi May. June, 71c; July, steamer, u.

Oats steady aud firm: Western white, 53c; do mixed, 50a52c, Rye nominally stcadv at $105 al 10. Hay linn and unchanged. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Butter, line stock; Urm demand lor lair: other kinds dull ami heavy Western tuos. choice, 1820e.

Petioleum dull and weak: crude and refined, 1410. Coffee strong, quiet aim unchanged. Whisky is quiet aud firm at Si Philadelphia, June 1 Flour dulliMinne sotatamilv, $9a9 75; Pennsylvania do. $9 7n 10 25: hlirh irrades. Sib Wheat higher Pennsylvania red.

Si IS: amber. S2 25: white. S2 2Ua2 30. Rve weak at tl 07al 10. Corn iu active demand: yellow, 70c; steam.

68c mixed, 69.170c. Oats in good demand: white. 51ai5c; No. 3 Clover seed quiet at 1 "hi inc. Provisions steady, i'ork.

snaitxa. Beef hams, S22a2; smoked do. SU 5tlal2 00 oickled do. $9 7oalO 50. I.ard, lU'iulOVe.

But ter: Western extra steady: new, 23a24c; old. lUalSc. Cheese in fair demand: Western fine, Kiras uuiet and unchanged. Petro leum inactive: crude, refined, 14al4c. Whisky: ostein, SI 14.

Nkw York, June 1. Flour: No. 2. 51a5 50 snnerflnc State and western. ou; com mon 10 irood extra.

7 00a7 25: BuOd to choice, 7 3 40: white wheat extra. S8 19a3 20; do fan.iv. 23H10: extra (Jhio.t7 45a7 65: SI. Louis Wall) 50: Minnesota patent S8all. Rye flour 5a5 50.

Corn-meal ouiet: Western. S3 4oa 8 65. Wlieat: Rejected spring, SI 50; white Western, $2 '-8a2 85; So. I white Michigan, 3D hid: No.2Chieairosurinir.Sl 90 bid: No.2 Mi! wau- aee held at SI 85. Rye nominal: Western, 83a 90c Barlev firm.

M.ilt auiet and Urm. Corn receipts, 45,100 bu; only very moderate trade ior export anu, iiome use; ijww uiueu, wc stoam mixed. old Western mix-d. 5c Oats: Mixeu Western, 49a5e; white Western do, 50a69c. Hay unchanged.

Hops qmet and unchanged. 1 ollecquu-tiiiut nrm: uio, cargoes 17a2lc, aohl; jobbing, 17a22c, gold. Sugarquict ami strong: (tr to coon reiining, rvtcaiuxo ruiiued in fair demand ami ilriu ai li7al2'4C. Molasses firm and 1110 lerate inquiry dice auiet and firm. troleutn dull an heavy: Crude, refilled, 14c.

Taliow steady at B)a8KC Strained resin ouiet SI 90u2. Spirits turpentine steady at 1 .1 1 Egasuuict: VVesturn.12l.al3c. Pork Heavy an dccutcdlv lower: new mess, SI4 75; June, S15 20 nlSXu. ileal quiet: Western lone clear, 7Vc city do. 8c.

Lard stcauy: prime sicam. 9.i7c; June, KTHMtfTX- Butter firm: West ern. 10al4c. cueuse quiet at 7al4 1-c. Wnukv SI UM.

BIVEB INTELLIGENCE. Specials to tbe PITTSBCBO, June 1 tt A. Klv feet and falling. Weather dear ana pica ant I Dlspatohes to the Merchant' Kxchange-i OIL CITV. June 1 A.

arheny River 1 foot 3 lucbes and stationary. Thermometer 86. Wind west Weathsr clear and warm. liK'i w'nsvi June 110:00 A.

M. MonongaflelaRiver4 feet i Inches and stationary. Thermometer 75. Wiud uortheast Weaab-ar fair. PlTTSBUao, Pa June 111:43 A.

M. River 1 foot 9 laches aud stationary. Thermometer 75. Weather clear and warm. Charleston, W.

Va June 110:30 A. M. Kanawha River 4 feet niches and falling slow i y. inernioiueier s. mna cathcr clear.

The river was falling slowly hero at noon today, with 9 feet 8 inches in the channel. Tbe following steamers wore in port at uoon Telegraph, Bostona, Wild wood, uty of Portsmouth, Thus. Sherlock, ChHrles B. Church, V. P.

SeheniA, Cons. Millar, Louis A. Sherlay, Ueorge W. Cheek, Virgle Lee, Mary Millar, United States and Courier. STEAMBOAT MOVEMENTS.

The IS. P. Schenck arrived from New irP-aas at yesterday and will return Tass-day. She came up rom Louisville iu 18 hours aud towed tbe barge Schenck No. 5 to Vevay.

The fast Bostona leaves promptly at 4 P. St. for Huntington where she connects witb tan Chesapeake Ohio Railroad for all astern cities. The elegant steamer Chas. B.

Church is announced for Lower Mississippi and New Orleans, to leave this evening, capt. J. 8. Patterson commands aud John T. Hauibleton firesides In the office, and is assisted by J.

A. Wlrthlln. The fins Cons. Millar will depart to-morrow, Bure, for Memphis direct. 1.

apt. W. C. Ticbo-nor commands aad Mr, J. sou has chaise of the office.

Tne Vint Shinkle arrived at Memphis yes terday. xne unas. morgan is aoove and cue A. C. Donaally ia below Cairo.

The United States will be the Mail-boat leaving this wuruiug for Louisville and way landings. The Ueorgo W. arrived from Vevay this morning, and leaves at 3 P. M. for Madison.

The Louis A. Sherley arrived from Carrsll- ton last night, and will leave this afternoon for Madison. The Wild wood left for Maysrtile at noon. The City ot Portsmouth at 4 P. M.

for New Richmond aud Chilo. The Ooldeu City is due at Now Orleans to day. The Thompson Dean arrived at New Orleans yesterday. ine mary Miner arrived last night from St. Louis, and will return to-morrow.

1 he Viririe Lee arrived last niarht and will return to Kanawha River to -morrow. TOWBOAT MOVEMENTS. The Kanawha No. 2 arrived this morniac from Nashville aud will leave to-nigbt fos Pomeroy. BOAT-HANDS- OOSSIP, The Schmidt brothers attain have their bath house at the foot of Broadway and open to tbs public.

This season they bring to our oity a new bath-house, just completed, aud probably the finest in the United States. It was rebuilt at a cost of about W.000, and is 176 fset long, feet wide, 13 teet high aud 5 teet deep, and pro vided witu oars, swings, trapeze, ete. Mr. Schmidt has gone to considerable trouble and expense in building such a boat, and deserves great credit and the patronage of the public T'he ilex. Kendall burst a steam pipe yesterday, live miles above Cairo.

1 lie wnanage receipts ior tue weex ending last night amounted to 192 75. Ronsters and deck-hnuJs now receive US pes month oat of Memphis. 1 At Pittsburg the Local inspectors licensed luring April, 22 masters, 12 mates, 13 first engineers and 4 second engineers. Fourteen ooais were inspecteu, 01 which uve were new. A gentleman iu New Orleans, tne represses- ative ot large planting interests, sept to Louis and Cincinnati a short time ago for bub for the making and delivery of ten uiers.

Cincinnati got the job. Tbe future great city wss out 01 tue way jusi 9100. the Snveithorn bus laid up in cnmbertaas Rlyer on account of low water. Wm. shipman, a fireman on the Florence Lee, who was scalded by the bu sting of a steam pipe last week, died yesterday.

He wa? highly esteemed by the Company, and bad been iu thsir employ ten years. The dig Horn broke ner pitman jaw yester day above Rvansville. Wesley rorter, tne colored porter ontne rar-ascon, was found dead in bis berth on tbat boston Wednesday morning. Ho had called tbe alter watch a usual at midnight, aud bad then "turned in." apparently in perfect nealtu and having made no complaint. A few hours later he was found dead.

He probably died ol heart disease. Consiilerahlecxcitomeut prevails atst. 1.9111s in steamboat circles regarding the possiblt breaking up of a combination. The I' ol I iue of New Orleans steamers Is apparently about to dissolve in a general contest. Alter Keeping up the regular rates tor about a year, the Grand Republic, a 4,000 ton boat, aud tbe finest steamer on the Mississippi River, has withdrawn from the and begins loading independent to-day.

Thuowuersuf the Common weal ih are willing to witnai aw in ravor 01 ids Republic, butcould not do so without unanimous consent, which was not obtained, it is now believed Hat toe-steamers Alton, Scudder. Centennial aud Howard will follow the example or the rtepHOiic, and nerealter mi in the st Louis aud New Orleans trade on the Cincinnati plan. Diver John Cwyer tbe Crawiord House. He expects to visit Madison to-uay with Capt. Phil.

Auscbutz, for the purpose of trying to raise the hull of tne caltimet, suuk and wrecked by tne ice last winter here, when the Ice moved iu the river. The Cherokee lakes the Fifth Presbyterian Church to a picnic at Parker Orove to-morrow. The only death reported at the Uuitcd States Marine Hospital, at Louisville, during May, 1b 1 hos. Tbonipsou, colored rouster ol the steamer Mary Miller. The Telegraph laid up this morning, and workmen immediately cumuieuced tbo work of removing machinery, eto.

Her commauder. Capt. Morgan, will leave this atteruoon his home in Augusta, where he will remain until the new 'telegraph comes out Capt .1 nines Kirker came down this morning on the Telegraph, and will bring the Lxchaugc dowu to the Big Sandy VVharfboat this afternoon, where she will load for Pomeroy, in place of the telegraph, and leave this morning at 9 o'clock. Her crew is already here. The Vngie Lee brought dowu 2,214 brls salt, 290 of which is lor Coviugtou.

She reshipped 130 brls salt ou the Geo. VV. Ciieek, aud has 5uu brls cousigucd to the Nashville. Wcs. Corns and Geo.

O'Niel will pilot the Courier to Wheeling. 'The new Andes leaves for Wheeling next Friday, anil the Courier will, upon her return, go ou the dock, Captain C. Mulileuieu having made the necessary arrangements witu Captain Thurp this morning. The Lily left this morning for Louisville, with Captain Van Hoei at tile wheel. 1 he Mary Miller has for reshipincnt to Wheeling 100 brls c'av.

The Tho. Sherlock will not return to New Orleans to-morrow as announced. She Will lay up aud await water. For Pomeroy. THIS DAY, 1st, at 5 P.

POSITIVELY, the I 1-. 1 1 It A 1 1 S. Morgan. Master. Freight received at all lion; sou Wharf-boar, foot of Broad way.

W. Honsbell, Superintendent For Kauawiia. SATURDAY. 3d. at 6 P.

M. POSITIVELY, in., j. v. itcyuoids.

Master. Apply on board or to Geo. Charter. J. C.

Dormant Ag'ts. For Huutingtoii. TniS DAY. let. at 4 P.

ft, POSITIVELY, tbo Bryson, Master. Freight received .11 all hours on harf-boat, foot of Broadway. W. Honsbell. Superintendent For Vevay.


H. Kirbv, Master. Apply on board, or at A. oSS. Mum and Water sis.

For St. Louis. SATURDAY, 21, at 5 P. M. fOSfTIVTCLY, MARY MICCEIl, John N.

Shunk, Blaster, Apply on board, or to VV S.Getty, J. Cunningham, Agents. For Metuitlus. SATURDAY, 2d, at 5 P. POSITIVELY.

CON. Mil. 1, AH, w. TichPUOl. Muster.

Apply on board, or tc liovse Mosaet, Agents. For New THIS DAY, 1st, at 5 P. M. POSITIVKLY, H. CHURCH, J.

S. Pattor-son. Master. Apely on board, or to iiiusc Mosset, VV. S.

Ueily, Agts.

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